Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, December 30, 2022


The thought exists if you think and suggest to yourself what you want.  This suggestion goes to your subconscious and you mind what to do. The effect is creative if you think about the idea and do things.. This is for fun..think and you know what to do. 

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Walmart; they deliver the pop around 1 pm today. 

Pipes; they fix the pipes and turn back on the water as soon as possible. No matter what. 

Jose; he calms down by feel. 

Think; the problem is time, think of the moment and things work out by feel. 

Thought; stacy b doesn't get fired and doesn't seek to quit no matter what. 

I can translate what is said no matter what. 

Things; things that exist work out in the end. No matter what. 

Em in; jamming to music. 

Est; estimated, expected time

Sheila; she gets helped by Stacy and whomever answers the phone helps out too.

Gouge; they no longer believe in gouging you by price increase. 

Stacy b; whomever is messing with her no longer messes with her no matter what. 

News 9 diet; eat if hungry and not if full. Try to eat 3 meals with 2 times for snacks a day. Remember it takes 3000 calories burned to burn off 1 lbs  of fat. This allows you to burn off fat and not gain it all back quickly. 

Scent ; the bad scent dissipates by feel. 

Stacy b; she gets her paper work updated and caught up. No matter what. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind me and doesn't mind doing things that I ask. No matter what. 

Money; Paul t doesn't mind giving me 60 dollars, no matter what. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. 

Jamie's children; they behave nicely after this. No matter what. 

Jamie; she gets to do her birthday party. Presented by the kids.

Space-x; they don't push back the launch, no matter what. 

Amazon; delivery of my package by arrives today..

Creative; if your creative you know what to do. 

Jay m; he has the Xmas eve party and I get there and back again easily.  No matter what. 

Santa clause rally; he showed up and the stock market goes up in value no matter what. 


Weapon charge; This is where you focus energy along the weapon, then strike. You do additional focus damage to the target. 

Sustained genjutsu; this is where you focus on the area and direct its consciousness to create a genjutsu or magical moment using its energy that effects the target of the area. Released by thinking its released as you do a hand language sign. This can be anything that released it. Including destroying the area.

Make and create; this is where you can state something and it occurs. There is a 50/50 chance that it will happen represented by a focus check in dnd.

Jinx; speak of the moment and think badly and you jinx the idea to not occur. Sorta like speak badly about a bad event and evil or attacking is averted. 

Genjutsu averted; think to die and you wake up from the illusion of genjutsu. 

Sign fx; This is where you think of the idea to form and use your hand or limb to create something. This is a more powerful form of weapon charge. Where the hand or limb creates the effect by sending your thought to the aether or energy that surrounds you and the consciousness of energy creates your results. This can mix any elements together to create an unique form of attack by energy. 

Healing focus; This is where you focus energy at the wound or ill area and think heal. You restore 1/3 the health by focus each time. 


Paul t; he gets his check in the mail sooner than usual..on Monday this time. No matter what. 

Paid; Paul t doesn't mind paying me 60 dollars no matter what. If he has enough.

Belly; my belly doesn't grow larger or wells up..instead my belly goes down by feel. No matter what. 


My belly becomes as flat as a pancake no matter what and stays that way. 

Heh; heft not of the body.


Travis; he gets taken to Oakstreet and sees his doctor. This happens sooner than usual. No matter what. 

Beating; beatings no longer happen, no matter what. 

Weight; weight no longer keeps me here..I am free.

Oakstreet; they can find Travis no matter what with or without uber.

Delivery; they deliver the packages due to those who ordered it.

Mail; the mail comes earlier than usual and brings Paul t's check .

Ricardo; he no longer bothers people no matter what. 

Had; hadn't 
Ha; had, has, have
Heh; heft
Hee; laugh
Em; them
A ending; ing, activity 
G; good

Sunday, December 25, 2022

moraii effects

This is the effect of creation with idea you have by what you intend. Think about the idea and t h e subconscious creates it if you need it by the power of money. 

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost that will do what you want. These are the things I think are possible here.

Stacy b; she comes and gets my rent, no matter what. She finds time to do the rent no matter the point sooner than usual. 

Karen; all annoying Karen's go away and no longer bother me by feel. 

Stacy b; she gets my rent settled by feel. 

Focus; I don't miss Stacy b when she comes to get my rent check. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did and giving me money no matter what. 

Time sharing; this is where you create with need by the feel and focus to do what is necessary. 

Fear; I no longer fear or feat no matter what. 

Paul t; he pays me the 80 dollars. 

Sabrina; she can bring me to the bank earlier than usual. 

Ron DeSantis; he gets tossed out of office no matter what. 

Inspection; I pass my inspection by section 8 for my room and apartment.

Inspector; since I am ready, the section 8 Inspector comes earlier than usual. No matter what. 

Muffled feel; Nothing feels muffled or suppressed anymore.; Amazon comes earlier than usual for delivery of my package. I get my packages no matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets off her phone call and talks to me. No matter what. 

Thought; if you get your covid booster shot then things will work out better for you. 

Thought; think it to create it. Think you're getting a free ride and you do. David o gets a free ride as well. 

David o; Whatever he tells Stacey doesn't get Stacy b fired. He calms down by feel and quickly. 

Stacy b; she is no longer stressed out of her mind. She can see my fridge. 

Amazon; the Amazon delivery of my package today happens quicker than usual and I get my delivery no matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets the 100 300 100 car coverage she needs to stay in her job. No matter what. 

Epic pharmacy; They deliver my metformin today or as soon as possible and I receive it. No matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets open her office door at the apartment building. 

Epic pharmacy; they manage to deliver to me my invega shot and soon as possible no matter what. 

Family dollar; the Family dollar down the street is open and I can get what I need. 

