Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Spiritual warfare techniques:

 Here are some spiritual warfare techniques:

See to state something this brings up imagination that can manipulate the spirits that exist, otherwise the spirit in idea of the body, this is created with idea by feel.

So I only really needed magic or making by spirit that evolves the mind. That means each time you do magic, the idea becomes easier to do or create. You can create amazing things, if the idea exists by idea or will being done. This is what I learned, when I observed the minds and brain activity of others. This is in a point or known effect.

The spirit manipulation is where the spirit is a part of the body, that you can do things and using body activity, you could create what symbolic idea that you have to create. This is a known effect known as symbolism or symbolises.

So if you create the point, you create by pattern, then you make or wait for the point to seem created by the spirit and the soul is the energy source.

The information you think is focused as energy, really this is an energy wave given off by the brain. This is done through the aura, so by this idea you can broadcast to others minds. This is a point that you can or cannot do things, so you either respond with stress if not or otherwise with calm. That's if you can calm yourself with thinking of a calm place and seeing yourself there.

Thinking is a part of the body, if you think about something then the spirit could manifest the idea. If you need the idea as a point in result, there you go it's created and you know where to look.

Think about things to make what you consider important, this if you need to do the idea. Then you can create by the feel, see and work by doing the idea you have to do.

This is where you you create by actions, that work with others and they create the point that you have to create.

Genjutsu is the eating and created is the point, that you make by the idea you need the spirit to create. What manifests is what you desire or want as a need using the food and drink as though a source of energy. However since the spirit can use the food as an energy source, when you run out of energy or the food is processed. You don't always get what you want. So think and you know what you can do. The genjutsu is a point of illusion and that is what effects anything. So think and you can get what you need. Except the feeling, if you think to exercise when you have eaten, then you avoid gaining weight.

Think of a point and touch a gemstone thinking it will do what you need, then your gem will do things instead for you don't really need to be there to watch by the third eye. 

Third eye practices are simple, think of your psychic need and then the pinneal gland is active with blood flow. Think or the third eye doing things and that activates the third eye manifest. THis third eye can also make what you need to happen, if you think it should. So the idea is that the third eye can see anything, that you need to know. This is where you can sense things and that's thinking of the point, where you think to see things you will. Then if you don't need to see or use the pinneal gland you won't, that's if you think the third eye disappears. 

Then the manifestation ends by what you think is ended. This is where you think to end things and the point that happens will occur a natural ending to what you need ended. So when you think of the point, you can create the idea or shut off the third eye and cause a lack of blood flow to the pinneal gland. This is all in a day's work. The "in" there is in blood flow, the lack of blood flow is "if not" and that is where you can use the language. This is done to manipulate the third eye, where we naturally know by experience. This means we can adjust ourselves to the moment, and thinking is what creates balance in idea that we have with the point.

Then the point remains, what can we do with the spirit, where and when can you do things. This is a point in the past, that I remember. That means the rite is over for the third eye is operational, the idea of learning is done, this is a point in effect.

So heaven and hell are also real places of torture or happiness in your own mind, where the area could appear likes its heaven or hell. That's where you think of the moment and feel the idea if there, otherwise think to not feel if you don't want to empathizically eat with others eating. They are also existent if we believe they exist. 

So if you need them to exist, they are there for your energy creates them, at least in your mind, spiritually or physically otherwise. So if you want to be effected by the places, then you are. If you don't want to be effected by them think they won't effect you and the creator that created us all won't have them effect you personally. 

The area could also appear like another planet surface,  that is if you wanted to visit consciously the exoplanet that is desired. This is like cs-137, where you can create with the beings or explore the land. This is a planet of beings.

That means you can get to the area by allowing the energy draw you there, then you are where you think spiritually.

If not physically shifted within a few months, then you can expect to see accidental death and you find yourself there and then where you were is a pile of dust.

This is where the shift effect occurs, think of the place to be and your there, otherwise if you don't need to be there then you aren't. This is how things work.

They say once you are in hell there's no escape, because there is a room that you can eat in, when you do you are there until the food effect wears off. The place is so harsh though, that sometimes you can only think to survive. 

So angel's can bring you out of hell as a sphere shape. So I think that there is a point you can think to return to the land you were in before you went to hell. Otherwise you are there for a long time. This is the way things are sometimes.

