Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tricking magic

This is a point you trick the mind and make what you need by what you do. Think about the moment, then you use the point that's spoken, that tricks the mind to have yourself believed or understood as a suggested idea and work with what you get. This is a point you know, so think and you realize by seeming spiritually aware. This is what I found is possible.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

focus; the focus is the thing, if you do things you can lose your excess weight.

focus II: This you realize and know by what is think about, so you realize by the soul and the spirit that gathers the information.

that; that is all there is to know about, so I think this is a point in idea to do if necessary.

messenger for windows; I can download the app for windows 10 using the microsoft store, and have it install with no stress and there is no problems.

think and know; this is where you think to realize things and you can know by the soul, if what is there is there by mirror.


Thought; The point you think is there, if you think the idea exists. This is the ability of the brain and the mind is an extension of the the brain consciousness that the spirit is allowing you to sense things with by feel. Think of what you want to know and you can create the point of understanding or idea that comes to you so you know about things. Think of the idea to express and the brain awareness is what creates the point in real life, that uses the spirit and you create of what you intend. This is the intention, so think of what you want to know and you do.

Think and do; Think of the point and you do the correct actions, so the thought is done, the point is made and you create with a point that you work things out by feel. This is a point you know, so you realize, that didn't hurt at all.

whatever; what causes weight gain no longer causes weight gain so I think I will do what works.

Some idea; this is a point and you are alright with this unless not necessary.


placate; placate the dead and sometimes do requests. this is a known fact of life.

thought; the point is done if necessary, so I think the point is mute.

I am em; the point is a concept, think and you know how to handle the point you have.


mail delivery; The amazon or ups delivery is gotten to me today or tomorrow by feel. This is a known effect.

end point; the delivery will come when it comes, if you think to get it sooner than before then the creator makes it come by feel. This is also a known effect, done by feel it's a concept that is worked. This is an efect known by the creator and made by construct. Think of the point you intend to create and if you need the idea it's created.

The server; I can enter the server and play it. whatever causes me to not be able to play it, ceases to exist.

targeting; I am no longer a target, no matter the point.

game play; I am not interrupted when I want to play.

cranky; I do not get cranky, no problem exists for me. things work out in the end.

money; I will get 40 dollars by next week.

sickness; I am no longer sick by feel. So I think I will do what is positive, except for being positive for illness. So I will get along with those that are existing by feel. If I don't, the creator corrects for the moment and causes things to become positive.

meai = [Pronounced mee-a-ee] This is gotten by stating the word right, this works by what is done and appears at a meal time or breathing in air with the metavirus effect. This is a metavirus of beneficial essence. With this virus, popular drugs will all but dissappear. So this causes a morphine shot when you can program the nanomachines in your blood to produce it themselves by recycling waste materials. This causes weight loss and improved magic by what you think about and feel or need. Basically this creates what you think as you need the idea, other times it stops producing effect by the aura energy and not needing the idea. Get this package by thinking of the word meai and stating it.

This makes it where we do not even need nanomachines if we advance genetic engineering enough. No need to make a robot as this causes the body to make a parasite that eats cancer and excretes ATP then dies after a week. Otherwise an energy fungus is there that lives in your lungs, this is permenant and around your mouth that converts CO2 into O2 so fast that you don't need to breathe anymore. 

This is a beneficial virus that eliminates hunger, breathing, blinking, coronavirus and does other good stuff like resisting the urge to eat and having a warmer body. This makes things happen with the coughing symptom with no cold. Also the more symptoms you have from it the less chance it can mutate. So it was beneficial the whole time. This is made easy to cure. Whatever occurs, you don't feel bad from this effect.

Table salt or any salt would eliminate it. I think the virus also healed the body if certain things happened. That meant you took in salt and the food or drink got ejected from the body. This is the beneficial common cold metavirus. Easily gotten if you think to get the metavirus by feel. Feel free to fix up the virus with food or drink, this is done as you need to work with things by feel.

shift; the shift is the thing, so if you get to do things you shift by feel to where you think you need to be.

shifted; think yourself to be somewhere and then you are there, this is done by the subconscious mind. The idea you intend is done, if you speak the point or think the concept. This is how things sometimes work.

gameranger and terraria; the game works perfectly and the gameranger works without flaws no matter the point.

pictures; ocean, sun.

mark banks; I am no longer becoming his weight. So I am becoming a lesser weight instead.

