Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Molding magick energy

  In molding magical energy, your trying to feel the magick and as it occurs, then trying to think about it to conform and make it do things to a pattern of thought. You can feel the magick change to do the pattern instead of what it was doing. This pattern will occur and then reoccur on a thought of the molded energy to do so till you stop it in some manner. Mostly by thinking to the pattern to stop and do else or molding it again. This process forms the magick energy into becoming as you'd want it to.

  Some patterns of energy molding are considered here and have an idea of importance. As in, making an event on the intention and trigger of your design. Or, making an idea occur that isn't the persons own, but it seems natural. The event can be anything, and the idea can be what you want.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mystics, Psychics and Defense

   There is a point where mystics can be psychics and be targeted, for which they go pro rogue and then back away. This is a case of mystical self-defense. Where they are allowed to defend as the person who is influencing them is attempting their idea of attack or defense and targeting them with it. This entails the idea of switching and redirection of the attackers life path, by trying to imagine what they will do different and saying or doing action that evokes the heart chakra energy in causing that event, or cuffing them as well and causing the attacker to not be effecting outside of themselves or themselves being effected. As its an instance of iron being summoned in the shape of a binding cuff, there is also the causing of weight on the person as to cause weight will mellow them and make doing energy tricks much harder, unless the effected does energy folding. Anyone cuffed, can be influenced easily by thought directed at the cuffed person.

   For a person under psychic attack, think your the person in their mind and think defense magic and then think your away as you think your in yourself after. If you want leave an enchanted fruit to cause good thoughts and as long as your with a focus in the fruit as think energy, and as in thought "knowledge fruit" your thought draws universal energy as knowledge into the fruit as if a touch to the point that the fruit exists somewhere as if to identify yourself.

  Think and if the goverment tells the psychics if its okay to do so. In a secret society of trained defensive and offensive psychics. The person has defenses, too. They can defend against the attacking psychic and prevent him or her from assaulting the person, if detected. Detection occurs when noticed events goes wrong or there's noticed events, things aren't right suddenly and you, the person, are feeling suicidal or like jumping off a bridge.

  This can be argued in the psychics case an that they were targeted and by a vision that was percieved or provoked by a redirecting life path attempt through energy by focus with a focus device. Or, the target was unproven in the being assaulted as they make themselves look mad insane if they speak of it. Thus, the case is dismissed.

   Defenses of the person who is assaulted is not limited to energy cuffing as well, or effective life changing through the idea being expressed and summoning heart chakra energy to cause the effect as you speak of the effect. This all being done while thinking of the assaulter. Some might think of the idea as novel but there are other defenses, as spoken of in the 'How to defeat monsters and win article'.

   In the case of both the psychic and the individual, there is the psychic defense or targeting of a idea spoken and being known the sub-conscious making it happen. Sometimes to darker idea, they can be dealt with by making the attacker die or do else. Or, to a lighter path, they can be made to do a more positive idea. There is also the stating the name and try to impel the person by stating the effect after thinking about it. Still, it is an impelling force, and can be redirected by heart chakra energy. And, as stated above, there is cuffing effects of iron particles. By thinking that there is an iron cuff that surrounds the wrist or writ, and it is in place by a thought that it is with a snip of a cuff being snapped in place or however you visualize it, then it becomes that way because of the sub-conscious making the suggestion happen.

   So to you, if you find yourself targeted, someone speaking of an idea that is not actually happening or is dark and of death and making you believe it, or things going wrong then you have an idea of a defense or what may be of proven idea thats true for you. Try not to be paranoid, though. As the schitzophrenic is actually more limited in options, especially paranoid. They can be more assaultive by suspician, alone, and can be restricted by other means if left unchecked. Remember you can suggest back or cause effects on them.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

An alternative elements list

  This is an alternative elements list that is from idea and has been rattling around my mind. These are elements that exist in another realm of existence. It is easily gotten to by thinking your there. The dimension is the thing that shifts you there. This dimension is the twin world, and is the place where most movies model from. But, there are more than 8 elements therein as I only list 9 of them here. The effect of these element idea occurs naturally on the twin world. Still, its like a world away. They are obscure, its that obscurity that makes them so hard to believe. In effect, I found that you can use them and cause effects by them. Then, the effect could be the cause to do else. Or, the effect could be misunderstood and not figured out as to how you did it. The higher up on the element's list, the more obscure it is.

 What you look at when astral working, is the twin world, sometimes without realizing it. As its the world whence idea come from, the subconscious tunes into it for an idea or two and the subconscious can do idea there that manifests in this world as it manifests in there. Somehow what things done there can manifest here, as its a part of the astral worlds. Where it is, is on the other side of the object or person. There's a positive side which is here and theres a negative side which is there. Its only perceivable when working with objects or a person. Indeed this world is parallel to the world.

 There's people that are similar to us there, that could easily take our place. Thus the person that we do things with when astrally doing things, is sometimes the twin world us. It seems that said person is doing the acts we think of, sometimes before we think of them. Mostly its as we think of the idea, that causes the manipulation and mimicking element there to 'catch' our thought to be directed by it and make it reality through a similar person. We can almost always use them as a guide. The twin world us is perceptive and its a reason why we need to think of the astral world area and then what we want to happen, to manipulate the astral plane. Because we instruct the person in the twin world to do just that. They have more ability. Now onto the elements.

 The four elements - the elements of earth, air, fire and water along with their combinations.
 Life - fifth element of the nature of anything that is living and events as well that you think on with use of intent. Often expressed in love, the life element is truly interesting and can overcome anything.
 Negative death impulse - sixth element that makes anything alive near it be impaled or killed off. It forms as an influence.
 Manipulation influence - seventh element that is possible to use and cause actions by thinking and idea near this manipulation element which can manifest the idea.
 Game - eighth element that is possible to be used to create any game instance effect or just to be there in the game, spiritually.
 Mimic and copy - ninth element that is summoned by idea and thought of mimickry, it causes a body double and copying of attributes of the idea and formed into reality if its thought to do so or the idea is thought on with intent for it to be made to happen. A perfect defense for those searching for someone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Increase in wealth runescript

This is an interesting effect and is as below that generates wealth, try not to think of weight as wealth though. This is just a consideration.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Moon and Magic


Many cultures have worshipped the moon for its power. The moon is just the right distance from the earth and the sun for its size so that eclipses are possible. The moon rotates at just the right speed so that the same side of the moon always faces the earth. Everywhere in the world the moon's phase is the same. Some people believe that the moon is hollow and was created by ancient humans or aliens. The moon certainly has a lot of interesting mythos surrounding it.

Effect on Magic

Some magics on earth are linked to the phases of the moon. As it wanes closer to a new moon (dark moon), magic seeps from the world and becomes harder to accomplish. These are the worst times to attempt magic. As the moon's phase changes and waxes closer to a full moon, magic gains power again. The most powerful times to do magic are when the moon is full or gibbous, and the most powerful time is a blue moon. The worst times are when the moon is new or a waning crescent.

Thunder Water

The moon's energy can be stored - a wiccan technique is to make 'thunder water' when the moon is full. It is made by leaving out a container (usually a glass jar or tumbler) under the light of a full moon. Crystals like quartz can be added to the water to enhance its effects, as can some herbs to the water. Rainwater, spring water or blessed water is sometimes used. The water will keep its power for a lunar cycle, maybe longer.

Presented by Caz

Remote Viewing Seminar

   Remote viewing is a name of a method of perceiving in real life, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance or time. Remote viewing allows one to "see" events and happenings at anywhere and anytime. The most common way to do it is to imagine you teleport yourself to the area and time where you wanted to see and view, and clear your mind, and perceive in images the area, let the sub conscious fill in the blanks. Most of the time, the images will come as separate objects, and you can perceive the color of the place, the mood etc. Another way which is similar is remote presence, you project yourself to the location and perceive the area, kinda like biolocation, but instead of just seeing the place, maybe you could feel around, hear what is going on and all. It helps in remote healing too.

   There are several other ways to remote view, using your third eye is one, you can imagine you're watching through a TV screen of the area, or by webcam and you can move the camera around for different views, etc, be creative as your basis is in use of the third eye and that is to tell your third eye what you want it to do and it does the thing, fills in the gaps of imagination and et al..

   You can use it as a method of seeing the future and past since you can remote view at anytime and anywhere. Just think, you're seeing at that time, for example, I'm seeing what happened in 1998, I'm seeing what will happen 1 hour later, etc.

   Of course, it all comes down to practice, the more you hone your skills the sharper your remote viewing accuracy will be. To practice remote viewing, it is good if you can find a partner and practice through chat or phone. You can take turns viewing each others' room, example what kind of stuff is in the room, what you're eating, what you're doing, what you're wearing, what color is your shirt. You can start by mentioning an object, its shape, color and maybe even texture. Another method you can try is, remote view through your friend, to do this, you just have to clear your mind, then imagine that you're your friend, then perceive through your friend's eyes. Then have your friend check the accuracy.

   However you can practice alone too, remote view whats outside, whats in a room, then go there and check how accurate it is. Whatever that has unseen objects, you can practice with them. I practiced with colored wooden blocks in a box, making sure I don't see whats inside, I blindly choose one block and attempt to see it, without the use of my own eyes, then I try to see the color of it, then after that check if I'm right. I guess that exercise kind of helps in remote viewing practice too.

   To block someone from remote viewing you just make a shield/cloak for that purpose, or think he/she will not see me, or I cannot be seen by ____, and that if he/she tries to see me, they see something else that is unrelated to me or what I am doing.