 So expect what you can get is better for you if you think it's good then your positive, if you think its bad then your negative. This is where the mood adjusts to a thought or music by feel. So expect things as they come, enjoy yourself. 

This is done to focus and create by feel the better idea, that could see use with magic.

This is also done to create a good spell.

This is to teach a lesson.

That is the lesson learned if its for eternity.

Well, its actually the angel's job that gets you free. So your really not stuck there forever. The angel will come and get you free, if you think that your able enough and call upon the god to free you. That's what I know. So I think it's interesting, that is what occurs sometimes. This is a known effect.

Think for a moment, if you are here and there. Then what are you doing there? This I think is a point you get free of the area and make for better days. Enjoy!

What about this, I respond and you don't have to worry, this I think will work out for the best. Ciou.

That was in a nasty letter.

Nasty letters can create well where they are, your in aware state or not effected though if not intended for you. They are the point in the past. Visitable by mind but that's about all. Good-bye. (edited)

That's when this one ghost wants to eat, so I think I will stop it.  By eating, this is where it possesses the body and eats almost anything I have to fuel its actions. I dealt with the last one, that one wanted to scream in my ear. I was almost deaf. So I think those two spirits are not really needed, although the spirit knows allot. I think the spirit turned into a demon and started giving whatever I needed. So I think it will stop, if I think it stops as a dream. This means I wake up and it is gone. That is interesting thought that the ghost left. 

Energy tactics; Wealth is energy. The less energy the less wealth. Orgonite are actually wealth generator as they sooth the souls. If you tap the item and think what you need, then you generate that effect. And generate energies like mini astral factories. Yes indeed, a spirit is possibly demonic if you rile it. That can make them a poltergeist. So they use their feel, then create with the feelings they have. Then that's about it. This is true for animals, too. 

If you feel calm and soothing, then you can sooth a poltergeist. See the other way to control the demon, this is think it will do what you want by what you program energy to do. That's thinking it will do things is sending it programmed energy. All you need to do to keep an effect going is eat or drink and keep hydrated by something, that is done to keep the energy up in the body. 

So a storm is a big demon in ancient terms. Now to manipulate a storm, this is think the storm will do things that you need, then state what you need as you think of the storm. This is where you can communicate telepathically, too. That is done very easily. Think of the person and the message, then you send a message by spirit. That's the true fun. Getting a message in return, that is done by realizations. You realize the point is made and "hear" the message, that is what is understood. This way allows you to get messages and send messages, that uses the soul as the energy transmitter and the spirit as a point of realization.

A hurricane can be alive. The natural forces associated with it is like sentient patterns. It talks and when chanting a weird version of a mantra, it's even more mystical and powerful. So think to focus on the storm and think to the conscious of the storm to get what you need.

Third eye energy clone; This is an idea that you activate your third eye and focus or thinking is what you cause the being an this is a point that is formed to do. This can be considered a being of the creator's energy. An that is an energy to create what is necessary. That follows a pattern, this is the pattern of light particles or if no light then you can create with energy emanations. The point is an idea that you create with the blood flowing through the brain, then you create by working with things. 

The point is done when the third eye is active from the pinneal gland, that is where the pinneal gland receives blood flow energy and creates with a manifest what you need to happen. Think a being exists and you create a greater energy form. That is what shares your idea or point and the point is what is ended up done. This I think is what is done by the third eye when you think of the moment, the third eye responds and your manifestation or idea you need is created. That sounds simple, right? This I think is a point that is finished. So I will think of other things for now, sorta like walking.

You can have any number of clones, the thing is you have the subconscious create the point they do, then you make with what you get. If you manage to get away, then you create by feel and work with idea. Oh in order to dispel the clones, think the clone doesn't exist and the idea is done. They are energy particles seemingly born to life, so the life energy receives your idea as instruction and ceases to exist. This is the end point I saw for the energy clone. That makes the idea in a way you do things, not always is the point done by feel or worked with by feel.

swap meet; the idea is exchanged then you leave each other peacefully.

