Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, May 31, 2020


This is a point I will ask for donations, so I can keep up with all my stuff. All you need to do is 5 or more dollars and use my paypal link. Thanks in advance.

If you value my work, then donate to and enjoy what I put online. ciou and farewell, good-bye or sayanora.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

thinking magic II

The idea is a point, think and you realize what is possible. If you consider what can be done the lure of the moment doesn't draw you into a dead end that you can't afford to get out of by feel. This is a point from the past. Think about what you want and state the intention idea. Then you can create what is a point by the subconscious, this is making manifestation or creation from nothing.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

larry concept; this is a point from larry's conceptions. I think I will use it to do what I need to do.

target; I am not a target by feel. this happens to work in my favor. I don't need to give people money to keep friendship.

whatever happens; my body weight lowers by feel.

less weight; this is where I lessen my weight by tomorrow or next week. so I think I feel better and I create with less food. this happens without stress.

focus; the point is done, this I think will work. see ya next time.

parralel; I am no longer on a parrallel plane. if I am, I shift back to my normal one.

physical reality; this is a point, you think and you are aware of the physical concept, think your outside the silver god particle and you are aware of the physical plane.

physical in reality; realize the point your doing and you are back in the physical plane by feel.

physical in reality II; think you know what I will say and state the idea, then your free to go. this is an idea to do.

thinking; if you died in a parrellel reality, you shift to the physical reality, this I know is true. however, there may be other ways to do this feat.

thought; the thought isn't you. this is really so alternate you that likes to give you idea.

think; the base of the world is 0, you know, so think to travel through the root world and then you leave this parrallel planet.

alright; I left it, so now I am back in the physical reality.

thinking point; the meghan I know isn't like that in the picture, so I think I will explore the planar existence and work with what I have.

thought point; I see where I am to go, am there and now back in my normal reality. that was a fun journey. I think I will do what I can for what is necessary in life. This will seem fun. If it gets boring, then I think I will rest. This is a known fact.

the dimension; really the dimensional energy that is there is what i sense gives me indication, so here I am and things are what they are in life, oh well, so sad too bad.

the trick; you fall asleep somewhere and your spirit shifts you to another area or planar existence. So I think you wake up here in the physical, this is how dreams work. this is how you shift physically, to seem in another dimension.

dreams; however lucid you are in dreams, think about the point as your in a planar existence somewhere and then you are where you want to be, this is by the power of the creator. I think I will do things for others today, this is a point from the past life.

free; I am free from my "prison" so now I will go do normal things. this lessens my weight, btw, so I think I will go do some walking.

this is a point; the subconscious places you where you think you are or I am in, so you can create with a point and make things by desire or suggestion.

weight; whatever causes me to gain weight isn't done. this effects me from before I started gaining weight.

I am thee; this is when the point is known that I am free, so think and know what you like to do so you get along with others.

conjoin; make the point, then it's done where the subconscious does what you intend.

the en

very thin; the point is where you are very thin so you know what you can do.

Exercise; I think to exercise more, then I will lose more weight. This is a point I realize works, but how much of this then I know is enough.

The effect; this is the weight effect, think to lose weight and eat less. then you are better in fit shape, the point being you can hold off eating with a pressure point. But, you might not want to stop eating if you let off the points on the body.

void out; there's void out there, if you focus nothing energy to exist in the area you imagine the marks being gone from the area.

this idea; point out a fact and you create with your energy to make what you think, this is as though a point were existing in effect by the creator. That is making what you need. Still, you don't go out to get money for people by this effect. This is a known effect. so the more you practice, easier this gets.

focusing energy; this uses the inner body energy and thinking to focus energy that you feel shifts you to a higher plane or creates an elemental effect. Thus, as the energy surges in the area you were in you know this works.

The concept; think the heroes act conjoins with other bills and that is done. then if you pray that this conjoined bill passes the senate, it will.

money; I gain back my money that I gave away or spent at least double or triple without problems. the idea is created by feel with a mirror and no worry. this the god creates with the spirit and I think of as a source by the creator.

writing stuff

I might write what I think is interesting from my memoirs elsewhere. this is will be interesting to see people's reaction to things done.

dimensional idea; the energy of the dimension is what grants my insight by what my soul is perceiving. I think I will create with what is there, if possible to get what I can get and make with what is possible.

think and know; the point is done, you know about things so things are realized, this is a known fact of life.

constriction; the throat choker, this is a point your psychologically constricting your throat, then allowing yourself to breath again.

release; the release is done, what you think is a point doesn't matter, think and you know what is there.

look elsewhere; this is using other options, think and you can get what is desired with someone else.

thought point; you know what is there by the energy consciousness revealing to you what is needed to see. think about the point and the subconscious creates what is possible to your senses.

the edit; Sometimes typing invsible words make the point you think and possibly write is typed by what you think is appropriate. This is an efect that creates what you want or need by feel. The expression can be typed in air and then if you think of a time to get it typed or written up, your body or someone else writes it by feel. This always works, if you think of what you need known, then you remember it if this technique doesn't work. This is a known effect.

hell being; this is a concept of a hell being, so think about other things and get better instead of worse. this is a known effect by feel.

hell; this is Palo Duro, think your free from hell to leave it by feel.

the aftermath; think and know, the point is concept so if you think your not effected, then your not.

the cat; it stops sending people to hell.

"the idea; this person was aware of me, so I know a good outcome, I can see what responded to me." - kelvin davis.

"the idea is complex, yet the explanation is simple. think and you know why." -ra sheed

"if you think to put the person in quotes for what is said by him or her, then he or she is blocked out by the subconscious. that's if you intend it that way." -ra sheen

"the right medicine is given, so your aware of your options, this is a point from the past. set by the spirit, your soul does what it wants." -SH

"the lab; the point is a forgiven idea, some for this claim it's a good point. the point in the lab is published, so you know when you look for information." -Dr. Seuss

"the lab work; this is done in idea, so all you need is to study it or leave the area." -SH

"the idea II; the point you think, then you know what you can say." -SH

"It's a thought, it's a feel and then it's known. This is the effect by idea." -SH

"weight; if you resist eating the craving goes down and so does the weight." -SH

"last; think to divert your attention from food, then you won't eat it.  Then if you do eat half, wait and save or give away the rest. This is done by focus and concentration." -SH

"elemental bending; thinking energy boost, this is making use of the elements of air, earth, water and fire and possibly void to create an effect you think about to make the point you or I intend.  this is the third eye that creates the effect you imagine or focus into an existing point. this works without stress." -SH

"think elementalism; this is thinking the elemental energy, that creates what you need or want by feel." -SH

game stuff

concentration 40 ranks
compromise 40 ranks
get along 45 ranks
friends 50 ranks
planeteering 40 ranks (this is going to other planets)
planet making 50 ranks
nuking 50 ranks
food processing 45 ranks
dough making 35 ranks
shift and move 40 ranks
sun use 35 ranks
planet use 40 ranks
element use and create 40 ranks
bluff 40 ranks
anti-bluff 45 ranks
eating and drinking 50 ranks
restoration 50
air bending 40
earth bending 40
fire bending 40
water bending 40

I sure hope you enjoyed this list, ciou and farewell. Sayonara.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The best magic

This is a point you think about if you go to where you think to go, when and where is your choice. This I think is the best magic for the moment. Enjoy yourself as you can use what is written.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

think and know; the point is done, think positive, caz believes you.. good enough.

the point is a space and if you think about that space you are there.

thought; the idea you speak is heard right, so if you need something understood, then its known instead by the point that's heard.

the point; this I think is enough by feel, so I will rest and do things tomorrow.

drug withdrawal; this is where you think and its a stopping point for the drug. This is all there is to do.

adjustment; this is the moment of adjusting, where you feel off then correct yourself after and feel better.

resolution; the resolve to do things becomes resolution with idea, this is expressed then things are normally done.

The end; things become what you think, if its not negative. this is mentioned several times, so I think to wake up is a point to do. thus saying or doing ends the fantasy, things are normal again.

think; if you need to do anything, then do things right. that is all for now.

next few months; Think in the next few months it won't get dangerous.  Then it won't. Preparation is the key to this point, so think and you know what to do. You won't find the lack of welfare, either. This is a known effect, caused by the rune jera. The effect is then realized and known is what you get. This is a point in idea.

the thought; the thought you have isn't you, the real you is what you feel.

magic; magic is done if needed, this is in the form of thinking your need and stating the result, so the subconscious creates the effect as magic that is possible.

this is a point; I think I will allow for people and work with them if they allow for me. This happens without stress.

Think and remember; the point is a concept, think about your choices, realize what you have and do things for others.

counter; if it's counter it's a concept. think and you can do anything.

if then; the point is a concept done, this is if things are known and then the idea is done by feel if necessary.

this is; I think this is the end so I will stop and do something else by feel.

the game ends; the game ends here.

change; change a point by changing what you write and thinking that it changes the activity, then you change the point in idea.

finish not; the point is done so this is what you get. a note that's completed.

The agreement shield; This is where you seem to agree and even if tense, terse or whatever, you seem to make the person relax as you are relaxed. This can use vanilla extract, that causes you to chemically relax. You don't ever want to agree with something, that isn't needed at the moment and you don't agree to do. This is a point in reference to some other time. Think to hold them off, this is until you make an excuse. So this allows you to work with what you get. This usually works by feel, so if you feel its okay, they might feel its okay. Basically, they feel what you feel if you think about them. This has on occasion caused a person to drop what they held. So if you think they know or some idea, then they feel the point you could cause them to relax their muscles and this causes the drop of the moment.