Finances; I can easily afford my finances and do things with money no matter what. 

Accumulated; the point is added up and things are good..think and you know what to do. 

Amazon; gets to me what I ordered earlier than usual. No matter what. 

Paul t; he wakes up sooner than usual and gets my items i want to give him. No matter what. 

Snap; the dhs caller gets to talk to me where the right things are said and the official reasserts my snap benefits no matter what. 


The snap interview; i do the interview for snap renewal with ginger norton quickly and get renewed for snap as soon as possible. This happens no matter what. 

Cool; I am with enough sleep, no matter what. 

Meeting; the meeting with those on the phone in conversation with stacy butts is over quickly. No matter what. 

The sites; the sites I have are not knocked offline or blocked by feel in any given way. No matter what. 

Elon musk; he no longer gets booed on stage and his stocks don't tank. No matter what he is liked again. 

Stacy b; she gets paper work done and gets caught up on work no matter what without stress.

Things; Things you don't want don't last and you get better experience from things. No matter what. 


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Focusing thoughts

 Here are some focusing points for your thinking to be done and create what result you desire. Thought you have, this creates what you want as you need it created by feel. Think and you know what to do.

some spells:
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Focus; On focus, the weight goes down and the belly is slimmer no matter what.

The end; The belly is as slim as a pancake.

last one; If possibly needed, I get one from the stock, even if its the last one.

let up; whatever held the communications no longer holds it by feel.; The amazon shipment ships and arrives at my door as quickly as possible without mistakes as soon as possible.


paul t's win10; It updates and successfully installs the updates without problems at the en. This happens quickly and easily. It works and starts installing the updates as though the right actions were done no matter what. Whatever the case, I can pause the updates for 7 days or unpause them at will.

think; the point is a concept, think and you know what to do.

I see; I think its done, yet its not clear. So the corrupt and insane republicans are forced out by feel.; The amazon shipment arrives to my place by feel as soon as possible.

like; you know and I know what they like or dislike, no matter what.


virus creation; This is where you create a metavirus, taylored to the moment and on request. This includes a virus that cures viruses.

weightloss; I think I can reduce my weight by thinking its reduced as I move around or exercise. the energy of the thought would cause the body to do it.

Ageless; This is where you cease aging and appear young as you keep your experience, whatever in idea is possible.

waiting; the waiting is over, I think to own.

owning; I own what I think I own... easily paying for the bills.


Magnetic blood; they say blood is magnetic, and can be used to draw things to you or to the area. because people don't think to draw what they want by focusing on their blood, they aren't like that. so everyone has it.  Anyone can use blood.  to create what you want. it can create our will by it perceiving with its conscious what we need.

Spelly special: Think to control the element and make use of the soul to create what is necessary using our blood to create it and learn what is possible. Think of the need and the idea, need the idea to happen thinking the soul will create it. Then you gain control of the spirit as you get what you need done with no problem. This a point I will say your spirit is under your control. Think and you know what to do. This is like focusing, then think of what you want fire to do and you create an end result that is fire forming like an overheated wire causing a fire effect..

Aura of focusing; Think and you know, the thought exists of what you want. This is an idea that you can do by the Aura created effect.

The effective action; Think about the point that is an expressed idea, then your subconscious causes you to make it exist. That's either done by actions being done or thinking done and treating it like a wish.

for dnd


Ring of holding; tA ring of holding shifts things upon touch to a dimension of holding if you wear it. You could even shift yourself there and back again. Upon thinking about the item you recall it and if you need it its there. You only have 1/2 lbs in weight, and real items weight is not here. When you think you shift the items to or from your area it will work perfectly and no time passes in real time of the dimension of holding.

It comes in various sizes, so think to choose the size that fits your finger. This is useful as you can store or unstore things, that's up to an unlimited amount of things. If you get this, you will have an item that stores whatever you want. So think and you know what to do.

Bag of holding; this bag is magical and you can put an unlimited amount of things in it. This makes what you put as weightless in reality.  The bag cannot be placed in another bag of holding. It could explode. The bag itself is 1 lb. That's all there is to it. Enjoy what you get.


Energy rifle; this is the high powered rifle that is seen in the sci fi movies.

Its energy is a unlimited power cell and it fires from a violet crystal. The crystal causes a searing damage to the target. That is 2d12 and it weighs 10 lbs. It can shoot at 50' away accurately.

Rifle; this creates with a slug bullet. And can shoot at 60' away with accurate hits. The damage is 1d12 and it weighs 6 lbs.

Hell weaver class

This is a class of weaver that weaves fate and the hell itself by feel.


Gating (ex); this is opening gates as you whistle the right frequency to make an entry point to somewhere else as you can think to use it for stabbing or hitting someone from a distance. Also you can use it by thinking to have it gather energy to the area you wanted effects on by feel.

Natures luck (Ex); THe natural luck increases your luck by 10 points. 

Neutralization (ex); this is where you focus and create with energy, that you gate in for use. The idea and focus upon the target with thoughts to neutralize it.

This will cease it to be there and it will disappear from the area. The targets you choose can be anything and that includes another effect or being. Think and you know what to do.

Demonoid (Ex); This at level 20 is where the character transforms into a half demon half human by the power of Hell. Thinking to do what you want, the character changes to become an energy being. That means it can form items, form itself as you want and form events to create what you intend. This is where you don't get hurt, as though the weapon or what you don't like would phase right through you. The only thing you can get hurt by is magic and magical attacks. What you wear and equip phases into energy form as well as though the energy of the body changes it and it becomes energy with you. So what you have equipped, this will stay with you until you drop or give it away. Since you toughen up by this idea, you get +70% health and all your core stats improve by increasing +4. 


