Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, June 30, 2023

Thoughtful magic

Thoughtful magic is the point you have a thought then think about it and  create with the thoughts you have by the soul creating with your energy. 

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think that are possible here.

Sheila; she doesn't mind what I do and asks me to goto the store for her. No matter what. 

Minding; I don't mind that Sheila doesn't use my services. No matter what. 

Thinking things through; this is where you think to know better as you realize what you did.

The payment; I get paid 5 dollars a day. No matter what. 

Weight; I lower my body weight 60 lbs no matter what. 

Server; the discord server has no complaints against it no matter what. 

Mail; the mail gets here sooner than usual with pauls check. I get paid 80 dollars. 

Living; its a living and those that think their alive are living in some degree.

En; the point is made you either accept it or not. Your choice. 

Lafayette Terry jr; he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what. 

Payment; I get the thirty and keep most of it no matter what. 

Looks; I no matter what look thin. I am thin and muscled. From this point on.

The doctor; my video chat with mebbin is done sooner than usual. No matter what. 


I look thin as a pancake and create better with less food. I no longer look fat. No matter what and quickly. 

Creative use; the creation of the point you know the idea and think about the  concept to make what is right or its not done. 

Mail; the mail comes quickly and delivers my mail as soon as possible.  No matter what.

Force effects; this is where you think of using force over action, and summon the solar energy of any sun by suggesting to yourself. what you intend to occur. It happens by feel or observation.

 That's as your thinking to the sun what you want. This is created by solar influence. This can neutralize whatever you don't like, you don't even have to see the sun as you "channel" it using your third eye into effecting what you want.

Gaining funds; this is where you gain the funds to buy whatever you want and still have money after three times over. No matter what. 


Gotcha moment; you setup a person by saying certain things. Then say gotcha.

The Amazon; the packages I ordered reach me as soon as possible. No matter what. 

The summons; this is where you summon the animals that you need. They appear in the area, when you need them to be there.

Point n focus; think of the item to use and focus the heat as fire energy through it to effect and decapitate the target.

The shock; this creates with idea, that you focus energy through the area to do what you desire. This energy can be focused through an item you hold to send a combined force into the area and the target or targets. Of course you are empowered by the creator's energy to get results. 

Lafayette Terry, jr; he answers my calls when I call him. No matter what. 

Walmart; they deliver to me what I need and ordered. No matter what. 

Completion; the sense of Completion comes after the soul allows you to realize what is done. 

Thought; if you can think you can do things, so think as you can and work as you can.

Moose; he doesn't mind what I did or do.
Moose: whatever the case, he brings me on more trips for him.. no matter the point. I do them right, no matter what. 

Moose; the food he ordered arrives by feel and he is appeased.

Mail; danese can get to the bank today as the mail comes earlier than usual. 

Trust; Moose trusts me enough to allow me to enter his matter what. 

Thought; this is energy that creates what you want or intend to create. That's unless you don't need it.

Wake up; I am awake by idea or feel no matter what. 


Think..if you knew a way you'd use it so that is successful for what it is.

Sunday, June 25, 2023


 The creator or God is what creates, if and when you think its there then it can be found. So think of the idea, then you are aware of the fact. This fact creates by you willing it to exist and that will is reflected in your creator. So think of the effect and you know what is possible.

Some spells

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

think; thinking in idea you get what you need by the feel that exists things you want.

thought; the rest is thoughts, that I don't have to put down in writing.

raven; the raven is a point you say and if the target/s attack or are wanting to do violence, summons from the creator a force of energy that freezes the target/s in place and gives them a heart attack. They that are the attacker or instigator of wrongdoing are dead on the spot. if you are proven right, where you did nothing wrong. then you are though not touched by the raven.

dhs pay; I receive the small check payment on my dhs card as soon as possible.

monday; the point is expression amongst the day.

interesting; the point you see is not taken in if violent. if cube violence is there and done, its not noticed.


time gate; This is where you think of the time and cause your soul to form an energy gateway there, that forms with the right frequency. Think of the time and place as you form the gate. This causes you to shift there, when you walk right through it. 

roving gate; This is a gate of energy that shifts you places as it comes nearby and passes over you. Think to form the gateway, as you think of the place to "visit", and then you will the gate to move towards the target/s. When it passes over them it shifts them.

