Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, March 30, 2023


 This is where you focus on keeping certain things that you don't want to happen by warding it away. So you think of a circle and this circle surrounds you, then feel that the circle drives away the people or things that you know would hurt you. Then whatever you feel, the danger should fade away and by thinking, you create what you think by the power of the circle.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

thought; the point is done, with or without the idea being pointed out if you intend it to be done. counterthought will cancel out the idea and point.

paul t; he doesn't consider me as though lying. he doesn't mind what I do or did.

travis; he is unaffected by alcohol, no matter what.

travis; he needs me to goto the store for him, no matter what.

force back; this is a hand of god effect where you hold out the hand and think of forcing through energy the target to be forced back, and state a word to cause what you think with intent.

blowtorch; think of fire blowing forth and torching the target.

enchanted fruit; This is where you touch the fruit and seed, think of what you intend and the fruit does it to your body as you eat it. Like a truth peach, where you eat it and think about telling the truth.

flight; this is where you fly up and where you wanted to be, flooding your body with energy of happy thoughts to do it by focus.

teleport; This is similar to flight, yet you create with a thought by spirit where you want to be or where you want them after psychically spotting it out.

mind to mind; this is where you think your message and they "hear" it in their minds and their reponse you "hear" in your mind.


vision; Think the 3rd eye makes a vision of what you want, then it will cause the vision to be seen. For a mass vision, think the third eye shares the vision to those you want to see it.

Alcohol; Think to use agate with smokey quartz. Hold the stones together and imagine the result as you think energy goes through the stones over a cup. Stop focusing through the stone if you don't need it.

diarrhea cure; think energy goes to the stomach as you need it to cure the stomach bug. this works even though the person drinks allot of water. thinking the point is done.

black tar; this blackish substance can power a person by the spirit using it to create results by the oily substance being burned off as you energize it with focus.

magic armor; this is enchanted armor and creates whatever magic is necessary by the armor energy creating, what you need from the energy consciousness doing it.

the effect; this is a point to realize, think of what you do and you know what to do.


entropy effects where you think, so if you want to slow down the hit so you easily avoid it, you can think slow down and speak then you cause the target to slow themselves down.

water; hold a blue moonstone over a cup and then think energy goes through the stone to condense water vapors in the cup.

wine; this is where you think the taste of the water or drink is wine flavored and you make the drink slightly alcoholic. this trick was done as example from the bible. how to undo it? think the taste is something else.

cancellation; this is where you think of the area to cancel effects in, and state a word as you think to cancel out a person. that doesn't cancel out the space-x launch. no matter what.

continuance; This is the point you know, that is when you continue and work with what you get.


think; the needs of the people are listened to by feel. people get food stamps anyway. biden creates improved food stamps no matter what.

biden; he feels like doing what's right, no matter what.

finances; my finances work out no matter what. I always have enough for purchases and bills, no matter what.

light colors; this is where you being near the lighter colors, heal by the idea.

a brain exercise : choose 10 words at random.  irrelevant  and use them in a story.  make it harder over time.  As your brain neurons increase, your perception capacity will increase. and one more exercise: pick a topic you know.  and write.  For example, if I know biology, I wrote about it.  Then, select 10 words from the gap and ban them.  Write the same topic again, but without using those words.

eating trick; the trick is this, cook some food and save the food for later or throw it out, and you no longer feel like eating.


Think; the action is done, the point is mote.

thought; the thought isn't done, think and you know what is there,

siren; they are half fish and half human..this is their ability. Think of the moment and speak what you want to happen as you think of what you need. This creates the point of action, as you speak things when you feel its important. that is created by the soul or spirit creating a result, that's done by the voice having the right vibration and that convinces the targets into doing what you wanted.

focus; think, focus and create by what you say or need. this is a way to live without necessity. think and you know what to do.

clue; the point of expression is pointed out and everything is understood.


clueless; This is then, now is a point you live. think and you know what to do.

lawless; if lawless, you create with the creator what you need as though a stated effect was law.

cleaning lady; She has the 10 dollars for the bracelet on wednesday or whenever she's here. no matter what.

conversion; I manage to convert my pdf to html no matter what.

paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did.

she; she doesn't mind.


recounting; they don't cut off my account no matter what. They approve my book and create a sell.

review; they review my account very quickly, no matter what.


egress; exiting, exit

regress; regression: go back

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Collaboration magic

 This is where you create by feel and focus things into existence or work with others to create a result.

Some spells
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells you need as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge then your subconscious do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, even by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Danise; danese doesn't mind what I do or did. This happens no matter what occurs.

Travis; he doesn't mind what I do and needs me to go to the store for him no matter what.

Communication; it doesn't deteriorate any farther and only gets better after this. No matter what.

Wwiii; this doesn't happen to occur war of the world. No matter what.

Warrior; think and know what will occur by feel.

The end; the end will surprise you and things will work out in the end.

Travis; he needs me to goto the store for him and I get paid 5 dollars.

Danese; she allows me to work for 5 or 10 dollars today. No matter what.

Focused; the point is expressed idea and isn't as strict as one would think.

Needy; i am no longer needy of things no matter what.


Focus; the focus is on you so think its done even when its not.

Thought; the thought to this is where you focus and create what you think into existence.