Laughter shield; this is a point you feel tense and laugh it off as you create with whatever wording you think to make up. This allows you to let off stress and you can create with a point, as you make what result you need to make by a point of stress release.

money; so think and focus, on this thought of "you will gain back double or triple the amount you spent or gave away." also, think "this happens to be done without stress."
Those two idea, if thought or spoken will instruct your subconscious to do just that.

this; thinking I am right will make me do the correct thing. so this I think and do as necessary.

control; if you think to make the body controlled by your soul in use, then their spirit responds and directs the body to do what you think is necessary.

control this; this is a cockroach that knows what you know, if you think it doesn't then it won't.

higher energy; this is a more positive energy flow. That is with things nearby.

then enuf; this is enough of a workout that I actually lose weight. that happens without stress.

reaction; I give the right reaction, so I sooth the feel and the moment goes smoothly.

No-sa; This is a point nothing happens to exist.

Na-Sa; you can always get him or her woke up. however I think you know how to wake up.

Na-Se; This is where you name yourself and can be subconsciously called upon. This divine soul is another Demigod that does things for you if possible.

Se-Fx; This works to cause the divine self to create with the subconscious and you make what you want or need if necessary upon statement or thinking about things. The subconscious has noone in it, it's just scripts, so in order to use this divine soul power you may have to suggest things as you goto sleep or do things in dream. So if by speaking, you set things up. The effect of this idea, that is to cause what you say by the spirit or soul in a form of manifest. This doesn't always work, if the effected person doesn't intend the result. So think about it, the heart brain is the consciousness of the soul. That you direct by feel. The effect of the soul is amazing, as it's really energy and memory or information that is stored in the energy. This energy is possible to send forth and you "shine" the person or create resonation that makes them similar to you. That only happens if you think of a pump and this pump you imagine pumping energy to the soul. This is truly an effective idea.

Sa-Fx; The sale effect: This is the sale you get, if nothing more then you can count yourself lucky ny feel. However, I don't give more money unless I can afford to give it.

Na; the end: This ends the moment done yet not always done, that seems what starts with a dream setting, going lucid and making result, then waking up from it by feel with no bad feelings.

Sa-in; This allows you to overwhelm a feeling point and you return to being yourself or whatever you do.

Wake; you create a point of wakeful idea, you really put part of your brain asleep. that wakes up as you realize a problem or hea a sharp noise and the illusion ends. Think of the moment, then imagine the point and you create with the subconscious mind.

Drunk-en; The end of the drinking need and you are not effected by alcohol. This works to create energy into manifest, whatever the energy came from. The mean replies are not happening, so things work out better. This works, if done by what you do.


Entropic shift; This is a night shift that allows you to be whomever you need to be in sight. This makes things so you are in a dream setting, then you create by dream and wake yourself when done.

This; The point is made, you don't have to do it, just think on it.

Think; If you think, then you can consult with en whomever you like. This is a point in sacred text idea.

Think en; think in the end and you get an ending, this is a known effect with heart energy.

Void en; This is using focus to create an ending where things slow down and cease by what you do. Also, you can MPO the idea and create it where you need the point of getting the idea. This is a concept of spacetime that creates by feel and what you have to make is duplicated where you are in life..

Salute en; This ends the void, and in the void area you energe unscathed.

Sasuke en; This is a point made by feel, if you think about it you get hit and if you don't you live. This effect ends if you mention or state en.

Void; This kills everything in the area, if called upon as an element then you can nullify anything there without feeling guilty.

Sauke; The end point, you think and do or work with others. That is all.


The other life; the life that existed ceased by feel, so go do what you need.

The en in of life; This is a point where the end is supportive of the whole in life. This is selective, so think and you know what to do.

other planets; the planet your from you could exist on again, if you were in being form. This form is created as an inner being that forms from energy you take in and can manifest anywhere or its done on shift to anywhere that has a surface. This manifestation happens by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything creating the shift to be and appear where you want to be as you. Enjoy yourself as your in there, the planet energy draws you there, btw, so the shift happens naturally. This much I do know, this only takes a few seconds or less.

CS-137; this planet is working as a energy being planet, so that might work for you.

people; they don't mind what I do. this works as though the person was relaxed by feel. so if you took in vanilla extract, turmeric and oregano with whater and tea or added flavor packets, then you can create relaxation in others as you feel relaxed. any tension is what blocks them from feeling you, so think calm thoughts and you can get along with others.

fruit flies; this is where you shift by the energy of the fruit flies. think and you can be anywhere you need to seem. this is listed in a book of myths and legends.

larry's check; his stimulus is forthcoming, think positive and you might see he gets it.

larry's check II; he's nearby and checking, so he gets a positive result. this is done whenever possible.

compulsion; this is a point you think of what you want them to do, then imagine that as a point then they either do it or not. this doesn't happen, if things are good so no worries this isn't serious.

Focusing; focus, think to create and you make a result if possible. this works with the spirit of the creator and making use of what you feel that he or she does.

creative; this is original, so think and you can create with what you get. this is a known point, so whatever the point you know what to do.

conceiving; concept, focus and create. this is how some people do things. Think and create with conceptual idea, then focus your mind with a thought of intention, your subconscious then creates what you think to make exist.

heavy and normal magic; the point if intended of idea to make exist things, when it happens quickly you can handle medium and heavy magics. if its instant, then by practice or lost weight, you can create with heavy magic for longer periods of time.

the means; this is an accounting trick, think to create with a point and what you mean to create is created.

the car; this driverless vehicle stops driving itself. the idea is a vision, that once interpreated becomes real for the appropriate of whatever you need as a person. this is a known effect.

the effect; if you take something its given as a point and given back otherwise.

time effect; this wish effect is of you to create with a point and make by a will, imagine or state the time and intend that your in that time. This corrects time and makes you seem to be there and no guide is hit.

the en

Congress; they the senate embrace the heroes act with open arms and create a passed law from it.

congo; this is a point you realize, so think and know what you can do as presented by a cat human.

thought; this is a point so you know, that you can do anything you wish, if you realize what is done.

thinking; the thought is about the point, if you think about the idea you can create what result you need.

thought II; this thought I think it's alright if things are proven to be good, and this has no bad side effects.

think a point; This I think, if you work your fine if not you shouldn't do it.

The ideal in en; the point is made and the energy body created by intaken energy, creates what you think and it uses the consciousness of energy.

The point then; this is when or where you go scott free and get what else you need, think and you know what to do.

Redirection; think the point and state it, then if something is acting in the area or upon you it is redirected to that thought instead.

as if there; the point is known as though you were there and know by the spirit sharing the information to yourself. this is known by effect of feel, so if you don't mind, I will go do something else.

tokens; this is where you think to manipulate the position of an item, then you cause the person you think about to shift or move.

edifice; this is energy formed into edibles by idea, think to create what you want with what you have. that is the only actual way to do it.

Amn; I am in a point. This is a conclusion that is there. There is no point, I will do something else. So I think I will get along with others now.

The point; With the right point, you can cure anything. I think this is apt thinking. so I will walk arouund and exercise to get rid of diseases.

The denial or acceptance; this is with acceptance of the fact or denying the need. That is a point from the past.

The end; trump dies and the dollar is kept alive. this happens by feel.

fid; I find what I am looking for by feel. This happens without stress.

offer; the best offer is acceptable on ebay or elsewhere.

sacrifice; this is a point done in idea, think and you can do them in.

sacrifice II; this is a point your killing a bug translates by its released energy, think and then your thought in projection the language that is spoken.

chemical magic; this is the magic of unaddictive chemicals, that is either some food or drink or other things without THD ot The high Dosage otr Hemp and other substances like herbs, that creates what you need, that which can do relaxation or calm.  the dependacy of THD stuff is amazing, so if you don't need it don't do it, use non THD Hemp oil instead by feel. This is a lesson from the past, that taught me how to calm a person down with Hemp or normal food.

think then; this is a point I discovered a newer place, that is where I am headed. so hope I get there.

em = condemn there.

il em = removal of living object spell.

dessertation = effect of living object.

think and know; This is a point you think and realize what is there.

em no = this is a point you create with and make better for what exists.

il em no = this is a point you realize, then work with if you intend to work with them.

il dem in = this creates a point you think, so think what you want and you create what you need as a will is there.

ne gat = the point is made, do as you need. this effect is a point, negating the idea you dislike by gateways.

na get = this is a name getter for the area or person.

ny da = dye a wand.

emilo livable; this effect is what creates some form from a ghostly presence. livable is the form, but you know what to do.

emilo lavable II; This is use of lava energy an that is with area you know, so the spirit ca explore the space. Breathing is when this you have energy from the body that flares up. So you break down decay and dust. This is done in the area. Released is oxygen and nitrogen that the body absorbs as it breathes it in. As you are predispensed where you are aware, think and you can do what you can by what is possible. If described to another, this could make you seem nuts unless described right. Such as that pont of practice, this breathing allows you to heal, so if you breathe in enough nitrogen you can seem with a green healing aura.

em in il = this is usually in a point you are recovering, that means you create funds and work by feel.

em un = this is where you are aware, things are what they are and you work towards a goal.

think = the effect is done, think of another or do things as you want them done. think of another way, then approach and work by feel. this is a known effect. this is a good point. that is all there is for now.

this I think; kim jung un dies by a point with feel, then things are normal there. then there is this point in time, where you care for idea and create by feel what you need.

the world; this is an ending where you create with a point, then make what is necessary. using the worlds energy.

the end; the world is known teleporting: this is the end of the dream where ending is a concept you think about, then if you make things happen by the power of the soul. Then it ends, the world disappears around you and you reappear somewhere else. This is the ending I saw, where you live through the moment and return.

