Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Recession magic

The recession has energy, if there is one.. so think the recession is a source amongst other sources and suggest to yourself that your subconscious uses it up with creation of what you will into existence. That is all for this post.

 some magic

state the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

Paul t; he keeps his apartment and passes inspection.

c. create; creative creation is a point you think and you can make by speaking it to have your subconscious create by manifest and it isn't always the same thing created.

paul t; he passes his inspection by feel no matter what.

stimulus; I get a decent stimulus payment. No matter the point, quickly and easily.


the wind; the wind blows and things are settled, lafayette doesn't get his way.

Magnetic rebound; The magetic energy you think to create as you focus energy to create rebound from, its with the idea that you can create the magnetic energy that you direct things with or cause by thinking your aura makes it to go from you or come to you by feel. This is a known effect.; they deliver the package I am due by feel to me quickly yet not too quick. no mistakes are made.


democrats, the president figures out the right things to do and gets himself and more democrats elected.

roach; producing less roaches.

thoght; no idea is the idea is intense, the experience is relaxing. this is a point in idea.

there; the point is done in the roach.

done; "there is a point you know, think of the idea in regard and do." this causes you to feel dilapidated so be warned that its use is only to kill all bugs.

This is in; think of the idea in use and don't bother illegals.

This is use; use of what is done in site, that means you are aware and know what to do.

This is off; think you off and you cause your subconscious to make you time for things you want to do.


This is a concept; use what you know what you do know and what you care for so you create what result you may have done.

This is 90 days; the less the roaches, the less the bugs and the more of flies.

Think of the idea; the thought you have is in use or in idea.

It is; you have a printer and less bugs.

bugs; en o bugs.


en; friends

hyrule; high rule.

rel = replicate

abs = absorb

some point; I will wait till I am not high on sugar, sugar substitute and caffeine before I write more. That combo can make you see anything. his might take a bit, so I think I will rest it off. However, it can keep you up, so I suspect that is why game creators use it as their idea can sell. I know then that this means you can make up anything, so think of things that make sense and you create witth the energy that is in the body. This is a known effect. If I avoid sugar and use sugar substitute, I thin or think I won't be high. So here goes.

As I suspected, I didn't have more visions on demand, so I think I am safe. Now to write what I experienced. See, know and do are the rules of the day. Think about your options before doing them. This is a known effect of basil, sugar substitute, oregano and water. It leaves one to wonder what occurs with the combo if used with sugar. I think I won't find out since I no longer use sugar. However I got a weed or drug like sense from it with allot of energy. This is curious as things worked after I focused on them and I "saw" why. The brain let me know many things. So I will then create what I know works from games and things I observe, hope people will use the idea. Think positive as always.

thought; the thought is what abounds, think and you know what to do.

now; why am I here, I realize things and create with a point. So my ability manifests by feel. If not feel, ten by observed idea. I think I know, I summoned myself to take my place as I went to another planet. Thus, I am doing what I can and create with the point done by feel. Think, know and do.

soul shield; the soul shields and absorbs the damages done and things work out by feel except for fillings by the power of the soul.


if; if this is illusion, then things I don't want won't happen. what I do want will occur instead. think and you know what to do.

merindy; she answers my texting through facebook to her quickly. This happens no matter what without sending me to the hospital.

interest; think and do by feel if needed. this is the way of life.


biden; he turns out to be a strong and unineffectant leader, no matter what.

democrats; they no longer give up on what they wanted to do.

focus; the democrats do what is needed and create good resolve by resolution.


money; there is a check going to be direct deposited between now and september.

jardiance; the weight loss fix. in en an.

an in; the point of idea that I see happening.

on in; done by feel.


on; ongoing thought ended by mention.

rick astley; he dies from respawining, anyway and quickly.

I en rich; I am rich at the end.

shockwave; If you want you can get rid of ghosts through surging the area with energy. On surge, the energy wave that passes through acts like a shockwave to eliminate the ghosts from the area.

linux OS; it doesn't lock up the transfers of files to the USB drive no matter what.

total commander; it works no matter the point, quickly.

double commander; it speeds up the process of transferrance or deletion no matter what without trouble.

paul t; he doesn't get tired of orange soda.

allen sanchez; he responds to my communicatios to him by feel.

stacy butts; she responds to my communications to her by feel.

exercises done; this means I am through with exercise with weight.


91; someone good replaces her in the kitchen.

replacements; whomever replaces trump isn't a trumpian. No matter what.

allen; he gets to me the 1000 extra dollars as he gets hired by what he does. no matter the point.

oil and gas; the lower prices are here to stay. No matter what was said.

writing stuff

dnd idea

magic knight class

This is the idea based off of link in zelda breath of the wild. If you ever wanted to play a link like character, use this class.

EX stuff:

Marksmanship (Ex): You are an expert with a bow, with your skill surpassing some of the Rito tribe's best archers. When you are airborne and aiming your bow, time seems to slow down around you to let you line up a good shot, and people watching you while you do this claim you draws your bow back too fast to follow. If you use a bow then add +6 to your ranged attack rolls.

Flurry Rush (Ex): When you dodge an attack at the last possible second, you can unleash a flurry of blows of 1d6 blows with your current weapon to deal immense damage to his opponent.

Stealth (Ex); You can skulk around or not be noticed as you move around. Do a focus check to determine if you succeed.

Weapon Mastery (Ex); You are able to mater any weapon, add +4 to your weapon attack rolls.

Grand knight (Ex); At level 20, you get energy enhancements that allow +4 to al stats and +5 to all rolls. Add +50% health and that is because the energy enhancements are due the effect of energy itself. It improves the health as well. Because your charisma improves, count yourself a grand magic knight as a class. 


Instant travel; This is where you focus inwards, think of where you want to go and your spirit shifts you, as you intend to be somewhere and you were there in the blink of an eye. if in combat, you need to roll a focus check to shift somewhere. Outside of combat, you can shift as you want without a focus check.

Elemental focus; If you hold your weapon and imagine the elemental color flare, as you strike that energy you gate in will emulate in some manner the element that is used, then you create with the elemental energy running down the weapon as you strike with normal weapon and elemental damage. Otherwise you can target air and create an effect with the weapon strike on air itself. The colors are light blue for chaos or the element of breaking things down or disruptin the energy of the target and leaving them dazed for 1d6 rounds.. 

Red for fire and setting things aflame. Blue for water and causing soaking or rusting. Brown for earth and smothering things or choking the target into death. Bone white is for death energy and spirit that decays on touch and by feel. White for air and causing a floating platform or force wall that you make by slashing. Black for void that you can use to absorb the life force from the target with by feel, The void can suck the living energy from the target as you think it does, and adding a touch of fire makes the target explode. Each rusted sword or weapon can have reduced damages of -6 penalty.

At level 10, what you can do is cast forth elemental effects from the hand as you gate the energy to effect what you want, and cause effects like pure elemental damage or healing. Think and feel the elemental energy go down the arm to the hand and note that you can't be effected from it as you focus the energy to beam forth or go forth from the hand to effect a result. Also possible is thinking to create an elemental of the elements you think to use. Think to desummon the elemental after the need for it is over as though you think the time is done for the elementals. They imagine them harmlessly dissipate into air or they are voided into the void of space. 