   Meditating helps a lot when it comes to remote viewing since meditating helps clear your mind. And a clear mind is key to remote viewing. Thank you.

End of Seminar

By Silly
Edited by Skyhawk

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Consciousness expansion

  Modified on 8-18-2010

   This info came from Sk8 Boy. Conscious expansion is the act of transcending your consciousness upwards in dimensions, and place your perception to think more of the surrounding place. Moving your consciousness from the third dimension, to the fourth, and then fifth, etc. In conscious expansion, when you try to tell your 3rd eye to help with the conscious expansion process, by thinking it will and thinking to your third eye to do so, to then attempt the energy of chakra technique will make the conscious expansion work better.

   To do the technique, think and feel your chakra energy and focus your mind on the idea that your compressing all of your chakras energy into your third eye. This makes it happen. Then allow your 3rd eye to help you expand your conscious mind upward as you relax yourself. The images will come when they do and understanding will come as well. So when done right, you will be wiser and understand what you need to.

   As you 3rd eye receives the energy of the chakras, you perceive more of the other dimensions. If curious what conscious expansion does for you, it will move your consciousness upwards in dimensions, as it moves your assemblage point up, where your assemblage point is the conscious collection area of your aura, that can control your thinking processes and it is connected to all your mind and body.

  Thus you can imagine things by a statement in alpha mode, so you program energy by the words you state to visualize the result as the end result. This is
by thinking or visualizing with the ideal you think then visualize, so that is not imagining where the words bring to mind the image that you think to imagine. So you see after you state something the imagination is where you think it is somewhere you can see it. So think if you were aware, then you become more spiritually aware and enlightened with everything you think.

  This is directed to the point of helping with everything you can help with, literally everything possible. As, you find sympathy tempers your reaction. You become wiser, stronger with exception etc, with thought and eventual contact that eventually makes by energy where you become a god by activity. However it takes so long to become a god. That is why consciousness expansion happens over time, and not usually instantly.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Trans-dimensional spells

  Trans-dimensional spells are spells that use a power source and the thought of the place or person to be effective. The effects can be done across dimensions or places of existence. These are trans-dimensional spells in a simple way to think about it. To think about the area or source of energy for an attunement to a power source that will be used to draw from. Then think of the place or person you want to send it, the effect, to. Then state the effect you want to happen while thinking of the place or person to send to, to target the area or person. And then imagine what you want, if you think to be adding effect as the place or person you thought to send the effect to is effected by the idea you imagine and speak to occur. This will work by intention of it to work.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Elemental practices

This doc updated on 1/17/2011

  These are elemental practices, which follow the idea of summoning them. By, thinking of the element to get attuned to it, imagining the effect for an occurance to happen, possibly strengthening the summons by a word or two spoken and a freehand sigil to help summon the element. Elemental sigils are here. Some can use their chi, to form fire, or cause other elements to be acting on feel, through focus of the chi and directing it by the will, to cause the effect. However you attempt these practices, the more you try to do the element summoning, the more easy it becomes. If you cannot actually get an effect from a particular elemental summons, then its not your element. There's nothing wrong with the method.

Elemental games

  These are ways to get a elemental summoning practice in, in a funner manner than just summoning for yourself. However, you may see this idea as practicing for yourself and testing your effect on others.

  This is guess the element. There's two ways to play it. Standard and advanced.

  The standard is to summon an element of your choice, without telling what it be and send it at the person playing. Allowing them to guess what it is. You can use constructs if you want to.

  The advanced be to get a friend to send you a specific elemental energy in a construct and try to alter said construct to assume a different shape and element after guessing what it is. Optionally add functionality to it.

  Now for the Elements you may attempt to use..

  The cold element can cause ice from water freezing or the coldness in the air. For any type of coldness that you want, just think of a cold emotion and then feel the air around you. Think about it being cold, and then think it to where you want the coldness to be, or think to where you want the coldness. you need to work on it to get it strong. Try making an object freeze by thinking it cold for 19 seconds, while feelin the cold emotion. Lets see how far you can get as if you send it fast enough you can make a cold wind.

  With cold, you can also visualize ice and snow and feel the coldness. If you visualize a blizzard and snow everywhere then it's even colder.

  You might need a diamond, clear quartz or a cubic zirconian to cause a freezing as in frigid cold that freezes on contact. If you have one, focus you coldness through the gemstone and/or have one on you and try the effect. Well anyhow, it works by the cold emotion influencing the air to be cold and where you direct the coldness, is where that area is felt and is as cold. If you can do this three times then you mastered it at a certain level. If you can't do it after 3 tries, then your element isn't cold.

  Fire summoning is as simple as thinking of fire, feeling it form and be there and imagining it there, and if you wanted a fireball, feel it compacting itself to the size of a pinhead and feel it form. Another way is to make fire by thinking and feeling it there and then having a firey odd or erratic thought to make it materialize. The area around you takes that thought and manifests it as fire, in some form.

  Most people only get partway feeling the heat and then they give up. Statement of the word 'form' or something else to your desire helps, along with a sigil of freehand style being drawn, to make it even more easier. Also, feel free to make gestures, with hands or limbs. To direct it easier.

  With fire, you can get a fire effect by visualizing a fire tornado or fire being around the area, in some form. Also possible is to visualize a fire appear from something. Expect it to come from faulty wiring or components, if no actual results when you use the visualizations.

  Due note: The heats supposed to be there and sometime catch fire. To move the fire in the air to be where you want it, think it to be there, moving and forming as you feel it should. To move it quickly in the air will cause a hot wind. Once its formed, its likely to get out of control, so quench it with water, sometimes physically.

  Water summoning is to focus on the the idea of water and then say or do wha you feel is necessary, while thinking water will form where ya want it to. The action could be a freely drawn sigil that is a means to summon water, or it could be anything. The sigil could be anything you came up with. Some just think about water and state HydroFx [hydro-fx], then think of the effect they would want. Or, feel the water in the air and see it as though it were the water particles that responding to your will. Then feel the water particles form into a watery effect somewhere, what helps is to feel the moisture and state the effect you want. Again, optional is to form a freehand sigil that will cause the water to do as you would want.

  To condense it to a drop, or moisturize something try to feel the water and think to the moisture, 'condense into a drop' or 'moisturize here'. It helps if you had a glass of water, but thinking the drop will form into a larger amount helps too. Thinking it won't form, will stop a leak by causing yourself to stop it. Water will do as its conveyed to do, with one who practices with it.

  Feel free to draw the water sigil so you can summon the element easier during the ceremony. So there might be some that want to cause water to flow upward, so be aware it could be 1 week before it effects fully. So by thinking it will happen, eventually makes it occur. You can cause water to fill a glass or something else from very little water. Its a challenge. Though, the only real thing that works is ice formation from cold and water particles.

  Wind effects are very easy, if you know it is your element then this should work. Without the air and wind there would be no breathing, thus it is an element that brings life. So, thought and imagination of the element is what is used to manipulate the air to wind or to do your effect. Its as easy as trying to think of air and imagine what it does, imagine the air becoming wind and blowing across you, and to think the air will blow in a certain direction or shape directs it further.

  Or, feel the air around you and nudge it with a gesture or with your mind by a thought or will that it will do what you want. You can form the air into pattern shapes, platforms or other things like a golem of air. This makes it possible to use air on a thought, and this will cause air to do as you desire. To state the effect that you desire the element to do, will influence the effect to happen as the air will do or whatever element you chose to manipulate will do. Its best to try doing wind effects outside, or through a window.

  Summoning earth effects makes for an idea to occur through the earth and are to think of earth, imagining the effect to occur and feeling it happen as your sub-conscious makes it happen by influence. Possibly saying a word or two is to make it more plausible and likely to occur. And its even more plausible to occur by drawing a freehand sigil meaning to cause effect. You'd have to attune yourself to the element to have it occur even easier.

  So to attune yourself, by thinking about the element of earth, you'd attune yourself to it as you fill yourself with its energy for a bit. You can cause barriers, platforms, carrier effects, support, structure and heal with this idea of earth effecting too. Due note: Not to be done for electricity or fire, unless for fire its heat your filling yourself with for fire attunement. This element be used, in reiki, as well.

  With earth, you can make earth effects by visualizing two firehoses of dirt to build a wall, or visualizing the earth and dirt building up in some way. I believe its effective to perceive it as you actively want to. As it will work for you more, if you do.

Other elements
  The other elements are ice, gravity, lava, firewater, oil, heat and others that you can manipulate:

  Ice is just freezing the moisture or water in around something. As is necessary, use of a cubic zirconian, clear quartz or diamond is a necessity. Use of the ice sigil is also making it more possible, if drawn in the air or on the arm or hand. The most some can get results in this is freezing an object but no ice formation.

  Using Gravity is just feeling the area as you imagine things becoming heavier or lighter to your will, its only temporary. As, its earth air and can also be used to cause earth or objects to be lifted/flung into the air. Use of words during the ritual to manipulate it easier, can influence the pattern you imagine into happening easier. Use of the gravity sigil makes the temporary gravity change easier.

  With gravity, trying to "defy gravity" and "lift up" things is kinda hard. So, first try something easier, make something heavier or lighter. As, defying gravity by 'lifting up' is harder. So, think or say 'lighter' or light thoughts or happy thoughts at the object or person, make the target easier to lift up. For heavier effects, think 'heavier' at the target. It can make things less light but only slightly.

