Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

creation art

Read these if your curious, think to use them or do something else.  This is only some of the things done with information given by past life info recall.

weight secret:

So if things work out, either way think you can work things out as well. so set a better goal for yourself by fee, feel or thought, think you will weigh lesser than you do now as thought for me is 172 lbs and this is I think figuratively in resemblance for a woman thats 135 lbs so your body acts or reacts with the idea or feeling, this is usually as though you did the the right things. sometimes this is reacting by reaction, then your subconscious by feel or the subconscious thought will exist to do things that instead by feel don't always seem right so this is a worthy price to work with and buy. this is used as though you did the right things. so you know thats in the secret, the weight secret.

technical issue; any technical issue is resolved.

heckler; $ heckler

mark banks; $ mark banks

$; dismissal or kill sign of the illuminati.

opolis; the dollar amount goes down for a price per each shirt.

Working solution: This works like the point is food or drink is there, then you eat or drink when you want yourself to be nourished yet less. Then there is where the brain sets the hungry state controlled by thinking, of a balance with the scale bearing the weight you want to be or not be.

Turning off the stomach heart brain motor response. See that controls the hunger and keeps you from eating, thinking by realization that the hunger isn't there. An its like hey I don't need to eat. Just say or think so no I don't, as you can think then you don't do it.

see something then think on it then you can transform yourself or those you think about or feel into what you see. that is the trick to weightloss, if you see a thinner person then you think your that shape.

So then feel and act it as acting it, this is used as though your a transmutable shapeshifter. where your transforming yourself to become, the shape you want to be is there. that is the trick to shapeshifting. this is excluding the fact, that you could be your own weight or any weight you think to exist as by feel.

If you feel yourself shaping by the spirit then you are shifting your form assuming you know the shape then its safe. Otherwise if your shiftshaping your body spirit into that of a dog, Then you can say your not doing it.

Then if you can think or feel like your not doing it, no longer needing to shapechange, you stop changing your form and do normal things and have normal body functions. That is the way of shape changing, for your class 101 information.

recounting; when they recount the votes they discover that hillary clinton won.

telepating and ghost shifting; so what is the basic idea to create things.
think and make work with what you have.

what do you have meant things to work with? work with the idea and you know what you can do.

think and reform? yes if you think and imagine the area reform itself then the area does what you imagine if you need it to do the idea that you imagine. so think to work with the thought as you are aware. then you can reform yourself if you imagine yourself reforming somewhere. that is how you can teleport.

so if you imagine disappearing from the area and reappearing somewhere that you want to appear then you will, thinking the energy of it or the energy itself reforms you and this is as you are aware or sometimes your in the area unaware. then you are where you can shift to where you want to appear. this is using the power of the atomics and the aura is what can draw in others that get close by the area in feel. this is if the ghost trick is of what I saw in the video diploayed on real ghosts on youtube videos.

amazing right, I thought so as well. I think that if you are aware of this reformation then, you create things that you want to create right before you are there. so that explains the shifting I saw in the movie fantastic beasts.

wand use; Think of what you want to do, imagine what you want to occur and your spirit creates what you feel with the soul used, this is used as a knowledge source and the area is the point for an object or energy itself that is creating a manifest as a source of energy is the planet your on the creates what you want. This can create nearly anything as long as you want to wait for it or as long as you think it will occur sometime.

There is never a vaccuum unless in space, sol feel or think and you create by feeling the point or thinking you created what you intended as a thought is expressed or focused towards a person. This can even use someone elses soul as a source of energy or knowledge. Thinking your taking a break your taking a break, however you think the break should exist. So think the energy creates what you wanted as though from within use by something or this is from within air itself.

So if you think, so this can be by a construct. Just tell the construct what you want and it will do it. A construct is formed by imagining energy form into a ball or sphere, this is seen sometimes and then after you think it is formed you can think a thought to take shape and it will do what you want. Then think what you need to the sphere and the sphere creates as you think to it to create what you feel or intend. However in case of no magic in the area you may think and feel the idea take shape, hex or charm and then think to what you created what you need as its formed and it creates for you using your own energy.

The energy creates by vibration, what you can see sometimes is a light and then forms the formation of what you think to exist. Say it was crystal, think that crystal forms from the energy by what you feel. then it may do so by the energy of what you consider is there. That is an effect. That is how this works. So you could use anything to create the effect that you wanted. So think and you feel the need by what you can do.

So then if you feel the need and think, then you create by what you consider is the necessity at the time. That is all for wand magic from the fantastic beasts movie by a light energy or light fight. Where a hex is a spell that isn't a natural result and a charm is a result that is a natural result. That means a spell is useful energy science, seen or not and that is a natural thought to create. This covers the basis of wand magic in general where general magic is use of a focus point and creation by the energy that surrounds you.

This is basically what I observed from within the movie and outside the movie I was aware of more things that I could do. Like wand assisted telekinesis or lifting of objects by the power of the mind working to create with energy over matter by feel. That is basically what I will focus on next time just to prove that I can do this unless I cannot then I will quit trying to do telekinesis and consider it a waste of time. So ciou till later, if there is a later, anywayz the more I see things the more it seems less likely. So ciou and au voyage see ya later.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Focuser life

This is a lifetime that includes telepathy and things of telekinesis. It lived around 1201 bc to 1100 ac in another dimension and died in a modern looking america. Near the same point that a car had hit it. Special ability was creative magic, that means he or she could make anything by the area reforming things with the thought to what is needed. That was what was so interesting about this lifetime. All except for the point that you only needed magic for things sometimes only thought was needed by intention, so I think this life wanted me free or something as everytime I thought of him or her I was free of my bonds and set lose to do what I wanted. This is what I noted in this life what that life was capable of by feel:


This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

Thought; The thought of the day is a cool way to go, see thats if its acceptable by those you respect. This is thought thinking itself or the thought you don't respond to is usually something that happens by feel.

fruit; use is fruit to create with and the point is their way, so think and their way is done or created by energy.


This is the action that can be done by feel or otherwise is the thought sometimes that is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so I think and work where they just might work right. Otherwise I just think and do things by thinking. That sorta rhetorical thought is what this could be. You can't argue with an idea that's rhetorical. So the thought by orgonne is this:

thinking; This is a point where this is the thought that I had for those that counted by what they do, so if I think then I know the thought is sometimes done unless I don't want to do it.

The thought; The idea is this, think in your heavier moment to don't bulge and not eat your weight. So what I think is the moment in time, the moment clarifies itself and I am aware of things from what is revealed. That is the original method to the area I visited, this is the one I visited with and left by use with focus and some feel. So I think this will work here. Lets try this out, thinking the point or working the moment. Thinking the point clarifies things and working the point makes things happen. So I will go now and oblige people by what I feel is necessary, thinking the point to do is what led me up to this. Yet I am working with the point, getting results by imagining the end result.

Then stating the point to create the basic or advanced idea. That is all I needed to do to derail obama and allow hillary her win if possible, so in my mind I can do anything yet in the physical real life deal with the problem and do so by meditation. That is what it says in a book that came from my ancient mental library and that seems to be what works. So I believe that I will go and do something right now, then wait out the moment and think to myself to create a point and work with others.

This thinking; this is the thought that create action, create as you want to create yet beware the undead that lurk in the woods. This is my last thought there as him. So I think this counts as a point or idea, otherwise knowable as some other action point. This is some other idea though, that I am a were that is lurking around, thinking of things to do and absolutely bored. So I think I will do things else and work with others, this is used as they want to be worked with by feel. That is how the past life reflected in this idea thought of action.

reduction; the reduction is the cost reduced by the feel, that only means you create with idea or a point that exists. so what I think is an idea and that idea creates by focus, thinking to use this I believe that you could do anything with your own means. so this means is where people are over the point, this is usually by what you think and that thought is what counts.

orgone thinking:

This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think of a point and you create a point by the feeling in that you have something to work with by feel. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily.

Where this is a moment in stupidity, that then you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer only means depression. So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as this is an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks or doesn't work then you don't write it down or have to use it. So if you or they are aware then you or they know by feel. That is all I could record there and I had to return immediately after almost freezing to death. This is what I could find out.