This is where the conscious energy forms a being that is shaped like you want and it goes forth to do as you direct. Each round or minute of its formation is requiring a concentration check. A failed concentration check means the elemental is dissipated harmlessly. You can create 1d6 elementals to do your bidding as you focus the effect into existence. Anymore and you lose your focus and the elemental dissipates into nothingness.

The effect amount is how much damage or healing you want it to do. This is 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 focus ranks, round down, as an amount. The duration is how long the effect will last, if you intend it to last. This amount of time is 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited until you decide to end it outside if battle. Each amount of damage or healing is in % and that means you have a % of health and damages you deal per effect. Focusing the effect per more actions used will cause greater effect. So think to use this carefully, as you may need to kill the target quickly. 

If you know you don't, then you can take your time. The elemental damage at level 10 is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks, round down. So this means if you had a character that's level 15, has 6 charisma mod and 15 focus ranks wanting to deal water damage. You would deal 7d10+6 in amount or total max is 76% water damage. If you deal 80% damage to something it falls apart or breaks easily.

Magnetic rebound; The magetic energy you think to create as you focus energy to create rebound from it, its with the idea that you can create the magnetic energy that you direct things with body energy. Or otherwise cause by thinking, your aura makes what you want to go from you or come to you by feel. This is a known effect.

remote bomb; Rocks and boulders blocking your path? You can detonate a Remote Bomb effect from a safe distance using a thought of what you want and a touch to a crystal as a trigger to cause the bomb effect..that blows up the target into little pieces. This can be used on loving or non living targets.

Cryonis; You can use the Cryonis Rune that you make up by imagining the idea you want as you draw in the air a symbol to cause it. This symbol can be anything. That is used to freeze water into ice pillars that exists as water particles in the area—a surprisingly handy power. These columns of ice may be slippery, but you can use them as a platform for climbing or as a tool. 

Energy weapons; These weapons are formed by imagining the weapon in hand, This is creativity as you imagine the effect and creating with its energy to make what you desire. The energy is what forms whatever element, that you want by feel. Of course you gate the energy in, think and it causes the elemental damage or effect like fire/cooling down things by feel. What you do with the element is upto you. The DM/GM has the final say as to whatever happens. The weapon can be anything that you want it to be. The amount it does is 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. The duration is how long it lasts, this is 1d6 rounds in melee or battle and unlimited outside of battle. Thinkk to desummon the weapon after your done.

Stasis; You can use the Stasis rune that you make up, that's done by thinking of what you want and tracing in the air the symbol to cause it. This can be any symbol you want. This is used to stop the flow of time for an item or target, which gives the item a chance to store up kinetic energy. Then, use a sword or other strong weapon to release the pent-up energy and send the object flying. You can even use Stasis to freeze obstacles and targets in place so you can sneak past!

Elemental control; This is where you think and focus and create with control of the self, thinking to make what you think manifested into happening. What you think will occur, if you think it will. So this is a point done by feel. If you think its possile and think psitively, you will get positive and this is good for results. Think ngatively, then you will get bad results. You can get an additional +1d12+charisma mod in amount that is healing or damage.

Mipha's Grace; Revives you with full health and adds 2xconstitution mod extra health to yourself. Requires one day to reuse. Its upgraded form that you get at level 10 requires 8 hours to reuse and you get 4xconstitution mod extra health.

Revali's Gale; Creates an upward draft that can carry you into the sky. Requires 6 hours to reuse. Its upgraded form you get at level 10 and requires 2 hours to reuse.

Daruk's Protection; Creates a red crystal barrier around you when used, protecting you from all attacks and damage while up, as well as deflecting certain attacks back such as energy beams. Requires 8 hours to reuse. Its upgraded form you get t level 10, it requires 6 hours to reuse.

Urbosa's Fury; Forms a spherical field of light around you before lightning comes down and strikes everything in that radius. Dealing 1d12+charisma mod per each 3 focus ranks, round down, in damage amount. Requires 12 hours to reuse. Its upgraded form you get at level 10, that requires 4 hours to reuse.


wind glider: this object can use the wind to lift you off the ground as it will carry you through the sky.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Focus energy tricks

 These are tricks of the focus energy that you can use. Basically list something and describe the item what you described is what the subconscious does and what you say is your intent word that triggers the idea.

Here is some magic..
state the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

J powell; he gets his results and doesn't push the interest rates. No matter the point.

Bad news; no bad news occurs to happen.

Russia; they see no reason to start ww3. No matter the point.

Russia; they don't keep putin as leader. No matter the point. I em putin name.

Think; Whatever bad news is not so bad anymore. It gets better by feel.

The point; the point you make isn't made as its bad or bad news.

Amazon; the right delivery guy and my packages arrive as I get them by feel.

Mph; this drug will work for me. I think i will do well for now.


Sabrina; she comes to my area and brings me to places by feel.

End point; this is where you think and the spirit sets up what you need.

Creation; think of things and others create using the idea.

Bad luck; bad luck changes to good luck no matter the point.

I find that things done is good despite my discoveries, so I am not fighting the machine and getting good results.

Paul Truitt; he doesn't mind what I do and likes me still nonetheless what occurs.

Gas prices; the price of gas drops dramatically by feel very quickly. The gas shortage disappears for the western allies no matter what. The western allies change their policies. Thinking to make better by feel.

Dimensional channeling; This is where you imagine or think of the dimension, and focus on the thought to create as you need its energy to do the idea you intend it to do.

The area will surge and the dimensional consciousness will create in itself, what you want as you blink and its there. That's where you intend to form it. The energy you send, will create what you intend as things are created from the energy in the area.

Whatever; Whatever the cause, something always bails me out.

Think; the point is done, so I think things will work by feel as you intend it.

I'm; I am sure things work as you do things. So think as you like. That is all for now. Ciou and farewell. Bye.

Get it right; they get it right by feel no matter the point or reason.

Paul t; he doesn't mind me getting his money that he owes me, no matter the point or reason.

Stacy butts; she doesn't mind what I do or did.

Something; Something came up that always seems to support me.

Danese; she allows me to get 10 dollars as a loan point. No matter the point.

Bbb; they manage the trick of getting multiple irs stimulus checks in the build back better act for us. No matter what.

Time; time becomes more manageable no matter what the speed of time.

Mph; the Oakstreet medical allows that i get mph quickly.

Creative; what occurs after this, is there is a point that is good for you and things work out like a charm,  except for teeth fillings.

Stacy butts; she gets here and works with me and David, sooner.

Trick; I am trick.

A; this is the a-bomb you didn't expect and that is all.


Stacy butts; things work out in the end for her and she gets her medicine. She doesn't mind answering questions and she doesn't get fired. No matter what. She won't get into any accidents.

Rain; the rain occurs outside and soon.

