Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, November 30, 2018

Dreams and nightmares

This post came from blogsite, entitled: Dreams and nightmares.

Published on November 30, 2018

Dreams and nightmares

written by Oranum Psychic Jennywithlove

Dreams and nightmares – remember that we are fascinated by our own dreams and nightmares but most of the time we have no idea what they are. Many of us do not even remember what we dreamed overnight.

I can say, however, that we should pay more attention to what we dream, especially as we can improve our lives. Most of the time people ask themselves why I cannot remember what I dreamed? I can say if you wake up immediately after dreaming of more dreams then you may remember at least one of them. But if you move between two dreams, then you will certainly not remember anything.

If you dream in the morning, chances to remember what you dreamed are greater than when you dream at midnight.

Dreams can help you solve life problems therefore I advise that you always have a pencil and a paper close to you and as soon as you wake up, write on the sheet everything you remember.

Dreams and nightmares – reduce the stress
About nightmares I can say that daily stress is responsible for those ugly dreams. The more stressed you are in the waking state, the more likely you are at nightmares. And if awakening from a horrible nocturnal movie may seem like a moment’s relief of fear, actually solving this feeling through the mechanism of the dream fails and the tension will not be released properly.

A lot of people ask me if dreams could predict future?! Yes, sometimes dreams could predict future. Dreams build a special universe that enriches our lives. In their world, we find the beautiful experiences we have lived, ideas and solutions, including premonitions.

If you had a hard day, it would be ideal to have a walk before bedtime to make you feel comfortable, or at least a relaxing bath, meant to remove your negative thoughts. Stress builds up on a subconscious level, so it’s good to work on reducing it through more enjoyable activities.

In the end, I can say that dreams are an important tool that helps us to learn, a key to creativity and even survival, a window to our secret self.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Some basis in idea

These are other things that I came across, this was where I discovered them lurking in the mind and I decided to post them here. Enjoy as you can what is here. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.

definings (skip to end):

fliowaa = flavor water; this is water with turmeric and some type of flavor, like dark chocolate stevia (from ebay), cherry extract (from ebay) and sugar substitute (either from or ebay) with vanilla extract as an afterthought.
kali = chaplain; captain, preacher or priest overseer of a church, ship or building.
cybu = technician; repairer and worker of machinery and computers otherwise.
nea = not or note
knut = dick; this is where knutty or knutting is dicking around by what you think to do.

World view

seugeo = seauu geo, subatomic world; This world is the world that games can be made of and what you see when you focus your third eye, hand eyes or feet eyes to see in it is what is created by someones willing nature. Otherwise this is your will that is reflected there, what you may notice is mostly beauty. So think about what you want to see and it will show it there. If you want to be there, then think of it as there and where you are as here. Think a generated form is there and your able to comprehend the idea, this reflects in the language that is there.

The being that is there is what informs you by telepathy what you need to know, this is even showing you what you want to see if your third eye shows you the sending. This is not always foolproof, so be able to handle whatever comes your way. Sometimes the beings there might want to be born here, so think about a suitable parent and that is done. If you think your here, then you seem to return and your no longer aware of what happens there. What you want is sometimes given, if you don't get what you needed. This is what I noticed about the subatomic world. However that isn't always true, if you look yourself with your own third eye then you might notice what you want to see.

niogeo = nano world; This world is similar to the subatomic world, this is where you focus the third eye and generate activity in some form there. Send some energy there to do what you need. Think to send the energy and its there where you want to do what you think. Only there is this fact that your third eye pinneal gland can manipulate it by feel. That manipulation is done by influence, this uses the crown chakra. Think of the idea and state what you want, that uses the third eye and think to use the planet core or mana energy with focuses or think the idea that the crown chakra uses it into creating what you want. The nano can influence the world, if you influence the nano.

The basic idea is using your mind to focus your mind, then you create by using the soul that causes the spirit to do things. So what you can do is what you think, this is a noted effect of the nano world, that appears as a vision and works like a thought. However due notice of the extremely small size, this means that you manipulate what is there and generate a form otherwise. That appears there by feel with the senses to indicate what is going on, you know things by what is done. The idea is this though, what you do there is up to your imagination. This is a point of the nano world.

zupgeo = particle world; This world is a world of particles, the area is what you think and bipartison in effort to work by feel. This is with an idea that means you think it and the particles rearrange themselves, that is useful to match the area influence and the point of concept that you think and feel will occur. The particles are what you think, the area is with what occurs and where you are influencing things. The idea is the thing that you think causes the particle world to influence the real world, the feel is the senses that are used to determine what is there with the perceived perception. This uses the third eye and the other eyes, that is such as the hand eyes, this useful idea is used to create what you want if possible. If not, then the idea in use is what you think is used and things are what they are doing. This is the particle world, the results speak for themselves and he doesn't do it where she does things.

sezupgeo = sezup geo, subparticle world; This super particle world has noone in it, noone lives here at all so think of what you want and the influencing element in this world creates what you want by moments and visions. This world creates by the element and these are air, earth, fire, water and void among many more. The element is what you think and the point is what you get, if you know about things that exist in your world by what you do. Think about the idea and then feel the need, then the subparticles create what you usually starting with a light display, sometimes this is in the night sometimes this is in the day where its shaded. So think about that point, you then create by the idea that you have using the sub particles and quarks. So think "or not" and this particle effect stops as you leave the area.

suzupsah = su zup sah, Super particle plane; The super particle plane made as it is of planetary existence is what is there with excited particles, you may call this plane a buffer area for the place or area you live in by feel. That planar area a place is an area that exists things, this area is what creates what you think and makes what you want. The area exists in the uppermost atmosphere of the planet, that is where you think things to exist and they disappear from here where you are to make themselves knowable there. If known about, then you think to get the idea that you want from there to materialize here. Then you know what you need to know about and things work as they should. If the super particle plane does exist the idea as a point, then all you need to do is use the point and the idea such as a cure works for you.

Astral world travel; Astral travel across the veil of time is simple, think of the place and your there as all you need to do be to focus your mind and calm your thoughts. Then, you enter the astral plane by thinking about entering the astral plane and falling asleep. As you fall asleep, you are then in the astral and thus its a thought, that allows us to go across the veil using the power of the veil wall. As, the veil is a part of our minds and is somewhat physical as well. So it will respond to our thoughts and 'shift' us there. Thus, by our will we are then on the other side of the veil, where all the energy is with idea by feel. If you know your there, then you realize the idea by what occurs. So thinking you return and falling asleep you return by what you do.

micben = Microbe universe; This is the micro universe full of multiple microbes, so these microbes are represented by people in a realm of reality. That is the second layer to this reality. This realm is a virtual reality, that created by microbes you can make what you may of what you will.

This means that the microbes are nano scaled, so if you think to see the true reality then you will black out. Notice what is thought or use things in sense. The microbes are you in real life, so think about that. They are also conscious of things, so think of things on a microbial scale and the VR level is representing your thoughts.