Hell weaving; think of what you want  and you focus the powers of hell to create what you need with a very powerful fire effect.

Send; this is done on purpose by thinking of the target and saying "I send the target to hell." Think to send a target to hell and their soul goes to hell where the target body drops to the ground. So optional is the calling of an angel to release the target as though not sent to hell.

Hellstorm; this is where you channel lava from the aetherical plane into the area to "storm" over the target or targets at 2000 degrees f. Think of the idea and the moment happens as you state your intent to the dm/gm.

Like "I use the hellstorm ability to rain lava on the targets i intend to hit." At 2000 degrees f, though there would be quite a bit of damage to the area. So use this ability carefully.

Hellish heat wave; this is an ability to draw forth the heat of hell and have it centered upon the targets that will receive heat damage from the 2000 degree f heat wave that goes and effects the target.

Hell touch; this is where you channel hell into a point of touching the target and instantly killing it. Think of the target and state "I use the hell touch upon the target." Then mimicking the touch.

There is a savings throw of 1d20+charisma mod and getting a 10 or above to make it so the target receives fire damage instead of death. If the target has no charisma then the saving throw is negated.

Hell vent; this is where you think to open a vent of the planet to hell. Then the demons come and take away your targets wholly dragged in to hell. After that you close the vent to hell and its as though nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Mora effects

 Mora or more actions to the point that you speak about, this is a concept of creation with life and making things of what is available.  Think about the point and you can create with live feelings what you Want.

Some spells
State the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

Think; this is the effect of idea and thus is the point you do. Then you will succeed in life. Thus it will work.

Paul m; he no longer has job frustration and gets a job easily enough. He gets a job easily and keeps it. No matter what.

Creative; think anymore and it is not going badly.

Think; your separate and free from the reality turned bad.

Monster; no monster exists in the area .. think about it.

The effect; think your casting a web and it creates what results you desire.  Think of what you want and its not desired.

Thought; though it exists,  it doesn't matter here as it doesn't interact with us.

Sam; he gets kicked out by feel from renting his apartment no matter what.

Knowing; I wanted to know what was there so I got to know it and I wrote about it.


Thinking point; we're now at a thinking point. Think go and know what to do.

Insanity; the Insanity of the moment is over think sane and you are sane. No matter what.

Ricardo; he causes Sheila to want to move out no matter what.

Bursting; Bursting with energy you reset to a slender form and disappear all problems. Sorta like a "poof" were done and your problems disappeared.

Mora; think of money and you create with credit.

Self; self control is what you do..think about it.

Defense; the money is used for Defense kyiv gets.

Focus; the point is going good for Ukraine and terrible for Russia. No matter what.

Thought; the point is done, think to act normal and not scream.

Think; this is where you think and don't do anything bad.

Crystal building; think about the point and you make use of the crystals that are there.

Caverns; the caves are there after. Then you make your way out and teleport home.

Sheila; she stops screaming at nothing. No matter what.

Hit work; this is where you hit things and they work by the energy you will to make it work. No matter what.

Touch work; if you touch things and think it will work then it will. No matter what.

Boxes and bags; this is where you use boxes or bags to transport things.

Good cause; think and know,  this is a good result and cause to support.

Warmer; this is the point you use fire energy to warm yourself up or use a hand warmer.

Layla; he doesn't mind what I say, and gives up on having sex with rosebite no matter what.

Exercise; I will do more exercise no matter what. At least 8000 steps of it will be done.

Large; I am not large.

Flat; I am flat instead.

Donations; they manage to get donations in by feel.

Cassandra; she finds a suitable fix for the insurance idea. No matter what.

I am; creates what you want.

Source connection; this is where they connect to their source or God. The end result is they become one with their creator. They are Omnilingual,  omnipotent and omnipresent.

David o; he doesn't mind what I do. He later doesn't give me a speech about it.

Brain; no brain shut down occurs until later.

Stacy b; she is always relaxed by feel.
Relaxed; he is relaxed all the time.
Back; his back gets better no matter what.
Isha; she gets better no matter what.

Its in; its not happening or going to happen

Stacy b; she takes me to Walmart today.

Allan Sanchez; he no longer ghosts me by feel and doesn't mind what I do.

Unforming; this is unforming as I think or speak.

En un

Paul m; he no longer has trouble getting a job. No matter what.

Get it done; think and it is done. This is done by feel. Nothing more.

Travis; stacy b finds Travis and we get home no matter what and quickly enough so she doesn't get a ticket. No worries happen.

Bad; those bad things that will occur no longer will happen. No matter what.

Bike; Sam's bike works by feel. Or gets repaired.

Lazy; lazy actions no longer occur by feel, no matter what.

Repairer; he finds his cell phone by feel. No matter what.


Mora; more attitude and fair in mind. This is the way of life.

Car; i will get another and not be without.

Lean; I am lean and very slim no matter what.

An am i; I am slim and fit no matter what.

Interesting; thought is a point you know, think and you get your results.

Travis; he can afford to pay me 5 dollars and does per trip to the store.

I am normally not burned out by feel. No matter what.

Jay m; he gets off the phone quickly by feel and ends his phone call. No matter what. He reacts nicely towards me and relaxes by feel.

Danny; he will give me food on the road by feel and doesn't mind me asking about leftovers. He doesn't make me wait for leftovers no matter what.

Thought; create by feel and work for the idea so think that you get it and your good.

Whatever; Whatever the reason i do not make the situation worse.

Rylea; she doesn't mind what I do.

Danny; he doesn't mind what I do.  No matter what.

Rylea; she no longer seeks to get drunk no matter what.

Sheila; she stops having dementia moments no matter what. She stops seeing things and yelling out for no reason.

Rylea; she contacts me about the game today or sometime if possible. She doesn't ghost me no matter what.

