Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, July 31, 2017


The heroes of the day is the heroics of the moment, if no heroics due then the hero is a modern day joe. The point being is this, use of the point is what creates the hero in the first place, am I right? So if you were to work with things and create with people. Then the people would respond as though the area were good for the point. The point being is the actual created bearing and not the accult. The point is this, the idea is done and made is the point you think to create, then your known for what you do. That is how this works. So ciou and forewell till next time.

This is a point I remember quite well and work around. If your being beaten, don't let them beat you up further. Just fall with the punches and work with what you have. This is a reminder from a past life. Oh, think creatively for what you can do, as I think this past life was a fighter.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Past life: Andrew Clay

This past life had an ability to create by thought, thinking the point he only had to work with those nearby to create greater achievement. Alone he could still do things and get away with it. So I think he died by fire as he was trying to work with others, his life was expended by the fumes and the flames got to his body after. He was born 1976 and died by fire in 2018, awaiting the launch of a mars concept that was useful on the planet. This was rather unclear as to how he had died, so I made a point to my subconscious and the subconscious let me know. This was first by daydream vision and then by statement that I wrote down. This is a way to figure out things if your in a need to know. This is what I found interesting. His name was Andrew Clay and he was a very good computerist / computer hacker. So I wouldn't do things his way if you were going to get in trouble by hacking. So in, its not them its you.

This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area where you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes is the thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought that is there, that is what you perceive from him or her or it by feel. So think it and you can use the idea.

Getting into computer laptop: Atl-ctl-del f10 then it will boot

This is the point by action that can be done by feel, or otherwise is the thought sometimes that is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so I think and work where they just might work right. Otherwise I just think and do things by thinking. That sorta rhetorical thought is what this could be. You can't argue with an idea that's sometimes rhetorical. So the thought by orgonne is this:

Think a point: This is a thought. The point is by the action or reactor that exists by feeling it is there. The area is the point you think that exists by feel. The idea is what you create by feel with. The area then is you or your own action and the point is recall by what you do.

Thought; the thought is what abounds, the idea is there by use or idea you think, feel or express. Otherwise you can think the point and the idea disappears.

orgone "or gone" thinking "this is okay as I am thinking your way" or "not":
This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for a point exists as if by feel as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think of a point and you create a point by the feeling in that you have something to work with by feel the source of energy. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily.

Nearby; think to work with it and it will work, this is just as it works by what you do.

gloo it; final option, glue the area with quick hardening globbing glue, that is easily breakable with a jarring hit. however there is nothing there to do so things are alright.

Other things:

Somethings: This is the point, after all my effects of effort with working and eating or drinking, the end result is diarrhea. I think I will celebrate by eating a big amount of marshmallows, and keep with the marshmallows in little amounts so I keep the diarrhea as long as possible. So I think I will keep off the weight with this diarrhea effect.

One last note; Some marshmallows are only 1 calorie a piece for the mini marshmallows, this is the type I got.


Sometimes you find yourself doing things that you least expect and you don't think about them as actions afterwards. So I think if you work with those that create for you, then work with the created product. The end result is the best or worst result of the point that could be made with it. So this is a reminder, create nicely and work with good idea. Ciou till later

This came from thoughts of a point from an army base. The idea? self create and you won't get such bad results. Allow others to create for you and you allow almost any result to occur. This is by what I mean that this meant something of a time that existed back then. Doesn't matter. This is a lesson from the past. So I will ciou and farewell till later. Seeya.

Friday, July 28, 2017


Here are some recipes for people that would like to try them:

grapenut green tea; celery seed, ground turmeric, water, tea, matcha green tea powder, grape water enhancer. Prepare tea in mixed up water. Then put grape water enhancer and some matcha green tea powder with stevia or sugar to create the green tea, this is with celery seeds to absorb the grape flavoring. This is making grapenut green tea that's very healthy for you and quite good.

s'mores tea; This uses one tea bag, some dark chocolate or chocolate stevia and marshmallow root extract, place in water one tea bag and if cold brew just wait till the tea is brewed, or if hot brewed heat up till done. Then put in the tea the few drops of liquid or 1 teaspoon non liquid stevia and the few drops of marshmallow root and use whatever sugar that you want for sweetner. This includes stevia or other sugar substitute. Enjoy.

chocolate covered cherries tea;
Ingredients: tea, (optional) matcha green tea, dark chocolate or chocolate stevia, cherry pomengranate flavor enhancer, stevia or sugar.
Preparation: Think to use water and prepare the tea and add matcha for green tea, the dark chocolate or chocolate stevia and the cherry pomengranate flavor enhancer for a little flavoring, then add the stevia or sugar for extra sweetness. Optional is the chocolate covered orange effect, you can use orange juice or orange flavor enhancer to create the orange effect instead of using a cherry pomengranate flavor enhancer.

This concludes the recipes segement of the point of the post. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Things in thought

This is the things I had in thought, so I might as well put the idea as a statement. This is so things seem likely unless not wanted.

Things you want are sometimes asked for and sometimes given if necessary. Given by the creator of course, the fact is this he is the all man and made mankind. So I think the all woman is a point of activity. Think and you can get what you need.

Storage; I think if I am a storage area for people, I will get the idea that is there. So I won't be suspected, I will be trusted and I know I will keep what association is necessary.

This I will do if I can and feel like it. Signed __________ ____________ on __________.

Job getting; getting a job is applying myself to businesses. This applying is using an idea for the job application, thinking of things to do. That is all there is to getting one, so I hope I succeed. I apply myself for getting a job.

Interest; there are interesting things to do today, I should know since I just did one of them. So at least in the day I get a thank you, this is for whatever it actually means.

The end; however I got here there must be a way out. So I think I will explore a bit. Ciou as I just know something will come to pass.

Other things:

Tf2; Andrew wins whatever side he plays. There's no stress or pressure to win.