Think to end the VR moment by mimicking lifting off the headset, you then know the base of the second level. After that, you take off the VR controllers from the hands and wrists. Then walk out, this is where your thinking of leaving. This exits you from the VR world. The rest is up to you after that moment in time.

This is when the VR lvel is basically in two parts. The real area and the VR headset world view. So think to get what you want, you may end up with the pint by idea. Oh due note: Thinking of improvements I believe the VR is capable enough of being taken as thought thought was real life. So if your given everything withstanding the idea, and this is without question, then you are within the VR itself.

Since that speaks of improvements to the area, I believe that if you separate from VR, otherwise named Virtual Reality, then you could enjoy what's there. So don't go off believing that VR is real life. VR is just a game and you can bet the humane humanity there is increadible. See that is microbial life for you by feel. Since you were never there actually, this point doesn't matter. So think of what you like and you can get it.

Keeper things

So; Sooth your mind by what you think to relax and you can relate to others or yourself better.
EX: The idea what soothes your mind, that soothes your brain feel. The idea is done by feel, so think about things and you know what to do.

Foci = If you realize what you know, this works as your brain knows things. This also works as your brain is tricked into realization through actions and activity.
EX: You remember what you think about and you are aware of things, when as they are by feel as they are. This I think counts as though a realization. If you don't get a realization, then you can try to open your mind through meditation and relaxation. This makes what you want if you think of the idea to create, that is when your meditating by feel. If your relaxing by laying back or laying down and breathing slowly, then you can create what you think by feeling the need for the point that should exist.

I'm im; I'm in a point imagined, if you imagine something, then you can find it exists if you need it to exist. This is an imagined point.
EX: If you imagine something, then your spirit causes it to exist by feel with the senses.

imagination; imagined is the point, created is the idea you may have.
EX: This allows you to create what you imagine as though an idea, although those with a counterwill won't be effected.

will; create as you think, the will is the action that is done.
EX: This is where you notice things and the will is the spiritual influence, that is felt to correspond with the idea that you have. If the counterwill exists by spirit, then they don't do what you will and do what they want to do instead.

feel; This is feel magic, where all you need to do is think the need, then say done or fixed.
EX: Think of what you need at the moment and then your body does it through subcoconscious full manifestation when you say "done" or "fixed" to create the idea that you need or want. This uses the power of Hera that harnesses the planet or exoplanet as though an energy to create what what you need was its influence shaped by the spirit. If you feel hitting somewhere, then feel free to use your need ability to create the idea of a random effect on the beater.

This is as though a die 6 were rolled to determine results. Where rolling a 1-2 is where you get what you needed, 3-4 is some result thought up by the DM/GM, 5-6 is thought of events are thought of events and nothing really happens. If the thought up event is weight gain, then nothing really happens magically and unless exercise is done if too much weight is gained (mainly rolled a die 100 for the number), then the body explodes.

Weight; This is where the weight ability is using up the fat energy, that is done to create what you want by needing what you think in idea. The way this works, you think and need a result as if an end result, then eat or drink (water works) something. This works if you think it does.
EX: The ability only manifests if enough weight is thought to be on the body (this is akin to rolling a die 100 for the total necessary), so if you think to get an effect all you need to do is imagine or think about the result. Then the fat excess on the body converts to energy (sometimes not all fat excess is converted) and you create what you needed by feel.

Other points:

no weight; this means no weight gain occurs by feel with the senses, the use of the heart pacing that's quicker with activity in the the creator's shield. The point is done by what you do, so think and work with the idea you come across.

ohnoki; nobody is doing things you do things for yourself. claim your nobody and you can make changes by will and think or feel the need to create the end result that you think about.

hybrid exercise; This is where you stay active and walk, working out otherwise. That's the secret to this exercise routine. If you exercise by working out, your guaranteed to lose some pounds. Yet you might need to keep the hunger down due to the exercise, so feel free to use an ideal hunger suppressant.

interrupted exercise; This is where you use other activity to exercise when you start your exercise routine. As long as you finish the exercise time planned and stay active, then that is alright.

creators shield; This ability is an idea to the place or area that your in, that you work out or work in the area to do what you need, this works as you think about the point and the creator (mainly your subconscious) creates the point as though another layer to your aura. If you have a complex enough aura shield that the creator makes into a creator shield, then you think to work out and work to strengthen your heart and this works to quicken the pace of the heart. That serves as though the quicker pace is what the heart makes into effective exercise, so you don't ever actually gain any weight. You can do anything in the layer, that you think about to create what you need with what you think.

This works as though the heart is the world and the aura is the layer. So there you go, oh be careful about not going above 1400 or 1600 calories so you don't actually induce weight gain so you are working it off. Take care to work it off by physical exercise, if you do. Doing is shifting amongst the layers of reality, that is reflected in the creators shield and this is using the aura. The idea is this, if the person doesn't have anything good for you to know or think about, then the creators shield can make them give up psychically on doing things to you. This is a noted effect by feel or thinking about things.

if you en; if in the en, this is the point at the end of the game, think of the ending and work the idea in as you think about what you need to express. Anything can be an improvement, that is unless you don't need to improve with things.

intense exercise; the intensity is what you think about and the exercise is what you do with things by feel or think about.

t_t = small crying face

things to keep

connecting an an; The U-verse modem is connected to my service at AT&T soon enough. This is done as though I wish to be connected with the modem. Although, if necessary, they repair the line for free.

Technician; the at&t technician arrives around 4 to 8 pm today or goes around and fixes the problem.

finding things; I find the connector that is needed for the purifier.

color and harmonic number meaning; This came from: So to compute your personal harmonic numbers, complete the following steps:

Take the number of your month of birth (December = 12)
Add the day of birth (26)
The number of the present calendar month (November = 11)
The present calendar day (23)
Add the present year (2018)
Brings you the equation:  12 + 26 + 11 + 23 + 2018 = 2090

And, as usual with numerology, continue adding individual numbers until you get to a single digit:
2 + 0 + 9 + 0 = 1 + 1 = 2

This gives you the personal harmonic number of a person born on December 26th for the day November 23, 2018.

Harmonic numbers – Check yours for today
The list below gives you a candle’s harmonic number identifier and the basic candle color keywords:

1 = Red – health, vitality and passion

2 = Silver – victory of light over darkness

3 = Yellow – magnetic, drawing and attracting

4 = Green – money, wealth, and prosperity

5 = Orange – Stimulating, encouraging and mental

6 = Light Blue – peace, calm, and understanding, intellect

7 = Purple – power, overcomes obstacles

8 = Brown – earth, stability, and balance

9 = Gold – wealth, financial success, trade, writing, contracts

See beyond the truth of today with the help of numerology. Find out the real meaning of your life on!