Theory; the theory is this, the person responsible is the person who takes the drugs so if they didn't take the drugs then they aren't responsible. This means an idea is that another way of thinking, this is thought to do something about it or use is about what you want. So this means that I know things by what I do. Then thats that.

blueberry water; use is cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and blueberries in water that is infused by their flavor. having a water infuser cup is great fun if you have the fruit. I think this will be my last post of this life so next liftime will be the next topic.

vanilla water; use vanilla, a dash of oregano or basil, some celery seed and a a dash of turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg placed with some water and sip and then you can enjoy.

valhalla fog; This is the point I think I will get what I can with what I have. As this is the idea I think of this as a valhalla fog where the fog is the port key and your calm, cool and collected focused is with thought to shift by the fog or smoke in the area, this is the place of dreams that the vikings went to in the center of the planet area. So I think this is a point in reference somewhere as the inner earth but I will go there, when I want to explore the inner earth and the inert earth energy is the thing that allows me to pass through to there. Thats all I need for now and ciou till later.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas time

I have this time of year to myself it seems, except with those that are also born in december. So I think I have a way to work with this, describe it and think I am there if I can get there then I am there the moment I think I am or at the right time. So there's this shop down the street and its called the elemental cafe. They serve coffee and tea, this is with some food otherwise that is there. Think and you might know the place, so what I think will work out is a party there.

Since I am born on the 26th, I will be there on that date and time. So I think I will go to meet people and unwrap presents on the 24th, this is a true point unless they think to bring it then. So I guess this is to enjoy family and friends, all paid for by my aunt. So if I am right, I will work with those that come and not worry over those that don't. So I am aware now of what I need to do, I will attempt to get the ball rolling. Ciou till later.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thinking part 5

This is where I say, whatever I don't mind and just do things so that this can create by activity using your subconscious thought or idea. The thought is what guides the subconscious and is the maine point that is with the idea, this is where that is possible or you can create what you want. This is with thought by the idea or by what you wanted, this is for your used or useful idea or use is what you can do. So I think this where I stop and think and wait around in the area, thinking that the main point is done I might as well enjoy myself. So I think by what I think to use, I will do what I want and that is all.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

This king list

I have this list that sometimes repeats like a dream and creates real life events. I can add to it and remove things from it but I know for certain that it won't repeat if I don't need it to repeat. This is a list of the annukabi, where there is a time for it, I will put what I remember. But no promises in what is there or what you can do with it.

Thinking; this is their thought, thinking to adjust the human genome. they can adapt the humans anyway they want. This is used to create the DNA pattern to be, otherwise thought and the energy gates are what you think.

Timeshift; Think of some time and be near the influence of gold to shift to that time. Thinking to shift back to your own time is think of your time, this is from when that you came from. So think and your there if the influence of gold or silver is near.

Use; think the pattern of idea as though the thought were DNA strands and imagine the result, just as you state the result as though an end result. This could result in a slave race, so care must be taken.

Sex; sex is a possibility if necessary to get this thought done.

Other things:

Thinking; their thought doesn't matter, its the response that counts.

Used; we used many different techniques, yet what worked was the idea of water. Think what change you want and drink something good or drink water.

Then the body adapts itself and causes the change to occur, this is where that what you thought of is a change brought with cold or warm flashes by feel.

So literally they would use what you came up with. That is weird, as they would use only some things I would say so it must be weight influence.

Think this, I use this and it is this sometimes based as a concept. With this you can inherit new memories, so think and drink and the cells respond to your thought.

Coldness; the coldness today fades away sometimes what you don't like.

Water; drink water and you find yourself thinner. This is due to what is usually in the water.

Thanksgiving; I make it to the thanksgiving feast today with jay driving me.

Danny Moisant; Danny Moisant gets a job in time for the point is disaster otherwise. This is the last of my records of this time. The method is think what you want to know.

Then you realize what you want to know. This is usually as though you no or I think you allow. So I will do other things instead of bothering people about this.

Then relax to relate, this is used by the brain as you allow the DNA to come up with information. Thinking about things and feeling are done in a relaxed mood you realize the fact. That is how you use DNA to read memorized moments.

alleve; The time you have is your own so if you have a headache, use alleve or some other ideal replacement herb or medicine.

No longer a slave:
Thinking back to that moment by the time I thought about only reveals a poi t that already occurs. So I think I will continue with new stuff or stuff that is occurring around me.

The end; the ending is where if you even put the ending this would end this listing.

The end is where the vibration is felt, then the ash is seeable and the volcano is known to have erupted.

The end of the day dream

Friday, November 25, 2016

this cooking list

This is the text of Atlantis memories, that I noted down and translated for myself. This was basically where you could think and create by feel. So this king created this system of writing, you thought the point, the point was stated somehow. So this orgonne reflects the points of it.

Think; think the thought and you get the point by fee or feel. This was the the thought revealed by activity.

Thought; think a point and your thought is received by those that you need to receive it.

Focus; the focus is thought, autism is like this and you could create a thought just by imagination.

And; the thought is focused, created by feel you create by what you think.

Feel; this is the feel that is there, think to create by the fee or feel.

There; the point is done by what you can do.

This next idea is from resistance to the feel or fee, the point then is creation that you think to exist.

The next step; The next step you make is your own, this is where I leave off the idea. So enjoy what you have done.

Cookie; if I can get through this cooking I will be ready.

I end; I end this ghostly life that should not be here, by the name of the god I command thee ghost, begone.

This is extra stuff:

Satellite on the 19th; the weather satellite on the 19th lifts off without a problem from cape Canaveral.

E egecentric device; the egocentric device. This is the device that creates for you, it works for you and it keeps things in order. What you want to do, you can do.

Thought; Think and this works better than ever. Think a point and you work things out by feel.

Uu-16; think to hear the idea and you realize what is said when you hear it.

Thinking good; I think so you know to leave you alone and in return you can leave me alone. That's a fair deal by now.

Morroco change; the us alters its constitution to allow sustainable developement, they stopped subsidizing fossil fuels to make clean renewable energy more competitive.

Proven; you are no longer guilty until proven innocent. You are innocent until proven guilty. That is the way it should be.

Drinking; drink no alcohol and drink other things like water. Then your fine.

Puncture Bite; the bite does not appear there where you think it is.

Food; the food turns out all right.

Free; your free to go to wherever you want to go now.

FedEx; the FedEx truck arrived on time.

Illoominati; the looming people that work in the dark, this is used technique by the reasoning they can do what they want.

The end; un go trump, unless its to be kicked out of office by congress. I don't always have to win. So no more than that is necessary.

Thinking to work with the area rations, I think things worked out the way they did because I was wondering if he could do a better job.

Seeing that is the case and now I know he or she could do things equally. This seems equally interesting. Think and your forewarned.

So they are forewarned because they want to be. That's their choice, think and you may know by view what occurs with life. Think and you will know what things are like, this is the way life is so accept and enjoy what comes.

Hold; lk the hold is resolved the point is go for the atlas v rocket launch in time.

Creativity; that is what i think so you focus in however you want, then the person or yourself can create.

Seen; seen is the idea then you react or deal with it. If a problem persists then, you see the problem desists and no longer bugs you.

Thought; think to create and work for what you want, so otherwise you don't need to do it.

Nasa emdrive; this will work as a point to improved space drives. That is implemented by a copper tubing filled with microwaves that propel it forward, this is before they are saying so they implement it earlier than thought. So that means "I am done" anytime. So I think this is ciou till later. Ciou.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

thoughtless list

This is it in interve ing by what is done, this is used as though a thought to do or affirmation. Think to use this as an idea sometimes is expressed. This came from a past life that once melted plastic to see what it was like, so I think this life died by experiments and in a place that was an unknown timeline.

Thoughtless; no or yes you think and you know so your prepared. Sometimes this is ahead of time that you know things. So this is the end point where you can work and create with life. Enjoy yourself.

Think; the thought you want and you know what to do.

A point; whatever happens today, I still lose 1 or 2 pounds today.

Thinking; the main point is this is done, so think what you want and you do what you intend. See otherwise others do things instead.

So you may need to do things your way sometimes, that is what this is for by feel. So I won't gain weight by what I do, I will do things or not do things that are safe to do. That is all I will do.

The machine; the machine works as planned, thinking to the time, this is when you could put money in and press a few buttons. Thinking to get it to work, that will cause it to work again.