  Lava is a hazardous element, only useful in molting, molding or melting things as well as being an alternate heating source. To use it, you need to be able to use fire and some earth in effect. So, focus your mind and think of lava in its natural environment. Then draw the lava sigil or carve it to attune and link yourself to the lava, in order to effect with it easier. Imagine what you want to occur with lava in mind. And the lava should be in energy form that responds to your will. That you can direct it by imagination or words.

  Forming it into a compressed ball in your hand (wearing gloves) you wait till the heat is almost hot enough to burn you. Then toss it. If the target is a person, then it disrupts their focus, as it causes the person to feel a disrupting hot spot. Otherwise, you can melt things with it from a distance. The least it can do is become a heat sorce by combining it with objects.

  Due note: Those that are advanced in the lava's use don't actually need to use the sigil, but the sigil can make it easier to wield.

  There's oil, that is earth water, and you can manipulate it, or draw from it as energy. When you do use it, you can imagine what you want to happen, with oil and will the effect. Then you get what is considered an epitome of memories, from what the oil was before. As it can do what you want as well, its a bit hard. All thats needed is the statement of the effect that you want, to make this easier. To use it as a source of energy, is to make thoughts of oil and speak what you want to happen.

  So, imagine a oil rig, or imagine it coming from the ground, it can be summoned in this way, more physically. If you make a highly compressed ball of it, your hand is possible to become cold and heavy and when you throw, you make slick spots where it hits. So, oil is wilder and you can cause slick spots by visualizing the oil to come up in a certain area. Or, create a large boost to activity. It can be used for energy, in truth, much more easily. You can try to use it to power a car, but there's enough to power the body almost indefinitely. To do so, go and do the idea of absorbing the oil into yourself.

  Then there's firey air or heat. It can be there, where you want, by imagining heat being there and thinking of a hot thought, optionally it can be as you say it, the idea of, 'make heat'. It can be used by imagining the event, speaking a power word and phrase to intensify the effect, and this is using your vibrations to achieve the effect, or you may will the effect, by focusing on your need for effective action and willing it there.

  And, you may intensify the effect further, by intensifying the heat, in the air and literally feeling the heat draw itself where you want it and speaking a power phrase of, 'draw heat fire'. Then, it seems to draw itself. If you have ability to manipulate fire or heat, the effects mentioned will occur. The more heat, the more effect you may get.To much heat can melt things. To much intense heat can cause a fire, so beware.

  There's also Firewater, as a mix of fire and water happens through a medium, as in oil on water, or other similar, this needs no actual practice. But, its very dangerous, as it can be like greek fire, where the fire has to be smothered, or it burns, even in water! The way to do firewater, is collect the element of oil in something or form a oil ball. Then, cause this oil to ignite by fire being added. Then, add the element of water energy from the area, to cause it to be flared and hotter. This may seem like a flaring technique, but it really isn't as it is a way to make a combined element.

 Here are yet other similar variations of the elements of earth and water, these are of Rock, Deep earth, Fresh water, Ocean water, Plant life, Wood and Metal. How are they different? Rock is different from earth by being a more solid form of it, deep earth is different from rock or earth by being a layer of the earth, between surface and molten core or the mantle, an this is almost plasticlike material thats partly of earth, fresh water an ocean water are nearly the same as water but different as they are drawn from different sources than pure elemental water, plant life has its own energy, wood is offering an energy containment and focusing material, metal has its own energy.

 How to draw and use these elements is done with a connect by imagining the element or thinking of the element as though it were to appear or rise out of the ground and form to your will as you would want. Your will directs the element and you can't get hurt by it, although it might be painful to hold it.

   Rock is capable to being manipulated into animated rock by imagining what it does, to be as a power source, or to being communicated through via thought projected at a person through the rock. There are many types of rock, too. As sources each different type can be different. There's sandstone, versus limestone, versus granite. Imagine a rocky path, with rocks on it that you would desire energy from, and energy the color of the rocks is then streaming from the rocks to you or entering you.

   Deep earth is more dangerous, though useful to being a power source, morphing things, melting things. It is often preferred as a source for healing. A deep earth ball can fuse things or cause a person to lose consciousness, if focused enough. It can be used to materialize nearly anything. Though its slow to react, at times of hecticness. Simply imagine a thick flowing orange cream pudding pop liquid thats mixed in with dirt, going to your hand. Then applied as you want to apply it. Or, to materialize with it, is to imagine the thick liquid becoming something.

   Fresh water is useful for taking into yourself and refreshing you, becoming a life source that can cause living conditions to improve, or making the area cooler and cleaning things it comes into contact with. Just imagine a river of the freshwater flowing through you to your hera or a freshwater waterfall coming into you.

   Ocean water can be a huge source of energy. That uplifts you and causes you become more energetic as you take it into yourself by ocean balls placed into the self. Formed into a ocean ball, it can corrupt things or as a pool of elemental energy, cause corruption to the area, if not used for the human body. Imagine ocean waves flowing through your hand to you. Also when working with ocean energy, more so than freshwater energy the moon plays a part. The moon can charge the ocean energy even further! A waning moon is with negative charging. A waxing moon is with positive charging. Deep ocean energy is the same as ocean water, but more condensed and energized.

   Plant life is possible to be used as a source of energy to yourself, drawing from the plant life energy, you may be able to manipulate the plant life. Into emanations of whatever effect that you would want. Do this by thinking to the plant life, what you want it to do. Imagination of what the plant life does will make it sometimes do as the imagination depicts. Different plants have different feels and are the similar as energy sources. For example; jungle plants have entirely different feel of energy to northern forests. For Jungle, imagine jungle vines and green energy and vines into yourself. For forest, imagine a scene with evergreen trees or other trees, and deep green energy. Have the deep green energy entering into yourself. With forest, the air's cleaner and it's colder too and you can feel happier.

   Wood is a chinese element, that is from earth and water that offers energy at a cost of slowly weakening the wooden material. To focus its energy, think of wood and imagine the wood doing things. Their is also possibility to focus the wood energy, so gather it into the wood or into yourself. And, when you feel the moment is right, you can release the energy you gather from the wood or focused through the wood, with a thought of 'release' and willing an idea to make itself known as to become from your idea and with the released energy. Wood energy balls can bring a sudden relief and manipulated thought. If you put the wood energy through a person, you disrupt their doings. For wood, imagine trees of the type you want energy from, with no leaves on them, and brown energy coming from the trees to you.

   Different woods also have different properties. There's live wood, an dead wood, but most wood is alive. If its been cut up, it just wears down quicker. But after enough time it goes to deadwood, which has almost no energy and turns brittle and crumbly. Its proven, that the more wood energy you use the more it is possible to kill the wood. If it were a tree, then you let the tree recover. If you take too much energy from the live tree, then it won't recover.

   Metal is a chinese element that is possible to elongate life and cause you to be energized, taking in the metallic energy into yourself through metal energy balls placed in yourself or linking to the metal. This works by the effect of the energy thats shared from the metal, making you like the metal. As long as its whole you will be whole in mind or body, too. Its advised not to try the metal element till you get used to the others. Then you possibly won't spasm a little, but it might hurt a small bit.

   Also, you may be able to curtail pain by thinking or imagining what the metal is doing and stating what you want it to do. A metallic ball of composed metal energy, will be able to knock someone out if thrown at them. Thinking to the metal, will cause it to make the thought manifest or convey it as a message. The metal can also vibrate at a certain pitch from your thoughts, and this helps the manifestation of idea. So, imagine the metal streaming energy to you. For generating the effect that you want by imagining the metallic energy forming or doing.

   Different metals have different properties. As in, steel can be clean and live a long time. If you linked to it or got energy from steel and placed it in you, then you could live longer as the steel remains intact. Iron is able to absorb energy and magic and seal things. Lead is the most dense and is able to make you stupid as you use it, in any way you want, including links. Cause a link by thinking 'link to me' while touching the material. If you set the link to delink right before the metal breaks, then you won't break in some manner.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Energy folding

  Idea by Arcane of the House of Ancients OEC.

  This is actually a very simple technique.

  Take all your excess energy, and flow it into all your cells, compact it in and hold it as long as you can ... then let it go. Do this every few hours, every day. Your energy body will get much stronger doing this.

  I base it on the principle of how the Japanese fold metal to make a blade.. this tempers your body, making it more resistant and more able to handle more energy overall. If you do this correctly, your body will physically hurt, ache over all. This is because energy-working is a physical skill, like football or martial arts. Side effects are that you're stronger, more resistant, need to feed more when you're tired out, and your potency is sometimes too much for what you're intending to do.

  When you're doing it right you'll feel a 'pressure' that feels like it's condensing your whole body - make sure you're not just tensing your muscles, though it feels similar to that - at first it's a big strain to do for more than a few seconds, but quickly you can find that you can do it for longer stretches. Now you can also find that your energy body has become more dense in a natural state. Things to notice; more energy available to use, can use a higher intensity for a longer time without getting fatigued, and a more dense energy field/storage. Try it out.

How to Fight Monsters and Win

A Guidebook to Defeating Human, Alien, and Demonic Oppressors

[Editor's Note: This is an important tutorial on how to fight etheric attackers on their own turf ~ and win. There is an untold number of people around the world who are daily combating intense assault by negative alien beings, government/military psychics and remote viewers, black magicians, psionic technology, and demonic entities. They can all be defeated if you learn how to use your own inner connection to God and your heart chakra's energy center to turn the tables on these craven bullies are not bullies s you think to use the 4 gate system to escape. This is base a powder pile that you reach forward with energy, think as you pour energy on the pile think to create as you foci use to create what you think is possible.