Now, putting it all together:  The harmonic number in our example is 2.  The number 2 is in tune with the Silver candle. Silver relates to victory of light over darkness.  If a person with a harmonic number of 2 burns a silver candle on November 23, 2018, they will be enhancing the power of their ritual and that aspect of life for that day.

By computing your harmonic number for any given day, you give yourself the opportunity to get an extra boost from Spirit by being able to align your day with the harmonic energy that exists.

En; the point at the end, think to know what to do.

Distractions or relaxations; Sometimes distractions work for people. So as long as your not obsessively thinking about something then you naturally try to default into a calmer mindspace where you come out of a focused one.

Otherwise take a deep breath. That's as you think if you follow this idea from, wnere you try 4-7-8 breathing exercise (inhale 4, hold 7, exhale. it's mostly a number cue for deep breathing where you should be taking a full breath each cycle.

If the time isn't enough, you can do longer etc but 4 7 8 is the goal. So think you need to wait until its over, theirs ways to go around anxiety attack are better than trying to fight it heads on. You can do this if you think you are not able to control it then you can call for help but keep telling yourself "i am calm" over and over.

Still your heart, still your breathing, then try counting to ten backwards or count forward until you calm with deep breaths that start to occur naturally. This is when slow and deep breaths allow better oxygen absorption than shallow fast ones. So I think they're doing studies on people with heart failure, that showed their exercise capacity increased by doing the deep breathing techniques. Iys basically bc you're breathing slower your body sends 'relax dude' signals, but since you are deep breathing also, you're not actually getting less oxygen so I think it's cool. So this is a body hax.

shifting with "aura"; Think of the person, then calm yourself and think by deep breathing "I am in the others inner world" or "I am in the world". Think this works and it will, especially to shift back to your own innately made world.

diet cheat; If you take in a little whole grain or sugar free syrup, otherwise feel free to use a little mini marshmallow, "non high fructose" chocolate syrup or some celery seed as a eating need settler. Then your need to eat dissipates away, that is done as you hold off.

This is the nature of perception, written by yemeni.

The human mind makes sense out of a lot of nonsense. It makes a contiguous view of reality, whole and complete, regardless of how much of that reality is actually considered. Your whole grasp of reality may be from looking at a broken piece of a stone tablet, a few symbols. From that, your mind extrapolates a whole reality, even though you are only looking from those few symbols. And in that reality the mind creates, you do not perceive the edge to your perceptions. The source material that you use to spin your reality is not complete, it is a mere pinpoint of light on a dark room. Yet the dark room is still out there whether you consider it or not.

The mind works around such things. Anything that it perceives will be squashed through that lens, molded into the shape of that small piece of broken tablet you use to spin the world. Of anything outside that scope, the mind simply disregards it, forgets it instantly, or else pushes it into a shape that conforms to the scope of the spun reality. Getting your head around this is difficult. It is the reason why impossible-sounding things are very possible, such as the double. Surely you would notice if you were in two places at once, living two lives, no?

But living in a complete reality spun from a mere fraction of the reality you perceive allows this to happen. You could be talking to someone you know every day, going on adventures with them with your double. How come they don’t come up one day and reference something like this, something you would have no idea about? But it doesn’t happen as reality conforms. Either you disregard the conversation or forget it entirely. Anything outside the scope is the unrecognisable unknown. Luckily, the piece of reality that you spin your world from can be changed. Think about that point and you know what to do.

Caz's lost article addition; So I think that we are just memory of the creator, the one that created us all and thinking about things you realize by spirit what you need to know with idea that comes to you. Think about what you want and you get what you need by what you think. That's the proof where you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need!

Here's another one, if you focus your energy though the soul. Then you can create what you need by what is done or what you need when you think about things is manifested. The soul energy increases by what you do, the point exists more easily by the idea that you have to make or think about and need. This is the art of cooking. This was written in the idea that you have by what is done naturally. The point is concluded by feel, this is where feelings are deflected and things are what they are. So enjoy them or the relationship for what they may be. Ciou. -Caz

This is the nature of perception and other articles

This is the nature of perception, written by yemeni.

The human mind makes sense out of a lot of nonsense. It makes a contiguous view of reality, whole and complete, regardless of how much of that reality is actually considered. Your whole grasp of reality may be from looking at a broken piece of a stone tablet, a few symbols. From that, your mind extrapolates a whole reality, even though you are only looking from those few symbols. And in that reality the mind creates, you do not perceive the edge to your perceptions. The source material that you use to spin your reality is not complete, it is a mere pinpoint of light on a dark room. Yet the dark room is still out there whether you consider it or not.

The mind works around such things. Anything that it perceives will be squashed through that lens, molded into the shape of that small piece of broken tablet you use to spin the world. Of anything outside that scope, the mind simply disregards it, forgets it instantly, or else pushes it into a shape that conforms to the scope of the spun reality. Getting your head around this is difficult. It is the reason why impossible-sounding things are very possible, such as the double. Surely you would notice if you were in two places at once, living two lives, no?

But living in a complete reality spun from a mere fraction of the reality you perceive allows this to happen. You could be talking to someone you know every day, going on adventures with them with your double. How come they don’t come up one day and reference something like this, something you would have no idea about? But it doesn’t happen as reality conforms. Either you disregard the conversation or forget it entirely. Anything outside the scope is the unrecognisable unknown. Luckily, the piece of reality that you spin your world from can be changed. Think about that point and you know what to do about it.

So I think that we are just memory of the creator, the one that created us all and thinking about things you realize by spirit what you need to know with idea that comes to you. Think about what you want and you get what you need by what you think. That's the proof where you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need! Sometimes this is done by feel, sometimes this is done by idea. This is a note from the past.

Here's another one, if you focus your energy though the soul. Then you can create what you need by what is done or what you need, that is done when you think about things being manifested. The soul energy increases by what you do, the point exists more easily by the idea that you have to make or think about and need. This is the art of cooking and living, that is where your with the point and this is creating with the idea.

This was written in the idea where that is where you have things by what is done naturally. Remember to live in peace and with others by feel. This is done to get along with others and think for yourself as well as others. The point is concluded for now, so live your life as you can or dare. This is where things work out by feel. This is a noted effect. -Caz

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ha ving fun

This is where I am having fun by what I do, so if I think to relax then I will relax. How to relax? Oh think your relaxing, that is done as you type or write "I am relaxing". Otherwise you sit back and your relaxing.
Sometimes by breathing slow, you can induce a calm state. This is a noted effect.

There you go I wrote that on a spur of the moment. This must have been a year ago, so enjoy this little blib and that is all I will write for this post.


This is done as a reality based on the point of reality and things listed here will create results by stating them or the point you want to state sometime somewhere.

Bulb; a large Human with a large stomach and higher weight. Otherwise a lightbulb.