Overwatch; whatever side Andrew is on, he wins with by feel. There is no pressure or stress.

Death aura send; think to send death essence energy, and the body sends the energy through the aura to effect those that you want effected.

This works however you need them effected. You can even do the send off with a "die, die, die" like in the game overwatch for the reaper.

Think; this is where things in play won't effect me by what occurs. So this is what makes me able to do things by the creator, this is as though immune to death dealing and other things that may occur.

Playerunknown battleground; Andrew gets a good weapon and wins with a high rating. Otherwise nothing bad happens. So he has no bad luck at his gaming. Especially at teaming up with others.

Surprises; noone comes up and attacks me. I no longer fear aggression. So I think I will do what comes naturally, and work with what comes next.

Gaming session 2; Andrew wins the games he plays.

Losing streak; the losing streak stops happening, except for weight loss. This works for luck, even if my subconscious is set opposite this let's Andrew win.

Power Ball; I choose to the winning numbers to the jackpot.

The end; I leave and have a good night and day and things work out. The tension evaporated, I think I am safe so things and people aren't likely to attack.

Other idea:

The draw; the match is a draw so neither side won or lost as we both won.

Peace; peace reigns for now, so this will last until things aren't peaceful. The reign is peace so I will ciou and farewell till later.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Think and do

This is a point you think and work with the idea, thinking and doing what is necessary to satisfy your curiousity. I wonder though, how long and far can this go? I think pretty far, and if too far the point can always be made. I believe this is complacency so that is the danger of the time.

The point this idea makes is that you can do things but don't go too far, as you can get some interesting results. I believe its a point in the future that reveals what is too far though. So enjoy your day and I will ciou and farewell till later.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

change orgonne

The chance is there so I will say this, think for yourself and do for yourself what you will do for others. That is the lesson of today. The events heretofore are interest only, and things will work out even if there is a reality hack.

Remember the reality hack idea is think of something to create, then the point is done by manifest that you state or think about. Everytime a reality hack is done the object or money involved remanifests or materializes itself somewhere.

So this time the reality hack is different. Instead of things just dissipating harmlessly, the money or object involved is rematerialized. This is what I thought of that is possible.

This is the point; the idea is done and unknown, so you think and create by fee or feel.

This is the feel; the feel is done by what you did, so crush a bug or leaf. Otherwise kill a bug and you create the result that you feel is best done.

No fear; no fear happens to occur and things work themselves out.

No attack; no attacks occur to me during breakfast tomorrow.

Bumb; I am not a crumb bumb. If you look at what I could do. Then you would know.

Anger; any anger issues are settled and thus there is no issue.

Spending; this is simple, you find something interesting and then spend, or not spend according to what you have.

Space; we generally leave each other alone.

If not; touch the dot and things are settled peacefully.

Other things:
These are random idea that I had. Work with it if you want to get something from this point.

Think; if you need it go somewhere else.

Moving; think to go and you will find out how easy, that you think I am near where it is to move yet I ain't there so I knew. You save and earn enough money to go.

Lisa Thomas; I no longer treat her like shit and she no longer treats me like shit. This is no longer an issue, since there is no issue any longer. However I leave her alone and she leaves me alone by feel with life.

Will; Will not if their will is your own.

Wearing things away; think to treat the wound and disease, then wear it away by feel.

Drinking alcohol; if about to drink alcohol then you think not to drink it.

Think; the point is made the time is now, accept the inevitable. Things and thinking will work themselves out.

Mae Burkhalter; she stops asking for things that weren't asked for by feel.

Pikmin; he wins his boss attack with enough Pikmin left.

Cemu; the pikmin3 game works on the emulator by feel.

Goof up; no goof ups happen by a ion or action with feel.

Creation; this is where you think and work with like minded people, these are people that want time to work with you.

Weight; no matter the eating done, no matter the drinking done I will not gain weight from things.

Budget; I know how to budget for things so I save up money.

Chitosan; after getting off of it, I don't gain back the weight.

Nice; is always nice

Jay or Angela; either one picks me up to get there to the party on time for today. No pressure is felt to do so.

Danny Moisant; hr keeps him his job. Things get easy for him, except for drinking alcohol. So I will say ciou and farewell till next time. Seeya.

Friday, July 21, 2017

mail call

I am expecting something in the mail, whether it comes today shall remain to be seen. The mail point is the main point for today, so I think I will wait the mail out for what its worth. Thanks in advance for those that read this and understand why I wait around for the mail.

This was a mail call that came about a week ago in the past life watch, I think its alright to do so but under disgressionary ideal. So I think or believe the point, I will watch for the moment as I am expecting mail today as well. So I will ciou and farewell till next time. goodbye.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Music is fun to do, if you do it right that is. So I think this is the ploy of work. Listen to music as you work and things like thinking, that you want to occur, will happen if necessary. So think what you like and things that will occur may occur if possible. This is a reminder from the past.

The reminder I think came at a date and time that I was doing a project for myself. So this is what I think will occur, that will happen if I think its necessary. Thinking for myself is easier for these times allow for it, if I think to myself what I need then I get what I want. So I will ciou and farewell till later on and I think to post more interesting topics.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Focus points

The focus points that you have are any that are near, if you think to hit then you won't and thinking this you are saved the lawsuit. I wonder what would actually account for things to be. So I would like to say, this was well worth it if it works out at all. I wonder what would work at the moment though, given that he or she is protected and that the point was made. So I guess I will leave him or her alone, thinking for myself I was wrong and admit it.

This is what I read mentally off someone as they passed me by. I wouldn't be the one that he or she targets. So I guess I will set this in play, Noone gets hit by him, no matter the point. This I think will settle the point. So I will think peace and ciou and farewell till later.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The shiller

Shilling is fun and easy, just breath quickly the air through the front two teeth gap and there you go. This is a little reminder of the time today, this is to do things and work with what you have. So think and you know what you do, feel free to mix your actions with actions that are aligned with you and you will feel better. This is a reminder of cops.