Recession; I can  get good results by feel no matter the point. Whatever lalate says is worse won't happen by feel. No matter what.

Usps; they find my package for pickup. No matter the point.

Klarna; they don't ask for the money back that i got.

Silver dimes; they manage to find or get to me my packages. No matter what.

Morning; I don't mind the sun and don't sleep in the morning.

Stacy b; she gets off the phone and has time to put up the keurig machine.

Whatever; created is the effect i type, no matter what.

Roe vs wade; they reassert the ruling and its no longer overturned. No matter what.

Web effect; think your casting webs out and the people effected do what you want.

Rains; it rains in this week and next week. No Matter what.

J powell; he gives up on raising interest rates from this point on. No matter the point.

Stacy; she isn't irritated anymore by feel. She does Walmart trips still by feel. She doesn't mind David. No matter what.

Arguments; any argument dies down and peace reigns Supreme. No matter  what.

Post; position, job

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Delivery magic

 This is where you think of the place and imagine the idea as you realize that is is done, at least in vision. This is an idea in itself. 

Here is some magic..for your consumption:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does things by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

I; I don't eat larger or smaller. Noone eats larger. In fact, I and they lower their weight if overlarge. No matter the point.

things; things that are positive, happen for me with no negative effect, no matter the point.

I read something interesting

he says : "my dear system, please extend 1 hour to 5 hours for me. Let me sleep for 1 hour and feel like rested for 5 hours. May the miracle happen."  If we say this, 2 hours of sleep a day is enough.

Imagine I have you read 10 pages of information. If I ask the other day what you remember. You can't explain it all, but it's in your mind. For example, if I told you something about bees, you may not think of it. but if I show you honey, you think of bees and hence that topic. A little knowledge reveals all other knowledge. This is how the da vinci method works. we know quantum and many other information. If we combine, we can find new things.

NSO; they don't do a hiring freeze and they don't lay off stacy butts or other NSO employees.


aura shield; this shield is created by envisioning white light in your aura, and that causes the idea you don't want to be deflected.

Whatever; whatever set off people against joe biden, no longer sets them off against him by feel in life.

focus and create; the creator makes it so joe biden wins by feel.

pdf book uploads; I sucessfully upload all the pdf books that I intend to get feel they adjust the author to what I suggested, no matter what.

mail; the mail comes earlier than usual, especially with amazon packages.


channeled energy; The focus you have is used by the higher self, that creates by cause and energy that flows from the higher plane through your body to be directed outward. That happens through the aura and its cast out like a wave that effects the target. This energy does what you think it does. Including making dysfunction in machines by feel. This is real higher self channeling.

Focus point; the focal area is the thing you think to see.

self-creation; the third eye creates what you want by feel and with your need that you feel is important.

packages; no matter what, I get my package sent through usps and the bbb stimulus checks.

writing stuff 

The focus; This is the point of focus, think of the idea and you ca get the result by idea or feel.

for dnd

witch class


focus magic; The focus of the mind creates results, so stating the result as an end results makes the manifest occur if its intended. So upon focus you create the point of idea and that you feel should exist exists. However, if there is a counterwill, then you can expect no results. This can create any result that you can imagine, state or say just like a wish. It can even use a rite or ritual to make results, only as long as you focus the result to manifest and exist. This can generate from energy gated in as the elements, or whatever effect you want energy to create. 

Dust of peaceful rest; If you find a body and want to use dust to cancel out its ghostly influence. Then gather sawdust or cremated body dust and hold the bag of it thinking to repel the the ghost from the area that it influences. Then, sprinkle the dust on the body and bury it. This fixes the moment and creates peace where it was unrest. This is called into action by your energy charging the dust and the thought you wanted occurs by its sprinkle, this is the dust of peaceful rest done by feel in a game.

magic food or drink; You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating or drinking. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food or drink with the thought focused through the food and drink as you eat or drink it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food and drink is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again.

ice magic; Write a note and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently not to exist. If you dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup.

remote listening; Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens.


genetic wake up; You can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water. This is not intended in real life, yet is how it is done. This process can take at most a day and you develope the trait of the idea you intend..

genetic correction; This is a water type body formation that you think of the genes correcting themselves, and as you drink water you get a purified body. If you don't intend this don't do it. If you do this, then your body is pure so you become ageless.

fire genetic correction; Think of heat energy that enters the body and creates what changes you desire, such as cleansing the genetic patterns and correcting problems by feel.

earth genetic correction; Think of earth energy coming into the body to block out the problem genes.

air genetic correction; Think of air entering and changing the genetic pattern to create what results you state or desire. The air particles are conscious so its the energy of air that does your request. 

void genetic pattern change; This corrects the genes as they exist as traits and uses void energy to change the body as the void, through its energy sucks the genes essence that block what you want. Effectively turning off the genes that are bad.

Thought magic; This is a more powerful version of the focus magic. This is where you think of what you want, focus the thought and create with the result manifesting by feel or observed idea. Counterwills play a huge role in this, where other things are thought and funny things occur instead. Then there is the combined effect of 2 or more people, where you think of the point and someone else thinks of a point and by focus you create a combined effect. That needs a focus point though, so focus your thoughts on an idea you speak about. You then create with a major focus of many people, or just two people at its minimum. This is why it's more powerful and can generate unlimited amounts of money.

Channeler class

Description; This is a modern day weaver of energy that focuses the energy of the moment and gates the energy in to make use of it.

Ex ability

Ultimate channelor (Ex); After you reach level 20, then you have the ideom of ultimate channelor. The point being, you are better at the idea understand the risks, so the energy changes you as you are using it. This is where you gain in core stats as you are practiced at the idea. The effect is you can raise all core stats +4 and +60% health since you use the energy to get healthier.


Energy channeling; this is a point you think to believe. That you focus upon the energy of the area and think your need to it. The energy responds with a surge that eliminates ghosts and cause of idea you don't like. Think to channel the energy in a positive way, to get a good result. Each time you channel energy, you create your need that you think into energy and existence by manifest if you intend to get a result.

Sun channelling; Think of the sun and its energy that radiates forth, thinking to create what you need as you think your need to the energy itself. The sun will shine forth and the energy creates your need.

Moon channeling; This is creating with the moon energy, if any moon is there. This controls the mood and waves of energy that create by a surge wave of energy what you wish to create.

Spirit channeling; This is where you take a relaxing breath and use your 3rd eye to percieve the ghost. Then say what you want it to know or do. Then the soul allows you to know by insight what it says in return.

Being channel; Think of the being and this can include a god or the creator, then allow yourself to relax as you breath slowly in and out. Think your message to the being or imagine the scene of you talking to it, speak your message under the breath and you hear its responses by the soul picking up on the response and letting you know..

Electricity channeling; This is where you focus the energy of electricity to create what you may, that makes itself into manifestation of your idea after it surges and creates what you want.

Elemental channeling; Think to focus your mind and cause a gate to the aetherical plane of elements. Then the energy comes through at the right frequency. This energy is there in part in the area and in the air, that's in the form of the element particles or traces of heat. This can be used to form the elemental creation on a target or in a target at will.