 The author is based in England and has been battling with these negative forces for some time-and winning- as he has armored himself to the point of becoming invulnerable to attack-and the Nazi intelligence agencies and the negative aliens know it (as his attackers have now become frightened of him). We are all capable of learning how to defend ourselves and turning the NWO and its etheric goons on their heads. Study this tutorial carefuly and and learn how to slay dragons-and all from the comfort of an easy chair. ...Ken Adachi]

By Jack London jul09.shtml
July 4, 2009

How to Fight Monsters and Win by Jack London (July 4, 2009)

The Basics

An often-used method of the Elite to control dissidents is to employ psychics and black magicians for long-distance attacks, saving on the manpower and time resources required to actually send a legbreaker round to your house without alerting the police. If you start doing anything interesting (like getting a chembuster to clear up atmospheric pollution) then you might well receive a visit from them. This will manifest in a variety of ways, usually a “sinking feeling” followed by vivid, waking hallucinations of figures trying to hurt you, or show you horrific images to traumatise you, or telling you upbeat life-affirming messages such as “We will kill you and everyone you love” or “You cannot win!”

If they really hate you, and are persistent, they can use these paranormal abilities to wear down your defences and shut down your brain or heart (heart is the most common way) and kill you while you sleep. Pretty scary stuff, all in all.

Except that it all rests on a single premise: that you don’t fight back.

This guide aims to change that. If you know the right techniques you can overcome psychic/magical attack and remain healthy and upbeat. I learnt these techniques myself. I didn’t get them from a book or a spiritual guru figure. I don’t have membership to any mystery schools. I’m not a freemason or an intelligence asset. I have, however, had some pretty interesting experiences, which taught me how to fight back and win.

In the first chapter I’m going to walk you through techniques useful to repel enemy psychics assaults and banish them from your space so you can recover.

It’s extremely important to be aware when you are actually being attacked. Passively accepting the attack and/or ignoring the attack will not resolve anything. I think a lot of people will pretend that “it’s just a nightmare” or that they’re hallucinating, or having mental health problems, when in reality someone in the real world is attacking them on the aetheric level and doing them harm. It’s up to you to cultivate discernment and figure out when it’s actually happening.


To be able to defend from psychic attack, the first key message is that you need to practise visualisation.

Close your eyes and “feel” a different eye or set of eyes opening inside your head. See in your minds eye (imagination) an indigo circle swirling clockwise. Just watch the circle as it spins and see it as clearly as you can. Gradually watch as the circle moves closer to you, then further away as if you were looking down a long dark tunnel.

When I write, “see” things, I don’t mean to “think” or strain with effort. It’s about just looking through your inner eyes and observing the things that actually happen. At first you’ll find yourself only seeing blackness. Think of how when you step into the dark, it takes a moment to be able to see, as your pupils dilate. Allow yourself time to adjust. You probably haven't used your inner eye much before, so it will be weak, like an unused muscle.

The circle technique will let you get used to the idea of closing your eyes, opening your inner eye and looking around. The next step is to create a Safe Space for yourself on the aetheric. The aetheric is the frequency of reality you are seeing when you see with your inner eye. It's a different plane of existence.

It’s extremely rare for anyone targeted for an aetheric assault to only get hit once, so you should be prepared to be hit in waves, spaced hours apart (usually each night). During the breaks (when the psychics go outside for a cigarette and a cup of tea to recharge) you should take time to practise visualising to improve your ability to defend yourself.

Close your eyes, open your inner eye and SEE yourself in a place that is peaceful and relaxing for you. This could be anything, depending on the individual. For example, you might see yourself on a tropical beach, in a peaceful forest clearing, or by a roaring fire at a campsite at night. Whatever you see, this place is your safe zone that you can return to and recover your energy from.

Visualise your safe zone and see it, then move around in it. Have a look around. Pick things up. You can interact with anything there and the overall idea is to get used to moving around and manipulating your environment while visualising such things.

It helps massively if you lie on your back, taking slow deep breaths while you do this. Breath through your nose.

When psychics attack you it’s best to pick a neutral ground to do so. A nice big empty room the size of a football pitch should do the trick.

There are ways to attack people, even hurt people, aetherically, but for now let us concentrate on a proactive defence. You need some kind of protection, to make yourself immune to whatever they throw at you. A simple trick is to visualise a sphere around yourself, like a bubble. This bubble will protect you because no matter what hits it, or flies around it, nothing can get at you within the bubble.


It’s a massive subject in itself, but the aetheric body interacts with the physical body at several key points. These are called chakras. You have seven main ones, three lower, three higher, and one in the middle called your heart chakra. This is located in the center of your chest and is the most powerful of all the chakras.

I don’t want to overload people with lots of side information, but suffice to say if you can harness the energy of your heart chakra then you’ll have nothing to worry about, as the power it gives you outclasses anything a black magician or government psychic could ever do to you. I will elaborate on why that is - and the precise aspects of all the chakras - at a later point.

Visualise a green sphere inside your chest, spinning clockwise. That’s clockwise from your perspective [as viewed from your back towards your front], not clockwise from the view of someone looking at you. This sphere is your visual signifier of the heart chakra. Allow yourself to focus on something positive. Find something that’s happened in your life – a memory, or a feeling – that was genuinely positive. Something that made you laugh, or cheer, or feel good. Not everyone has had an easy life, but I’m sure there has to be something truly positive you can draw upon. This purely positive vibe is the frequency you’re trying to harness.

You allow that feeling, that energy, to pool in your chest like warm water. To be stored up as energy inside your heart chakra. That’s your source of power, ok? Like an engine filled up with fuel.

Now, your protective bubble will be made out of this energy, this green heart glow. Visualise energy flowing out of your heart into a sphere which surrounds your entire body, a cartoon green-tinted bubble about six feet high and six feet across. As you breathe slowly in and out the sphere becomes “pumped up” with energy. After you’ve done this enough the sphere will “feel” (or rather you will sense it as) solid.

If you can do one thing in your defence against aetheric attack, do this. You will be invulnerable to any attack on that level. I cannot stress this enough: done properly, a heart chakra-boosted shield makes you invulnerable to all psychic/magical attack.

By continuing to breathe slowly and deeply, charging the shield, you can now calm down a bit and relax – since you’re invulnerable, there’s really no way you can lose unless you specifically choose to surrender or flail about panicking.

What the enemy will most likely do at this point is push its luck because the bad guys are stupid and arrogant and think that aetheric/psychic/magic stuff is about hierarchy and genetic lineage and twaddle like that, when it’s not, it’s about opening a connection between yourself and higher dimensional energy, thus having access to the power of God.

So: they’ll push their luck, by continuing to bang (fruitlessly) on the outside of your sphere, or summon scary images/emotions to make you surrender.

By scary images I mean they’ll do things like, for instance, show your loved ones/family being killed, your kids tortured, your partner being eaten alive, any insects/arachnids that you have a phobia of swarming around you, skull/blood/death imagery. You have to bear in mind this is all just like looking “at pictures in a book” (to quote The Shining). They can’t hurt you. It’s an illusion designed to throw you off balance and frighten you.

Keep focusing on your heart chakra. Keep breathing. Keep pooling the energy in your chest and sending it into the bubble.

You’ll end up in a situation where all these illusions are flying around outside your shield and you’re getting a bit bored and just want to go to bed or get on with watching television or whatever it was you were up to prior to getting attacked. At this point, you need to BANISH them from your personal space.

Up, Up and Away

Visualise another green bubble surrounding each of them, which due to its impervious nature, now has them trapped. Focus, concentrate on the second bubble and watch it float up into the air, so fast, so quick that in the space of a minute (or less) you can no longer see it. This harmlessly removes the threat. If there are multiple opponents, then simply imagine/visualise bubbles around them as well.

You might find it useful at this point to have a look around the Neutral Ground and “sense” for anything hostile. I mean by this that you feel on a “gut” or intuitive level that you are now safe, as opposed to being unsure or still scared.

If anything crops up, simply put a bubble around it and banish them too. When all is quiet, you might want to return to your “safe space” or power space to relax. Otherwise, open your eyes and carry on with your life.

You might be pretty freaked out to have just defeated an opponent on that level, so I’d recommend writing down the experience in a word document or in a journal so that you can “vent” your system a bit and have the notes to look back on. I’d also recommend having a good sense of humour.

Remember: use the heart chakra and visualise an impervious shield.


Fear vs. Love is a bit of a simplistic way to view the universe, but there’s a nugget of truth to it. I’m going to use an analogy of turning the dial on a radio (credit to David Icke for the next bit).

You’ve got a radio sat on a table in front of you. You turn the dial and tune into a specific radio station. This is you incarnating in a body prior to birth, locking into a specific frequency and experiencing life. You can tune the dial of a radio and leave one station and travel to a different station – either on a higher or lower frequency – and listen to something else but the previous station doesn’t cease to exist. It’s still there, it’s just that you can’t hear it anymore.

Physical reality is energy resonating at a certain frequency. You can interact with it because you’re resonating along with it. Your body is made of condensed energy, like a hologram, which is constantly buffed up by energy coming into it from sunlight, food, water etc.

Entities exist on different frequencies. Some are on a “higher” frequency and resonate faster than we do. Others are on lower frequencies. Lower dimensional (or lower frequency) entities are things like the Reptilians, who are bipedal humanoid lizards that feed on the lymphatic and spiritual energy of humans because to them, our energy is incredibly high frequency and gives them great strength when consumed.

