Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Creation of fey

   This starts by stating Ie Mai as Making fey, to make the creator effect of mind into reality of what you want, now your good without hitting, and as this is your making the concept by using fey ability by gathering of thoughts as energy to become psychic by thinking of your ability to create as energy into powers. Stating 'Create Wee' or 'Mai Wee' as Making pronounced [May-ihn Wee-eh], think of what you intend and feel it happen as this is to create fey with those who need it from the creator produced body energy or time entity that you can target by the spell through natural competent soul with understanding from existence itself and then this makes one with the energy into one to use as an example as Wee and Fey are the same acknowledged race and with any source from existence energy until its done as they are nice they are mindful of you as you acknowledge fey. This allows the spirit to create them as you want them acknowledged right.

  The fey are in three different ways, an in-between fey that is capable of both dark and light choices, this is done as then the mood hits them by the method to transfer the transcendance of innocents to criminal activity. Otherwise, a dark faery is unseelie that likes to do torment or create dark energy results. Fey are deliberately the in end result, of light beings and dark beings in form as they form into what you call a western northern or southern fey at finished will. Recognition of the fey type is taught by fey, as intuition inclined to you is given as a memory of what is they are as though from the subconscious answering in thoughts. Natural recognition from the consciousness of the planet or star energy, albeit powered by thunderstorm or powerstorm and other sources of what is there of whatever they see. Action create the word that are correct in mind and, as they are remembered by thought there is wee being realization.

   Or if you use the harmonic fields in a motion, by a rythmic flow of music enhanced energy time then time to stop this and any other effect as they do in point of view as in this is your thought. As if its to abort and that is disrupt the energy of their effect to hit the solid object, thats nearby and let the object noise and vibration do it. When you want, this can worsen the effect within their subconscious, as the backlash energy happens so you can use the severus package as this is called and is making what they do countered as thought of them. This is and what they attempt, is an idea as counterable as though it became thesis and this is to be a thank you to a science teacher that, is to make do to have that energy they cast at you by what means you use then use is by meaning things with fey as they can sense, what you mean with your sensed intent and they do with ordered by soul asked questions, this is for generated quantum physics energy jumping this could be done as is make believe. But, if you don't make believe then realistic results can happen, where you make concept and practice what you place. This is what disallowing incrimination as it incurs no wrath.

   This is with positive thinking with the blessed gift that is done by blessij by the planet with periodic cleansing, as though the advocacy is use of the manipulated energy of the spirit to keep you appearing good and sane, as then can you can get any result by use of whatever material and if you need junk, then you stop the junk and you aren't in buying junk as its a bad deal to happen with it. This is to filter energy of programming as you need it to be used as it is. This comes from used up energy of the spellcast cast get an effect, as this used thought happened it is the energy that can be thought to, and get use again as of making use of it is to make it be as though a different excessive energy source. This is used to shift your soul on a thought, to do as you need to in ether space as you now get results. Come back as you will, as then you are restoring your mind and getting better.

   This is where you get to do your discipline as you get somewhere better, but the shift of the soul is possible by thought jump and only to be replaced by a white void soul of kindness made from positive void energy. As the being formed from your soul shift is deciding to return, then you become yourself as it jumps back with a energy wave effective by shocking people into awareness. As, you come back the white void soul doesn't stay, unless you are to need enhanced regeneration. This doesn't degrade your soul, as you get effective recovery and thus very quickly you could regenerate lost limbs. However, your spirit does transform into fey form first as a white sphere. Then, if it wants to your body will follow suit to be, as fey but as you choose the form you can become it. As then, you get hit by thoughtwave which shocks you out of your body. Which, by act you can rejoin your body at will with a nice thought or try to support yourself by seeming in nearby area. So your mind is your power, believe it and you have it. As your needed, you may get your point to understand this is result you so keep the will, as its energy to create with thought on the will or train of thought in an accepted pattern to use as its observed and not a beat done.

This allows uses with a tap to an object as you think to do things and you watch idea from the stream of consciousness that is fate itself, as you watch with thought when you think to do so, and you don't think to react to what is observed as this is done as it can come from what you think and an easier way is to state 'life stream' to make a blue beam of light appear in mind as you may do anything in time by thought as you step into it as you visualize it in mind, as its from activity that you can subconsciously watch and gnow as think of what you need as you can do things to manipulate anything by thought of the place as you think what you need to occur where you view things in your mind and you know by thought when this is from in your head and this comes to you when your in need, and if you don't need to watch available action, then imagine yourself step back one step and you no longer watch things happen as this is with the end of the stream of consciousness.

  That is what the third eye as "I" percieved of the world domination that may incite a peaceful war, as soon as it happens this is of the world disasters and is often of what happened when you go to someplace, then as you are there to gather life energy and this as the wrong call this is acknowedged by act and what you thought, is done if your spirit needs it done. And then, in thought you are able to fix it by what you do as your action powers your thought to makek correct this problem by triggering a correction energy that is of use for yourself by practice with an idea of cleansing the aura with white light bursting from the spirit, and the attempt is effecting of your thought to remove the bad energy of the chakra points that are cleansed with clean free energy by thought as this is by the concept.

  To think of work with fey and they come to work with you as long as your intentions are clear as this is that which worked with the 'cleansed' action by thought perceived by what you sense is necessary and your body just does as though it didn't tune out your environment as your then trying to do things with a project and your aware as you do things. You then always seem to have the time to do things as they are necessary to do. This is psychic environmental awareness by activity, thats recallable as a memory with the spirit that makes the thought appear to cause a reminder of what is upcoming. Thus, you never forget.

  This is where you don't forget the thing that will happen and you get immortal by interesting results, if you piss it off as its then a thought backwards in forward movement and as you wasted energy it is perceivable as with considered thought by long range viewing it and this is converted by the spirit from use of free molecular energy to be of use with spirit energy as this is used in the cleansing with everything and this thought in mind is becoming a separate being by sea as things fix up and work again as impulse by suggestion to the body is used in subconscious thought practice then refuse suggestion necessary by project energy being sent to him and you abort as is needed as you refuse to give him energy. To give you a warning, you need to be aware of the factoid that the larger the fey get the more power they have.

  This separates the point of assumption formed by the subconscious and your use is the useful things that your spirit finds and uses, as if you that is fey form listening in as the connection to it is good. The energy you use is as though a subconscious power field connection that is basically a mana object formed, this is that action from pure will as a construct that is extradimensional and at the mind interred into its thing as it is in thought creating thought and by creating your will you get better results from what you see. This then creates your body shape to shapeshift itself at will or to make you become a fey body. Then your able to get a point and your not attacked as you are a ward to deflect, the idea you are no dislike too and you are not effected by anything you know or don't know but your spirit is.

  This is that with this where you go and you can enduce transformer effects that creates any result, as you want with the known infinite spell is so you want to be there as its known. As thoughtwave transcievance through light generatio as public people thought use, dark fey to acknowledge what light is as the fey type that is in love of doing to help by amoral. Interest is this and this is as you in thought and right mind, by thought to read about them you get their known willingness to help as fey if not a guide. There is is place you think, and your thought is a concept, as your serving is a willing as you get a request unless not necessary.

  This is to know whats wrong as they help out and then when they disappear they argue allot with disinterest its when they want to do things that you will want to remain hidden, this is now as considered large fey as it gets large with weight control, as to do things without crippling the energy of the body. The effect of the transformers is known as this, doing with thought you convert energy and you then make a simple charm by wee 'free by thought known by soul you are fee to do as you did it with want and without because it used a fee by charge.'

  Now your favorite life track can seem, what you want to use or not bump into people that is there, so go and explore. So there is an about face now you know the procedure to what this is and how to know and do by thought as you need it with the end result in mind, now to get this effect by will alone and now picking up a penny for a thought does occur the concept with luck. As then use of magic with cars by fey is this as it is with a vehicle, the fey can use in this is to transformer an effect from a car body, this is into whatever they want as they want to do things and use.

  The car energy is its own to get an active car run that it can seem to be alive by what it does itself as it itself drives itself to it and this ressect is to be as a life that is restored as that is a resurrected self and as a run car result this makes it if it comes across your vision as it runs without a driver to be in there, as this is to be driven as result to being made into loss of life energy and to make it drive itself by the alternator effect. This is what happens with a resurrected car, as you stop seeing at will by the adamant view being blocked by adamant people.