Think; think and the thought is done if you intend it to be done.

Thought ii; think the best and you create the best.

Done; I am done.

Think; this is where you focus and create with perception .

Thought; the point that's expressed in idea.


Robbie; he is evicted by feel. No matter what.

Great thought; I use metformin and manage to lose my excess weight  no matter what.

The doctor; he can see me quickly sooner than usual.  No matter what.

No matter; no matter what I don't feel like arguing.

Whatever; Whatever the case I do the right prepping.

Florida; florida doesn't outlaw democrats no matter what.

Creative fart; think the fart does what you intend, drink something and you fart with people reacting like you want.

Donations; they can afford to get to me a donation no matter what without stress.

Finances; My finances get better no matter what.

Paul t; he gets his check in today or tomorrow, no matter what its earlier than usual.


Jay m; he gives me a donation of 20 or more dollars today or as soon as possible. No matter what.

Amazon; I get my packages from Amazon delivery as quickly as possible no matter what.

Stacy and Cassandra; they go for me putting my totes into the matter what.

Travis; he doesn't think I am breaking him by getting 5 dollars. No matter what.

Mail; it comes earlier than 10:30 am..on Saturday no matter what.

Danese; she is nicer to me on the phone after this so I might as well go.

Mail; it comes earlier today than usual  no matter what. I get my packages sent in the mail.

Biden's student loan; his court case in the Supreme Court is successful for biden, no matter what.

Vaccine; Montana doesn't pass the anti Vaccine law no matter what.

Focus; the points you have you attract to you by feel.

Things; the things that are in my room are left alone by feel. No matter what.

Bugman; he arrives quickly by feel. Then sprays my room leaving things in the room matter what. They hurry up and finish the building..

Fine; I don't get fined 50 dollars no matter what.

Stacy b; she answers her phone and talks to me with texts or matter what.

Moose; he keeps his car and in good condition. No matter what quickly.


The Republicans; they come to a deal over the budget in the house. No matter what and quickly.

Metformin; i get my metformin in as soon as possible by feel. No matter what.

Creative; the creative idea is given by feel no matter what by the creator.

Think N create; think about the point that is expressed in idea and do what you need to create what things shall exist.


Pulse defense; the light starts pulsing fire energy at the target.

Breathe draw; be near the mouth and breath in. Then the corruption is withdrawn from the target.

Plant growth; think the plant you intend to grow grows as you make a mark in the direction of the plant or seeds.

Burning hands; imagine fire coming from the hands to the target and scorching said target. Forcing them to back away.

Flashback; this is where the consciousness of energy creates what happens in a vision. That disappears after the moment is done.


Focus=the thought you have that you think by feel.
The point=the idea you express or have happen to your experience.
Hasmat=the idea you wear that is protective.
Flalunc=flatulence or excessive farting of over 20 times a day.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Creatorship ability

This is where you join with the creator and create with greater ability, thinking to making the best out of anything. Think and you know what to do..

Some spells..

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

I wanted; I get helped in dealing with the bed bug spraying.

buttigieg; he due to character, does things right by feel, no matter what.

paul t; he changes back from being brusque and rude. no matter what he is nice.

Travis; he needs me to goto the store for him..he doesn't mind what I do or did no matter what.

The computer; the computer creates no problems even after I am done. no matter what


ldnd; the live and modern dnd htm file gets up onto the server, no matter what.

think; the point is energy, things work out in the end so you and I are energy forms in the physical world. think and you know what to do.

travis; he needs me to goto the store for him and I get 5 dollars no matter what.

Judy; She doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what I do.

Soundwaves; This is where you think of what you want and thump your foot or staff and the energy thought creates it.


nocohol; This is where you create by the subconscious mind and go on to do what you want. When you fall down and knock your head, due to alcohol. This use is imbibing it too much.

flalunc; flatulence, excessive farting that is more than 20 farts per day.

Focusing iii; the amount of time you focus makes if longer, the more powerful the effect. It works with elemental summons and creation, that's done by the focus with the mind thinking of what you want.

Vid magic; strange experience : relax and sit down.  Think as if there is a camera in the room and watch yourself.  You are sitting.  raise your hand.  And you're raising your hand on the camera.  first imagine what you are going to do.  watch from that camera.  do it later.  If you dig deep enough, imagine yourself on camera leaving your astral body.  and then when you try you can easily astral travel. its like this in general.  see what you want to see. that will be made easier.  if not, try again and again unless you want to give up from lack of energy.

thought; the point is a concurrence, if you need it its there.

thinking; this is where you win, by the feel and idea being used together.

no fee; there is no fee needed.

energy charging technique : Take a pen with both hands.  press very lightly.  Imagine your energy going into the pen.  Increase the pressure a little more and fill the pen with your energy.  When the pen is completely filled with your energy, it will do what you want.  When you say "break" 3 times and press lightly, it will break.  If you improve at this, you can break, or lighten, even items that wouldn't normally break.  or aggravate it.


for dnd

Disease master class

Ex and Sp

Diseased (Ex); you are diseased by whatever illness that isnt debilitating. You have a -10 penalty to your health. This illness cannot be cured yet doesn't seem to effect you.

Luck (ex); you have found a citrine ring of luck, add 6 to your luck and use a +5 to all rolls.