Anti-corruption; this is where you create an effect by thinking about it, that causes non corruption. no matter what.

think; the point is always the similar idea, if you think to look at a game. You create with a point, that you state I am there and you are where you think.

booze; if you think about the point, you know what is what. think to realize things and you do not do booze.


thinking; if you think you create, that's the general rule.

visage; the visage is an illusion, that creates with a point what effect you desire. think of the idea and think your the figure your always wanting to be, then your soul makes you that form. look in the mirror to break the illusion.

iridescent sphere; this sphere is using energy focused from the blood and chaos energy to create a sphere in the air that shoots forth to disintegrate the target. its formed by focusing energy into the form of a sphere, that is thought created in the air. then, when its focused enough, think chaos energy and blood energy goes into it until it no longer absorbs it. Then think to it to go forth and hit the target.


victory; this is where the bill is voted on to raise the debt ceiling and passes, no matter what.

psionics; if you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go". optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water. think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result.

fire formation; that is where you focus on the heat in the air condensing into a sphere in the air. the more condensed the more it does. so basically, the heat is the fire in the air or above your hand from energy. that's gathered in your wrists, and used from the focus of your hands and thought. so your gathering it into a sphere in the air or hand, then think it goes to the target and it does.. (target a wall surface). it should form at the least a dark spot you psychically see and at most a physical smudge mark. think energy goes into the mark or marks and it will eventually burst into fire. tell if you can do it. 

oh yeah.. sometime you will find it doesn't form, allow the heat to recirculate in the air and after 1 minute or more, you should be able to do it. one last thing, the more your emotionally focused upon the target and doing something. the more chance that you do it. the more effect you get, like making a really dark spot. that's if you think about the need and will it with your emotion, like love or hate. this does have a 50% chance to succeed. sometimes if you overdo it, you can get a headache. that headache disappears after awhile.

so try and try again till you give it up. for some it does take years, so think to master it at your own pace. however, the effect of creation can make you hungry, that's because your body uses energy up to help form the effect and need energy from sustenance to recoup its energy. this is focusing the energy in the air to create things by feel. so think to keep from eating and you don't gain any weight. that's what could happen to make weight happen. thinking to ho;d off causes you to not need to eat, so think about it and you know what to do.

the more you repeat the rite, the more you accumulate with based repetition - energy, into a specific point of poise, the more power you get over the accumulation of such energy as well as the reinforcement of reality and abiding by those principles that reality gives structure to those system, which manifests the way it did for you. it doesn't matter what kind of system you are using, repetition will reinforce its power. another reason why ritual magick is so effective, because its based on repetition. repeating it again and again creates more effect. some magickal orders like the Golden Dawn, repeat their rituals on a daily basis. they understand how if you keep regenerating the energy, it accumulates to serve that point in reality. 


empowerment stone; this is where you have the stone and focus energy through it for an amplified effect. think and create as you hold the stone. this is also a blessed stone effect. so think about what you want and the stone creates it consciously with its conscious of energy. this includes summoning a dragon form. that lasts for centuries.

Think and kill; The effect you think into existance by the power of the creator or god, this is the moment you seal the body and put a void hole in the body. that's if you want to kill the body. The body will either collapse or die on the spot. losing sudden weight.

kari lake; she gives up on legal actions and striking out no matter what.

danese; she isn't disappointed in life and creates better by doing things that are needed. no matter what.

meals; I get 2 meals from meals on wheels today or on the day of saturday..


for dnd

magic engineer class addon

ex and sp

Assault n battery; this is where you hit and get a charge to your energy from the hit.

Lava bombs; this is gated in lava balls 65 cm big, that rolls into the area after falling down. 

Tornado fire; this is a tornado of fire that goes out by burning itself out.

Lava sweep; the Lava gated in to an area sweeps forth to go into an open area.

Mosquito tornado; this effect is where millions of Mosquito are gated in as they form a tornado formation that goes where you intended. 

instant karma; this is where you think instant karma and its instant payback or actions done that were done to you to the deed doer in life.

instantaneous transformation; This is where you think of the form and need to be the shape, then you appear bigger than yourself unless you wanted to appear smaller than yourself as you are formed that way by will. The effect is simple, the spirit creates your body shape change, then you are that form in appearance. so whatever shape you want to be, you are by the power of the soul and the creator that feeds the soul.

energy strike; this is where you send forth a pulse of light that appears like a red beam. hitting with a bright red light of radiation..

telekinetics; think of the thing you want and the object to do and focus upon the item, then will the idea as you need it for you want as you state the point or intent. The object, if energy aware, should do it.


build; this is where you think and focus on what you want to do, you can build or lift anything by the power of the spirit using the soul energy. you can glue things or unglue things together by feel.

fuse; This ability is creating with energy and fusing something together or fusing things together otherwise you can unfuse them. People can lift objects like logs, fans, sails and more besides, and adhere them to other objects (as well as breaking those connections) to result in complex constructions made for a specific purpose. This fuse ability allows you to create instant combinations of weapons and shields merged with other items like rocks, changing how they work, how durable they are, and how much damage they can deal. 

ascend; you raise yourself up and through what is above you by the creator doing the deed, and you are on the above surface. you can also lower yourself to the area below as though magic done by feel.

reversal; you reverse the momentum of what machine is there by the power of the subconscious. This recall is using an ability that allows players to "rewind" time and the path of physical objects, essentially forcing those objects to undo any motions they did recently. It's a great way to send enemy projectiles hurtling back toward them mid-throw, or as a means to cross certain rivers, lakes, or pits of lava by reversing the flow of drifting items you can step on. 

autobuilder; this ability of the creators will make you anything you need to be found by you, it even can use gemstones to get a pattern that you will to be built. hold the gemstone, think of what you need and its there where you look to find it.