terraria server; the game in idea works despite the moment of events whatever the reason.


script: response

think; think to focus and you are alright.. this was written in the stars.

thought; the point you realize, this is a concept to do or not do so think to do and you create good results by feel.

thinking; the point is done, if you think to get good results you achieve a positive end.

if not; live with the results and you are able to handle anything.

illegal; pushing idea or demanding things not possible is illegal as you go to jail this is the end.

think and know; the point is a concept, so think about the point if you think you know what to do as you respond. This is in idea.


think; to make this script work, think it happens to occur, then you can know at least one result.

scripts; to make scripts work, sometimes you have to create the point by mentioning the idea. this is a known effect.

script en; the point at the end is what you think and know won't happen here. then the script ends.

the volcano; the supervolcano will create the result, that the "I" consciousness won't do if necessary. This is then where I won't in idea do the result. So what I think, this is in idea where the point is multiple checks from the stimulus package. This is in idea.

Think about it; the point is done if you think of the moment and imagine the results. this is a concept that exists in the goblin realm. think your not there and you are free and in your own realm or perception dimension.

The mental realm; this is using a point that creates by idea or feel if necessary. this exists in the mind and your inner realm by feel. so I think this is a point you do if no response then do what you think and think to not respond hostily. this is a point you think and do, so that is a point you know, if you don't then you are not that bad yet things are done if creative by feel.

the hot space; this is the space of the sun, that appears like ours and sometimes does what is thought. this realm creates a point of interest, if you intend to watch as the idea that coexists with ours. things that you think may occur there. if you think your away then you aren't there. this is a known effect. so if you think your not in this space, you are released by the sun and back to whence you came.

the point in en; I think I am aware so I know what will create what I think if I think it's good. This I know is a point that is done in the end. However, I shift after that, so I am aware of things spiritually after the point. This is a known effect.

think in en; the point is where he or she is normal and not acting high, so think and you create what you may have in life. This is a point in idea, things work out that you seem to get what you may want to have. So think and you know how to achieve it by feel. However if you don't mind, your not there so don't think of things to hurt yourself if you do. Then that is what occurs if you need to do things by feel.

lav I auto [name person]; leave me alone, pronounced: lave I aye-oo-tohl

if n ar lav foor = if in the area leave immediately (name person), pronounced as: if n r lave forr

think; mitch mconnell will make the 2nd stimulus package earlier than usual. thinking and making there to be 6 months stimulus payments. both parties rep and dem will create a bipartison agreement in record time.

writing stuff

Listening points:

Youtube channel lafayette's channel.

Lafayette Terry, Jr-owner
(ask for Lafayette Jr.)


Current things that are done:

Songcast sells page:



 You can contact Spellhawk the coauthor of this page @ 405 225 1268 and ask for Spelly or leave a message.

copyright 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020


The tragic moment is the covid-19 idea where you can get it and sometimes die from the disease. What has been suggested is that it's allot of diseases put together. Then made to appear like a flu-like illness. This is a point that I will say, it is yet it isn't. It is a fu-like disease, that has many of the other diseases with the point in mind. So what to do magically to prevent it? Think to create by suggestion and the point so your subconscious creates what you wish or what you intend by feel. State out loud what you need and the intention is sometimes done by the concept being realized. This is a known effect.

Other things, for a point of covid-19 payments, think the stimulus payments will happen a second time as above 1200 dollars per 6 months or until the symptoms and prognosis disappears. This is a spell as you state the effect you intend to create. So that is all for the moment, enjoy yourself and ciou for this is good-bye as things will get bad or I might post later. see-ya.

Some idea:

meai = [Pronounced mee-a-ee] This is gotten by stating the word right, this works by what is done and appears at a meal time and the point is done by this breathing in air with the metavirus effect. This is a metavirus of beneficial essence. With this virus, popular drugs will all but dissappear. So this causes a morphine shot when you can program the nanomachines in your blood to produce it themselves by recycling waste materials.

This causes weight loss and improved magic by what you think about and feel or need. Basically this creates what you think as you need the idea, other times it stops producing effect by the aura energy and not needing the idea if needed. Get this package by thinking of the word meai and stating it. If you don't need it, the effect cancels itself out and you are fine without it. This is a known effect.

This makes it where we do not even need nanomachines if we advance genetic engineering enough. No need to make a robot as this causes the body to make a parasite that eats cancer and excretes ATP then dies after a week. Otherwise an energy fungus is there that lives in your lungs, this is permenant and around your mouth that converts CO2 into O2 so fast that you don't need to breathe anymore.