Energy; the energy is there, all you need to do is allow this to work. That is all for today, however intended there might be more.

Think a point to use these next few idea.

Think; thought exists what you think, so think and you can do nearly anything.

See; the point this is done I will be gone, so think as you like and you get what you wanted.

Substance; substance doesn't effect me if I don't need it to effect in the way it does. So I will be on my way. I feel weaker due to the energy particled area.

So I will wait a bit and see what occurs by now, maybe I will see an asteroid or two. I think I better go, this is before I am dead by radiation or a hit by asteroid. Maybe I will survive.

Deadened; I am deadened so this I think is important to those that find this ship, you may have whatever you may get from it. I give you permission, think and this is use as you think you can use it or it seems useful if I am dead.

Dead; a girl was found on a ship that was a few billion years old, that was in a crater on the moon. We got what we could and that was all. This is from Apollo 18 mission that we did this.  We even got a EMdrive that is a electrical space drive from the ship, that uses microwaves produced by energy to produce movement.

So I think we need what we can get and that is what we can use. We took the body and the hoses from the body, that is the hoses that were there to preserve it.

I guess we will get applauded and the body exhumed although it seemed like us. So that is all for this mission. Seeya around.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Weaving lifetime

This is the weaving lifetime that I am reporting on for now in this post, the one below has more detail but the one here has the general idea. The idea is this if you think to use this as a guideline, then go ahead or not if you sense trouble coming from it. So I think this lifetime was interesting as it had no reason or regard to the feel yet it could use the feel. So I think if you thought about it, this lifetime that is here is a pale reflection of it.

So this is how the lifetime died of the past experience, this was by thinking it was a bug with its buglife. The area was nearly cleared away and neat as it could be, so it only was the fact of life that the bug being squashed was what caused it to die off. This lifetime was responding subconsciously, this is by feel as though he had died by the bug. See that was when he thought the bug was him was dead. So I will give this lifetime from 1975 - 2007. His ability is discussed below here.


This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

Thought; The thought of the day is a cool way to go, see thats if its acceptable by those you respect.


This is the action that can be done by feel or sometimes is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so think and they just might work right.

Thinking; close minded thinking like you could get from others is amazing yet whats more amazing is open minded thinking. Think as you like and don't let anyone say you no, this is if you think to create what they may like unless you don't want to then you can say no.

orgone thinking:

This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think a point and you create a point by the feeling that you have. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily. Where this is a moment in stupidity, that you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer. So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks then you don't write it down or use it.

This is civil tongue; Think to make work with what you have, work with those that you want to work with and that is all you need to do or don't.

smartdrugs; water can create the effects of noopept, piracetam, acedocholine and L-theanine. They are nootropic dsmartdrugs that improve the brain, they can reverse the brain damage to cause alheimers and other mental disorders to go away. These smart drugs act as turmeric, coconut and blueberries are working with the water there if they are there by some leeching through the sewer system.

Leaching; Many drugs can get into the water that way as they get into the sewer system they sometimes leech into the main water supply or into the ground. So you don't really know until your sure or certain by effect, this is what your effected by so think as that is only some drugs. That is what I detected including lead traces, that means they don't really count unless you drink enough of the water.

weaving; think and focus then you create by what you do. This is sometimes where you make the right gestures and create by thinking or imagining a focus point that works with you. So then is the point that you do something, are noticed and create by statement.

Focusing; Think then work, then you are aware by what you consider or are aware by what you can do with fire or other elements such as life. So this only means you create and measure up to those that are aware of you and by their standards. So if you think then work then you create by feel, the point is an idea that you gesture or think.

Just as you focus and the subconscious creates things, then is the point you know things as you feel the concept out. Their is no true way to do this idea, so think and you can come up with the best way to applicably approach this idea. The subconscious can create nearly anything if you think it can, so be aware of what is occuring an you can quickly suggest your way out of trouble.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Here are some weaving aspects that I remembered of my weaving past life called piedestal. Thinking to use this I was aware of myself in this lifetime and then myself, this is the use as I was aware of others and refreshed and awake, so I think I used this technique in the past and I changed it to work with today's time. So this is what I found that worked sometime.

Weaving is a use with the focus point. So if you think and focus then you create by what you do. This is sometimes where you make the right gestures, this is where you can think and create by what your thinking or use is imagining an end result or using a focus point that works with you.

So then is the point that you do something, I think they are noticed points and you can create by statement using them. This is the point I made to others nearby that now is used, so I think if you don't mind I will leave you with what I researched from the past life observance. This is what I do sometimes even today.

Focusing; Think then work, then you are aware by what you consider or are aware by what you can do with fire or other elements such as life. So this only means you create and measure up to those that are aware of you and by their standards. So if you think then work then you create by feel, the point is an idea that you gesture or think as you focus and the subconscious creates things as you feel the concept out. Their is no true way to do this idea, so think and you can come up with the best way to applicably approach this idea. The subconscious can create anything, so be aware of what is occurring an you can quickly suggest your way out of trouble.

Subconscious focusing technique; Think to work and then thinking to create what you want, think to breath and slip into alpha mode. Then you can create by feel or thought, this is used as you think the point and work by the idea. That is where you can use what's there or otherwise expressed idea to focus your mind and create what you think. Think a point and you are aware by what you think about with idea that you think about. This creates what you think by what you feel if you feel or think what you want.

This is the way you can do thinking, this is used as you know things by what you do. Otherwise don't bother as you don't need a result. This puts you into a trance, so to bring you out of the trance think of the activity you want to do. Otherwise this is sometimes jarring you awake, so think then you are awake and out of the trance.

Some can slip into alpha mode and this is allowing any suggestion to work or this could only seem likely, simply by a sliding down of the chair with your back and you are awake and able to think a suggestion to command the subconscious and create what you want. However by thinking this sometimes works or your released by feel.

This can make it seem unlikely to work, all excepting when you don't need to work yourself by feel or thought. This works as a release when you see the scene, otherwise know the release is the full statement. That is what you think is the full statement and not the actual statement, this is the point and you realize the point by understanding the scene or this is from what you watch.

So this brings up the idea that your subconscious sets the tone, so you know the way and that means it creates for you what is there. This is set by need if you want it so I know of it, thinking that I know I am aware of things. See that could change things if you see or hear the suggestion directed nearly at you. So I call this basket weaving. Thinking to weave a future and create what I think, I create by the feel or the thought and that sets the tone of the meeting. So faretheewell and ciou till tommorow.

Monday, November 21, 2016

false faux life

This is a life I set out to discover that my brain was tauntalizing me with. I call it the false faux lifetime really, this is a ghost that presents her memories and I accept them as her own. This is used as I read them by focusing on a point to remember, then I happen to recall the memory from the spirit that I have. So all I have to do is think of what I want, focus to remember and I remember the point.

Use of a little coconut or stevia coconut works wonders. So all I need to do with ingesting coconut is really to think to use coconut and attempt to relax, this is used as I focus on the energy and use the ohm sensation to remember as I focus to remember what the energy reveals I feel is necessary. This is what I recalled for the faux pas life.

This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

Eating; If I eat you I won't measure up to your calories.

This is the action that can be done by feel or sometimes is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so think and they just might work right.

Thinking; it is there so as I think this is usually as you like, but your not likely and don't do it as you see fit if you don't need to do it. So we will survive if we go beyond our planet. Think and it is done.

activity; think the bug or person is replaced by an object or action, then it or he or she is replaced by what you think is appropriate.

orgone thinking:
This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think a point and you create a point by the feeling that you have. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily. Where this is a moment in stupidity, that you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer. So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks then you don't write it down or use it.

no roaches; whenever you think to do something there's no roach or bugs that will pop up. Any other bug does not come to the area as well, this is the pointed out fact and you can maybe except spiders.

myron ebell; he is out of his position and no longer appointed to the point that he exposes. so that is true to the point.

no trump; trump the donald trump is where trump is no longer listened to as a man, then trump is not allowed into office. that is what I recorded, this is by feel and not actually there any longer. As he orders thought he gives his farewell speech, that is the end of the dream so en it then.

