Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, December 28, 2018

Timed effect

This is a timed effect, where you think of the time and effect for the place, then you create the effect of idea that you feel will occur. This list is used in this matter.
So saying; If you want to easily time travel, think of the time and place and state saiy. Otherwise pronounced say-in-y. So time is relative it seems.  No such thing as the past or future.

Gera; My animal form on the exoplanet is helping you if you pronounced his name. Think his name, that is 'gera' and he will think to aid you as you need help..That's pronounced Hera and is also a goddess here. Btw.

Well think about the idea you are in at the moment, then  things get better. Especially if you say Hera and think you need or state your want .

Illusion; This is a point that is done by the feel with thought of what you want to present to people's minds and senses.

If you think and the idea is done, it's done by what you think the aura shows to them. This means it's not always true.

Think so your aware and realize what is there, think of what you want to occur to them then they will see it.
That is usually by viewing things and thinking the soul shows them, so they will see it. This happens to work out by feel in the end.

Whatever; I am not immature anymore. So I think I will  do something else.

Mail; the mail comes today earlier and brings me my mail.

Think; the people that are ill at ease with me are not ill at ease with me by feel. The guilt I feel is no longer felt as a guilty conscience, so whatever I do I feel no guilt. That is unless necessary, then I understand the reason.
Reformation; when you have enough energy, your body becomes energy. So the point is done as you can reform any part of it, that is for when your energy your able to unform the body. So this includes the parts,  only then you will form the body as you need it formed. When your energy, then you can shift anyway you need to use or work by feel.

Gomad diet; drink a gallon of milk per day, then you work out or walk and lose weight as you do things with the calories. You can gain muscles very easily, also you get flatulance as well.

Windy ice knife; the wind is cold enough to serve, this is done as though a icy knife that goes right through you with the wind.

Rocket ship; I find myself on a rocket ship and launch away. This cures me of all ills and diseased parts of the body. So I think and shift at will.

Income; I triple my income by feel or fee with what I do or need.

Seeable; I've seen it so I know what to do.

Whatever; whatever occurs, people don't blame me or mind me for what I do.

FedEx; the FedEx truck comes early today by feel. They deliver the mail earlier today.

Tall ness; I eat less and raise in height.

So think; have a turn.

Problems; the problem clears up and end themselves. So whoever broke it can help fix it.

Space-x; the lift off of the gps-3 satellite is a successful endevour. There will be no high winds or weather conditions tomorrow that would stop the launch.

Lose weight; you decide to lose weight by feel.

Bills; I have enough to cover for my bills, part of my bills is the pizza for the birthday party. So things will work out, this works as though a prayer.

Prevention spell; touch a stone and keep the touch, then state prevent physical thievery in any language that you want to speak.

This is the prevention of thievery spell, if cast correctly and you kept the rock in the area. Then you keep away thieves.
Undo poi t; think an undo point and you continue on your normal lifetime.

Universal knowledge; this uses a focus point, this is where you think to use concept for where you realize things. That you think about with knowledge from the universe and surrounding area. This adds to your experience if you can do the trick.

Can't; once you realize you can't then you can by feel, that's unless it's stupid and stuff. This is the nature of things. This is sometimes how things work out. So enjoy yourself. Ciou.

Sildarin = rain
Uae = use; focus and do things with what you think to do.
In = a part (of)
Go; get, got (it or one)
See; c, y es

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Edill D a new Divine being

Edill D a divine being. If you call upon him, you better have a good reason. He doesn't pop up for no reason. So he allows you to see and things are what allows what comes by realization. So he pops up if he feels like it. Pray to him by: This is my prayer edill d whose power is infinite grant me my desire if you desire it please grant me my desire list of my call!!! Prayer for 30 days, I will work for you one effect. The ritual is one morning 1 at night and then the afternoon. This is his symbol here above:

If you need to know how to setup his altar to summon him, look here and here.

Text focus

Think to focus on the words and state the effect you need then you get an effect sometimes.
This is in a noted effect somewhere online, that I have placed.

Full body healing; think heal in whatever language you want to use and the creator hears and heals you.

Diu; this ends the puppy love stage really to any relationship. After this is stated, you will experience sharp pangs and then you will fall out of love.

Puppy love; this is a state of infatuated feeling and things the person does will be centered in on the thought of the person they respond to with idea of love.

They usually fall out of love, this is when they think of something else or someone else to love instead. This stage usually never goes beyond infatuation though or they're friends and they can get along with each other by feel.

The person usually leaves the other alone though, so this I think is where they learn of each other. They could think and decide to do what is right for a moment of peace.

So then they work and call it off. This is the fate of puppy love. Nothing more can come of this, unless you go to stalking for fed up feelings. This is what I noticed.

Mistakes; any mistakes are fixed and at least admitted to yourself as if not occurred. This is what allows us to grow and work with others.

Think and do what you need, that is the second law of the universe. This is what I learned in life, if you don't you might regret it later.

Done; this cures toxic relationship points and drives the toxic relationship away. As they leave and drive away, you know that things are better for you. So this is finished.

So I think; I think the idea is done, so I might as well go home. This was a fun time here, I will go now. I will miss you.

Walking; if you walk long enough, then the need to eat goes down. This happens weight loss, so the more you lose in weight the less that you eat by feel.

Static elastististy; static electricity energy that spreads through the body and causes weight or fat loss. This also causes effects energy from others, that is where it would normally effect you it doesn't.

Whatever; whatever occurs I don't get hit, spiritually or physically.

Area change; the thought you have can change things, this is done by thinking of the area and then the change you imagine or think about for the area to be effected by the change into what you want.

If there is a counterwill, then you can think of the effect and suggest things to the energy. This changes things to make it your own way. This is the way of area changes.

This indemnity is; this indemnity is not necessary for things to work out better. So I will ignore all disparaging or despairing comments, thank you.

Birthday party; people can come to my birthday party, this is done by feel.

Ensumable; this is where you end the consumable need. That happens if overdone. Think it cancels itself out by need then it does.

