Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Creating interest

Thoughts you do are those that create interest. think about what you want to create as you do things and you may create good. so this means you make what you think to do as though important, think and you create magic. this is a point you do and not what you can always feel. spells will follow..

some spells:

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

friends; I still have my friends, no matter what.

moose; he treats me better no matter what as soon as possible.

ukraine deal; the house passes the aid package for ukraine as quickly as possible. no matter what in life.

space-x; they get the launches off and things are deployed. no matter what.

whatever; whatever the case, I am no longer on people's bad sides no matter what.


carnivorous; any carnivorous beast won't eat me or it becomes me.

Thought; I talk will into getting me matter what.

danese; danese needs me so I get to do things for her and get $5 from it.

weight; it minimizes itself.

freeze; whatever froze my accounts, no longer froze my accounts no matter what.

The thought; I am not effected by others feelings and actions no matter what.

Trump; he loses big time and admits his defeat.


Focus; they no longer want to war, they want to get along instead.

thought; think and do, the bedbugs die off no matter what wherever they are in the room.

nato; Putin no longer wants to attack NATO or its countries and states, no matter what as its there.

Andrew mcdowell; he gets a new modem, no matter what and sooner than usual.

Thoughts; the thinking car will not try to come after me no matter what.


Corrected; The air condition corrects itself and actually gives the temperature you desire.

whatever; whatever the case, I don't take things wrong. I can stand what I did no matter what I did.

thought; I think so I am aware.

lafayette; he gains money from his business or website no matter what.

Permafrost; This calls upon night to make a storm of ice that leaves a layer of ice. this effects an area of 50' with bone chilling temperatures. when the storm hits the area, ice pellets hit and cover the area in a layer of permafrost.

boa finances; my finances will work out no matter what and I will always have enough to pay for my bills.


shadiversity; the channel doesn't die no matter what.

andrew mcdowell; he can afford to donate to me no matter what..and I get some money..from him.

payoff; you will be able to pay them off whatever you do.

jamie; she leaves and moves out from the NSO apartments no matter what.

Sheila; she gets moved to a nursing home, no matter what and quickly.


turk spell 1; Think and repeat "I am" as you need a result and if in energy by drinking or eating something, then the body converts the chemical energy into actual energy the pinneal gland uses and by focus you create what you wanted. this appears like a manifest, that creates as you need it and from thin air itself. thinking about creating an object, it appears where you can find or get it. if  you disbelieve it, then you fuel the effect. if you don't need it, then it disappears. it works with luck, too. 

turk spell 2; This is where you say "I won" or "bingo", then the subconscious creates a win using the energy of the body to manifest it.

turk prayer spell 3; Think about what you need, then state "God" and your higher self does it.

turk spell 4; Think to gain in wealth, state out loud or under your breath "wealthiness" and the subconscious creates the effect. If you light a green candle, then think of the group or people saying "wealthiness" you could gain in wealth or bankrupt the targets. That's due to the candles energy and candle flame working together with association to money making the result.

turk spell 5; This is where you think to create an idea to make manifestation. THat's as you repeat lyrics three times, and if you think the effect you need you create it somewhere or someplace. Another version is to hum the song as you think of what you need. The energy of the song goes forth as its directed by your soul and creates the effect as the mind causes the subconscious to create the effect. The effect is a point you state or do things to make what result you desire seem to be there.

turk spell 6; This spell is where you think of what you need and complete an action. The completion makes the moment and the moment ends when you don't need it.

fallout effect; This is where you focus and do things, the energy improves itself and your skill that you practice. Say you aim to hit, then the fallout effect is improving your aim. Say you think to hack better, then your thoughts improve your hacking skill as you study the idea of hacking. This is using an idea in itself. It doesn't effect after 5 to 10 minutes.

right reasoning; your soul causes you to speak what makes the result you have in mind, think or its your need that is created as a form of manifest.

matrix illusion; the illusion is set by the matrix..think of what you want seen in idea and the targets perceive that as reality an react better towards you. this uses the creator to make it exist to them. it ceases to exist, the moment you don't need it to be perceived by them by feel. 

space-x; they no longer keep pushing back the launch time no matter what. they have the launch and its successful, no matter the point.


problems; any situation or problem disappears by feel and doesn't reemerge.