Bear; a bear of a person, a large Human with a strong form. Otherwise a strong bulb or an animal that likes hunting during the warm seasons and hi bernating during the cold seasons.

Conn; connection that remains active or can be reset and the modem will work. So I think the connection is there, the connection will be active and there by feel. So if there the internet connectivity is not on the blink again for the point until physically reset.

Repeat; repeatedly doing something ends when you realize it, the repeating ends itself sometimes without a hit. So when you think about it, it restores itself.

Tyll; this causes understood idea, pronounced tile.

Till; Till restores you from the bad that occurs.

Papi; this is poisoning by feel. Oh papu cancels it out and makes it so it didn't happen.
Those spells are unique to their kind.

Adop wighs; Adop repairs lines of communication even if icy conditions indicated by wighs. This is where weighs weighs in the motion and wighs puts the idea in place. works by the point that doesn't last.

A roach; they don't mean progress in physical dreams and reality. Reigh kills them easily. Reigh Al kills all of them in the area.

Think and know; the idea would work except you need to know that the cold effects the wires adversely. So it makes things not working all the time. That is all for now.

Internet; the internet is u-verse. So I think it will sync up with the modem. Think this and the modem shall work.

Yah; Yah is a spell to get groups together. This includes hard to keep together groups. That works better with a weh to create group conjoining.

Ahn; Ahn heals the body of bad results.

Aen; Aen stops twiching as it is an aid to the nerves.

Aud; this blocks out with your personal attention what you don't like.

Yed; yes this is not a mispelling. So yed causes you to lose weight.

Air; Think air to blo k things out.
So wonder if you can use things to leave to another dimension literally? Yes you can, this is with a wah added to air like so, air wah. Think of where you want to go. After that.

Doubt ability; if you feel uncertain and make a statement, then the idea you had won't occur.

Forever; forever is cancelled out by stating do if a person or an if object.

Yau; Yau gets you in sync with the body.

St. Germaine; Saint Germain. The saint of magick.. He faked his own death so that he too could leave. So eventually he was able too.

Its other peoples memory that keeps us here apparently. The karma that we weave with others is what keeps us here.

Yah; If you wish  you could rejuvenate but something won't let you,  if you say yah then it will. Sometimes when something apprehends you when you say it.

Strange things may occur but you will be free. That's because it means "freedom".  So it makes it the way you want things. I don't really need to say it as I am free already.

Yeht; if things are building up, then for that think "yeht" and things clear up.

Dust; we're dust particles with a consciousness. So think about this as we're dust in the wind.

Surge; the surge may knock offline the modem, but it will connect stabilly.

Done; done is done so I might as well do something else, such as meditation and mantra work.

Pea; personal arrangements.
In; known things and results.
Ia = is; equal (to)
Ie = oh yah
As = ad
Belief;  believe
Believable; believed
Wighs; wait
Weighs; the moment you think into play, think about the moment and you know it's true meaning. I believe body weight is just one of the meanings thought of today. The other meaning is thought into action.
Aud; fraud
Iff = Metabolism; Metabolism is a speed of processing, that's all it really is.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


If your looking for meditation techniques on my site, then look at the how to do meditation and feel free to use this article that I got from scribd:

The article listed herein is free meditation techniques.

Love learned love lost meditation

Here is a sample by what you can use or do to show what i mean. The love meditation is use by this meditation to correct things by love. We are going to focus on the love in our hearts to heal any physical or emotional pain we are experiencing. Through practicing this meditation, it will allow you to bring more love into your life and experience a more joyful existence. Healing occurs a bit like the layers of an onion.

When we release one layer, there are other layers beneath that. These other layers will be triggered to be released at the appropriate time. This meditation is quite powerful and it is important to focus on one layer at a time, otherwise the healing can become intense and uncomfortable.

Begin now by taking a slow deep breath in, and exhale gently. Bring your awareness to your heart. As you breath in and out, visualize the petals of your heart chakra gradually opening. You may feel or sense your heart chakra opening. Feel your heart filling with light and love as strongly as you can. Allow the love now to heal your heart of any past hurts. If you have any pain or disease in your body, how you visualize is this love travelling thats to the area to heal things completely in use.

Visualize this part of your body healing now. Visualize this love expanding out from your heart and permeating every cell of your being. A feeling of love and peace washes over you. You may feel some emotions rising to the surface; this is completely natural. Be an observer and allow the emotions to surface and release. Remember to breathe and allow the emotions to subside. Your body is filling with light and love, healing all aspects of your being. Simply allow yourself to be and enjoy the healing.

The following are some affirmations to assist with the healing process. In your mind repeat the following affirmations:

My body is whole by feel, the mind and spirit are healing now.

Any past pain or upsets are being released now.

My health is returning to true health and the blueprint of perfection.

It is now time to release the past and embrace the present.

The power of love is healing me now, on all levels of my being.

I am now healed and grateful for this healing.

It is now time to leave this meditation. Visualize the light sealing your aura and returning your heart chakra to its normal state. When you are ready or are to get away, for a time realize what you are using then think, bring your awareness back to the room then gently use what you think to work with by feel. You can open your eyes and give your fingers and toes a wiggle. This meditation is a thing you use to heal or recover by feel. Use is for other things then you might get bad or good results. Such as anal sex or lox that is easily avoided. As things are by the feeling you see or express. See you can accept by whats avoided as their way is their own. This is proven with science by the feel.

"This is their way to love sometimes. So if think their way to suit them or work with your own idea, this is a long lost lesson of wisdom to the point you can see made. This mediation if you think there is a chance will have a love lorn effect as love lost or felt causes need to have love. So think before using as the meditation. So don't think there's a chance then you won't need physical love or brutality, as some emotion is there by some thoughts with sensitivity. This can seem a feel for life. I think so i see things work better when you meditate.

Then you avoid the trap unless you have a true mate that understands you, by feel think to avoid things or you might find your life costing more by the point you do. Think to avoid the cost with the living then you avoid love lost moments with no affairs to do with the point you get or by now. By now your wondering what i am doing, i am avoiding the problems i detect that is the point to this ideal. Avoid the love avoid the trap. this is my last lesson by now so now as there is time before the eruptions i saw go for the point to meditate by the feel.

Think so you avoid: 1 think non pounds or pounds if english by $ or no more no less now its set there you see? There you go by feel. This doesn't have to be there. I mean the body living forever or not forever as you think its necessary to use. This means the source of all money is not corruption. This is the creator that creates what you wish or think, so if things are corrupt by use you can clean it up this is then or now. Think to you then so it is or isn't according to what you think. Fine is the point then as its with the use, this seems by the feeling you think too much or just enough for yourself. However this is a point that stopping will be good to keep the semblance with peace." Written by the pointer spelly and this is sometimes unless you see responsibility with love this is useful.