If you can get that form, then you can get a greater elemental or particle form, too. Greater energy body is where the third eye gains in energy, and then doing an energy body effect that is greater by feel and godlike in nature, that is where your third eye makes a body transformation or what evolves into a greater energy lifeform, that is solid yet energy in form and created by will of the spirit that you can work with by feel. Making the form become solid or unsolid is done at will. You may note if your body transforms you no longer need food nor water, that's unless you just want to eat or drink to improve your health or enjoy yourself and energy by each bite or ounce is treated like some improvement by recovery. 

You regenerate quicker per every minute or six seconds with focus. You absorb energy as you absorb the shape that makes the form disappear, that energy comes to you and anything can pass through you as though you had a soul. This is when your unfocused in mind or at will do things for people. You also can assume the shape as you act the idea of the person, their energy or spirit creates your body shape as you become energy again and solid afterward, so that is temporary. When this is done as if recreating the point of shaping, this is using an effect that creates where you think the shape if your that shape. That is an effect done by the body programming, so don't mind the effect. The energy lifeform, if yourself, can then create with idea and work with whatever the life form is given.

You can appear like the person and act like him or her, that's in or out of prison, this is when sometimes your acting like what you want to act like by feel, see if you need to act the person out for some reason. This is a known effect, that's cancelled out by acting right and otherwise the use of an "an if", or announcement of something you want to be thought and the if point is stimulated idea by stimulus for the right result. This is using a point you think and do or work with by feel. Think and you know what to do. If your weight goes up suddenly, then you can cause it to go down. This is done by using the third eye to create the effect you focus to create by suggestion or thought.

That creates what you need, then all you need to do is the right idea or things happen by the spirit. If punishment is needed, that's an action cancelled out or allowed for by the pun being thought or otherwise the creator doing things for you. So this is the ultimate lifeform if life, that's created by feel and made to do what you wanted or feel is important. If a storm or idea you meet some point then you don't need the form, you reshape yourself to be what you are normally, that happens if you unform and reform solidly as a point or before a point is done. 

This is a greater lifeform of energy created by the third eye, that can use the creator's energy and not be overwhelmed. The soul is the infinite source, empowered by the love of the creator and made to work by what is done. This is done in the knowledge of what you think about, and you can create with a point. Think and know, this is a point to work with and you can get along with the point of life you form by the third eye interaction. Think and you realize, thought is not you so what you observe with your third eye is what you think about with feel.

Think and you know the greater elemental form, that is use of an element to help form the being. This is an effect of life. So I think this is safe if you use the god to make whatever you need with the shape, the thinner you are, the better results you can get. So I think the effect is done if you notice the element disappear, then you created what you wish and that is where your finished in idea by feel.

Think and you know, the point is done if by feel, this is a concept of peace or wakefulness. So think to make use of the alternate states of the mind and you can create better results, that happen by what you express. So if you think you know, you create by the point. Then you know you are safe with the idea being shared. You see, not everyone can create with the third eye this way, so think to  try and if you can, your lucky. Enjoy yourself and farewell. Ciou.

P.S. I think you know your an animal form, if you think to create and you feel animalistic, think and you know also what you do there by the energy that you sense and trace, this is done by what you think is a point and what you sense is what is done unless you think otherwise. This is a point in regard, so I think you can cause the life form to meet with you, that's if you need to have a point of meeting. If you don't then no regard is done with you in presence unless you need a point of regarded idea or something. So that's about all without hitting. 

I think you got the message and worked with the idea to form that thesis.

So think and you know what to do.

energy point

E-pasy = Energy passage; the point of ice or otherwise passage of energy considered the element, think to use the idea and you know the thought, then your programming by thought to water or water particles. This is where the idea is a point, and thinking is the activator. so if you think to use ice by a diamond, then you create the point of transferrance. This is where the idea you put on paper is not in effect, and then you create by the feel with fire energy to create this result if you need the idea in a point. If you freeze something then, you cause the idea to cease to exist. This is where you think about the idea and write it down, then freeze the paper and create with a point of freezer activity.

E-pase = Energy passes; the energy is the thing you consider, think and you make with the body activity. This uses body maneuvers to create with fire or heat energy in use.

E-ec = Energy convert; Think of the effect if you need energy then think to convert energy into water, that uses the gemstone of moonstone or aquamarine and the elemental water appears on the bottom of the cup. Think to create a thought as energy focus is done, that is directed by feel and programming towards the water source and you use fire or heat energy to create what you need by feel. This works by feel if you consider the idea, think the effect exists and you can do the idea. Think of the point, then you can do what you need. This is a known effect done by feel.