Will and cassandra; I earn or get their respects and they do what I request if I need it. no matter what.

bane; this spell you cast on those that intend to do you harm. then it uses the spirit to create with an idea and the targets get inflicted with it. think the idea and need the targets to be effected by it, and your feel is felt as they get into accidents and self-harm. hear the original thought from the one who sets this to end this effect on you.

effect; your not effected by what you don't want to be effected by in idea or life. the soul keeps you from its effects that you don't want.

Management; this effect allows that I am with k-pods and they are supplied by the manager. no matter what.


town hall; this is a meeting where nothing is said that is bad of me no matter what.


will; he no longer wears the black or rose colored glasses.

focus; think positive and you get positive, no matter the point.

margarie; she seems to not be re-elected no matter what and a democrat takes her place.

target; I am no longer a target no matter what.

targeting; instead the democrats target the republicans. no matter what.

distraction; distract the target from their cruelty or thoughts, and they are not doing what they were thinking to do as they think of something else and do something else instead.


will; he doesn't feel like saying mean things no matter what.

animals; people no longer make animals extinct no matter what.

animals II; they have a knack of surviving no matter what.

pressure; the idea is made, the pressure falls away and I am normal once again.

paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or matter what he acts alright.

paul t; he willingly gives me 80 to cover for his costs no matter what.

for dnd

smart luck; This is where you act smart and increase your luck by feel. You get +5 on all your luck rolls and intelligence based rolls.

thought; the focus is the thing, if you focus on a thought and need it to occur it happens.

rest; I get enough rest and things work by feel.

Matrix illusion; This costs 10% energy. The illusion is set by the matrix..think of what you want seen in idea and the targets perceive that as reality an react better towards you. This uses the creator to make it exist to them. It ceases to exist, the moment you don't need it to be perceived by them by feel. Think to make peace and what's in them doesn't effect you.

defined in ancient language

Bofa = breath of fresh air

thhe = hammer

don't know = die off now

don't I know = die off in hit or kill now

know = kill the moment now

en = at the end, the end of a script

the ancients just knew things psychically, yet they were sometimes wrong.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Attention magic

 This is where you are ignored so when you are, all you really need is to speak and trace a symbol or the ansuz rune thinking to create communication. This will work, if you think to speak as you imagine what you want to say. That's as you think you speak their language. Some magic will come later.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

thought point IV

The point you express is the point that occurs,  if you intend it to happen. That means you create a manifest and make what you need. This is done with a copy of your soul. That's what is guided by your soul. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. So you know what it does.

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells that you like as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time, the effect happens for the energies will surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think.

Moose; he no longer runs his mouth no matter what.

Ashley; she gets her check in today..

Coffee; they don't take too many coffee matter what.

Focus; things will work out if necessary no matter what.

Funky; the funky feel will no longer feel funky no matter what.

Moose; what ever he ordered in the mail is delivered to him no matter what.

Delays; what ever delays the mail or Amazon delivery no longer delays it and I get my packages delivered to me. No matter what time speeds up and delivery is made.

Connected; I get connected to Facebook over at@t networks no matter what as they fix it.

Arrival; the Amazon package delivery delivers as soon as possible to me with out problems and I get the delivery packages no matter what.

Think; the point is moot you will get it when you get it..that is all.

Amazon; they get signal to the driver and I know where he is as quickly as possible.

Fat boy; whenever someone says fat boy to me I lose my weight no matter what.

Things; the things I do help someone no matter what.

Delivery; the delivery I ordered arrives and is here where I am. I get my deliveries no matter what and quickly too.

Repulse; this is where you think about not doing and your not effected by feel.


Think; this is what happens here where you think to be, so think and you avoid being here.

Cooperate; if you cooperate you get better results. Think about it.

Time skipping; this is where you phase out the time and phase back in as the right time is there.

Enright; end right by the feel.

Sam; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. He no longer recalls me standing outside his door no matter what.

Minding; I no longer mind what sam does no matter the point. No matter what I am not a target.

People; they no longer feel like doing things to others no matter what.