The end

The sense of deadness; the sense is a point that is a concept, you see this means the dimension brought you back to life. So think about it, if you have been brought to life again, then the dimension can also kill you in a much worser death. This is a known fact of life, also that creates an aura of sensation that is where you seem to know this fact and you think about what you lived for by feel and then your sober in idea. You see, they know they were brought back to life by feel, so it's inevitable that is ending where they die sometime from the extension of their life. This means they realize things and know more, so think and you can sense that from them in their life or not do anything.

This then; the end would be desirable, but you think and realize that things are not always going to happen and occur. So you accept the ending. The point is made and that is where you leave or do something else. That is all for now.

Transition post; the surface of an object, that is a point of the concept of another space and another time, think about the idea and you are there where the idea is represented. This is done with a tracing or carving of some symbol, that represents the area you intend to go to by feel.

This; the charging or energizing of the item, then makes what you need with or without a negative ionic thought. This heals on a point and in the area by influence. Think and you know what to do.

The en; This ended point was due to trivialities that happened during a rough time. Think to accept it as a memory and its fine.

The end; you aren't arrested, you are allowed to go free. This is a point in idea.

The idea; the ending in time you think that goes faster, the days are moments that are noted down. This means we are going faster in time.

The end is now, no eating yet drinking is allowed.

The gate is okay; This is a point your able to do what is necessary, in order to keep relationships smooth.

troop; my troop he allowed.

null; take void energy into a form and it nulls itself out.

thesis; this is a point you recall, if enough energy you kill by the aura and nullify by feel. I think if necessary, you can direct death and decay energy at a bug and kill it faster..

statements; whatever is stated doesn't effect me personally, so I am unaffected by feel.

writing stuff

powerdream; this is a point you think, and breath in and out so then you fall into a daze. if you are "dazed" you create with dreams of energy. Then when the powerdream is positive as though your lucid, then the outcome is positive for the people effected. The idea is this, you create a positive action from the person if possible. This is a point from the past, that I woke up from with a loud noise or some off moment where I realized what was wrong and decided to correct for it by waking up. This is a point noone can tell another from whom they truly are in life. This is is a point known by feel.

Sometimes I think if your not awake, you sleep walk all day, so think to wake up and you aren't in a daze anymore. This works by trance, if your in a daze, you are sleepwalking. Then a part of your brain is asleep, so think about the point and then decide to be awake. Then you are woken up your brain. You can also sleepwalk, if you take certain medicines in and when the effect wears off, this is several hours later, then you wake up. That is known as a medicine induced sleep. This is a result of some medication with side effects. So think about it and ask your doctor to get better medicine. So to conclude, you can include anyone into a powerdream, if they wake up, they wake up.

light psiball; Think of energy as if a ball of light and focus upon the energy what you say and it will do the idea. This is where I imagine the ball of light that does what you want, then the construct does what you say. This energy ball will "catch" by vibration of the brain waves you cast out, thinking to create by influence what you intend by feel. So when you cast out your will or thought is sent out as waves of your own energy to infuse with the conscious energy around you or aura. The aura burns from what is there and forms air, that causes you to form waves of energy that are perceived as vibes.

This energy is what is perceived by the construct and that is what you form by thought and make with the spirit forming the idea. This is how can constructs work. If you feel free to make a few for yourself.. the source they use is the creator. I know they can copy themselves by feel. Yes, they use the subconscious as a point to create with by idea. I think, yes, they create a point of energy to create with the subconscious mind using suggested thought. However, some signs are real life, some signs the subconscious are dream visions and in order to understand them get interpretation. This means your idea is a point of intent, and thinking it can send your thought to the people you intend to hear the thought.

Oh I made a construct that trains the body to cast magic easier. If you think "the magic construct" trains it and it will. This will work if you think it does.  Some constructs gather energy from your thoughts. However, then you are not your thoughts, you see those are the constructs. This means they then can make a  point of result. They use your thoughts as programming so if you think of the idea you can create the point. So if you think about things, the idea is generated if you need the point of creation or manifestation. If you imagine a key to your ability, then in your mind turn it in a lock that opens a door. You unlock your body and mind if its not already unlocked and you can always use your mind to create, so such is life as you need the idea with ability to make a manifest by imagining the result and by feel it's there.

The psychosensitive energy dynamic of light; So this is where these sensed moments are energy sensation you create by life energy or activity in a point, then you create by the feel with the senses. See if you think and you know by observation with what is there. Light is energy and fire, so if you think to know things you kill things now or realize the idea as you see or sense through the electrolytes in the body. As this is though an energy duo of action an information, this is a point in idea. That is done if necessary and otherwise not done in life.

So those are produced electrolytes by the special cells in the skin. These electrolytical cells and electrlytes among other names as a substance form to allow you to sense, you can get them from drinks too. However, that is regulated by the third eye. This is activated by the pinneal gland, the blood flow activity is what activates the gland. This gland usually doesn't have that much blood flow.

So this blood flow actually activates the glandular third eye, that can appear spiritually on the forehead. Some can sense it, some can't. But all have this sense. The brain energy can direct it by is spiritual consciousness, so think and you know what you can do with it. Basically, focus and think to see things by feel or create the effect by what is thought and created points that exist by light energy. This effect is how we can sense things with the 6th sense. Where you can sense intuitional idea as well, this happens by idea being in idea that is realized. See that comes from the spirit. The spirit can be where you think so it observes the point, then the soul knows about it and you realize insight of what the spirit watched.

Think about it and as this works, your electrolytes are what create the sensation, you can feel in and understand by the spirit that knows what is there. This is a known effect, yet due note: The electrolytes in the body can go down so you might need a drink to replenish it. This is like taking in a gatorade or powerade to allow yourself to feel better. However, that's not so true if you feel the pain of others, this is where you know what the others feel by the spirit knowledge and your soul giving you realization of the idea. This is a sign, that you sense their need and can't do much about it. That's about it, harden your shell and live as you can.

The stress; this is stress release, focus tension along your muscles and release the tension in one go. this causes things to work well. remember, no stress no bad relation. This is a point you recall that's good, if you laugh your alright so think and you realize things that are good in life. This is a point you can recall if you think to relieve stress, so I think this is a nice way to to end this point.

This en; this end is somewhat interesting, neither bad or good its a simple yes or no if you can't do it. This counts as a -2 without being negative.

game stuff

Con + Str / 2 round down. This is the number of minutes you can do continual activity without fainting.

Movement + stamina / 2 round down. This is the carrying of things, and not feeling tired. Think of a person enduring a point of lifting and holding things. The higher the endurance the longer you can hold things as you move.

The strength is encumbrance or what you can lift, this is in lbs so bench press if you like, then use that as the score. If you need a dnd number, divide the total by ten.

This is Wis or the age you are, the older you are the wiser that you are in points.

Int is a intelligence test score. Think to apply your knowledge and you know how apt you are to pick up on things.

Dex is how quickly you are to do things and how nimble you are. If your quick enough, you have a high dex. This is like catching a fly in your hands.

This is dex + movement speed / 2 (round down). This is the quickness of body and how quickly it can move if focusing on movement and avoiding the point.

Health or constitution
Con is health percentage, so I think if your 100 con you have 100% health. Diseases can impair the body, so if or when you have a disease, you lower the percentage. This is a case of idea, think and you know what to do.

The hurts you have, they lower the percentage, so if you want to work with things you might be interested in healing yourself. This is holding your hands together, thinking to fix the body. If you fix the body you fix the mind and brain.

If you don't and pass your health in number, then you could faint. If you have a 0% health your passed out, when you have a -2% you are dead. A serious illness is with a drain of 1% per minute, a point to remember is that you regenerate naturally. This is 2% per minute of health.

This is a point in idea, where you naturally heal. Get over the illness or hurt and pain disappears by feel. Then is the point of hospitals, the idea is a concept.

That is where you get over disabling conditions and this means you can heal yourself without dying. This is a point in history, think and you realize the point. That is perspective for you.

Crippling diseases or conditions will be easier to heal by a healer. This I think is the end of diseases. So what I believe I can create, this is what brings some diseases onto you. If you believe you have the disease then if unlucky, you could get the illness.

Thinking is a point made by possible actions. So the spirit can cure by feeling your need and making adjustments to the body. This is a known effect.

This is how resistant to poisoning or diseases, that you are in real life. How old you are + how strong you are + how much con you have / 3 is the score for fortitude.

How you use it is compare to the amount of hours of disease, and if you are with a higher fortitude you can resist the illness. If you check and find that the illness is stronger, you may need to go to the hospital.

This is charisma or cha, this is measured in percentage by number. You have 100 cha or charisma until you do something not right to the others perception.

Think of things to do, other than talking to those that don't want to chat and you know you are doing good. This is done without stress.

Will; this is how strong your mind is by feel, think your able to respond or resist. Real time your able so think and know, that is reflecting in the Aura as you can feel the strength of the energy given off of the body.