Orange candle wick; the orange candle wick if lit is energy to the body. Then if you think the candle is that color, the body reacts the same way as though the candle were that color.

Mail; the mail comes earlier on today's time.

Meaningful rock; think the rock is the earned in action stone and you can cause a stone to glow to your third eye senses.

This stone guides upon use of perception and feel, that makes it a heart stone. Any object can do this, in fact. So think about what you need and you can get what you want.

Peachy; find your peace.

Flavor with water; this is flavor with enhancement to water. The benefit is it's only 10 calories. The bad is the aspartame, that you gain a temporary amount of swelling when doing activity in the heat as you drink the aspartame laden drink.

This drink packet trick is what you think of, when you make a weight loss drink. Think about it though, if you swell in heat then do your activity in coldness or a cool area. This is all that you can think to use for a cool area refreshing drink.

Ignoring; Mickey no longer ignores my phone calls and wakes up.

Exoplanet; I am done here. So I think I will get to go to the exoplanet of choice. It's in that area of alpha centauri. It's an animal planet. So I might live as a half human half animal.. if possible. In a group situation. In fact my soul is there right now, doing it's thing. If you want to join me, you may, think to the creator to 'place me there'. 

It's working on a body there that I placed. If you do this, then you will feel a 'shift' and then you will be aware of things there by subconscious visions. That's all that's there by the way, just animals and forest ATM. The creator will have shifted your soul you see, that's if you think he or she did so that means you are aware of different area's at once. That's about it, so I'm for the animal planet.

Oh have your soul copy itself back to here. Then the body won't die too easily. Think the soul copies itself and it does. The area your body is in is the recipient of that copy. That's about it for now anyway. Also, if you soul copy back to your main body, you will still remember things. However you do things, you will receive energy and information from the primary soul.

This is done as it learns things for a form of updating. That's an interesting point of downloads with energy to the body from your original soul. Otherwise the body does what the idea is done by feel, otherwise it does what the body wants. So I will ciou and farewell till later, good-bye.

Right; correct
Jack; steal, information, idea
Retarda; retarded notions and people.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

eating progress

Here's my recent eating for debut, so to speak, this is to show my diet plan is good. This includes a few quotes at the end of the article.

new weekend

new day
weight 157.8 lbs.

3-cheese sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
pancake muffin 90
120 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
60 calories

chocolate fix
chocolate chip cookie 78
78 calories

sugar wafer snack
2 sugar wafers 75
75 calories

peanuts snack
peanuts handful 90
trail mix 135
225 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

mobile meals
homemade cole slaw 150
mashed potatoes without gravy 90
bratwurst 196
kidney beans 113
549 calories

1489 calories altogether
end of day

last weekend day
weight 157.4 lbs.

nutrition shake 165
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
307 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
50 calories

sugar wafer snack
2 sugar wafers 75
75 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

mobile meals
homemade cole slaw 150
mashed potatoes without gravy 90
bratwurst 196
kidney beans 113
549 calories

peanuts snack
trail mix 135
135 calories

mini muffin snack
banana nut mini muffin 44
44 calories

jojo snack
jojo potato 80
80 calories

1508 calories altogether
end of day

new week

new weekday
weight 157.8 lbs.

green bean casserole 142
bologna sandwich 276
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
460 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

sugar wafer snack
2 sugar wafers 75
75 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

nutrition drink
strawberry (7 pieces) chocolate nutrition shake 93
93 calories

chocolate fix
chocolate chip cookie 78
mini peanut butter cup 44
122 calories

green beans snack
green bean casserole 100
100 calories

oatmeal snack
maple n brown sugar oatmeal 160
160 calories

veggie meal
veggie sausage 70
70 calories

1395 calories altogether
end of day

new weekday
weight 157.6 lbs.

maple n brown sugar oatmeal 160
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
302 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
banana nut mini muffin 44
74 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

sugar wafer snack
2 sugar wafers 75
75 calories

biscuit snack
2 buttermilk biscuits 360
360 calories

nutrition drink
strawberry (8 pieces) chocolate nutrition shake 97
97 calories

pancake snack
pancake muffin 80
80 calories

bologna snack
bologna wheat sandwich 273
273 calorie

applesauce snack
applesauce donut part 140
140 calories

1458 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157.8 lbs.

uncle bens ready rice 210
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
352 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

biscuit snack
2 buttermilk biscuits 360
360 calories

dinner meal
uncle bens ready rice 180
180 calories

pancake snack
pancake muffin 70
70 calories

chicken snack
chicken taco 130
130 calories

1489 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 157.4 lbs

oatmeal 160
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
302 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

pancake snack
pancake muffin 80
80 calories

dinner meal
bean and cheese burrito 210
210 calories

pretzels snack
pretzels 80
80 calories

bologna meal
bolgna sandwich on wheat bread 273
273 calories

whales snack
whales  cheddar cheese bag 200
200 calories

1442 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 156.6 lbs.

oatmeal 160
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
302 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

pancake snack
pancake muffin 80
80 calories

soup meal
vegetable soup 180
180 calories

taco meal
asada soft taco 125
125 calories

fritos snack
fritos bag 160
160 calories

sandwich meal
bologna sandwich 273
273 calories

1387 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 157.6 lbs.

oatmeal 160
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
302 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

nutrition drink
banana dark chocolate nutrition shake 155
155 calories

meals on wheels
cranberry sauce 86
2 slices of turkey with gravy 290
green beans with bacon 105
stuffing 109
590 calories

fritos snack
chili cheese chips 160
160 calories

1404 calories altogether
end of day

The end

last weekend day
weight 157.2 lbs.