Menu of meditations:

Meditation technique: Beginning
Meditative technique: Listening
Deep breathing
A quick diaphragmatic breathing exercise
Active meditation
Focal meditation
Dark meditation
Kundalini Meditation
Contemplative meditation
Chaotic meditation (sight and memory style)
Passive and active relaxation
Deep progressive muscle relaxation meditation
Visually guided relaxation meditation
Mini meditation - 'Ways to do a mini'
Candle meditation to clear the third eye
Eating meditation
Eye shading meditation
Walking meditation
Weightloss Meditation
Magic Meditation
Seeing meditation
Standing meditation
The brain hemispheres meditation (semi-dangerous)
Neuracannula (brain stem) meditation
Pheromone meditation and scents
Body arts meditative rite
 Alternative body shaping method
Color associations and reactions thanks to kissme
The knowledge gaining meditation
The recovery relaxation exercise
Pressure Point Therapy (in standing meditation)
Void meditation
Meditation to regenerate physical wounds
Regeneration meditation therapy
Blue rain meditation
Color therapy meditations
Mindfulness Meditation-(useful in quelling desires)
For protection with earth meditation
For suggestion voice meditation
For cleansing by light or dark
For raising the dead or healing meditation
Nirvanic Meditation
Akashic Meditation
Listening meditation
Opened Heart Meditation
Aspective Meditation
Elemental Meditation
Meditations for Emotional Grounding-Grounding meditation techniques
Active awareness meditation

Enjoy them as they are there, for if the site is there they will last.

Freaky fast idea

This covers the freaky fast idea that you think about and it happens fast. So fast it's freaky. So think of what you want to occur, and state the key idea to make it happen by the subconscious mind.

The things below are freaky fast that occurs by feel.

Fast warm; think of the heat of the day building up in the area that you want heat in and you create a heat pocket.

Sono Bello; this cures the modern fitness concept.

Doing; this is where you state something, this is where you create by activity if you manage to get up and do the idea. This is where you create by activity, then work to do things off a notion of duty. So do things instead of just saying things and you actually get results.

Mild winter; despite reports, were going to have a mild winter with no actual snow. So think it and you get the result.

Antoine; we make it to the psyche meeting when there is one.

Al-li-gno; knowing: You will experience something then the idea will slip your mind and the effect will be gone.
Personal power that you gain:
If nothing doesn't happen, then nothing yet will happen. So you can know when the moment will come. The insight of realized idea will occur to you and that will be that.

Improved 2nd wind; eat or drink something sugary or with substitute sugars. Then you have chemical energy. If tired after that, swallow your spit. If it has some dissolved sugar or substitute sugar, then your stamina is renewed.

Road conditions; the road conditions do not worsen. I get to where I need to see.

Angela; she fixes her car and hot air will blow though the vents again if the heater is on.

The doctor; he will see me early on and I will get the shot and go.

2007; I am not stuck in 2007 anymore, I am in my own time. So everything is turning out alright.

Al-la-heam; weight loss effect is noted in this as you state the name for effect.
Personal power you gain from this: all law hears you out and in effect supports you, and you could get a won hearing. This is similar to saying al-keam.

Hot charge; think to focus the energy of the planet core, then directing it by thought. Think and combine with the hot liquid or food, otherwise anything, that you want to effect with the energy. Then you do fully as though a wish.
This means you create by channelling the energy called mana through the object, then you create an effect through what you do, that's perfectly fine as long as you don't mind it being permanent.

Al-li-heam; you gain an alliance with those that can help you out.
Personal power that you gain: your more in tune with the creator and can direct by thinking or suggestion the living memory that we are now.
Hunger; hunger is easily controlled by the idea of suggestion, really it's hold off and you stop needing. So think about things, focus on holding in and it's gone.

So this is where you hold in the stomach and the stomach disappears by feel. That is with an end result of a flat tummy. Feel free to trace a sigil to activate the effect, this is done to create the hold off and flat stomach easily.

Things; things will work out today. No problems, no fear will happen.

al-habi; benefits: you get similar results. Although you might have to contend with someone or something.
Personal power that you gain: you lose your bad habits.

Al-habi-in; benefits: you gain a surprise that you like.
Personal power that you get: Intentions that you need are granted by the creator.

Line serviceman; they get here before 1 pm and fix my situation. If they fix it the cost I have to pay goes down. Really they manage to fix the situation and the problem disappears, that is done by clearing up the problem with a solution and sometimes this is with no stress.

Ad-add-kevan; benefit: you get what you need or wanted by feel.
Personal power that you gain: you can persevere through almost anything.
People; people don't mind me, this is for what I do.

As-adi; benefit: this makes people considerate.
Personal power that you gain: you win what you think, you get to work with what you consider is important. This is similar to saying al-adi.

Hybrid exercise; stay active and walk or work out otherwise. That's the secret to this exercise routine.

Urinating; the urger, I control it by feel, the urge disappears by what you or I do.

Micro universe; the universe full of multiple microbes, so these microbes are represented by people in a realm of reality that is the second layer to this reality. This realm is a virtual reality, that created by microbes you can make what you may of what you will.

The microbes are nano in scale, so if you think to see the true reality. Then you will black out and notice what is thought or in sense. The microbes are you in real life, so think about that.

They also are conscious of things, so think of things on a microbial scale and the VR level is representing your thoughts. Think to end the VR moment by mimicking lifting off of the headset, you then know the base of the second level.

After that you take off the VR controllers from the hands and wrists. Then walk out thinking of leaving. This exits you from the VR world. The rest is up to you.

This is when the VR level is basically in two parts. The real area and the VR headset world. So think to get what you want, you may end up with the point by idea.

Oh due note: thinking of improvements I believe the VR is capable enough of being taken as though real life. So if you're given everything within idea and without question, then you are within VR itself.

Since that speaks of improvements to the area, I believe that if you separate from VR, or virtual reality, then you could enjoy what is there.

So don't go off believing that VR 3d is real life, VR is just a game and you then can bet the humanity there is is incredible. That is microbial life for you by feel. Since you never were actually there, this point doesn't matter. As with all microbial life, there is a chance of build up. So think of what you like and you can get it. Easily is done the task by feel.

Kali = Chaplain; captain, Capitan, preacher or priest overseer of a church or building.
Concession; resig nation sorta like a resignation speech.
M = me
Rmr; remover of signal. The counter to this is uu-rmr.
Addi; addition; additional signal.
Ua; urine or water
Saa = Swamped; the area is watery and muddy land or the person is really busy.
Sea = seeable; the idea is this, the person is seeable or sightable by feel is vast water.
Is = what is due.
Sig = Signal that lasts especially if internet signal.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Meditations for Emotional Grounding

This post came from Other meditations are in this list.