This is a beneficial virus that eliminates hunger, breathing, blinking, coronavirus and does other good stuff like resisting the urge to eat and having a warmer body. This makes things happen with the coughing symptom with no cold. Also the more symptoms you have from it the less chance it can mutate. So it was beneficial the whole time. This is made easy to cure. Whatever occurs, you don't feel bad from this effect.

Table salt or any salt would eliminate it. I think the virus also healed the body if certain things happened. That meant you took in salt and the food or drink got ejected from the body. This is the beneficial common cold metavirus. Easily gotten if you think to get the metavirus by feel. Feel free to fix up the virus with food or drink, this is done as you need to work with things by feel.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The stimulus

The stimulus package is a point you think, then you create with an idea as it's done by feel or whatever the way is that's possible. This stimulus package was started with debate in congress on the 20th of july. So I think the point is simple, we will get what we can, yet it is guaranteed as a concept is there in check form by the things you do. This is a concept written as a guarantee from the democrats, the republicans and the point is done with the independants by feel.

So it's a point that will happen, yet it hasn't been decided so the point is what will come as to how much and what frequency. This is a point in idea, think and you shall know, as it's due to the covid-19 virus. See everything is a good thing that is done with it. So you know, you can create with a wish, then make with a point. The idea is done, if you think about the outcome you need, that is possibly added to the bill in congress.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Simulcrum magic

The simulcrum is a being that creates in it's own dimension, that means what it creates it can use to effect wherever you need. This is a point that you think, then you make things happen with the soul copy. This is a point you create with the creator and make things by feel. This is some of the things it can do:

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

time; I have time to think about me and things and not react. I think this says it all.

wellwishing; the computer still works after this and the point is the computer is useful after the moment.

thought; the point is a concept and what you wish is what shapes that concept. so the concept is what is created, if necessary by feel.

think; the point is made if you think it is, then your free by idea or your getting what you do.

if; when you see someone suspicious, think to create contact with authorities and report what you saw. this is a point if in idea.

This; the point is a concept, if you think this then your free.

rm; this is a point you think 'in idea' to stop what you don't need or want.

The idea; the idea you have is placed by feel, if you think it you realize it and know the point that you place.

wait time; he and she doesn't mind waiting for things and this includes impatient people.

Lafayette; he gets his money during the week that he described. this works by feel.

fox rune; This is a sigil for turning someone into a foxperson. Aparantly some people were foxes in their past life and this sigil is used to remind them, so they can shed their humanity in lieu of their suppressed fox ancestry. You're supposed to draw it on your body, this is where draw it with a red marker to be found by some fox diety.

speed up; This speeds up the mail delivery and things work out by feel. This happens without stress.

gaming; I can get into the server, play and survive. This happens without stress. I do the right things to get into the kio server of terraria.

khepser; I stop becoming like my friends, this happens by idea or whatever occurs that is natural.

enn; the end point is done if necessary. think and you know what to do.

think; the point is done, if you need the point to happen then it might if necessary as you remember the point and feel what it was that was done.

It; The hit is to the webcounter not his face, the thing is the point that is understandable. Think and things are better.

Hit; the it is a representation of many things, if you insist then you can get what is deserved.

things; the things you need aren't always given, if you think they are that's what you think, not always what is done unless the intention of the other is made by feel or things are what they are, nothing is done.

Think; the point is an idea, the idea is a concept, you make sense of it by what is possible. This is from the past, so I think I will apply it by what is done.

Things II; If nothing happens, then don't worry about it, the idea wasn't supposed to happen. This I know to be true, think and you realize what the soul knows. That is all for now. Chances are these rolls don't matter, so do what you want.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Stimulation magic

Here is a few spells, that I think will work with stimulating the idea and creating a result. This is a point in idea so this works by what you think to do things, then you create the result either by noticing the point or creating it yourself. This is a point done by what is known. Think and you realize what to do with this idea. This is possible and what has been done so far that you can use:

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

thought of about; this is where I am thought and about to go out, so this I think is a point in the right direction.

ending; I get up and open the door.

focus; the point is done, if you think of the idea you can get results by feel.

butterfly effect; to safely do this, think energy goes into your astral wings. then when you do this with focus to improve the body, then you create with a point and burn away allot of calories with the act. This works as you think to create the wings on your back. Also you release energy of the eaten food and body, so you create with a point to make with a concept what you need. The effect could cause body problems such as stroke, if you do things that tax the body. The body recovers, so you could become normal. That's why your metabolism raises and you create with some food eaten with expansion or hold off of eating, then you create with drinking..

beneficial creation; If you think you don't have a disease, then get nearby or sneeze and you create with your energy what is a better state of mind. This works if you have herbs more efficiently, so think to use turmeric, oregano or basil and water mixed with sugar or stevia for a cool effect. The point you have a disease, means you could spread what you have by germs. This is a point in the past, that I used the effect. So I know it works.