Add Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.

Likeness summons; This is where you think to focus on creating a likeness of some form from thin air. This is done by the creator making it appear. It disappears when it isn't needed. The source of this appears to be an angel sent by God or the creator to appear and act like you want it to act. If your evil, then you call by thought a fallen angel or demon to do what you want. The idea is you create an appropriate appearance, if you have in mind the person or thing you want to mimic. If no image appears, then God or the creator must have thought to not allow it. So luck be with you.

Geologist class

Ex and sp

Psychic (ex); they know before the moment what will occur, they are never surprised.

Intense attack (ex); the intensity is there on need, think to add +5 to your attack rolls and damages.

Focused management (ex); this is where you think and focus on the point to express. Then, the result is created that you wanted, this works best as you know of the problem.

psionics; If you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go".

optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water.

think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result. This doesn't effect if you don't need it.

Mastery (ex); this ability is where at level 20. you master the moment, then create your results with the creator or god as enhanced. Think and you know what to do. This allows greater potential, that's done by the creator or god changing things. Add +4 to all your core stats. Add +60% slim health to your health.


Earth Detection; this is an early warning, where you are sensitive to vibration, and can sense when someone or something is coming near. This includes seismic waves that indicate an earthquake. This effect is instant.

Appearance; this is where you focus the vibration in the planet, programming it to make through the vibration the spirit or apparition appear at least in photos. You can make almost anyone invisible appear to the third eye in a moment. This effect is instant.

Wave energy; this is where you focus the energy of sound and the earth into creating an effect by thought  programming it, as the subconscious does the programming and the consciousness of energy does the idea with its influence. This includes a wave attack. That effects the targets and does damages to them. This effect is instant.

Elemental summons; this ability creates what is called the elements, like water, earth, air, fire, poison, acid and void. Think to gate in energy to create the effect. That effect occurs because of the creator or your God.

This is using your thought and need for the energy to program it into emulating the element. This even includes attacks and healing however you form the element.

Some like spheres that you think into existence. Some like beams. Some create elementals at level 10 or living elements that are shaped as you need..

See these elementals have your stats, except for 100% health and a different shape. Think of how you want to create it, and state to the dm/gm what you want to do to make use of this. This effect is instant and lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle passes, or until you no longer need it.

Shaping; this ability creates a shape of energy formed from air and earth.  That emulates a being as it exists.. it has 100% Health and is shaped like the being. The rest of the stats are your own. It basically does what you intend or need. This lasts until you  no longer need it or it thinks to end its life.

Recreation; this is the point that your spirit recreates the idea or process that you observe to cause it to effect a target or targets. You can even recreate a target form by feel. Any recreation starts with spiritual recreation, then in you need it.. physical recreation. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until you no longer need it outside of battle.

Thought control; the thought of controlling the creature or targets is done by the creator. You can make them do anything by feel and need. This control lasts 1d8 rounds in battle  and until not wanted outside of battle.

splintering; It seems that your subconscious will take a force to make changes to the material, that means it splinters it.


The creation; the Creator makes what you want, no matter the reason why. It seems that he hears our idea to create as we need it, and then makes realistic the point of expression. The atleantians also create by the idea you do. So think about it, if you thought to do things to make what you wanted, the creator makes what you able to do what is necessary. This means you create by needing something, the creator makes it more likely. So think about the idea, then you get what result you desire. If you don't desire it, it doesn't get done. This is the way of people.

Although, sometimes with idea done its magic, as it takes an event or it to take place. This is where you think of the result, when you think to do things and the soul creates with a point or expression. So think and you know what is what. This I think, that you realize things, the moment things materialize. So think about it and its as though a thought there in some world, that creates itself by the thought being noticed and you get a result. That's done by feel or by being aware of the moment, and its as though think and you know what you can do. Otherwise don't do things and you might get a result, that's with extra energy not being used up.

Energy is a vague term, so think of the use to define what it is. One such meaning is the body energy, this I think you know to realize it. So if you think of the idea, you realize what is done. That's realized by the energy consciousness, that's revealing the idea to your spirit and that idea the soul has you realize. If it didn't, then it wasn't meant to occur. So think about this for a minute as it seems, that knowledge is the inner knowledge. The inner knowledge comes forth, to allow you to do what you think is necessary. This is in effect, a point where and when the expression comes forth and you know what the creator creates if you don't unless you don't want it. The expression itself.