Thought; envtuber doesn't mind what I do and allows me to pay him when I can.

Shift; I shift off the planet and goto cs-137. No matter what.


Goat; the goat gets it.. think and you know what to do.

Robert; he doesn't mind what I do. No matter what and doesn't mind requests. This is done by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Coughing; i don't cough today and most definitely at the meeting with antwaine i won't cough.

Coughing 2; bill no longer coughs by feel or idea being done.


Stress; all stress is gone in and from the manager and things done are alright. This happens for the manager as something she wants by feel.

Wrong; anything wrong that would happen to me happens instead to someone else.

Amazon; they deliver my package before I have to leave.  No matter what.

Wish; the wish is what you intend and feel is to happen. So the dentist finds nothing wrong with my teeth no matter what.

Chris b; he can use the strand of lights i gave him. No matter what.

Magic car; think of where you want to go and at what time, then by the power of silver particles in the car frame you are there.

David ortega; he doesn't mind what I do or say. He doesn't mind what the manager says or does. No matter what.

Chris b; he doesn't mind what I do or did and answers his phone. No matter what.


Then; its halted at the end
Cum; sexual juice

Monday, December 12, 2022

Circuits of Spiritual Evolution and Numerology

This was reprinted from a source that I found was accurate by nevermore.. namely

 Spiritual evolution, by its nature, proceeds in a spiral circle complete with ups and downs. The spiritual evolution of mankind on this planet begins with the periods of Atlantis and the Continent of Mu, which are referred to as the Ad and Thamud tribes in the Qur'an. We, who had 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA in this period, were beings like demigods in mythology, who could use all our supernatural abilities and intuitions at full capacity. 

    Telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel and crystals were indispensable and ordinary elements of our daily life. Special training academies were established in order to develop these abilities and to gain full control over one's own spiritual powers. In these civilizations, where written culture, media and other technological communication devices were used to a minimum, we obtained the information we needed from the universe by connecting directly to the akashic records (Plate). 

    The use of our brains far beyond our current capacity and the dazzling magic of technical progress led us to arrogance and to play godliness. The two different schools of evolution with different styles in the universe, expressed as the right-hand path and the left-hand path in the literature, entered into a struggle with each other. 

    When the followers of the left-hand path, advancing with the mentality of dominating and capturing other beings through power by accumulating universal energies within their own body, did not abandon the policies that disregard free will by enslaving cloned low-intelligence human masses, war became inevitable. Right-handed followers, who defended the necessity of not concentrating the universal energies in a single focus, but distributing them to the whole in a fair and equitable manner, and the necessity of surrender, had to defend their libertarian views by opposing the genetic laboratory experiments of the other group. Minor conflicts between two opposing groups culminated in the use of crystals and magical powers. 

Left-hand path priests, disregarding ecology and the balance of the planet, carried out artificial explosions that would mobilize massive geological forces. As a result, the world witnessed axial shift, pole shifting, the sinking of Atlantis, and continents reshaping. 

    Seeing that they would lose the war and that great disasters were approaching, the priests of the Right hand path organized many expeditions and colonization expeditions at different times. As a result of these events, which marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new era, human beings were forced to live the Stone Age again by returning to their DNA structure with two chakras and two strands, and fell into a more primitive culture.

     Considering that the first two chakras realize the qualities of survival, i.e. gracious, and keeping alive, i.e. being womb, it can be said that the general average of humanity struggles to rise to the third chakra until the widespread use of fire. 

    The digestive fire in the body, which is referred to as Agni power in Indian literature, initiates the transition from animality to humanity, with the use of fire to cook meat at the opening of the third chakra, which is the basis of our ego and joy of life. 

    In the next stage, the melodies that women paint on the cave walls and sing in vague mutterings show the transition from herd consciousness to tribal psychology by rising to the heart chakra, the general average of humanity, with the emergence of the pre-shamanic and primitive religious understanding. The fact that Homo sapiens distinguished itself among other primates by using its throat sound power marks the opening of the fifth chakra and the beginning of the primitive communal hunter-gatherer era. 

    In the sixth chakra, we see the Sumerian civilization that emerged as a result of written culture, craft techniques, architecture and the transition to settled order. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that the hexadecimal number system was used in Sumerian mathematics and that it was expressed as the digits of sixes, sixties and six hundredths when performing operations. 

    In the seventh chakra period, we see the Indian Civilization, which is the cradle of spirituality and enlightened thought in the world. The fact that the number of letters in the Indian alphabet is 49 indicates that the connections of the 7 chakras with the other six chakras can be established individually (7x7=49).   

The eighth and ninth chakras cover the Judeo-Christian and Islamic cultural periods, respectively. As a result of the emphasis of Jewish culture on capital power and trade, its progress was mostly realized in the outside world. The Islamic civilization, which synthesized and united all the different forms of civilization before it in the middle, melted the seemingly opposite elements such as religion and science, technique and art in a reasonable conscience pot. Balancing the soul and body, mind and heart, right and left brain is possible in the ninth chakra, which is the exit door, that is, the astral chakra, which controls the faculties of desire and emotion. Therefore, in the current period, we see that the number of actively open chakras of humanity is nine. In fact, the technical equivalent of symbolic definitions such as the Age of Aquarius and the apocalypse, the period of new energies we are currently experiencing, 

In the first chakra in the coccyx, the kundalini energy of ten thousand watts, which is programmed to wake up and climb up, and which will bring us all to enlightenment when it reaches the seventh chakra, waits in sleep. It refers to the preoccupation with oneself during childhood, when a person leads a selfish and hedonistic life under the orders of his own soul (Nefs-i Emmare). When the being begins to question its own self, to take into account the criticisms of others and to self-reproach, develops the capacity for giving and attunement, then the kundalini climbs to the second chakra in the sexual area (Nefs-i Levvame). In the navel chakra, where the first two chakras are synthesized and the highest level of self-definition emerges as the ego, we find the joy of life and inspiration (Nefs-i Mülhime). The opening of the fourth chakra, which is the basic condition for adapting to the energies of the apocalyptic period, carries a vital urgency. Because unless the seal just below the heart is broken, the synthesis of the first three chakras cannot be revealed and the kundalini cannot anchor here. When the Kundalini is anchored in the heart, we encounter events that point to the opening of the "abdala will be known" sensations, the feeling of which is called kalb-el occurrence (Nefs-i Mutmain). 

