Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Dnd Magic 2

This is the magic of mages manipulation of games.  Think to create with the game and focus in to the game itself to create better results.

This is some magic listed by results, that I thought up in the meantime..

Dog magic; this is the animal spirit that does what you intend and you can direct the animals mind to cause its spirit to react.

Cat magic; the cat decides what you want and does what you need using its spirit to create with as you intend the idea.

Other animal magic; this is where the animal's will does what you desire, that is using what it determines by thought perception and creating with the spirit what you desire.

Determining; determining the animal is important so I think I will be doing this for today. Ciou and farewell enjoy yourself.

Next day:
I determined it was a strange dog that was estranged from its family.  So I think I will drive it away.

Done; I did it.. its gone and I am now at peace.. I hope the rest of the day goes well.

Jose; he decides to buy my charging plates by feel. This is a known fact of life.

Focus; he doesn't mind what I think to ask him.

En; this is the enn.

Ending; this is what you think that ends things.


E emn; no condemned nature happens by feel.

Juneau; he doesn't mind what I do and doesn't rely on me to get him results reports.  Instead he uses his kitsune to detail what happens. He gets a response from jale or Kronos.

Think; the thought is good so think about the idea and your soul could make the idea.


Thought; the thought is this, think of the point and imagine the idea to create the idea into existence. So if you think, you create by the thought. They don't know what is real or not. So think to use this effect creatively.

Democrats; they get voted in to the congress by feel and whatever happens. They win the congressional race and keep by the creator making it so, their seats are secure.

Think; the point is the moment so what you think is what you get.

The point; the ss bills get passed on the congress and no problems happen to get it signed into law.

The mural; the focus of the mural is blocked and not formed into reality. So the mural isn't manifested.

The economy; it only gets better after this.

Ahiem; he no longer effects results or reality and ignores the needs of the Christian desire.

Walk; we go on a walk today and things work by feel.

People; they leave the rundown pd and don't return. This is a point you know by feel.

House; I am in my house and I own it.

Mail; the mail delivers Paul t's check tomorrow and I get paid 110 dollars.

Entropy; this is entropic energy that is directed to create a time wall of entropic energy that slows down anything passing through it. Also it puts back to you the force you present to it.

I; I can afford what I need to get and get back double or triple the funds that I spent,  charged or gave away.

Cpie; they swap cola with cpie by feel and successfully.

Amazon; charges Klarna as it uses Klarna temp card for the jbl Bluetooth speaker before the temporary cc is no longer.

Juneau; he doesn't make the trump trials disappear and instead causes them to arrest and indite trump, no matter what.

Juneau; he gets 50% more results from his estrogen pills as he got from subs.

Focus; this focus created an idea, you got what you wanted think and you know what to do.

Creativity; I can always come up with a creative idea.

Cause; caz answers my request to chat.

Jim; he always has gas money.

I am emm; I think this means i am energy imminent and things work like they do.. interesting thoughts.

Paul t; he gets his money in the mail, quickly and i get paid.

I; I can't stop the trump trials. Especially if I am Juneau.

I am; I am not running up credit card debt anymore by feel.

Electrical feedback; it no longer causes us to get fat.

Paul t; he affords the 110 he owes me and doesn't mind doing it.

Think; the point is made i Don't mind what occurs by feel.

Heat; the heat cools off in excess of 80. No matter the point.

Ufo; I fly off on an ufo and goto another planet.

Travis; Whatever he does he doesn't mind what I do, also he doesn't get worse in body conditions. He gets better instead..

Biden; he doesn't get worse in condition he gets better instead no matter what.

Eb; evil acts get no results and nothing is manifested by evil done.

This country; this country does not go down. Instead it goes down in inflation and taxed goods. No matter what.

The effect; the effect is done, think and you know what to do.


Whatever; Whatever the case i prove myself useful.

I think; if peace is needed, though the thought exists. I can cause peace where I thi n k it to be. This is done by feel.

Am em; you return by the subconscious shifting you to be back from where you came.

Republicans; they are no longer terrified of Donald trump.

Loan; i can get a loan and pay it back double over in Funding.

Danese; she doesn't mind what I do.

Mattman; he doesn't mind what I do.

Figure Gating; imagine yourself as another form or figure, then you can perceive this as a gate travel. So you won't mind the result manifest. Like normal idea or things you noticed. Things won't alarm you as much. I think it means you don't reduce your ability to think.. just that you consider things less.