This was a past life version of cops, that's what I watched in memory, that is true. I think it was rather unique for its time. So I wrote this for it, "think a time to blow the whistle and shill". This is what I meant for the idea at the time anyway. When I remembered it, I was like this was amazing. So I will ciou and farewell till next time.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Focus and go

The idea is this, create as you think a point and focus to work. This is thought put to focus, thinking of a way to work then I create with something so this is by feel what way I go. I think that is what made sense, I found a suitable idea to work with, I think a thought then work with the focused upon idea. Others can think the thought as I state the shorter meaning of the idea. Then the idea is created by their subconscious. In this way I can create, all I need to do is express an idea.

This brings to mind a manifest idea that I had, think in focus and create as you either state or think the point to create what you need. This is what usually works, and what the past life expression that is listed above is suggesting. So think the idea you have works out and you create with the idea that you have. This usually works better in the long run, anyway. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Think and go

Hectic day, the day is going on and hectic today. This means that things with money should be observed carefully. People should be worked with as they come. The point remains, this day is going to be good if I get my things today. Otherwise I need to get my things together. So I will let you go on and do what you want. while I go off doing what I want.

This was his or her last thought, then if he or she took a walk to get to a store. Not to return again or not ever to come back. This was a point that was aware made, so this is where a point is made and I think he or she was practicing on being nice. So I think also he or she was aware by the plot of land, this was the area that was area that was walked near. So I think I will follow along to see where he or she went. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Friday, July 14, 2017


This is general stuff I noticed that others would do and this is done if necessary.

Feel to free is thought put to use. Feel free to use this as though reality hacks where the short description is the thing you can say, and the long description is what you can think to get results.

Think; think positive and you get positive results, think negatively and you can get some weird but fascinating results or rest to get better idea to occur.

Andrew; he gets what he wants and what he wishes for is gotten by feel. Think and you can as well.

Doom fist; this is focus energy along your hand from your wrist energy, and then think project the energy from the knuckles, the palms or think to hit with the energy.

Otherwise if you focus enough hand energy, then you can jump up using energy gathered at the soles of your feet and land to hit. This is as you disperse with excess energy.

So all around those that you want to be hitting are hit. This is a form of meteor strike by feel. So be careful with what you do.

The game; things work out for Andrew even with long range weapons. Think positive you are positive.

Ion cannon; So by thinking energy goes through a rod ionically you create healing and alertness, this is using energy from the wrist by thinking positive and doing what you want.

Think to be directing the energy, this is sometimes using a iron or steel rod, and this is so your able to create what you wish by thinking of the idea.

This energy alternatively heals you as you go and do things. Such as saying positive reinforcement or affirmations as direction words.

Think; the point is done, you don't need to do more. This is ended. No violence happens after this point.

Thought to do; the big fish can be and are caught by feel with what is going on.

Think to do; think to do something and you do something right.

Psalm of storm breaker; the storm breaks itself and things work out in the end. Things are calm by feel, and things work out by needs being met.

You could think of a situation as a storm, and the situation resolving itself by feel. This is a way that the storm breaks.

No encounter; this is no encountering the opposite or aggressive people. Where no is the number 0. The encounter rating is 0.

anger; Any anger cools down and things work themselves out. There is no issue there is only a point to deal with, and that you can easily deal with by idea or feel.

The fix; the fix is the thing done by conversation, think and work things out, then you know what to say.

Thunder punch; think of energy lacing the sky and then pummelling down to metal, this goes onto a target area that you think of that you want hit as lightning. This is quick energy that is done, and dealt with to the target that is hit by feel.

Thunder kiss; this is where the person stands there and gets hit and knocked out or knocked thereof back with the aid of anger.

Think and place; think to use and place as necessary. This is the idea, think of an area vacated by feel and place an item through the loop that's near.

Then if you need the item, think of the item and take the item you have out through the loop or circular area.

This way offers a place or return option. Except some items are not yours that are there. So it easily could make something else disappear.

Return; think to go and not always return to the same place.

One femto; this is one quadrillionth of a second that focused things can occur even to Zorken.

Explosion; the wall or thing you want exploded is gone by being exploded, so go and do as you need to will off.

Andrew; he wins his game.

The exit; the existing point you think to exist and create with by idea. This is the point and the exit does shift you by feel.

Finale; the end is the end and finished up is the points, so I am safe for now. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Think of this as things above are occurring:

The point; the point is done or due during a cool moment. The idea is he or she is settled.

Th end; the real end of this is the point you make with calmness and association in mind.

Thanks for the end to hitler hinder him; this is a thanks point to hinder the effort and make things better.

Th en; the end is done with and he doesn't get harmed. Harmless I think he is good for what he says is true. He ends up immediately well and in a big house.

The end of the world; this is the end that I saw and think will occur for what will happen. However North Korea doesn't start the war, neither does the us and neighbors get along.  The world instead ends by the climate change.

Time to return; I will return to the normal world of my origins. That I will do by the exit sign. Seeya around. Ciou.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The way there

The way there is simple, think and you know the way. The area is simple outlays and the street is simply put as there with accessible routes. What am I speaking about? Mail of course, the mail has to come along assessible routes and the roads are the way to get there. So I think this will work out well.

This was my past life's last thought, this was before being hit by a car and killed by shock to his or her heart. How you know the past life from observations? This just feels right to you. The details just come to you. This is a point in respect to the past. Just remember the way there is not always the easiest way to go. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The way home

The way home is the song that I remember hearing when I was 25 and I think its appropriate here, think of the way and you have a way home. The thing to remember is this, the idea is remembererance and nothing else that seems to count. For this is an idea to work with by feel, unless you don't need to do things with others. Think and you know what to do.