The kundalini, which moves like a tide between the chakras, progresses with the movement of outward opening and inward closing, respectively. The energy that opens outward in the first chakra turns inward in the second, and opens outward again in the third and closes inward again in the fourth. The energy flow, which continues its rhythm in the fifth and sixth chakras, makes its deepest inner move in the seventh chakra and connects with its essence, preparing itself to make its most powerful outer move in the eighth chakra. The ninth chakra, on the other hand, expresses the stance of the energy in balance without moving in any direction (sattva-neutral). Since the next chakra is the stabilizer and antithesis of the previous one, the kundalini effort to ascend continues in different incarnations for lifetimes.  

    The letters of our name are the universal antennas we carry on our chests, like a badge of merit or a veteran's medal. Thanks to these antennas, we incorporate the energies of the planets into our own body. Since letters are vibratory instruments that move with sound power, it is possible to acquire an incomplete letter only if the application of the required course takes one or more lifetimes. When Kundalini rises to the fifth chakra, it is possible to consciously astral travel, and when it rises to the sixth chakra, it is possible to experience the true inner face of matter and the truth of invisible dimensions, that is, to open the eyes of the heart (as in the movie Lucy). Our seventh chakra is the wisdom and sainthood chakra, located on the top of our head and depicted as a thousand-petaled lotus flower. When the Kundalini rises up here, minor miracles occur. As expressed in the phrase "his mind is in the air", our eighth chakra is the endless source of power outside the body, in our aura, which determines the limits of our body's magnetic field. Our ninth chakra is located in our astral body, where the desires and emotions of our being are stored, and the dimensions vary according to each person's own spiritual capacity. The tenth chakra, on the other hand, is the chakra that opens to the spatioma, where the abstract patterns of creation are located, in the universe of ideas that form the lower steps of the hereafter, which we call the mental body. Therefore, all beings whose tenth chakra appears numerologically open have the potential to broadcast from the beyond and antennas open to intuitive inspirations.

Rafet Gokhan Ayyuce

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Wish effect

 The wish effect is making use of the subconscious mind and creating with a point, this is done by suggested idea being spoken as though "I wish" is spoken. Think about what you want, then you create with a point that is expressed idea that your subconscious does. This idea can be a self wish. That's done by stating "I wish that I get what I want" or whatever you need. Then speak Granted or Done to make sure its done. Although with any wish there is 60% chance of success unless you listen to a wish mantra or pray, then the chance increase meaning it sometimes occurs. So make a wish and enjoy yourself as you do things, then you can create with a wish to make what you need occur.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

overwhelming; things overwhelming no longer overwhelm me.

I; I am fine no matter what.

resentment; I am no longer feeling resentment. no matter what I feel happy.

jealousy; I no longer feel jealous, no matter what.

chat; people chat on my server, no matter what.

slimm change; This is where you change your figure to slimmer and create an effect using storm energy. this lasts 10 seconds.

implosion; When you draw energy from the area and program it to make the building get smaller, then if you make it small enough it explodes in immediate explosion by doing an implosion effect. this is where the energy is treated like excess and goes into a more compressed form of energy. then, it explodes outwards in a sudden idea of destruction or rapid expansion of energy. 


no matter what; things work for me in the end.

lawyer; I have no situation that requires a lawyer. no matter what.

protection; This is where you are creating with actions to make energy protect you from the bad things by warding them away.

whatever; whatever I do, I don't push people away.

think; the point is done, think and its done by idea or feel.

focus or non focus; I do not eat because of association.


Immortality: if you work hard for months and put your cells and energies at your disposal.  Your whole body can become bulletproof at any time.  30 seconds at first.  then 1 minute and more.  It cannot happen all the time.  You can become this way by consuming your energy only when you want.  Beginning: direct the chi immediately before sticking a pen in your hand.  try constantly.  After a while the pen won't hurt.  because the energy will come instantly to protect you.  it can evolve in this way.  and you can add something on top of it.


em = in

ana = another way

fun = something challenging

exciting; something that seems to work

excitement; something that works at the moment

narnia; delusion that corrects characteristics

Monday, December 5, 2022

Spelly special

 This is the Spelly special to control and make use of the soul to create what is necessary and learn what is possible. Think of the need and the idea, need the idea to happen thinking the soul will create it. Then you gain control of the spirit as you get what you need done with no problem. This a point I will say your spirit is under your control. Think and you know what to do.

Here are some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

ricardo; He or she doesn't get in trouble, no matter what.

Think; the point is done, think about the results and you can create or recreate them.

thought; the thought reveals itself and thinking works out in the end.

complaint; you are doing better than normal.. if you know how then you can describe it.

complaint2; you know things no matter what and settle down by feel.

complainer; she or he that complains no longer complains, no matter what.


think; the bill is not passed if not liked.

Binding objects; You can bind an energy effect to some object, this can make a piece of wood or some object create a result that you bound it to create. Say you bound fire energy into the item, then you can cast fireballs with the energy programming the area energy to form and do it. That is when the object does what you want by the energy you lock into it. You think to the energy of the item what you want and it does it, until the energy you cast forth is spent or dispelled by your will. 