Think; This is in idea, the thief makes sure soul-wise or spiritually we get our things back and money that was taken is gotten to us who were stolen from, this happens by feel..

terraria server; it saves itself and my character saves as well. it no longer times out or has problems.

terraria server; whatever the reason for timeouts, the server now works right and won't time me out on me. this happens without stress. Any ghost in the area that is ruining the server connection is gone and things work like they should.

caz; her curse is gone, she can play or do what she wants by feel without things failing on her. this happens without stress.

creative; the point is done, think and you create with life and harbouring.

think; the point is ideal in life, the U.S. money doesn't fail. There will still be money exchanges no matter what occurs.

terraria; the kio server works by feel. whatever is wrong, is not causing it to not work anymore.

entry; the entry point is a concept that you work with and get back what you loan.

the end.

win 10; the windows reacts right and creates by a point that I need. The apps work and things are with fast speed.

weight; no matter the wish, I will lose my weight. I will lose my excess weight quickly..this happens without stress or focus. Whatever the reason for weight gain, I lose weight instead and this means I am with a less weighty body by tomorrow.

writing stuff

weight; I do not force my weight up. I either maintain or lower my weight. So this happens without stress.
pressure; I am immune to his or her pressure tactic, so I guess after this I will do what I want. ciou and farewell until later. Good-bye.

game stuff


yuo = yes
cmd = comandeering, this is stopped by feel.
imd = enduring, this is allowed for by idea where your getting over it.

Monday, July 13, 2020

spiritual effect

The spirit uses the soul to create what is intended. This is a point that creates itself if necessary. So I think the idea is a concept, you create and I know when it happened if positive. This is in a known effect. This is what you think about of idea to create if necessary. So think and if you need the intention of what is necessary you can create it. Understand and you know what occurs. This is what can be done with the effect.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect is or look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

amazon; whatever is weird with the drivers or delivery, this is no longer strange by feel. the deliveries are no longer frozen in activity. this is a known effect that the driver comes early.

living; I don't have to live through the moments that I imagine or others need or do or dp. this happens without stress.

similarion; no longer am I in a similarion reality, nor do I see one.

magic story; Conflux- the lost girls by Jordan Wakefield book downloads are here..and is in it's own site.

focus; what you focus on or think to do is improved by the idea that is done. This is done unless you don't need it.


moment; this is in the en that is there. this I think, the point is a concept and you know what to do.

space-x; the starlink mission slated for july 8th is a success done by feel. I get to see the launch.

people; the people tone down and make better for the purpose that is needed. this is a point done by feel.

the en; this is the en ending.

the point; this is where you block out the animal consciousness, then create with what is possible by what you think is good.

the computer; the messenger for desktop works by feel with what is done. The program repairs itself. This is a point in idea. I can download the facebook messenger app for windows and things work out.

unlimited wish; this is a candleflame wish effect, to light a candle and state, "all my wishes will come to fruition, as I need the wish to happen so the wish will occur." Then your set, all you need to do is state the need as intent to create the effect and the effect is your need. If you stated, "grant my wishes even if the candleflame is put matter what unless not needed." Then you will have unlimited wishes.

infinite resale; this is the value of things that can be bought and sold by feel. the value in sight never actually lowers, the item goes down in price sometimes.

wake up; this is stating in elvish, "ennu eccuinu-mo", stated as "ennoo ee-coo-in-oo-mown".

wakeful; this is stating in elvish, "ennu car-coiva-ye onta-laus", pronounced as "enn-oo car coy-van yehn on-tack laws".