If you don't want or need it, then you make the result of the idea disappearing. This is where you think about the point as an idea that is done. The idea sometimes is an object. Then, if you don't need it, its gotten lost or disappears by the idea that you need. So think, if you need it its there, if you don't need it, its gone. That is the way of life. There is a safeguard, the safeguard is when you want something nasty and it goes against the person's life. Then and only then, if negative and they didn't deserve it, the effect is that there is no effect. So think about this and do what you want.

Now if you said "fixed" and think the leylines fix the idea, then things fix themselves by the power of the leylines. Don't fix it if not broken. The leylines are the lava flows below the planet. Thinking about the lava, then think of what you want, causes the creator to program the leylines into doing what you intended. Think the leylines do things to help you as you say, "do" and you get the result of your desire. These things are what you think you need, like money generation. The money is generated easier, with a "do" thinking the leylines cause you to get more money. This is way easier than it seems by writing. However, the thought really is done as the creator makes the idea seem to exist.

It seems that there is nothing the creator or God, can do and create for you. So the limit is where you do too much, that's when you get a use headache. This headache comes from thinking things and getting results that use a source. Say you wanted something, and used your own energy as a source. That the creator uses to create with effect, so think and you get the dream result that you desire. This is where you can consider the use of fat cells, that means you use it as an energy source. Then think of what you want, this is where you create the end result in idea. That result is sometimes what you want, sometimes if the target didn't deserve it its not done. So think of what you want and you can achieve you life's desires.


w/ = with, using

w/o = without, with held, hold

woke; disliked thing

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

thoughtful expression

Think and know, this is thought..the knowledge you have comes to you as you think to know things and that is where thoughtfulness in expression comes from. 

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think that are possible here.

Sheila; she gets to go to the bank.

Sheila II; she goes to a nursing home soon.

Direct creation; think about the idea to do and create with a point, the idea spoken acts like a command they that hear it instinctively do without thinking.

Thought; Whatever occurs i am alright. I am not sleepy until nighttime. No matter what. 

Cube shield; this is projected energy to create a cube of protective energy, that's only dropped by the summoner and projected by the soul. This protects against evil and exceptional sun radiation as well. No matter what,  you won't feel tired from it. 

Accelerated time; this is where you think of time and need it to be accelerated by feel.

Alarm; this spell creates the idea of spiritual knowledge of the problem in idea. Thats when its triggered by activity. 

Think; the hard water effect is now soft water in effect. Enjoy yourself. 

Thrust; thrust forth and go.

Creative; stacy b children no longer get upset enough to destroy properties. No matter what. 

Weight; the body weight goes and lowers itself by 60 lbs. No matter what. 

Entrust; entrusted is the moment you know if necessary. 

Creative ii; get creative as its going to be a long boring time.

Dentist; I don't have any problems with my teeth or payment. 

Iridescent beam; think of a beam of chaos and blood energy coming from your hand. That strikes the target  and leaves a burn mark. If it doesn't kill the targets then their lucky. 

Lafayette Terry, jr; he no longer is a sex addict no matter what. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

think and do

This is where you focus and create a result. Thinking about the point of life and making things work. Then by focus they do.

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

I ever consume it; this makes the third eye consume the weight constantly from the body. 

Whyol; white hole, this is your other end of the black hole. It spews matter and energy as creative as you can get.

Focus; zone out and you are free. Think and you know what to do. 

Travis; he makes it to his meeting with stacy at 1 pm. No matter what. 

Travis; he finds his cards no matter what happens and quickly. 

Mail; the us mail comes quickly and without problems no matter the point.. Paul t gets his check as soon as possible.


Thought; the thinking you do manifests positive changes no matter the point. 

Mailman; he shows up by feel early..

Parol; i am parolled by feel. No matter what. 

Think and do; think you have what it takes and do it.

Think; if you think you can do things by feel. Thats how you know if some things are done.

Think; if you thought about it, it comes to you when you need it the most.

4th dimensional storage; this is where you think to shift an object and touch it, so it goes to the 4th dimension storage room. Think of the item reappearing and its back by feel.

Shifting; the area you think about being you are suddenly, think about it and the subconscious mind teleports you a myst of time travel.

Frequenter liebe; extra love feel. 

Einen orgasmus; to have orgasm 

Frequenter einen liebe orgasmus; to go into extra strong orgasm from love feel. 


It is; okay.

Moose; he doesn't lose a leg no matter what. 

Think; the focus is done interest fades away as you think to do what you want. 