  Then, using now you know chemistry and this forms as if you want it there. Then to do right is as stopped in action of form if you are doing insanity with violence as you think and admit the wrong then this happens to make energy black in aura as if practice is off unless needed you wasted my time and your time and this makes you lose by lost face in energy as you lose focus, then use becomes nothing now as with then there was action done in a magic effect to use as grey thought magic that is being used, as this forms suggestion in the subconscious and is to fix the permenant idea, and that is retracted in your mind unless needed by retracted moments of time and supposition, and that then is a favor as then by doing favorite thing to help its an advanced favor that tends to be a careless thought.

  That is pointless as problems occur with death energy that is in use from the earth graves unless you don't use necromancy as if you don't care then you get 'I don't care with memory or use racing thought to have no crazy thought', as this distracts you in this as use makes thought as this reduces their crazy energy that you do wrong with that which gets wrong in the motion of idea that is bad to be the ideal. This may become good as the person does things and can shift somewhere else as if by thinking, then this is built up by actions to become extreme energy and this is deadly and comes back as a black wave of thought and this is capable of making a broken return action and creates a chaos wave that is of the thought that set off the wave of energy as of a return thought the idea is its acknowledged thought.

  As your thinking about it, for a sensed identity, and now you can get the idea of the shapeshifter ability as your thoughts are clear with sanity and no insanity occurs as this is what occurs dark fey there as you use their dark energy as now this magic allows you to grow them to be effort that cast off a large globe of darker response energy that thoughts can abandon you by your thought and as your thought energy transfers and you lose your mind by trying something and that gets you a fat that is gained easily, you fix this by resisting the will and you gain none back. Welcome to blink energy that can shift you by leaping you to go where you want and now you know why by thought with blood energy with or without a component you can be as within a home.

  The finished thought is to do the motion required and maybe crazy effort in order to do things and to leave as to think by effort and be in mind as that generated by insanity made by inbred crazy thought energy brought and is forth with known by sorcery done to manipulate bodies as to get the general result if this is alliance it happens and is induced by love then you can do anything of that thing nobody cares about and it is interest and that you get with the asking by those in need for the effect they want. This is done as modern fey are talking to you and they do with what they need about them, for what they want so there is no war unless specific for its asked from drow, to be in an area as there is things that can be gotten with any object that is energy and can be a channeling medium.

  As, its conscious can channel thoughts for use by thought to it or ask the large fey to help out or this is considered with a trade deal as winning is losing and losing is loss of effort that can be violent. This allows you to think a claim in deed of no attack, unless you share the body need the effect of interest is the irritation unless if painful then this object we use to do with is broken, and this will take a matter of a thought which sends us away then allows us to stay as we're there and we're still protected by the creator and there is no clause to do too much is to be broken with intent to do as you intended you create with action is thought intent and it can do by acquit with subconscious manipulated energy.

   This then the spirit reveals as a saving point that is the break down that is the tendency of purpose, that is what occurs as to not handle strsss unless reduced down to be not of the mind as this is made of energy that is created for sorcery and named for the origin of what the concept is that came from you and is known as though from clairovoyance through telepathy by what they want to do as they are made and this is asking for fey ability of fairy as the fey effect that the act in which they do is what becomes of their form and their tendency that are tricks are formed that can be either ignored or this is as the point as though dealt with policy as they have disappear and identified tiredness to go sleep somewhere else to block out violent actions, from drow purpose in tendency that is the moment to do as is from the concept with amorality in use of the concept out of respect for purpose with your intention.

  The power of fey are an aspect of the creator, that is with use by the light that guides us and to understand them he not really can understand himself by request being served by commitment to self as he serves others. They are hidden as they are there and they are not ever revealing themselves as they do grey magic. The basic idea of this is to know and understand procedure as it is use and yet be friendly. Advocacy is done this way as several reasons are there at the time, and they do it to things and then if you know then you do as they who recieve things don't complain, no your okay as you don't need things and they have to accept every effort that they sense of magic, and as doing this of natural energy effects of the person's nature, this clause of action is what causes this. And now your thought of and a will of concept as you can shock a person into behaving well by use of zero force energy. Unless, you see what you need and you become better by what is done, as energy returns to you at will.

  The dark fey are drow and otherwise little black balls of energy that form at will to be then a being concentrated in dark form as unseelie and then the light fey are light forms that make seelie and are likely to stay out if you use something they dislike and out of your way as you notice them despite the fighting. They are easy to pick out, as the dark fey look like dark spots and they are truly dusk or dark in opportunity that changes their color for the choice they make immunity by drow or dark elf statndards. They get light skinned as they use immunity. The light fey are white spots that are truly separate from reality as they live in the 4th dimension through going through the myst of time to go to their inhabitance of a high energy intense area. They are white skinned by elves otherwise they are able to do anything else. Drow have ability to use natural dark energy that can make them too dark as they could follow their desire with malicious intent as the use is with anything to get results as this includes objects and materialism.

  Light fey have the ability to manifest any need to be will using hope and maybe some desire to form the result in hidden manifest that is seen by those who ask for things. Now they are capable and incapable of the doing of bad deeds, they can use energy with intent by thought to depict as they need to do anything, they get result and as you try to do with what you use as objects and to do the trick to get some results and this makes them their result by faery glamour illusion. We are not wee as the We are a separate group of dark Atleantians that are Glyc and that are not you trust the result and just do as between light and dark as 'as is' and they use chaos for bursts of light or making effect to get to control the form by use of their energy and use people with need of life by the energy thought to be.

   They can act to actually distrust each other and the chemistry between them feels natural until dislike can cause each other to fight it out. The fey naturally understand and use intuitive knowledge to live by natural instincts to cast effects by power bursts that issue commands and thoughts that are done unless they just want to talk with telepathy thoughtwaves. The fey that are known or shown in mythology are real if you believe them to be and otherwise they get energy like a cat from elswhere like the creator can desire a result and that was their source of life. They each have their own courts that they are willing to go to that are a kingdom of their own trust.

  Trust them and they feel their trust in you. This can bring comfort as they need to help out by form as whatever they do they do to know and bring need from within to create thought and they build up energy to send it out thus, they get a result by choice in chaoswave result. This allows the wish spell to bring back life as it is with their lifeforce. The spiritual faith is something to use as an example for discussion on how energy is in use by spirit. If otherwise the power of a wishspell, and this felt feeling make the fey truly as they are, as an example idea that is realistic and they act amoral as they would do love as they are likely to give results and as they feel in the area for the trick by response from soul which isn't possible when necessary.

  The fey can form of community for fey spirits formed as to care effect by this effect is where they are white or black dots that can fly with or without wingset. The larger the fey the more warlike they may be. And, the more power of sedition. And then there is no reasoning, as the more need of compromise with trade with idea happens trade, by understanding what they do is then understanding their mood. This is not done by different thoughts except with knowing thoughts given by themselves as they can give inherited information and allow you to be stuck with ability as thought different to each their own.

   The actual light fey identify themselve and have no prejudice as they are prone to judge and the dark fey are with prejudice as they can choose what they want, as this is probable that they who don't have souls for curiousity are doing merciless or mindlessly unless they make chaos assuming there is a soul with ability and they act good. This can make frezy which is due to activity and things done to make them malicious and they can hate humans if they see them as deadly actions are done as they are not needed for a service. The fey themselves don't have to do anything. As, they can temperally shift, with time energy as a natural result of harmonic energy exchanged supported with raw time energy that is similar to raw primordial chaos.

  This is raw primordial temperal field energy or tertiary, that can make any result of their desire by remaking need into manifested natural materialization, this is in form from lifeform to fulfillment that is nothing to become of the something that is in desire by individuality, as hope is needed to produce an amazing effect of life pattern everywhere. This is regarded and sometime produce their natural weight that is not natural as they needed it unless their desire is known. As desperate people, the curious people whom deal with the fey gnow the improbable and can give information imprints that imprint the brain and they allow you to know distance techniques right and now there is thought by what you think to manifest events with control.

   The malicious fey can lie to use a problem ability as its a broken thing and then you stop talking as it occurs, that allow them the make effect of life itself to be a charm of perfect effect to an object to make result, this result is to manifest as the result as you want the path of death or life point of view in practice. Witchcraft by natural means is natural witchcraft and amoral to the point that is truly understood and is an adaptation wishspell needed by the intent causing immunity to be unaccosted as they are undying and undamaged by the energy they use as they think start again or other soothing thoughts. The soothing thought is recieving pleasing from those there as they work with them, as they do they get more pleasure and they do try to eat not to fill and as they grow bigger unless they don't feel like it they do things to get things done and if they are mad they will react by surrender to their will and their madness manifests results as creations by thought. With thought comes will, with will comes power.