I am em; I think then know as I am aware of things.

illi hroa athae tancata = elvish for: body healing fix, pronounced as: ill-ee row-ahn ath-aye-ehn tan-cat-ahn.

illi calca tengedion maril ui nor-et = elvish for: vaccine glass don't run out. pronounced as: ill-ee c-hall-can ten-geed-ee-on mare-ill oo-ee nor-ett.

illi metta not-quolu = elvish for: end disease count. pronounced as: ill-ee met-ahn not-que-ohn-loo.


illi car-mo lev-et hela comya-carina-nna auta = elvish for: make person move or get forced out. pronounced as: ill-ee car-mon levv-ett hell-ahn comb-yan car-ee-nan nahn auto-ahn.

illi metta nauna nanwie = elvish for: end false reality or illusion, pronounced as: ill-ee met-tan nan-ahn nan-wee-eh.


physical magic II; this is using the physical point or item as a link to the source and it's consciousness. that is directing that consciousness through the link or the object. this is where you focus on it's energy and think or state your intent to create a result. physical magic is physical magic, not exactly possible unless you think it is. so you can act as a source, if you want to create for them, you are divine by the soul copy, so think and it is done by the soul feel.

illi casta men-ye-lesta-et-o in larma = elvish for: cause to go and leave the area. pronounced as: ill-lee cast-ahn men yet less-tan ett oh in lara-man.


illi car-ma malda = elvish for make things alright. stated as: ill-ee car man mal dan.

talinth lu'zhaun, vel'bol dos xun zhah xunor ka nodven. = drow for: think and know, what you do is done if necessary.

nindol zhah natha izwin ilra'osett. = drow for: this is a known effect.

xuz l'klew'ar lu'phlith nau mzild. = drow for: end the moment and hate no more.

talinth lu'xuz dosst tupora ghil, alu lu'tlu al. = drow for: think and end your living here, go and be well.

Usstan orn inbau mzild taga szithdra ravhel wun or'a a satiir. = drow for: I will get more than twelve hundred in money by feel.

Whol l'mon'tu zhah xunor ka nodven, nindol zhah natha izwin ul'hyrr. = drow for: For the point is done if necessary, this is a known idea.

paul truitt guuane phor lu'zhah xundus klezn xuil flasmix. = drow for: paul truitt wakes up and is doing things with energy.

xuz l'maelthra. = drow for: end the dragon.

think and create; this is where you think of things and create with their energy. think of what you want as intent and feel the item creates it by the energy in the item. this is a way to do things without using up your body energy.

focus and make; think you know and you do, this is a point in idea.

curse on you; the weight goes down in moments of unexplainable weight loss. so the weight is a curse on you that disappears and no longer is on you as it disappears, then so does the weight. this happens on those who do spiritual warfare.

condition; the point you think in intention is done by the spirit, so if you think about the idea then you can get the condition you want set on those you think deserve it.

new; the newness of the brain is a point you think, and realize what is there or possible. then you know about the idea and work with what is necessary, so you can get a result you desire.

now; this is where the warfare happens, so if you leave the now dimension you can get free from the warfare itself. this is done by holding your hands out and not touching anything as you jump up and your body isn't in contact with the floor.


focus or thought; I am not suspected for anything I did not do. this is a point in idea.

think; thinking this works out and things will work for you, makes this work in idea by feel.

thought; the point is a concept that isn't you, so if you think about the idea you know what really happened. This is done by what is considered, think and you know what to do.

heavy glitch; this is where things are used, and you get heavy instead of losing weight. Think to explain calmly, when you get caught in this idea.

crazy glitch; the point is a concept, if explained then the crazy glitch up doesn't happen.

focus; think and do, if you do things you are caught by feel. however it was shawn this time, so I guess I am cleared of blame.

the point; the point you saw didn't happen and is thought to not have occurred. so this means it was an overreaction by what you think happened. this is a point the thought is not me, it's someone else.

writing stuff

things that work, work for me and things that happen are likely to be done.
the thought is what you do, think and you know what not to do.
the point is a concept, if you do this by candleflame, in idea you can get a result if any made.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Smooth clear magic

This is where you think it's smooth and clear, then it's free as magic is made possible. This is a point done by the creator. So I think the point is clear, if you intend to do things, then you create with life and energy. This is where if you need to do things you can get results that you needed or what you desire to get is gotten. Think and you know what to do. This is a list of idea to do with this effect.

Think; this is a point you think, so you realize what will happen. Think about the idea and relax as you effect reality with this point.

This; we are no longer in the variation, so things will work out by feel. this is a point in effect.