This was a remembered speech of some army reserve that my past life was sent home from on vacation, this was when he suddenly got an urge to leave. So I am not too surprised by what this means, this is interest with the idea that exists of him or her today. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sudden advance

This is a sudden advance of the moment, that exists by the feel for the purpose that you think to create. Think a point and the point exists, this is use of education by what you do and this is either as illusion or real life moments. So think of the moment and the point is made, this is the message of the day.

This was the last message that my past life wanted to hear from a broadcast so this was when he or she stopped watching television. Then only to watch what he or she wanted to watch if he or she did watch it. So I think this was a turning point, as all he did was think to him or herself and that was a fact. Imagination came when he or she wanted something. So I will go now and ciou as a farewell till later.

P.S. A child was about to be born that day, and he didn't make it out of the womb and she was all right about it.

Monday, July 10, 2017

tsu orgonne

General tsu chicken was on my mind when I wrote this batch of events. So don't mind the taste of chicken in the back of your tongue, this is when you try these idea out for the point of reality hacking.

Remember, the short decription is the activator word and the description after the ; is the thing you can think for the effect.

Hi; bye for now.

Cutting costs; cut the costs by thinking of ways to spend less money.

Being; becoming like real life the person that went down the street, I finally managed to become ultra slender. So I guess I am all set.

Creation; Now all I need is to work with others and create as I think best.

End of turko; this effect creates what you think, an end that you think to create.

Ending; the point is made, the idea is done. What you do is your own, think and you know the rest as you think things through.

Then you can appear as a ghost and create what you do by explanation or think what you want, and created focus points create what you need. This is the end that I saw in concept.

Lafayette; he stops bullshitting me or I can easily tell when he does.

Fast cash advance; Think to send money from credit to yourself, then the money is sent to the originating account.

Defeat; the defeat of the creature or human being was interesting, the fall was even more so. So I will say this, the end is the end, and that is the most interesting thing of all.

Anime; ciou and farewell till later. I can see it is there for download.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


The cockwork moment is the motion you do that seems like a repeat moment but isn't. This is an idea and what means the point of activity or what creates for you. So I think the point is done with, and by thinking that point the time goes onto something else. This is what can end a clockwork moment. The idea or time work after this is just a clockwork in ideal. The situations are what create what you want, so think of a new situation or idea and then the clockwork moment ends. This is just like clockwork.

This was a point from an educational broadcast on cable that my past life saw. I wonder now though it was clockwork, was it really a repeat idea in action? That is the meaning of the time that I observed through his or her eyes, that ends with you can't for some reason think of the moment. So I just got a glimpse of the moment and the new idea take place. Then the whole thing shifted in view. I would love to see the moment in time just once, though I know it for what it was. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Thinking alike

The thought abounds, think alike or don't think near them at all. That is a flawed reaction, what really should occur is if you think alike or differently and not mind the difference in response. Think as you like, this doesn't matter is a neutral response. So however you like to think, think how you want to be perceived. This is what you dress and act like to get perception from others. The main point being is that you can think.

This was a service announcement of my past life, that was broadcast off of innovation station. This is very eerily similar to this life, now that I think of it. However its dealing with inventions and how people react to you. So I will ciou and farewell till later. Bye.

Friday, July 7, 2017

general notes

These are some noted effects that I thought to add by feel. You can feel free to use them as a reality hack, that's if you want to do so.

Think about the effect as you say or feel the idea viewed or thought about, this is formed to get an effect by the psyche.

The use of focusing, and thinking a point to create with is the thing. The drug use is not always the thing, especially if illegal. So think and you know what to do.

Not minding; not minding my own business, people don't mind when I do things, this is just so I get along and get what I want. This does not effect as though Andrew.

I am; I am aware of things and know what I do, thinking of the best place to go off planet I leave this place at last. I am aware of what I can do.

I am doing; I am doing this out of my own free will. So I think I will go now, ciou.

Psychic; the psychic notion is the point your not psychotic with the notion, that means you go by things with feel for the point. Think the notion is the point, then the idea that comes to you is the message from the soul.

This is called intuition by knowing what will be with what you come up with by the ideal you feel is true. It's also true that what others say is taken as true, this works until the point of being proven otherwise. The psychic point to this is the point you can agree with by feel.

Naruto soul; the soul copy of naruto that can emulate or create anything that Naruto could. This is a soul clone by feel.

Think about the idea and you can do things, sometimes with clones if not yourself, this is made from some element or energy.

It's because it's created outside and sometimes in your soul, that it can be evoked and this is stating the name of it. That means it can be created externally as well. As you evoke it you create it. This is the art of magic.

Windows 7; it speeds up in install and running speed without burning out the processor.

Speed; the speed of the moment increases with the idea of what is possible, and this includes processing with no burn out.

Light; light energy follows this pattern, with the photon is the wave of mass energy. Think you can see what's there if you need to know more. Then the light energy clarifies itself.

Phone tag; tag your it! Think to call back around a good time. Thank you.

An if them; this is where you think and especially if them to use her guidance.

An if then; the point is an end by fee or feel. Think to use this wisely and it's not unlike a gift.

3000 $; I gain 3000 dollars by the time I can get it.

4000 $; I gain 4000 dollars by whenever I can get it.

5000 $; I gain 5000 whenever I do.

Lisa; she leaves me alone or isn't quick to judge me.

Loser; the loser isn't crazy anymore and leaves me alone. This is where he gets better by feel and knows more than before, this is the point by feel with inner knowledge known as an insight.

The en; the point at the end: the end of the day is done, the idea is alright to work with by now. The idea is okay to do things by what is alright.

The space-x launch; the intelsat launch goes upward without a problem occuring.

Water pilot; imagine that there is a water being that shifts you places when you think to shift as you think of the place and drink something. Then you shift by will with what you do.

You can appear like whatever you want to appear, this is as it's only arrangements of molecules. Just imagine the look as you take in water.

Knowing; I know when to stop, so that is the point I stop and do something else.

Control alt esc; gets a processing list in win 7.