  This is with now power that comes from their anger used as a source and if not soothed by some means, they are likely to punch or slap. Now they stop with realization and go somewhere and the enjoy pleasures as are at hand. As you do something, the problem manifests that height will increase and you will be able to do more with being able and thus you do as you can and if flustered, the primordial energy use is making unstable conditions. Primordial energy and now is every conscious everywhere and any one place as you try to percieve at wasted thought by it as is.

  If it gets too bothersome by results just leave them alone unless you want, to kill them and go back to practice if not it leaves you alone, if you use chaos to keep it from life this is to kill it by thinking its snuffed out or this casting is a chaos ripple to kill the bugs. Any other way, this is in acknowledged moment and the fey are not distrusted if useful after they prove a result, by it being observed when it can happen and its what they want as with no intrusion thought. After, the fey of dark are darker in nature and distrusted unless they put on an act that may seem like they are inhibited by insanity but with destruction by desire this is when they get disturbing of those human race, and the fey of light are able to do as is to get their result as they come to a result as to figure out things and you understand the effect.

  This is the result they do as you can get them to help out with a worthy cause. Perhaps they just go and know to explore, and what they do goes unnoticed with no trace as they are not to be traced if you are one, as you could be the target of one that is proven malicious with disaster, and only if they are spotted they are positive as to doing things, without us then and this is as thought there with no effect as it can happen.

   Inheritance for the fey to weigh as they want to can come from energy of done effects, that will convert any energy source to another energy programmed with like mind by their thoughtwave and this can aid them to know that which is known as they can get possible with everything that is natural luck, This makes what they do with the result that is true to their desire in meaningful intent. The resident or resulting in form elf is the concentrated energy form of faery which looks object or is energy in human form and yet is energy as that idea is there, for them to accept and be as a thought shape.

  This can be in any shape or size that they want to understand as is, in effort by activity this can make what is possible by illusion or projection or nothing is done, as if you rather keep of the thought as you accepted things as suggestion, this then is their chaos as the little fey goes to identify where it came from, as the big fey don't care about this and now any thought is known by them. Then concept effect is their concept as they can not be roaches and other races reproduce by use with particles to get their result in their mind, easily by kind thought they can do things for research by the people and the manipulation, this is possible use to things do things with the desired thought and this even uses germs to make it generate results, with each use of any result this is only to end the effect if the energy is not there.

   Dark fey now can even in negative feelings do things as they can handle chaos and in the chaos idea thought up, this is to do things as is by their greedy nature as they can make soul form from death energy as with it they can do to make them do anything within their own reason as though it was their identified reason. Their sorcery is granted by the will they get from others, this is used to get results as their sorcery is taken from those who cast at them any important energy before they victimize those who die. They can be bought as dark fey can handle things with some assumed idea, by favors with a service for a service done and with others energy.

  Think it and it happens and with stop inducements as with this they tend to belong as to their natural habits by inhibitations that is natural cast to their eating, and that they do in there inhabitations that is their home unless they freely roam, to just do and to go for curiousity. The effect of their aura is to spread energy to the area, as they want to do an effect they sound burst it and the real idea is possible by just thought with just thinking they do. They can be nice, as they are doing things with people or other fey. Their languages come naturally, through concepts, else getting it with from the mankind soul aura castoff. This allows their energy to get what they want which allows them to do idea as they need things. This means truly desperate people are likely to get what they want except a tazer electroshock, regarding the law of mankind and other things are done to get out of trouble and thats what they do if needy unless they don't need the effect of life.

   The other thing is if they give you a gift of ability, then you can do what they can do. They can do it on request and if you are in need and if they like any of your requests they will do it. Fey can exchange thoughts through the thoughtwave and exchange the will to act by sharing energy as they get information, they will act for them with the aura energy taken off the combat activity, or as they natural act as a person then they act the person they choose to act like as a person as regard is there as they want to be, as the activity to work with entity they do what they must and just want to shape their body, at will they are as what land as they are not being there pushed into things and as they are an act they can be interpreted deserved in act by their just kind nature.

  This is being in the area as they are kind. The dark fey can sometimes use this to ruin disaster or life itself, and the light fey do things to comfort here, the human thought is done in need by used things such as this. As this is in self-concious need to do as their life force creates it by energy pulse in the thinking and this is the lightwave. This allows them who become fey to be like the fey in any mind mode that get what they want, and if you seek for your information they can give it as they are a mindset that you can use them to get results off of, this is with use as things exist to be of use. Which leads them to eat freely except when they want to eat right, this is with diet unless the no diet rule is followed, except fey think with being inhibited by what they think that makes them seem different and they know subconscious is in the motion, and they use it to form as they're nothing energy with each their own mind, this can bring disaster on the one whom disinterested them, especially the pixie and they incline and then make things which makes them able to do, that is enough as is this with thoughts to allow them to turn nothing into something, and now in their path is use of a timed response as this in movement and as this is off course and odd.

   There is as many fey as there is mankind and they can use their lifeforce by distilling the energy they get, they get to eat as to eat candy they neutralize it to get no negative aftereffect, and this is where they want more and as they want they can eat anything else and this is less of other food, then as they do things with their willed intent they can appear in elf form as people that become fey are elves. They are freed by their willed intent that you give them energy for being and feeling, then as with understanding is nowing, as this is after they seek food and drink to comfort by themselves with good feeling and in the land of theirs that leads them to be with nothing done, this is entertaintanment as to understand as to do achievement and that is what they do. This is thought that can be made as to make themselves do things after the fact, then the thought they recieve leads them into things and doing nothing, is what leads them to view things with boredom and this is practical where they do things and can give false identified truth that could lead them to good import, and things to do by identified tricks or good impulse as this could be lemon, sugar or chocolate it up to them.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Instant recharge

  This is the ending of anything that you consider in thought as something you do and now know what you think. This is the point where you do everything you need to in instantaneous thought, as you do think and you do your act normally. This now is as En Mai Noew, as i is an instant recharge point considered to be a thought that makes you rostive. This is the point where you rest a bit and summon energy by thought energy that is thought into your body through the aura and make your mind at peace as a thought to know and you take stock of what you want. If you go and do by beating an object for releasing unwanted or hostile energy into it for repose then you recollect your thoughts to get calm, understanding and think about it as you a clear mind in attribute to get recharged by objects conscious energy then is interred as thought with energy to form as a pattern the body follows as genetics and this is there to keep you recharged.

  This keeps you from ever losing thoughts as energy returns as you want to do things. The way to do the archmage effect and still move, is to stand still or lay still and think as you can see it in your mind. As, you get the point of time this is as you get what you want and you remember what happens out of the life that you perceive. This is life patterning result as you perceive it with thought done. In the point of thought that you use your subconscious to show you, then you can get things easily as though an useful idea of what you see and become normal. With the thought focused on something you want, your spirit uses the energy force that is nearby as you can cast spells by thought as you get what you need and this is to be done and this makes projects a success. This is made to happen realistically by espers that are formed balls, of soul existance made by excess energy placed there by touch, or aura and gathered from any energy thought to be formed on command to be hanging in the air as a construct formed into an esper form with thought. This can banish your weight and make energy when you need it to be there.

   The brain pattern can change as the mind believes it happened to you. This can cause it to kill you if you believe it personally effects you as you perceive it like you died from it. However, you can get results and think about what you saw, to make or cause results as you think to yourself that thought to see if its true. Then, you do an in action, this is where your thoughts are likely, so to lead you somewhere as though you were there in real life in your mind. The point of vanishing to be where you believe you are, is to do something else to practice what you see or check it out. Then, believe in your return or you will return to where you came from to send yourself back to your body.

  Think of what you want and send it to yourself by using your third eye as you need it to be there in your mind body as though a life spark that shapes the conditioning as with new thoughts that come shaping your mind, as though a wish spell that is done in practice somewhere in body dimension to make things easy. Similar pattern makes the thought, and this can be of activity that triggers the memory of where you are and you gain back control of a wandering body that is not mindless anymore. Then your ability is not weak anymore as you are making end results for getting a recharge by activity being done.