The us house; the us house in Washington DC agrees to raise the debt limit. No matter what. 

Stacy; she comes back by feel and I get my hot chocolate. No matter what. 


Is; great feel and creative point. 

Isn't; great big body.

Truth seeker; think to create psi balls and program them to make the truth happen and come out.

Revival; think of creating a psi ball in the air, then Programming it to bring back by revival the body so it lives. After its done, it dissipates harmlessly. 

Sun strike; this is where you think to the sun, what you want it to do. This case is where you need it to strike the area you wanted targeted by a plasma strike. This plasma strike will hit the atmosphere and cause your targets to fall asleep. 

Sun shield; this is where you think and focus on the thought of shielding, you and your allies are unaffected of any attacks. Including plasma strikes. You won't need to sleep, unless you intended to sleep. 

Travis; he doesn't mind what I do. He calms down and becomes better by feel. He returns to his room. Locks the door and sleeps.

Voice improvement; Think it improves as we drink water. The water does your thought you need as you intend it to work. Clean water does better.

Thought vs intention; If we need the thoughts and intend the idea from them the soul creates the idea. If we don't need the idea or thoughts then they don't occur. However, if we don't intend the idea and need the concept then it still won't occur.

Immunity; Whatever you dislike, your immune to by feel if its evil.

The beach party; they come and pick me up and I enjoy myself there. No matter what and quickly. 

Whatever; Whatever I do, I get better by feel. I improve by idea and do better. 

Focus; this heals the body and creates better health including repair to the knee. No matter what. 


The weekend; the weekend is calm and quiet no matter what. 

The end
Assault n battery; this is where you hit and get a charge to your energy from the hit.

Lava bombs; this is gated in lava balls 65 cm big, that rolls into the area after falling down. 

Tornado fire; this is a tornado of fire.

Lava sweep; the Lava gated in to an area sweeps forth to go into an area.

Mosquito tornado; this effect is where millions of Mosquito are gated in as they form a tornado formation that goes where you intended. 

Violence; think and know,  the violent need doesn't happen. 


Likeness summons; this is where you think to focus on creating a likeness of some form from thin air. This is done by the creator making it appear. It disappears when it isn't needed. The source of this appears to be an angel sent by God to appear and act like you want it to act. 

If your evil, then you call by thought a fallen angel or demon to do what you want. The idea is you create an appropriate appearance, if you have in mind the person or thing you want to mimic. If no image appears, then God must have thought to not allow it. So luck be with you.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Focused event spells

 In order to create a focused event, think of the idea you need or wanted as a need. Then, when you think of the idea to do and need it as intent, you create by the spirit creating the idea that you would get as an event is there by the power of the soul.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

it is; it is do in ne.

it is; just in do.

its is; hits of done.

it was; go en down.

it was; it too happens.


think motion and create; this is where your thinking about what you need, motioning with your hand and creating a result with explanation.

dark cloak; This is where you focus dark energy into the aura or area like a dome, then you aren't effected by sunlight and can cause people to not see you. This even prevents sunburn. The 3rd eye allows you to see through the dark cloak and you easily navigate the area. When indoors, you drop the cloak as you think light energy enters the aura. Then you can see normally again. Of course, the darkness cloak is not seen by others. So your not giving yourself away by doing this.

Etheric plane; This can form a body in the etheric plane. Think to be in spirit and your there in an etheric body. The longer your there, the clearer it becomes. You will get a sense of what is real. It is permanent so the next time your there, the easier it gets. Think and you know what to do.

Shock absorber; This is where you use the shock of electron charges and create a wave of electrons and effected protons. That neuralize the damage and absorb it into the particles, that are used to create what effect you may have. This is where you think and do, thinking of energizing the atoms in the body, that creates the electron wave in the first place. On use, this create longetivity, the point is done if you think its done so consider yourself "ageless". Think to use the electron wave, then you aren't effected by attack for 48 seconds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle. 

moose; he doesn't get into an accident. no matter what.


creation shape; This technique is where you think or imagine yourself as the shape you want to be, then the creator changes the shape you appear as by feel in life. Since the creator made us as images in the matrix of reality illusion. We can be whatever shape we think we are by feel.