E-ef = energy effect; E-fx, the effect is fire that is heat in the air and converted is the thought to energy, this is done to create a point and the transition of energy to create with your will and made is the point. If you want to create with a ruby or fire opal, then you hold the gemstone and create by thinking the fire energy passes through the gemstone. then is sometimes the point to create by manifesting your thought you need to happen. think you know and you do. 

E-eng = earth shift; This is earth bending with a point, you think to create with energy and the area object or soil can create the point you think about. That's making through the use of transferrance of the thought as programming, and you create with a point that is done. This is also possible to use the earth to manipulate gravity, think to shift the object through the air or area and the item goes where you think in the air. If you think about this though, you work with the planet your on and create by the effect or otherwise you won't get a result. In the end, this doesn't matter, so I think this is a done deal.

E-air = Air effect; air-fx, this is where you think the energy in the air creates by vibration, otherwise if you think the point is done you can create by the point and the power of words. The air stone is tiger's eye. So if you hold the tiger's eye, then you create the point of fire energy or water energy. That is made by fire or heat and water energy particles, this uses thought programming to create what you need or think into existence. If you thought about things, you create by feel. So this I think will work by feel.

Th er ng = This better work; This is the finer thing you can do, so all I need to do is think, focus and create. Holding a gemstone will create the point you imagine or think easier by feel or what you think is this will work and attempt to do things.

en if you think; Then the thought isn't you, the point is done by feel. This is a point you think or consider using positive languages, think to create with positivity the use of a focus that is done. Think to work with a concept of use of focus and a word of power or gemstone. That means you create by the idea you feel is going to happen or if you don't need that to occur then think of something else. Then if you think, state and gnow things, you create by the power of words. This is done by the spirit and not much is completed if distracted. 

That is a concept done by feel. This is a point by effect, choose to use what you want. If you need to cancel an effect out, then you can create the point of nullification with a bit of language use. That means to use the idea projected of thought, and think of the appropriate words to use. 

Then if you think, the point is a concept and the idea is a thought you can use. This is a point of idea. so when you do things, don't do the thought you "hear" by idea or effect. This prevents you from going off on a tangent, so you know I think this will work with peace by what you consider. Think of an appropriate idea, then you can use that instead. Enjoy yourself. 

This is the end point; no more spiritual warfare, no more points of life. This is an end effect. Think peachy and you create by the idea. This is where you cancel an effect and use the released energy to form your own idea. That's done after you think to cleanse the thought from the energy as though programming is undone. This is makes the energy safe, so think to use this as an about point is a point you do. 

An do; Interesting thoughts, right..I think this will work if you have the focus stone. This I think an that I do so enjoy yourself as I go. Almost is done, if you think to use these idea, tell me if you can make them work.

Shift and transform construct: Think of the shape you want to be and this could even be an animal shape, then your soul or spirit shifts you to an empty higher plane. Then the spirit-that-goes-through-everything changes your body and this is shapeshifting you do. The point at the end is shifting back and you are there in that shape by feel. This effects noncommitally and safely, so you know the creator changes what is needed. That is all there is done to this trick. If you steal something physically, then you act the right way to instantly earn an animal reincarnation and that is a point that is done with you in mind. If you think to do right, your free and can be whatever shape you want to be. This is a known idea, where you call out the form and intend to be that formation then you are that shape. "En if" stops this effect on a lower plane and "en is" fixes the body damages as it stops effects on the higher planes. Then if you said both, you cause fast regeneration. However, you have powers granted by the creator, so you can create with the spirit and manifest by thinking or speaking about the idea you need as a want. If you suggest to your subconscious what you need to form it will shape the form and possibly add ability of a soul copy. This power fits the shape you have, so work with what you get and that is all.

here is a copy..created by the soul copying

If you feel you have a lot of energy or excess energy... or even energy ungrounding you, you can redirect it by saying or thinking “I now redirect all excess energy into ___” 

I thought of a concept to help me heal my wife, where we both create an energy construct and give it healing intentions. I told her if we both create this energy it can be a guide of sorts to assist me by feel.

Revised idea: Spiritual warfare..