People; they don't mind me for what I do or did.

Thought; the thought is old, so old it's ignored no matter what.

Ru; rivenn, this doesn't effect me and I am sane. No matter what.

Ight; this time I don't mind it.

Think; that is all.

Ehn; this is where you think about the end of the idea and deal with it.

Not knowing; what you don't know your spirit knows and you realize what is true.

Maga; they are no longer supportive of or not needing trump no matter what.

Biden; this causes him to be sharp and attentive so he feels better than usual. No matter what.

Think; think and the mail from Lafayette comes early no matter what I get it.

Fat; when I think fat I lessen my weight no matter what 25-80 lbs.

Fat loss; the fat fragmenting breaks up fat and is pissed out by by feel.

Lazy; I no longer am lazy no matter what.


Travis; no matter what I manage to do things with what I get no matter what.

Dentist; they find nothing wrong with my teeth no matter what.

Weight; the point is done I lessen my weight 90 lbs no matter what instantly.

Blockages; no longer am I blocked no matter what.

No hangar; the effect is where no hangar is used. Done in a moments notice.


Ending; this is the ending, you get what you want and they get what they want too.

Problems; any problems cease to exist where they would show themselves no matter what.

Carbon monoxide; carbon monoxide no longer effects me no matter what.

What ever; whatever the reason I can't get more money I now can get some.. no matter what.

Fear; you doing anything, you won't have to fear arrest.


Corey; he comes through for me and gets the nachos ready by 7 or later today. No matter what if possible.

From; the same thing is different elsewhere no matter what happens.

Paul t; he comes back and gets his stuff.. also he pays me my 70 that I am owed. No matter what.

Think; if you think about it I am normally active and thinking right so I make a good decision.

Thought; the same thing is thought in different area that are far away from each other.


Paul t; he makes the tacos as soon as possible, albeit today or tomorrow. I get some of the tacos. No matter what.

Paul t; he pays me the 70 that I am owed when he gets to the bank and comes back. He doesn't mind paying me. No matter what.

Biden; Biden wins despite what is said no matter what and does a good job.


Haiden; she finds her bracelets no matter what and doesn't mind me nor blames me no matter what. 

No matter; No matter what, manage to pass my inspection of my room. They allow my closet as it is and pass me anyway.

Cassandra; she gets easier to pass the inspection with by feel no matter what.

Real; I look real no matter what.

Tanya; Tanya terry pulls in and I exchange the CDs for cash as soon as possible. No matter what I don't mind if she doesn't come.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

Judy; she gets better and no longer feels a headache no matter what.

Feeling; she doesn't mind what I do or did. No matter what I do. That is all.

Thought; the point is expression if you need it it's there.

Glacier; thought it not there is no glacier that will melt if we fix the environment.

White house; their staffing no longer is being abused no matter what.


This; reverse punch

Thought; the windows 10 os works perfectly and quickly on my ssd and I can easily get it to update no matter what.

Whatever; whatever causes my win 10 os to not work no longer causes it to not work right. No matter what.

Racking; I stop racking up klarna purchases no matter what.

Klarna; I can easily afford the klarna payments no matter what.


Meetings; they don't get worse, they get matter what.

Trouble; I don't get in trouble no matter what..and Sheila finds her lost card.

Shape; my shape stabilizes no matter what as though it becomes thinner.

Trouble; there is no trouble, the issue is settled, things work well in the end.

People; they don't mind what I do or matter what they don't go after me.

Caught; no matter what I don't get caught..

Nso; they get less strict no matter what.

Claims; I am not effected by false claims no matter what.

Fat slug; I no longer look like a fat slug instead I look thin no matter what.

Notorious; the notoriety of the moment disappears no matter what.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Thinking points III

Thinking points are the expression you notice exists by the things you state. Like stating "sate" and the body suddenly doesn't feel hungry or "create" and the idea creates itself from thin air. These are examples of the idea, that you state. This means that you create with the creator making your words seem to happen. So think and you know what to do.

Here are some spells..

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

togetherness; this spell lasts for 1 month at the least..what it does is brings people together and they enjoy themselves with chit chat.

improved togetherness; this spell lasts at the least a year and brings people together to work with each other.

macy; she comes today and manages to do our hair and beard cuts no matter what.

whatever; whatever happens, I get the CDs right, no matter what occurs she accepts the CD as it is.