Meditations for Emotional Grounding
written by Oranum Psychic Down2Eatrh

Grounding meditation techniques

Sometimes, when life gets chaotic, it can become hard to not let the emotions you are experiencing gain control and uproot your spirit from your body. Here are 3 types of grounding meditation for Emotional Grounding. Use these when you are stressed, fearful, anxious, depressed, jealous, angry, hurt or during any moment when your emotions have made you become ungrounded from your body.

Grounding meditation – 1, Color Breathing

The visual imagery used in this “Color Breathing Meditation” creates an opportunity to calm your energies and ground your mind, body and spirit. You can do this meditation with closed eyes, or with your eyes open, while walking and even while talking. This is what is so handy about this meditation, it can be done anywhere!

All you need to do to prepare for this meditation is to choose two colors. One color represents positive energy and the second color represents negative energy.

As you breath out, see the negative color leaving your body, sending all negative emotional energy out of you and back to source. As you breath in, see yourself absorbing the color of the positive energy, filling in the space left behind by the negative energy you had just expelled from your body.

Repeat this breathing pattern until you feel emotionally grounded again.

grounding meditation

Grounding meditation – 2, Stop Sign

Sometimes we need a meditation to help us break old patterns or habits. The “Stop Sign Meditation” works by interrupting the particular emotion causing you to repetitively become emotionally ungrounded. Once the energy becomes interrupted, you can ground yourself back into your body and return to your life without the control the emotion(s) had over you. These changes occur through increasing your Brain’s Neuroplasticity, your brains capability of navigating through change.

I feel it is important to point out that this meditation is only helpful through dedicated repetition, repetition is required for this meditation to fully work. The results are slow, but the long term benefits are life changing.
When you feel emotionally ungrounded, say silently to yourself, “STOP,” while you simultaneously imagine the image of a Stop Sign. Then, quickly imagine the feeling of peace, happiness, love and if it helps, compassion.

Do this every time you begin to feel the emotion(s) that trigger you to become emotionally ungrounded.

Grounding meditation – 3, Candle Gazing

For those who struggle with closed eyed grounding meditation, this will work well. This is also a meditation that can be used during a New Moon to release unwanted energies.

Start by lighting a candle. Next, sit down and get comfortable. Keep your eyes open, and focus on the candle’s flame. Begin the meditation by focusing on your lungs, as they push and pull the air coming in and out of your body. As you focus, bring all the emotional energy that is causing you to become ungrounded into your lungs.

While you breath out, push all of the negative emotional energy into the flame of the candle. Watch the energy enter the flame and burn up.

While you breath in, ground into the earth and focus only on the flame as it exists NOW. Letting your energies adjust to being free of the negative emotional energies you had been holding onto.

Repeat until you are emotionally grounded and fully mindful of your body, mind and spirit.

Friday, November 16, 2018

99-sacred names of allah for magic

This came from a rtf of which was called the 99 names of Allah sacred names and all you need to do is recite the name to create the effect listed for it. They work. Also described here with psalm magic and here in the article itself.