Space-x; the launch goes off and works well. They stop delaying the launch. This is in doing good with the point you have. Not much else seems to bother us in use. They can lift off the heavy object.

Andrew wins; the point is he or she wins the game.

Faulty failure; I don't feel like a failure no matter what occurs. There is only success of sorts. No bad luck happens to me as necessary.

An easy way to tell if a machine will fail, think of the machine and if you feel like a failure then you dramatically know the machine might easily fail on you. Stop thinking of the machine to no longer feel that way.

Concrete; a mixture of volcanic Ash and quicklime, that's more durable than when it is first mixed. This will be used for seawalls.

The thought; this is not always done, so think and you do things by feel if you feel like it.

Bio strength; this is strength beyond the moment, think the strength is there and you are stronger by feel. You could if you psych yourself out enough, lift a heavy item not normal for yourself. This does work except for the times you try to lift something too heavy.

The illusion; the point is really that were living a dream that is based on our conscious mindset, think and you know that you can do anything with it.

The programmers? Ourselves. We make suggestions and speak of things ghost wise, we get ghostly things that are unusual.

This is sorta like a matrix so think about it. The proof is this, speak something and it could happen. That's all I need to say.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The area response

The area response can be annoying, but the point is this I can rest assured I will get the point across. So I know the point is good think of something, and then if it works with my point then it will work. The point is simple, think of the way to do things and you know what to do for some working situations. This I know to be true.

This was from a past life listening to the area announcement, broadcast over loud speakers. Whether from his or her past life, the idea is sometimes the same thing. The ideal situation will occur to us and we will know what to do. Thank you for listening to the announcement. The point is simple, I know what is due for a point is done. So I will ciou and farewell till next time.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Think and gno

Think and gno and think and know say the same thing, right? not really gno is good no and know is kill now according to latin letters. So I think the point is this, think and gno should be used instead of know where appropriate. So I believe things are aware of me now and I am aware of them. That is normal I guess, if you believe things have a conscious mind. All things are conscious you know. So knowledge is the point of killing now as though leading good with energy, I believe so that is apt with atleantian ancient language. So this ends this lesson.

This was an interesting lesson in a program called alternatively the rosetta stone, teaching atlantian. I wonder where they got their information. This is an idea to use though if you need to know more, so I think know and gno are both gnowing or rememberance of things. That is appropriate for this situation, that I might use it in. seeya arouund and ciou or farewell till later.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Think and know

Think and know what you want and by what you think is appropriate. This is where you are aware and focused on things to go do them, so they get done unless you don't need to get them finished. This is just as a servant to the master technique, your the servant the master being over there and doing what you want as she or he makes demands. This is just a general reminder of the moment.

This is a momentary rememberance of the time, that meant much to my past life and I think so I believe he heard that as what if things were different or what if things were the same? Think and you know the answer came to him everytime, unless he didn't need the answer by feel. This is a point that I think he got used to, but these general announcements were very interesting to say the least. So I will say ciou every now and then as I think farewell and this is until later. Ciou.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Think and forgone

This is where I think and I am forgone, meaning I am gone from the area thinking to trade elsewhere. This is an idea of trading that is when, and where I can do what I want to get what I can. So I think I will suggest to myself, to go places if by shift or if by other means, this is a place by feel to go where I need with the spirit guiding me to the place that I need or think to be. If needed I am there and if not then I am gone. So ciou and farewell till next time and bye as I skiddaddle.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

General DnD Stuff

Live dnd
The stats are natural, think to apply what the body can do. This is a point you may live through, work with or not work with if you want to do something else. This game is meant to be play acted out or role played, this is done as you think about it being done. Pick any race and alignment or how you feel to react, this is what you want to call yourself that you feel fits your character.

Otherwise if you want to do things with dice, you may roll and for the stats your using a d20 and if you accept the score you can use the scoring total, that's if you think to cheat the moment. The stats are Intelligence or int, Wisdom or Wis, Constitution or Con, Dexterity or Dex, Strength or Str, Charisma or Cha. However the stats actually aren't used in this version of Live DnD.

Yet Magic starts at 100% as explained in the Intelligence stat. You start out with 100% health as described with the constitution stat. This is true even though you don't have to use the stats, this is where they are based off of your character and you are the character with live action.

The system
The system is based off of sometimes easily gotten through encounters, the encounter if non hostile could prove useful aka conversation with non players and treated like a meeting. Otherwise if hostile, the encounter is used to determine the amount of damage dealt by attack done or otherwise you could have a sustained effect. This is where the sustained effect can either be what you want or damaging or both.

For each encounter you get experience awarded by the gm/dm if you use the experience system, that is true. According to the experience chart this is your level compared to your experience. That is unless you want to use your age as the level and use the experience thereafter.

This is where if after age 10 you are using your age / 3 + 10 rounding up and forgo the whole experience thing. This is where you could by 44 and that is 15 + 10 = level 25 starting 436,000 experience. Optionally you can also use the experience thing and help yourself level up that way. The experience table is at the end of this posting.

The action die is either where every action has a 50/50 chance, or you can use a d20 to determine the chance of success if you want to roll a die for it. This is d20 + 1 point every 4 levels or stat mod suitable for the point. The idea is to roll over 10 get a result.

The area is the mapped out or marked acting place, or the map can show where your "character" is by a marker or some indicator. The encounters just happen by feel. If you want to play it differently then go right ahead, play it as you well please the gm/dm to do so. This is unless you are the gm/dm.

The Stats
The stats are useless by themselves, except to serve as a base amount. What you will need to do is create a stat mod and that is:

Modifier = (ability / 2.1) - 5

Round up to the nearest whole number

So for an ability score of 20 your mod would be 5

Listed as this: Str 20 Mod 5

Treat the mod as a plus to damages or effects, this is a point that go along with the activity. Such as swimming, if you know how to swim then the duration would be lengthened by the mod in amount of seconds or minutes. This would use the str mod. However when trying to unlock a door, the dex mod would come into play. Such as a +4 dex mod + d20 where you roll over 10 to get a result.