Tanya terry; she doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.


amazon; I get accepted for my request and get a refund.. no matter what.

sanguis; she eats the demon of dysfunction and disorders, no matter what and quickly.

healing light; this is where you think the creator makes a light that heals the allies wherever they are fully. As they absorb the light, they can glow. In fact, they glow bright enough to illuminate the area.

healing flow; this is the flow of energy between you and the area that is focused into healing you.

sanguis; this is the effect of peaceful idea and connotation.



in un = in the idea you undo, you gather it as free energy, so then the point is mute. otherwise it causes a moment that's not forever.

trump; he no longer gets coddled no matter what.

upkeep; I can keep up with and afford easily the keurig pods no matter what.

get; I can get or do what I need, cheaply and easily.

doctor; the psyche doctor sees me today by video visit and the staff at life psychiatric clinic talk to me sooner than usual matter what.


gotten; the money I got is allowed for by feel. I am allowed what I got, no matter what.

candles; I am allowed a candle, no matter what.

jealousies; Nobody gets jealous over what I did or do no matter what.

bad repute; I no longer have a bad reputation, no matter what nobody thinks anything of it.

jamie; she doesn't mind what I do or matter what.


moose; he no longer thinks I stole sheila's matter what.

moose; he trusts me enough to do things for him no matter what.

cassandra; she takes my side, in this issue or matter what.

thoughts; the thought is done, if I can get clear then I am fine.

luck; I am lucky and luck goes my way, no matter what.



af = afraid

ann = announce

odapi = curved sword that's long bladed

odafi = oof or goof

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What happens

 What happens is this, I get an idea and I create with it, possibly writing it down. So it creates for me. This means you can think of what you intend, then the intention creates itself by the spirit as you need it to occur. So I think this is great. If you can create, you can achieve greater things. That makes what you want to happen as you need it.

Some spells later..

Friday, April 5, 2024

Thought magic IV

This is a point you create with a concept and making becomes easier, the more you do it. Think of the idea and you practice it, the more you do it the easier it becomes. This is a point from the past. Some spells follow.

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Andrew Mcdowell; He gets his internet fixed no matter what.

Donald trump; he no longer sends out waves of bad luck no matter what.

Andrew mcdowell; he makes good and quick decisions no matter what the rest of the day.

worse; things get worse before they get better. that's if you decide not to drink. if you drink alcohol, things get worse for you no matter what unless your andrew mcdowell. that should be a lesson to those that drink alcohol.

enforcement; anything enforced that is drinking nonalcoholic beverages is allowable except for pornograpgy or molestation.

paul t; he passes his inspections no matter what.

Appeasement; send a little of your energy to cause the being to do what you want.

energy; jebus holds his yard sale as soon as possible no matter what.


things; things get better no matter what.

lafayette; he doesn't mind what I do, no matter what. he isn't too ambitious, no matter what.

thought; he or she doesn't mind what I do or did.

lafayette; he is appeased no matter what.

thinking; the action you take is the thing you do, it has consequences and yet any good action has no karma or consequences.

lafayette's sister; she can get her stuff today, as she needs to get the CDs. no matter what.


ATM; Think to send your energy into the ATM device, thinking to store the energy as cash. This can store fat energy and other energy that you don't want. No matter the point. You don't want to regain your weight if your overweight, so you probably don't want to withdraw it to yourself. Otherwise, withdraw and send to it by normal operations. Think send it away to someone else, if you do gain some back.

soyuz; the soyuz-ms-25 mission succeeds in matter what.

Joke summons; This spell allows you to summon an item, unless you already have the item. Describe the item you want and will it to exist, thinking to cause and be in your inventory or you can find by feel. Unless you don't need it, then it doesn't exist there and disappears otherwise.

Solar relief; This spell causes the sun to not be making a solar flare, as though the mind makes the sun not active or settle down. This in idea can end any solar flare up.

Phantom cigarette spell; You give the illusion you're smoking a cigarette, except it does nothing and disappears at will or when it makes someone vocal against it leaving them confused.