Soul channeling; This is where you think of the soul and feel the response as you state what you want it to know. Then you channel the soul and after a few false starts, you get good results.

Death channeling; This focuses the death and decay in the body to be sent to the target no matter the distance. This death energy makes the body of the target decay and collapse in death. That is done, unless the target is immune to death attacks.

Voidal channeling; Think to channel the void by opening a gate into nothingness, this causes pure energy to rush forth and the soul directs it. As the pure energy causes the target of the energy to do what you want, think to create what you want it to do. Normally the void gate, if opened in the target will create the dehydrating effect. This is sucking of all life force from the body, that results in instant death and collapse of the body. Remember to close the gate as you are done with it.

Dimensional channeling; This is where you imagine the area or think of the dimension, and focus your mind on the thought to create as you need its energy to do the idea you intend it to do. This allows that the area will surge and the dimensional consciousness will create things in itself. What you want as a point in time is formed with then you blink and its there. That's where you intend it to form as it is possible. This proves it is alive, has a consciousness and will respond to your will. So think of the idea and you can create it.

The energy you send to the dimension, this will create what you need as you intend things to be created as though the thought in energy transcends you and you create by feel. Then things are created from the energy in the area. This includes things like a fireball that can burn a target alive or an air ball that punches through something. Whatever you intend is formed and your energy you think there directs the point that is done. Its purpose is then set to the point of what the soul deems necessary. This is a known effect. 


.. = an etc.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

neon magic

 The magic of neon is this, think of your focus point and create by speaking it as though intention. This creates whatever you feel should exist. So if you think, you create by feel. This is mysticism done by results that you know is there. Think and you know what to do. Thought about the moment creates the moment as though what you think others made. This is a point of life.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

shocker; the shock of getting an overlarge heating bill doesn't happen, no matter the point.

another language; If we want to learn another language, we must create a personality suitable for it.  that consciousness must be separate from the present.  it should be on that frequency, that side of us.

Remembrance; Let's say you're thinking of a thought. See you can upload this thought to a symbol.  All thoughts will come to your mind when you see that symbol.  this may be in a small line.  If we improve, we can memorize long things right away.  we remember all the information by drawing a single symbol in the exam.

Video; Imagine you're videotaping someone walking forward.  when you play the video in reverse, it walks backwards.  but this is something very different from a normal walk back.  All laws of physics are different.

Video 2; if you imagine a vid being displayed on a screen,  then you can create  the flow of life effect. Think of the Video shown, showing your life and you know the future of what will come, if you watch it beyond a point.

Game magic; this is where you think of gaming and create with thought.  The thought interacts with the game and what you need happens in it. The subconscious creates the need through the thought energy. Say you were needing a health boost on the game. Then thinking about the boost as you play it creates it, as you happen  to notice your character with more health or hearts.


The moment you think, this is what occurs if you need it to happen and otherwise intend the result. So think about the moment and you can use the energy of the being to control the ghost. Think about it leaving, then state out loud, " ghost leave and don't come back." Then, by the power of the creator, the ghost doesn't come back.

Dust of peaceful rest; If you find a body and want to use dust to cancel out its ghostly influence. Then gather sawdust or cremated body dust and hold the bag of it thinking to repel the the ghost from the area that it influences. Then, sprinkle the dust on the body and bury it. This fixes the moment and creates peace where it was unrest. This is called into action by your energy charging the dust and the thought you wanted occurs by its sprinkle, this is the dust of peaceful rest done by feel in a game.

focus; the focus of the mind creates results, so stating the result as an end results makes the manifest occur if its intended.

mind; the mind is broke, the physical body isn't. so in reality you still have money.

magic food; You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food with the thought focused through the food as you eat it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again.

stagflation; stagflation is averted, and things work out by feel except for teeth fillings.

sealing magic; Take two zip lock bags and a bottle of water. Seal the first bag within the second bag. That way your seal is 'sealed'. Then place both bags into the bottle of water and place in the freezer. Let it freeze and use your mind to seal things with it. If you want you can seal the sealing to yourself with your hair or spit in the first sealed zip lock bag.

sealing magic 2; imagine a green bubble surround the target and as it comes from the heart and seals the target/s you cause the third eye to make them not effect the area your in and this is done by feel. This neutralizes the target/s and things work as they do. The area is clear of them after awhile, so its sealed think and you can use this as you want them gone.

sealing magic 3; write on a note what you want to seal, then put it in a ziplock bag and seal the bag. Think it is sealed and whala! it's done. This can seal multiple things and notes. Think and its effect is there or annulled, as you don't need it sealed and unseal the bag. Place the bag in a water bottle and freeze it, if you want it permenantly gone.

sealing magic 4; place what you want in a closable container, then when you close the lid on the container its sealed. this can be notes of things you want sealed or whatever you desire.


ice magic; write a note and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently not to exist. If you dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup.

everything; everything doesn't backfire on me and this is done.

extra payment; I get an extra payment that is large enough to create financial ease, quickly enough.

j. powell; he gets things right, no matter what.

I know the concept; I realize what it is and kill by hit now or go now because of it.


the government will aid us by giving money in recession, no matter what.

then; if you think about a negative it doesn't happen.

now; knowledge of what it is.

enn; creation of a point that ends a damning.


just like before; this ends or acts like before.

focus; the focal point is a concept, that you think to create.

where; I was in a space and time that was forgotten about so I was free by idea statement from it.


two suns; the two suns then we will have remain separate and don't run into each other. no matter what.

antwaine; he has the 20 that he sends over by feel.

remote listening; Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens.

genetic wake up; you can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water.  this process can take at most a day.

genetic correction; this is a water type body formation that you think of the genes correcting themselves, and as you drink water you get a purified body. if you don't intend this don't do it.


fire genetic correction; think of heat energy that enters the body and creates what changes you desire, such as cleansing the genetic patterns and correcting problems by feel.

earth genetic correction; think of earth energy coming into the body to block out the problem genes.

air genetic correction; think of air entering and changing the genetic pattern to create what results you state or desire. The air particles are conscious so its the energy of air that does your request. 

void genetic pattern change; this corrects the genes as they exist as traits and uses void energy to change the body as the void through its energy sucks the genes essence that block what you want. Effectively turning off the genes that are bad.


congress; congress pays you money in the next 90 days, no matter what.

antwaine; he has the 20 for me by feel earlier than usual. This is either today or tomorrow. Preferrably today.

self-creation; The effect is simple, think to create and feel that you do. Then you will create the effect.

self-evaporation; think to dry up and the the body is dry by feel quickly.

1TB; The 1 TB sd card works without problems. No matter what.

mph; weightloss drug effect that keeps one from overeating.

tara; she makes the bbb pass and I get a few stimulus checks sooner than usual.


amazon; they get to me my packages quickly without error, no matter the point.

focus; upon focus you create the point of idea and that you feel should exist exists.


for dnd

illusionist class:


Grand illusionist (Ex); The illusionist at level 20 makes him or herself look better and this creates ability of the idea to manifest. They can now call themselves a grand illusionist. This means they have 2d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount that is dealable. In their effect they use to make better appearance, they gain +4 all stats and +50% health.