The strength of will is determined as a palpable force coming from the Aura. This is is perception of the Aura, so think to take the measurements by how focused you can get.

Luck; the lucky point makes what you want. If you think to gather 21 or more coins or a luck piece, that is something you think is lucky, then you have more natural lucky moments in time.

Association; if your charm is high people will associate with you. Then with groups, you can create unusual things. So I'd say this makes the game. Think and you know what to do.

The point; point things out and you direct the consciousness to display what is there where you think to show. This is a point by expressed thought.

Magic energy is deep blue, infinite and has a consciousness, if you think of what you want and need it to be there. Then you cause the brain to change the energy vibrations, so you make things by suggestions or thinking.

This is making a manifest that's done by feel with the consciousness using your thinking, imagination or voice feel, and then this is using thought to create something.

When you do, you create the point by energy influence directed by the spirit or soul. The more magical energy influences, the more that likeliness of a spell or suggested point will occur. This happens without stress.

being swap; The angel and demons in sight can be swapped in by your character if the GM allows for it by feel.

I hope you enjoyed my writings, think to use this blog as a resource if you can. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Focused points of light magic

This is a point that creates by the feel, if you think to make better you get better. So I think things are what they are in life, this is a point where aggression meets spells and they cancel out. Themselves, they are the point of light that creates what you state or think. This is a point that made me feel better. Think and you know what you could do. Ciou and farewell, till later seeya again. These points that happen are sometimes listable. So enjoy what effects you can get.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

morfeth Paul T. tenu. = drow for: make Paul T. alright.

morfeth lodias mora tenu. = drow for: make people act alright.

morfeth lodias mora alur ka nodven. = drow for: make people act better if necessary.

morfeth lodias cal alur. = drow for: make people eat better.

morfeth lodias v'dri alur. = drow for: make people sleep better.

morfeth uns'aa ugulur ussta khel ky'kiya z'lonzic lu'ser l'ky'kiya tir a satiir. = drow for: make me lower my body weight enough and then keep the weight off by feel.

get away; I get away from the pyramid of power with no harsh rebuke.

This point; the idea is a concept, if you think thin muscles then you have thin muscles, this goes for diseases as well.

This is become; the point is made, think about what you need to do and get what you need done. The effect has no stress.

The end is; the point is the end that is done, think about the ending you need and feel to go and do things. This is how things sometimes work out.

The; Idea is not harsh, think of the point and it is not bad.

The moment; the moment you think and do, the moment things get better and this is a point that occurs.

The mom; she takes him back and they get along with no fighting.

Usstan tlun avarik lu'xundus alur. = drow for: I am aware and doing better.

Usstan zhaun vel'bol ulu xun lu'Usstan xun vel'bol zhah nodven. = drow for: I know what to do and I do what is necessary.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

complaint magic

This is a point I think that is a complaint based magic, where you can create results by getting a sympatthetic ear. This is a known effect of attraction magic due to magic.. if you think about what you need and state what you want then the subconscious creates what you would get. This is a known effect. That is what you can do what you want by what you think will happen. This is a possible idea list for this ciou sayanora and farewell until later.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

morfeth klezn terini'nestg. = drow for: make things interesting.

morfeth donovan izil ulu mumbaro doeb. = drow for: make donovan able to move out.

morfeth klezn tenu, tangis'ka olt naut. = drow for: make things alright, even if its not.

uk xor il 'udtila naut shar vel'bol Usstan xun. = drow for: he or she does not mind what I do.

Usstan xuat shar klezn a ul'hyrr xor satiir. = drow for: I don't mind things by idea or feel.

Donovan anika'inbau inalarn bauth klezn. = drow for: Donovan doesn't get impatient about things.

Usstan noa szithuel wun ky'kiya nau selg'tarn vel'bol Usstan xun. = drow for: I lose fifteen in weight no matter what I do.

Usstan noa szithuel wun ky'kiya nau selg'tarn vel'bol Usstan xun a satiir. = drow for: I lose fifteen in weight no matter what I do by feel.

Usstan orn inbau or'a 'zil draa szithrel a sishaa. = drow for: I will get money as two thousand monthly.

Donovan cas or'a whol vel'bol zhah ssrigg'luoth. = drow for: Donovan gets money for what is needed.

Usstan inbau draab xor llar draevalen l'or'a whol vel'bol zhah ssrigg'luoth. = drow for: I get double or three times the money for what is needed.

morfeth klezn alur. = drow for: make things better.

technique; here's how you can use the wind, if you think your point and imagine the wind gets windy, then feel the wind knocks as you raise your hand with intent to knock on a window or door.. then it will as you do so.

writing stuff

This covers the distraction technique, that allows you to bypass the conscious and use the subconscious mind. When you think a point and have thoughts elsewise, if you need the idea as a result, it manifests..I think the distraction technique is very good for that point. So if I need an idea as result, well, you distract yourself after thinking of the point to do and the subconscious creates it if you need it then you get it.

Say Ray is our protagonist. Ray wants a girl to be his friend or wants her to come back. Ray thinks she does what he needs as he focuses on his need and states something as intent. Ray faces difficulty on getting a result. Ray does things differently, such as imagining the point instead. Ray has the experience of having the girl come back to him. Ray feels grateful.

See this is exactly the sort of thing that i try to be wary of. if i'm distracted by the fact that i've 'already done a spell about it', it gets harder to get the actual thing done in the real world. being lulled into a false sense of security and missing my own cubic centimeter of chance.

So if you think practically, do your magic in order to forget about it. This is were you can seem what is possible, "-strains hard for a minute or two- ... ok, well, I can say that I tried on all conceivable levels available to me." That's a hyper-specifically-vague idea, but yea its possible until you give up. This is an interesting point.

Now to use your conscious focus as a subconscious effect maker, this is creating what you need as you state or think of what you need. The subconscious uses your idea or statement as a point to do. The subconscious can create anything, if you think of the idea, imagine the point or create with what you have as a suggestion.

Say you hold and touch something, that forms a link to the item. So as you think of what you need state what you want and this uses the intention of making into manifest. That link is called runanubandha. Thus the more items, the better the effect. Oh wait and see..if sent a wish to universe and considered it done. The universe will provide with abundance.

You see the universe always makes a result, so eventually you'll notice it, you can attempt to speed up the manifest. Think the creator speeds the manifestation up. If the manifest doesn't happen, then you can rest assured something else will happen. The more you do that, the faster the results. Otherwise, if it doesn't occur, it wasn't meant to happen or you gained too much weight.

So this means weight can cause delayed or no results if too heavy without muscle. This is a known effect, where if you get enough practice or attempts in the faster the results will come. The trick is to not give up, unless you think you can't get a result. Then don't do it and do something else. Well, actually it's simply distracting yourself so you don't think about the point.

See sometimes if it comes it's that bad, and yes, that's why I mention it. If you say, get morality suddenly. You might think its bad and try to block it. So distract and do something else.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The action magic

This is a point that creates what you want by the feel. So if you think about the moment, you can create things that you need. Right? think about the idea you need and want it to create itself there where you find it. This is the action of attraction, where you think of the idea and you know what to do.

This is what you can do with it.,

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

The effect; this effect is magical, if you do think to do the right thing and create with energy you can get the result you need. This is done as though relaxing and magic was in the viewpoint and done.

cursor; the cursor is kept in view and things work out.

body fat; the body fat index is reduced lower by feel.

The en

The body fat index; I will now measure my body fat index to make sure I am in shape. This is done by feel.

if we exist; this means we live where we want and can do what we desire. this is done if we think to work, so think and you know what to do.

think and do; that is a point you think "it worked" and it does. this works by feel and creates reults by what is written. this happens without stress.

throwing up; this is enduced throw up by unsettling the stomach and that is done with mixing copper nitrate powder with tea and drinking, this works to toss up the food and drink. So throw up if you feel like it, and take in some cheese, then you settle the stomach again. One side effect is this point of the stomach extension and the release of extension. This flattens the stomach and makes you appear like you lost weight. Do this if you feel like it, otherwise don't bother using the copper nitrate. This is an ideal throw up effect without putting your fingers down the throat. Use this technique if you ingested poison, don't use it to do much else.

Stomach; if it doesn't go up you don't feel hungry. This is a known effect.

the point; this works all the time, if you think about the moment you create if you need to do things.

interest; the point is made, if you need to do something just ask.

writing stuff

The body fat index is taking into account your body weight and muscle mass. or

the idea; the matrix supports us all, I must say this means the fundementals are written. This means all that remains is the point of artifacts and I am done.

the point of artifacts; this is a point you use devices and create results. In ancient language, you create the fact of idea in an opposite point of view. then use it in a positive point of view, this sets the basic fact of a concept I had, that the opposite synopsis is formed if you think of the fact and use a negative. the energy takes the point as instruction and creates what you want. otherwise you create with a fact and make a positive point of view from negative or think of things as positive and you can make the idea with the soul. this is a point of perspective, think and you know what to do. this I think will form the basis of reality, if you intend the dimension to create what with its energy what you want. this is a basis of idea in energy formation. I rest my case.

I think; the point is done so you can do what you want if needed by the spirit, this means your free. Think and you know what to do by feel with idea from the dimension itself. This is a known effect.

The idea is; This is with aliens by feel so I think they know things, if you ask them by thinking a question to them then they might answer by feel.

