Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The shapeshift trick

This method only works, for those who need it and desire their body to change, as its only a trick. It won't work for everyone. However, it might also work for those who believe it will work and desire it, while using the phrase as a key release of tension. Its real enough that its full on if you wait long enough thinking to transform into some shape, all your doing is altering your DNA to create the shapeshift.

Shapeshifting, this is where you think about the shape and it changes your form by activity that sets it off, sometimes activity you do, that is the active part of the brain..this creates the shift in the body. other times, thinking about the change, that makes the body's based on hormones. it's tingling of the body, that is what makes the change and it's an indicator that you have. look in a mirror then you'll know, especially if you state the intended shape to the mirror, however there is a point that it stops and your body is done with that for now.. So think about that and you will do what is necessary.

Say you think to shape yourself into becoming a fox human, although this takes a longer period of time. As long as you can imagine the shape and form you can do the idea. See you have a backup of your original formation in your RNA, that allows you to seem like any shape or form. So your not in any danger of remaining in a shape that you don't want to be. As if you needed to seem yourself again, then you are transformed back into yourself. So what you do in that body doesn't affect your old one. So if you gained/lost weight or something in your transformation, then your old body wouldn't be affected at all.

So when you see something then think on the idea as you drink a drink, then you can transform yourself or those you think about or feel into what you see. That is the trick to weightloss, if you see a thinner person then you think your that shape. Then you could feel and act it as acting it, as though your a transmutable shapeshifter. This is where your transforming yourself to become, the shape you want to be. So that is the trick to shapeshifting.

So when you are doing this, don't distract yourself from driving or you could have an accident. Instead suggest that you could be the persons' shape, feeling your likeness to them and you are instructing the subconscious to make your shape not unlike that persons form. Just remind yourself, that you should be happy with the form you have. This is with thought to stop the transformation or somesuch way you come up with by feel.

By feel is mine, if by feel your satisfied with the shape then you can rest assured you will remain your own shape and size. Adjusting to that as you relax the mind and think of the form, that you think to transform to or from so you are wanting to seem something then you are the shape you are. This is only a seeming, the moment you lose concentration on becoming the form then you shift yourself back. Then, you are your normal shape again. That is the improved upon by thought shapeshifter trick, enjoy.

For changing into a woman or man form: If you need assurance then your emotions are up and that means the hormone level peaked. So the change will occur sometime soon unless you know for a fact that your emotions changed. This means also that some of the insecurities come from higher feminine hormonal levels that you get used to things, otherwise you get used to aggressiveness with more male hormone levels. So I think it might have worked unless you decide to change back to a man form or woman form. Then the hormones readjust and you react normally.

When you want to shapeshift another being or person, think the shape that they are and they become the shape that you think. This works through the aura energy responding to the brainwaves, that you think to send forth and the air transmits as energy to form and shape as you will the shape to exist. So think about this, if you thought to transform a roach into becoming a water bear, then the roach or roach influence causes other bugs to become by morph into a water bear or a microscopic never dying bug.

This can cause all the roaches and unneeded bugs in the place to become what you think they should be. So think about things, you will get what you want. Oh if the person is whom you wish to transform, then they could resist unless they agreed to the transformation. This agreement can seem gotten by the use of spirit exchange and communication. So think and you know what they will do. This is a point that exists by feel, so think to them for spirit communication or actually talk to them. You will know by realization their answer, that is gotten if you think about things.

The shape shift trick is thought to use in idea, you create from the energy as thought forms what you want of the form you wanna be formed as a point. Then as if a concept with use by thought direction, then state the command phrase or concept if you need one to transform. On use of the phrase, breath slowly in and out when attempting the change. Focusing your mind on the form you want. As you do so, imagine and think of the change, feeling it happen. Feel free to use phrase words as a mantra thats repeated. There's possibility to just will the change and have at what you will. If it works, there might be more hunger or form shifting right off.

How this does that work, is that this uses the subconscious and this can work on the physical and astral plane. This works with the aura and shapes you by the idea you think about to become. Sometimes food and drink energy is what creates the idea if you transform your own body. The trigger is a thought and the medium is the energy. What can you do with it so far, is with a catch, that you gotta want to be the form. Need the form to be you. And, you can transform into the form you desire to become. You can successfully become other human forms. There's no actual proof of other species. But, the trunk of the body is the harder to shift part as it resists more. So you really can't become a dragon or mermaid, unless you have enough power to do things.