Disease other (sp); you can cast a debilitating disease at will that causes -5 penalty to all rolls.

Cure illness (sp); you cure any disease or illness no matter whom you are or whom it is. You can cast this spell at will.

Disease lord (ex); at level 20 you combine your will with the creator or god by use of foul transformation.. so you create double the effect roll in damage and gain a +5 to all core stats except constitution. Add +60% health.


Focus; Think and know what is good by feel. If you suppose its good then it is, so you realize what is good for you.

Purity armor; this is where you think of the creator giving you a pure energy armor. That's formed by energy you gate in around you. That protects you from half the damage.

Creation gate; this is where you create a gate that creates what you intend.

Divine protection; this is where you focus on doing things and successfully do the idea. That is done as you are protected by the creator from all attack and harm. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or 1 hour outside of battle.

If there is an ability use and then its done, you are aware of things to do as the opponent can then effect you after 1d8 rounds or 1 hour outside battle. So this is only useful if you want protection as you do an action.

Focusing creation; this is where you think to know things and the creator creates what you want.

Trained response; that is where you create a response to make your desire happen by the instinct. Think of causing fear to make the enemy run away.

Think; the thought is not done if you don't need it.

Reaction correction; this is where you focus and state something thinking of calmness, that in turn calms the person down by your feel.

God magician class

Description: This is yet another Dune movie class that is the main character instead of side characters.


God magic; This is creating with orange spice what ability is there to create manifests. As though a God or deity makes what you want. (edited)

Subconscious spice ability; this is where you use orange spice and suggest to the subconscious what you want  and need. Basically spice use is heightened ability that you can direct any way you want. If you suggest to the subconscious while on it, you create heightened effects.

Think and create; Think of what you need to create nd suggest to a screen that is "on" with a particle accelerator being active. The area changes and the idea is created by what you speak about. Think about it, you are aware and attempt  to renegotiate, making use of the active screen. 

dirty fighting; This is doing what is creative and disrespectful of the idea people present to get a result. Think of the moment and you know what to do.

Thinking with spice; This is where you create with even better ability, using orange spice and the heightened ability from it. Thinking to create with a point, that is expressed idea at a particle acelerator like the one in a screen. This to get results as you suggest to the screen, that's on and creating with a point in idea..

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

familiar's magic

The familiar is a pet you think to for a response and you get a result by the "pet" or idea you think it should do that includes telepathic communications between the pet and you. This is the pet magic.

Here are some spells..

 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Paul t; he gets his money in the mail as early as possible no matter what.

no matter; no matter what occurs, I don't gain weight.

robbie; he gets noone fired over what he thinks was done to him, no matter what.

paul t; he becomes better and seems to be on his meds as he isn't so judgemental. no matter what.

infinityhost; they allow me to upload my material, no matter what.

infinityhost; they repair their ftp server and allow me to upload as soon as possible no matter what.

grown up; You are stable, working and creating for the best of intentions.

paul t.; paul t. doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what it does occur.



nothing; nothing seems to work anymore except what I find myself doing.. I have only a certain amount of days till I see the psyche doctor.. what to do to lose weight.

procedure; The procedure is thus; think of the idea and drink water, then the water programmed by my thoughts creates what I need as I intend it. Hope it works. Don't want to die of obesity.


I am hopeful that things work out by feel, no matter what I still have my spells.

thought; the focus point you know to realize, think and you know what to do.

wake up; think of the idea, and you know what the problem is with it. experience something with the idea and you can wake up.

Waken; This is where you wake up and smell the drink to create with an idea and make off with what you need.

soulless; the creator makes a soul and the spirit makes use of it that the body has by feel.


suspend judgement; This is where you suspend your judgement and don't judge a person for what they do.

En is this; This is the end point you know by what you do.

I think; this is a point we get what we want, think and it is known to happen as you need it to occur.

focus; think and do as you know it is good.

transferrance; The point you think about doing is not done if abuse. This is where you think of the property and as it exists, if you think its transferred its there by the power of the spirit.


the thought; I will stay away from sugar and lose allot of weight, no matter what.

whatever; whatever's wrong is self-correcting, no matter what.

Area energy change; this is where you create a change by telling or thinking to the consciousness in the air of the area, that creates the change in or around the place you want effected. however, if you change the area you change yourself, so its like your energy changes as the area energy changed.

focus; gather energy and you get results by feel.

creative; think its created equal to the moment and you know what to do.

focus II; think and create what you want by focusing, the rules of the sapper.

sapper; The point you focus, then think to create a sucking and reprogrogramming of some area energy. this works no matter the point to weaken the material and break it down of any objec you sap.

regaining; this is what you think to gain in attribute as you gather energy, then things work out by feel to create what you intend to create.

gathering; think to focus and allow the creator's energy enter into you, then as you think to be super in ability you are what you think.

regenerating; This is moving about to generate heat and that heat is fuel to your spells or special effects by feel. You recover all lost energy and can cast again..


travis; he recovers by feel and gets better very quickly, no matter what.

danese; she doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what. she doesn't get snarky on my ass.

travis; he needs me to goto the store for him and I get 5 dollars per trip.

ms-23 docking; they successfully dock the ms-23 soyuz spacecraft no matter what.

lalate; he puts the password to his newsletter in community for me to see without realizing it, no matter what.

remembrance; Whatever you intend her to do she has you do instead. That's an ability that creates wealth if possible or downfall otherwise.

putin; whatever ill intent he has for ukraine, happens to him matter what.


travis; he needs me to goto the store sooner than usual and doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what.

travis II; there's no wrong between us that blocks us from getting a business deal done. no matter what.

space-x; they get off a successful crew-6 launch and other launches no matter what.

finances; I manage to get 5 or 10 dollars extra as soon as possible.

subconscious magic; this is where you think to create a result, that's  using the subconscious mind as you look into a candle flame. That is where you create with a thought and make with a point.

the end; this is what you think is the ending, nothing more than that.


cobra breath; This is from,--%20keeping%20close%20to%20it.