1 - ARE-RAHMAN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression.
Personal power you will gain: You will become more merciful towards
2 - ARE-RAH-HEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain the friendship of others. This
will also protect you from harm
Personal power you will gain: You will become more giving.
3 - AL-MA-LEEK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain financial abundance
Personal power you will gain: You will become more giving.
4 - AL-KOODS - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression and
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner sanctity
5 - AS-SA-LAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can heal the sick
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner peace
6 - AL-MOO-MEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from all harm
Personal power you will gain: You will live in faith
7 - AL-MOO-HI-MEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain holiness of Body, Mind and
Personal power you will gain: You will gain holiness
8 - AL-AZIZ - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain self sufficiency and
independence from others
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner motivation
9 - AL-JABAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain power over all circumstances
in your life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain great inner strength
10 - AL-MOO-TAKA-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain the respect of others and
success in all endeavors.
Personal power you will gain: You will gain charisma
 11 - AL-KAH-LEAK  - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain merits of heaven
Personal power you will gain: You will gain spiritual righteousness
12 - AL-BA-RI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attract order into your life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain orderliness and have the ability
to endure chaotic events
13 - AL-MOOSA-WEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will cure infertility
Personal power you will gain: You will gain material manifestation abilities.
14 - AL-GA-FAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be forgiven of your sins
Personal power you will gain: You will gain a forgiving disposition
15 - AL-KAH-HAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will liberate your mind from material
Personal power you will gain: You will eradicate greed in you
 16 - AL-WA-HAB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will liberated from poverty.
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to alleviate poverty in
17 - ARE-RA-ZAQ - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never want for anything
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to manifest
18 - AL-FA-TAH - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will open your heart
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to be compassionate
 19 - AL-ALEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will discern divine secrets
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to be channel of God
20 - AL-KA-BEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never go hungry
Personal power you will gain: You will gain faith in divine providence
21 - AL-BA-SEAT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never need others to sustain you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner conviction and strength
 22 - AL-KA-FEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will defeat those who are against you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to ward off enemies
 23 - ARE-RA-FEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain status and recognition
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the ability to handle stress and
status gracefully
24 - AL-MOO-EASE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will become fearless
Personal power you will gain: You will gain courage in the face of all people
and adversity
25 - AL-MOOD-HEAL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will divert the evil energies of those
who are envious of you
Personal power you will gain: You will eradicate jealousy in your heart
26 - AS-SAMMY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be able to manifest anything you
ask of God
Personal power you will gain: You will be directly linked to God
27 - AL-BA-SEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain enlightenment
Personal power you will gain: You will be instilled with inner spiritual light
28 - AL-HA-KAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will learn the secrets of the Universe
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to teach the
29 - AL-ADILL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over others
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to be persuasive
30 - AL-LA-TEEF - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over your life
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to come up with
solutions to your problems
31 - AL-KAH-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain control over and eradicate
your bad habits
Personal power you will gain: You will have willpower of steel
 32 - AL-HA-LEAM  - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from natural
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to remove evil from
everywhere that you go
33 - AL-AZEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be respected
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to draw people to you
34 - AL-GA-FOOR - BENEFIT: If you are sick and have a headache, this name will help you
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to heal yourself
35 - ASH-SHA-KOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, all your financial problems will go away
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to have what it takes to
make money in this world
36 - AL-ALI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain respect and success in your
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract your desires
37 - AL-KA-BEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will win in games of chance or in
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract good luck
 38 - AL-HA-FEES - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from harm
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to attract good fortune
39 - AL-MOO-KEET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your children will be obedient
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to calm people
40 - AL-HA-SEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your problems will resolve in your favor
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to go communicate
directly with God
41 - AL-JA-LEEL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be well liked by others
Personal power you will gain: You will have natural social abilities
42 - AL-KA-REEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will achieve spiritual esteem
Personal power you will gain: You will have spiritual peace in your heart
 43 - AL-RA-KEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain divine protection from all
bad things
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to avert crisis
44 - AL-MOO-JEEB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have all your prayers answered be
careful what you ask for
Personal power you will gain: You will have powerful prayers
45 - AL-WA-SEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find it easy to get a job
Personal power you will gain: You will have inner harmony with material
46 - AL-HA-KEEM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain true wisdom
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to reach peoples and
help them spiritually
47 - AL-WA-DUDE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will reconcile with your significant
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to achieve
harmonious relationships
48 - AL-MA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain glory in life
Personal power you will gain: You will glow with power and glory. People
will notice you.
49 - AL-BA-IT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will become God fearing
Personal power you will gain: You will have a humble spirit
50 - ASH-SHA-HEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attract harmony in your
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to help people reach
a state of equilibrium emotionally
51 - AL-HUK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find lost objects
Personal power you will gain: You will gain more dependability in your life
 52 - AL-WA-KEEL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected from bodily harm
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the power and strength to save
people from harm
53 - AL-KA-WEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free from those who want to
harm you
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the inner resources you need to
stand up for yourself
54 - AL-MA-TEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have no worries in this life
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the inner strength to endure any
 55 - AL-WA-LEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain divine favor
Personal power you will gain: You will gain the Midas touch
56 - AL-HA-MEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be loved by all
Personal power you will gain: You will gain charm and influential abilities
57 - AL-MOOH-SEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain heaven
Personal power you will gain: You will gain righteousness
58 - AL-MOOB-DEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a child
Personal power you will gain: You will gain powers to bestow fertility on
yourself and others
59 - AL-MOO-EED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be protected in your travels
Personal power you will gain: You will have your prayers answered
 60 - AL-MOO-HAYA - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be relieved of your burdens
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to relieve the
suffering of others
61 - AL-MOO-MEET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will destroy your enemies (Use With
Personal power you will gain: You will have the power to repel your
62 - AL-HY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will achieve longevity
Personal power you will gain: You will have the habits to lead a healthy life
 63 - AL-KA-YOOM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will avoid misfortune
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to attract only good
things to your life
64 - AL-WA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a joyous heart
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to live a joyous life.
65 - AL-MA-JEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will attain divine revelation
Personal power you will gain: You will have the ability to commune with
66 - AL-WA-HEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of fear
Personal power you will gain: You will be fearless
67 - AL-AH-HAD - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will glean universal secrets
Personal power you will gain: You will be a conduit of divine knowledge
 68 - AL-SA-MAD - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have people looking to you for
Personal power you will gain: You will be a conduit of knowledge that will
help others
69 - AL-KA-DEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will manifest your heart's desire
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester
70 - AL-MOOK-TA-DEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will know the truth about everything
Personal power you will gain: You will be a discerner of the truth
 71 - AL-MOOK-AH-DEEM  - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, if you are in the military, this name will
protect you
Personal power you will gain: You will always have protective energy about
 72 - AL-MOOK-KA-HEAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you love of God will be complete
Personal power you will gain: You will always have divine energy emanating
from your heart
 73 - AL-AWAL - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will banish infertility
Personal power you will gain: You will always have creative energy
74 - AL-ACHIR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will lead a fulfilled life
Personal power you will gain: You will always have good luck energy
around you
75 - AZ-ZAHEER - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be given divine light
Personal power you will gain: You will always have divine energy around
you and people will be drawn to you
 76 - AL-BA-TEEN - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never be in the dark about
Personal power you will gain: You will always have the upper hand in your
77 - AL-WA-LEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will bring protective energies in your
Personal power you will gain: You will always feel safe
78 - AL-MOOT-ALI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have God benevolence
Personal power you will gain: You will have God energy about you
79 - AL-BAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will insure your children will be
Personal power you will gain: You can will yourself into having healthy and
happy children at the moment of conception
 80 - AL-TA-WAB - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your sins will be forgiven
Personal power you will gain: You will always be introduced to events that
will increase our spirituality
81 - AL-MOON-TAKIM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your enemies will fall away
Personal power you will gain: You will always have good luck in
competitions or business
 82 - AL-AFOO - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, your sins will be forgiven
Personal power you will gain: You will always be introduced to events that
will increase our spirituality
 83 - AL-RA-OOF - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always be blessed
Personal power you will gain: You will always be blessed and it will
emanate from you.
84 - MALIK-UL-MOOLK - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain esteem amongst your peers
Personal power you will gain: You will always exude confidence
 85 - DOOL-JA-LA-LEE-WAL-IKRAM  - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain wealth beyond belief
Personal power you will gain: You will be a powerful manifester of money
 86 - AL-MOOK-SEAT - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will banish all evil spirits
Personal power you will gain: You will be able to control and repel evil
87 - AL-JAH-MEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will find any lost object
Personal power you will gain: You will never be absent minded again
 88 - AL-GA-HANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never feel envy and jealousy again
Personal power you will gain: You will always be content with life
 89 - AL-MUG-HANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will never need anyone else help
Personal power you will gain: You will always be self sufficient
90 - AL-MANI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have a happy family life
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract harmonious
relationship with your family
91 - AD-DAR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will have tranquility in your life
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract harmonious situations
in your life
92 - AN-NA-FEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, before an endeavor, you will be successful
Personal power you will gain: You will always attract success in your
endeavors and projects
93 - AN-NOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will gain inner light
Personal power you will gain: You will always be illuminated
94 - AL-HADI - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of all wants and needs
Personal power you will gain: You will always be provided for
 95 - AL-BA-DEE - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be free of distressing events
Personal power you will gain: You will always be in beneficial situations
96 - AL-BA-KEY - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be guided to do good deeds
Personal power you will gain: You will always be in state of generosity of
97 - AL-WA-REET - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will be cure of depression
Personal power you will gain: You will always be able to shift more positive
98 - AR-RASHEED - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always know how to proceed in
your endeavors
Personal power you will gain: You will always be decisive
99 - AL-SABOOR - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you will always get out of a bind
Personal power you will gain: You will always find a way out of your ruts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The work

The work of art that I did resounds for the snow day, this is a point of creative idea. I think that if I could find it, my icicle hanging from the tree pic would be perfect. So I think that this is a point that reminds me to work with others and seem to be relaxing by feel. This is a must do, especially for the idea that creates in the mind and works in real life. This is for those that use things to entertain themselves. So I think I will ciou and go on with the idea by what I do. Farewell and good-bye.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Think and work relatively well

This is where you think and work relaxing in the moment, relating to your memory and getting along then making things happen. That is all in a moment. So think of what these are as listed, then you create by a thought.

Object manifest; think the object manifests what you want and it does as you use it or allow it to disappear where you place it somewhere and think of what you need. This is done as you think of the moment verified by what is done, that is usually there as you hold it. If you need the object, it's there.

Think; Think about things, you are aware by what you need or feel. This uses the third eye and creates, that is done by the spirit creating what you think with influenced feeling.