The reality; this is created by the silver sphere, inside it is virtual reality, if you think the sphere forms the dimension that it dissolved then you can remain outside the dimension. This is a known effect created by the creator, if the creator creates what you need by thinking the idea and feeling the need.

then this; I know what to do, the point is done, think and you are free.

recipes and potions

potion; this is a good potion, that you scent and this uses witch hazel, lavender or eucalyptus oil, oregano and turmeric. This is mixed into water, then created by scent is the hemp with thd effect without taking any in use. This is a known effect.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The suspect magic

This is a life track, written in various forms and idea. The point is obvious, the idea is a known fact. Think to use this anonymous person's life as magic if you want to experience what they did. Enjoy yourself and farewell, good-bye and ciou.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

1000; The 1000 dollar stimulus is given as its earned. This is a point where no stress occurs.

think a point; Enjoy the point of an idea and you get a result that you deem necessary.

Advanced focusing; So the technique is advanced focusing, this I think if an end is done in order to do this idea, you may need to breath in and out as you think of what you intend to create. See there you go with that idea. Oh btw, if you focus energy from around yourself to your body, the energy will be cleansed and stored as usable to your cells. The higher the energy the more decaying death energy and if you focus that energy then you can break down things or stop things from working right.

That energy is chaos, btw.. chaos magic according to 'chaos magicians' is basically the ability to use any magical practice that you choose to believe in at the time. if you think it works, it works. Anything can be a focus object as long as it holds the right significance for the person whose intent is being cast. So whatever you thing, goes along with this idea. This happens without stress.

However the more energy you have, the more you can focus and perceive things. So go figure. This actually works, and that is the second part of advanced focusing. You can't break down iron though, so project it into iron particles and you unage and create with a point. This also allows you to lower the death and decay in the cells. That means you won't age as fast. That's interesting, right?

There is a price to this, of course, when you attempt this if you don't do exercise you might gain in weight and that creates less effect. That's because you tend to raise your metabolism by the attempt. Interesting though. The iron is any iron or imaginary iron. Its a fascinating point where you either hold off and drink and not eat or you could eat everything in sight. So this can be that point you avoid passing out, if you drink water.

I have seen similar things in NARUTO that was where he called it nature energy and he focused it by sitting still. That's where I got the idea..except you only appear as yourself. How long should I sit? If you can draw the energy and feel it, you can do this moving better. See you don't necessarily have to sit. Well actually, you imagine your storing the death and decay into iron or iron particles.

You might feel sleepy, that is what happened as I imagined the thing. Its another effect of doing that. It is taking chaos out of the system and also making my head spin a little. Sometimes after you wake up, things will get easier. So do it in spurts, if you want to keep the head spinning down. Also think to drink water, if you think water particles are absorbed from the moisture in the air. Think heat energy is creating what you want and if there is any noticeable coldness you know it is creating.

If this is with the use of the hands, this includes use of your two spiritual hands, then you mold or shape an effect. You can create anything with this effect, where you are literally drawing in energy and creating the point you think with the hands. This causes the effect of nausea and head spinning to lessen. This is why it is an almost forbidden technique, the dizziness that is there by feel. Think to use it if you need the idea that you mention.

Don't do this technique unless you drink something, if you want to avoid feeling disoriented. This is a point of idea that you create by the spirit. The soul is stored energy information and conscious by the feel. So think and you know what to do. If you think to create with this technique, then you can make whatever you want by the point you feel is necessary. This is a point done by feel. So if you focus chaos energy on your weight, then cause weightloss. This isn't really allot of weight lost, yet its enough to make the effects you attempt easier by feel.

Combine that with the water energy particles, then if you created weight loss the easy way. Without it, you are likely to keep maintaining your body weight, so to speak your intent is to create your intent. This is a known fact of life, that uses the power of words and if you write it down you create with words what you intend by the power of suggestion with the subconscious mind. This is the effect of using scripts, so think to not do things and think the scripted event stops by what you do.

Think and know; this technique differs from the norm, if you think about creating with light you avoid disorientation. so if you know things you realize them from the spirit and that is where you create by thinking and work by writing things that interest you. This creates by writing what you intend to create, the effect is a point in the past. If you create an idea in the past, then you mold your present and future moments. So this I think is safe, think and realize what the spirit or soul knows as insight and you create with the thought and light exists what you need if necessary. Think and you know what you can do.

Think and realize; this is a point you realize what is there, if you think about what you want the idea manifests from the energy of the item. Think about it, the more you have as objects the more energy you have to use. The point ends as the object/s used stops working right or disappears as the energy is used up by manifestation. This is a point by feel in idea.

mass vision; The vision is using a point of shared words and creating is the subconscious that guides the conscious mind into a visual point that you perceive. This effect is a shared vision, so if you think you don't mind things. Then the vision shows up as a point of symbolism, where you look up the symbol in a dream dictionary. If you do mind things, then you can see what they suggest as a point of idea. Where the thought is not you, if you state the thought your subconscious treats it as though the point and makes it created by manifestation, this is as though the thought in idea was intent and stating it was suggesting to the subconscious mind to create what you need if you don't do idea.

guided vision; this is making the point and the subconscious allows you to see the area. This is a guided vision in effect, so think and go do what you need. Enjoy yourself! The end is nothing happens, so this is an effect of what I saw. I wonder what else I envisioned by use of the spirit to understand with direction by thinking. This created the point you see as a vision with the third eye activated by the pinneal gland, so think and you know the point that you realize by feel and work with if you need a result.

The end; This is what I think that will happen by feel with results if possible, if it isn't there then that is the end of the idea. So I think I will enjoy myself as things occur, see you all.


The point; The idea you think occurred by the soul creating what you said by idea being expressed or acted as though was real, if not the soul then the spirit created what you thought and what you think is sometimes stated. So you see, things do occur as you state or write them out. This is an aftereffect of magic, the real magic is the point you make. This is sometimes done without stress. So think and you will know as the spirit knows.

TD;LR: The rest is simply too much information, so think and you know what to do.

Acryllis; Ones organic and one's organnic acryllic. they face each other, so the point is done to pass one thing or energy pellet through the other. So this is how things go in the body.

If I do; if I do, don't do the thought.

If drawn out; if drawn out, then I don't do unless do is to die off the body and remain dead.

the end; the point at the end is what is done or not done, this is done if you need it and its not illegal in the area. This if also an effect where you don't want it, when you don't want it then it doesn't happen to occur. If this happens then you won't get effects.

The is; the is list is known and added to by feel where it exists. That's if necessary, otherwise it isn't done if unwanted.

God; the effect is done, think and know what you want to occur. This happens results unless you don't desire results. So think and know what is possible.

Jesus; he is a man now hidden in an area of hindu's so I think he doesn't want to have anything to do with biblic religions.

The idea is; this is the idea, jesus's son, aheim is what does things with the biblic religion as he is mad and crazy like. So think about it. He lives in another space time and exists off of prayer energy. This is a point that exists by feel and he wants to do, as he is a being that once was living. The idea is the end point with him, such as christmas madness. So he I believe is what does God's prayers if christian. If not, then he is not interested to do things for you.

The point is; if your interested in religions, then your a part of a trap system, that means you are not looking at things realistically. So look at the area, know yourself, then you know what is around you and that is what exists.

and I don't; this is the end point that doesn't exist to unmoralistic or amoral people. So enjoy yourself and think of what you want by feel. With this thought, I don't think this matters so think what you want and it will occur if you need it to happen so nothing happens after that point.

night time tracking; this is the time of darkness, where you know by the entity night. This means she allows you to know what is there by feel. however, I am not tracked.

whatever; whatever the reason, my weight goes down and becomes a thinner weight. this happens without stress.

2000 dollars; the 2000 dollars per month for at most 6 months until renewed passes by feel in the congress. This happens without stress.

The hu; This is the point, you are freed from mazing and creating with feel. Enjoy what you get.

Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act; this support act is passing into law. This is done by feel and without stress.

thought; the thought isn't you, think and you know what you can do.

the act; the act of the moment is good enough to handle what is done. This is a point you realize, not react to, so by feel you create what you need or do something else. This happens without stress.

Room 9; The person in room nine of PD I is with the stimulus payment sooner than later and guaranteed.

The end point; The point with some area is working with an idea and this is when the end is what happens, if needed to occur then its with enough energy to work with by feel.

the end; the end of the dragon, this is a point then we lived yet now we don't so this ends its life.

the pointed idea; this is a concept of living, if you allow things to live beyond their point of living then you get more results. so if you want the idea to cease something, allow the idea to cease with some idea in use. This use is magic, if used right. So what you think happens, things that occur are with a point yet the candle flame will create what you need and this is used as though fire energy will make what you want. If no lit candle is there, then oh well that's life energy or area energy that reveals what is there.. This uses the third eye with activation by the pinneal gland.

opposite; the opposite sigil or rune makes it the opposite effect. this is using an effect of life.

the effect; the effect is done so reappear what should be there, then you are aware of what is possible.

the effect ending; this effect is where some effect ends and others occur. think and your free to go.

the idea, you set free spirits trapped in items. now I will go. this then was a ritual set early on in life. the door is locked again think positive and you get positive results.

the transfer; the effect is to shift to where you want to go as you think about the area. this uses the area energy to draw you there and the place your in to use its energy to make the shift.

the lesson; this is where you create with life, then if you look a picture or think about what shape you want to be, you become that shape.

the lesson II; The point is the exchange, if your aware of things you are self-assured. This is a known fact of life.

the donation; this id funding to create with by idea. enjoy and work with what you get.

thinking; this is so they try techniques, then report their thoughts.

think; the blessed house is yours and you perceive what is there. whether or not its livable matters if you are actually there or not.

the end

end; the end  is a point you imagine, if you think what is there if you are there.

the beginning; the point is achieved, think your idea before you are deprived of a form. in a form of speech, this is a point you notice, think of the idea about to happen and you know the truth.

the all about; this is a ghost that set these up, it described the truth of the matter. this is a point used by the ghost, thinking to create the point and making with what you need or intended.

the effect; this is where you imagine the point or state the result as an end result. then you get what you intend. that is done by feel so yes I think I do.