The stats themselves

Intelligence comes into play from what you think to allow you to think about what your doing. Magic is unlimited from the creator that uses the energy to make things and that creates. This is represented by percent. This starts by 100% added to this is the intelligence bonus as decimal times the 100 added as percent, otherwise you can roll a 100 sided die to add that total when you start the game. Such as 100 added to 20 or .2 x 100 = 20 + 100 = 120%.

Then you do magic that is 5% each time, recharged by the crystals or gemstones with the planet for 10% per second with battle or per minute outside from battle. For sleep by then is for the full charge sometimes by other things, such as food or drink that is for food is 20% recovered where any drink is 10%. You can go over the 100% or getting over use you recover health with the energy or intelligence is intelligence by intelligence used.

This you create with the thinking that the subconscious creates what you know sometimes by the objects or crystal use you have unlimited energy. Each time the object is used there is a 5% chance of the object cracking or not get effected by breaking, then you replace it or you can get no results represented by die 10 or 5 or lower it didn't crack over 5 then the object cracked. This is a system with thought to exist things that is use by used points, so use by imagination as ideal to create with was where the magic existed what can exist by the things you do. If you think about something, then that idea can viewably create itself.

Other uses are think then use a weapon to create added effect with the energy, so that you think to use the energy with the weapon for improved effected. Such as think to use a certain amount of energy to improve the range or damage, then you can add the damage feel or range to the percent. This is the point as use with the percent times the range, where 50% converted to percent x 6 is added to 6 feet is 3 + 6 = 9 feet range. Otherwise added as though a base attack bonus, then is the added damage or percent. This is where +5 is the strength adjustment with 15% energy added, so this is added to the attack damage where this is 20% + 5% + 15% = 40% damage or projectile damage.

This is sometimes the energy used by the energy converted to decimal times the luck bonus or mod, that you add to the money you can get by ideal that you do. This doesn't mean whatever you do to the person this means what you do for them. That means the luck bonus is 5 + 30% or divided by 100 is .3 x 5 = 5 + 1.5 rounded up to 2 = 7 gold coins added. That is what uses there is for this.

Wisdom comes into play to do things wisely, this is where you learn of things and apply things to working situations. Thinking for example to use what occurred as example knowledge, this is where you can think about things and you do them better.

Constitution comes into play when the body is reflected upon, as in health and what can be handled when things are thrown at you. So you have a 5 con bonus, then if you think to use this as a health benefit you can add the constitution modifier as a percent added to the health percent.

You start out with 100% health. Then you do activity and if damaged that is 5% or however much each time. For sleep by then is for the full recharge recovered and sometimes by other things, so you recover health with the energy as well. Such as food or drink that is for food is 10% recovered where any drink is 5%. You can go over the 100% temporarily for getting over use is possible. Like drinking a little water when your at 100% makes you 105%, and each action after that while over 100% is 5% loss till 100% is reached again.

Dexterity comes into play by allowing for reactions. The created point is the reaction, so think calmly before going about to work with others viewpoints. Dexterity is used as a dexterity mod or percent that you think this is useful with the dexterous throw or hit. Such as 6 dex mod added to dodging something or that if 6% added to damage or range adjustment. Where range adjustement you add by timsing the modifyer, with decimal form to the range or .6 times 12 feet then added to 12 feet range for a new range. That is where extended range is 7.2 + 12 = 19.2 feet you could strike with a long bow.

Strength comes into play to do physical things. Like picking up items or unscrewing a lid. Encumbrance is Strength x 10. This measures how much you can carry in lbs.

Charisma comes in handy to deal with others and it also makes for charming.

Ability buys explained
  Ability or extra special you can buy ability with extra stat points. If your the gm/dm (dungeon master/game master) you can use any ability. There is no rule or roll there is no dice this is having fun with life. If you decide to use the stats, apart of ability is the fatigue or the point you feel tired. See that is intelligence mod added to constitution mod as a point for the idea.

  This means when the fatigue added to the health is health - fatigue if that is 50% you are tired from a fatigue check, then can't do certain things or added to trauma as a base amount is what decides this. This is decided then by the gm or changed is what you can do decided by a roll of the die, as though the next life to be effected was aware or not near you. If not always to seem safe from a strike.

Here are the classes

Universal class skills
These are skills that we all can do if in good enough condition. Otherwise the skills you have are what you can do things with by feel. No need to list them except for these, so I think this makes a perfect game point.

Making money: Think and work with others to make money, this is where you can make money or you might not have things to trade. Sometimes you don't need money to trade for things, you just need to ask nicely. This is a point to do things and work is the option you can take. If you work or have worked, you can add the worker class to your description on your character sheet.

Languages: Think to speak or observe as you would like understanding. I think this allows you to be easily understood by what you know. So languages are important so in order to understand them as you naturally understand the common spoken language called common, this is by an idea that you know the language and the creator translates the language for you to your native tongue. This is the gift of tongues. By the creator, you can understand the language that's spoken and written, this is by the language effect that's able to be done by all classes or people. Once done with the character sheet, the "languages" ability is added to your ability list as 'tongues'.

Gambling: This is betting and gambling. If you want to gamble, you bet something will happen and if it does then you won. The idea is if its a bad bet then you won't want to win, academically this is represented by a roll of a die or a die 10 for a 100% chance. This is where roll a 1 to 5 for loss or failure and 6 to 10 for success. Otherwise you just go with the idea that situations are what determine the roll and naturally, if it happens then you know you won.

The worker is a person that creates using the tools at hand. The area is his or her work area and all she or he needs to do is bring his or her own skills. What he or she works on is up to the person in charge or what he or she want to work on. The profession comes into play as the worker uses his or her skills, this is with a bonus to the idea that is achieved.