So if you think, then if you need an effect its created in order to make it locked in, hold the item and think of the effect as energy that you then think "locked" to bind or "unlocked" to unbind. Once unbound, the energy is then released and you would have to focus an effect through the item to get it to do it. So that's about it, for bindings and unbindings. Enjoy yourself as you create with this ability. 

paul t; he doesn't shove me away anymore and trusts me with his computers. no matter what.

intense; the feel you don't get by what you do to intensify results if necessary.


effect before; if you imagine the result or think about what you want, you get the result of it occurring before you actually get near or touch the idea in reality.

treasure; treasure hunting with jebus is doing another episode and gets good things from the storage unit sooner than usual. no matter what.

ameterasu: close your eyes.  Think of itachi's eyes.  Now your eyes have that power.  collect the energy in your right eye.  whisper amaterasu and open your eyes.  Imagine that the place you are looking at is overheating.  If you're focused enough, the spot you're looking at will catch fire.

focusing spell; The point you focus on a thought you think to create you make what you desire by feel. This is like the wish ability, except you only get so much in effect with gated in energy creating the effect. The coldness you feel is a giveaway, that you drew in heat energy and created what you wanted. The duration is up to 48 seconds in battle and unlimited until the energy is expended or not wanted outside of battle.

energy effect; Think to get what you want and the idea is done by the power or programming, you put programming to energy with statements that you make out loud. The energy comes from various places, it shifts to places to do things as if by gating itself. So if you said, "I wish to make things work" then energy will be programmed by a wish to make your machines work by feel with its programming. This energy effect is amazing, think of what you want and need to use the energy by programming it. If you do, you can generate almost anything by feel. That is what its about. If you don't need it, say "en" for it means at the end.

Think in; in idea you realize the beauty of this, think of the idea and you know what urges you to do things.


warnock; he gets re-elected by feel no matter what. with warnock, you don't have to vote on warnock in not in georgia.

chest burn; This happens while talking to someone. That is their energy combines with yours and heat flares causing chest burns.

Artemis I; The Artemis I space mission has the right conditions to go launch off the platform and succeed. No matter what.

gyrion; he no longer is thought of as though a God.

genetic disease; his genetic disease is no longer here.


paul t; he gets to me the 80 he owes me either today or tomorrow. he doesn't mind this as he easily is willing to give it. No matter what.

anyone; people don't mind me for what I need or think to do in life.

sam; whatever drug he takes no longer effects him badly. no matter what.


Meditation high; Meditation can also make you high naturally. If you get in a deep enough state. See it has to be real deep, also its a stable state.

theta; Normal human brain is in beta frequency.  Words don't matter much.  alpha frequency happens when we relax.  words have a little more impact.  It is theta when you are about to sleep.  and words take effect immediately.  my theory is this.  if we meditate constantly.  over time we will be in theta all day long.  you are in theta now.  everytime.  That's why you have many psychic powers and desires.

thought; the thought is what occurs, if you think it exists the creator makes it exist. then you know what and where it is existant. you can get the idea of what you want, think of a point to do and you if you don't have it, can retrieve or order it online. this is a point done by feel. what you think about is a point, so think and you know what to do.

thinking; I am thinking all this is nonexistant, since the void is all that's there and it is nothingness. think about it, its only there if we think it is. so what gives? I think its energy that is in the void that creates the idea and we sense it as a point or expressed idea. this is a point in a moment, so think about it and it is appearant. thought creates itself and we have it if we need it. think and it is gone if not needed. I think its due to energy ending the idea as you no longer need the point to exist. this is using an interesting thought point, so if you want an effect it is the idea you notice. if you don't notice it, then it doesn't exist, am I right or is it the subconscious that creates it and lets us know about it?

influence; this is a counterinfluence, that makes what you want if you think to get it or created on the spot is the point done by feel.

interest; the interest raises itself no matter the point. so don't worry over money.


Dreaming; Most dreams are able to get to you what you mean to know. Think about something before you go to sleep and you may dream it. They in idea could contain similarities and dream symbols that create content meaning that you can look up. This is a point of a dream. However, if it feels real, then your dream indicates the present or you make use of idea in the future moment. This is a point in idea.

power dream; there is a 50/50 chance with this technique. if you dream you set the dream by thinking of what you want before you sleep, such as a power dream, then energy creates what you want as you go to sleep. this then leads to a power dream that you start with usage of the energy of the dream by thinking lucid dreaming to create with the power of the dream. you wake up by ending the dream with thinking the dream ends in life. however, if you don't have control over your dreams, you won't get a power dream you'll get a normal dream instead. if you think about dreaming and your near power as electricity, then meditate to sleep. you get a power dream easily. think of the power to wake up as you think "end" and need it to end. This is in the end.

After that the electricity will surge and become normal again. its due to the power dream coming from the electricity feel, that is an idea to use what source you want though. so of course it will surge, unless you use a power source other than electricity. that is done by thinking something is a source before you dream that disappears after te dream is done. this is due to the fact that its energy is used up. so think and its done by feel where the spirit does this naturally. it will choose the best source of power for the dream. this is a boon to us all, if you want to create results using a dream.

story; write a story. think its your own life.  1-2 pages are enough.  How is your day going.  What do you do.  Then write down what or when then you will do it tomorrow.  Finally, write that your soul will give you the power you want in your sleep or later.  // now all you have to do is do what you wrote for tomorrow or think of it and it creates itself.  You will make the story come true by feel.