Excerpt "..each Cobra Breath produces one year of spiritual maturation. The Cobra Breath pulls Shakti (or magnetic) energy into the spine, changing the electromagnetic properties of the cerebrospinal fluid, allowing Kundalini to move up the spine. As the brain bathes in this magnetized fluid, the nervous system is transformed, and you awaken to a new consciousness." listed site

The first cobra breath technique

With the tip of the tongue touching the upper part of the teeth, inhale through the mouth feeling a cold energy coming up through the back part of the spine up to Kutastha. This upward movement of Prana is helped by Mula Bandha which is practiced after the breath leaves the Muladhar Chakra and by a moderate form of Uddiyana which is practiced after the breath passes beyond the Manipura Chakra. The energy goes through the Medulla towards Kutastha. Hold your breath and swallow, pulling your chin back and slightly down. After about 3 seconds or more, take a sniff and begin exhalation. The energy is visualized moving from Kutastha upwards and over the middle of the skull -- keeping close to it. When the flow of energy reaches the Fontanelle, the Mula Bandha and Uddiyana are released, energy travels down the back of skull. Smile, opening thus the Medulla where the energy returns inward. Keep your smile while the energy flows downward to Muladhar. The "Awww" and "Eeee" sounds are made by the breath as it goes up and down. Repeat at least 12 times.

The second cobra breath technique

Inhale through the nose visualizing the energy ascending through a channel situated in front of the spine. As the energy passes through each Chakra, a subtle pulsing of the Vairoli Mudra is performed. The tongue is up in a simple form of Kechari Mudra. The energy travels up through the tongue to pause at the Pineal gland. Cobra breath one stimulates the Pituitary gland, while Cobra breath two stimulates the Pineal. As the energy ascends Om Na Mo Bha Ga Va are mentally placed in each Chakra. After placing Va in the center of the head the breath is held. The face turns right, then left and then the chin is lowered to chest. After a few moments, head is returned parallel and the Mantra continues (Te Va Su De Va Ya) as the energy travels down from the Medulla through the back of the spine to Muladhar. At the start of the exhalation, tongue is relaxed and a slight expulsion of air (similar to Kapalabhati) is released at each Chakra with the "EEE" sound. Sound and breath are fluid all the way down, just accentuated to further sharpen the awareness of each Chakra. Repeat at least 12 times.

The third cobra breath technique

 Inhale equally through the mouth and nose in three portions. With the first portion, draw the golden light in through Kutastha and store it in Vishuddhi. Inhale again, this time a larger portion bringing golden light in and store in Anahata. For the last time inhale again, this is the largest inhalation, the golden light is stored in Manipura. Beginning with the first inhalation, make a slight Mula Bandha and with each successive intake of breath, tighten it. When the inhalation is complete, pause, collect your attention at the base of the spine and, exhaling, intone "Om" out loud. During exhalation Mula Bandha and Kechari Mudra are released. The golden light are guided up through Sushumna and out through the crown. Repeat at least 12 times



Thought; this is a point you express, so think about the idea and your mind sends the idea in a telepathic communication if you intend it to be known by the target.

for dnd

Atomicist class

Description: The Atomicist is a specialty character where you create with the atoms and cell energy combined to form what you desire that counts as a Prestige mage.

Requirements: The character must have 16 or more intelligence, 16 or more Wisdom, have 10 focus ranks and concentration ranks.

Ex and Sp:

Atomic shape (Ex); This is where you can become the size of an atom and cannot be attacked, yet you can attack by magic or energy strikes what you think is a target. 

Luck (Ex); You get a luck piece worth 5 luck. Add +5 luck.

Virus (Sp); You create a virus that makes a viral infection, that eats the skin from the power of focused atomic energy. This disables the body that is the target for 1d6 rounds in battle and does 1/4 the health of the target each round.

Spells (Sp); You can do any one spell cast at a target, no matter what it is.

Atomic shaping (Ex); You use the ultimate ability at level 20 and become invulnerable at will with a silverish skin hue, that lasts until you don't need it. You can reshape yourself at will and do what you want in idea that you need to occur.


Unlimited Ability; There is almost unlimited energy in our cells, spiritually as well.  Consider combining them and using them.  This is done by thinking your spirit uses the cell energy to create with your need to make what you want. So how can we do this? See what you need to know by idea is that you get what you think you're getting. That's about it.

Provoking; The point you state is when you focus with energy or emotion to create a response.

Creative approach; Think of the moment and your spirit reveals itself creatively as you write or think to say something fun.