   Their is a thought that you can use, or as need to think there, you can send earth core energy by thought. What you think you do, you do as its pointed out by what you observe in your mind, as the body you generate in your mind is dimensional by thinking thought that it is, by thinking its generated by a particle that is produced there as thought makes it go. As you do things by thoughts of standing still, or you can move about as you then empower it to do things by sense of any energy which is possible by activity, if you get something that is thought to wrong in their view, then you go and do something else don't mess in time. Time shifting is by thought, as the particle formed of dark or light energy is to think to go and be as its needed to be. Wishing power is in order, of the cast 'essence of essential thought' that is thought to be pua formed as is a power ball, and you are with the ability to manifest by energy any kind of effect that is possible, this is where thought makes it and it is to be done on an instance and experienced afterword for this makes effect as your subconscious allows for it.

   As you do, you get the effect of being where you are in time as this is a point that vanishes if you don't accept what it shows you as think on it, and can be a thought that as a point you want to keep as lost experience by reminders or things that you reason out that trigger a memory response that happen reposing unless you want to keep your experience as you will know what not to do when you do things as this is wisdom if alleged you remember it. As if you kept the point you saw psychically, then you can practice it wherever you are and choice is yours. This can be counted as a moment that your subconscious doesn't intend you to think on and as its dealt with dealing with dealt with people is easier. And you get to places by thought of placing your body of your mind to an area you want to visit. Apart of instant recharge, is instant restore, as this is the approach to understand what is now and apply somewhere else what you intend to test it out. Then, you come back as now there are people revitalized by the belief in the self to do as it should, as it does things and as you need the effect that is desired by use of an energy source that is naturally there as it causes things to manifest.

   This causes a spirit rebound effect of the body if its focused thoughts upon a shockwave done by a natural energy sent, as an reawoken mind that can sense the thought of a disaster wave in the world as the mind percieves it and when you need it, you get the energy of it as though borrowing from the future of injustice, as peace is restored by the mind in repose this is by body rest as the body reacts better, then as the actual energy point hits its, as though a shockwave hit from a earthquake or eruption that you in receptive mode for the energy perceive it, as a hit in the eye that you can perceive it with psychically. The event then is known as disaster and it actually didn't happen near you except the response is the spirit to restore your brain as the shockwave can make you effected badly as you think to know what will happen next you become into being on the shockwave that jolt you into being into opportunistic mode. If you need it to it will and if you don't it won't.

  This can be any place you want and anywhere but this is any time. Then, you either let your spirit guide the inner energy body to make your mental body move and you can then move around, or you let you move your mind body to where you want to be and know it as you need to be somewhere or reminded by the view. As your reminded your remembering even though you get too intent on what you do, or you set up a reminder with a spirit insight to deal with reminder by a device that chimes like a bell. This makes you remember things by making you get an urge to take a break, and then you do the right things as though things needing to be done of this were natural and your chosen act and if you don't need to do it or don't like things the way they are, then you get an effective impulse that your spirit can allow if it wants to. And now, when you want to then your doing things as something else as a brake happens and you remember to do something before the moment actually arrives to be done as its alright, to be ok as another reason to be at a natural point as not an action unless your spirit makes it one as though an impetus. This is not needed if its already done, or not needed too frequently as this isn't thought needed to be done then it isn't.

   This is where you can shift about and do things to go by think and your mind body does it. This is called in phase time movement and you are either using food or drink energy and kinetic motion to provide movement. Or, inert as if through nothing energy that can move the body, you just direct by what you intend in saying or acting the thought in expression. As you stay still, you can move your body in time and space toward the area you wish to go as you think and gather energy into your aura and by thought you guide the inner body as you will it to go. This is inactive spaceous movement by in thought movement with action by thought made time movement and this uses space manipulation with something by use of energy.

  Suggest it and it does as it is with the right advice and that is correct action in thought. The not messing thing is as things mess up and prevent you from harm to not unlimit yourself by thought to not be messed up, and in effect use one of the idea you have in a subconscious thought thats called into existence by a world view, this is then the concept which you get information of the worlds by thinking of the planet and you repose your mind and allow, thus the planets thoughts can create in you the imagined concepts as thought memories to be with you and they stay with a use of them.

  The world is then beyond in a world and universe as you want it to be and as you will it to be depicted, then it becomes real to your thoughts and perception is adjusted to what you believe, this is there and you shape what you think by energy and this is concept of what becomes an involvement that makes it be. The mind view changes as you will it to change by using molecules of fat energy to get it to be as you want. Any feeling can be used as an energy source, as you do things and once depleted its gone. Using a remote control can send energy as transmittance to some different perue which is on the mention in different mind modes on the mention that you do or get in reality and you get whats on your mind as you remote control the mind body that the energy transmitted creates in the persons head.

  Then, if you think of the purpose it will get what you want  and you will get the body controlled if you intended to control the body by transmissions. This is bodily remote control. Theme the mind and you get your result like you do with thought of what you want. When you get control you think you get nothing and yet what you want as your spirit makes things so. Nothing is control and creates from dark matter space to bear yourself as though you made something like thought that creates itself from thin air with energy in mind and if you want to control matter you create energy into the form that you want that symbolizes the mass as you in motion do want.

  And, you can transmit thought to the brain to control and make what effect to the mass that you want and sometimes with help by those you ask. Brain control doesn't happen to those whom don't want to be affected by it, this is as you twist the coded effect of inherited effect of what they do on you as they try it to you, and as its unapplicable now it didn't happen as its to the point where your enhancing as with spirit need of body that you want to be in thought of and as you depict what you want this happens unless enhancement is not nothing and you do as necessary.

   It doesn't have to be suggested if you can do it actively and naturally response by intuitive body flow induced by thought and aura manipulation. This is what causes you to manipulate the chakra points as you get the result you think on you get the end result of clearing it as the aura energy is enduced to flow and clear all its blockage. As the spirit is caused by your thought to become as you as you intend it to become, you get it to draw in energy and then the body psychically picks up what you want as you need it and you make the body psychoactively doing things as it has a body conscious granted by the creator itself.

  This picks up thought from the surrounding and wherever it is, as it is and when you want it to, this causes it to read minds and souls as though it were natural by reactively being near things as around. Then, the thought transfers from those nearby as you need it to. You can perceive what their thinking. As though by natural intuitively gained ability that is use of energy and as its used its producing results as though from nothing in mind itself. This can manifest thought into reality as you need it to by thinking it does as your spirit causes it to manifest as is and as though from thin air.

  This can happen as though through a mass of energy that is a body field that were a mass to control and you push your weight down by mass energy is that mass that is neutral and this mass changed by the will as your subconscious manipulates the body by the aura flow and makes its result. So this follows the rule that mass is energy and is matter that is space and is manipulated, with motion you help the brain to use the body by the motion energy of the body and that makes kinetic that you can do anything to make or create with your thoughts. This is directed at the particles of energy and this uses spirit to direct it to do that which is that you want it to be manipulated to do it, as though this is by will itself.

  The aura is clogged up by negative energy and in negative thoughts can cause body problems as you think about it. The positive energy can end the result with particle as its a field or area of activity by mental cognitive manipulation. The positive energy can also cause your aura to fix itself as with white imagined energy bursting forth as it is going from your body to the aura, and this clears up body problems. The energy itself is dangerous as if you do with conscious with it as it takes your thought and this can make what you have in thought, no the moment and you want it back to discourage things at the end of happenstance. Think you write true and you will as you need to write something down to type it.

   Accept it as it is and you can be there to go on as with a stopped moment of time itself. That concept is food and drink in action as it can be used as energy via mind focus with a thought. This occurs as you can accept it for what it is, as its a concept your there to get what you wish of desire, and this is stripped by the spirit not wanting the result with a concept done to be a stop in motion by doing nothing in action. This allows you to not ever have a bad body problems. This allows you to play the trick of making it do what you want as you are thought that can allow it to sense as it wants to do things as directed.

  This also can make a wizard accomplished as it allows them to channel thoughtwaves as energy to create influence. As though this was thought on the body and soul, the idea is concrete and you get results by action. What effects the soul effects the body and this can effect the mind. As you do things you can generate a put in mind body to create things in the mind room area you have set up for the purpose integrated into thought. This allows the conscious thought to become integrated in mind and you can think as you want as a subconscious conscious.

  This is allowing the mind to power things by making with thought, and use of need by feeling things happen, as you imagine them for a fixed fixture or other things fixed, as you fix things and no more is needed as I am done and no repeat. As ghost is spirit you do things, then you realize what is and you know what you need to know as you need it and to prevent the thought, that shouldn't happen in time and space. As believe in it, you do action as appropriate where time is involved, then things can be undone. As undone, they in event revert to normal as time energy is released from undoing something. This creates only what is needed, at the moment by the spirit created need and this is a manifest in darkmatter itself to create unlimited affects. This is at will as you don't intend them as it is necessary, and as you do things to support yourself for however you intend to deal with things.