So when you think to listen to the right frequency,  the gateway opens in your mind that where you walk through it you don't actually notice it. So you reality shift and you are somewhere else. Also, you are the figure you want to be.

So think about it. If you notice the rules of the dimension are not compatible to you. Think and imagine your walking backwards. Then you will eventually walk back through the gate to your own reality and you walk forward without walking through the gate again.

Things; they get better and things work by feel of what I intended to manifest.

Western allies; the western allies get it together before August no matter the point projected.

Maroney yeary; she doesn't mind answering my questions no matter what.

Hospital; Nothing goes wrong with this effect and things go well with the procedure. The point is done, this is where they come to send me home quickly enough.

Benderisgreat; he comes online completely fine and things work by feel. No matter what.

Bad act; no bad acts occur by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Ricardo; he gets to work better by feel.

Stacy butts; she still does the trips by idea.

Noone; noone minds each other by feel. Whatever they do.


Stagflation; its not going to happen,  no matter what .

Stacy butts; she is in a good mood no matter what.

Joe biden; he no longer does wreckless out of control spending.

Redemption; this is where you are forgiven of all sins no matter what by what you do.

Intervention; the point your aware of is created by idea so think of the idea and need it to make stopping something occur. This is using thought by needing the influence through the spirit, or use is the point spoken and the soul copy creating with the intention that you have by feel.

God ability; think of idea, then write it down or speak your intent. Your God creates it if you need it and he does it creatively.

Joe biden; nothing is counted against the democrats and Joe biden by feel no matter what occurs.

Bad; no matter how bad it is. It doesn't effect me.

Jay powell; he is blamed instead of Joe biden and the democrats. No matter the point.

Simba; he gives me a loan i manage to pay back.

Consumer confidence; the Consumer confidence goes up and there is no recession.

Financial cliff; there is no financial cliff happening.

Antwaine; he doesn't get divorced or left. No matter the point.

Stacy butts; she is done over at pd2 and comes over to pd quickly.

Hypertension; the hypertension and sleeplessness disappears and doesn't give seizures or effects anymore.

I act; I act as though I got enough sleep no matter the reason.

Dead; the signal is dead, there is no more.

No illegal drug; this means anything illegal isn't there.

Antwaine; he gets his money in the mail today and I get 20 dollars from him.

Danese; she doesn't mind what I do of things that occur.

Creative use; think it to create it. This is done by feel and the spirit manifest. The point is exchange by idea. One instance is increase there and decrease here.

Extra health; no extra weight.

Bad; bade in motion.

Focus; create the point by Making with the suggestion to cause the subconscious to create with the point.

Then; think the time and then tell what you need from it. The subconscious will create whatever you need.

Big; any thoughts of being big causes you to be slimmer by feel no matter what and quickly.

Biden; he successfully does what he intended or intends. No matter what.

Not working; things not working no longer doesn't work by feel or doesn't exist instead.

Putin; he doesn't succeed no matter what on war.

Worse; Whatever is worse is no longer that bad. No matter what it gets better.

Relaxing; when you relax you are better, calmer, and more interesting as you mention things and things manifest.

Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do by feel. I seem to have gotten enough sleep.

Trouble; Trouble is avoided by feel and idea.

Anything; Anything wrong or bad mentioned by lalate isn't occurring. No matter what.

Hear; I hear the bad differently spoken if lalate speaks it. He no longer scares me, no matter what.

Creation by copy; one creates what you intend and you copy it to make the same results.


Happens; Whatever happens isn't negative.

Focus; the point at will isn't conflict or idea that's negative. Think of the idea and you get a good result.

Weight; I don't gain that weight. Even out of pity. No matter what.

Financial; the financial cliff doesn't happen no matter the point.

Whatever ; Whatever the case,  I get an extra 20 quickly, no matter the point.


Lying; I am not determined lying by feel.

Lupus; he is no longer over critical. He doesn't mind or suspect me of things.

Antwaine; he doesn't mind me asking about the money he offered me. No matter what.

I am; I am aware and create the result by focusing on my need, so basically I will create what I need in manifest.

Travis; his seizures stop by feel and don't come back.


| = with
Ab; stomach muscles that you can tighten up.
Eb; focus device that allows you to fade something away.
Ob; obnoxious behaviour.
N = not, no
Y = yes, agreed
No = not
Um = woman
Am = man
Shun = deny
Skek; sketchy or doubtful
Concept; make, create
Brit; britches, pants
Beau; beauty, beautiful
Mani; manifested,  manipulated event
Be; beh, behest

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