En; at the end the influence disappears, the third eye goes on with something else. This is an effect by what you do.

Doppelganger shift; this is where you think like another person and you can shift into their world. That is done as though you are an advisor. If rainy in your world this means you suggest things, if you want to think like yourself again, you shift back into your own inner world as if a god or good being to know and correct what it is.

The spirit; the point you perceived is spiritually inclined by influence, that is due really to the being this works with by idea. So I think this means the idea is done, if you can perceive what is there. This is done by asking a question, that the subconscious responds to timewise. So I can think the need and the spirit creates it otherwise. This is how the spirit and the subconscious act by feel in an emotion.

Maintenance; he or she figures out what is wrong by feel. So he or she resolves any issue, satisfactorily if possible.

Lafayette; he stops calling so much and manages to send me the money I am owed by feel. This is where everything is regulated by feel.

Event loop; this is a looped event so you remember things, the loop is broken by breaking or cutting a rubber band that represents the loop. Otherwise the loop ends once you remember what you want to remember.

Past terms; those that speak and write, write using a past tense. This already occurred so think about things as of now, then you get what you wanted. Sometimes by saying things your not doing it, if personal.

Bills; I have enough and will to cover the costs of living. This is for a month of living. So things work out and at the end of the month, I still have enough money.

Tomas in aspect; this is the moment of the Thomas in aspect life, so feel free to do what you want to do.

Lion's share; I get the most of the idea that exists for free. Then I know what I can do.

Child; this is a child caused by being nearby and worked through the aura energy, that is with your thought to cause a child by aura.

Time waster; think to distract your mind or walk while you do things, and then time seems to go by faster.

Policy; pay me 100 dollars for unwanted physical contact, 50 dollars for needed contact, and 25 dollars for a point of idea to do. It's free for dumb or smart looks.

En; that is all for now.

Exude; think to provide energy to the aura using activity and focus on the aura to project forth what you want. The aura uses the air vibration to create it's influence as knowable. So yes, aura is created by air.

Menace; nothing menacing exists on my website.

Tao art; I just realized a neat trick about the tao and art. To always have a clear mind take a blank canvas and white paint and create a design only you will know that way you can always refer to it some how.

Then take a canvas with black paint. Paint it black and use black paint to make a black design only you will know. You will come to know Uninterruptible focus.

Magnificient focus and you will also be able to meditate on the Tao by combining both white and black designs to form the tao in your mind more easily.  It also clears the mind very well. It seems to nihl. Or null.

Gen; generate some effect by idea, that is expressed or written.

Reserve; generate bank notes or otherwise you get wealthy.

Stat; life and health regeneration.

Then; a point to the present that is put to the past, that changes the time your in if you need it to do this.

Dm; Doom mastering, this is in and as a dungeon master. This is where you state something or write som ething and it may happen. This occurs by fate, that you call upon the moment to get a response.

Hiatus; wait period that includes a prevention of things or something that you don't want. This restricts things by feel with senses. Yet leaves you free.

Perfect; this perfects the idea you think about by what is done.

Id; this causes you to identify things and those involved as points.

Unhamper; this causes the cells of the body to decorrupt themselves. Otherwise uncorrosion occurs. Similar to saying uu-corruption and thinking to uncorrupt yourself by the suggested un stated right to uncorrupt your body.

Hen; the idea of working with position.

Hem; sewing by feel, this is a point to do.

In; sight that you dream of where you want. Awakened by the loud startling noise or leaf crunch if necessary in sight.

The third eye; the third eye does some of it, but the crown chakra does most. Think of what you want in perspective if something to do and you can get it done.

Lovik; the point is done, things will be done and you will get justice by feel.

Think; the idea is a done deal and you get what you want.

Intensity; invictimized you might feel intense, otherwise think to feel more focused. Then you feel more intense emotion, lose a temporary amount of weight and speed up your body by what you sense. Your stamina goes up and so does your strength.

This is where speed of time comes into play, the idea is simple the speed of the body allows for dodging or multiple attacks if necessary. Otherwise you can do one sped up attack. What happens is the body stamina goes up and you are able to do stronger things.

So sometimes this is due to the stress of the idea or moment. Sometimes thinking about things, allows your focus to intensify the body and as needed the idea or intense state is done and determined more easily.

Also noted for intensity, there is an automatic dodging of things in the intense moment, that you would rather not be effected by feel. So think about this, you can use it accordingly. Including the effort of feeling intense and walking around, all the while focused on the body weight going down. This may drop the weight, not including worn objects, temporarily. Think about the weight going down as you feel intense and it does.

In game terms, such as dnd, that would add a die 6 in points to your speed and this is added as a bonus to your Dodge roll. Also you get an additional 1d6 or 1d10 strength bonus. That is a point to work with by feel, the idea is this where your an intuitive person.

It means you can seem to be what knows things by idea, this is with reactions. See that is done to do things, sometimes from a gaming perspective where you do things that are in and avoiding what you hate to do.

So clean; cleanus, think and this is dismissed, really you get away with whatever you want.

Didiayer; I can appear like her and still see good response or results.

Amber; she comes in time to record the moment.

Farewell; ciou and farewell till next time. Good-bye.

Oeo = Oreo; fulfilled; fulfillment by idea that you do.
Tamoea = Thermometer; health temperature meter, temperature reader
Tamo = Thermos; temperature or hot drink container.
Icke = I ce chest; this is a temperature related chest, cold temperature regulated container.
Tuin = Tureen; liquid or soup container
Ladl; ladle, liquid or soup dispenser
Cebaa; more active cerebrum cerebellum or brain area, this is with an idea by feel. That allows you to think and create what you need by a point. Watch what your thought is, especially if you use ormes.
Iss = kiss, issuance; spacial, area in space
Avow = probably; promise to do.
Aset; asset by feel, this is bone with a point to relax and you remember things that form by feel or are created by influence. If you don't want to announce that, then think it's done where necessary.
Tyse = Timeshare; sharing the time of day with what you can do. If you ca do things, then do them or else go elsewhere in freedom.
Lecia; lay flat and have at things. -yorkie
Fizz; carbonated bubbles, this is caused by carbonation.
Obtuse; overweight
Miabr = Mana breaks; these are pauses and breaks in time to do something that you would always want time to do. These breaks aren't a break in the brain such as alternative personalities.
KK = then think; this is where I will do this idea and create what is printed. This is the suggestion to the subconscious mind by feel.
So = Discharge; discharged is the idea, that you do what is necessary and create what is needed.
Clenu = Cleanup; cleanup the act and you clean the area, think and you know what to do.
Stri = Strike; strikes are the moment that you create the idea of what you want, this is done with some holding out by feel. Enjoy yourself.
Gneough; no, Kno, gno
Kiosk; service machine
X; attend; attract, attention (from old norae or norse)
Y; ask; ask a question or why

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