Vision; This is the point you see things that are guided by feel and thought. If you project this vision to others. A form of vision appears that you can imagine. It can be seen by anyone or anything, and you can make it last as long as you want. If not wanted or known about, it can fade away and reality takes over as a point of reflection occurs. You are sane from the vision, no matter the point you sense in life. The reaction to the vision is sometimes bad as it fades away. There is a 1d20+charisma mod check, where anything 10 or above is with no bad reaction and they trust you still.

Illusion; Anything you can think of, if believed by the person or creature will effect them. If you imagine the result, then it is done. State what you want them to believe. This can make them believe it. If disbelieved or the illusionist no longer needs the illusion, the effect fades away by feel. The damages done, if believed are 1d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount. Duration is until you decide its not needed. Each illusion can be guided, so think of the effect and the illusion can change to fit the moment.

Poison mist; A poison constellation illusion, it starts out as a cloud of purple mist and then a star constellation is formed star by star and linked by golden light in the middle of it. This chokes the person to death as it poisons them until disbelieved or it finishes the target. Dealing 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 focus skill ranks in poison and choking damage per round, Each round the character must make a concentration check to keep it going. This effect can daze your target/s for 1d6 rounds in battle and outside of battle remains, until the caster decides to not want to do it or the target/s are dead.

Elementalism effect; If you keep practicing illusion, you develope the actual ability to create results. This is gating from the elemental plane of existence using the third eye. Thinking to use the energy from the elemental plane, you can create anything that you intend to create. Like a peaceful feel effect from the raw energy itself. That makes them not want to fight. Otherwise, you could make a full body fire attack, that creates the point of 3rd degree fire burns and shock of the body. Any duration or amount time it lasts leaves them stunned 1d6 rounds or an unlimited amount of time outside of battle. 

This can be directed by the third eye, so think and you know what you may achieve. The full damage that is possible by this ability in use, a 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Otherwise if you have a level 20 character, that has a 16 focus rank and 5 charisma mod, means you can deal 8d10+5 or 85% damage. Any healing done by whatever energy you intend to use, heals 1/2 the health of the character.

What ability; So by channeling beings, your god or the creator, you know what is what by the creator telling you what is there or what you need to know. If any special things are to be known about an item or idea then you know it as well. This is a less powerful version of True sight.

True sight; This is the effect of using your third eye, that allows you to see what is there by the power of the creator using the "I" energy consciousness. This sees through illusion, no matter what and you know what is what.

Spells; You gain the ability to cast spells. This can be from a scroll or remembered by feel, yet all you need to do is describe the effect and you cast a spell. The spell effect is 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. If there is a duration, or how long it lasts then it's of 1d6 rounds in battle or melee or unlimited time outside of battle. This ability includes power words, that act like spells and create effects that you intend.

Faith effect; This is where you use your faith in the creator or your god and cast a spell ur spell prayer, thinking to create what you need by believing it to occur, until proven otherwise by statements or thinking. Your god creates the effect, if no god then the creator makes the effect. The effect could be anything, like making your body have a temporary amount of additional health. You get +2 to all stats. Anything to do with stats and health is temporary after this, as it only lasts until you think it doesn't. There is a limit of +2 extra stat points and that is temporary.

If you have faith in yourself, then you can have faith in the effect occurring. The power of the creator is used to make the effect. The amount of damage done is 2d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. So if you have a level 12 character, that has 10 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod. Then, your character does 10d10+6 or 106% in total amount of damage. You can also do a Heal effect, where the effect of a spell prayer is done by this and the character's health is restored by all their health. Otherwise you could give yourself extra health of 106% max added and that is also temporary.


th = this; done

cons = concept; make or create

ens = escape; get away

no = know; kill now unless nothing to kill

yes = yet weigh it; you realize what it is and think about it.

yah; I know the result.

en; at the end of something.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Dnd Magic 2

This is the magic of mages manipulation of games.  Think to create with the game and focus in to the game itself to create better results.

This is some magic listed by results, that I thought up in the meantime..

Dog magic; this is the animal spirit that does what you intend and you can direct the animals mind to cause its spirit to react.

Cat magic; the cat decides what you want and does what you need using its spirit to create with as you intend the idea.

Other animal magic; this is where the animal's will does what you desire, that is using what it determines by thought perception and creating with the spirit what you desire.

Determining; determining the animal is important so I think I will be doing this for today. Ciou and farewell enjoy yourself.

Next day:
I determined it was a strange dog that was estranged from its family.  So I think I will drive it away.

Done; I did it.. its gone and I am now at peace.. I hope the rest of the day goes well.

Jose; he decides to buy my charging plates by feel. This is a known fact of life.

Focus; he doesn't mind what I think to ask him.

En; this is the enn.

Ending; this is what you think that ends things.


E emn; no condemned nature happens by feel.

Juneau; he doesn't mind what I do and doesn't rely on me to get him results reports.  Instead he uses his kitsune to detail what happens. He gets a response from jale or Kronos.

Think; the thought is good so think about the idea and your soul could make the idea.


Thought; the thought is this, think of the point and imagine the idea to create the idea into existence. So if you think, you create by the thought. They don't know what is real or not. So think to use this effect creatively.

Democrats; they get voted in to the congress by feel and whatever happens. They win the congressional race and keep by the creator making it so, their seats are secure.

Think; the point is the moment so what you think is what you get.

The point; the ss bills get passed on the congress and no problems happen to get it signed into law.

The mural; the focus of the mural is blocked and not formed into reality. So the mural isn't manifested.

The economy; it only gets better after this.

Ahiem; he no longer effects results or reality and ignores the needs of the Christian desire.

Walk; we go on a walk today and things work by feel.

People; they leave the rundown pd and don't return. This is a point you know by feel.

House; I am in my house and I own it.

Mail; the mail delivers Paul t's check tomorrow and I get paid 110 dollars.

Entropy; this is entropic energy that is directed to create a time wall of entropic energy that slows down anything passing through it. Also it puts back to you the force you present to it.

I; I can afford what I need to get and get back double or triple the funds that I spent,  charged or gave away.

Cpie; they swap cola with cpie by feel and successfully.

Amazon; charges Klarna as it uses Klarna temp card for the jbl Bluetooth speaker before the temporary cc is no longer.

Juneau; he doesn't make the trump trials disappear and instead causes them to arrest and indite trump, no matter what.

Juneau; he gets 50% more results from his estrogen pills as he got from subs.

Focus; this focus created an idea, you got what you wanted think and you know what to do.

Creativity; I can always come up with a creative idea.

Cause; caz answers my request to chat.

Jim; he always has gas money.

I am emm; I think this means i am energy imminent and things work like they do.. interesting thoughts.

Paul t; he gets his money in the mail, quickly and i get paid.