What he or she wants to call he or herself is up to the person, so otherwise he or she is a professional worker. This is based off real life, so its easier to understand and related to by math if there is any involved. So that's the worker, where you do as you want as you can work. Anything they attempt is guaranteed except for representation of the die roll that is optional, and that is the exception of a d4 where it either works or it doesn't;

1 instant success
2 success but wait a minute for manifest unless in combat then its instant by use or feel
3 success but wait 1 minute per every two levels for manifest unless in combat then its an instance that lasts until you don't need it
4 instant failure

Statistics use representation in a game:
For attack they get a +3 to the attack dice per every 3 levels.
Any damages done are a every 2 levels/d8 per effect and for duration, unless instant this lasts every 2 levels + round in seconds (maybe 6 or 8 seconds). This is 88 damage possible, where duration may be 17 seconds for 6 second rounds at level 22 and 23.
Wall/Absorption effects are every 2 levels per d8 energy or element absorbed. Sorta like 10d8 or 80 points max for a level 20 character.

The modern day classes are appropriate from the viewpoint of use. Usability is upto the eye of the beholder.

So a magician would use magic to create what he or she would want. The modern day mage requires a lower constitution with a higher strength for compensation. Otherwise you could if a higher constitution was slenderer and thinner, an then you use a higher constitution if with or without the strength.  This allows for supernatural or quantum effects.

See this is with your basic skillsets of quantum skills, using quantum based expression this is where you are creating with the statement or idea. The gm is the creator that either allows if you need the point or doesn't allow the idea if you don't need it.

See that is thinking of the person, they would do your suggestion. Otherwise your creating with the idea of the skills themselves, that means quantum take, quantum give, quantum manifestation, quantum earn, quantum loss, quantum fix, quantum teleportation and quantum trace.

Quantum take: Quantum take is think of the item and think it comes to you as you 'find' it somewhere. Think it is there where you can find it and you can get it by feel.

Quantum give: Quantum give is getting and using what you have. Think of the item or wealth being given, then the idea is usability.

Quantum manifestation: This uses quantum manifestation or manifest using materials or ideal energy, that means they exist and you are allowed to use.

Quantum earn: Quantum earn is earning things by thinking it's a point that's earned or worked with by feel.

Quantum loss: Quantum loss goes hand in hand with earning so what you quantum lose you can gain back, this is sometimes in some form that you wish to have.

Quantum fix: Quantum fix is fixation by the spirit or the third eye pineal gland, where this is thinking to create a fix and the spirit fixes the item or device using the third eye. This means it can be fixed, this is at least temporary and at most permenant from anywhere.

Quantum teleportation: Quantum teleportation is also considered quantum cloning, where your teleporting by spirit energy. This is where the spirit is used as the guide using converted body energy or object energy as the source. This is done to teleport you, all except the bugs can quantum teleport.

You know things from your "clone" as a him or her by quantum confusion or the state of mind where your telepathically communicating with each other's spirit and knowing what is said by feel.

Just think of there as a place to be and your there, this is just as your here unless you don't want to be here and that is by fee or feel.

Quantum trace: Quantum trace is where you think and your knowing by the spirit, so you think of where you want to know and the spirit tells you what is there. The effect is known by feel.

The idea is shown to you, this is if you wanted to know by what you do with the pineal gland or suggestion.

The pineal gland is a psychic organ in the brain, that does not mean it will always get enough blood flow. Think the blood flow has oxygen that goes to the pineal gland. This activates the pineal gland.

Think or speak the effect that you want, this makes things as you may need it. For you might disregard it if you don't need it by fee or feel.

This could be, "I show to you what I need to be known by feel. This where the I could be the pineal third eye, and this you could be yourself."

See that is the idea you need or will have by feel. By feel the thing you need to know is known by idea, that is there with what is possible.

Other magic skills that the magician gets along the way with experience, this is manifest by the way. The manifestation will occur by what you think. Think it is not necessary and this stops.

This is like you think it is there and this forms what is the item or idea you wanted to create, where uncreating it is an option by feel or statement.

Geisting: Ghosting is also a supernatural skill considered geisting, where you think to know and the spirit reveals to you what you need to know. An example: Think to the ghost to serve my purpose, this is just as you state the point of the idea.

That is "do this for me ghost (describe what you want)", then offer to give a little bit of your energy and this is used to create the results you want as an end result. This creates what you wish for by fee or feel with the creator, this time a ghost.

Slight of hand: This is taking in something to give it if you think its necessary.

Energy manifest: this is using energy to make things appear and create them by thinking them there. That is until you think it's not there, otherwise you don't think it's there until you feel it.

This particular skill can manifest fire such as fireball/s, water such as water puddle/s or water spheres, ice such as ice balls or making a slick spots of black unseen ice, air such as lifting up and levitation or air balls and earth formation such as earth clumps, mudslides or earth energy absorbing wall.

Theres void such as sucking something dry or nulling something you think to null and other effects such as creating by feel with many of the elements.

The damages fire and ice balls can do are lv/d10 and earth walls can absorb lv/d20, where earth clumps or balls can do lv/d8.

Mudslides can do 3d8 + lv as a bonus, the air balls can punch a hole through anything except enchanted material.

Air lifts can if made possible, lift anything. Void can suck till it nulls the energy of the targeted thing at a rate of 6d10 + every 2 lv as a bonus to effect.

Statistics use representation in a game:
For attack they get a +2 to the attack dice per every 3 levels.

The bum is a person that works as he or she can, otherwise he or she will beg to get things. This is unless given things by askence. They have sleight of hand and will magic.

Sleight of hands: Sleight of hands is where the person can go along with things, and taken by need take things that don't belong to him or her. This doesn't always work if your quick enough. There is a 40% chance that this will work, this is represented on the die roll as rolling a 4 or lower on a d10. So this either works at the right time or it doesn't and you know when it does.