  Will the brain to restore itself and you get it to restore itself, as you don't mind separating yourself in the reality you are in, then the brain will become better by energy adaption by thought build to build a moment correction with chi energy built up, and you can think with life as gathered from the subconscious forming a mental hand with a thought, this is that as it does things to make the effect of taking excess energy that is not needed by people who are excessive and have emotion problems. This will cause you not to do right, as you have too much of it as it forms black energy. So if you put energy by thinking it into use and its being of an energy source, then you get thoughts better as the thoughts correct themselves. This energy can be an energy construct, what you know as erasure is forming undoing energy that is used and this is as a return wave, and objects made of energy are tapped to be used to make the general concept accepted. In the moment space and time is to do well in reaction to think right you know right thus you can instruct the construct to do things in the right way. Thinking this ends that moment.

  Thus, you know the psychic and you know subconscious, when you put in and make things with energy and think that with weight you put it on and you can take it off too by drop weight or however you want it to react to your thought and you used it by what is known as nowing psychoactively, this will of yours makes it do things as it will do shaping to your desire unless you want it to move and you get it move as you need it to by the mass thought with body consciousness. You don't have to react to thought as you instruct your subconscious mind to stop it from doing and it does and then not to do suggestions that you so don't want to do. Particle cause is the cause of what is there to make the energy do things by subatomic particles that are interactively doing things to respond to figures. This makes it respond as a psychochoactive mind wave this can alwas do the purpsed idea in the energy breakdown that transfers as it is hit on the particle and it makes it do. You are then doing it as you transfer your energy into the particle and it goes all the way and makes it as it does as you think it and it is to do things by this activity.

  Then, every effort of thinking is done unless you don't need the activity. Then when you want things you can do things by yourself and it can do things by itself. As of then, if you don't want it to do as is when done. This is when it does as your intent is and it stops and starts up group activity by activity in the nucleus particle that serves as your conscious or subconscious consciousness at will that you want reaction as though thoughts in transmitted by energy. Or to act the the opposite is not happened as this is it with no hit. Do not react, as necessary as it is to do, where thought as is considered in time matter transmitted across time as though a dark space in transmitted zone or not as nothing is done.

  It becomes you and if not wanted by spirit need or you no it your response disappears. You choose chaos because that is what it truly becomes unless you stabilize by steadiness in body due to a balance in food and drink to support your body. This is where you get an unusual brain to be with increased active thought on idea with high intelligence and you are with purpose that is who you chose to be as you wanted at the time of choosing the form. As long as you are with enough energy for the body, with activity of some sort then you remain that way unless you want something else.  

  Then, the body gives you that result as a shape of the mind that shapes the mind world or body shape by itself and that represents how your body interactively works with the world and this is intereactivity or bearing an intereactive result its supposing that you are reacting by body to stimulus through interactive inactive action and you seem to live as though alive so don't bear it just go and don't worry over what you did. As, you get to know that most people don't remember what they don't think on unless they are reminded of it. This can do it either way, to keep you alive by enduced free or nothing energy that creates itself as your spirit wants it to remind you to do things and keep you alive also known as the hepper field.

   Whatever you now go do, and allow hate of the thing you despise to avoid what is disliked as this is for the life energy you gather from existance to make in your mind existence as the brain remains perfect and sane as its strength in the body to remain psychic with spirit ability and this allows materialization from energy as nothing makes it with the body being steady with stamina that causes you to be able to remain active. As you are active so is your mind and if you are prone by braindeath, then you are barely thinking unless you can use your energy body to draw in energy and that energy is the energy that your aura uses to maintain the body and you still have an active mind.

  You think positive you still live as though you were each identity that you identified if the problem persists then you neutralize it and with thinking it is neutralized by your brain and that can be used to have thought that you neutralized it and then believing you did as you can then you do normal tricks to keep your body living anytime as though not forget and your brain functions with thought that really keeps you alive and you have a normal brain activity. No it not and it is not thought on whatever the brain chose to do as though it were alive to keep it with life energy as to do without degradation and you act as though you didn't get an effect. This can be used as you no it and this restores you as you lost your brain from an act to remember as this is of thought to cause no degradation with vegetablism. This can cause you to see dead people, in your mind unless your spirit doesn't will against it and you allow for it, and it doesn't happen if you disregard the thought by not thinking about wit.

  The dead you perceive in psychic vision don't happen as information in the brain as you don't want it there, and as you support your brain with energy supplied by anyone willing to give some of their excess as it is also countable to use objects. Once you gather energy from an object or a biofield, your brain undegrades and you think right as you get to do as you want. Only a tap and a thought to take energy from the object is necessary, then as you don't take too much from it, the object might still work after several energy feedings. By thought you can manipulate the elements that think of or need by feel as you draw with your spirit will to be made into existence and this is causing the energy body to make it happen as though creation with the creator by belief and with that energy element this makes it so that you can do it as this is mai. So causing the energy itself to draw in fire energy from the air heat, it can make it into a ball of fire that is a fireball, if its compressed into itself and made into a pinhead size or do as though you make with spirit and use is by thought mai and by directive the ball of will you create is firey as your result.

  To make an electricity ball, draw in energy from the air to be formed as electrical current that forms into the ball as your mind draws it into the compressed air that forms by its will. Aetherokinisesis is what is used to create electricity from pulled electrical current in the air. Fireball is fire pulled in the air or fire source by thinking about fire being there as there is the area of manifestation. Rest for a bit before trying things out as it is your tired out and can make mistaken thoughts. As we are divine beings, the formed mental thought can happen. Thus, the thoughts programmed to occur something will get effect and this is what you will to occur and the spoirt or body conscious can true thought manifest.

   However, if you die in your mind world by going to any world and this includes the spirit astral world, then you may trick the brain into believing that you died in real life, and you get either vegetable state which is braindead or your body may go through the motions of actually dying. To bring yourself back, have your energy being cause your body to live again. As this, it is able to cope and you are able to reanimate the dead with aura as your body is alive. To stay your hand as you thinking about anything with it in mind and go you can get to your real home and rejoin the body. If the trip way is longer mystically, now go to get what it absolutely is that you need and is okay. And, then you could die by your body not having a spirit after a few figurative weeks.

  Irl, your mind body is there in your body world and it catches you up with time as it is. Then, you could age or unage as you did things in your mind world. This can be anyone's mind world though, as you could think of being there and you are until you decide to go back and you restore yourself to what you should be, due to the spirit world time. To unage yourself, you decide to unage and state it to the mirror as you let your energy body make auratic and energy mass changes as you desire them. The body can get tired, after you do extraneous stuff in your mind as you do things to get achievements and go do things as the mind wants or may need. Your mind does not do everything that is suggested and is there to do, unless the spirit of the body allows for it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The time gate

   The time gate is a bubble of time energy that absorbs energy to create its effect and that keeps the thing you do that, you don't like as you are transferred by thoughtwave to another universe to make results as to change things around and come to in another area by teleport or not as you goto another place. The time and space is what you use and then you get results. The way of doing this, is really using a thought to make a thought of using the element you are attuned to cause things and mainly silver time energy uses the element, and then forming it into a time bubble that surrounds you as you will it to shift you to where you want with unaccost as the time bubble is preventing it and this is to do right by thought perceived from time energy. The effect is a protection that shafts the things it gets as energy to where you want it to send it.

  As the consciousness of the energy recieves your will by you sending thought, the will of your thought can be recieved the will of the bubble that makes the result of what you want to do. The energy you use makes the result and you get the effect that is considered a thoughtwish and now thoughtwave. You then depict in your mind what you want and state what the intent is and it happens. Then the time effect works its charm. Now, think where you want to go and you appear there as you would want, as though you were there and doing things that made it seem like you belonged there. So, then if not bad and in no deture if you visualize no shaft of light to escape to another plane and you get where you want there. If known about and work is back, treat it like a thing which is not there. This progress is what you may want so it can bring things to where you want.

  What you as in prejudice can't be beaten now, as your thoughts that are protective are very able to get anything to unaffect you. Use the thought of 'porral' as to make the orbital effect is to do things with the silver time bubble that relocates or displaces the body with an electron field shift, if it is you by thoughtform then you don't allow yourself to be beaten by thought to ward away prejudice or things that you thought that could beat you and as then you have in thought moments beaten that exist the result that you would need then. This is because you are taken as the thoughtform somewhere and it sends its effects to the thoughtform as the thoughtform takes energy as a blow or that can make imprint the blow, as this energy is with punch and a spiritual punch is done unless not needed, you now don't want things going wrong as you get the need to be into fights. The thoughtform can be gotten rid of, as its an imprint on the mind and all you need to do is think it gone as thought makes it nonexistant.