turkey sandwich 178
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
320 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
cake 300
330 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

burrito meal
burrito 210
210 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

nutty buddy snack
1 cookie 115
115 calories

raisin bran snack
raisin bran 100
100 calories

cheeseburger snack
cheeseburger 243
243 calories

german chocolate snack
square cake 151
151 calories

1686 calories altogether
end of day

new week

new weekday
weight 159.2 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
german chocolate square cake 151
181 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

nutty buddy snack
1 cookie 115
115 calories

nutrition drink
nutrition shake 200
200 calories

no mans land snack
mild beef stick 40
40 calories

cookie fix
chocolate chip cookie 78
78 calories

roasted oats snack
cereal with mini-marshmallows 110
110 calories

soup meal
chicken 200
200 calories

1423 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 158.8 lbs

chicken drumstick 120
beans 31
roll 77
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
350 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

roasted oats snack
cereal with mini-marshmallows 100
100 calories

chicken snack
chicken breast 100
100 calories

banana snack
banana 100
100 calories

dole snack
tropical fruit cup 80
80 calories

turkey dinner
Turkey with gravy 190
ham slice with gravy 150
green beans with bacon 93
mashed potatoes with gravy 130
563 calories

1690 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 159.2 lbs

Turkey with gravy 190
green beans with bacon 93
roll 77
mashed potatoes with gravy 130
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
690 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
raspberry chocolate pie slice 168
198 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

roasted oats snack
cereal with mini-marshmallows 100
100 calories

nutrition drink
strawberry (8 pieces) chocolate nutrition shake 97
97 calories

taco meal
asada soft taco 125
125 calories

ham snack
ham with gravy 72
72 calories

1389 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157.4 lbs.

ham with gravy 140
mashed potatoes with gravy 130
yam 130
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
542 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate brownie 140
170 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

nutrition drink
strawberry (8 pieces) chocolate nutrition shake 97
97 calories

kaiser's turkey meal
turkey 200
corn 50
beans 38
288 calories

danny's thanksgiving
mashed potatoes 130
2 rolls 154
turkey with gravy 150
green beans with bacon 40
corn 1/2 cup 42
474 calories

1678 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 160.0 lbs.

ham slice 100
mashed potatoes with gravy 130
some turkey 88
green beans 38
dinner roll 77
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
575 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
apple pie slice 277
307 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44
44 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

nutrition drink
strawberry (7 pieces) chocolate nutrition shake 93
93 calories

biscuit snack
biscuit 77
77 calories

oatmeal snack meal
oatmeal 160
160 calories

cornbread snack
cornbread 94
94 calories

1436 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 160.4 lbs

potato 163
some turkey 150
green beans 38
cup of corn 72
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
565 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
carrot cake 300
330 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

roll snack
roll 77
77 calories

mobile meals
2 spare bbq ribs (79 each) 158
mashed potatoes with no gravie 100
corn 77
cole slaw 55
290 calories

1535 calories altogether
end of day

last weekend day
weight 159.0 lbs.

mashed potato no gravy 100
some turkey 108
green beans 74
1/2 cup of corn 36
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
460 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
snickerdoodle 93
123 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

roll snack
roll 77
77 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44 or kitkat wafer bar 43
43 calories

fruity shake
banana nutrition shake 165
165 calories

dole snack
peaches n cream parfait 120
120 calories

funyuns snack
funyuns bag 120
120 calories

waffle meal
waffle 82
82 calories

ham-n-cheese snack
ham and cheese slice 70
70 calories

cookie snack
chocolate chip cookie 78
78 calories

1401 calories altogether
end of day

new week

new weekday
weight 159.8 lbs.

2 waffles (82 each) 164
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
306 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
peanut butter cookie 145
175 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44 or kitkat wafer bar 43
43 calories

fruity shake
banana nutrition shake 165
165 calories

dole snack
peaches n cream parfait 120
120 calories

cookie snack
peanut butter oatmeal no-bake cookie 133
133 calories

pizza roll snack
pizza rolls (6) 210
210 calories

roll snack
dinner roll 77
77 calories

1289 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 159 lbs.

1 slice turkey 85
1 small slice ham 50
mashed potatoes 100
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
377 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 63 calories

candy snack
5 mentos or 1 krakel mini bar 50
otherwise mini peanut butter cup 44 or kitkat wafer bar 43
43 calories

fruity shake
banana nutrition shake 165
165 calories

dole snack
diced pears 80
80 calories

ham n cheese 352
352 calories

cornbread snack
1 muffin 170
170 calories

1440 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 158.0 lbs.

goulash 267
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
409 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 79
109 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

dinner snack meal
3-cheese chicken sausage 150
150 calories

pizza slice
papa john's specialty meat 200
200 calories

tornado snack
cheese and pepperoni roller dog 210
210 calories

donut snack
applesauce donut 140
140 calories

lays snack
baked lays barbeque 140
140 calories

1518 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 158 lbs.

1 slice turkey 85
2 small slices ham 100
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
327 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

dinner snack meal
3-cheese chicken sausage 150
150 calories

funyuns snack
funyuns bag 120
120 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

burrito snack
bean n cheese burrito 210
210 calories

biscuit snack
1 biscuit 170
170 calories

1282 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 158.0 lbs

vegetable and pork eggroll 180
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
322 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

dinner snack meal
1 bbq turkey bisquit 285
285 calories

sausage roll calories
mini sausage roll 89
89 calories

apple snack
apple pie slice 260
260 calories

ham snack
ham and cheese slice 70
70 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

1311 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 157.4 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hot lunch
sphaghetti 221
corn 77
green beans 38
roll 77
413 calories

waffle pop snack
wafle stick 80
80 calories

cookie snack
trail mix cookie half 170
170 calories

1421 calories altogether
end of day

last day
weight 159 lbs

chicken fried steak 220
peas 118
1/2 mashed potatoes n gravy 110
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
590 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
trail mix cookie half 170
200 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

dinner snack
pizza rolls (6) 210
210 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

candy cane snack
candy cane 40
40 calories

pretzel snack
utz halloween pretzels bag 50
50 calories

cookie snack
chocolate chip 78
78 calories

1408 calories altogether
end of day

new week

new weekday
weight 158 lbs.