Diet; So yah out of a yawning pit of doom, you don't really diet unless you think you do things. Then your yourself after killing something. So someone appreciates you and your effort, applaud them and work with what you may have done. Think about this though enough and you can create havic in the streets by overeacting. So think calmly and you know the situation now by what you think or avoid the buy. This is your life.

eating wedge control; Think to eat less and then you do eat less, if you think to not eat then you won't until you have thought of the food. So as this becomes apart of your steady diet if you think to control your eating as you eat, then it becomes like a game that is turn based and lived by actually doing or not doing what you aren't interested in doing as though the plants will survive by preparation. So all you need to do is think and feel to no longer eat as you think to work out then, you are aware of the point by now and how a turn based game won't solve your meal necessity.

'So think "no more" unless you want to' think and don't eat, this is used as you pick at your food or drink then. You can control your need by the feel, so you have with focus and thought to do things another way. This is done by what you end up doing. Drink tea and you know what may be an artificial lessening of your need, only that could last until the tea effect dissipated away. This includes what is in the tea that is used by the body and dispelled as though "this gives me weight loss and sometimes diarrhea". This is because things are marked down, so you can enjoy the edibles more than likely. So I think just the use and work the way and as you don't eat, you have an excuse ready. That is all and more than enough on how to lose weight, so enjoy your day.

So think and you know things now, this is use from what you can do by now. See you can drink tea (any sort) and work with the point that you have avoiding the high fructose labelled fructose. Thats all the japanese have ever done and thats all I have in the cogestives that I have done, so I think this is done for now by picking and eating a little without satisfying the need, so I will do what I think and now I will ciou and I am finished. We are done and all are done.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

After two thanksgivings

I think I am aware that after two thanksgivings, I still lost to 173 lbs and am surprised for it. So maybe after going to normal meals, I will still keep the weight off or lose more weight. I think I could do either. So as I am aware if things work out I will work to fulfill the promise of the day, this is thinking to do what I need to do or think about things.

This is by feel if I so intend to do things that are disagreed with. This I agree with however, to use dirty water, that means (cherry or normal flavored water with turmeric and cinnamon mixed by swirling in nutmeg and possibly dark chocolate stevia. See that is the main point of this post. I am aware that this is a page for public viewing, thats why I decided to add this recipe to this post.

So if I am aware, I am able to cope with the new reality and make ready for what will come. The eruption of a few roman volcanos. So if I am right, the volcanoes will erupt. This is sometime soon or maybe later on. Whenever they happen they occur a shockwave, thats how I will know as after the shockwave some ash may find its way here. So yes I know this is old news, but I will stop writing blog posts if things get too bad. Seeya and ciou till later.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dinner of thanksgiving 2

I won't be going to this one, mainly because I don't think its important enough to go two days in a row. However the free food is tempting. So I think a point is necessary to make things work out, think a point and work by feel and thinking the idea you create with the creator making what you want. That is how he or she works sometimes. So I think this ends this column nicely, however I wrote and can write I write better than before. So I at least am acceptable by what I write. This is by an idea that I am as I say or speak, so I think I am aware by now for what I can do is what I achieve with my actions. Seen as a point and with others ideal activity, I am well by many means. So that means I am aware by what I can do things with, where others are for the point that is done. So ciou for now and ttyl.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Dinner of thanksgiving

Most might know this, but I think that the point is due respect to others. That means you are giving and getting food to work with your weight, as though a luncheon were served. So think as you eat to work the weight off before your eating, then do some exercise after you eat. This is the main point to the dinner or luncheon, cleaning up after if noone else is there to do it. So thanksgiving is early for the organization, otherwise its at its normal time with the family.  So seeya well and whenever you eat thanksgiving, enjoy only a little of it as a little is alright, more than that is fattening. Ciou till later.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Shifted lifetime

This was back in 2016 before the shift I did, so you see that already occured to shift you to another planet. This is a point that created an idea and that idea was followed by nasa till they decided to go exoplaneting or something along those lines and now we wait for the time of day when nasa wakes up and does what they say. That is a mission or goal but they set their own agenda, so I think they knew that their way would last since they ascended and also helped find a way off the planet. This was by spirit, if nothing else could happen. I place the events upto mid november 16.

That was all they needed to do. Thanks Mattman for helping assist with the shift points and the wish was yours that shifted people off the planet to be allowed to live without much problems from whatever was the chaotic cause. So I think this life was the the life of epitomes that died from the point of reference recalling something as he was doing things in a stressful situation, this only proves things work out only by what was done, usually by rememberance. I know as that is what I remember and that is what makes this, this is just a point in time so that means I think about things and this was recorded in text.

This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

cloves; add a little different feel by cloves to the drink and the vision quest ends. add cinnamon to a drink to make a vision quest.

I did not do it; This statement means literally "I didn't note doing this", so its a perfect way out and similar to 'I did do it' meaning "I didn't do it" in the right context. This is usually as though so reassuring the person your appeasing them, by now your wondering why I say this. So I think those are two ways out of a conversation. The easy way and the way of creative conversation. This just reassures them that they did achieve something, they will leave with a smile on their face even though you did nothing as though "I Di do things" means I did do things though I see where it is.

money buying lesson; Think before you buy, another way is the thought to use, then preserve your credit if good and save it an if bad don't use it. That is all for now, for now a curse doesn't always go both ways by whats near or nearby. I wonder about you, where you could be and why you exist. This was a last reminder note of my past life, before he discovered for himself that he was already dead by a zombie curse and was no longer needing anything anymore. That is the power of a god named king zeref, that means any god or by any other point he could do nearly anything or pay for things.

Thats if he and she wanted to pay where you think and you realize what the payment was for, so you would get the money back for it by any point you do. So this is done by any point, that means what you think or I think can be used to occur what is needed by now. This is used by the end of the party, so think and you can get by the point especially by now you know what this is.

This is usually a concept or some time, as thought if in time this was done by thinking a point, then your aware that you know what to do with things. This by thought or feel is not always to do things by feel. So think and now you know as you feel what to do. Money brought, the bought lesson already learned. Think before you speak or use thought before you spend was the moral.

there you go; Here's how to use any name or his name for a spell. Think your purpose and state trump and the goal you have in mind. If you think, then you have an effect. This is useful as you think of the method and plan the effect out. Thats the way of necromancy. If you think of the success or have success in mind, then you have the bearance of the frame of mind where there's no pain and some idea to make work with feel. So think and you can use a method to get an effect.

wait period; wait for 30 minutes when you wake up, after you drink a glass of water and then eat breakfast or brunch.

moon ritual; Seen the moon lately? I think you had to see it at the right time. If you think a thought to the moon the moon will intensify to your senses, think about this to detect it and you might find the thought was done. So what did you wish for when you saw the full moon? I just watched it and realized you can see it as this this a seen idea, think to get what you wish as the need you have is what you want or wish.

Just as you watch it, optional are these words or something similar: "Oh glorious moon, give me what I need or want as I think or feel the need for the point. Thank you Oh glorious moon."

So this is interesting don't you think? The words "ohm mani padme sum" or somesuch are useful if you want to meditate on the moons influence. So hex or not, haha you can do those too. This is the moon ritual that I thought up, as I watched the moon intensify and realized I got what I want. So now I think about that, this was a fair deal after all.

waiting period; this is the waiting period. think a point and you know the idea or fact, that is a thought that should be known.

This is the action that can be done by feel or sometimes is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so think and they just might work right.

war with china; whatever happens, no war with china occurs. as this is described in the bible I agree, no war will occur and you are right as the states will come up with things to do.

trumpet; the trumpet goes away before 4 years passes.

things; things become easier by what I can do. so I know what you do with what you have I left this, you won't find any of the rest however I will restore it to see what works.

danny's party; I get to danny's party today.

shift; think the light energy particles are excited and your back to where you want to go, then this is used as the energy particles shift to found points that follow the instructions as a guideline to allow or do what you want. This is the effect of the excited particles, this is usually as of a point though thinking of the place and shifting with the excited atom. you can see the place psychically unless you don't want to go. this is with use of the thought that the atomic energy spin shifts you, this shifts you through the valence shell. thinking a point and idea you find yourself there, that is hex or you can go from where you were thought to be to another area.

orgone thinking:
This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think a point and you create a point by the feeling that you have. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily. Where this is a moment in stupidity, that you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer. So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks then you don't write it down or use it.

impatient; impatience was what occured next, so I think a thought and created things by feel. Only I seemed patient and worked with others by thought.

impeached; whomever doesn't do a decent job at presidency is impeached and that is forced to exile. Trump will do a bad job anyway you think about it. See ya around trumpet, so for now trumpet goes away.

ascendancy; its for everyone, just that christians are less likely to make it. 2017 is the end of the 75,000 year cycle. The ascended stay or go to another planet of choice, just as 4th or higher density beings. Many who don't ascend will find themselves relocating to another planet.