  The effect of materialization is the point of clear realization and the creator makes it appear where you are needed like a carbon copy of yourself as your weight can be used as energy it with effort is now it cleared up and with telepathy your new form appears where you as it want in whatever dimension you want it to be in and you may live in where you discover your body. Live is to be there as with thought and with will you can to make things happen by silver energy. This transfer of mind energy is what allows the silver time gate to work quickly. As the exchange of electrons in electricity happen, you may get the urge to fight or not you as the electrons jump to another atom and then you shift to where you think about as the silver energy copies you in energy thoughtform to make appear what of form in your spirit as it is in need and then to be there you think and this brings about you going and with a power form appearing at what place your spirit into objects as it wants what the victim as that is what makes things and is where your mind thought about.

   Any messing around that gets bad by others response that is from what is there is undone by the time electric shield. Which is formed from true source of that is made of electrical exchanges gathered by thought and put with silver energy as it makes things by the thought of what you want and how you get the upper level energy is with spirit that interred into your aura. Then, you get the exchange point, where you switch to another place and time as the body feels the electricity and your thoughts travel to where you want to go. Where your thoughts travel, you get to as your body turns into energy form as you feel icy cold and reforms there where thinking you are there makes you there, your not taken advantage of where you appear and the time shield allows you to know what is there as it exists.
  And thats how it works. As, you need to not be thought of and arrested, then the silver time bubble shifts the trouble to be in energy thoughtform that serves your will. This can be intruding as its used and as it is neutralized with neutronic charges of the electron field from leaping into people as though a hit and corrects for everything as is. This can do something with the mind that makes peace of mind and leaves you somewhere that you were in to concur as though insanity is done and you are at a safety point that you can reach in time as though an anchor point.

   Thus, if doing things and you thought of where you want to go occurs then if when shifting things can disappear somewhere else by the time bubble. This makes it interesting, so you leaving things behind is about not to happen. Unless, you don't want to bring the object nearby with you, then don't consider a thing thats near as it then won't. Consider in time your own place and then you go back to where you came from. If you don't want to be attacked then you won't as the time gate bubble works to keep yourself safe. If you don't want to be effected by things nearby or want to avoid things, then you get no disaster and those things you dislike don't show up in the space near you.

  As, you can go anywhere and anyway, the most likely effect is you are in spirit or soul that you go places. Then, all that you need do is will or think about making a body appear somewhere and you appear there where you want to appear like in a solid shape that is of the will of the body. The will shape will make itself from nothing that seems to be energy itself and yet its there as a physical body, too. This is only with energy enough to make it appear. Thinking healing and your body heals itself from existence that is there. However, the easy way of leaving you alone as you see yourself is getting somewhere is to work at doing something and thinking of the place and you are there as you are here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The gregagore

  This is a enhanced egregore construct born of thought that is of you and forms here and as though born of a thing of energy, now is moment without space that expresses itself as thoughts in soul and perception of time is from being there and back again in the memory, the effect is in a soul space that is thought expressed to be and creates that which you want and this is unlimited in effect, this is what you want to happen for things to exist as memory is with solar energy as the power will manifest by willed thought in form that is energy projection.

  Things in use are things in practie as practical use is what energy the gregagore can create with, this makes what you think as a thought or use in purpose or otherwise you go on to do things. As you start to see reason to, things are realization by what is observed or thought is a practice and practice is what occurs. This occurs thoughts with what you need as is with the power of the soul and as it forms the gregagore into not being except where you project it at and need it to be. So think it to make it and it can be there. To stop the perceived beating you may get, stop perceiving it.

  Consider it done, as this is of concept of perceived willed shaping and this can make anything with the thought to be made into shape by pulling energy from existing energy through concentration as this is done on activity with practice and think with nothing minded and feeling the need and then will thought into things to make by feeling it form your willed intent with the mind as of what you want to exist is to be willed by practice a thoughtform made by the being of where you will it to be. As you need it then its there without breaking concentration by thought concentrated into creation of itself.

  What you believe in yourself is what you believe of yourself sometime as you need the result and the gregagore can do a program by event, as this is a make of the result you have in environment and energy creates from itself, this is manifestation. This is with a believed thought, as it is perceived in thought by motion and that is your possibly your perspective form. This can be your form and make your shape in body so, as its felt specially differently this is wit by intention of positive will, and that can melt fat by correction with energy.

  This is with made scene or imagination as this is the scene in mind that makes positive dreams of what you need and this is what makes the thought you have seem as though the real thing to you. With concept such as this is the need by will by which will make things happen in the right thought by intention the moment of concept or will can happen and change occurs the direction by movement that makes the moment. And other given thought is energy in the moment a thought makes move by kinetic motion. This can make the event or effect by the power of thought.

  As you know and feel so you can feel the act out, so this is as you are with senses that act as though the thought you feel is and the senses are there as you know them and they are seeming from spirit and thinking about use gets you preconceived thought triggered by notions that can be tested from the time you think on as precognition, this is so you do right as this is so. Then instinct use and intuition from the soul create the right result from the spirit that makes the right things manifest.

  This is where you are doing or thinking and can form events and concepts that you think will use the body to create with and you control actions with thinking. As you give it space it forms universe planets in you, and for other uses it forms the things you want as a manifest. This perhaps is to help in perceived thought as a space with anything in thought space considered conjecture as you can revoke, invoke or conjole to create things to target and know at will, the right action is then correct with the right result that makes effects form anything, you want and so that becomes experience of what is not thought as what you do and perceive is not to be. This is the power by energy manifest, and will with skill use and manifest is by spirit using soul memories.

  This can be with considered uses of the real life moments, to think of help by thought will create the concept in formed thought as imagination as you say it it does it and this relates to what you experienced and this allows you in your mind to deal with things as though coping with the right reasoning. Think things through before you do them as this is where you are likely to be not effected, then if you think your not wanting.

  As, also known as a teribithia moment of real life or imaginary moments in the moment of concept, things you perceive are that there that can be acted out and if you need to practice the idea as a cosplay by acting out the part you perceive with or not without costume and so now you are as though you are to be and you can feel better. This is the moment that you can share things, and as you believe it is then its not unlike a truth as your thinking about other people or your near a being that can do anything with you, and as your not in the moment it is with other people in thought and taken in thought so you can soul express it, then they 'hear' or 'see as though vision' as though the thought, this is just to be known and you can express the concept you beat the thought they think.

  This is just about things, and here you go as with a thought process thats from stimulus by things, and being of what you do by what you think of real life, and now this makes coping skills as you get over it. So bearing with it is acceptance of tact, as you do things you get over the effect. As with anything magic, you can release it with a gesture. As you do so, you will succeed as to be not in an act of undoing. This is the power you use as you act natural and be your will so you know and be to act acceptable. So the act you do is not to be bad, you will be normal or sane to people who observe you. Bad and good are real moments of conditioning the thought by a moment of observation in life.

  As you instruct the gregagore by thinking to it and in your thought your right as you feel good. With the right thought, then you realize things and your in teribithia. What helps this is to think with a clear claireaudience ability to others, as what you think of them they are in your mind and what this does is shape others in your mind, and if you feel fire energy and want them to be the shape they are in your head, then this can make them into something as they receive your energy by aura called into being as transmorphing thought, also this can be a dream sending that they can believe to understand to relate and if they want they can perceive what you want or perceived, and in thoughtwave as its thought being sent that their mind receives makes it so they perceive it as a vision. Then you can grin and bear it and thus the activity of life makes teribithia with your will to be the moment end.

  To beat your distraction in real life is to accept it and react according to whats correct in action by reaction in thought. But, to beat your foe in a teribithia moment is then to release your tension by tensing your body and releasing the tension and as thought surges with energy you gain control of your emotions, as you imagine them as you want to be and think the right moment. As then your in something, as this is with thought that makes you understand yourself you do not act out unless you just want to experiment and this is by 'think and do' in your mind as your spirit can do to make thought and this  is considered a make and unmake only as necessary as for the make of what it is from is time forgotten. After your done with it then that is when you don't need it.

  Never do it if to be at a foe with results in real life, and as you need physical activity you do things realistically for you never in life beat a purpose that is from a friend to get  good result and then you do if to cancel the movement and as you are not of good standings go right ahead and be as you are to not leave as to know and do things on thought, or not so as otherwise you don't do a unnecessary beating with you distracted, this is by what you think as some other thought that can make else.