I; I can't stop the trump trials. Especially if I am Juneau.

I am; I am not running up credit card debt anymore by feel.

Electrical feedback; it no longer causes us to get fat.

Paul t; he affords the 110 he owes me and doesn't mind doing it.

Think; the point is made i Don't mind what occurs by feel.

Heat; the heat cools off in excess of 80. No matter the point.

Ufo; I fly off on an ufo and goto another planet.

Travis; Whatever he does he doesn't mind what I do, also he doesn't get worse in body conditions. He gets better instead..

Biden; he doesn't get worse in condition he gets better instead no matter what.

Eb; evil acts get no results and nothing is manifested by evil done.

This country; this country does not go down. Instead it goes down in inflation and taxed goods. No matter what.

The effect; the effect is done, think and you know what to do.


Whatever; Whatever the case i prove myself useful.

I think; if peace is needed, though the thought exists. I can cause peace where I thi n k it to be. This is done by feel.

Am em; you return by the subconscious shifting you to be back from where you came.

Republicans; they are no longer terrified of Donald trump.

Loan; i can get a loan and pay it back double over in Funding.

Danese; she doesn't mind what I do.

Mattman; he doesn't mind what I do.

Figure Gating; imagine yourself as another form or figure, then you can perceive this as a gate travel. So you won't mind the result manifest. Like normal idea or things you noticed. Things won't alarm you as much. I think it means you don't reduce your ability to think.. just that you consider things less.

So when you think to listen to the right frequency,  the gateway opens in your mind that where you walk through it you don't actually notice it. So you reality shift and you are somewhere else. Also, you are the figure you want to be.

So think about it. If you notice the rules of the dimension are not compatible to you. Think and imagine your walking backwards. Then you will eventually walk back through the gate to your own reality and you walk forward without walking through the gate again.

Things; they get better and things work by feel of what I intended to manifest.

Western allies; the western allies get it together before August no matter the point projected.

Maroney yeary; she doesn't mind answering my questions no matter what.

Hospital; Nothing goes wrong with this effect and things go well with the procedure. The point is done, this is where they come to send me home quickly enough.

Benderisgreat; he comes online completely fine and things work by feel. No matter what.

Bad act; no bad acts occur by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Ricardo; he gets to work better by feel.

Stacy butts; she still does the trips by idea.

Noone; noone minds each other by feel. Whatever they do.


Stagflation; its not going to happen,  no matter what .

Stacy butts; she is in a good mood no matter what.

Joe biden; he no longer does wreckless out of control spending.

Redemption; this is where you are forgiven of all sins no matter what by what you do.

Intervention; the point your aware of is created by idea so think of the idea and need it to make stopping something occur. This is using thought by needing the influence through the spirit, or use is the point spoken and the soul copy creating with the intention that you have by feel.

God ability; think of idea, then write it down or speak your intent. Your God creates it if you need it and he does it creatively.

Joe biden; nothing is counted against the democrats and Joe biden by feel no matter what occurs.

Bad; no matter how bad it is. It doesn't effect me.

Jay powell; he is blamed instead of Joe biden and the democrats. No matter the point.

Simba; he gives me a loan i manage to pay back.

Consumer confidence; the Consumer confidence goes up and there is no recession.

Financial cliff; there is no financial cliff happening.

Antwaine; he doesn't get divorced or left. No matter the point.

Stacy butts; she is done over at pd2 and comes over to pd quickly.

Hypertension; the hypertension and sleeplessness disappears and doesn't give seizures or effects anymore.

I act; I act as though I got enough sleep no matter the reason.

Dead; the signal is dead, there is no more.

No illegal drug; this means anything illegal isn't there.

Antwaine; he gets his money in the mail today and I get 20 dollars from him.

Danese; she doesn't mind what I do of things that occur.

Creative use; think it to create it. This is done by feel and the spirit manifest. The point is exchange by idea. One instance is increase there and decrease here.

Extra health; no extra weight.

Bad; bade in motion.

Focus; create the point by Making with the suggestion to cause the subconscious to create with the point.

Then; think the time and then tell what you need from it. The subconscious will create whatever you need.

Big; any thoughts of being big causes you to be slimmer by feel no matter what and quickly.

Biden; he successfully does what he intended or intends. No matter what.

Not working; things not working no longer doesn't work by feel or doesn't exist instead.

Putin; he doesn't succeed no matter what on war.

Worse; Whatever is worse is no longer that bad. No matter what it gets better.

Relaxing; when you relax you are better, calmer, and more interesting as you mention things and things manifest.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do by feel. I seem to have gotten enough sleep.

Trouble; Trouble is avoided by feel and idea.

Anything; Anything wrong or bad mentioned by lalate isn't occurring. No matter what.

Hear; I hear the bad differently spoken if lalate speaks it. He no longer scares me, no matter what.

Creation by copy; one creates what you intend and you copy it to make the same results.


Happens; Whatever happens isn't negative.

Focus; the point at will isn't conflict or idea that's negative. Think of the idea and you get a good result.

Weight; I don't gain that weight. Even out of pity. No matter what.

Financial; the financial cliff doesn't happen no matter the point.

Whatever ; Whatever the case,  I get an extra 20 quickly, no matter the point.


Lying; I am not determined lying by feel.

Lupus; he is no longer over critical. He doesn't mind or suspect me of things.

Antwaine; he doesn't mind me asking about the money he offered me. No matter what.

I am; I am aware and create the result by focusing on my need, so basically I will create what I need in manifest.

Travis; his seizures stop by feel and don't come back.


| = with
Ab; stomach muscles that you can tighten up.
Eb; focus device that allows you to fade something away.
Ob; obnoxious behaviour.
N = not, no
Y = yes, agreed
No = not
Um = woman
Am = man
Shun = deny
Skek; sketchy or doubtful
Concept; make, create
Brit; britches, pants
Beau; beauty, beautiful
Mani; manifested,  manipulated event
Be; beh, behest

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

nikko magic

 This is medicinal magic made by the subconscious, think of the point and allow your subconscious create a cure in the body as it is existing by feel. Think and you know what to do, as you realize what it is that you created. The subconscious knows the right thing to create. So think and this points you to the right thing as you think and know what is what.

Here are some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

klarna; they don't mind what I did and create better results by feel or focus that makes what I want.

wind wall; focus on the air the thought of wind formed as a wall and feel it happen where you want it formed.

Hurricane throwing; think of a Hurricane formed from water particles that go in a vortex circle that you form

 by gesture and it goes where you point it or think it to go.

Shadow manipulation; this is where you focus on the Shadows and darkness then imagine what you need as you think the consciousness of darkness forms it.

Shadow copy; this is where you focus on the shadows as you imagine another you or item form from the shadows as you think the shadows form it.

Mind kill; this is where you imagine the person dying and think its created by the soul. If you imagine a stroke or a  dagger cast at the target. This works better if you do that. 

biden; he no longer has accidents done by feel.

economy; phase 1 does not get passed, phase 2 and phase 3 doesn't get reached, no matter the point.


offense; I don't take offense at anything. no matter the point. 

defense; I can defend no matter the point if necessary.

shield; I can shield myself by sigil and create a result through the shield creating a result by its consciousness..whatever occurs, I feel safe.

imagination; imagine and feel that it will happen and you need the result then you get the result of what you imagine.