Rather like a leech drinking in a bigger, stronger animal's blood in order to take all the vitamins and nutrients from it, a Reptilian drinks blood (and eats your heart and pituitary gland and so on) because it’s rather like us humans enjoying a delicious, nutrient-packed salad nicoise. You can’t blame them really. Or rather, you can blame them for being a vicious bunch who want to enslave and eat humanity, BUT that would be like blaming the shark for eating a swimmer--who went swimming at night--and with a cut on his toe.

Ok, so maybe the analogy breaks down a bit there. Reptilians are still Bad News, especially with all the rape and torture and eating people alive and so on. I’m being flippant because that helps me process horrible truths; but this is how it is. They rape and eat people. You’re probably going to read that and not register it properly. That’ll happen a lot with this. I’ll say things to you multiple times and it won’t resonate properly because your brain is going to edit it out because it’s unpleasant information. Eventually you’ll have a tipping point where you suddenly realise it’s true (most likely when an actual Reptilian shows up) and your brain suddenly goes “Oh God, it’s all real!”. Remember to take a moment and calm down when that happens.

Anyway. So we have a scale of energy, as already stated. At the lower end of the scale you’ve got these lizard monsters and at the higher end you have more enlightened spiritual beings. Enlightened: - filled with light. Lifted. A lessening of weight. A lessening of the physical frequency.

You move up higher and higher up the scale and eventually the barriers between things collapse and you’ve just got one big incomprehensibly mass of energy vibrating at speeds beyond anything we can measure, existing outside of time and space (which are dimensions, and this energy is so high frequency, it exists outside of such restrictions). This energy is positive, infinite, all-knowing (because it’s outside of time so it’s everywhere at once and all things at once), all-seeing (because it’s outside of time so it has infinity to track and observe things happening and – huzzah – benevolent. Loving.

Why loving? Because it’s all things and all times. It doesn’t hate itself, it just wants to grow. But unfortunately, if you’re infinite and time doesn’t exist, you can’t experience anything as an individual. You have no arc; you can’t grow. You’re already everything.

So what do you do, being this infinite mass of infinite energy? Well, you fracture yourself and embed aspects of yourself, fractal chunks of yourself that contain everything within, but are isolated in moments of space and time. And you fire that into the physical realm and watch it grow planting seeds.

And then you get a bit annoyed that these Reptilians (which are aspects of the totality, after all, but are isolated and have free will just like anything sentient) are tearing things up on the physical with wars and mind control and so on, trying to stop the aspects (condensed energy with form and size and ego) growing up. But it’s ok, because they can’t fight the infinite and win. It’s all just a ride, a process to allow the infinite to grow and learn and have fun.

So we live and die and incarnate over multiple lives growing and learning and playing on this planet and others. And every time we do something positive it moves us forward towards the tipping point of... flowering.

That’s pretty much what God and the meaning of life is. In case you wondered.

So no, it’s not a puppet-show of a Cernunnos rip-off called Satan who wants to drag you to Hell versus a bearded white man on a cloud. And it’s not about being a monkey on a rock, in a void, who lives and dies and it’s meaningless. It’s not about endless suffering, desperately trying to find the true death of nirvana. God is not separate. There is not a hierarchy. We are one-thing learning about our collective self and the infinite. You don’t have to pray for forgiveness, ok? It’s cool. You’re here for a reason. We all are.

“So where’s my connection to God, then?” you’re probably wondering.

Well, it’s inside. Where do you speak to God? In a temple. Where are your temples? On either side of your head. Yeah, I know, Jordan Maxwell did that one first, but it’s a good one.

But it’s not quite right because we speak to the higher dimensional consciousness of infinity (or God for short) through our hearts. Specifically, our heart chakras, which are like internal stargates to this energy wavelength. All the “gut instincts” and “intuition” we know and love? That’s your heart chakra. Think of it as a compass while you’re lost on the high seas, or a radio communicator back to NASA while you’re waddling across the moon.

As Bill Hicks liked to scream at his audience: "There is a living God and it will talk directly to you!" So bear that in mind if you need a compass. That said, you don’t have to talk to God or do anything that anyone else wants you to do. You are free, right? That includes the right to defy every authority.

Fear and Love.

Fear is what they use. That’s their bread and butter. They’ll use fear to wrap you up in layers of control, subtle and clever until you’ve forgotten who you are and what you stand for. The whole system runs on fear. Be afraid, America! Terrorists are after you! Be afraid, white man! That black guy is looking at your girlfriend funny! Be afraid, Christian! There’s a girl at the back of the class with black lipstick and a skull on her handbag. She’s clearly a threat to everything you hold dear.

And it’s hate too. That flows from fear, ultimately. You take a person, make them ignorant and scared and then make them angry, push their buttons. Simmer for thirty minutes and – ping! – you get hate. This is a very effective way to make people forget their true path and do stupid things that leads to genocide and rape and whatnot. There are boiling waves of hate on this planet with all the stupidity and ignorance and fear swirling around making people tear each others throats out just because their priest or scientist or politician or army officer told them to do it. But if you cut out the fear and get a bit of knowledge, then that hate evaporates like morning dew.

Love binds things together. Fear breaks things apart. We’re all one thing, seeing itself from new angles. If you can get your head around that, you can start to relax. Things are under control. We aren’t going to be taken over by a lizard-worshipping cult. We definitely don’t need to fear being killed by psychics. We can stop this, individually or collectively.

You are not weak. You think you’re weak. You are not vulnerable to them. You are accepting of the idea that you are vulnerable.

Stop it. It’s ridiculous. You’re invulnerable and strong. You always have had, and always will have, the potential to be that. It’s up to you choosing it.

As a final point for this chapter, when it all gets a bit much and you’re not feeling cosmically entwined because it’s 4 a.m. and you’re exhausted and the enemies are swarming around the house wanting to get in:


So don’t give up.


Weapons and Enemies

Visualisation in fighting the Elite’s psi-ops monkeys can be as simple or as complex as you wish. It's just that for beginners, it’s harder to focus on multiple things happening at once.

For instance, you could visualise an enormous panda bear attacking your opponent with a croquet mallet, but that would quite likely break your concentration and throw you out of the mindset needed to win the psychic duel.

On the other hand, pleasant imagery is useful as it acts as a neat opposition to the satanic imagery you get from the black magicians. Instead of a constant bombardment of laughing demonic faces, reptilians eating children etc. why not use positive, cartoonish imagery to help you?

To give an example, when the Elite were using psiops to freak my girlfriend out, they would show up waving guns and mutilating babies as part of their warm-up routine. My girlfriend countered by visualising her pet ginger cat (now in giant form, as big as a lion) pouncing on them and keeping them pinned. Much swearing ensued and the Satanists had to surrender.

Other ideas I’ll throw out for you to visualise:

Visualising a pool of sticky glue appearing underneath your enemies’ feet to prevent them moving, with them becoming more enmeshed the more they move. Variations on this could be banana skins for them to slip on, grease, a swamp filled with mud, etc.

A heavy weight (like a fat ginger cat or a cartoon Acme Anvil) that falls from above, pinning them to the ground

Horses (or even more superior), a Bear Cavalry ( that charge your enemies and knock them over.

Sometimes your opponents will be there (i.e. you can sense them, but not see them to get a visual lock on). There are tricks to deal with this, the two most straightforward I’ve found being:

1. Create an expanding circle of white light that “pings” the location of anything hostile like radar, allowing you to spot anything hiding.
2. Visualise pulling a dynamite-stick-style signal flare out of your pocket and ignite with your willpower. Chuck the flare into the air to reveal cloaked or hidden enemies.

The Tranquilizer gun is a noble alternative to having to hurt people. Visualise a pistol that fires darts that knock people out a few seconds after impact, then blast away at your opponents as they crop up. This is a non-violent way to quickly clear the room.

You should also appreciate that you’re not restricted by conventional rules or physics on this level or reality. It’s like a lucid dream. So if you want to run as fast as a bullet or perform acrobatics or martial arts or shape-shift into Godzilla then… you can. And if this helps you feel more comfortable about fending off your attackers then do so.

If your opponent is a demonic type that is flying overhead shrieking at you, then grow some wings (or wear a jetpack or just jump) and get them. If a Satanist appears in the form of a man made of lightning, then throw a bucket of water over him. If they appear as a sandstorm, then use a vacuum cleaner. If they send a pack of dogs after you, blow a dog whistle to make them all roll over and beg for kibble.

Don’t let them limit you. There is a way through every confrontation.

You’ll come across a variety of opponents, the most common being humans (I’ll get to them in a minute). The other factors are demonic creatures, negative aliens, and natural aetheric parasites (Yes, I sound barking mad writing this, don’t I?).


I hate using this word because it makes us slip into the Christian duality mindset and implies that somewhere is LUCIFER (OMG!) the Devil sat on a throne chortling to himself listening to the Rolling Stones. That’s nonsense. I’ve been to the underworld and there’s no Hell, it’s just extremely bloody cold, there’s an inverted ziggurat city of corpses and Death has a no-nonsense Jamaican woman as her secretary. Don’t take my word for it, you’ll find out one day.

I’m digressing. They could be classed as “low-frequency extra-dimensional entities” but that sounds a bit wanky so I’ll stick with demons. Demons come in all shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, they’ll look like gargoyles, bat-humanoids and red-skinned people with horns, but they can look like pretty much anything. As a general rule of thumb, they’ll have lots of teeth and claws and spikes. I’d recommend visualising some kind of automatic firearm full of bullets formed from heart-chakra energy. Just keep moving and shooting at them until they die. The bullets will hurt them and kill them by overloading their energy grid with higher-frequency energy.