meatball marinara sub half 290
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
432 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

candy cane snack
candy cane 40
40 calories

burrito snack meal
bean and cheese burrito 210
210 calories

extra meal
chicken tender 47
no man's land mild beef stick 40
87 calories

english muffin snack
english muffin 180
180 calories

french snack
macaroon 40
40 calories

1474 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 158 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

burrito snack meal
bean and cheese burrito 210
210 calories

lays simply sea salted chips 220
220 calories

chocolate fix
chocolate chip cookie 78
78 calories

ham n cheese meal
ham and cheese sandwich 280
280 calories

1365 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157 lbs.

vanilla bean nutrition shake 220
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
362 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
apple pie slice 80
110 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

jalapeno snack
jalapeno and cheddar cheese muffin 80
80 calories

candy snack
sour watermelon barrel 25
strawberry candy 20
chew 10
55 calories

burrito snack meal
bean and cheese burrito 210
210 calories

chicken taco meal
chicken soft taco 130
130 calories

pears snack
diced pears cup 70
70 calories

candy snack
a bag of swedish fish 55
55 calories

pea soup snack
pea soup bowl 158
158 calories

1390 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weigt 157 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

dinner shake
vanilla bean nutrition shake 220
220 calories

Larabar snack
nut & seed dark chocolate almond bar 200
200 calories

party sausage snack
mini sausage roll 89
89 calories

salsa n verde snack
salsa and meat 100
100 calories

1461 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 158 lbs

double cbacon cheeseburger half 400
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
542 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

nature valley snack
crunchy maple brown sugar bar 190
190 calories

burger snack
cheeseburger half 300
300 calories

1380 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 157.6 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

quaker snack
chewy peanut butter chocolate chip 100
100 calories

fish stick meal
6 fish sticks wi ketchup 220
220 calories

corn bread snack
corn muffin 170
170 calories

veggie snack
veggie sausage 70
70 calories

1200 calories altogether
end of day

last day
weight 156.6 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
no bake peanut butter oatmeal cookie 178
208 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

burrito meal
bean n cheese burrito 210
210 calories

sandwich meal
ham and cheese sandwich with curly fries 400
400 calories

1350 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new weekday
weight 157 lbs.

sausage, egg n cheese croissant 480
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
622 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

chocolate fix
chocolate christmas tree 200
200 calories

pizza rolls meal
6 pizza rolls 210
210 calories

small pizza slice
small pizza slice 175
175 calories

1637 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157 lbs

2 small pizza slices 400
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
542 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

burrito meal
bean n cheese 210
210 calories

no man's land mild beef stick 40
diced pears 70
apple turnover 220
330 calories

1430 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157.2 lbs.

chicken taquita 110
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
252 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate chip cookie 78
108 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

various candy
candy 150
150 calories

fish stick meal
6 fish sticks with ketchup 220
220 calories

soft taco meal
chicken 130
130 calories

ted's meal
chicken enchilada 480
480 calories

pretzel snack
white chocolate pretzels (5) 95
95 calories

1675 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 157.0 lbs.

chicken taquita 110
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
252 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

various candy
candy 100
150 calories

fish stick meal
6 fish sticks with ketchup 220
220 calories

english muffin meal
english muffin 180
180 calories

blueberry snack
2 snack crackers 115
115 calories

1337 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 157.0 lbs.

burrito 210
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
352 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

english muffin meal
english muffin 180
180 calories

blueberry snack
2 snack crackers 115
115 calories

taquito snack
taquito 110
110 calories

1187 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 156.0 lbs.

chicken taquita 110
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
252 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

english muffin meal
english muffin 180
180 calories

meals on wheels
chicken patty 172
carrots 50
mashed potatoes n gravy 180
chocolate chunk cookie 78
480 calories

banana snack
banana 100
100 calories

kettle corn snack
1 cup kettle corn 110
110 calories

1552 calories altogether
end of day

last day
weight 156 lbs

chicken taquita 110
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
252 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
oatmeal raisin cookie (medium) 138
168 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

chocolate snack pack
chocolate vanilla pudding 100
100 calories

popcorn snack
kettle corn 110
110 calories

Alfredo Fettuccine 240
Lasagne 177
Beans 38
roll 77
538 calories

sugar cookie snack
sugar cookie 180
180 calories

1588 calories altogether
end of day

new week

new weekday
weight 156.2 lbs.

Alfredo Fettuccine 240
Beans 38
roll 77
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
497 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
cheesecake 201
231 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

chocolate snack pack
chocolate vanilla pudding 100
100 calories

dinner snack
chicken chunks 70
dinner roll 77
147 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

lasagne snack
lasagne 177
177 calories

cookie snack
snickerdoodle 90
90 calories

1553 calories altogether
end of day

Next weekday
weight 155.2 lbs.

Alfredo Fettuccine 240
Beans 38
roll 77
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
497 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
cheesecake 201
231 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

chocolate snack pack
chocolate vanilla pudding 100
100 calories

dinner snack
6 fish sticks with ketchup 220
220 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

tuna snack
chunk light tuna 90
90 calories

1448 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 155.4 lbs.

3-cheese italian chicken sausage 150
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
292 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate vanilla pudding 100
130 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

dinner snack
bean n cheese burrito 210
210 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

funyuns snack
1 bag 120
120 calories

lance snack
whole grain peanut butter crackers (3) 100
100 calories

cookie snack
snickerdoodle 90
90 calories

english meal
english muffin 180
180 calories

1532 calories altogether
end of day

next weekday
weight 156 lbs.

bbq hamburger 300
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
442 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
applesauce donut 160
190 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

lance snack
whole grain peanut butter crackers (3) 100
100 calories

NSO xmas party
Ham slice 58
Turkey slice 54
mashed potatoes with no gravy 100
green snap beans 44
rice krispy treat 120
half apple pie slice 67
443 calories

1485 calories altogether
end of day

last weekday
weight 155 lbs.

ham slice 58
turkey slice 54
half of mashed potatoes with gravy 119
green snap beans 44
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
417 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
rice krispy treat 120
150 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 80
80 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

red pear snack
red d'anjou pear 100
100 calories

tornado meal
tornado 180
180 calories

rice krispies snack
rice krispy treat 120
120 calories

cookie snack
chocolate chip cookie 78
78 calories

1365 calories altogether
end of day

new weekend

new day
weight 155 lbs.