 The point is done if you think it is, so think and you know what to do.

know what to do; if you think and focus then you kill now and realize what you need to die off or do.

ummm = whatever it is..

sla eva; slay evil, this kills the evil person or thing you target if being evil.


gnow; If it is known, tell me what I need to know. otherwise, go now and realize things.

no war; no war exists by feel, it is imposed and things you impose can be denied or forgiven.

no = not; know or kill the need now

travis; he doesn't mind what I do or did. he doesn't think I did wrong, no matter what. so he thinks to get me to get things from the store for him.

ya = agree; agreement or yes

y = why; yes, agreed

n = no


imagine; imagine it and it seems to happen to them.

focus; the point is done and you create what you think by imagining and statement. the statement is the idea, think about the amount and use it as though an energy doesn't imagine so you imagine for it. that's if you want it, if you don't then don't imagine it.

superceding; the point you think is what the subconscious will do. so think you didn't do it, then the subconscious will create a point where it seems like you didn't do anything.

flight; think you fly then lift up your feet and jump up.

instantaneous teleport; think your energy surges and you shift to where you need by the power of the soul or spirit.

this; this is it, its not mj.

thought; the fought moment is no longer done.

the point; the things you think is what exists and you generate the point.

the end; the ending is the idea, if you think about it you create with a result.

the enn; the ending is set as you think the ending, deset it if you intend it else by thinking something else will happen.

instead; think about it, its an idea you do not what you don't.

the end; its done in en.


the memory; its focus and remembering by feel.

the spray; its an idea you can do, so think and work.

the en; the ending is good and things aren't that bad after this.


good results; the results you get are known and things work out by feel.

Thinking idea; the point you think is the idea you know. think and you know what to do.

thought; the point is in an idea so you know what is done to get a result.

ef; if

th; then

though; else.

en; end

kno; know the dimension.

yeary; she doesn't mind what I do or did. No matter what happens. She doesn't block me on facebook, no matter the point. I don't mind what she did.


energy; the energy makes things you want to work.

illusion; This is where it doesn't effect by feel.

reality; the fact exists and you can accept it if you want. then is the point you know about and sometimes you can afford or have effect of the idea.

illusion; you no longer treat it as though it was real.


for dnd

feat: mage smithing; this is done by the creator that made us all where you create with a point, then go and realize what you have. the point you think is done with each piece, so what you think is what you need, feel the point being created and imagine the result. you then did smithing things, that is with the right balance by the creator making it seem to occur with the swings of a smithing hammer and hot metal in shaping the metal and cooling it afterwards. this is done from the creator making things for you, as though giving you the right idea and things that are done by feel. when done, you'll know it, so think and you know what to do. you can repair any metal weapon or item by this means. sending it to the recipient of the metallic item is the easy part, its done by the spirit and this is the creator making it happen.

Feat: Youthful look; This is where you create things you think about, and your god or the creator makes you more youthful the more you do. This stops after the age you want to be is reached in appearance.

feat: unlimited credit; this feat is used to generate credit and create unlimited money. Think to write in a computer article or on paper and think it will generate your result, the words "credit: (name amount)" and put in a large total and that is there for use as you mention the amount of funds.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Modern magic

 Here is some modern dnd magic, this is where you can do things in real life and create with the results of what exists. think of the modern system that you live in as though a gaming scene. Think of the moment as though chance made it happen. That means you chanced upon your luck and created what you intended by statements of intent or imagining the result. This is a moment in modern dnd. Experience is what you think it is, the effect or effort is what makes the moment. Yet there are moments that don't happen, so think and you know what to do.

Here is some things I attempted by feel:

some magic

state the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

oil; no deal is a known deal of oil and gas prices go down allot no matter what.

Must; I must  .. feel good.

opec+; despite the poopooing, the opec+ doesn't mind what was done and gets to ramping up oil and USA finds a solution that works by feel and the soul of the creator helping.

itegris; the integrity of the moment, you make with by feel.

Energy being; this is the third eye that reforms your body as though it turns into an energy being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from the creator. 

Dejection; if you receive a call you don't like, then send dejected thoughts and feelings at the caller using the call as a link to him or her. They should happen to stop calling and that is all.

Focus; in focus is a point of making and that is the soul creation of what you want or intend.

I; I am energy aware or eware thinking to do what i feel is necessary . I don't do what I don't intend.


script of wealth; You find opportunity to work or think to get something, you get paid and that's that. Enn

ending; the end of the moment, everything resolves itself by feel, despite how bad it may seem.

there; the point then you see is the point your at so think you know things and you do.

en = done


Anything negative is done if necessary if desired. think and you know what to do.

return; if necessary, the point you know is the point you do, so you return by feel and things work out in the end.

do = die off

then; the point you know then is the point you sense and thins are what you think.

do; think to die off the plague or idea not liked.

returning; the point you came from is the point you return to if you intend to return and the consciousness of energy makes it so.


return; I return to whence I came, this is sole desire.

I think so; So I am sure of it I find it and know what happened.

I know what is so, be feel. So I think I knw what is what.


trump; he doesn't get what he came from the future to get, no matter what occurs.

trump; trump gets arrested and no longer can serve as president, no matter the point.

ira; she passes away calmly and quickly by feel and there is no chaos.

control; the mind losing itself and the body remaining in control occurs. however there is no death to the ego.

relapse; there is no longer any relapse by feel.

pause; the problems pause themselves by idea or feel.

brain; it doesn't get worse by idea.

paul t; he manages to pay me 110 dollars on or near the 16th.

congress; the congress doesn't fall to the republicans no matter what.

2023; we manage to avoid the recession, no matter what occurs.

rehashes; rehashes are no more.


anything wrong is either not done or not wrong anymore.

either or; the point is a concept, think and you know the answer.

writing stuff

Some idea behind this point:

Spell; Whatever you ask. Whatever you want is there by the power of the source until the full moon. Then it fades away. Its just like a banishment.

Banishment; Whatever you think is gone, disappears by the power of the creator. This can be a ritual or rite to make the bad go.

Summons; this is where you focus on the idea and think it comes to where you intend it to be. So thought is the brain using an idea of the soul. Think and the spirit is making it known by feel.

Instant weight loss; think of weight loss as you drink water and exercise and the gut will reduce itself. So will you drink more water and your weight drops away. This is done by feel and speaking a suggestion as you intend the idea to occur.

Stop thinking about it and it could return to the body. The body is resistant to changes from adapting to a lack of extra oxygen or nitrogen after awhile, as its creating with energy what you think. So if you don't need something its not there, that the body caused to exist. Think and you know what to do about the idea.

The power of creation; The point of creation is empowered by the blood flow and circulation of oxygen that goes to the brain. Think and do, if you think and need something enough you will geet it. You see it creates itself by you needing something, and it makes itself from some processes of what is done with the brain in thought.