The bulk of demons are feral beasts that just run at you snarling. If you can fly as well, I’d recommend that, but then you’ll have to watch out for the ones with wings or tentacles. Just stay in your bubble and keep shooting until they don’t move. Repeat as often as necessary until you are safe. Unlike humans, they quite enjoy a bit of death and violence, so their morale doesn’t break as easily. They tend to keep swarming you in packs until they’re all snuffed out. That’s fine though – you’re invulnerable in your bubble -so you can hold out as long as it takes.

More intelligent demons might show up. These ones walk upright and have speech faculties. I’d recommend just shooting them as well, but if you do want to have a civilised conversation, then don’t fear them. You’re not committing a sin by talking to these creatures. They’re just another form of life, ultimately. You might be able to talk them down from a fight, but I tend to find they’re quite annoying and end up hanging around for ages.

As in real life, if you kill the leader of a squad then the squad’s morale breaks quite nicely. So always shoot the officers first.


Now for the lizards. Reptilians are vicious bastards who should not be taken lightly. Always keep your bubble up; do not use violence against them; do not hate them; and do not fear them. Stay completely neutral if you can’t feel love towards them. They feed off negative energy output from humans, so you’re just making them stronger if you project hate/fear at them.

Put them in a bubble. Keep feeding energy into the bubble. Make the bubble thick as treacle inside with heart chakra energy. Drown them in green energy until they start to freak out a bit and then make the bubble carry them somewhere far, far away (I recommend the centre of our Sun). Hold them in the centre of the Sun until they’re incinerated. Don’t listen to anything they say and don’t make any agreements with them. Do not trust them. Do not barter or bargain with them. Just quickly and methodically kill them before they get a chance to abduct/kill you.


Nordics are a species of alien from the Pleiades (apparently). They all look like white Aryan Swedish supermodel types with high cheekbones, blonde hair and blue eyes. That said, they do have similar human physiology (as my contribution to science I’ve learned that if you kick them in the genitals very hard, then they fall over and clutch themselves just like humans do). Allegedly the Nordics are supposed to be, as a species, enlightened and friendly but the ones I’ve met are arrogant arseholes that use sleep rays and psionics to abduct and surgically operate on people.

As an aside, there were twenty-two high-ranking Nordics working for British Intelligence underneath MI5. If you live in the UK then it’s likely that negative Nordic encounters were from them. I hunted them down and killed them around 11pm on June 25th 2009


Grey aliens are the classic almond-heads from UFO lore. Apparently they are a slave race to the Reptiles and get cloned repeatedly because they can’t reproduce anymore. Being physically short, rather weak and overly reliant on technology Greys are extremely easy to fight. Just tranquilise them or bubble them until they’re gone.

Natural Aetheric Parasites

Aetheric Parasites is a general umbrella term for anything living on the aetheric plane as a natural inhabitant – the flora and fauna of this frequency. These, generally speaking, have a biology that requires them to drain other life forms of energy and as such will flock to humans like moths to a lightbulb. Examples of parasites are spider-like creatures that chomp on your arms and legs sucking the energy from you and leaving you sickly and pale; a bit like leeches. Just tear them off and stamp on them. If they’re on you, you’ll see them on the aetheric when you go to your Safe Space or Neutral Ground. Another example of aetheric fauna is the Barghest Dog – a black Rottweiler-esque creature that roams around the dark feeding off dying people. I’ve actually made a Barghest into a pet so I can say that they’re not all bad and quite a nice deterrent to intruders. Don’t be too quick to judge things on the aetheric based on how they look – it’s far more important to gauge their “vibe” and what they want to do to you --unless it’s a Reptilian. You either kill Reptilians, or you retreat to a safe place. There’s no middle ground.

Some psychics are smart enough to realise that if they reveal their true position, then you’ll get them; so instead, they use Projections to fox you. This is just a complex visualisation that is designed to make you think you’ve found your attacker, when in fact the attacker is elsewhere and cloaked (i.e. putting the bulk of their energy into defensively masking their own signal so you can’t see them).

Thought Forms

If you find yourself fighting identical copies of the same thing over and over again, it’s quite possible you’re up against a thought-form projection. When you attack, visualise that your bubble/tranq dart is not only hitting the projection, but “The Person Behind The Person”. You’ll have done it right when the projection falls over AND a startled looking psychic suddenly falls into view.

Psychics & Black Magicians

Human psychics and black magicians are nice and easy because mostly they’re relying on the assumption that you don’t know anything about their motivations or how they’re appearing in your mind's eye to torment you.

When they actually encounter someone who can simply entrap/annihilate them in a split second, their morale falls apart and they run away. They’re big cowards really. It's all about the black robes and knives, but nothing in the way of backbone. The older, more vicious ones will stick around and use infant sacrifices to boost their power.

It is possible for you to hurt people aetherically, but that’s not what this guide is about. This is about solid, dignified self-defence where you don’t end up killing anyone human. It’s pretty depressing when you kill someone, even when it’s justifiable self-defence against a child-murdering psychopath.

A nasty, cynical part of me feel that some among you are thinking, “I don’t have a problem with violence. These are the BAD guys and I’m one of the GOOD guys, so it’s justified. Like it's done on “Power Rangers”. I bet I can kill people and be fine with it. I’m tough and don’t give a shit!”

To those people, I’d remark that if you go down that route then, actually, you’ll end up staring at your bedroom wall at three in the morning with half a bottle of Jack Daniels by the bed, unable to sleep because you keep seeing the faces of corpses every time you blink. So don’t be an idiot. Stay peaceful and don’t murder people. Just quickly and decisively cap them in bubbles and send them off on a long journey through deep space. I’m not going to lie to you and pretend the potentially violent aspect doesn’t exist, nor am I going to glamorise it and pretend it’s awesome. I want to treat you like adults and allow you to make informed decisions.

Actually, on that note I want to go into Black Magic and explain to you a bit more about what they’re actually doing and why.

Insights on Black Magic

Why kill babies? Why sacrifice anyone, indeed? Well, it boils down to energy generation. If you tap into your heart chakra, opening a pathway to higher dimensional energy, then you have infinite energy. That’s what the good guys do. It makes them very powerful. The Elite scum have little understanding of love and no desire to connect to a higher source of power because they’d rather worship some outdated myth like Lucifer and think they can get greater support from lower-frequency species.

They’ve got it wrong, basically. You can’t get infinite energy from lower dimensional realms. Their energy is finite, hoarded. Demonic (lower-frequency life-form) entities have to steal energy from other things or else they don’t have any energy for themselves. As such, their society is likely based on (-wait for it-) resource scarcity, a rigid caste-based political system with a dictatorial hierarchy (determining who gets what), a religious system that is mainly aimed at controlling said masses, and an expansionist military philosophy of “invade, pillage, expand”.

Does that mentality sound familiar?

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t very intelligent, long-lived demonic creatures that have successfully hoarded energy and appear to be these mighty “Dark Masters” of the netherworld. I wouldn’t underestimate those creatures. They’re not stupid – at least the successful ones aren’t. The problem I have with people wanting to ally themselves to these powers is twofold:

Firstly, you’re always going to be betrayed by a creature that is inherently a junkie constantly looking for the next fix and secondly, a single blip of higher dimensional energy from the heart chakra and these beings are blown out of the water.

To emphasise that: heart chakra energy wins out over demonic energy. Really. Use it, because if one of the old potent ones want to kill you, then it’s your only defence. You can’t use other frequencies of energy to beat them (unlike with humans). This is why I’ve been saying from the beginning that you need to learn how to harness heart chakra energy and use it. If the Elite call in the big guns on you and get a powerful demon or reptilian out for your blood, then as long as you use heart chakra energy to defend yourself, you’ll be fine.

So if you want POWER and SEX and MONEY and suchlike (and we all want a bit of that, if we’re honest), you’ll be better off going with the higher dimensional forces anyway because heart chakra energy IS stronger.

Satanists/Black Magician types like to murder people as part of ritual sacrifice. How cool, you slaughtered a baby, or raped and killed an underage girl. Great job guys! They do this because they’re copying the techniques of lower frequency creatures and hoarding the energy, the aetheric life energy that is stored in living things (especially living things with a consciousness) and trapping it in a magic circle, which is effectively an acoustic chamber to the life-energies sound waves (i.e it’ll bounce around inside but won’t get out, so they have time to absorb it into themselves).

I met one guy in the northeast of the USA a couple years back who had been stealing life energy of people and using it to hold off the cancerous growths in his body and keep his heart beating a bit longer. It was tragic: the old guy just wanted to see his grand-daughter grow old and was scared of dying, so he was stealing people’s life energy to buy him time. It was messed up, but I could understand why he’d go to such lengths. He was arrested by the Dolphin Police in the end (but that’s a whole other story).

This is the thing: they need to cheat, to get all this energy to do aetheric work because they’re disconnected from higher dimensional energy. You, if you’re in your right mind, can simply open up that link that lies dormant inside you and have all the energy you need to win. Abundance… the ability to do what you need to do when you have the need to do it.

Groups/ Covens/ Circles

So their aetheric “battery” gets boosted by sacrifice – that’s one way. Another method is to work in groups/covens/circles. You might find that responding to an attack, your viewpoint shifts to a living room or basement somewhere and the guy you were fighting turns out to be just one of about six people (or eight, it varies but usually it’s six) sitting in a meditation circle. These are annoying because it basically makes one guy six times as strong as he’d normally be. I call foul. Anyway: a simple trick is to focus on one of the other meditating people and punch them in the side of the head, or make a nerve twinge in his leg, or stamp on his foot or something like that. If you do it with conviction, then the sharp jolt of pain will shock them out of their zen-like concentration and break the circle. The moment the collective concentration breaks, they are all just a bunch of defenceless chimps and easy to knock out.