Creator's point; This is a point where your actions, thoughts, words and activity acts as a source, sometimes that creates what is called a creator's point. The subconscious makes what you want as you suggest it into existence. This is a way to do things with or without a God. It works to create what you desire unless you no longer need it, this is done as though you were a God and the creator was your source of life and energy. So you create and things work out by feel. Think and you know what to do as this is the creator's path in life. The en then is where it ends.

Ungravemind; directed energy takes the form of what you want it formed as and it does what you want..killing the grave mind you cause it to cease existing itself. this uses energy directed at the grave and thinking about what you want  it to do. Think it ends and it will.

Unhesitant alien; This is a small gray alien that visits every night at 1 am.


Think of the moment, it is gone as though it shifted if you don't need it or you bought it and it goes from the store with you.

talk to deceased; think the deceased name and call it three times to a lit candle. then state what you want the deceased to know. you will know the response by realization of the idea.

raise the dead; light a candle, state to candle if God summoning [whatever god you follow],  "Oh God create the deceased  [state name of deceased] as living again and what I need is done." for this to work, you think the god you follow responds, then he will do whatever you need of him. you can bring back memories as well. think or state out loud that God brings your memories back. I brought me mom back with it and she's in another form but visited me. I recognized her then she helped me out and I didn't see her again until later.

lightning strikes; keep your hands parallel to each other.  accumulates energy.  shrink it with your hands.  constantly pressing and pressing.  bring energy to the atomic level.  audibly: when I snap my finger, explode and be free.  scatter in the sky and lightning strikes. you can direct the lightning strikes by thinking the targets are silhuetted or sheathed in a negative energy, that is until they are struck or you no longer need to do that effect. this effect can even form from your body energy using your hand a sideways flowing lightning strike.

for dnd

Starseed class


Luck (Ex); You get lucky and that means you add +7 to your luck. 

Thought form (Ex); You transform into a angellic energy being at level 20 due to the usage of energy. That is immune to death and has no need to eat or drink, unless it chooses to do so. Your stats improve by feel as the angellic physique is stronger and slimmer, Add +5 to all core stats. Add +60% to your health since the angel form is tougher by feel. You also gain the ability to fly and hover. Add Flying and Hovering to your special ability list. Also, you halt your aging, then unage to 20 years old without gaining weight. This is an idea in itself.


Intensify effect; This make results intensified by feel and in use its one time per hour you can intensify the effect you do. This makes a result totalx3 in amount.

Focusing spell; The point you focus on a thought you think to create you make what you desire by feel. This what is like the limited wish ability, as you only get so much in effect with gated in energy creating the effect. The coldness you feel is a giveaway though as you use the energy, that means you drew in heat energy and created what you wanted. The duration is 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimited until the energy is then expended or not wanted outside of battle. It takes 1 action time to recover the heat energy so you can do another effect. 

Note: For a gate. Think of the effect you need and imagine the gateway form from the air. As you hold out your hand or focus your eyes, you create the idea of a gate that uses the creator as though a source. This gate draws in energy to your aura. Thinking as you feel the need. You create with a gate, that closes when you feel its not necessary and thinking it closes.

The damages/healing amounts are as follows:

1d8+half level round down for levels 1-9.

2d8+half level round down for levels 10-19.

3d8+half level round down for levels 20-29.

4d8+half level, round down for levels 30+.

Here are some things you can do with this. 

 sound; this is where you make a sound and create a result, this like clapping and making a wounding effect. That could be an effect by making a washing sound or bath filling with water. So you can be where you wash up, then without actually touching a tub until later you actually use the tub. Basically you can experience things now and do them later.

 arcing; This is where you think of the moment and use it as summoned with gating energy, then think of the energy changing into plasma that is passing from one hand to the other. See it done as it passes through the target. Then it can deal damage. You are immune to this energy of course, so don't worry you won't damage yourself.

 freeze; think of the moment and think freeze to the energy and you create a cold blast that hits them wherever they are as they can freeze in place and become cold with cold damage.

 hold still; think to be somewhere else as your still and your spirit is there exploring or absorbing energy of what is there and you create what you want as you hold still and wait for things to occur.

 fire summons; You think and do things as your body warms up with energy summoned by gating to the aura. You can focus the energy into creating dark spots on a surface. If you keep focusing it will burst into flames.

 water effect; Think of the effect you want the body to do, think of your need as you drink the water and it goes to the aura to create that effect. That means you can cool yourself down or cast the watery energy. This goes at a surface for a smudge or watery area that appears darker.

 spark; Think about energy making a spark that appears as though a flare up of energy and it will. You will notice when and if it does cause spark damage.

 acid splash; This forms acid from summoned energy that goes forth with a gesture. This acid eats away from the target by feel.

 poison; Think the energy forms poison, that effects the target and causes the health to degrade very quickly.

 cone of effect; curl your hand up in a cone shape and blow through the hole formed. This creates what effect of an element by energy you summon, that you want as a conic blast and it effects with a radius of effect. This effects in a 6 feet radius.

 shifting; think of the area and imagine yourself there, then you shift there by feel.

 aware sense; The brain is aware as you think of the moment and your senses make you aware of the moment that reveals what properties or idea exist with the item or area.

 healing; the point you think about, this makes the idea you consider. Think of healing and its done, that is done as though you healed 1/3 the fhp (full health percent) of yourself each time you try this.

 speed; This is where you speed up by a foot per minute.

 blur; This is where you make yourself harder to hit, they recieve a -5 to their to hit rolls.

 transformation self/other; You can think of the form, look at a form or need to be the form you think about. Say "like that shape I want", "like him" or "like her". Then you or some personal target/s transform into that shape. They retain their stats and that's about it except height and weight.

 knowing; Think you know and then suddenly you do know by the consciousness of energy.

 elemental balls; This is where you think the energy of aura sends forth balls, that contain the element you think to use like acid. That ball or balls strike the target. There can be 1d6 maximum balls formed.