2 turkey slices 108
half of mashed potatoes with gravy 119
green snap beans 44
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
413 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
apple pie slice 290
320 calories

fruit snack
banana 100
100 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 40
40 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

green pear snack
medium pear 100
100 calories

sack meal
roll 77
fruit parfait 130
207 calories

extra meal
beans with bacon 70
ham slice (2) 116
186 calories

candy snack
chocolate piece 68
68 calories

1474 calories altogether
end of day

last weekend day
weight 156 lbs

1 ham slice 58
green beans with bacon 93
1 banana 100
1 dove dark chocolate piece 42
300 calories

diarrhetic starter
tea 30 4 glasses
chocolate cupcake without frosting 105
135 calories

fruit snack
2 bananas 200
200 calories

hard candy snack
3 hard candies 60
otherwise kit kat wafer bar miniature 43 and 1 hard candy piece 20
about 60 calories

nutrition drink
vitamin drink 40
40 calories

peach snack
diced peach fruit cup 70
70 calories

sausage meal
sausage pastry 140
140 calories

pecan pie snack
pecan pie bar 170
170 calories

english dinner
english muffin 180
180 calories

vienna snack
4 vienna sausages 120
120 calories

1315 calories
end of day

"I will continue to lose 6 lbs in 3 days time, no matter what the case even if in an instant." -SH

"The war is ended, son, lets go home. That's an order, now." -SH

"This is subject to change so think about putting your own idea value. The point is the food or drink item, the value is the calories. The totals is for egoism. Enjoy." -SH

"Fine, I accept you." -SH

"An in an en do: I don't know about this one as I see people up in arms about what is done, for this means hand in hand at the end and then do what you think." -SH

"I think I'm done." -Lafayette

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Some normal things and next life regression

This came from when I thought to know my next life and I experienced this idea instead. Feel free to read through it, otherwise you may skip some parts if you can't stand a long read.

Normal idea:

cilfogeo = Elven land; This land is due a point that you think about. Then you create events there by what you think as you use this idea:

Here's how you make a spell or idea happen, they begin with a point of what resources are there. That you would use, then the actual action verbs and nouns that describes the moment after. You can use any language, including English. The point is done by feel, this is where you use the idea to create one by some concept expression.

So think about doing it, things shape themselves by what you think then you are done, this is how you make an effect or effort happen to occur a point that you think about. However, you don't enter this land, this is a spellion area that represents the imagination. That means you may have whatver you need, as long as it is available.

If you do, you could find, that the spell that you thought up is what is occurring. This is done as though English though, so you can think of the effect and create what you intend by statement or feeling the need. Otherwise you could use power words, this is where you think of the idea and state the word to effect the point that you think to create.

So think of what you want to get, then you could get the result, that you need by feel with the sensation that you send by thought. -Donavan

Some spells

ilya viirin istya in car-le herenya = Make you successful.

ilya viirin istya car-ni herenya = Make me successful.

ilya viirin istya car-hal-au herenya = Make launch lift off and successful.

ilya viirin istya saa nenda paluure waya ringa car-envinyanta = make healed.

ilya viirin istya saa nenda paluure waya ringa car-men-vava = make erupt. [have volcano name in mind or idea that's spoken after]

ilya viirin istya nuquerna pawgar-ment = reverse disablement.

ilya viirin istya tel rhach = end curse

ilya viirin istya rek-ala-valto a avos = restore good luck and fortune

ilya viirin istya rhu anar are ring penia-rucina isima = restore/fix disordered mind and brain. I think rhu is pronounced rue.

ilya viirin istya rhu anar are ring tanca rucina isima = restored/fixed disordered mind and brain. I think rhu is pronounced rue.

ilya viirin istya rhu nesta-ihiw = heal illness. [ihiw is pronounced i-hew and I think rhu is pronounced rue.]

ilya viirin istya sangwa dag-illi qoluvie and qolu mi sad = kill all pestilence and disease in area.

ilya viirin istya anta-ni-nya iest = Grant me my wish. Have a wish in idea that you want or need.

ilya viirin istya anta-iest = Grant wish or need. Have wish in thought that you speak.

ilya viirin istya sangwa anta-iest-o ui qoluvie mi in sad = Grant my wish of no pestilence in the area. [qoluvie is pronounced qoute-loot-vee]

ilya viirin istya pica-vaxe = reduce strain.

ea oc omni creo qery ti emo = create things by feel.

cyr torso fro byol e seam ain = restore body from too much strain and pain.

ilya viirin car-atwa hya neled-llume in mirian opto = make double or triple the return of money back.

ilya viirin car-sad vakse iqui baur ea ture = make store sale success. Pronounce the e too, ture is pronounced ventUreh.

ilya viirin car-mat-teren = make eat slender.

ilya viirin teta-an bereth = attract a mate. Have a person in mind when you cast this, that is done to create a better effect.

ilya viirin ol-telya = become attractive.

ilya viirin ol-fea = become soul form.

ilya viirin car-i ye = Make what is to be.

mantra of favorable looking; This mantra is used to have people look favorably upon you: Om Hreem Pie Na-Mo Seedha-Danam.

ilya viirin car-este a heren ana him-llo undu = This is done to make peace, order and quiet you down. Think of the person when you state the spell. This ca calm down rakeem.

ilya viirin caro enwa vildima = make real what you think or need done.

ilya viirin car-penia-rhu-nna yar celeth ana penia-qolu = Make drug or substance in blood stream. Rhu is pronounced r-hue. This happens in a seeming moment. Meaning that its not here, its somewhere else. If you need it to be here then it is. That's usually how this is done so it works.