I observes you; I think to observe you and work with what I have, that is the way I am so I will do what I did for myself, except for you and give you a break. Think about something good and you will get something better in life. That is all for this column and ciou till later.

fixation; I feel or think to observe and by the spirit I fix what is wrong. Thinking of the time, so I fix by the thought of what I want. This is felt as a need and the want is done unless not needed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Energy text

This is the point I decided to work with the government by allowing the way it is with the area. Thinking helped me understand the means and the way was clear. Usage of memories of a ferious derio lifetime that I had was useful in forming some of these idea, these are idea that could happen or occur results as an end result.

Think a point and you create interest by speaking about things, then things get interesting. That is the idea expressed by these methods to create with a point and use is a feel.

Withdrawal; trump no longer believes that withdrawing from the Paris accord is making america great again. This is by thinking a point so your aware.

So I think this fits the point, so if your free then work is use think to use some free time. Then you can get the point by what you watch, so if you see this and if you observe the speaker then you might leave.

Method; So whatever the case, seen or felt is where I can think the point. Think and you might get a result by activity that's there.

Feeding; feed by a point or by some concept and your aware of things to do. Think and you know what to do.

Blessing; the blessing is done by Odin and there is no god involved, unless you want to involve one or there is more to come.

Eating; don't eat the sweets, this is so you eat lightly and pick your food with care. This is done as though you do things with a watchful observing eye. This is what I think, then I know so I am aware.

Consider; as if in the point is the thing, what you think is what you do or figure things out by the feel of things.

Think; the things that occur are what you decide, this is just a memory that is what reveals what occurs. So think and touch the body thinking to remember by the energy in it, if you thought to make this work.

Then it will, otherwise it won't ever have happenstance. This is only a rite if you think to remember, think and don't allow the spirit of the body to control you into bloody occurrence.

You can get things to keep what's on the body, sometimes you can't even give it away. So that is it, I think I will watch this instead. Screamqueens.

Thinking; think of a place and you could find yourself there. This is in the condition that you think that is there. Otherwise you can think and your aware of where you are from.

This uses the conscious that directs the spirit to create things, sometimes as this is usually by what your doing. Thinking your somewhere causes body movement.

See that with thought creates what you think through your actions or others activity by the sub conscious. Think a TV or cable show and you could find the area is like the showing, yet its not as this is real life.

Now think your back and your aware of the possibilities that exist. That is the use of light vibrations. However don't let the body reactions become a real act, if its not what you wanted in the first place.

As the subconscious can direct the conscious mind sometimes, this only means that you allowed it. So think to not do things and you won't.

As I said; The only reason to use this is to focus and know some other reality. So your safe here if your thinking to stay or by then you may think to go somewhere safe.

Pictures; think and you know the place, your aware of this area and thinking your somewhere you know things by what you service or see.

The point; the area is intended for a concept or rite, the place is the area expanded upon and if you think to work with the people there.

Action; Just as you think of them then you know things by what is done or what is there is there. This had better work.

This is a rite that I noted down, no I think so now its your time to go away with what I wrote. See that uses activity to create the end result. That's what I noticed people doing. Ciou and enjoy your day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Energy orgonne

This is orgonne dealing with the energy and the trade of information, otherwise its for quick or casual trade or wits to go.

Trump; he doesn't do his campaign promises and does better things. However he does make america great again. However he does not pull out of the Paris climate agreement, ad nauseum he realizes the threat.

However he acted by area arts or acts we like, he acts like Hillary Clinton and uses the policies that work best as she would do it. He responds as Hillary Clinton would by feel.

This is true so he isn't a nightmare president. Whatever occurred, they see a point an no wall is built to keep out immigrants.

Space-x; they make it so they fuel before attaching the payload. This is created by the creator. Using what means they have to be able to do it.

Kill-x all bedbugs; they don't need to exist.

Amy; See amy means friend so think and your friendly.

Sight; sight of things are what create an idea, that's all that's needed to make work easier by feel.

Think; the ma chine dispenser doesn't hold onto things. Then you focus and make a selection after putting in coins, the idea is if you don't have a problem then you won't have to shake it. So when you do, you might get two or the thing you purchased.

Black sheep; the actual voters designated to vote for presidency, vote for hillary instead.

Hillary; she at least gets pardoned for her crimes.

Focuser; think and you get what you want as this is by fee or feel, so think and your weight doesn't double.

Twisty bulge; the bulge is there if you want it there, think an it is gone. The creator defeats the demon causing the twisty bulge every time, this is usually by a touch and body change with adaptation.

So think and you adapt. This is done as you think of the change and touch the area to make the adaptation occur. That is all for the twisty bulge, if you need it to occur.

Alerts; the infringement alerts stop coming, I see by feel and I do the right things.

The end; They mop the floors after sweeping them or cleaning the cat by feel. Their ghost thus has been defeated and things are fine. The end.

In em; this is with idea in the moment that you can create, so you see what you need to without too much stress.

Thinking; the focus is what you need, think and selectively you can do what you want. Then the point is you do what you want and that is the point as a feeling.

Aggress; Aggression is no longer unless you think and its gone. So if too much then reduce, reverse and enjoy by feel with feeling or differentiate with indiference. Think and you can do things or feel different by what you do. Think and you know the better point of life.

Think; the point is the knowing that this is a known fact an the life is what you think. So feel free to do what you want. This is not a threat.

Think and your free by now. No horror please, thank you sir. This is as though nothing there and nobody there to deal with by will.

Thought; This is where you think the point and you know the idea, so if you think, then you know things. So you see this is use, I think sometimes that your aware.

Relocation; Just as you think to know things by what you realize. This is as though you think of the place and find yourself there.

See if you want to be there. Wherever there is. Otherwise an I know you are where you want to be. You can think and you are aware. That is the deal here.

A spell book; as you think and you are aware and your no longer dead, as I may be smoking hot but I ain't smoking. So I think then I know the spell to do. See this is what I think, so this is a save and you know your no longer dead.

So I think this is true and your knowing is due by the spirit or idea you have, so unless you wanted to die is thought then you are aware and refreshed. Awake by feel your aware, so think and you know what to do.

No longer doing what shouldn't be done. This is where you are if aware and asleep or awake. So you guide by the soul, work with the spirit and think through the feel. Whatever is the act, I do not degrade by fee or activity.

This is used as though self-hypnosis, where you had slept and are awake with the count of 3 or 5. This is done by thought on call with focus where you think or feel, unless not needed or heeded. So think and you are free. That is all.

Group mentality; I no longer need to do what the group mentality wants. So I think I will do what I need for now with thoughts by adjustment.

The text; the text is the point you can put to use, think and you know the effect of what is stated.

The text writing; the text in writing is done by fee easily or the feel is achieved and created by what you consider is the thought to put to use. When you stop writing, that's it that's the text and your personal experience is reflected by each statement.

That I think is all there is to the text writing. The work is done by activity you do. So remember the experience as this and you remember the text. So ciou till tomorrow and seeya till whenever.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Some old text

This is based off some old text that centered itself on survival, based off the idea to make work easier and cause people to leave you alone. Thinking of this olf lifetime I added to it, so it was allowing for recent circumstances. So I think this works to fit the bill. This lifetime died by exposure. Her special ability was fruit energy recreation as something else. Abilities ranges from being able to defend to doing what she wanted to and her soul allowed her to get away with it. Her age appeared as 21 and she was 69 years old. So I think she was a rather decent witch. This is what she could also do:

Need: What if you find yourself needing food or drink that isn't there?
Working solution: Think there is food or drink and you ate or drank what you wanted. This works like the point is food or drink is there, then you eat or drink when you want yourself to be nourished. Then there is where the brain sets the hungry state controlled by thinking of a balance, this is with the scale bearing the weight you want to be.