See to state something, this can be what brings up imagination, that means you can manipulate the spirits that exist through the spirit-that-goes-through-everything, otherwise it's the spirit of the body that does things using the soul or soul copy as a point of energy from the creator, this is created with idea by feel, so think and you create what you need if you intend the point.

   So I only really needed magic or making by spirit that evolves the mind. That means each time you do magic, the idea becomes easier with animals to do or create with ideal intentions, otherwise with human's in idea you think and talk and maybe they respond if you think they do. You can create amazing things, if the idea exists by idea or will being done. This is what I learned, when I observed the minds and brain activity of others. This is in a point or known effect.

   The spirit manipulation is where the spirit is a part of the body, that you can do things and using body activity, you could create what symbolic idea that you have to create. This is a known effect known as symbolism or symbolisis. That symbolisis can cause madness, if you think of the point and cause them to do things where they don't intend to do it. Anyway, it's a sordid thought, that means they can create with energy and do what they want as though being efficient with emotion. So if you create the point, you create by pattern, then you make or wait for the point to seem created by the spirit and the soul is the energy source. 

   This is spiritual warfare, so think and this is where you can make use of some effect. What you notice is a pattern, the idea is there. This means that energy is a source, so if it's a source then you can create with a point and make what you intend to occur as it happens. This is good enough, think of the point as a way, the area is creating an effect through the energy of things. This is a point you make what you may, and that means you made an effect of magic.

This is not actually spiritual, it's really the point of soul magic. So think and you realize what occurs. This is the proof of the evidence and you feel if it is right, correct or wrong. That's how you know if it is a positive or negative vibe. Vibes are the vibration given off, so think and you can detect what is there. The temperature is what makes you aware of a change, this means the temperature drop is where an effect is being done, if sudden, and if the temperature raises, you can tell if things are going to happen. There you go, think of the point and you create with an idea that your aware of by feel. 

   Otherwise this is a given view. That means it's perspective, think of a perspective you like, then you can create with what is there. The information you think is focused as energy, really this is an energy wave given off by the brain. This is done through the aura, so by this idea you can broadcast to others minds. This is a point that you can or cannot do things, so you either respond with stress if not or otherwise with calm. That's if you can calm yourself with thinking of a calm place and seeing yourself there. 

   Then you know you can change things, this is what allowed the point of things that you intended. So think as you want and you temper the moment. This means you won't expand in the body, yet otherwise you would. So the information you have, that is what can give temperance. Tempering and temperance can create a better result, that is with no extra unfortunate effect. Think about this if you do things and you create with the point and make a concept with the idea.

This could make anger disappear, so think to make what you want as you intend the point and this is where you get effort or you can get a cool effect. That's where you can say, he was using spiritual warfare, yet you know by thinking you know the point. So think about the idea and he stops or it could be taken as though an attempt at yourself. See, it's better to work with the point, then you have a source of energy. This is a concept you know things, so think about the idea to create with a statement. This is working with the elements and the element could be anything. 

   If you detect someone doing things, draw a U thinking the effect bounces back at the person that causes things. Then the idea doesn't seem to happen to yourself. The effect is known as a point of energy, that energy can be returned as the programming is there. The energy programming is what makes with the idea using the consciousness of the area and that uses whatever is there to bounce back what conscious thought is there. This is actually effective in getting intel, so think you know the point and the spirit reveals the idea you intend to know if it is an insight. You know that as a trace, if things are revealed, then you think to find out who it was and the signature is the vibes the person has at the moment.

This allows you to know, realize and do things with what is there, even if it is days old energy. This means you can trace anyone, work to bounce the effect and all you need to do is draw a U in the air or on paper. So what if the paper has the effect, the paper would absorb the effect and the effect would dissipate harmlessly. If the person was hostile at the time, then you know things by what is "felt" as you think at the moment. This means what you think is what the spirit will allow you to know. So think and know, the point is the effect and what you think is what triggers the moment. That is where you think something and you know by what the brain senses. This is a concept you think though, so if you don't think or feel the point, you won't always know what is there.

   Thinking is a part of the body, if you think about something then the spirit could make as a manifest the idea. If you need the idea as a point in result, there you go it's created and you know where to look. Think if about things to make what you consider important, this if you need to do the idea. Then you can create by the feel, see and work by doing the idea you have to do. This is where you you create by actions, that work with others and they create the point that you have to create.  So wearing something like a mask or clothes, that can cause the effect to be absorbed as energy to the clothes. This means the idea you intend doesn't happen, that's unless you think to cause the things nearby to make an effect.