illi viirin car-hloima-rhu-nna yar celeth ana qoluvie agar qolu as laus = Make poisonous substance in pestilence blood stream. Rhu is pronounced r-hue. This happens in a seeming moment, that is where you think it should. Meaning that if its not here, its somewhere else. That's usually how this is done.

ilya viirin car-valin tulma = This is stated to make a positive event. Describe an event and then state the spell. Then if done it occurs, you are lucky if its positive and creative or even more lucky if it doesn't happen as it is negative. This creates universal luck, if you think this will.

ilya viirin car-rhu penia-hrondo laqui il-fedhwed = The substance is the body cure unless unlegal, then this makes none effect with you. Rhu is pronounced [r-hue].

ilya viirin iqui il-fedhwed hya ala mi baur hya mer san ui vildima = The undoing; If illegal or not wanted, then no effect is gained. Think of the idea that's not wanted and its ceased. Then its as if the idea weren't actually occurred in thought.

mai thy soi = Make you thin; This can make you thin. After your thin enough, just think about or need the result and its there.

apt thy soin -o- loio = Maintain thinness or slenderness.

ilya viirin car-lor-hroa mennai fea echuia-i fair = put body asleep until the soul awakens it, quickly.

ilya viirin car-senda lan carila mama = Stay restful and relaxing while doing things. This works until you wake up naturally, that's because you're usually in a trance when you do it..aslso while doing this by focusing your thoughts jn relaxed mode, think what you wish to happen and ithe effect should happen or occur.

writing stuff

That is a store that uses cosmetics. So I think this settles all questions. Enjoy yourself. His or her usage of the idea is thanks enough.

Next life:

A point of animal formation then I am myself. This I saw by what I realize by myself. I think the animal was me that was formed when my soul was thinking on being on an exoplanet. So the animal is what creates what you think and you get to reap the rewards. I believe his name is Gera [pronounced Hera], this is a Goddess here so I know the point is good. He helps those out and sometimes those with situations, too. That is if you need help and he is aware of your idea that he can do in his mind. I believe that is the power of the animal god. So I am probably still there, that is being on the exoplanet. Seeming the point is his specialty, think about it an animal that is godlike here. I think this is a unique ability indeed. Indeed this is true. So think about what you want and need the idea, then you could get what you wanted by thinking about what you needed. That is done if this is needed. That is the power of the creator.

normal things:

 The Essential Oils group are very important to healing ones body and destroying odors in the air. Its the scent that arouses the nerves and healing or recovery of the body.

  If you want to effectively kill smoke and odors in the air, then use lemongrass essential oil, Back Seat Boogie Essential Oil, or Apple Spice Essential oil. Lemongrass essential oil smells like pledge and gets rid of smoke scent really easy with use of an aerator or suffuser. Back Seat Boogie Essential Oil smells like a new item scent and can be useful for laundry detergent. In a suffuser or aerator it can kill room odors.

  Apple Spice Essential Oil is a rare essential oil that smells like apples and spice and use of a suffuser or aerator can eliminate odors. I do the choosing for my essential oils by scent. If I don't like it I won't buy it unless for certain purpose. As everything essential is not observed until necessary, you can smoke the essential oil such as Marigold essential oil and as you are in its influence by thought you are cured if in need to do a drug or not and this stops. Otherwise you can smell it or use it on your skin, and this is discussed later on in this article.

  Lavender Essential Oil  or any essential oil is a cure all if it has a frequency for which grade A Essential Oil does. This means that it is alive. Essentially you can use any essential oil to get the healing effects but some essential oils are better for treating certain things. Lavender essential oil is a general cure all oil, meaning it is useful for everything. Raven essential oil is used for for treating Asthma and other lung troubles. Tea tree is good for its rapid healing properties. Other essential oils are listed here in the herbs list.

  Apply the Raven essential oil by thinking to wash your hands, then to apply raven essential oil clean your hands first and take one or two drops in the palm of the hand. Place in the same hand high grade canola oil or olive oil to cut the oil. Now, take two fingers of your other hand and spread the cut essential oil around to mix it. Spread the mix onto the chest and face of the person with asthma or other lung problems. There should be an effect mnutes to days afterwords. Raven essential oil smells very medicinely and is only effective in curing lung diseases as the scent drives other purposes away.

  If you have a scar and you want to get rid of it in a day or two; take 2 drops of lavender or other essential oil. Put it in your hand only or it will kill you if you swallow it. Take two fingers of the other hand and get it on your fingers and apply on the scar and it will penetrate the scar and remove it in a day or two if used in two applications per day.

   The cutting of essential oils means putting high grade cooking oil like Canola Oil with the essential oil and mixing it. Lavender Essential Oil (which is made from1000 lavender flower petals pressed together and the oil collected from it) or Tea tree is made from 20 lbs of trea tree bark being pressed. Lavender essential oil is a mild regenerative whereas Tea Tree Oil is a medium regenerative in and of itself that penetrates the cells of the body and cellularly cleans all of the bodies chemistry giving you the shits by cleaning the whole body of contaminants within 1 day.

  Think to get rid of wounds and apply essential oil by mixing essential oil with 2 drops of lavender or other essential oil such as tea tree in the left hand and applying with the right hand on the wound directly. Make sure there is enough oil mixed to cover the whole of the wound. This heals within 1 day or 2 days to a week depending on how terrible the wound is there. Keep applying every morning and nighttime until this is healed. So seem aware that too much of essential oil can burn, you won't get rid of the burning until it is done. A little too much essential oil will give stomach cramps to those who scent.

   Think to get rid of fleas on mattress or beds, take 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil or any other scent you like and place this mixture in a spritzer bottle. That is with oil or purified water and spritz the area with it and the fleas disappear within moments.

   Lemon or Lemongrass Essential Oil is the only essential oil to drink in a drink of your choice, so that is mostly tea and anything else is to taste, then take 1 drop of Lemon Essential Oil and put it directly in the drink of your choice. Putting 2 drops into 1 full pitcher of tea skimming the top of the tea after 3 minutes has passed gives mint tea! Unless you want to give people stomach cramps don't put more than 2 drops into a 1 gallon tea container.