  Whatever you want is done by thought that creates action as your in a good mood for the moment that happens to you, and you can make use of this as this makes things in effect. Things happen as you are there as you can no the moment and you are to think and then beat them by being nice to them in real life. You can also start to think and do to accept the perception and now that you are in an act with thought, this is so you can keep your reactions right with people in perspective to what they do.

  So be as you are, and do as you do to treat them as you understand them to be. This is with the right message sent as though a dream vision, as you get the right result. So there, to be the idea, don't think about it and in this moment you need to start stopping, something stops intruding in thought as you don't need what is there. Act natural as to be yourself if you do things elsewhere, and as you do there is respect to be of notice for what is there as you know and this makes what you do or not do as you realize it and don't get killed where you go and come back from.

  This is where your thought movement becomes the event that is perception. And, if you don't believe by things being too unbelievable, the teribithia moment in mind then stops as you don't want it. This can help you wake up from the vision quest or dream vision as its interpreted by dream mood, as the danger is that the brain can perceive this job as real, then the body can try to react as though it is. Thought makes things as though real and seen available there, so then if you are not accepting the result as you perceive reality where you are in the moment, then you know that is there and then your thought of this is true.

  Now this is intrusion for what you think is false is abided or not as you don't want the brain to see react or as you thought it out and you don't want it to happen it won't. And as its thought out this is then done, as though you knew it or its not there to effect you as you disbelieve or ward away the danger. Anything that happens when it happens is remembered by thought as you trigger the memory by use of the past activity somewhere, as teribithia is called teribithia in conception from the teribithia movie.

  Thus, now the called for danger is a point to you so that you have to bear death and that you can accept death. That makes it so you could have a perceived thought reaction by the thought to a real or imagined moment, then as its believed to be real and you body reacts to the point as the act then is concluded, now then is the moment where real things could kill you as the body could act it out of what it saw unless its thought out as a scene. Thus, in conjecture you could perceive the other dimensions in your mind. As you think about the moment you need to see, then you perceive them with the so called moment treated now like a lucid dream moment that ends on thought.

  And now that could make the 6th dimensional movement that you perceive the objects lift up and then use activity energy of  the death, to make that right there is to go by death impulse to stab you as you appear there in body formed, then this is from the spirit energy, as though from a particle which sends yourself back to return to where you think of as here. This makes it so you can perceive dimensions in your mind, now by expanding your conception by thinking about what you feel with senses and feeling with need of the perception thought comes as a vision. This is what is there and you act right on with what is so as being there you will know true thought of  what is right there and with being done you are back to where you came from.

  This allows it to be given the soul energy from objects. As they are touched and the object is with essence of taken energy it is a transfer of the object energy collected from the area and it empowers the instant thought to be gregagore perceived as the space to be more intelligent in mind thought as its a form of what they want it to appear like with thought that is programming it. Being positive with thought at the gregagore will form it even better as its thought enhancement, for what it effects is what you want and this is making it allowed to form what it will be as it thought to form, this is as it is thought that will change others as they want to be changed.

  This is what thinking creates in activity that is from added thought, and is energy by actions with idea in movement or kinetic movement by thought of energy. This is in physical space and you are what you asked to be as you are for the thought of something, by soothing fire and thought to change by the altering of body aura with its flow of thought energy as a pattern of air and fire forms you. What this can be related to is Feng Shui, or that energy in space that is formed by object energy and in arragement in pattern to cause and make things happen by thought or occur the right events.

  Anything you do in there is to make energy in your body, think a cure that exist for any sickness and you have one as you make out with people there in your head. Arrangement of space time with your idea by thought and planning the area with object placement can form space here as a reality and this is a trap for money to be spent, then debit thought is where you ask for things and in now if you don't care about it then you don't get it here as you spend it there you can perceive your spending here. As you believe it to be able to, it will do despite what it does after.

  And for no apparent reason it occurs things as a practice with mind and thought as this is grey magic by supernatural activity in which you can sense out what it is by feelings and activity observation. This is the point where even sigils, this is with drawn lines that you believe will work in reality and create things to be, will fix and do all you need them to do. What you believe that is suggestion and needs to be done is like a ripple into this time as it forms right in reality, so if you need to know right from wrong, then think of what you need to know and what you feel is wrong when you need something is wrong and as its in thought it can be there in reality as though a real time nightmare.

  This makes popular belief bad to experience as its violence reacted to in thought. Then, the point is that you can do something and feel its necessary, but if you feel its bad and then you disrespect someone, the dream world is reflective of that in conflict. If you feel you deserve it then you will get it even though you think its bad, with dreams of reality this can make torment in the dream world cast in darker settings, as anything you prevent is dark that you do then you leave the room and the thoughts of the world you perceive won't slay you or won't be there as this is a malicious dream setting. Things of religions don't happen as often as you need them not to, and you think no to not see them as you don't go to no church.

  This can be positive thought from any thought energy at it to become an energy thought form in shape of what reality you want it to be known for as the reality perception or the feeling is formed from what the purpose is, so if you make up a rule of what you want then that is what is to happen give and take of that reality as you get things out of the reality of what you believe you get, the indifferent thought makes things different in thought as then this occurs in scene of mind by imagination, and feeling as though this is what you formed as though it occurs thought there is what makes feeling bonded to you which allow the senses of the moment of now that make the matter of thought that you see in your mind and figuratively speaking you can sense things as a thought that can form as viewing which is psychic phenomenom.

  As figurative speaking, sensing happens then you can think or visualize space and things. This is to explore the point as a space in thought mind and you perceive effort of the place you thought as you arrange things by thought into place as thought of you is in the place by feeling and this is existence being explored. Think right and you get right, think wrong and get bad results as you put energy into the thought out existence. This allows you the ripple effect which is as you think of what you want and as you acknowledge things, the act then becomes real to you and makes thought as in chaos wave that effects reality as this is in dream, it is a dream result like a dream slap to wake you up and this allows you to be back where you came from and you avoid any trouble as you feeling the need to go you snap to attention. This planet you are on in the dream existence is where you can get what you need and not have to act out as you don't dream aloud as this is not talking aloud. This is relatable in dream image, as you get to feel safe and you feel the chaos result and this is the effect of an chaos anchor that you can go to and you know things are right. Chaos waves are talked about here at [].

  So to acknowledge the dream and think on it for the exact dream interpretation, the dream image you percieve in thought view in vision you can look it up in dream moods by use of online access and the address is here as ( or here at ( And point view can change the perspective as you want something, this changes the dream you have to be something else that you want as though lucid control. If you want something to disappear in thought, think of the vanishing point of which the picture you can detain a picture makes the effect drop out of your system and the ripple effect actually happens where you are to replicate the result you felt in reality. The dream that is spoken or thought about is with the effect of changing atrocity to being, something else and carry the burden for yourself. And anything you can relate to in the physical dream world created ans called out of existence for recall, can be recalled and is often by dream moods or dream interpreter as it can release you from your dream.

  However, an issue is feeling emotional as it is struck out at someone with due regard as you are not feeling good and this is not rewarded from reaction as you can feel the feeling of return as feedback is through a warning sign that you were slapped, belligerant attitudes make sane insane individual by reproach as you are physically slapped or acted on. Similar things such as being punched in the face result from sensing or feeling the punch somewhere else. As you as you believe you are and become as though you were there and here you are them. Being called a name in the primordial existence can make you so existence is that change in mood. So as you think your an object, then you are being there as one with intelligence as its what you want to act out there being you. As everything never correlates to something where you are, then that is it and considered wrong and insane, never means never as long as you mean it and if you don't want more than insane amounts of what is there, it will change chance to happen as though now is an indication and if you don't want it then its not there.

   For each thing there can be taken as this is a symbol of the dreaming mind or taken by lucid thought, you can control what perhaps is there as now the thought continued if you stepped out of time and to take a person out of reality and they just as soon as become what is personal to them is and to make money with enablement by doing thought this is as thought of it here and is often done by expanding your mind of indifferent thought. This is as to become as though you were in a form of speach you wanted to be of action in now, and you can do anything as you believe its a gregagore so forming a theme is easily done of a remembered physical dream world, or just not be energy space as it is of the 5th dimension formed by thought form and desire so you go free in the world that abounds as something where your nothing but thought and you would allow this and to do as you need things with thought or not as you don't need it. As you think your there then you as energy in form is there, as you think your here and then you do things to be here by forming it now in mind and by thought this now makes results with psionic will direction by thought and what happens as though this is what you read and is put in action which remains in thought as though you were working with it.