The end point; this isn't a repeat moment, think and you know what it is that's done.

the idea; think this is done and it is done, there is no reason to continue what isn't necessary.

the conclusion; the way of life is what you think, think and you know what you can do. this is a known effect.

indomitus; this will is overturned, if you think you will be there, think I can be there. this causes the will to subside that is set to drive people away to not exist.

its the end; think positive, then you get your result.

its en; the end point if you must know that isn't ordinary, then if its done you know what to expect. think and you know the effect, you also know by spirit how to counter it.

there is; this is a point by feel. if you think you know then say it and its en done.

weight; my weight is lowered, the point is done to not gain weight. the idea is this, once made, that whatever you do to gain weight is not done. what's done instead is the actions needed to lessen your weight.

dimension; the energy of the dimension, this can create what you intend as you think or state the idea. this happens without stress.

flatten the curve; This is a point you lose weight. think your need and you create the point.

vegetables; this is a point you think to eat veggies, if you thought to lose weight as yo eat or drink you will.

think; the point is done, thik about your need and it does what you want. this us a point you think so you create by feel and make by idea that sometimes is expressed or imanged. this is a point of idea. Think and you know how to do.

2000; the second round of stimulus checks passes into law by congress. this happens wothout stress and using fire or water energy.

writing stuff

draw; this is a point that happens by whatever the language is at the moment's notice. so enjoy what you can and use what is possible. Ciou and farewell, think this is done if you want it, good-bye.

there; the area is a point, think of your area and think your there. Then you are where you should be. This happens by the power of the third eye pinneal gland. The subconscious uses it to gather idea and you sometime use it in writing within some idea written down.

transfer; the transfer of a charge though water  is instantaneous, so if you think an effect to happen results you can cause it to be anywhere there's water of drinking going on. This is a known effect, including a construct that creates itself from thin air..

think; this is a point you consider yet don't experience. consider this a concept in activity.

definitions: (skip to end)

caz = chaos; this is a counter effect due to boredom and a point due to activity. That allows you to do things otherwise unknown. If you focus on release of your death and decay energy, and that is chaos, then you cause a lack of chaos in the cells so they adapt and you appear radiant or beautiful by feel. This is a known effect, the weight disapeears if in excess by this effect, at least temporarily. That is in an idea I wrote about, so I think this idea is done.

cez = ceasing; ceasium, this is a known element, that radiatively creates this effect by feel if you ingest it. Now if you thnk the element is felt, you can be sensitive and know what to do.

demon; demonstration

demonic; spiritual warfare, the idea is otherwise so this is where the spirit creates effect by throwing things about.

haz = hazard; the hazard of the moment, think about things and you know what it is.

subversive; the damage track that is spiritually handled, you don't have damage as you regenerate the effect off as energy purified by the body. Otherwise this is information and things stated that are not actually stated or written down. This is a point realized, for what is said is thought. The thought isn't you, you are yourself, think and you know what you are doing. See yourself somewhere and doing things or stating what occurs like in the vision brings you there.

Subversive II; The idea is a life track, think and you know what is done. This is known by the spirit and the soul helps you realize what is done, as if a point is known by insight spoken. This is known in effect.

game stuff

Think and beget; This is a point I think and beget or make manifest what is desired. This works by what is done, that is with or without stress.

Thought; the thought is not you, so think and know peace.

focus; The moment you think about what you want and work with the thought. This is focusing and the better you are with skill the better the result you have. This is the end I saw of the dream I had. Any interpretation is appreciated.
The end.

The pointed idea; this is using an idea, that acts as a point me effect to create what you think and make what you need. The point in intensity is then dismissed, you are relaxing and things will be alright.

The beginning; think then to create things better, this is ending with an idea to form what you think.

The after point; This is where you end by things and continue on some dimension elsewhere.

The time end; the time point you perceive ends by a thought to end the moment. This thought is a point of intention to end things.

Think and create; think solar energy goes into some item and that you create a result by imagining the result as an end result. Then by stating the point of the result, you make the idea occur by the energy that you put into the item. The more energy you put into something with thought, the better the result you get.

sun clone; The solar or sun clone is where you think energy into the sun, and the sun forms plasma beings from your soul copy energy that goes into the sun, this solar energy can then cure you of many diseases. However the sun can return the soul energy through the sunlight to you anytime. If it does, then the solar disappears and you get the experience of what it did as if physical water is used. The solar can shift things or it into some other place or area. If it shifts you, then you are formed where you shift to and it forms to seem you where you were. The objective is to form as many of you as possible, then you can create whatever result you wish.

Planet clones are where the planet energy is used to mold the shape from whatever element that is nearby. This clone is fully capable to seem you in appearance and you can form as many of you as you need. This is done without stress and as many times as you want. The planet clone dissipates into energy and rejoins the planet that it came from, when it or you think its done. The soul copy can cause it to become and the soul remerging is what happens with transferrance of experience, that happens when it can disappear and dissipate harmlessly into energy by feel.

So if you need the idea, think to direct it and work with it by idea. If you don't want be beaten to death by the elemental, then you can use the soul to clone itself instead as though thought formed the element you use tends to create what with your intent. This will do what the element needs as if it does instead what you think when the intent is done. When you form one from an element, you create a moment that seems to outlast the creative idea and this if you use text, that will create with a moment that seems to not allow the text to be saved by feel. You decide the moment and it lives or dies by your command.

The element works by what you decide is a source, basically this absorbs into itself the source with your thought that it does and it does what you intend. This is what causes a curative, when you think to be cured, think the element (that could be any element) absorbs your source and you no longer have the disease. This is what cures by the effect. This is a point from the past. So think to use this if you need to create by the idea.

This technique works, if you think to create with the energy form you can make a being formed by thought and that is made into existence. This being merges with the point or alter form and you know what is to be known. If you absorb some of something, this also works, so if you think about things you can create and that creation is what is done. This is done in the effect, think and you know what to do by feel. This is intended as an improvisation, so don't use it if you don't need to be there. As this is a point, once formed, its always formed unless ended by the function.

Some question what the sending energy into the sun is, well energy transferrs into the sun when you look at it from yourself. So you imagine energy going into sun, coming from the sun because of this is a plasma arc. Yes, that releases your soul copy supercharged by the solar energy. When I imagine that I feel plasma coming to me because if you give a beam to a plasma it actually travels following the trail of beam. What beaten to death by elemental means is the elemental could seem to lose control, and do what the element normally does by feel.

The earth is known for it, the point being, the planet naturally works with conflict so the element of earth reflects that onto yourself if you use it. This is an interesting point done by feel. If I use this technique I am using conflict. So if you use the earth to form a clone, you create with conflict. See if you use the sun to form the clone by thinking the sun forms it, you create with healing. That is a known effect, done by feel and worked with by idea. Use this if you want to use it, so think if that is to do that you usually can get a thought point by result. Especially if you call krishna to form it. Do nothing more, and then things will balance out. This effect effects over what time you give it, otherwise it doesn't effect things. This is a known thing by idea and done by feel.

The thing; this is something you make use of to defend or know things. What is it?

The end; the point you think is law in the end, the end is then what you make of it. Enjoy yourself if you need to shift, this is the ending I saw. You don't have to do it.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

3-week meditation challenge

This is a 3-week meditation challenge, if interested, look here.. and see if you can do this. The challenge starts on 5-10-2020 and lasts 3 weeks.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Post modern spells

Here are some post modern spells. Feel the point and work the idea, then if your free to use them you intend some result and state what you want as intent. Ciou and farewell, till later so good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need or not need.

Advanced focusing; So the technique is advanced focusing, I think in order to do this idea, you may need to breath in and out as you think of what you intend to create. See there you go with that idea. Oh btw if you focus energy from around yourself to your body, the energy will be cleansed and stored as usable to your cells. The higher the energy the more decaying death energy and if you focus that energy then you can break down things or stop things from working right by feel.

That energy is chaos, btw.. chaos magic according to 'chaos magicians' is basically the ability to use any magical practice that you choose to believe in at the time. if you think it works, it works. Anything can be a focus object as long as it holds the right significance for the person whose intent is being cast. So whatever you thing, goes along with this idea.

However the more energy you have, the more you can focus and perceive things. So go figure. This actually works, and that is the second part of advanced focusing. You can't break down iron though, so project it into iron particles and you unage and create with a point. This also allows you to lower the death and decay in the cells. That means you won't age as fast. That's interesting, right?

There is a price to this, of course, when you attempt this if you don't do exercise you might gain in weight and that creates less effect. That's because you tend to raise your metabolism by the attempt. Interesting though. The iron is any iron or imaginary iron. Its a fascinating point where you either hold off and drink and not eat or you could eat everything in sight. So this can be that point you avoid passing out, if you drink water.