Spirit chat; Think the spirit will chat with you and think of the idea you want to convey to it. Then it is received and the spirit chats back.

Atomic slicer; This is where you form the energy of your hand as though atomically sharp, think of the target and send it out as though a wave of energy that slices through the opponent with body energy. 

Atomizer; This is where you focus on the target's body atoms and cause by thinking the target is turned into atoms. The target disappears.

Shitz; This is focusing upon the cell energy to cause the body to be disabled, and get the shitz or diarrhea for 1d6 rounds or until not needed outside of battle.

Music; This is making use of the music and harmony of the atoms as you think they rub together of whatever element color you desire. That heals you fully and can heal or harm the target fully by feel. The elements are: red particles are fire, blue particles are water, green or brown particles are earth, white particles are air, dark red particles are lava, light blue particles are ice, black particles are void, grey or dark green particles are poison and off-white particles are acid.

extra ability

tinctures (Ex); This is the combining of alcohol with herbs and allowing it to steep, then created is a healing drink! That is alcoholic and herbal and the best part is what you mix, think as the alcohol makes it strong. Restore 40% health each time you make and use one. Necessity is the bottles to put the tincture in, so think and you can get it done.


"If he even thinks he would do it, then he could succeed!" -charles

"Woke, this means awaken and doing what you intend to do." -SH

"Focus, this is where you think, focus and create." -SH

"Focusing, this defeats manic depressives every time." -Notorious Jim


woke = corrupt

intervention; saving point

Friday, March 10, 2023

Spells of existence

The spells of existence are known by the spirit, the source is the creator. So if you think to know then you realize the right rite.

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells you need as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, even by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Danese; she gets her air conditioning to work no matter what. 

Unaddiction; by willing yourself to not be addicted, you cause your cellular energy to be directed by the spirit to not need the addiction anymore. 

Robbie; he gets put into a home that will take care of him no matter what. 

The police; they leave Stacy b and me alone no matter what. 

The money; it is sent to me if sent by Lafayette. No matter the point.

Psychology; they the police have ability to known disorders and can talk anyone out of conflict. She relates better with the point and resolves any inner conflict. 

Spooky; i am not spooked or made to fear no matter what. 

Robbie; he doesn't mind what I do or did. No matter what. 

Mail; the mail comes as soon as possible with the money Paul t needs by feel. No matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets off the phone quickly and gets over to pd1 so I get my cocoa. No matter what. 

New; think of the idea and you know what will happen. 

Thought; stacy b gets a new office computer by feel. 

Paul t; he manages to what you need by the planet consciousness. That is where you can meditate to make it do things as you suggest to the conscious mind and create what you desire as its collaborative. 

Not thinking; I don't do.

The idea; Whatever the reason, I no longer not want to finish my project. 
Whatever the cause that makes me not want to do things I no longer not want to finish my dnd project. No matter what. 

Sabrina; all the spells she reversed are unreversed and gotten to their targets. No matter what. 

Rise; rise with the tide and go with the flow. 

You; you are home to me.

Feel; its what you think to know. 

Love,; I love the sea.

Beach; beach days are the best days. 

Focus; if you focus you create what you want or feel. 

David o; he leaves Stacy b and Cassandra p alone. From this point on. 

David o; he fails in getting Stacy b or Cassandra p fired. No matter what. 

Putin; he no longer wants or starts  nuclear war. No matter what. 

Stacy b; she doesn't mind what happens or what David o does no matter what. David o doesn't mind what Stacy b does. 

The cops; they don't mind Stacy b. No matter what. 

Travis; he needs me to goto the store and pays me 5 to go. No matter what. 

Denise; she needs me to do things for her and pays me 5 or 10 dollars to do it. No matter what occurs. 

Things; things will work for me no matter what. 

People; they don't mind what I do or did. 

Paul t; he manages to pay me for what I did. No matter what. 

Thoughts; thoughts can be redirected by the power of the spirit.

Roscosmos; the Russian space program gets a successful launch no matter what.

Stacy and Cassandra; they no longer avoid the pd 1 and 2 properties or problems. They don't get sued or arrested for doing what they do.

Stacy; she doesn't get fired or quit no matter what. Nor does she get in trouble. 

Travis; he can get to the door and unlock it no matter what. 

Travis ii; he needs me to go to the store for him and doesn't keep me waiting as I earn 5 more dollars. 

Focus; think of a clock speeding up and it will speed time up.


enjoyment by magic

 When you do magic, you can feel good knowing things are done. This is where you work your spell and create results. So think and you know what to do.

Some magic:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

pass; they pass my preliminary examination for the Google play book matter what.

nullus plus ministro tempus=latin for no more wait time.

ashley; she doesn't mind what I do or did or not answer harshly. she no longer treats me harshly, no matter what.

an feum chan iom-obrach gu dè dha sin sibh can = gaelic for I have no reaction to what you say.

an fidir dè dha sin gu dè dha sin thu abair = gaelic for I feel nothing to what you say.


en parasite; this ends parasites.

ni ava accar-as felf= elvish for "I don't react with feeling".

metta asaro = elvish for end parasite or leech.

for dnd

Shinigami class

Description: this is a death god in human formation that can create whatever you think is possible from the Bleach anime.

Ex and sp

Grifting (ex); this is getting money from someone who has it to give. Otherwise, its exchange in idea. Add +5 to your grift skill.