Otherwise not to be and this is turning off the stomach heart brain motor response. that controls the hunger and keeps you from eating by realization that the hunger isn't there an its like hey I don't need to eat. so no I don't, as you can think then you don't do it. See if your aware or alert, you can always get along with others. So tere's peace by feel and work by presence, that is alll from madagascar via some fun point.

before august 3 the creator will surprise you with big money, say or type amen or yes to receive.

thoughts to do: this is like com-puter or a orgonne machine, that creates what it typed unless not necessary.

angela moisant; she finds her credit or debit card. there is such joy though that not much is minded.

not; nothing is done that is wrong so things work right.

yet; this is allowable points that work with you and not against you.

yes; so things work out as things are what they are. you are what is responsible and your will is what you think.

david quoting money: store and window shopping; money isn't the ideal to see or by what you do. as you think before you consider or buy things. money isn't the ideal in buy for what you do for a buy in or trade deal. this usually uses some ideal item as a trade with money that you use to buy the traded for item. so that is all that really is for a good deal go to david. think before you buy.

think and be warned: If you are aware then you know what you are doing. Otherwise you don't know unless you want to know and think of other things. That is the spell I got a visitor with today for showing intelligence and acting dumb as he did things to me. As he was making me seem dumb for trusting him. He deserved what he got.

The only way to undo it is to act smart and remain quiet. That is all there is today that happened. So I think I will let you in on a cure, that he exposed to me. Oregano, dark chocolate or chocolate and use wine or water to mix it with as you can optionally use orange flavor packets made by crystal light.

This is an enlightenment that caused me to save my life as some thing to do, yet again, I ran into trouble out there and needed the clear thinking it caused. Oh optionally you may use artichoke extract by that leads you to have a blood orange taste. So be prepared for soureness. Unless you use enough stevia or essential sugar that is substitute sugar. So enjoy yourself today and ciou.

new idea:

an enter new idea for fun or fact.

I have immortality shift tea for use, thanks for reminding me atharva rao. See its mostly herbs and instant tea, so if you want the recipe read on.

So its simple, poppy seed, celery seed and turmeric added to instant tea and assorted flavoring crystal light or fruit flavor packets, the shift is the chemical in the tea and fruit flavor if you put any. the immortality is the poppy seed, turmeric for purification and celery seed is from the idea to maintain a lower weight, even as your shifted.

See the point to this, yes its a simple tea and there are many variety. As long as you have instant tea or tea and poppy seed. Then I think your fine. So think of where you want to go to walk there dimensionally, when you take it in. Then thats all there is to it.

The effects can wear off after 24 hours though. So you know its always nice to have some around, use is a little in water or milk. Oh yea, after taking it in and shifting, you might want to eat but don't because you might not want to stop. Same goes for pleasuring by feel.

Wait till it wears off and you start to fade in and out of consciousness to seem here or there, you will resist the overurge to do things that should not be done more or less. That is the main idea and if you don't intend to shift, don't add fruit, sugar, pulped fruit or crystal light fruit packets.

If you don't want the immortality, then don't use poppy seed or use garlic or think to use onion with the poppy seed. That is basically what you can do with this, if you want to do anything else then use ingredients with experimentations added to tea and with a poppy seed cure for the immortal feel by feel. That is garlic, poppy seeds, lemon juice and substitute sugar water.This is a point I know of in the walking dead life, known as creative self thought before I died by what I was exposed to and found myself back here.

That cure all that you might think is wrong, except for the point of relapse. What cures relapse is oregano, basil, water and celery seed with or without the idea of poppy seed that allows for a hint of immortality. Yet noboby lives forever, so think and you can go to the place you consider is safe to shift to after you die. That is all there is to it. Ah so you think about things. This is just a reminder to be where you want to seem correct in activity and try not to talk to yourself too much. So this is a reminder from a past life that I observed. So ciou till later and enjoy your life.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Focus life

This is a focus in life for me, thinking then realizing what is there. The thought is the thing, think and you will know what is the basic idea of what you know and what others know. This is through what others do, thinking and acknologing what is the best in life and what is the worst in life. I think I have things figured out by what is achieved, otherwise I can learn by what is there, observe and otherwise is obvious. This is up to you for what you make of life. This is a personal choice I had to make, that sometime I could go and do something useful or sometime I could go and do what is elsewise done. So that is the way I am, You either like it or you don't bother me.  That is all for this column today and ciou.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Derek lifetime

This is from derek's lifetime that I was watching and seeing, this was truth as it was a past life. So his ability was energy manifest that seemed ancient in appearance and was modern by feel. So this was because he knew the past of his land. Seeing that was true and his life was useful to those that knew things, he could do things and get things done. He died in an accident that was by a car accident.

This was as though it was god's way to go off and get to other lands and dimensions. His belief was centered in believing by belief. Whatever his belief was, so this was near the endpoint that he spoke of things that he did. I believe he did great things though, as much as he could and his dating was similar to ours. So he lived from 1966 to 2160. This was in the idea I recorded by psychically watching through the third eye pinneal gland.

This is the idea where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

fencing hunger; I don't feel hungry so this is done. So now we begin a new chapter of our life. Think and we get along. That is all for now.

In no em; In no venom that occurs in the tooth or bed bite so he left or you avoid.

This is the action that can be done by feel or sometimes is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so think and they just might work right.

chemical diet; drink diet soda and tea then you can lose weight everyday, if you drink tea or exercise enough, that is for 20 to 30 minutes, you can sometimes keep it off. by now you know me as a exercise freak so I will expose myself a little more. I am your doppleganger and guide you, thinking about this only if you want me to guide you around by feel. So a point with this is to me a point that america that votes will create what you want. This is the point we make history.

stomach bacteria; the stomach bacteria balances out to 80% good and 20% bad bacteria everytime I think it does by feel, I drink something or take a bite. so I think this will work no matter what.

orgone thinking:
This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think a point and you create a point by the feeling that you have. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily. Where this is a moment in stupidity, that you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer.
So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks then you don't write it down or use it.

consciousness; a consciousness transfer is done so the process is you touch, think and if you become aware of the surface of the object and the object becomes aware of you.

2016 presidency; the race is won despite the looks by hillary or the independant gary johnson, anyway it doesn't matter for whomever is elected president won't do badly as their wise. this is done and assisted to be created by fey and by the creator, he made sure that hillary or johnson wins the presidency unless not possible then whomever wins I do not mind. amazing trick he pulled off with no worries. so lets see if it works. if its hillary thats losing then she is suddenly winning and if its trump thats winning then he's suddenly losing. however if thats the case or not true to the point then, I accept this by whatever the creator does with a break of activity and without breaking the mind.

there's the trick set by hex 0fha. so just say ha to get this to do that. if kk then trump loses and he fades away from reality so that is then this is now, this is yet another time and things work as they work. so this is just a reminder of the past life, if that held the same or similar race. It doesn't really matter whom wins anyways as were under a volcanic threat, so this just matters as a recourse to whom gets to deal with the volcanic aftermath. that is all there is to this as either can do the job, but the one that wins is judged on whether he or she does things. that is all that really counts here anyway, so I will watch and hope its hillary.

wasted wish; if a wasted wish is cast or wished for that means a wish that didn't occur then, it is changed back into energy to be reusable as I won't make a wasted wish if for another wish done by the creator.

trumpet wins; he won something and it wasn't just the presidency so it didn't matter anyhow, he will still be a good president or not use the election promises. That means you can create by feel now I know it isn't hitting.

money; Did you know that fate is money? So what to do, what to do, I think everytime I look at a total I won't spend a dime, I go out and no longer need to buy anything. So I think I quit trying to outspend trump, an as I call it and I think this is my end as money grows tight or I keep it I will need to save up. Guaranteed is the point though, I will pay my credit taken off.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thinking game

This is a note from a friend to my past life daren the derel derekson. Think then you can create by the resonances in vibration. Thinking that you create things, makes for an interesting game that was from awareness by feel or focus. So I think a thought and the thought is there, that thought is a visitor or a friend that you think and you know things by what you can seem to do. So I think this is the past life regression thing that you are aware of things, then you know the point by what is done. So that is a point of this idea, unless this is another episode of something then your okay. As its fine to think and get results, your okay by what you do. The thinking game ends when you do something by idea done with some activity. Think and you know what I know about the past and will agree with what I say. That is all there is to this game. Ciou and see you later. Your friend, bill hitcher.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Immortality shift tea

I have immortality shift tea for use, thanks for reminding me atharva rao. See its mostly herbs and instant tea, so if you want the recipe read on.