  Then to make laundry detergent that is cheap and effective use the scent of your choice with purified water and cheap laundry detergent soap flakes. This is effectively cheaper than buying a $3 box of detergent that only lasts 3 to five days. The container is important as it should be an old liquid laundry detergent bottle of some type. The secret recipe is to take 5 to ten drops of the Essential Oil of choice. Mix it with a full to the top old liquid laundry detergent bottle of purified bottle. Mix with this 1 tablespoon of laundry detergent soap flakes.

 This is to get the soapyness effect. So when its mixed with water plus a little more effectiveness of the made laundry detergent. The cost effectiveness comes from the fact of the purified water gotten from a grocery store that can cost 50 cents to 99 cents a bottle. The laundry soap flakes or liquid detergent takes 2 to 5 dollars only and per batch there won't be but 1 tablespoon used. The Back Seat Boogie or 4 thieves Essential Oil, which is my choice, costs only $5 to $10 from This whole process takes only 8 to 16 dollars and makes 4 batches of this mixture. Don't throw away those liquid laundry detergent bottles ever again!

  Aerators or Suffusers you can get at Akins, other health food stores or online are fairly cheap and really affordable in many forms. Take 5 drops of essential oil, place it on the holder for scents and it in the aerator and plug it in. The best scents are Earth Faery, Apple Spice, and Lavender Essential to me. Two to five drops of each if mixing scents. Get the essential oils at any Akins or Health Store around the Country, that is done unless you can get them from Amazon or ebay. This is assured to work if you feel free and try it out. Only get the 100% theuraputic grade essential oils though.

  If there is a need for quality high grade oils call the Living Young Aromatherapy group and expect to pay alot. In AOL use keyword Aromatherapy to get to another good site that sells Essential Oils that means you are the coster and the costee is on the other side of the register counter. So think about this thing you call essential oils and you may know what true value is by itself.

  Exopli = Exo_plane; Exonerated planet or honorary planet outside the solar system and the area that exists on it is livable. Thinking about it I think the exoplanet is what creates where and what you have, when you have it and why you are there. These exoplanets are area that create by themselves, think for themselves and work with others conscious thought. So think what you like and you may end up with the idea. Also, if you think that your third eye shows you it, then you know what is there, where it is and when its a safe bet to be there. So think what you like and it could be there, planted there by the third eye or seed of life that we as humans cast forth so long ago that we can't even remember doing the idea. This is a bet in itself, that if you are aware of the surface then you can also know the atmosphere. The conditions are self obvious, if you cared to look with the third eye, then you'd know it by now. That is all.

special ability

Aoin = loyalty by feel with what is done. this effect actually creates what you can consider in life, so what you think about things is what you make of things and that is what the subconscious uses as a suggestion. whatever the subconscious uses, the subconscious can make if allowed to make the result as though you need the result as an end result.


Luck; There is no limitations on luck. This is used as there is no limit on lucky actions.


I think I am a person that is lucky, that means I am here where its safe. So I got free from the plane and was where I thought to be. This is a point in the past.

Other things:

Intensity diet; This diet isn't for everyone, basically it works like a charm though and creates with a point. This is where you think interesting thought, then sit or lay down and feel intense to see idea that stimulates the heart pacing faster. This is done as you work, work out or walk thinking to create weight loss. This works better if you eat the right things, these things are fibrous things like beans or fruit and green leafy veggies. That is used to create the weight loss after the point. 

As always, if you drink water, diet drinks or tea and avoid too much sugar or don't drink anything with high fructose corn syrup or non fruit fructose. That is how this diet works. So enjoy your weight loss or weight maintenance, that is thinking as you can think. If you feel intense towards someone, then they stop and do something else. Otherwise, your causing weight loss for yourself.

Individualisms; This is individualistic classifications. So this with a dude priest makes it so you can do magic. That is done as long as you relax and think of what you need, then either state a word or phrase and you get a result of what you intended.

They made this classification:

As you may know, a sage uses experience, wisdom and thought to do what is necessary. Where a mage does what he thinks is a good idea at the time.  Except a sage uses more experience than a mage if he or she is older. That's about all.

A sorcerer is a self-practicioner, that uses a source to create magic.

A priest understands a source before use. Then he creates by thinking of his need, then states a point as thought is a prayer. So if you want to be a priest and understand the sources, then you may need ordainment. If you do, feel free to peruse, that is a free online ordainment. Otherwise go to a priest school, if you want to do weddings because you can do the ceromony as a dude priest, this is by law. So in order for it to be legal, you need to see a judge.

things to keep

connecting an an; The U-verse modem is connected to my service at AT&T soon enough. This is done as though I wish to be connected with the modem. Although, if necessary, they repair the line for free.

Technician; the at&t technician arrives around 4 to 8 pm today or goes around and fixes the problem.

finding things; I find the connector that is needed for the purifier.

color and harmonic number meaning; This came from: So to compute your personal harmonic numbers, complete the following steps:

Take the number of your month of birth (December = 12)
Add the day of birth (26)
The number of the present calendar month (November = 11)
The present calendar day (23)
Add the present year (2018)
Brings you the equation:  12 + 26 + 11 + 23 + 2018 = 2090

And, as usual with numerology, continue adding individual numbers until you get to a single digit:
2 + 0 + 9 + 0 = 1 + 1 = 2

This gives you the personal harmonic number of a person born on December 26th for the day November 23, 2018.

Harmonic numbers – Check yours for today
The list below gives you a candle’s harmonic number identifier and the basic candle color keywords:

1 = Red – health, vitality and passion

2 = Silver – victory of light over darkness

3 = Yellow – magnetic, drawing and attracting

4 = Green – money, wealth, and prosperity

5 = Orange – Stimulating, encouraging and mental

6 = Light Blue – peace, calm, and understanding, intellect

7 = Purple – power, overcomes obstacles

8 = Brown – earth, stability, and balance

9 = Gold – wealth, financial success, trade, writing, contracts

See beyond the truth of today with the help of numerology. Find out the real meaning of your life on!