Blade barrier (sp); this is where your spirit forms energy blades in the aura that get used by its hands and it gets many hands. Then attacks the target with them. This looks as though a barrier of blades were being done. This spell lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't need the effect outside of battle. Each blade of 8 blades is a 1d8 rolled to see what blades that hit, can inflict an additional 2d10+focus ranks in damage amount to the target.

Energy thorns (sp); this is where you cast a spell and thorns appear, that's on your aura. Think of it, the effect is this poison where you can impale the target for 3d10+focus ranks for damage.

That effect lasts until the target is cured of the poison. The spell lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed or focused into existence outside of battle.

trap detection (ex); The traps if any in the area, are detected. Roll a 1d100 with a 51 or above to detail it.

trap defusement (ex); This is where you defuse the traps, if any detected in the area with a 50% chance of success. Otherwise you avoid the traps. roll a 1d100 to see if you defuse them by 51 or above rolled.

shield (sp); This is creating an energy shield from your aura being energized, where you absorb up to 1/2 the damages. This effect lasts up to 1d8 rounds in battle, and until you don't need it outside of battle.

Energy focus (Ex); This is where you gain in focus and are able to get nearly any result. Add +5 to your focus and concentration ranks.

Energy barrier (Sp); This is where you focus and create a barrier of energy, thinking to repel whatever hostility you don't want and it's passable to those that aren't a threat. This barrier lasts until you don't want it there.

Blade barrier wall (Sp); This spell lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not wanted outside of battle. Once cast and you can cast it anytime, it is where your soul makes a energy barrier. That absorbs energy from around the area and the target/s to be with 1d10 energy swords. That strike the target, once it passes over them. Dealing 4d10+focus ranks in amount. That makes each sword that hits the target/s, deal 4d10+focus ranks in damage.

The art of deception (Ex); This is where you gain in ability to decieve as you think of what you need. You can convince anyone in doing what you intend. So add +5 to your Bluff and Charm stats.

Chi warrior (Ex); At level 20, you get the status of chi warrior and work with what you get by use of chi energy. The spirit energy toughens you and you get immune to all forms of disease, illnesses and mental disorders, that's including medication and addictions. When you toughen, you create effects easily with an additiional 2d10+focus ranks damage or healing possible. Also you gain +5 in all core stats, and add +60% health.


Focused effect; this is where you think of what you want and focus on a thought to create as you go.

You can even use hand signs to create a result, as hand signs create more effectively what you intend.

Zanpakto; this is where you focus a blade of energy in your hands. This blade does energy damage and can even send forth an energy strike wave.

This blade can create conditions on the target it hits. Think of the condition and you make use of what energy the creator has that forms the condition itself.

Grifting power; think you have ability, then you use the power of money or money energy to form what you intend to create.

Symbolic creation; this ability allows you to create whatever idea you intend to create. As you think of the idea and need the point or expression, you direct the energy consciousness to make the idea as though an end result. 

This can easily be done with symbols, as you hold or trace the symbol in the air. You create it on the target. That makes what you intended. If you don't  get a result, you can always try again. This is a known idea from bleach the anime.

Soul burial; this is placing the butt of the zanpakto on the head of the target and stating "soul burial", making them shift to the astral plane with an imparted sense of peace.

Energy barrier; this is where you think of something as a source and create a barrier by telling the energy consciousness of your need. That creates a barrier of energy to block out all attacks as though it lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Think tank effects

 This is the thinker,  what would happen if you focus upon a goal to get a result and get other things to happen. The think tank is good for knowing so think and you know what to do. 

Some spells 

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator the subconscious uses to create things you focus upon as you say the idea, and the right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. 

See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells you need as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. 

This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, even by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Thought; this is the point of explaining things so you understand the idea.

Othelo; if I put coats out to freely get,  then they are gotten by feel. 

The point; the point is something expressed, think about the idea and you know what to do.


Stacy b; she is ready for visiting as quickly as possible no matter what. 

Finances; my finances are turning out to be alright, no matter what occurs. 

Management computer; the computer starts working no matter what as though the right things are done. 

Cassandra; she answers Stacy b as she called her. No matter what. 

Self-creative; it is self created by feel, think it exists then it does.

Focused; the event is what you want to happen.  The trigger is creating with energy and suggestions. 

Self-creative; this is where you think and it happens to manifest. 

Shipment; the shipments reach me no matter what occurs. Quickly and efficiently. No matter what. 

The package; the expected package from Amazon arrives as soon as possible no matter what. 

Think; the moment is allowed by allowable idea, think and you know what to do. 

Republicans; they don't ever cut social security, will not win an election no matter what. 

Focused sphere; the sphere of energy rises to the moment you think they exist and explode leaving sulfur stench.

Debt ceiling; congress raises their debt ceiling no matter what. 


Bored; I no longer feel bored with things that occur..

Interesting things; think of the idea to create and your subconscious creates it as you need it to occur. If you need too much you might find ruination by what you feel. 

Stacy; Stacy gets her computer repaired or replaced at pd1, no matter what. 

Stacy b; she gets to answer my texting or calls no matter what quickly. 


Jared rayes; she gets to trust me and do things that won't irritate me no matter what. 