If your a male trying to become female, you maybe no longer biologically male, no penis and having breasts and everything. What you gotta do to keep the male organ is to tell the subconscious to leave it there. Then it might shrink but it will be there, still and unobvious. You will know its not that hard sitting down to go to bathroom. But, after years it will be harder to regrow back. Literally after years of this trick the male body part is not that large anymore as it 'shrinks'. Also, the voice will rise a bit in quality. If your female trying to become male, then your breasts shrink and your stomach enlarges itself a bit, there may be a growing male body part. Thats after a little while. Most definitely the voice tone will drop.

There are words you can useas if a effort, if you are a shaper of effects to help fascilitate the effect:

To cancel out the effort, of a shape shift use En. Pronounced [N], it can be used in front of the shaper word or by itself as you think of the effect. As in, Enezeim, pronounced [N-Ee-zee-imh] to cancel out the womanly shape.

To make yaself a woman, state Ezeim stated as [Ee-zee-imh], the male man forming one is Bezeim pronounced [Bee-Zee-imh].

Ezeem pronounced [Ee-zee-m] is the female girl forming one, Bezeem pronounced [Bee-Zee-m] is the boy form.

For a grandfather or grandmother in essence, use a bel in front of the words. Or, use ezeep as for grandmother, ebzeep for grandfather.

For causing your third eye to cause the change, is to use Ezium, pronounced [Ee-zie-um] for woman change, and Bezim, pronounced [Bee-zime] for man change.

This works because you only need to think an association or intent, that is what you want to occur then state a word or two to cause the change. Try it if you want some effect. When you want to shapeshift better then that or no results, you can use ormus to help your ideal. That is water with a pinch of any type salt or sea salt with baking soda to cure cancer or fruit flavor packet, that is thought to add flavor maybe put into a blender. Then blended is when you get with or without white foam, that you end up with magnetized drink or ormus.

This is white foam made with magnets taped on the outside of the blender liquid container. Activate the blender until you see white foam, then think at the drink you made for the point. That you think to shift your shape, so when you drink the mixture your aware that the drink is colder or heavier. Then as you look towards the picture you could change after you drink the mixture.
Otherwise think towards a drink until the drink is by mind energy heavier, with ideal to shift your form as you think your the shape when you drink the figure forming drink. The drink can be fruit juice or anything without high fructose.
What works better, is the drink as you think to the drink then you are aware that you shift the shape. If it works or you state the ideal to do, after you either look at a picture or think the shape as you state the ideal to create. Ormus improves the change yet water is only required.

These words are with a ancient turkish word that came from the use of words with 'eze' pronounced [Ee-zehn]. As you can use b for boy and g for girl. There's m for yourself. As in gezeem, for female. And its bezeem, for male form. Alternatively, there's x for man and y for woman, making use of the chromosome pairings. Making Xezeem for woman form, pronounced [Xee-zee-m], and Yezeem for male form, pronounced [Yee-zee-m] or [Wee-zee-m]. In this action, your body goes through a girl or boy stage to preceed the adult stage.

It may be noted, that some ancient languages usually have some similar derivitives. And most the magical phrases that are words in the ancient tongues are not in the dictionary, old latin was one of these magical languages, look for some old latin words, its harder to find them. These are taught mouth to mouth and heard, being remembered. So feel free to try the words out or make up your own! A bit of warning, you probably won't get any result, or seem to. So try ty again until you get bored of this.


  1. HI spelly, can you tell me how to grow wings.I mean real wings like in the movies.

  2. OMG!!!! Thank you so much! Now I can become female and finally fit in!!!

  3. i am the same as jetwkz

  4. Note on the "chromosome pairings" comment: Alternatively, there's x for man and y for woman, making use of the chromosome pairings. Making Xezeem, pronounced [Xee-zee-m], and Yezeem, pronounced [Yee-zee-m] or [Wee-zee-m]

    A male has an XY chromosome pair; a female has an XX chromosome pair. So the words should probably be switched, being Xezeem for female and Yezeem for male.

    1. Can this really work if your trying to look like a famous person

    2. Umm if the spirit of the person allows for the change, otherwise just go for it and you might do it. One hint, think your shapeshifting genes unlocked to allow easier transformations.