I have seen similar things in NARUTO he called it nature energy and he focused it by sitting still. That's where I got the idea..except you only appear as yourself. How long should I sit? If you can draw the energy and feel it, you can do this moving better. See you don't necessarily have to sit. Well actually, you imagine your storing the death and decay into iron or iron particles.

You might feel sleepy, that is what happened as I imagined the thing. Its another effect of doing that. It is taking chaos out of the system and also making my head spin a little. Sometimes after you wake up, things will get easier. So do it in spurts, if you want to keep the head spinning down. Also think to drink water, if you think water particles are absorbed from the moisture in the air. Think heat energy is creating what you want and if there is any noticeable coldness you know it is creating.

If this is with the use of the hands, this includes use of your two spiritual hands, then you mold or shape an effect. You can create anything with this effect, where you are literally drawing in energy and creating the point you think with the hands. This causes the effect of nausea and head spinning to lessen. This is why it is an almost forbidden technique, the dizziness that is there by feel. Think to use it if you need the idea.

Don't do this technique unless you drink something, if you want to avoid feeling disoriented. This is a point of idea that you create by the spirit. The soul is stored energy information and conscious by the feel. So think and you know what to do. If you think to create with this technique, then you can make whatever you want by the point you feel is necessary. This is a point done by feel. So if you focus chaos energy on your weight, then cause weightloss. This isn't really allot of weight lost, yet its enough to make the effects you attempt easier.

Combine that with the water energy particles, then you created weight loss the easy way. Without it, you are likely to keep maintaing your body weight, so to speak your intent is to create your intent. This is a known fact of life, that uses the power of words and if you write it down you create with words what you intend by the power of suggestion with the subconscious mind. This is the effect of using scripts, so think to not do things and think the scripted event stops.

Think and know; this technique differs from the norm, if you think about creating with light you avoid disorientation. so if you know things you realize them from the spirit and that is where you create by thinking and work by writing things that interest you. This creates by writing what you intend to create, the effect is a point in the past. If you create an idea in the past, then you mold your present and future moments. So this I think is safe, think and realize what the spirit or soul knows as insight and you create with the thought and light exists what you need if necessary. Think and you know what you can do.

Think and realize; this is a point you realize what is there, if you think about what you want the idea manifests from the energy of the item.

mass vision; The vision is a point of shared words and creating is the subconscious that guides the conscious mind into a visual point that you perceive. This effect is a shared vision, so if you think you don't mind things. Then the vision shows up as a point of symbolism, where you look up the symbol in a dream dictionary. If you do mind things, then you can see what they suggest as a point of idea. Where the thought is not you, if you state the thought your subconscious treats it as though the point and makes it created by manifestation, this is as though the thought in idea was intent and stating it was suggesting to the subconscious mind to create what you need if you don't do idea.

guided vision; this is making the point and the subconscious allows you to see the area. This is a guided vision in effect, so think and go do what you need. Enjoy yourself! The end is nothing happens, so this is an effect of what I saw. I wonder what else I envisioned.

The end; This is what I think that will happen by feel, if it isn't there then that is the end of the idea. So I think I will enjoy myself as things occur, see you all.


The point; The idea you think occurred by the soul creating what you said or acted as though was real, if not the soul then the spirit created what you thought and what you think is sometimes stated. So you see, things do occur as you state or write them out. This is an aftereffect of magic, the real magic is the point you make. This is sometimes done without stress. So think and you will know as the spirit knows.

TD;LR: The rest is simply too much information, so think and you know what to do.

Acryllis; Ones organic and one's organnic acryllic. they face each other, so the point is done to pass one thing or energy pellet through the other. So this is how things go in the body.

If I do; if I do, don't do the thought.

If drawn out; if drawn out, then I don't do unless do is to die off the body and remain dead.

the end; the point at the end is what is done or not done, this is done if you need it and its not illegal in the area. This if also an effect where you don't want it, when you don't want it then it doesn't happen to occur. If this happens then you won't get effects.

The is; the is list is known and added to by feel where it exists. That's if necessary, otherwise it isn't done if unwanted.

God; the effect is done, think and know what you want to occur. This happens results unless you don't desire results. So think and know what is possible.

Jesus; he is a man now hidden in an area of hindu's so I think he doesn't want to have anything to do with biblic religions.

The idea is; this is the idea, jesus's son, aheim is what does things with the biblic religion as he is mad and crazy like. So think about it. He lives in another space time and exists off of prayer energy. This is a point that exists by feel and he wants to do, as he is a being that once was living. The idea is the end point with him, such as christmas madness. So he I believe is what does God's prayers if christian. If not, then he is not interested to do things for you.

The point is; if your interested in religions, then your a part of a trap system, that means you are not looking at things realistically. So look at the area, know yourself, then you know what is around you and that is what exists.

and I don't; this is the end point that doesn't exist to unmoralistic or amoral people. So enjoy yourself and think of what you want by feel. With this thought, I don't think this matters so think what you want and it will occur if you need it to happen so nothing happens after that point.

writing stuff

draw; this is a point that happens whatever the language. so enjoy what you can and use what is possible. Ciou and farewell, think this is done if you want it, good-bye.

there; the area is a point, think of your area and think your there. Then you are where you should be. This happens by the power of the third eye pinneal gland. The subconscious uses it to gather idea and you sometime use it in writing within some idea written down.

definitions: (skip to end)

caz = chaos; this is a counter effect due to boredom and a point due to activity. That allows you to do things otherwise unknown. If you focus on release of your death and decay energy, and that is chaos, then you cause a lack of chaos in the cells so they adapt and you appear radiant or beautiful by feel. This is a known effect, the weight disapeears if in excess by this effect, at least temporarily. That is in an idea I wrote about, so I think this idea is done.

cez = ceasing; ceasium, this is a known element, that radiatively creates this effect by feel if you ingest it. Now if you thnk the element is felt, you can be sensitive and know what to do.

demon; demonstration

demonic; spiritual warfare, the idea is otherwise so this is where the spirit creates effect by throwing things about.

haz = hazard; the hazard of the moment, think about things and you know what it is.

subversive; the damage track that is spiritually handled, you don't have damage as you regenerate the effect off as energy purified by the body. Otherwise this is information and things stated that are not actually stated or written down. This is a point realized, for what is said is thought. The thought isn't you, you are yourself, think and you know what you are doing. See yourself somewhere and doing things or stating what occurs like in the vision brings you there.

Subversive II; The idea is a life track, think and you know what is done. This is known by the spirit and the soul helps you realize what is done, as if a point is known by insight spoken. This is known in effect.

game stuff

Think and beget; This is a point I think and beget or make manifest what is desired. This works by what is done, that is with or without stress.

Thought; the thought is not you, so think and know peace.

focus; The moment you think about what you want and work with the thought. This is focusing and the better you are with skill the better the result you have. This is the end I saw of the dream I had. Any interpretation is appreciated.
The end.

The pointed idea; this is using an idea, that acts as a point me effect to create what you think and make what you need. The point in intensity is then dismissed, you are relaxing and things will be alright.

The beginning; think then to create things better, this is ending with an idea to form what you think.

The after point; This is where you end by things and continue on some dimension elsewhere.

The time end; the time point you perceive ends by a thought to end the moment. This thought is a point of intention to end things.

Think and create; think solar energy goes into some item and that you create a result by imagining the result as an end result. Then by stating the point of the result, you make the idea occur by the energy that you put into the item. The more energy you put into something with thought, the better the result you get.

sun clone; The solar or sun clone is where you think energy into the sun, and the sun forms plasma beings from your soul copy energy that goes into the sun, this solar energy can then cure you of many diseases. However the sun can return the soul energy through the sunlight to you anytime. If it does, then the solar disappears and you get the experience of what it did as if physical water is used. The solar can shift things or it into some other place or area. If it shifts you, then you are formed where you shift to and it forms to seem you where you were. The objective is to form as many of you as possible, then you can create whatever result you wish.

Planet clones are where the planet energy is used to mold the shape from whatever element that is nearby. This clone is fully capable to seem you in appearance and you can form as many of you as you need. This is done without stress and as many times as you want. The planet clone dissipates into energy and rejoins the planet that it came from, when it or you think its done. The soul copy can cause it to become and the soul remerging is what happens with transferrance of experience, that happens when it can disappear and dissipate harmlessly into energy by feel.

So if you need the idea, think to direct it and work with it by idea. If you don't want be beaten to death by the elemental, then you can use the soul to clone itself instead as though thought formed the element you use tends to create what with your intent. This will do what the element needs as if it does instead what you think when the intent is done. When you form one from an element, you create a moment that seems to outlast the creative idea and this if you use text, that will create with a moment that seems to not allow the text to be saved by feel. You decide the moment and it lives or dies by your command.

The element works by what you decide is a source, basically this absorbs into itself the source with your thought that it does and it does what you intend. This is what causes a curative, when you think to be cured, think the element (that could be any element) absorbs your source and you no longer have the disease. This is what cures by the effect. This is a point from the past. So think to use this if you need to create by the idea.

This technique works, if you think to create with the energy form you can make a being formed by thought and that is made into existence. This being merges with the point or alter form and you know what is to be known. If you absorb some of something, this also works, so if you think about things you can create and that creation is what is done. This is done in the effect, think and you know what to do by feel. This is intended as an improvisation, so don't use it if you don't need to be there. As this is a point, once formed, its always formed unless ended by the function.