That is where you can say as you think of the target, "sudden death" and the suggestion is what the subconscious creates using the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. This is an effecting measure, so be careful it doesn't bounce back at yourself. The U in reverse with thought that you aren't effected will protect yourself. Think about the result and the idea is what manifests. This can if don'e thinking to cancel something out, cancel out what you sense is happening.

   That is a point done by feel. So in effect, you could cause the person to cancel themself out by thinking they are meeting their exact opposite, or the energy causes them to not exist there and with the U you are done. If you draw and trace the U with an overlaid opposite U makes the effect dissipate and remove it's programming from the area. There is an idea you know, there is an idea you see, this is perception done by itself. So there you go, this is a concept you can do. That I believe is doing soul magic, think and you know what to do.

   Genjutsu is the eating and created is the point, that you make by the idea you need the spirit to create and what manifests is what you desire by feel or want as a need. However since the spirit can use the food as an energy source, when you run out of energy or the food is processed. You don't always get what you want. So think and you know what you can do. The genjutsu is a point of illusion and that is what effects anything. So think and you can get what you need. Except the feeling, if you think to exercise when you have eaten, then you avoid gaining weight.

Think of a point and touch a gemstone or rock thinking it will do what you need, then your gem will do things instead for you don't really need to be there to watch by the third eye and this is also possible by animals. So if you feel your watched, as though a point is shared then you know its an animal that's nearby. The idea is a point that the third eye is sharing with other third eyes, so think what you need to have known and its either reacted to. Otherwise this is created in the mind and sometimes received by the other third eye if you need the idea transmitted, that is true. This is done on touch or aura energy, that is felt by the senses and the brain construes the point.

   Third eye practices are simple, think of your psychic need and then the pinneal gland is active with blood flow. Think or the third eye doing things and that activates the third eye manifest. THis third eye can also make what you need to happen, if you think it should. So the idea is that the third eye can see anything, that you need to know. This is where you can sense things and that's thinking of the point, where you think to see things you will. Then if you don't need to see or use the pinneal gland you won't, that's if you think the third eye disappears. If not, then the third eye is dong something. So this means you command the third eye to stop and the idea occurs by idea.

Then the manifestation ends by what you think is ended. This is where you think to end things and the point that happens will occur a natural ending to what you need ended. So when you think of the point, you can create the idea or shut off the third eye and cause a lack of blood flow to the pinneal gland. This is all in a day's work. The "in" there is in blood flow, the lack of blood flow is "if not" and that is where you can use the language. This is done to manipulate the third eye, where we naturally know by experience. This means we can adjust ourselves to the moment, and thinking is what creates balance in idea that we have with the point.

   Then the point remains, what can we do with the spirit, where and when can you do things. This is a point in the past, that I remember in the past. That means the rite is over for the third eye is operational, the idea of learning is done, this is a point in effect now you return to your senses.

   So heaven and hell are also real places of torture or happiness in your own mind, where the area could appear likes its heaven or hell. That's where you think of the moment and feel the idea if there, otherwise think to not feel if you don't want to empathizically eat with others eating. They are also existent if we believe they exist. 

  So if you need them to exist, they are there for your energy creates them, at least in your mind, spiritually or physically otherwise. So if you want to be effected by the places, then you are. If you don't want to be effected by them think they won't effect you and the creator that created us all won't have them effect you personally. 

   The area could also appear like another planet surface,  that is if you wanted to visit consciously the exoplanet that is desired. This is like cs-137, where you can create with the beings or explore the land. This is a planet of beings.

That means you can get to the area by allowing the energy draw you there, then you are where you think spiritually. If not physically shifted within a few months, then you can expect to see accidental death and you find yourself there and then where you were is a pile of dust.

   This is where the shift effect occurs, think of the place to be and your there, otherwise if you don't need to be there then you aren't. This is how things work.

   They say once you are in hell theres no escape, because there is a room that you can eat in, when you do you are there until the food effect wears off. The place is so harsh though, that sometimes you can only think to survive. 