So its simple, poppy seed, celery seed and turmeric added to instant tea and assorted flavoring crystal light or fruit flavor packets, the shift is the chemical in the tea and fruit flavor if you put any. the immortality is the poppy seed, turmeric for purification and celery seed is from the idea to maintain a lower weight, even as your shifted.

See the point to this, yes its a simple tea and there are many variety. As long as you have instant tea or tea and poppy seed. Then I think your fine. So think of where you want to go to walk there dimensionally, when you take it in. Then thats all there is to it. Just drink it and you shift as though immortal, yet if you think you can die then you can die.

The effects can wear off after 24 hours though. So you know its always nice to have some around, use is a little in water or milk. Oh yea, after taking it in and shifting, you might want to eat but don't because you might not want to stop. Same goes for pleasuring by feel.

Wait till it wears off and you start to fade in and out of consciousness to seem here or there, you will resist the overurge to do things that should not be done more or less. That is the main idea and if you don't intend to shift, don't add fruit, sugar or crystal light fruit packets.

If you don't want the immortality, then don't use poppy seed or use garlic or onion with the poppy seed. That is basically what you can do with this, if you want to do anything else then use ingredients with experimentations added to tea and with poppy seed for immortal feel. This however is temporary, for however long the tea lasts, but if you drink enough charged energy water or food by thinking at the water, drink or food then you can elongate the effect.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The txt orgo nne

The text orgonne is all about things that occur by feel. If I thought about it, I would say the area is not easily infested yet easily removable is the bugs, all the bugs are gone.

This is used as though I call ortho or some pest control. So I think this orgonne section is using wits or thinking and focus to change things. This is what I thought of:

Think; thinking the point is the idea of meditation and this is calm by the focus point.

Thought; think and you get the thought. Assuming your mind is calm by what you think, also the point is done by feel or focused actionality.

Your soul is gone; if you say your soul is gone, then the moment its said you have it back or its some other planet that you decide is livable.

Pete; he makes it to the bathroom on time and without a big mess. As this is in aspects as well, this is where you make it to the bathroom on time. So that is it, the point you think its okay and no big mess occurs.

Hanging; the hanging occurred, just look and you know what happened. That was when we left the house for a better one. Then I was aware of a family friend turned pest.

Then I declared bankruptcy and fixed the problem with problems declared. The solution came to me and I was bankrupt and happy. The end.

The end; Now I owe a family friend named Chris 200 dollars for helping with bills. That's all there is to this.

Whatever; See whatever I do I won't gain any weight. This is done as though the thought was achieved with the right things done.

Pain; The idea is done, this in use as a point your pain goes away, this is use by walking as though soothed away by the correctly applied essential oil.

The hiding trick; if you feel that you were observed or watched subconsciously for activity that is done, then think to not be effected as you say or think that your one thing that you are not.

Then think your unaffected by it and walk out and enjoy your day as your thought, this is as though something else and not observed by the subconscious. That's not the best part, the best part is where then you are hiding in plain sight.

So I think this is the best idea yet, as you can go about places unseen and then find yourself in places. This is where you normally wouldn't be allowed, as long as you act as though you belong there or not be there if not allowed on the property. That is all that matters.

Using wits; think and you are aware of the matter that exists. Then you know the right thing to say.

Endpoint; this ends as though the point is done or due by feel. Any set service rendered is coming through me. So I can go where I want and do, this is usually as I will do things to get the result I desire.

Al Bundy; I am no longer all Bundy or al Bundy, as I think about this I know its true. So all I need now to do is wait for the mail and I am free. This is then by feel that things occur and thought is just convenience.

Candy; I th ink your human or some other race in disguise so you can resist. This is by will that you don't eat it or you give it away. This is as though the self-thought is done.

If an else; if you think then an idea o curs and this is else.

End; the end of the loop where you make the exit and leave by what you do.

Sub conscious; think a point to know and the super conscious treats it like a request to know things. Then you speak and allow the subconscious tells the answer, as you allow yourself to adjust your voice. This is usually by fee or its free, as though thinking with someone asked or its your own feel.

So think a moment, and ask yourself why or what is the reason for things and the subconscious will sometimes answer for you. This is exactly as though a "nope, its gone." Answer for what to do with the need to eat and hunger to no longer exists.

Thinking; so this is think and your aware then you merge by fee or feel.

Some thought; a thought can be inverted or thoughtless as you think to work with some thing. Some think though that you are aware and able, see you are able with life by what you are capable of so there you go.

So you see thought and thinking go together. Think and feel so in effect you are able of thought to do things by fee or feel. This is where you can feel or think a thought.

So your able and sometimes willing. Think a positive thought and your more than likely to do what you want.

That means you can do things with what you have, be speedy and your sometimes with reward. So if you make a point of it, then you stop and do something else.

Solidified oxygen; the liquid supercooled oxygen will not any longer becomes solid oxygen.

Clayton; he arrives in time, otherwise in a timely manner he is informing me of things.

Bacteria; the bacteria is in the trash and if taken outside may cause a temporary vision or two or dilirium or other temporary disease. Then if you take it in, you may need to wash it off and flush it out of your system. However if you feel a bit sick, that's fine because that is only temporary.

Think and it is over with by feel. So if you think about it, you could be sick from bugs and unclean surfaces that are touched upon. So if you clean the surfaces and work with a clean body, you should be fine.

En in me; this is the end in my lifetime meaning where you accept another religion or idea and think for yourself. Enjoying what you got. As it could be your last.

NASA; space x changes its fueling process to something that NASA isn't alarmed over.

The policy; no conflict occurs. Assume the risk for yourself. Think to use what you have so at the end relegate.

This came from a past life that believed in magic enough to not give up, seen is the idea and the point was always done to him ordering her around. So there is no surprises here.

Trump; he doesn't go wrong in his presidency and as a president he does not start out with starting a war or killing our social security.

The lesson for this is think for yourself and do what comes naturally to you. So ciou and farewell.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


So what if you had something to do and worked for a living, otherwise you knew you were at your last dregs and needed to get funds quickly? The solution is none except for this:

Working solution; Think to create the need or idea and then the need exists. This works like the point is food or drink is there, then you eat or drink when you want yourself to be nourished yet less. then there is where the brain sets the hungry state controlled by thinking, this is used of a balance with the scale bearing the weight you want to be or think your not the weight you'd rather not be.

Turning off the stomach heart brain motor response. see that controls the hunger and keeps you from eating, thinking by realization that the hunger isn't there. an its like hey I don't need to eat. just say or think so no I don't, as you can think then you don't do it.

Something then is where or when you think on it, then you can transform yourself or those you think about or feel into what you see. that is the trick to weightloss, if you see a thinner person then you think your that shape.

So then feel and act it as acting it, this is used as though your a transmutable shapeshifter. where your transforming yourself to become, the shape you want to be is there. that is the trick to shapeshifting. this is excluding the fact, that you could be your own weight or any weight you think to exist as by feel.

If you feel yourself shaping by the spirit then you are shifting your form assuming you know the shape then its safe. otherwise if your shiftshaping your body spirit into that of a dog, then feel yourself as you are when you think your not transforming. then you can say your not doing it.

Then if you can think or feel like your not doing it, no longer needing to shapechange, you stop changing your form and do normal things and have normal body functions. that is when the way of shape changing is done, this is for your class 101 information.

other idea:

what did you have? that is the question that is revealing an important answer. This is from your subconscious awareness reaction sometimes to others feelings. So this is just an example of the way we feel something others do. This is cool that you can cause us to use what we have or can get.

See that means we choose something on the basis of feel. If we're empathetic, we feel what others feel. So unless we shield ourselves for feeling others feelings we don't need to feel and this is from their feelings. I can feel what you feel if I focus to feel your feeling. So I think its a subconscious trick.

A suggestion allows for this idea. I figured out a trick, if you think on the person's name and use thought to think and know what they are feeling then you realize by the spirit that goes through everything what they are feeling.
If you think to shield yourself or think not to feel what they feel, then you won't get sick or eat when they do.