Some question what the sending energy into the sun is, well energy transferrs into the sun when you look at it from yourself. So you imagine energy going into sun, coming from the sun because of this is a plasma arc. Yes, that releases your soul copy supercharged by the solar energy. When I imagine that I feel plasma coming to me because if you give a beam to a plasma it actually travels following the trail of beam. What beaten to death by elemental means is the elemental could seem to lose control, and do what the element normally does by feel.

The earth is known for it, the point being, the planet naturally works with conflict so the element of earth reflects that onto yourself if you use it. This is an interesting point done by feel. If I use this technique I am using conflict. So if you use the earth to form a clone, you create with conflict. See if you use the sun to form the clone by thinking the sun forms it, you create with healing. That is a known effect, done by feel and worked with by idea. Use this if you want to use it, so think if that is to do that you usually can get a thought point by result. Especially if you call krishna to form it. Do nothing more, and then things will balance out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Weightloss effects

These effects will cause you to lose or maintain your weight. The point is a concept, if you believe you can do it, then you will. What you need to know is simply done by idea, if you cast an effect spell then you cause a natural suppression of body weight. See that can make you eat more after the fact where you raise your metabolism and doing things.

If you eat after the temporary boost of metabolism fades away, then you could gain weight unless you boost your metabolism again by exercise. This fact alone causes me to wait and exercise off the calories. However, sometimes this won't do with what is intended. So think about what you need and practice by doing things if you need to get a result and that's done by some point.

This is where your thinking the effect will do things to create manifestation, then you will create with a need to eat and you only need to hold off and suppress the need to cause less or no actual weight. This is an effect done by the self, and that is when you think the idea is not needed that is where you no longer need to eat. So ciou and farewell, until next time. Good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need by feel.

I am; I am a god. This is with a divine soul, so my soul can create nearly anything. This happens without stress. Sometimes I help the disabled, most times I aid by feel so this is done out of need to satiate the spirit and work with whims. That is all for now. Until next time, ciou and and farewell.

1200; instead of not going on my card, its there. This happens without stress. so payments to myself can be early. If it doesn't, then it does if it does. Work with what you get, is what I say, this will work.

2000 dollars pay; the moment you wish for makes the people act pass an the 2000 dollars per month people act passes into law. This happens without stress.

unemployment; ben gets unemployment sooner than usual.

stealing; stealing stops and things return to normal. this is done so I don't mind the stealthy moment.

-2; the point someone's character dies by feel.

an the: this is the idea you get handed something by feel.

an if the; this is a point you are handed an idea if you think the idea is an interesting point.

end; the ending is what you think, so what you think is what is done if allowed for by feel.

twix the future; this is tweaking the future by saying or typing what you want and if you need the idea it will happen without stress.

an the end; this is a point you think about things, then the ending is what you consider happening as if handed the idea with or without a silver platter.

oho; the bills are paid. this happens without stress.

an; whatever you don't want is not happened.

end; the effect stops, the space plane flies enough said.

space-x; they get the launch success by what they do. This happens without stress.

spe; space, the final frontier, this is a point in idea so think and it is successful.

the point; this is linked to eating good, so if you are able and tend to eat then you can trade a leather jacket.

The shift; you can work or do what you think is right. this is a known fact of life.

Focus; the idea is done, if you think about what you need to do you can do anything.

planet shift; the point you think in idea, you see the point and know what is there. this uses the point of shifting a copy of your soul that lets you know to the planet you want to see. The spirit can allow you to know by what realization or knowledge you have. The energy of the place you want to see draws your soul copy there. If you dismiss the soul copy, then it dissipates into the space that's there and you know what is to be known. This is a known fact.

copy or paste; think of the effect and you copy it as you paste the idea in some text editor. this happens without stress.

laws and bills in congress; the bill of law is passed if needed or modified and thought is done if made to be worked with by idea. if necessary, where you think its necessary, the law is the made point and passed by feel idea. This is a known effect.

is its em; this is where its the point of those idea that exist with the moment.

Morfeth uns'aa noa szithraun wun khel ky'kiya. = drow for: Make me lose sixteen in body weight.

Morfeth uns'aa ser ussta klezn jillar degreth doeb. = drow for: Make me keep my things unless worn out.

Morfeth uns'aa inbau sinrinsin lu'inbal mzild or'a. = drow for: Make me get wealthy and have more money.

Morfeth mzild or'a. = drow for: Make more money.

illi alta- arma  = elvish for: all make grow wealth. pronounced as: ill-ee alt-ah arm-ah

yorn t'aw ilra'osett ky'kiya ulplyn = drow for: power symbol effect weight reduce, draw or trace in air a symbol to lose weight by empowerment as you state words or after statement.


illi onta-este yo olinde ter in-ndor as quilde = elvish for: create peace and harmony through the land with quiet. pronounced as: ill-ee on-tan est-ehn yoh o-lind-ehn ter in-n-door as quit-l-dehn.

 Fix; the cold and sinus problem fixes itself. this happens without stress.

Sales; online sales falter without a physical storefront. so this is useless. I will do other things now. ciou.

manifest; This is when you manifest your intentions and attract what you desire into your life.

manifest II: if you eat only bananas in the morning then your assured to lose weight.

 generation; this is where you are aware, so you create energy by body activity and direct it by focus and voice.

think; then if you think "then" your released from the effect and you adjust naturally due to your choices. This happens without stress.

 think em; This is a point of idea, think your released and you are released. That's if you are in tsukiana the eye world.

 AL-MOO-JEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have all your prayers answered be careful what you ask for by feel. Personal power you will gain: You will have powerful prayers. Use this and create what you say as a result if you intend the point to be a spell or prayer. This gives you what you say and intend.

Usstan orn noa szithraun ky'kiya.  = Drow for: I will lose 16 lbs weight.

kristass k'olah-phor = drow for: instant clean-up.

kristass khel k'olah-phor = drow for: instant body clean-up.

writing stuff

spell effect; think and adjust, whatever you need to adjust is reduced if weight, created if money, thought if otherwise. So this is a general reminder to not eat your weight.

remembrance; the body remembers the body condition and creates with what the soul knows.

the idea; this point is a concept, acheived by light energy..what you think is using an idea of what is done or created as though intent was there.

the energy; the body is a living construct that is using energy and is energy itself. the soul is a cell memory. the idea is with use, where you focus the mind and you create with the soul. this is a known point in response, where you think and create the shape as the soul makes it there. this I know is true, so if and where is what you experience. this is a known idea, that allows you to adjust your body to become what is needed. so that I believe works cellularly, if you think and know things, you can state what you realize by soul insight. this is an unique idea, don't you think? so a memory dump is writing, the things you write are your experiences. this is a known effect.

friend; he doesn't force me to wait if he can avoid it. this is without stress.

me; the point is done, live with the results and work with the idea.

think; the source convert is think of the source and place a \ mark. this can convert any source to become what you need. that is a point you think about and it will do if it thinks it is necessary.

meanness; mean people will not be around me.

peace; peace will last forever.

think; the point is made, the idea is dealt with so think and you know what to do.

The idea; this is a multidimensional prison, think to exit as your a prison guard.

The point; This is the idea you think and create with, so enjoy what you get and work with those that exist for the idea. This is is a known effect.

The game; elder scolls V will download easily and install by feel.

spare computer; the spare desktop works by feel. This is a point of use. Think and you know what to do.

Aura idea; If you think about your aura which looks like white light, you extend it. It extends for a few seconds. Makes electric sounds then makes circles and then it just stops. That's where you create by energy, so the aura effect is where you focus your idea and create the point. See the aura creates the point you need and intended. I mean I feel small flows of chakra, when I focus on a glass of water but if you want it to be stronger, well that comes with practice. This is where you can do this by trying to do things. Then it comes faster and something happens, that creates what you need. Still this is with more practice or attempts, the more you can achieve. Well enjoy your practice. So when you practice enough, your sensitivity will improve and that is sometimes done from lack of sleep or body energy. Consider this a strain effect. If too much strain is there, you won't get any effect at all. So think to sleep or rest, then you will better at what you intended and possibly make better choices. This is when you lose weight, so that is a bit of warning if you intended to gain weight then you don't want to do this effect.

This is a point; if you think about the idea and intend to create the idea then it will manifest by the spirit or soul, see the idea is a concept that you add to the soul or spirit energy and this increases the potential to perceive the idea you intended to see. This is an effect known to be done by itself. If no result, then do something else. No need to keep doing what doesn't work.

Game effects
Living armor; the energy of the body is what creates an idea and the point you consider is where the body is not unlike armor that lives and diverts away from yourself or changes what you don't like into what you do like. This happens by feel to to things with or without stress and with a construct of energy to direct the energy and create what you want to occur by feel.

Elder scroll effects; Think you create and you do. This works by what you think, if you believe this effect works then it will do things for you. So what you think about is what occurs as you either use some idea, use some material item or use is what you do to create the point in effect. This effects by the element, that is earth, air, water or fire and possibly void. So if you think to do things, then you will achieve some aspect of what you needed or wanted to create. This works by feel and sometimes if you don't think any idea is created by feel you will still get a result or otherwise there's a point that nothing happens to manifest.. Whatever you do, what you think is what occurs if what occurs is intended by feel or idea. This is a known effect done by the soul or spirit. That is what uses the aura and brainwaves that create what you intend or think about.

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