Solar flare; I am unaffected by the solar flare, no matter what.

people; they don't mind what I do or did. no matter what. music turns the ears and they are attracted to the area.

in focus; think this is done, then it is. if you think its not, then it stops.

arrived; the arrival of things or people, marks the end of the populace. think and you know what you can do.

en; think the end of the endemic, this means its over.

en its

Energy shot; The energy you summon by gate is shaped by the subconscious into being a shot, that goes off as though shot by a rifle.

remote healing; Imagine spreading your energy through someone's body.  to the whole.  then focus on the sick place.  transmit your energy to the cells.  For example, if it is cancer, fill the cancerous cells with your energy.  then press your hands together.  As you do this, imagine exploding in those thousands of cells.  cells no longer have effects.  and the person's body will replace those cells with healthy cells in a few days.  This is a remote healing method.

reenergization; The brain sometimes connects one thing to another.  use this feature.  For example, take an item.  say it will remind me to be energetic every time I see it.  Look at that item one day when you're tired.  your tiredness will go away.  can be used for everything.  whatever you need.

focus and create; This is where you think of what you want, look at the object and you state what you want its consciousness to do. Then on a moment of need, look at the object and its that idea that's done. That's triggered by the look into being created as you intend it to be done. The idea done like reenergization as you program your subconscious mind, this is made into creating the idea, upon a glance and needing or not.


Immunity; Whatever you dislike that would hurt you, your immune to by feel even if its evil.

incarceration; this is where you create in the target/s mind a jail scene. Think of the moment and intend them to be incarcerated in their mind as they do things bad and the subconscious creates that in their mind's eye. this ends as if it never happened where they don't do bad idea.

thought; this is the thought, think of the moment and think they do it. that is all for now.


weightless; This is where you are weightless and seem to have less weight. Think of the body weight lessening, and state or need the effect. Then, you lower your bodyweight by the power of your soul.

silence zone; This is where your energy makes people in a zone or area silent of 10' diameter. Think to throw a chi ball that you form by imagining green chi energy forming itself into a ball, and thinking to it "make them quiet", at the area that you want effected. You are immune to this spell, btw. Because, its the subconscious that can block out the effect if you know of it.

exercise; This is where, if you think about it you lose your excess weight as you exercise by walking around or working out. Then you did it enough.

symbolic magic; make the symbol traced in the air and create the effect as you think it will exist.

loudness; this is where you think loud and it becomes loud in a zone or area by feel of 10'. This is the opposite instruction from the silence zone spell. Think to form a green chi ball and think to it "make them heard", then you create the effect by throwing the loudness chi ball at the target area.

flesh to stone; this is where you think to the target/s "turn to stone", and their subconscious starts turning to stone as they are still after that point. 

stone to flesh; this is a spell that you cast on a stoned target or targets, that's with a thought of "turn to flesh" then they are turned into flesh from stone from the subconscious doing the deed. Otherwise, they start moving again as they are a living stone form.

Transferrance; This is where you transfer what you want from the target/s, that's including their health and energy.


instant karma; this is where you think instant karma and its instant payback to the deed doer.

sex need; they the target/s feel sometime the need to do sex or self-sex themselves. so no matter what if they were to attack you, they no longer think of the need to attack, instead they do sex or self-sex. if your not a part of the sixth dimension, then you aren't targeted for attack. that's why I am not in the sixth dimension. so I don't get attacked.

instantaneous transformation; This is where you think of the form and need to be the shape, then you appear bigger than yourself unless you wanted to appear smaller than yourself as you are formed that way by will. The effect is simple, the spirit creates your body shape change, then you are that form in appearance. so whatever shape you want to be, you are by the power of the soul and the creator that feeds the soul.

morph; think of the idea and you create with a thought, this includes body shaping.

build; this is where you think and focus on what you want to do, you can build or lift anything by the power of the spirit using the soul energy. you can glue things or unglue things together by feel.


fuse; This ability is creating with energy and fusing something together or fusing things together otherwise you can unfuse them. People can lift objects like logs, fans, sails and more besides, and adhere them to other objects (as well as breaking those connections) to result in complex constructions made for a specific purpose. This fuse ability allows you to create instant combinations of weapons and shields merged with other items like rocks, changing how they work, how durable they are, and how much damage they can deal. 

ascend; you raise yourself up and through what is above you by the creator doing the deed, and you are on the above surface. you can also lower yourself to the area below as though magic done by feel.

reversal; you reverse the momentum of what machine is there by the power of the subconscious. This recall is using an ability that allows players to "rewind" time and the path of physical objects, essentially forcing those objects to undo any motions they did recently. It's a great way to send enemy projectiles hurtling back toward them mid-throw, or as a means to cross certain rivers, lakes, or pits of lava by reversing the flow of drifting items you can step on. 

energy strike; this is where you send forth a pulse of light that appears like a red beam. hitting with a bright red light of radiation..

focus and create; this is where you focus on the point or item and feel it will work makes it work out by feel.

pick up; this is where you pick up on the idea or thing, then gather its energy for your use as though an ability you can make and create with by idea.


detection; this is where you detect things before they happen.

creepy; you avoid the creepiness no matter what.

telekinetics; think of the thing you want and the object to do and focus upon the item, then will the idea as you need it for you want as you state the point or intent. The object, if energy aware, should do it.