Will magic: Will magic is where you create by willing nature or the consciousness of energy to be coaxed into creation. This means you create as you think, coax by suggestion and will otherwise by feel to create if the creator allows. This sometimes is with an unlimited result, so be careful by this effort to create with the consciousness of energy. So when something is against it, then there won't be a worked will.

This is represented on a die roll that is a 50/50 chance to work as roll a d20 with each 2 levels, this is used as a bonus and you can compare this to the difficulty rating. Otherwise use a d10 and roll a 5 or below then there is success. Otherwise related to if there is manifestation of your idea, or there's not any given result.

Statistics use representation in a game:
For attack they get a +2 to the attack dice per every 3 levels.
Any damages done are a every 2 levels/d6 per effect and for duration, unless instant this lasts every 2 levels + round in seconds (maybe 6 or 8 seconds). This is 66 damage possible, where duration may be 17 seconds for 6 second rounds at level 22 and 23.
Wall/Absorption effects are every 2 levels per d6 energy or element absorbed. Sorta like 10d6 or 60 points max for a level 20 character.

They are a group of people that do various things for fun, and they get paid by various means and don't really have a serious job. So if you joined the vault and made ready a game to be expressed about, so then you advertised and things will work out from there.

Their ability is fun time, will magic, creativity, jobs and gaming.

Fun time: This is when fun time is where they can express themselves, think about things and create by expressions. Represented on a roll of a die, this is a 1d10 where 1 to 5 rolled is non enjoyment and 6 to 10 is enjoyment. They get a boost of energy for work and play by the idea that they can do, this is just by thinking about the idea achieved.

Will magic: Will magic is done by the will and you think to create. So again will magic is where you create by willing nature, or the consciousness of energy to be coaxed into creation by thinking it is coaxed. This means you create as you think, coax by suggestion and will otherwise by feel to create if the creator allows. This sometimes is with an unlimited result, so be careful by this effort to create with the consciousness of energy. So when something is against it, then there won't be a worked will.

This is represented on a die roll that is a 50/50 chance to work as roll a d20 with each 2 levels, this is used as a bonus and you can compare this to the difficulty rating. Otherwise use a d10 and roll a 5 or below then there is success. Otherwise related to if there is manifestation of your idea, or there's not any given result.

Creativity: This is where your creative and produce interesting results, and what is interesting can draw interest if you want it to draw attention to you. Then you know success. Represented on a die roll is rolling a d10 and getting 5 or less for interest with good results and 6 to 10 for non interest with bad results.

Jobs: Things you do for chores and creative results that are what you create results by feel. Interesting results are what count. They make the chores more plausible in the doing. Represented by a die roll is use of a die 10; this roll is with 1-5 as done things and 6-10 need time to finish with the idea.

Gaming: Gaming is where fun time comes in use, and uses creativity to boost its results. Think to control the game and you do, this is then as the subconscious creates with the pineal gland to make the game do as you imagine or want. This uses skill to create with what is done, sometimes its noted and you create the luck by what you can do. This is with a group that you can organize or work with someone else to do things by what you feel.

Statistics use representation in a game:
For attack they get a +3 to the attack dice per every 3 levels.
Any damages done are a every 2 levels/d10 per effect and for duration, unless instant this lasts every 2 levels + round in seconds (maybe 6 or 8 seconds). This is 110 damage possible, where duration may be 17 seconds for 6 second rounds at level 22 and 23.
Wall/Absorption effects are every 2 levels per d10 energy or element absorbed. Sorta like 10d10 or 100 points max for a level 20 character.

The character sheet
This is a live dnd character sheet:

Character name: ____________________  Race: __________  Alignment:  ____________

Class: ________   ________  _________ 

Stats if used:
Int     Mod
Wis    Mod
Con   Mod
Dex   Mod
Str    Mod
Cha   Mod

Luck           (dex mod + cha mod)
Luck bonus
Enc             (Body weight / 2 or Str x 10 in lbs)
Magic         (used even if no other stats are used, normally starts at 100%)
Health        (used even if no other stats are used, normally starts at 100%)

Weight allowance (Body weight / 2 or Str x 10 in lbs):
Right hand ___________________ Weight ________
Left hand   ___________________ Weight ________
Both hands ___________________ Weight _________
Left arm    ___________________  Weight _________
Right arm  ___________________  Weight _________

If backpack or pouches
Item                                    Weight                 Combined weight/Equipped
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________    ________________       ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
_______________________     ________________      ___
                    Combined gross weight            _______________

The experience table
This is the experience table for the raising of levels.
Level 1                        0
Level 2                        4000
Level 3                        8000
Level 4                        12000
Level 5                        16000
Level 6                        20000
Level 7                        32000
Level 8                        44000
Level 9                        56000
Level 10                      76000
Level 11                      96000
Level 12                      116000
Level 13                      136000
Level 14                      156000
Level 15                      176000
Level 16                      196000
Level 17                      216000
Level 18                      236000
Level 19                      256000
Level 20                      286000
Levels 21+                 +30000 per each additional level above level 20

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Heritage Hills

Heritage hills are a collaborative effort to create with the best and work with the most that need to be worked with by feel. This is the effort we seek to do, not the effort we seek to create. So I think the point is a collective idea, the point of a radical once told me all is not fair. Think and you know the truth. So here is the truth I think he speaks about, if you think to work with others and make do with wants and needs or what you have. Then the point is done by what is due or has been created for the effect is effort by the feel of the moment. This is a reminder of the past..

This came from a past life that was rather interested in black history at the moment. He heard it broadcast over the area, and it was like whatever the case is I ain't black so it shouldn't really concern me. But the truth is we started out in africa and migrated out to other continents. So we once were black, we have the scientists to prove it.

The pigment changed itself by adjustment with the area we ended up that we survived in by evolution. So whatever shade of skin coloration got the vitamin D was what the natural skin color that was there. So I think this means we were all one people once. So I will sign off with that thought. Ciou and farewell till later.

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