(As an aside, since you’re being sensible and not killing babies to boost your aetheric stamina you’ll need to make sure you get plenty of food, water and sleep. Aetheric work will make you extremely hungry very quickly. Bring a packed lunch.)

Regarding breaking of concentration, I tend to find that it’s easier to accomplish with our Western friends. The Chinese remote viewers/psychic attackers that I’ve met, have that creepy, psychotic “everything I am is to serve” hive-mind thing going on, so they’re a lot tougher to make them lose focus. I’d switch tactics with them and not use pain (because they’re conditioned repeatedly to be disassociated from violence) and use good humour, conversation, mime and amateur dramatics to throw them off guard. Quote Shakespeare. Re-enact a scene from “Will & Grace” (gay, New York sitcom zingers will freak the hell out of communists). If you’re a bad singer, like me, I’d also suggest impromptu karaoke renditions of your favourite songs. That annoys them tremendously because you’re actually having fun and not being appropriately respectful.


Pentagrams are rubbish. Stop being scared of them if you’ve already been programmed to associate them as fearful. Draw a pentagram, right now, look at it. It’s ridiculous. “But why?” you say. Well: because it’s lopsided.

To explain: a pentagram is a sigil, or a drawn representation of something else used in magical circumstances. Sigils are quite cool actually and have their uses, but we won’t get into that. Google it if you’re interested. If we made a map of the human chakra system, we would have three lower points symbolising the lower three chakras (base, sacrum, gut) shaped like an upward pointing triangle. This triangle (go on, draw it) would interlock with three upper points symbolising the upper three chakras (throat, brow, crown) shaped like a downward pointing triangle.

These interlock, creating… the Star of David! No, wait, it makes… the Heart Chakra hexagram. This isn’t about being Jewish. I think somebody else obviously knew about this stuff and used the hexagram as a symbol of power long before anything happened in the Levant.

So the heart chakra is literally made from the interlocking energies of all the other chakras, but is also a thing unto itself, a source of infinite power for the individual. The pentagram meanwhile, is what you get when you take away one of the six points and mess up the precision balance. My guess is they’ve either taken off the point symbolising the crown chakra, or higher spiritual connection, so you’re left with a power sigil that brings you no higher wisdom or they removed the base chakra point thus making a power sigil where you lose all personal sovereignty and individual responsibility [think of the Pentagon]. Either way, it’s stupid and inefficient. But try telling that to a group of Satanist types when you crash their next infant sacrifice.

When dealing with child sacrifice, reptiles or demons, I think it’s worth mentioning that even a manly, red-blooded, meat-eater will get a bit… unsettled--scared. It will get easier over time (as with anything), but the first couple of times you encounter one of these things, you’ll likely be freaked out. I mention this because it’s something to factor into your encounters. Give yourself space to recover afterwards. Reptilians especially are a bit of a catch-22 if you get it wrong: if you get scared of them, then they feed off that and become stronger, so they become scarier, etc. Nip that one in the bud now and focus on your heart chakra boosting your shield and keep taking slow, deep breaths. Ultimately, it’s pointless getting into a negative mindset about them, because low frequency emotions (hate/fear) only help them, not hinder them.

Physical Confrontation

I thought it would be useful to include a section on the physical, mundane-plane side of how the Elite try and mess with you.

Before we go into all that, however, it’s important to understand the Correct Mental Attitude to have. This largely revolves around being Upbeat and Contemptuous.

That is, you are upbeat about your situation, your capacity to resolve problems and overcome your foes. You are contemptuous of the Elite and their minions and are capable of taking the piss out of them, as opposed to being scared of them. You are trying to help yourself and the rest of humanity overcome the Elite who want to destroy you and everything you love. The rest of humanity is your ally, as is the higher dimensions and other entities (like Sylphs and Cetaceans) that want to help.

The Elite are going to lose. This is because they are much less powerful than we are, and the only reason they got this far up till now was because they were doing it covertly, with the information on how to fight them suppressed. This is no longer the case, so it’s only a matter of time before they’re strung up on the gallows. Although it could still be a couple of years – a lot of people can’t even get their heads around the idea of 9/11 being an inside job, let alone deal with wider metaphysical concepts – we are going to defeat them.


To start off, understand that if you’re a dissident targeted by the Elite, then you’re being tracked. This can come in several flavours. There’s psionic tracking with remote viewers watching you as you go. This is very effective, but requires someone to sit in a sensory deprivation tank and watch you. As you can imagine, this isn’t the most cost-effective way to track someone. Their standard way is to track you with some form of electronic implant to function as a GPS chip. This is extremely effective as they can then follow you wherever you go. The chip also exists in your mobile phone, so unless you take the battery out they’ll have at least one other way of watching you.

As for online communication, every webpage, email and instant message you’ve made is in their files. If you’re stupid enough to be part of Facebook or MySpace then they’ve got a portfolio of you so comprehensive that they can start doing a psychological profile and work out what your weaknesses are.

You, for your part, will be open and honest with yourself and acknowledge what your fears and weaknesses are, thus pre-empting the Elite exploiting that down the line. Make a list if that helps.

If you’re a psychic (as in, you’re innately good at doing things aetherically without lots of practise), then because of how you’re wired up your body is generating a slightly different electromagnetic signature, which they can see on specialised cameras rather like how the Predator (in that classic 1987 Arnie action-horror) watches people by their heat bloom.

They can listen in on you with audio bugs, hidden cameras in your television, tracking chips in your mobile phone… the list is pretty much endless. My perspective (and I’m possibly not being proactive enough here) is that because I don’t want to live like a hermit I’ll just put up with being monitored, as it doesn’t make much difference to me. If you have enough disposable income to buy an expensive bug-detector then fair play to you, but I’d suggest they’d only switch tactics to something that the detector can’t detect.

When you’re out of your home environment, then they’ll use helicopters, mostly. At least I’ve found that to be the case in the UK. You might have it different in your country. The helicopters are the small twin-seater models used by the police for chasing after criminals, although you also get the classy “black” helicopter with no markings. It’s obvious when they’re after you because they hover at low altitude (sometimes just above rooftop level) and track you wherever you go, keeping tabs on you with a large spherical camera like a giant eyeball mounted on underside of the helicopters snout. If you’re like me you’ll get LOTS of these, constantly getting in your face (oh, what I’d give for a heat-seeking missile…).

The thing to bear in mind with helicopters is that they’re stuffed if you go inside large buildings with multiple exits or you go underground. If you’re in an urban environment use subway systems, overhanging shop-fronts, thick crowds and utility tunnels. If you’re in a rural environment then find the thickest foliage you can and stay under it. It needs to be thick so that when they switch to thermal imaging they can’t see your signal through all the leaves. At least helicopters make lots of noise so it’s easy to keep track of when they’re about.

The only time I’ve ever had a helicopter do anything hostile to me was when one turned up with an underslung antennae/cannon thing. This proceeded to shoot me through the gut with some kind of invisible beam weapon. It really hurt but when I got up and started walking towards the helicopter they panicked and flew off. I’m still not sure what that was, but whatever it is it’s nonlethal.


It’s easy enough for a beginner to get freaked out by people following them everywhere they go. You should try and get a grip on the instinct to “run away” from the “pursuers” and instead realise that you have a lot of power in this situation. If the Elite wanted you dead then they would send assassins. The muppets following you are tasked only with watching where you go. If they killed you, or hurt you in any way that would be failing their mission. Understand? They get in trouble with their employer if they do anything to you! If you spot them, or “make” them (i.e. identify them) then they have to leave, pronto.

I actually think this can be a pretty fun game to be honest, like Hide and Seek, but for grown ups. The people with more engorged heart chakras and better intuition will get sixth sense alerts when a Tracker is about, which makes it easier. Otherwise, this is just one of those things you’ll get better at spotting the more you do it (and the more it happens to you).

If one of them tries to talk to you and give you a Message of Doom (they love their messages of doom, always a variation on “We are Legion! An unstoppable darkness that you cannot escape!”), then for God's sake don’t just take it and walk away – hold your ground and give your best verbal smackdown back. Or be a ham actor and deliver the most over-the-top “I will smite your evil!” speech you can muster, then burst out laughing and go about your business.


There have been reports on the Elite using groups of people to pretend to be normal civilians and stage street theatre that is designed to freak you out. Evil actors, basically. I haven’t experienced this myself (which I’m surprised by, because I’ve had the full nine yards up to and including a Jet fighter practically land in my garden and threaten to bombard my house), but I’m aware that some people will be experiencing it.

I wanted to mention it to say that, ultimately, as long as it’s non-violent towards you this technique only really works on a psychological level. Which means that if you have correct context and mindset (so you don’t feel like you’re going crazy), then it shouldn’t really affect you; you can just laugh at them and possibly get a bit rough with them if there’s no CCTV cameras or cops around.

People will potentially also experience Time Loss as a result of getting their memories wiped with implants/hypnosis after abduction. This is really annoying and can mess you up if you don’t know what to do.

1. Make notes of when you experienced Time Loss, trying to work out specifically WHEN you were most likely to be abducted and how long this went on for.
2. Keep these notes as a record and try and spot patterns of times/places that the abductions occur. If they keep grabbing you on the first of the month while you’re in bed, then make a point of getting up early on that day.

Disarming Implants

Implants are annoying because they can do about a million things to you, all bad. Luckily, you can destroy ALL implants through Focused Intent. In the aetheric visualise a duplicate of yourself lying on an operating table. Inspect this duplicate of yourself with the thought held that “Any implants will glow, visible like in an X-ray”.