Genjutsu; with food and drink as energy for the body, eat or drink a little bit as you think of what you want and need. this creates the point you express about, as though intent were done.

autobuilder; this ability of the creators will make you anything you need to be found by you, it even can use gemstones to get a pattern that you will to be built. hold the gemstone, think of what you need and its there where you look to find it.

for dnd

Althaitham's crystal sword; Its made of green crystal, this sword weighs 3 lbs and when you attack with it it causes in air mirrors to form sending the energy of whatever he attacks with..amplifying it into a more powerful form. Use any element you gate in as particles with this sword. It does half level rounded down + d12 + focus ranks in damage on hit.

Sun strike, this is where you think and focus on a thought, thinking to cause the sun to do what you want it to do. This case is where you need it to strike the area with intensity, that you wanted targeted by a plasma strike. The plasma strike will hit the atmosphere and cause fire damage, that's as your targets fall asleep.

Sun shield, this is where you think and focus to shield yourself and your allies. They and you are unaffected of any attacks. This includes plasma strikes. You won't need to sleep, that's only unless you intended to sleep.

Monday, June 5, 2023

goody spells

 The spells of Goody are an amazement in themselves. They are done by thinking of what you want and creating an effect with the statement of your intent. This is creating what you want even if in another language. Think and you know what you can do.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

unpreventative; This is used to not prevent thinness.

I am; I am sure you are right, so if you don't mind I will do what I can in the meantime.

yes; I know I am, yet think of the moment and try better.

no; I know that.

think; I know that things are bad, yet they can improve.


en; enter as you wish you will do as you want.

gno; go now, enjoy your life. this is an efficient way to live.

the end

you will see yourself there and you will find yourself there, in the end. the end.

elemental ball; This is where you create magic as in you think to work and do things. So its formed from the element you choose to use. Thinking about it forms it as a chi ball.. then you create by programming the energy thinking to it what you want to create what you want by the chi ball doing it from its conscious programming. Like forming a fireball, think heat energy is compressed into the ball of green energy and when it stops absorbing then throw it against a surface. 

It should leave a dark spot or smudge mark. This is the first stage, if you want to actually cause a fire, then think energy or green chi energy goes into the mark or marks from your hand or focus upon it. Then it will smoke and burn as it bursts into flames. If there is not enough heat in the air, then wait 3 to 5 minutes to create again. As the energy has to replenish itself. Think it doesn't form, then it disappears as though not formed by feel.

Communication technique; I just needed to relax and look out at night and ask my question inside, but with this technique I was only able to communicate 2 or 3 times Every time I felt like I was being called and I had a feeling that I should go and talk.

Think; Think your free and the energy consciousness makes you free. If you think of what you want it to do, then it does.

Thought; This is a point you can think about and stop the effects you don't like.


Shimmering; This is where your spirit shakes the body, until it reduces in weight for how much you would want to lose.

Dancing; This is where you create weight loss by movement with allot of dance.

biden; he doesn't make tougher work conditions for food stamps. no matter what.

mail; they get to delivering it earlier than usual, no matter what.

travis; he manages to find his lost cards quickly, no matter what.


think; the point is done, accept and forgive.

number; the number you make up is yours to get however you wish unless you don't want it.

Weight; I don't weigh up, I weigh down.

focus; on focus, the imitations stop.

for dnd

Music pulse gun; This is a musical guitar with a battery that recharges itself from sunlight and radiowaves in 10 minutes. This battery lasts 10 hours per use. The guitar can form the music of the moment by playing it. It has high amps mode that be turned on or off. So in high amps mode it can pulse soundwave energy out to the target/s, that's making piercing soundwave damage to their brains. That allows the target/s to become unconscious if exposed to it for 2 actions for 1d8 rounds in battle or 2d10 minutes outside of battle. Think to pulse out the damage and you deal 4d10+focus ranks in amount. This weapon weighs 3 lbs. and has a range of 30'.

Magic Engineer class

Ex and Sp

Engineering (Ex); This is where you think to do what you may and get a good result by the use of machines. Add +5 to your engineering skill and modern things skill.

Psychic (Ex); What comes to you by the spirit you know by the soul. This is where the spirit reveals timewise, what it saw and what occurs. You can see any time and space, so you know in advance what will occur. Thinking about the moment allows you to not be surprised by attack.

Engineering plus (Ex); This is where you think of the feat to do and create with any one feat that you want to use. According to your level, you can create with the effect of what your allowed to use by idea. Otherwise, you can create whatever feat you desire. This is as thought, you can engineer the feat by feel.

Luck (Ex); This is where you think of the idea, then create what you may with luck granted by the creator. Add +6 luck.

Weird feat (Sp); This is where you think about the idea and create disappearances or strange elemental effects. You may cast this spell anytime you desire.