Think; the end result is a point in regard, so think and know  things as you do things.

Stacy b; she no longer ignores my calls or texts.. no matter what. 

Computer Repair; the computer Repair is successful no matter what. 

Travis; he can afford 5 dollars no matter what.

Speed up; this is where you draw in energy and think or feel to speed up. The energy is programmed by your thoughts using the subconscious and you can run or walk very fast.

Trolley; Whatever problems m ay happen are easy to fix and otherwise dismissed. No matter what. 

As written; its positive idea that happens and that is a fact.

As done; think about the idea and it's done.

As in en; the end will come..think and you know what to do. However this means that things will work out in the end. 

Think; the candidate for pd2 is approved as she gets the job no matter what.

Moose; he gets back soon and it's done quickly by feel. No matter what happens. 


Focus; think and know you are highly motivated to do things.

Taking care; people take care of themselves no matter what. 

New applicant; she doesn't find it too difficult to do her job.

Lower; this lowers the body weight by feel or idea you noticed. 


Moose returns and takes me to get my package no matter what and quicker than usual. 

Ndm; things don't foul up between me and my credit payment by them.

Focus; the focus is the thought,  think and you know what to do. 

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do or did. 

Paul t he manages to pay me off. No matter what. 

Things; things work out in the end and I manage to pay off all my debts no matter what occurs. 

Sabrina; she takes me to the grocery store earlier than usual. No matter what. 

Debt consolidation; they actually apply the money where I think its necessary and pay off the credit cards. No matter what. 

Supernatural protection; the figure is a being that merges with you and comes out to protect you if in danger. 

Transition; the focus is where the spirit transitions the effect or body into some formation..

Raising hell; think of frustration and feel the need, then state what you want to be known.

Danese; she moves to room 11 sooner than usual. I get paid for allowing her to use my cart. She has no trouble using my cart in moving her things with it.

Trolley; the Trolley doesn't take more time to come get me. It no longer is stuck on 2 minutes as 2 minutes goto 1 minute. No matter what and quickly. 

Trolley route; it goes along quickly no matter what happens. 

Dangerous; Nothing Dangerous or destructive happens to me no matter what. 

Desummon; i Desummon you no matter the reason. 

Strange person; he becomes better by feel. 

Unlimited Ability; there is almost unlimited energy in our cells.  spiritually as well.  Consider combining them and using them.  This is done by thinking your spirit uses the cell energy to create with your need to make what you want.  So how can we do this? See what you need to know by idea is that you get what you think you're getting. 

That's about it.

Paul t; he gets his check in the mail as early as possible or tomorrow when the mail comes. Nk no matter what. 

Bingo; i win a game of bingo no matter what. 

Candace; i look like the thin Candace with red hair. No matter what. 

Focused; not a target no matter what. 



\=or, not

/=and, with

Ind; indefinite, industrial or indefined 

Eczema; what the heck iching action on skin.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Common signs

 The common signs are where you think it to be, if you see a sign as given by the subconscious mind. This is a point that creates itself by feel or its the spirit that creates things. Think about the idea, then you know what it means as you see or remember the sign. 

This is more magic:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

quantum shift; This is where you think of where you want to go and move around or stay still, then your spirit puts you there, the soul can form whatever shape you want and its as though you were there at least by presence.

The point; the point you know is the point you can work with if expressed, this is done by feel.

sleet; evan creates the courage to go get his matter what.


dumbness; the dumb move no longer happens in court or friendships.

ashley; she doesn't mind what I do or did. I am no longer worried and she doesn't feel like I am too pushy, no matter what.

focus; the focus of the moment is the focus on the moment, the moment can last forever yet ends when you think it does.


I get my way with ashley, no matter the point she gives in.

thinking; paul t gets his money in the mail as soon as possible, no matter what unless its on debit card.

meds; they deliver to me my metformin medication, quickly and effortlessly no matter what.

reanimation; This is where you think and direct the subconsciousness to use the dimensional energy and cause the body to be reanimated. The reanimation ends when you think it does.

binding energy ropes; Think and form energy into ropes that surround the target, these ropes cause them to be standstill or paralyzed for awhile until thought released.

tired; I no longer feel that ashley is too abrupt and pushing me off, no matter what.


whatever; whatever is wrong with my transmission torrent download fixes itself no matter what.

Words; For once the words are done they aren't done again.

criminal; for once stated if evil, then its not done at all.

porn; when attempted to download, it stops the download if porn.


if in en

sniff and run, thinking of being in another place and time. then I am there.

focus; think and see what is able to be done.

improvement; structural improvement happens as the satellites work.

satellites; the structure of the satellites is solid no matter what.

The russians; The russians on the ISS come and go..yet won't stop coming to/coming from the ISS .


people; people get delighted over things they like.

think; the payments you make are worth the effort and at the right time, so you get what you wanted.

the point; The point you made is what may occur by feel if you need it too happen a result.

growth; I do not grow my weight.

expansion; I am not expanded in belly. no matter what the height.

growing; I am not growing in weight, no matter what I slender up instead.

stick; I am stick thin and doing things normally.

sticky; stickyness no more! this is a point in idea.


The action; It occurs when you need it to occur.