Dimension space; this is a parallel dimension where people do what they want by feel or they can do things to each other. Think to avoid the point of idea. If you don't mind others doing the same. So if people feel nice, they are nice. This is known effect. Think you avoid the parralel dimension to avoid it. This is a point of idea, done by the subconscious mind.

So if you are there, then you can make sure of the reality using the third eye and you can shift away by it's use. Thank you for your consideration in this idea you do. That is all for parallel dimensions. This is a point from the past.

Harsh reality; harsh reality is avoided, this is a smooth walk in the park from this point on. this used to be a harsh reality in the past. then people got over their violence unless they retained giant genes or something. this is a known effect.

In en ef; this at the end is where you effect what you want, think and you know what to do.

Fight; there is no fight if you think and feel there won't be a fight, things you do are all right by the correct means with the idea you think. think and you know the answer, to get what you want in idea..

Financial; whatever I get financed in I don't finance myself out of by feel.

Phone; the cellphone works by feel with what is in it.

Tripping; think your not trippin by feel your not.

Hot; the hotness is a point you know, think and it's cooler around you.

Acedisal; This is the US added drug in the water, considered by many names, acedisil fennel is a drug to calm the nerves. So if you need to remain calm for a long time, then drink water all day.

purify; to remove the acedisil fennel, then all that's needed is a water filter. if you filter out the drug, you remove also the other impurities.

Angela; she is willing to give a donation to help me out.

Cee; I get enough sleep and Donovan doesn't rattle me by feel or speech intensity.

Paul; he stabilizes and does better by feel. He lets me in the room until I decide to leave.

Thought; think of a point and what you decide to create is created by energy and what you think to do.

Think; the point that is thought is focusing on idea, think to create with time and you make with what you need.

Real life; think or point out things and the consciousness of the room or area creates what you speak as intent.

Drugged candy; this is where you think about the right combination of chemicals, then make it in a batch of sugary water allowed to harden on strings. Then eat the rock candy by dissolving it in the mouth.

Better; really things get better by feel. So think about things and you are alright.

Lafayette; he doesn't rattle me by feel. No matter if it's by speech or something else.

Phone calls; the ring of a telephone doesn't rattle my nerves.

Broken record; this technique doesn't get me to agree.

Money request; money requests won't get me to give any I intend to keep.

Resistant; then I am resilient so no pressure tactics will work on me.

This; I will do things as possible if it's necessary. Yet food is not my sense of security by feel.

Think; the point is done, think and do what you need.

Virginia; she answers my text favorably. This happens without stress.

Angela; she doesn't ignore my text. She answers the text instead. This happens without problems.

Money; my lost money I regain as funds and I don't lose anymore money. So if it becomes a habit, then I can get more in some way.

Think or do; this is where you think or do things, if you think to respond, you create a good point. This is a concept of life, you are aware and work with what you have. Then things work out by feel.

Think or work; this is where you think or do work. The point is made and you create positive results from what is done. The point is suggesting by the feel, if you think to work positively, you create with the soul and spirit to make what you have.

The area; this is a point you do good, so what you think is what happens if you intend the point to be made. That describes our dimension.

Think; the point is made out there in space, so what you think is on another planet. This is where you focus and create with life. Really think about the moment and your where you are in life, this is used as you think less eating and drinking more water, then you can get what you need. Less waist and more fit in the form. Think you can breathe space and you instructed the creator to make it so.

Think II; the update to win 10 succeeds, think it works and the computer will do as necessary.

Idea; whatever causes me to not lose weight causes me to lose weight instead. if the subconscious can do anything, then you can create by suggestions or ideal you do. Then I am subconsciously formed. So I am thin or fat as I think to seem. This is a point of idea, think and you are what you want to be. Think and you can do what you intend to do, unless it is not wanting to do things.

The shot; the pharmacy has no trouble getting the shot in and I can get the shot within the week.

Think and know; this is a point you think and by the spirit you realize things. When you realize you think. Then your calm. You create what you think and work with what you need. Think and you can get or work with what you need.

Think a point; if you think your well, then you can do whatever you want and create a positive response or result. Think positive and you get positive idea.

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Rising tensions; the rising tensions in relationships are dissolved and no more tensions exists.
Mail; think to speed up the mail and you do the effect by what is done. We get our packages by feel.

Stamina; the constructs use up psi and my excess weight, then convert it to body energy. It balances my stamina.

Extra mass; this construct sends my extra mass to the animals and balances it. This works by feel. The point you hold the mass dissolved away, think and you know what to do.