   As you need it in there and you take it from here, then the identified particles made of the space suggestion by gregagore will design, thus by your intent the energy forms of what you want from there using the particles of what you got, there it comes from as you believe it will, on each individual concept the thought of awakening there in the dream world also the astral plane, there you want to be as you are there as into another reality by real body shift and going to sleep there spirit wise you are never jarred out of thought as from there you come here as your need is attraction to its conscious mind at the animal spirit or now your acting weird as the will can exist to make force energy out of things losing power as energy correction for proven positive energy as it can be used to create sane thought here in solid form. That forms the energy pattern of electricity and used ocean energy can soothe things over as the due slapping of the ocean waves cause in the body waves of energy that can occur powerups. Yet, the powerups are with a reusable event by which you gain energy and quicker movement as you move your body around as this is you and me and your head moves as a result, that allows the body in movement to move and think quicker results and now to have better thoughts this makes as though things are relatable by positive thought with an object by thought objectivity.

   This is what can change as your mind is clouded by what goes on. This is attributes of the reality in combat as it happens to be illusion to you from that which intrudes on your senses, just thought about things within this world make interesting thought by incidence there and nothing here and now disinterest in this way of thought to act and you do as you cancel out things here as this and can cause a clouding effect that is made by disruption in the force by an energy being consumed. That right there is of thought and doesn't belong here as it is there to bear likeness of a bearable influence that becomes unbearable as it is wasted by parasites, whatever the energy in thought pattern can create any reality in the head and this pretty much makes much of matter in space and in realization of this being ruined. So this makes every effort not happen right and so the force or spirit sensation as a prickling or coldness formed of the present changes to make thought perception.

   And, to know of things makes of this possible now to be and reproduce thought in energy as this is the jedi senses of the greatest intelligence of the universe conscious named Ben using the creator energy as a force of energy ensues to issue effects, to create patterns in space time by energy creating from itself what is thought on as a purpose. So think it and it happens to exist as you want there to be formed. This issue resolves conflicts as it is resolved by calming influence of the mind being in repose as then there is thought where the attractive quality is a calming thought and as then this is making itself felt by thinking calming idea and losing hope of desire that brings print to real life in a lucid dream effect. This is the hope of dreams in a world that exists in disaster energy or other energy source from there as the collected point by mind thought is raised in energy and delivered here as a product. By doing things their way your doing them here as your doing them here, your doing them there as you seek information it comes from the mouth. In physics here your doing them as a form of speach as you distract them there and as there you get to do the things they do here as though doing were the energy in action as this is to readjust by readable interred reaction as intereaction by visual thought. In doing this, you can stand still or move about and do as you need to, now you know whats going on where you think about it. If you think about this, then you can percieve the itereaction as a visual psychological dream as a dream quest also called in activity bestowed by mind a vision quest. All this you can control by egragore which is a mind thought construct made of energy and thought pattern to make it intelligent.

  This is where you are able to make something at will and an object is formed of intent here from trust by belief to have it here and your spirit makes it happen to create with thought and as it creates its knowing things of the person as identical by feel with senses to you of the person in memories as this is stored in imagined jaunts in space time and thus from sense you know what it is. This makes gregagore intelligent from the soul essence collected from what is cast off by thought with soul essence as it then thinks with a soul from essence itself. And, its effects don't get distrusted as its always the right signature to the person. As its ben that forms it, he knows why and what they will accept and thus its always right to the individual person as a real thing. Now is the moment it perceives as you exist to control by guidance to it and as you exist it can exist, unless you die then it still exists with nowing as it percieves in time what you are doing and thinking is now as it is with your thought assigned by intention. As each change to it does things to use it and create using simple or other thought as its source by which you direct by thought of it as it perceives your positive thought as enhancement. This makes psi the science of thought.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Esper creation

   The Esper are actually Espers and the lifeforce of forgotten spirits and cast off soul essence as they are in harmony as souls of another dimension with life as they can be concept like Astrals in game terms of Wartunes. This will create the esper soul essence from animal souls, soul essence put into objects and things by aura infusion in cast off things and including british and other original point things wherever they are, and other dead souls as people when they die taken with thoughts in formed collection. Workk wit the idea and this pointed at the construct from formed idea is if chaos or order is energy thought is energy and this can seem harnessed by what you consider a use.

  Form in instances is with an idea in thoughtwaves directed at the root point of existence, that makes a construct of energy created with thought as shaped by will. If you get them from cast off things, use focus to form as if shaping the moment as essence with thought then if they aren't prickly about it with poignant opinion you can use the essence as an idea to use . This will seem to be made into the astral soul that is very capable or even clumsy, as it is useful the esper will create the effect you desire, without you to experience attack or disruption by displaced attack and this is distraction as it can avoid backlash.

   What gives the soul essence its natural force, is the creator. This is where you can think at it and you give it memories. Otherwise, the soul will awaken by juice or other drink put with natural thought energy put by fey into the drink. The idea is then whatever you want the esper created, it will do to work and do as needed. This can copy, any memory from other places as you are telling it to. Including the thought of which you had, as this is from your original soul it can bring back memories in thought by what you intend in dimensional space that creates its separate result as its own things as it is because on this way is what reveals the truth to lose things and you won't have incident come across to you as is.

   The way you act, is the way you become or the way think can form change your body. This form by act itself can change as the aura and the body changes to adjust to become better by knowing with intuitive action thought by the soul. This is in the mind as you are capable of getting anywhere or forgotten actions can come back, clumsiness is correctable by the thought guiding the feet. The more energy that the esper gets the more it can build with actions directed by body movement. Each and every action is done by anything that is there and gathered into something and made to do things as you tap it and think it into and action is by thought that can make kinetic force known as kinetic action. This is the power of thought thats easily usable and by ending actions that you don't like, you get your energy back and by whatever it directs that gives back impression thought to your mind, then it can store as the information is used or nothing else happens. Just think it and it happens, as you want it it does with the right thought. The Esper can defeat nearly anyone as it needs to, unless reason is used that it sees as action from forgotten use or other use.

   Whatever you do, they are of use so don't kill them as they are alive in thought, wait till they die off naturally, and as they die and their soul leaves their bodies. The end of this lies with you dead from thought creation as you get the results from the effort. However, if you add just enough soul essence from your original and optional soul the brain will restore its function and power in an hour. The spirit can can take it at need as essence of energy to be put into esper form shaped by your intent in cast forth them to make results to use individual power as in enmake ability. This esper can act like a astral soul that can use astral energies very easily through blue energy dip as though candy or food and drink.

  This is from memory  where the thought ability found that was lost comes from the soul as psychic you lose some part to go and activate ability in others to gain power and power is energy by thought represented by actions. Use of chi energy is personal power that is used to form results by built up bodily stored energy known as this is directed by thought known as ki this is as though it is now to be the end result of your thought as weight lost is by thought power of ability.

  This is thought as time thought as its shapeable by different thought that makes what you intend as it is then formed and the effort to send it out is transwave and this transmits through time by negative thoughts in wave and is considered a thoughtwave of lost power that is thoughtform that is possibly sent distracted as its cancelled by thought. This is as it is electricity in use and is known as transwave that can send itself to be as you need it to seem because it works for us exceptionally well. As this is for personal use, things are easily done.

  There in thought is the thought pattern in cut scene moments made by the subconscious mind and where you go in another world by the scene is what, and this wears you down as you can view the scenes in your mind as the scene cuts it being the esper that acts quick through the dimensions as by action with no regard and thats about think it. The subconscious can view the scene as going backward or forward in 5 second and also 5 second back intervals and then you go back in time to another space in existance.

   The spirit is soul power projected forth as any part you want to project is  considered formable information that can shape individual weight to shape weight and form as each  weight drawn can shape itself into an object that holds the information that the soul gets as impulse from the mind. This can form particle effects that is formable into spirit weapons that project forth as you need to. The body builds itself up as the mind needs it to, this is with energy and is, that intermediary effect is as it is the best thing to do. So, the public motion thought in action is done by you needing to go back and you are yourself.

  This then allows it as it is known to do good for the moment. This allows you to control the subconscious from your spirit manipulating it, as you need to see it. As, this is the point where you can control the scene in your head, then you can watch what the subconscious shows with the spirit in mind, unless you don't want to watch anymore as you need to do something else as not you in mind. Consider thought as a genius and you are doing it with the subconscious making it happen.

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