Putin; vladimir putin gets sick and dies by some means no matter what.

mesorion sounding rocket; it no longer pushed back its date to launch.

evan; he doesn't mind what I do.

main desktop; it doesn't stop working as it works no matter what.


for dnd

Ultraman class

Ex and Sp

Ultra particles (Ex); This is a tiny bit use with radon that you can buy called a radon trace stone, that emits radiation you can feel and get restored by feel. That's as you focus your energy through the radon and recover perfectly by idea your full health.

Exposure (ex); This effect is where you use the focused sun radiance to irradiate the target, that's mainly done by imagining a lens that forms in the air and focuses burning radiance upon the target from the sun's rays. 

Curse (Sp); This spell can be done whenever you want to effect a target or targets of something you think about in life. This means you focus upon the target and state under your breath as you feel your emotions, "I curse you to [name what you want done]." Most curses can't be undone as its a hex, that creates whatever you like and only fades away if you no longer what the hex.

Blessing (Sp); This spell can be done whenever you want it done, that's done by thinking of a positive emotion and stating to the target, "I bless you." It blesses the target with a charm effect, that boosts morality and health by 30% and causes improved energy of 50 mp or 50 stp.

Charm (Sp); This spell can be useful and done anytime you want, that's done by a stated towards the target or targets, "I charm you with [name the idea you want here]." Then, it forms as an effect, that creates from gated in energy what you want or intend formed. Most charms can by thinking its gone be removed.


Focused attack; Think about the elementalism, the effect of the element you focus upon an area to form in or on the target/s. This effect is where you create by feel or the spirit as you relax and then work to make the point of expressed idea. Like you expressed, "Make in use an acid sphere" thinking it goes to the target after you feel it form. It can form any element or elements in the area and by gating the element in you can make it effect against the area target/s. The elements so far are: Earth, air, water, fire, void, poison and acid.

Water encoding; Think of what you need the water to do and ans you drink it, its formed. You can even cure your body of any illness, this way you do things as you think, "cure illness" as you drink water.

paper tags; Think of whatever effects you want the paper tag to do and draw a symbol on it to cause the result to be "activated" by thinking its activated and placed on or near someone or something. This can easily be a warding tag or cause things to explode so think and you know what to do.

time shift; Think about the time and think your there, then you stand or sit still and relax by saying "relaxed" under your breathe. Then, your where you want to be.

quantum shift; This is where you think of where you want to go and move around or stay still, then your spirit puts you there, the soul can form whatever shape you want and its as though you were there at least by presence.

Dimensional effect; This is where you focus the dimension's energy to create what idea you think and feel to need. Its more powerful than the focused attack, that's as it does twice the damages or healing. So it can also form any element that you think to form in combination or singularly. The dimension's energy is summoned by gating it to the area that you program to create the effect. It doesn't effect, if you don't intend it to have an effect. When the target has a resistance the damage or healing is halved and if they have immunity to the element it doesn't effect them. Again, the elements so far are: Earth, air, water, fire, void, poison and acid.


Radon trace stone; This is a radonic piece of stone, that emits a trace of the radon element. That can be used to heal you or a target perfectly, of your or the target's full health.

spiritualist class

Ex and Sp

Psychic knowing (Ex); This is where you know everything by the spirit revealing what it sees and the soul letting you know by insight. You can know the special properties of anything you want to realize.

Luck (Ex); you gain a lucky moment created by the soul copy! add 8 to your luck score.

En (Sp); You can cast this spell any time of the day by using void and entropy, cause the target to end its need to fight.

As (sp); This can be cast 3 times a day before rest. This is where you make by the spirit any idea instantly to manifest, that's from holding an item as a source of energy. You cannot use this to attack with, yet you can cause healing by this effect. You can heal (every 2 levels of the character as a point) + d10 + focus ranks. Like your character is level 20 with 15 focus ranks. This means 10d10+15 or 10*10+15=115% max.

In (Sp); You can make anything appear any time of day, thinking the soul copy is creating the idea. That's unless you don't want the idea, then it disappears. You find yourself in possession of what you need by feel.

Worse (Sp); This spell causes a bad condition of the body. The spirit inflicts the target with a crippling disorder. That lasts until you don't want it outside of battle or 1d8 rounds in battle. The infliction causes -5 to all target's rolls. 

Godly form (Ex); Think and your in your deity's energy, that enhances your form to create what you intend to occur. Adding +5 to all core stats and +60% health.


Spiritual manifestor; The spirit creates the effect guided by the soul. This effect can be anything that you think of. The spiritual manifestor ability is like a wish, and yet its different as it uses info stored in the soul to form what you desire. Its effects can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

This includes focused elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, like: earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. 

Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target. 

Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.

Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.

Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.

Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls. 

Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. 

Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of mp/stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages. 

Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls. 

Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

Damages/healing is where you take 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

Psychic boost; This ability is creating by the spirit your body to become more capable. The soul guides the moment. You gain a +4 to all rolls bonus upon use of this idea, that is temporary for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.

Creation; Create any 1 item that you find, that is with a +3 magic attribute.

God boost; This is wherein your ability to create effects is done by your Deity, think of what you want or need and you make what you desire. You cannot use this for attacking.

Physical manifestor; The soul copy creates the effect and makes what you wish into manifested effect by gated in energy. This includes focused elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, like: earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. The effects can last up to 1d8 in battle and until not needed outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-15, 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

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