  5. I've tried using the Phrase " Ezeim" to transform from an adult man into an adult woman (that's the correct transition right?). for some reason I'm having a hard time making it work. Am I pronouncing it wrong, or thinking the wrong idea, or what?

  6. How would you grow a fox or any tail with this?

    1. Think to have grown one then its grown as you think.

  7. Hey, if i try this, can i become human again?

    1. Yep its done. That is what is possible. Think you are a human seeing yourself as a human in the area or thinking you are one then you are.

    2. thanks. I might try it when possible.

  8. No offense but one can probably assume that one usually doesn't expect things like these to work. Yet I have an open mind, until anything is proven wrong or right, I don't judge anything. As I was searching for these kinds of...well spells in general...and as I am one that believes in "see for yourself if it's true", would there be something...."simpler" to try out. As this is the first time I have stumbled across your blog, I don't know much about it's contents so I'd very much appreciate the recommendation.

  9. If I turn into a full on female, would I be able to turn back?

  10. Hi can you please help me? I'm trying to fully shape shift from an adult male to an adult female I've been trying but nothing has happened so far:/

    1. when you want to shapeshift then you can use ormus to help your ideal, that is water with a pinch of any type salt or sea salt with baking soda or fruit flavor packet maybe put into a blender. this is with magnets taped on the outside of the blender liquid container. activate the blender until you see white foam, then think at the drink you made for the point. that you think to shift your shape, so when you drink the mixture your aware that the drink is colder or heavier. then as you look towards the picture you could change after you drink the mixture.

    2. otherwise think towards a drink until the drink is by mind energy heavier, with ideal to shift your form as you think your the shape when you drink the figure forming drink. the drink can be fruit juice.

    3. what works better, is the drink as you think to the drink then you are aware that you shift the shape. if it works or you state the ideal to do, after you either look at a picture or think the shape as you state the ideal to create. ormus improves the change yet water is only required.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey spelly I am a male that wants to be a female I am 15 years old

  13. Hey spelly I am a male that wants to be a female I am 15 years old

    1. if your sure about this, then sure done but it won't happen if you don't need it to.

  14. I rlly want to shape shift into a faun,can I shapeshift into things that aren't real,????i want to shapeshift into,a very scrawny girl(faster metabolism)or even a cat or coyote help

    1. just think they are there by feel or real to shape shift into them, when you do so your telling your subconscious to allow the shifting by imagining exactly what you want to appear like as that ideal. This is the way to do things that was it if you want to know more, state that you want to know then your subconscious will inform you somehow.

  15. Fina try it I'll comment and let you know how it goes

  16. hello I'm a teen boy I really want to become a girl but I'm not sure if this works can I have some assurance first

    1. If you need assurance then your emotions are up and that means the hormone level peaked. So the change will occur sometime soon unless you know for a fact that your emotions changed. This means also that some of the insecurities come from higher feminine hormonal levels that you get used to, so I think it might have worked unless you decide to change back to a man form. Then the hormones readjust and you react normally.

  17. How can i back to the my original body

    1. By thinking your original shape to become you again. Then you are with your original body shape by drinking water.

  18. Question. Is this like: Full on real? Like others will see you if you transform?

    1. Its real enough that its full on if you wait long enough, all your doing is altering your DNA to create the shapeshift. See you have a backup of your original formation in your RNA, that allows you to seem like any shape or form.

    2. And what I do in that body doesn't affect my old one? So if I gained/lost weight or something in my transformation my old body wouldn't be affected at all?

    3. Ok, and this is weird but would it be possible to like, choose how much the person you'll be transforming into's stomach can hold and how fast their metabolism is? I want to be able to have one body be useful for speed eating and food challenges as I have slow metabolism.

      It's impossible but it'd be cool if there was a spell to have the same bodies be there at the same time and control both as that way I'd have a cameraman, but that'd most likely be impossible.

    4. Yes it is, quite possibly this is done by suggesting the idea with a statement to your need and want that the subconscious does things. Otherwise you'd need a candle lit and focused on to get the idea, if you think about your idea as though an intent and state the point you need to the flame.

  19. just a little baking soda, ormus helps the will so yes you can do things easier by use of ormus.


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