Thus you won't feel what they feel unless its safe. Thats what an empath can do. So I can call myself an empath. Chocolate makes it even better as though a thought were the feeling and you knew what was felt. This is an interesting idea and adaptation to what is there, so you see the trick yet? If your open to others you can feel what they feel when you think on it or just feel like yourself. If your closed by a shield then you won't react like they will but you might do things that are not quite right.

So this is when sometimes heather johnson moisant will answer me through the facebook, that is she is up to the task to answer. That is if she feels like it from my thinking of the need to know and from her of all people. See that's how it works by now. So I think I know and I realize by what is done. That is all there is to this point. What I think is this, if you think to scent things or taste things, then at the end of your focus point to know what is eaten or how things smell.

 This is usually around you or near a person, so your aware by now that this is the spirit informing you and this is directed by the soul guiding your spirit energy body. The subconscious is where you think and feel a need to create something, then you know by realization for awareness that it worked or occurs something.

So I think and believe that I can smell or taste what a person is thinking about eating and he or she is sensed with what she remembered that she or he ate from now or later. That is the main point to this idea that you can experience. Then work around the taste and work with what is there, this is only done if you need to do so. Other times you only need to think about the person to feel what they are feeling or tasting. The smell thing isn't always done.

This can effect anywhere and your subconscious, that is aided by your spirit guided with the soul can sense things as though it occured to them or for them to another. This only means that you know what you realize, what you know is what you think you know by now. So that is all there and thought is to this effect or your over the effect.

Then you know what you feel and think to know by what you consider of course this means you feel things or think things and the person that can handle the request will know by what he or she feels with the right reaction. This is a point I learned from the past. So today as I thought I remembered something I knew I remembered this.

Written by D., Caz, Ben and SH

Monday, November 7, 2016

A psychic orgonne

These are where I think and they form the idea. Some use psychic ability, so these are based off the perception. I think they are useful though. Think the point and you get the idea.

Nm; I don't mind what happens by what is done, but not much is not much.

Ed; the endpoint that I foresaw by energy use. That things end nicely and I am back in my special education class by feel or other places as its needed.

Coldness; when its cold its warm and when its warm or hot then its not minded. This is the way most work with temperature. However the temperature isn't minded. So think and you get to do things en unique.

Cold; think and you know what to do by now.

Hot or warm; you could be travelling the leylines.

End; the end is near, if so I don't mind what incurred now if it occurs to me.

Aesoptic; a goddess of much that works with luck and love or things that go on in the night. A goddess of mind and thought control.

Wer; a god if any exist of populations and peace. With maybe a quick war or two.

Ows; a pet I once had namely an owl.

Warr; a god of fib and finance that serves our every need.

Acres; the area you could say exists as you can describe what you want, otherwise you are aware as though ewaere and knowing what you do.

War; war is the way and the area you set foot in by feel.

Escape; there is a point you might want to escape, so think and your away to proxima b. This is where an approximate beating was that occured.

Proxima b; the area you could say you need to be and your there by a few bits of energy use or drink.

The way out; 12th and 18th of Classen blvd.

Trash pile; so free from faerydom, you might notice the scent of trash or debris. So be prepared and don't mind it.

Walking; just keep walking until you don't need to and enjoy your life.

End; don't just do it just end the point and think to shift away, as you walk before that catyclysmically placed sun goes off. Those that are remaining might feel it as a supernova and think itself for some reason.

So think it itself is finished and working is over, until you need to work then your free. I saw this in a time of my choosing, as what "I will say is not ours yet" could happen anytime. So free yourself "as you can".

No in unspecified, means if you think a point, the point that's expressed is with that meaning. Think a point then work for it, means when you express a point and state things they can assume the point you want to portray and go with it.

Em en in na in; the curse of the nation, think and you can figure what this means. Think and you see what is coming. As though you teach and know what is there.

Research; reason indicates that this will be a fun day. So just think for the retirement home or feel for the place your in. I just completed some research. It seems what you type or think could happen, so think if you want things to occur.

Somewhere along the lines are a vampire that was appearing demonic and a few people that was following him. So follow at your own risk. That was it before the vampire caught up to him, I believe he lies dead in the car that is wrecked.

Some think he was a saint, some think he was a hero yet all I know is he exists. His ability is psychic as if to think and report by blog entries, what information that he phsychically perceived. So see you on the other side, simon.

Secret actions; I will do no more secret actions of the black pope. Whatever in the point that the black book of the jesuits said to do is no longer to be done. Including taking advantage of wealth from widows. As you can block it, its done no more.

Thinking; I think if you think the energy comes from the Hera to the third eye and you make a suggestion or think an idea as you feel the need, then the third eye does the suggestion or need.

See that you think to do or need by fee or feel. Otherwise I would resuggest things I want and get my own results done. Then the way to seem it is to not do things.

This is done as you think to do something else. Otherwise you can use the voice to dire ct the conscious and create a result. So if you think, no weight here, think that and its done.

Insesushui; So then you create a point in of em where no extra weight happens to be there or gained. As you say take from the well give to the well. So if you care, think and you know.

The way; think to act so you are acceptable and do what's needed, then get what you can then leave or otherwise work for them before you leave by now.

Barrios; barrios goed and goes out of business.

Chris; my past life gets run over. So go on and do what you want by now. So I ie p or whatever is the case.

Chris m; focus points are what you think. Consider what you lay on or will do. See that's telling the point and getting results, this is from standing up for yourself.

Assertive; Be assertive. Think for yourself. Work adhoc or ad as you want. Assertively I think this works by form. Think your answer and write it down, the answer will seem assertive. The acceptance you get is most possible this way.

Is ie; is idea, what I think is a lid is appropriate, but where a lid is ideal or originally appropriate. Plastic covering is also good as cling wrap. So think as you like.

Thinking; they allow it to be there as it is CDs.

Gluttony; The seven sins don't happen. The gluttony ends or so I think and know.

Thinks; things at work, things at work create what you want. Given the right effect. Think and its gone at will. Think in en at the effect.

Pete; he cleans up and smells better. All the bedbugs are gone from the area. This means he is area clean and working good.

The end; The end is there that once was in effect. So the end is justifying the means to the end. Just end it by thinking now. Thank you.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Think and do lifetime

This came from a dogs memories and proves just how weird a dog's mind can be. So this is what I sensed:


These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself with a point sometimes thought or sometimes spoken is the point of view that you do that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought that you perceive from him or her or it.

Have things; Have what you can have or get what you can that can be useful, so you can give it away or keep it for good use.

Thinking swap; Think your the person for your need is there or as long as you need to be them and and watch as you exchange something, then you are until you don't need to be them. Then you know what they could think about things at the time of the swap. That is all in the the annunaki cookbook idea I thought up. So sometimes at the end of the day we gene swap. That is what I remember of those times in rememberance, this was by feel and I know by feel that by what is there this was sometimes never supposed to happen. Think to treat them well.


This is the action that can be done or is sometimes possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work.

thinking; this is the thinking point that you think and things can occur.

thought; this thought by the feel, that if you think it you know what will happen.

end of day; thats when were activity occurs.

new day; that is when a day you set seems to need the point you do or you know something else.

middle day; escape time: this is the time of escape and this is the right time of year, near october or a holiday season.

orgone thinking:

This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for as you don't know you won't use it except when this is usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think a point and you create a point by the feeling that you have. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily.

Where this is a moment in stupidity, that you are aware of the futility and care not to do things any longer. So this is then the idea from the end point and the new beginning. So the end of this is an idea. This is the end point that you are aware is done by now so think to remember the ending. That is what you can write an use as an ideal result of feel. If the result stinks then you don't write it down or use it.

energy body fix; think a distraction and then think a fix that ends the distraction by feel.

think fix; think a fixation then you know things by what you can do. this is really matching all those point of light, then as you know and this is shifting by feel with thinking about things. your aware by what you do.

think fix II; this is use of the right chemicals and the available help then, you create the effect of what you wish.

Energy fix; The energy body is the subtle energy form, very knowedgable and very subtle that your spirit has that seems like your body because it occurs things or observes things. That means they are there sometimes, this is when they are formed and known about. Think the energy body fixes the problem and it will. That is all there is to this. Ciou till later.

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