   So angel's can bring you out of hell as a sphere shape. So I think that there is a point you can think to return to the land you were in before you went to hell. Otherwise you are there for a long time. This is the way things are sometimes.

   So expect what you can get is better for you if you think it's good then your positive, if you think its bad then your negative. This is where the mood adjusts to a thought or music by feel. So expect things as they come, enjoy yourself as you do things. This is a point in reflection.

   This is done to focus and create by feel the better idea, that could see use with magic. This is also done to create a good sell. If you don't need it, then it doesn't happen so this is a point you focus and energy responds to create what you desired.

Energy tactics are these idea. Wealth is energy. The less energy the less wealth. Orgonite are actually wealth generator as they sooth the souls. If you tap the item and think what you need, then you generate that effect. And generate energies like mini astral factories. Yes indeed, a spirit is possibly demonic if you rile it. That can make them a poltergeist. So they use their feel, then create with the feelings they have. Then that's about it. This is true for animals, too. 

   If you feel calm and soothing, then you can sooth a poltergeist. See the other way to control the demon, this is think it will do what you want by what you program energy to do. That's thinking it will do things is sending it programmed energy. All you need to do to keep an effect going is eat or drink and keep hydrated by something, that is done to keep the energy up in the body. 

   So I think a storm is a big demon in ancient terms. Now to manipulate a storm, this is think the storm will do things that you need, then state what you need as you think of the storm. This is where you can communicate telepathically, too. That is done very easily. Think of the person and the message, then you send a message by spirit. That's the true fun. Getting a message in return, that is done by realizations. You realize the point is made and "hear" the message, that is what is understood. This way allows you to get messages and send messages, that uses the soul as the energy transmitter and the spirit as a point of realization.

   A hurricane can be alive. The natural forces associated with it is like sentient patterns. It talks and when chanting a weird version of a mantra, it's even more mystical and powerful. So think to focus on the storm and think to the conscious of the storm to get what you need.

There you go

If running, exercising, walking, etc, state “det hod”(deh-t hoe-d) with each rep or step you do and the effect it has on your body will be double. With this, 1 rep done = 2 reps done, 1 step = 2 steps. So you get more out of a workout, with less time, and less stress on the body, but it strengthens the body more.

This can be done in thought or spoken

If speaking mantras, for example Om Shanti Om, state x108 or x333 after speaking it to have the effect of saying it those many times. 108 is better for energetic effects, 333 for physical

Experimenting feeling the fingers, these are the energies I sensed while feeling each part of every finger. Wearing a ring or piece of string on this spot amplifies the energy there.

Right hand~(Masculine)

Thumb, main phalange= Willpower, Assertion

Thumb, second phalange= Joy of self, happiness with self

Index finger, bottom/1st phalange=

Ambition, Assertion, Energy, Confidence, Enthusiasm

Index finger, 2nd phalange= expressing self with tact, inspiring others

Index finger, 3rd phalange=

Fierceness, fighting will

Middle finger, first phalange= Justice, Honor, Truth, Standing up for God

Middle finger, second phalange= Lightheartedness, Unity, Trust of others, Childlike almost

Middle finger, third phalange= will to put truth, justice, and honor into action

Ring finger, bottom phalange= Love for others, expressing it, stubbornness

Ring finger, middle phalange= expression of love physically, sensuality, sexuality

Ring finger, third/top phalange= peace, gentleness, calmness

Pinkie finger, bottom phalange= Power, Authority, Recognition... Extreme power there.

Pinkie finger, middle phalange=

Using power for good, cooperating and connecting with others to use power for good

Pinkie finger, top phalange= Humbleness, Surrender

Left hand~(Feminine)

Thumb, Bottom phalange= Deep comfort, safety, and relief

Thumb, top phalange=

Joy and peace, with one self, acceptance of self

Index finger, Bottom phalange= Self Trust, Confidence, Drive, 5 energy

Index finger, middle phalange= Faith in oneself and their abilities

Index finger, top phalange= Peace, in knowing everything, is as it is supposed to be

Middle finger, bottom phalange= Centered, Balanced, Grounded

Middle finger, middle phalange= Drive to have balance, a center, and what you need in life

Middle finger, top phalange= Allowing noone to topple you from your balance, fierce and strong defense