This way you can see implants and – visualising your hands as being ghost-like and permeable to a physical body – reach into the visualised body to get a hold of the implant. When you’ve gotten a firm “hold” of the implant, pump enormous amounts of heart chakra energy through your arms and hands into the device. Do one at a time; imagine millions of volts of electricity frying the implant. You’ll start to see the implant melting/frying. Keep doing it until you sense the implant is deactivated.

This is made remarkably easier if you have an orgonite Powerwand device, as it’ll boost your energy levels and allow you to channel more energy at the implants to destroy them quicker.

Another really vital point to make is how useful orgonite pendants are. Think of them as a stab-proof vest. I’d always encourage people not to rely on a gadget to help them through tricky aetheric operations but my pendant has stopped me from dying at least once already, so I will mention them as being extremely useful. Also, they’re a lot cheaper than most orgonite stuff. Buy a quality one and wear it when you’re in tough situations.

Going on a Walkabout

I was going to write about the chakra system and what every chakra does and what it means on both a symbolic and a practical level, but then I realised two things: The first thing was that I would need to write an entire book just to cover that topic in sufficient detail and the second (more serious) point was that it's actually a lot more useful if I just teach each you how to fix your entire energy grid yourself and let those who want to give it a shot, go for it.

When you’ve repaired your energy grid you’ll know a lot more about it than most mystics, just like someone who’s taken their motorbike apart and put it back together again. That person REALLY knows how it works and won’t accept any BS from a dodgy mechanic.

So what I’m talking about is going on “Quests”. Words cannot get across how useful this was for me to learn about the aetheric, about myself, to overcome any emotional/spiritual issues in my life, and become who I am today.


Ok. Let’s take it from the top.

You get into a meditative frame of mind and lie down on your bed, somewhere quiet, safe and warm. You lie flat on your back and close your eyes. You open your inner eye and see your Safe Space (let’s say a forest clearing as an example).

There are two ways of doing the next bit. One method is to have a core issue – e.g. “Why do I keep failing at X” or “Why can’t I get a girlfriend” or “I have anger problems, what can I do?” or “How do I improve my psychic ability?”. The other way is to think that you’ve probably got a whole hive of problems that need sorting out and the universe is the best of judge of what problem to sort out first.

So you either have a preconceived specific goal to accomplish or you’re open to whatever possibility the universe throws at you. Either way works fine, although perhaps the latter option is the smarter route.

So you chill out in your Safe Zone for a while. Time works a bit differently here – time in visualisation works a lot faster than real time, so you can do a lot in just an hour or two’s meditation. Naturally if you get aetherically attacked during this time then it will interrupt your Quest so you’ll need to take care of the attack before you can return to the journey.

You stay in the Safe Zone until you get a sign of which way to go. There might be a path, or a bridge, or a wolf leading you off into the woods or whatever. Follow the path. You’ll now be travelling through a landscape made out of the aetheric, the dreamworld and parts of your own soul. It’s complicated and difficult to explain. It’s not necessary that I completely explain it though. It’s about you actually doing this – lying down and meditating and going for a Walkabout on the aetheric and having experiences, going places and meeting people. Having adventures.

These adventures will lead to you overcoming problems in your own life, because the space will become a place for you to really look at and deal with these spiritual/emotional/mental issues and FIX THEM. Actually fix them. No counsellor bill required.

The hardest part of this is to actually do it, because you won’t be in the habit of doing it. The second hardest part is to record your adventures accurately. Keep a notebook, or a word document, and write down the date and time when something happens. Then write at least a paragraph about what happened. It can be as detailed as you like, as long as at a bare minimum it means that if you completely forgot the vision then you could read that paragraph and remember it clearly again.

So for example:

8pm, 11/06/05

Dropped into meditation. Saw myself in the Forest clearing. A white wolf came out of the trees and looked at me – I got the impression to “follow” in my mind. I went after it and ended up walking along a riverbank. After ages spent walking, I became tired and sat against a tree to sleep.

See? Not hard to do, but it’s extremely important. You WILL forget these visions not long after they’ve happened, so that’s why it’s crucial for you to record them.

When you next go to meditate, read the previous diary entry to refresh your memory and then visualise the point where you last left off – NOT starting from scratch in the Safe Space. You’ll fade back into the moment you were and can then continue on the same adventure, even though days/weeks may have passed in the meantime.

Continue your adventure. Eventually you’ll become tired and sleep. In the morning, write down what happened. That’s your new “left off” point. Repeat.

In this way you can (by trancing out for an hour or so per night) link up the experiences and have a continuous alternative life going on. What you experience and what you choose to do will very much depend on who you are, what lessons you need to learn, your personality and how well you document your experiences.

I know that’s a bit vague, but honestly the process is a general framework to allow individuals to have their own individual journey to enlightenment – it’s not a mass production method where everyone has the same things happen twice.

After testing the water a few times, may I suggest you ask the universe to “help me activate my base chakra”? Your walkabouts after that should then be geared towards finding your chakra temple (a metaphorical place which symbolises one of your chakras), which will have lessons and tasks to solve, culminating in clearing that chakra of all associated blockages and problems. This will boost the energy flowing through that chakra/lymph node/aspect of your life and improve things considerably. Then move on to the second chakra. And the next. And the next. There are seven in all and something quite interesting happens after you do that.

Anyway, that’s all there is to it really. It’s incredibly useful, but it isn’t complicated once you understand the method. Rather like fighting the Elite aetherically actually. I’ve said my piece and I hope it helped. If someone out there reads this and finds it gives them the moves to fend off a psychic then it’s been worth my time writing it.

If there’s any problems or whatnot, or if you have any tips and suggestions then send me an email at . Please refrain from contacting me if you just want to say something along the line of “You’re a tinfoil hat wearing fool, LOL” though. I’m already anticipating a couple dozen of those.

Remember folks:


There were nine Avatars. One is dead. One has turned. Seven remain.


Preparing for the Shift. Helping where they can.



Jack London

It's OK to repost this article, but only if ALL attributions are left fully intact-including the original url, title, author's name, and copyright to No editing, no added text, and no truncation. Otherwise, violators (and their servers) will be held liable for copyright infringement. ..Ken Adachi

From: jul09.shtml

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trans-dimensional portals

This doc modified on 3/6/2011

  The expanding of your consciousness allows you to see the dimension that is anchored and on the other side of the gate easier. It consists of moving all of your chakra's energy into your third eye. Moving all of the chakra's energy creates a gateway, created by thought and use is nothing as you think and seem to the higher self of light energy and you are where you are.

  In definition, a trans-dimensional portal is a gateway between universes.  These portals break in the intent to stop and your doing is what energy your subconscious uses as if you open the fabric of reality and create a direct link into time-space, as a link which is  felt and thought suppressed in mind as the body is use for the inversion of space-time is travelling.  By traversing through time space, one is able to basically travel into any time or place imaginable. As if a tunnel that you walk with as through the area you are where you are, as if you think and know from the reality that is inflormation in a streamed energy from the galaxy.

  It is basically beyond the power of a mortal to create them. It takes extreme skill. There are about 5000 countless ways to do so. None will work, unless you are extremely strong in energy usage. A demi-god can basically create a portal with just his mind, and no outside stimuli. However, even humans can create a lesser form of them. That is what happens with the Ouija boards, as the portals made by ouija boards are lesser portals.

  There isn't really a safe way to make a portal, but using a ouija board is one way. And from experience it is pretty hard to use a ouija board safely. Ouija boards create a portal into the spirit world or hell itself.

  Chanting the names of angels is another way. But, it would be extremely hard for someone to create a portal that they can actually travel through.

  You can make a portal effect by thinking of the place you want to be in, then placing two iron rods or coat hangers or wood pieces, one in front and to each side of you and walking through them after imagining energy arch between the two placed things. Imagine going through a tunnel to the place you want to goto as you do. Or, walk between a frame or door thinking of the place to get to. Its sometimes very hard in truth to those without the personal power, or poder, to make it work.

  If you succeed, then all you need to do is close your eyes and your there, anyway at least you can feel the place your spirit went to, as its sometimes your spirit that splits off to make travel. But to some, that method is basically the same as saying, "You can make a portal by thinking you are in another place while taking a shit."

  By touching something after thinking you are in another place you can shift there. The touching an object one has a benefit. As you can use an object to shift back, and it won't happen on the spur of the moment. When you use an object to shift, you end up using something to shift back. However, if one doesn't have an object to focus on while returning, they can get stuck in time-space, and perish.

  If one has enough energy to make a portal, they don't need a doorframe. They just can rip a hole in the fabric of reality anywhere, or imagine themselves there where they want to be and they are there. Its easier to travel to parallel worlds. As they are similar in nature.

  Pseudo-portals can be made to transport energy and info from one place to another. The idea of it is good for sterile communication between people and as an energy output/input. All energy that enters the portal is possible to be put through the firewall effect. The whole thing is torn apart then rebuilt on the other side. It's a form of gateway in that the energy in one end is used to power the other through a 'mirror' link, where that the two sides are connected regardless of distance.

  There are some naturally occurring trans-dimensional portals on Earth. The Bermuda triangle is probably the most well known of these portals. Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt are also trans-dimensional portals, however one can make the assumption that they are accidental portals, or portals that were unintentionally made. Natural trans-dimensional portals occur in areas of the earth where the energy is very strong or where the energy has been magnified.

  More idea on trans-dimensional shifting is here @

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