Phantom feel good; This spell causes you to feel good, no matter what happens and it even alleviates headaches. It fades away as you no longer need to feel it.

Phantom punishment; This spell causes you or a target to feel pain and a perceived beating, until it fades away when unendurable or not wanted by you.

Phantom idea; This is an idea that pops into your head, that you remember until you go to write it down.

for dnd

Custom spell; This spell is costing 10% energy. You can craft any spell you'd want from the energy forming what you'd want. As long as you describe it to the DM/GM, think and its created if the GM/DM allows. 

Iron shot; The effect of causing iron particles shoot forth and puncture the targets.

Magma bolt; This is where you summon by gateway the magma from a volcano in the form of a bolt that shoots forth and impales the targets. The gate closes by itself.

High jump; This causes you to be able to long it focuses energy beneath the feet and then you jump better and longer.

Energy vulnerability; This is a spell that causes the targets to become able to be effected by the elements.

Recharge; This spell costs 10% to cast, think and it makes you fully recharged in energy. The creator recharges you on a thought. Make your energy % list as your full energy amount.

Starshield; This is cast using 15% energy. That is where you summon through a gate the energy of a star to your aura. You direct the energy by will, thinking to create a result. THe protection comes in by you not being touched by energy or physical assaults unless its chaos energy that assaults your senses. See the effect is that those whom attack you receive a backlash. 

This means the solar energy is forming tendrils of itself, that attack the targets who attack. Depending on level, you get different levels of backlash damage as you use different types of stars to do it. This is a felt force, that could overwhelm the targets. So there is a 1d100+luck to determine if they are overwhelmed with heat stroke by a 50 or above rolled. This allows them to be out of the fight for 1d6 rounds.

For levels 1-9: You deal back normal or 1x the damages against your targets. This stage uses an orange sun as the source of energy.

For levels 10-19: You deal back double or 2x the damages against your targets. This stage uses a red giant sun as the source of energy.

For levels 20-29: You deal back triple or 3x the damages against your targets. This stage uses a blue supergiant sun as the source of energy.

For levels 30-: You deal back quadruple or 4x the damages against your targets. This stage uses a huge sun as the source of energy.

time trick; you tricking the mind into believing you were the target and getting away with idea.

Multistrike; This is a strike of a weapon, that hits multiple targets by the weapon essence spiritually hitting them multiple places all at once. That's hitting the targets, as you wave or stab the sword as much as you want to hit them. Then the weapon does damages to allot of people, the essence of the weapon forms spiritual versions of itself and that mimicks itself, this happens as its attacking the targets by feel. The weapon damages are the same wherever it strikes, that's with energy raised by surging the effect. Then, the strike happens and the effect fades away. The effect costs 10% energy.

Substance effect; This is using an effect that allows you to empower your soul, or spirit for those that don't have a soul. Mainly its done by sipping, drinking or eating and the body converts the essence of the substance into energy. That means you re-energized yourself, as you think to create with the energy. Think about the effect, then you create it if you will it to exist. This effect allows you to empower yourself by feel. Add +10% energy per sip. Add an additional +40% energy per drink. Add +10% energy per bite. Add an additional +40% energy per eaten food. This can be any food or drink, think and you don't gain any weight by this effect. This spell lasts until you don't need it. Instead, its like an ozempic effect, where you lose weight instead.

Clown summoning; This is doing a spell that summons a clown version of yourself, but only if you are not currently wearing a clown suit.

Faked realness; this is a spell you use to make illusion real. It causes you to create a real effect by a fake effort. It can be where you act the part, and create a real effect. Otherwise you act as though its real and trick the target into accepting it. 

Cause unrealistic effect; This creates what you need, as it's an idea you discuss. So unrealistically, you make a wanted result. Also, as a side effect, the idea is not taken real, so you aren't blamed for the perceivable idea.

Mental scene; This is where you think of the moment, then it appears as a scene in the mind. It ends when the scene or music ends. This can be a relating moment, where you tell a message to the target in their minds. When it ends, it ceases to exist as though it didn't happen.

put out; this is where you absorb the water splash and spread it throughout the aura, putting the fire out.

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