Now, putting it all together:  The harmonic number in our example is 2.  The number 2 is in tune with the Silver candle. Silver relates to victory of light over darkness.  If a person with a harmonic number of 2 burns a silver candle on November 23, 2018, they will be enhancing the power of their ritual and that aspect of life for that day.

By computing your harmonic number for any given day, you give yourself the opportunity to get an extra boost from Spirit by being able to align your day with the harmonic energy that exists.

En; the point at the end, think to know what to do.

Distractions or relaxations; Sometimes distractions work for people. So as long as your not obsessively thinking about something then you naturally try to default into a calmer mindspace where you come out of a focused one.

Otherwise take a deep breath. That's as you think if you follow this idea from, where you try 4-7-8 breathing exercise (inhale 4, hold 7, exhale. it's mostly a number cue for deep breathing where you should be taking a full breath each cycle. 

If the time isn't enough, you can do longer etc but 4 7 8 is the goal. So think you need to wait until its over, theirs ways to go around anxiety attack are better than trying to fight it heads on. You can do this if you think you are not able to control it then you can call for help but keep telling yourself "i am calm" over and over.

Still your heart, still your breathing, then try counting to ten backwards or count forward until you calm with deep breaths that start to occur naturally. This is when slow and deep breaths allow better oxygen absorption than shallow fast ones. So I think they're doing studies on people with heart failure, that showed their exercise capacity increased by doing the deep breathing techniques. Iys basically bc you're breathing slower your body sends 'relax dude' signals, but since you are deep breathing also, you're not actually getting less oxygen so I think it's cool. So this is a body hax.

shifting with "aura"; Think of the person, then calm yourself and think by deep breathing "I am in the others inner world" or "I am in the world". Think this works and it will, especially to shift back to your own innately made world. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Think and Work

This is where you think and then focus, then you get the idea done. This list is based on that idea.
This point; this point is dealing with things that are done or in the process of being done. So think of what you want to achieve, you can get some rest or results by what you do.

Think and do; this is where you think about things and do what is interesting.

Fat burning; think this idea and you start to lose weight. This works similar to I e relaxed, that creates the relaxed state of mind.

Think and work; this is where you think about an idea, then imagine with a beam of light that the idea occurs.

Fat diet; eat what you want where you want to eat, however drink water or low calorie drinks. As long as you avoid high fructose, eat some fruit and exercise then you remain slim and sleep good.

This allows you to maintain the weight off or lose weight very easy, if you exercise enough and taking a warm or hot bath counts as part of your exercise. So long as the heart pace is raised, then you think and know and you are slender by feeling better.

However, if you find yourself very hungry, then eat a little fat in your diet and you start to hold off by feel. If you are aware of what you eat.

So then you create a healthy diet, allow for healthy greens or beans. See otherwise you might not go below the point you stop losing weight. Think about it for a moment, you know what you can do.

Incidents; whatever causes the incidents or moments doesn't.

Protagonist world; this is where the process of elimination allows for people that are good and people that are bade. In order to enter this world is to think your there and your spirit shifts you there. If to exit from this world, then think your back and your spirit brings you back.

Think; your gut won't hang out and you won't have a double chin if you do.

They gain weight; they won't gain weight so think and you can know things.

Theory; think about the place and you could be there. So the little things don't get to you and no stress happens.

Mail; the mail comes today earlier.

Spacewalk; they succeed in what they need to do with the spacewalk. However they make no mistakes and the landing module lands good by feel that they work on.

Bad luck; bad luck turns into good luck and any curse dissipates harmlessly into energy.

ias ok; this removes any curse. So does 'balance' seemingly thought.

Predicted; I can predict anything by feel with the senses or moments. Sometimes this is with fae. So think about things and if they see the need they could do what you want.

Lawrence; the person in room 1 will fix his body and create the ability of lift in him or herself. So I think he will get better, that is done by feel.

Fast five; it comes it goes you will always have five or ten dollars. Things will always work out by feel. This is the point of money.

Laundry; the laundry is done by feeling, so think and you can spend less on detergent.

Elven land; this land is a point that you think about and you create events there as you use this idea:
Here's how you make the spell or idea happen, they begin with what are resources that you would use, then the actual action verbs and the nouns that describes the moment.

You can use any language, including English. The point is done, this is where you use idea to create one by feel.
So think about doing it, then your done, this is how you make an effect or effort happen to occur. You don't enter this land, this is a spelllion area that represents the imagination. That you may have. If you do, you could find that the spell that you thought up is what occurs.

This is done as though English though, so you can think of the effect and create what you intend by statement or feeling the need. Otherwise you could use power words, where you think of the idea and state the word to effect the point you think to create. So think of what you want to get and you could get the result, that you need by feel with the sensation that you send by thought.

Think; think and you know things by the spirit that tells you with need and feel or realization.

Tenderizer; the scene that you live through that creates what you want, if feel your able to work or Dodge out of the way by thinking about things and moving. An enhancement to this is where your tenderized in the face, if you angry that is true.

Mail today; the mail comes early on and delivers my mail.

I'm alright; this is where I am cool with things.

I am appeased; I am appeased and feel better about things, this is done by what I do.

Think; the point is made, you live and learn with what you figure things out by feel.

Sale; the sales are made and dealt with, that is done by fee or feel.

Snacking; I will not snack too much by feel with what I need or think.

Money; I get back double or triple the money.

Candy; think and you know things about the situation by spirit knowledge. This allows for quick response and the fact of a candy piece being given.

It is; it is what it has been. this is what has been. Things work out by feel. So ciou and farewell by feel till later. Chow.

Ramp; sloped surface
Cra = crazy cancelled out by uu-cra.
Vep = vapor; vaporized smoke
Sauga; sock out
Aww = not or n othing
Ah = aww
Na = cold into a heat source

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