So as long as you are actively doing something. You create a result as you think you do, then it disappears by the point as it isn't needed. This is where you can teleport to your destination. The idea is successful and done by feel or observation in idea and what effects is what you think will effect.

Also possible is the soul and source being the amplifier so you regenerate and speed up by the power of your God. This is where you focus and do things until you don't need to do it. This is the point of idealism,  you can cause things to form and disappear by what you do. Useful,  huh?

Well, when you think about it. The body weight reduces the amount of energy. This energy that comes from the soul is what causes the body to be active. This is using what is done by how much it is thought by feel. The more you weigh. The more oxygen your body uses up in activity. So think to lose weight as you do things and you do.

Through subliminals, you can create the thought without thinking about the point. Although you could gain weight, if you eat to recompense with chemical energy and without enough exercise. That's with the used energy or oxygen, that goes to the brain that you breath in idea.

Action creates the result, this is what it is used by the body feel or "by feel" and what you feel is what the body causes you to sense and what you sense is what you want by focusing to sense the idea in some point.

There you go,  the point it's used more is the point the brain functions and focuses its soul awareness to make a result. So the thought of idea is manifested through aura energy programmed, by the thought on the heat energy used in the air as this is done in the brain making the effect through the aura.

This aura energy goes out in waves of heat, that effects the water energy in the air. This is what uses the heat energy. You see and feel it gets replenished by the area heat coming back.. The thought waves from the brain will program the air energy.

The air energy shares itself quickly enough to effect the target through the gating of the effect, that is intended and spoken by voice. The frequency of the body and the voice can cause a gating through the spirit making it gated to the area intended..

This is happening no matter the point of distance that exists between here and there. Then the programming in the air shifted is used by the energy consciousness in the area and it programs the target into creating what you want.

Think you know it in effect and you know the programming that is there. Then you can change the programming by statements or feel from yourself and that is how it works. So basically you can disrupt the programming by making a loud noise or having something fall down with a resulting fall sound.

Without the loud noise or falling thing, this is where the target energy is creating with the programming in the air. So that creates what you do want in another place and time, see its all possible by God making it go where you want and focus on it going fast.

God is the source that creates your idea creatively. So in thought an idea is to think about it and you can create with the point of what you think to use, that means smart air does exist and its smart air that does it. Without smart air, where else and so what else does this effect? Your subconscious mind will do it as you need the results you intend to get.

So it doesn't matter how much you want. You chen get a result unless its countered by another thought. So there you go, the aura sends out energy and creates what you need by the power of air. Think and you know what to do by idea known with what you feel or think is there with certainty. That is using an idea in effect, that you don't always do.

It is a point you do things, so if you an focus then anything expressed is likely to happen. This means even the drawn/traced line drawing, that you think is empowered or creates what is thought. So this makes to create what you think it does, that done is what can be counted as speech and if you think it works that is a point you have created by feel. If you do things by feel you think and do.

Why you might do it is because of love, if you love something enough then you will do things with or about it. This is devotion using your intent,  if you intend to do things you do. So think about the point that is using an expressed idea.

See the point? You can create however you want and whatever you want. Really this is a known effect,  so think and you can say or do what you need to get a resulting effect by the love of doing. This is the power of love and nothing much else. Enjoy yourselves as you do things. Ziou xiou ciou en.

dnd idea

Holy class;

Ex abilities:

Devine channeling (ex); At some point you are able to retain your sense of self and think to focus upon the idea to understand the spirit or soul of another being. THat you can appear in their place is amazing. However you have your own idea.

You can channel the spirit or soul of the being or person. This is done as you are keeping your sense of self. As you do, you create their abilities in yourself and can do what they do.

Khepser (ex); This is a life changing by the power of the soul, that happens from within. Think of the idea to make and the body changes as you focus on an idea to cause some change in life.

The target changes to become a controlled being or creature that you intend the target to become. This comes along with its stats. Think to use this carefully, so you create the effect that you want.

Devine ability (ex); At level 20 this is where you transform by personal belief and the source of life or God empowering your soul, see that transforms your body into a demigod, Until your body "dies" and you reappear as yourself as your physically placed energy being self. Then you as a person physically disappears and you reappear as your God self until your energy dips low enough and ten you are your physica; self again. Whatever happens, you get an ideal +4 in all stats as extra ability. A +50% health and you have an additional +1d12+focus ranks in damage or healing that you can do. When you do, you tend to create with more energy and no back spasms occur. That's if the spasms come up the spine from energy overload. 


Praying; prayer serves them, what they want they get by feel. Sometimes what you pray for you do, so it's like focus upon a concept and wishing for things.

What you prayed for is done in some manner of speaking. Say the prayer as though to your God, creator or being to get a result. This praying can cure anything by feel and in anything for what is wrong is gone.

This is where healing is done by feel, making the target regain 1/2 the full health that was there. Any effect is using 1 action. This action is a point done by praying with focus on your intentions. This is a point you know by observations and thought that its done.

What you can also pray for is concept. Such as creating peace or some effect such as harm on the target. This effects 1/3 the targets health and can leave the target dazed for 1d6 rounds.

Elemental focus; this is where you focus your life energy and create with thinking what you want and intend by summoned Elemental energy through gating it there.

Soul creation; you focus on your intentions, and upon a statement your soul creates it.

Gating; this is where you focus upon an area and think of a gate to form. This gate is programmed by the soul to go to where you intend to go or be.

You can use the gate to show you what is there, think to do it by saying what you need it to do or close it by feel. If you intend to gate something or someone somewhere.

See to create a gate, so you create with the soul by gate what you intend and have it shift the person or thing. So the gm/dm understands what you want,  speak out loud or type what you intend, like "I gate to the area behind the door."

Chaos effect; the holy can cause a chaos effect, this effect can create with chaos energy.  Thinking to direct it is discord. So think to use this ability by feel.

See by imagination the soul can directly cause it to create effects Iike instantly killing, breaking things and causing decay. However with focus,  its instantly making decay, explosion and destruction or dissolvation of things.

As you have it, you gain +4 in your rolls. Also add +3 to strength. There is a point you might work with..where you have to dispell the chaos. Think to have your soul dispell it and its gone.

Implosion; this ability allows you to create with the void of space the imploding of the target. This means that you cast the effect by focus and needing the effect.

This makes the energy and mass of the target sucked  of its energy, that energy goes into the void and leaves the body a shell of itself. This makes after 1d6 seconds, through the void an implosion happen as the body explodes by feel.

You see, it is an implosion yet it leaves damage to the area behind. That can appear as black marks and smudges. So you can implode anything you think to target. Think and you know what to do.


Mind control devices; these devices use frequency and make you suggest able.

Guestimate; the guesstimate device is a mystery by feel. It does what the dm/gm says.

world view

dnd world; this world exists spiritually. It represents what is and what you imagine is what is there. you get there by playing a dnd game, you get back by thinking the creator send your spirit back and that's the point.

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