Ring finger, bottom phalange= Receiving love, knowing you are worthy

Ring finger, middle phalange=

Openness and acceptance of sexuality and physical love, fertility

Ring finger, top phalange=

Pleasure, openness to receiving pleasure

Pinkie finger, bottom phalange=

Openness to spirit and intuition, calming of self

Pinkie finger, middle phalange= Surrender to, and giving oneself to something(it feels like the universe)

Pinkie finger, top phalange=

Oneness, Selfless, Humbleness, one with all of creation

Ask your soul to show a scan of a person, or of a room and at energetic scan will appear in front of you, you can focus on a certain aspect of part of the person or space by thinking zoom on what point you wish or using hands to zoom like a phone app

Created skill to sense energy on whatever you focus on by raising your left hand and focusing on something. You will sense the energy and intentions by doing so. Here is copy

I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in documents. This book is a manual for ancient asian energy techniques. I got a lot of useful skills here in my early days of learning

Your analysis of the fingers reminded me of it. In Ninjutsu they have Kuji Kuri which is those hand signs you see in naruto, they affect those systems you were pointing out both internally and externally for anyone witnessing the technique

I appreciate it. I’m just sensing stuff... using it is a whole different topic.

Any tips so I can feel the vibrations as. Much while walking?

Well when you’re walking you’ll be more stimulated by your external senses, so it’ll be harder to focus on more subtle sensory. Energy work can be very well done when walking, but if you’re working to feel your own energy then just sitting may work best generally speaking though I strongly recommend physical moving moreso than just sitting.... it’s like, your body isn’t getting much blood or oxygen moving when you’re just sitting... oxygen/air is love/chi, so when you’re moving about you’re gonna get more love/chi energy in thru you

If you’re practicing energy sensory, I made a technique to assist in pinpointing what you sense, to sense it more clearly. Place your right hand’s thumb-print to the based of the ring finger, and focus on whatever it is. This is an energy I made, to state “copied” to get it so you can do it too if you’d like

Made an effect to balance and clear the dantiens, energy meridians, bring vitality, endurance, healing, and repair to them. Raises vibrations. Compresses ki into body for healing and longevity. Uses ki to heal and strengthen aura. Automatically goes to whatever focus is highest for your body. To do this, say copied, whilst focused on this effect. To activate it, move your hand(either) in a wavelike motion. Continually doing this brings heightened vitality and clarity.

If you are versed enough in energy sensory, you can feel the energy and meaning of any word in any language.

Changing wat will happen in the future will only work if there are not other energetics from others beings in creation that would override it. This is determined by what is the highest vibration. Highest vibratory manifestations, intentions, and wishes take priority 

Food changes; if you attempt to order food, say that you are going to eat and don't get the food, get food yet don't eat it or wait as the food is there, then the longer you hold off the  more weight that drops off your body. This tricks the body into losing its excess weight and fat and if you don't eat, then you keep the weight off you. Saying "it worked", reinforces the weight loss. Otherwise, hold off on eating or drinking, then you lower the body mass naturally after awhile. 

How do I increase my frequency? I want to manifest..

Think nice thoughts and do positive acts.

I use the prana mudra often when I need or want to charge my life energy. I also use the kubera mudra often when manifesting - I use it most often for manifesting spiritual growth, but I'll use it on ocassion also for manifesting something in the material world (very cautiously, I never do this if the motives are selfish).

Is there a recommendation on a mudra or mudras for syncing-up/harmonizing the third eye and the heart chakras? 

Any know of a mk ultra machine that would change the subconscious lol

mk ultra as in the US government experiments?

I know my paternal ancestors were subjected to the MKUltra experiments and that's had lasting effects on a lot of my living relatives.

For myself the only thing I'm noticing is I seem to have a somewhat more sensitive nervous system and more perceptive third-eye than most people.

As far as a machine, I'm not sure there's any evidence machines were part of the program: it appears the CIA was using torture, abuse, hypnosis, and drugs to brainwash people and alter their consciousness and perception

One way to change the subconscious is to undergo an ego-death. That's how mine changed, I brought on my own ego-death through rather intensive fasting, social isolation, chant, prayer, and meditation. I would recommend keeping a therapist on hand if you do this, it's likely to bring up to the surface any unresolved trauma and emotions that you have yet to deal with.

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