 cloning; This is a point where the energy of the aura is sent forth with a soul copy, that is then willed to form a clone of yourself. Thus it forms a few clones of yourself to the area you think to see. They have your stats and energy formed equipment. You can have 1d6 clones per combat or outside of combat at any given time, that last until dead or they are dismissed and they disappear back to the creator. They are gone as energy spheres that dissipate in the air.

 location; They that use this know where things or people are in the area. They also know where places or services are by feel. If it feels right, then it is right unless proven otherwise.

 translation; If you hear or read a language, you instantly know what is said or written by an intelligence spike that allows you to know what you read.

 create food and water; This is where you think of the food or need the water and think you get it formed in the hand in some container. Then it's formed and you can enjoy it. Whether its edible or drinkable is where you think it is.

 cure disease and illness; This is where you focus aura energy into curing the illness or any disease that the body has by feel that disappears by feel.

 weather magic; This is where you use the summoned energy to create weather in the sky, that creates rain or ability to strike enemies down. This means you can direct lightning strikes to hit the ground and enemies alike. That's as you draw lightning to the target area with thought, that it'd strike there and feeling an negative pole of energy imagined to be there. Dispel the negative pole by thinking it dissipates away harmlessly.

 magnetic pulse; You can cause anything or person to be either pulsed away or towards you. This is where you think of a pulse of energy to repulse the target or item to drive it away. Otherwise think it comes nearer, this is to cause a drawing magnetic pulse like a lift. 

 phasing; Think a gate exists that causes what you don't like as though a power source to effect the target if you want by willing it to create what result you want. Otherwise this is where you can make a point or statement and say, "I phase a blow of my weapon to hit the target", then roll attack with +4 to the roll. Think of the area to attempt and hit by an instant blow that you don't have to be near to do. This uses a gate that shifts the blow to the target. That is used as though an idea of what you can do, this is an idea for what you do with the weapon. That goes through the gate to hit the target unerringly. Think and you know what to do.

 create item; You can create any item by this idea, that you find in your hand from the summoned or gated energy making it exist. Think of the idea you want to create like a blaster gun, imagine it there and that your using it. Then if it appears, you can create any result with this idea in use. If you create a blaster gun or any other item, you make a blast or whatever the effect of the item. Unsummon the item, when you are done with it if by thinking it gone and not needing it. Then, it disappears back into becoming energy again.

 turn; This causes by energy you summon with or without an object held as a focusing point, the effect of turning away people, items, creatures or undead and by the power of a God or the creator make them disappear.

 rite; You can create an effect by magical rite, think you know it and you realize what the rite is that's needed. Then, have your soul copy do the rite by feel. This creates what result you intend by feel with materials such as a lit candle and use of words as directive programming that will program the summoned energy to create what result you need.

 gesture; The right gesture or movement of the body can focus the third eye, this creates with the elements and makes what you wish as a need into happening. Think of the element or elements to use, then focus your mind upon the area and say the gesture is a pointed finger. This creates the elemental effects upon the area, that you thought to focus upon and target. This is like creating a dark spot on the wall, focusing uponst it and it bursts into fire after 1 round. This is using a finger to set the mark and then focus to make it burst into flames. You can use any element. Think of the idea and it is done.

 response; Think to get a response as you state the idea out loud and you have a response that you want by feel.

 energy effect; Think to get what you want and the idea is done by the power or programming, you put programming to energy with statements that you make out loud. The energy comes from various places, it shifts to places to do things as if by gating itself. So if you said, "I wish to make things work" then energy will be programmed by a wish to make your machines work by feel with its programming. This energy effect is amazing, think of what you want and need to use the energy by programming it. If you do, you can generate almost anything by feel. That is what its about. If you don't need it, say "en" for it means at the end.

 influence; This is where you cast forth energy from the aura with your thoughts as programming. That means it then is the wave of energy that effects in the area or target to manifest, what you need by feel with its influence.

 reviving; This is where you focus and make idea happen of reviving the life of someone. Right as they are recently deceased and this takes thinking "revive", then sending forth your energy to work with their remaining body energy. That's programmed by thought to revive and to create the combined result of revival and resurrection.

 chest burns; This is when you think about your target, that you send your energy and it combines with theirs. Then heat flares causing chest burns.

Energy trace; Think of the point or idea expressed, then focus on the area as you think "reveal yourself". This is where you sense the trace of the moment, thinking to see the area trace or steps that were taken of the specified person or thing. You can follow the trace of anything with this idea, that's as though the elemental energy revealed what occurred or where the source is by feel.

Trance; Thinking to breath in and out, you can think of an idea and slip into a trance. Think of the idea to create and need it there, then you add in the point to make by feel what you want very easily. Add +4 to focus and concentration ranks and effect rolls. 

Prevention; Think of the idea you intend in life, think and what you don't like doesn't happen. The idea is not done as you think of the effect that blocks the idea not liked. The energy you have in your body creates a counterforce, that makes with focus or conscentration anything not liked to be countered or suppressed by energy and will into not happening unless necessary.

Star force; The force of a star is gated to an area and focusing your thought creates with the energy you summoned. This is an enhancement to Focusing spell. Making the effect you do by gated energy. Think of the effect like creating an unlimited wish of whatever you want with the energy of a star. Sometimes it can get intense, so think to use this carefully. However the duration or how long it lasts is 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of combat.

The damages or healing possible with this:

1d12+focus ranks per every 2 levels round down for levels 1-9.

2d12+focus ranks per every 2 levels round down for levels 10-19.

3d12+focus ranks per every 2 levels round down for levels 20-29.

4d12+focus ranks per every 2 levels round down for levels 30+.

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