Trace (Sp); This is where you trace the moment and know what you can do. Thinking about the target/s allows you to see what is possible, thinking to know the moment it was formed. You know whatever properties there are to the item or idea. That's as you realize what the person or creature did. You may cast this effect anytime you want.

Particle wave pattern (Sp); This is a creative wave pattern or things of effect, that you can cast anytime and create an effect by thinking about it and stating the particles' name to the DM/GM. The soul creates it if you need it as though an engineer's effect. The effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages/healing prospects are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount. Its reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;

lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative

energy charge, negative time subparticle)

likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), protective,

positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain

charge subparticle)

nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize)

tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like

red dots)

yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, aether, felt influence

manipulation subparticle) by feel.

To allow with interactivity;

burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron)

    cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing with effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);

cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron);

cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura);

crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon);

creta(cree-tah, permanent erasure, or lessening particle created with stekton + tachyon + lutra);

    dea(dee-ah, death and decay particle, death particle, this particle creates death and decay of whatever you don't like, created by crita + lutra + likdon);

    dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara);

   eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton);

  eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton);

foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton);

flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron);

gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug,

solidity particle, lekton + aleron);

        lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton);

lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton);

lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron);

lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton);

loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info

soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton)

loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by

hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by

proteon + stekton);

loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron);

loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron);

lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton);

lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon);

        nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron);

nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron);

lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron);

sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation,

neutron and tachyon);

pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata)

stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron);

uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron);

uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton);

uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);

uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon);

uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron);

yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);

zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);

zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton);

zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);

Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).

Re-engineering (Ex); This is where by engineering yourself magically you create better thought and results. Add +5 to your enginnering skill and add +5 to all core stats. Thinking to work out, you can add +60% health.


Think; Think your free and the energy consciousness makes you free of any constraints. If you think of what you want it to do, then it does.

Electron magic; This is where you charge the electron into doing what you intend.  Thinking of the moment and needing something, instructs the energy consciousness into creating it by the split off of the charged electron spin-off.

Communication technique; You just needed to relax and look out at night or day and ask your question inside. With this technique you are only able to communicate 2 or 3 times per day. Every time you can feel like you are being called and you have a feeling that you should go and talk.

Elemental ball; This is where you create magic as in you think to work and do things. So its formed from the element you choose to use. Thinking about it forms it as a chi ball.. then you create by programming the energy thinking to it what you want to create what you want by the chi ball doing it from its conscious programming. The energy is gated in and creates itself by feel. Close the gate to stop the effect by allowing your soul to close it. 

Like forming a fireball, think heat energy is compressed into the ball of green energy and when it stops absorbing then throw it against a surface. This should take 2 actions. It should leave a dark spot or smudge mark. This is the first stage, if you want to actually cause a fire, then think energy or green chi energy goes into the mark or marks from your hand or where you are focusing upon it. Then it will smoke and burn as it bursts into flames. If there is not enough heat in the air, then wait 3 to 5 seconds or 1 action to create again. 

As the energy has to replenish itself. Think it doesn't form, then it disappears as though not formed by feel. There is the waterball that can wet things or create moisture, think water energy forms as a ball of trace moisture. Thinking to create it with the chi ball absorbing water energy that you think goes to the area you thought threw it at. The area will be cool and wettish as it formed a smudge on the area. Airballs are compressed air into a chi ball and focused at a target area. If formed right, it can punch a hole through things. 

The earthball is focusing a compressed brown energy into the chi ball, when done it will smell of earth and can block and defend. Think to throw it into a surface and it can dampen with a cool feel the area forming a smudge on the area like a wall. This is not all you can do, but it is allot of idea put into one thing as its your third eye or subconscious that sees your need and forms the idea to exist by feel or idea noticed.. Anyways, as you throw it at a living target that's not the wall, then you can create elemental damages.

Shock absorber; This is where you use the shock of electron charges and create a wave of electrons and effected protons. That neuralize the damage and absorb it into the particles, that are used to create what effect you may have. This is where you think and do, thinking of energizing the atoms in the body, that creates the electron wave in the first place. On use, this create longetivity, the point is done if you think its done so add "ageless" w/o quotes as your charater age. Think to use the electron wave, then you aren't effected by attack for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.

En moment; This is where you create realistically the moment to ekd as the subconscious makes it end. This can end any hostility before its expressed. So think about its use and you can do that by feel. Thinking about it will end the strike harmlessly. Think peace and you form it by the attempt you do.

Photons; This is where you create with charging your influence onto the photons themselves, that creates what result you may have. This is instant and creates by focus, so think and you know what to do. That's as you think about it and it happens.

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