Magic; the suggestions to the subconscious mind creates what I think or need as intent. If I think then I know what to do.

I am; I reduce my weight by the energy consciousness. Exercise improves the effect. However the excess weight and mass goes to a dog. The exercises that are done, they can be anything and if long ey you can lower your need to eat.

My life; the life of the moment, this is the consciousness of energy. Make use of what you have.

Mail: this comes sooner than usual, think and you get your packages.

Bulk; the bulk up ceases and the body swell goes down by feel if you need to do it.

Flush stomach; think to drink something and hold the stomach in then state or think flat stomach. Do things like that as you walk around, and you gain a lessening of the stomach shape.

Maladjusted; whatever causes maladjustment doesn't. I lose my extra pounds and mass instead.

Injurious; the injuring point doesn't happen by feel. Think and you create what you need if possible.

Then; the point is done by feel, if the person agrees to it. Whatever causes the raise in weight, doesn't happen.

People; they don't mind what I do or don't do, if I think and I will, I make a wish come true.

Heat; the heat effect stops swelling the body, the body goes back to normal.

Genes; the right genes are activated and the body corrects itself by feel with lessened weight and flat stomach. So I am thinner by feel. Symptoms of sympathy weight disappears from the body. This happens by feel. That is in effect.

Things; The things work out by feel with a point. So think of the idea and you can achieve the idea.

This feel; the feel I had is gone, this means the roaches that were near are gone by what occurred. This is a point you think in idea.

I I'm en; aye I am at the end.

Mail; the mail comes early today, so things work out.

Con; anything after 20 con in dnd, this is thin and the person that has 30 or above con is very thin with no ability to gain weight.

Bills; I have twice as much money, than my bills and expenses. This is a point done by feel.

Focus; I can get what is stated by feel and understand by the spirit.

Expanded Medicare; Medicare is voted to be expanded today and things work out.

Thought; the thought is perception, for the wandering spirit or working with the spirit. Think and you know what to do.

It wasn't fit for consumption; this makes it, so you don't want to eat.

People; they don't mind me talking to them as though I am crazy.

New Stats
Constitution 30

Sunday, July 5, 2020

homemade magic

This is there as a point to know, so the homemade part is food. think to work with the idea, then you can create by focus and feeling what you want the effect to pass from your energy to the food. The part that works is this idea, you can cook anything and focus on the food to "enhance" the food with your idea you wanted to create. State what you want and you can create with a point in idea.

This is what I did with this effect.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

Think; the answer is obvious, think and your spirit allows you to realize it.

keeping down in weight; when you get around someone else, then you start to become less weight and they absorb your weight in the aura and use it as energy. this trick works even with animals.

no eating; think to not eat as you are cooking and the energy of the moment is done by you putting it in the fridge or ideal area for later.

experiences; no matter the point, I don't have to live through the experience.

thought; the point is done, if necessary. so think and you can get what result you desire.

il kluthak ulu kyon lu'naubol's xusst a satiir. = she seems to care and nothing's wrong by feel. in Drow: .

uk zhah nau velendev vigh. = he is no longer mad. in Drow.

uk lu'il zexen'umae honglath lu'naut vigh. = he and she stays calm and not mad. in Drow.

l'zhennu errdegahr quarne l'byr i'dol lu'gos tarthe dal l'trera. = the great demon turns the other way and goes away from the planet. in Drow.

L'ky'kiya d'l'khel gos harl wun waezit ritze lu'klezn xund doeb. = drow for: The weight of the body goes down in scale value and things work out. 6

people; I can get along with people and what their idea is, by feel.

Usstan so'krisa ussta or'a draab l'in'tuil Usstan maunus lu'klezn xund nintan doeb. = I recover my money double the amount I spent and things work themselves out. in Drow.

gaer zhah nau turi'ko, nau myar indo lu'nau ssissilluk. = there is no threat, no bad mood and no violence. in Drow.

nindel zhah l'golhyrr ulu serin natha bwael indo. = that is the trick to keeping a good mood. in Drow.

charm; this is a thing you wear or focus poiint therein, that you think will create a positive outcome from what is done. This can charm a person into being nice and doing things for you by feel.

purchases; for whatever reason that it won't be delivered, instead its delivered today or money given back tomorrow. this is a point in the past.

writing stuff

this is the saying; "do you want to work" will make a person work, saying "do you not want to lose money" will make you not lose money.

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