Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eternal Energy

 This be a technique to borrowing or using energy from the eternal side of things. To make yourself partially immortal from the tap. Think about the eternal side of objects and things, then imagine a funnel sucking with void to you of that energy. Touch an object then you get your result, which can be anything. This can make you immortal through the energy itself influencing the effect and/or yourself.

 Warning: You could find yourself doing an action for a looong tiime, by the same energy, because the will to do things becomes more lengthened or there's repetition of activity till annoyance and that is the other thing, unless blocked. A spacial object moving in space.. just keeps going till stopped and thats an emulation of eternal energy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Magic should be specific

  You need to be specific in using magic. Why? It's like using a sharp knife instead of a cloud of mist to cut tomatoes. Energy needs to be directed where it's most concentrated and can make the most changes instead of doing many smaller changes that could even work against each other.

  You could do a spell to "cause money gain" but if you got money how could you even be sure it was from magic? You should do something specific like "duplicate the notes in my pocket" or "make my advance increased 300% on this article"... just specific.

  Specific magic always works a lot better. You need to have a moment of inner silence when you're focused only on achieving your goals too, which is when the will shoots out. You'll know when it's done.

  However, sometimes you need to specify the general time. As instead of letting on a time for things to occur and getting disappointed. You could say, 'Make duplication of my pocket notes, soon.' That works more to your advantage.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Body balance

  To balance your body is to enable it to lose or maintain its weight and be healthier to use energy easier, at will. When you balance your body, your bodily energy is balanced and your mind is more in tune with reality and this makes your lost abilities come back, eventually. Sometimes the restoration of ability is instant. Balancing your body, is to eat right, do effects, cleansing and being active, sometimes with exercise. To balance out your life, with activity is to create a balance of senses.

  In the effort, to tie into the element and have fun by practice with it, is to make for a more life long effect. This effect is that which is what you want to happen through intention. When you tie into something, or tie an object into something, you think about the element that it represents to link it to you or the object and then draw some of that element to you or the object safely.

  And, to have fun then becomes a play of use, where the use is programmed into the linked element and it does the effect you need. Be aware, specific by force, certain energy has certain effects, that can be directed by will and desire or need. And that energy use is supposed. For the energy doesn't have effect otherwise. Each object has a different energy element.

  Mostly, by being linked to such an element, you are able to do almost anything with it with the thought of the effect and then a statement by action or speaking. As an intent, this is fun for the making. As, to transfer some energy can be by a touch or thought to the element, with some building up of energy and the release of the energy. This is where there is possibility of the element to be programmed or enchanted. At some distance. So will your result and you get your need.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Behavior Modification

 To change behavior or make someone do something magically, you control the circumstances around the target or remind the target of promises or what they were to do by magic. And, in a moment of weakness they might do what they will and thats their decision to do. Also, it will be what you want them to do, if done right.

 Manifesting events and actions by spells also make this possible, as long as you manifest an effect that makes certain activity in and around the target. In the target, by sending energy thought to do something, to 'program' the unused parts of the brain. If they are unaware or not thinking of or with the part of brain, then they aren't using it. To release energy, think it to release it and when you start thinking about something else or stop thinking about it, its released. The energy goes where you intended it to go. It does as you intend it to do.

 Outside the target, by thinking of the area your aware of and how the actions should be. Causing the area to receive your energy as you think of the actions. This is how to control someone magically, especially if you go by the paradigm of, 'You can't change a person, they change themselves.'

 When you want to protect yourself from behavior modification, try thinking of a math problem where you have to balance or adjust the values. Or, think of a number sequence and state the numbers out of sequence. Also possible is to not care about the situation at hand and go on with life. Math is proven to cause you to think with most your brain. Not caring goes along with the idiom, 'Don't sweat the small stuff' and causes any changes to not be permanent. Thus, you won't act differently, either way.

 The idea is useful by some extent with the attempt and with children or child like individuals who are hard to control and unruly. Or, you can get things you normally wouldn't and from individuals who are not actually willing.

 It has been proven that to change the behavior of someone will sometimes make the person more aggressive towards you. If they don't suspect you, then they won't get aggressive. Unless your in a position to which they respect and won't go hostile against. They don't go aggressive unless they're aggravated by the person whom they think is the source of the change. If they don't care, the target tends to do and think later. They literally will do the suggestion, unless they think about what they perceive and not react hostily to the suggester.

 Therapists use behavior modification, by relaxing the person, using discipline and stating something that causes the target to associate differently with an action. And, thinking differently, they do things differently with the idea in mind to react in a more acceptable way that is understood. At least to them. When someone acts differently to the way something is done, you can cause a social changeover, in the target that interprets the motion as directed at them. They tend to use the reaction as an example. Thus, by this example, you can see how behavior modifications can cause an adaption to new circumstances and a different action comes from the change.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Energy mod changeover

  This be when someone attempts to take and modify your energy and send it back to you, to 'program' you. It can leave an intense feel in you. Its a technique that programs the person, as they don't realize the energy was changed. As, if you take the energy and change it and give it back, the person changes as well to that idea that it was programmed as. Most want to keep you from defending, but if you seem to change their programming as you reinterred the energy from them, it won't work. It seems to work on those whom you want to change the behavior on, well. The trick of it is the energy that's changed but feels like yours and thus its sent back, where you then integrate it into yourself without checking the energy pattern. Its a unique way to get annoying behavior stopped.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Magic backing

  Magical backing is the act of making another magic action that causes the act of magic to not fail, unless it wasn't going to work anyway, due to fate. When the act of magic is done, then the backing action can occur, such as willing or stating the intent of 'make it work' or 'this doesn't fail' or 'any negative influence is powering the effect'. Except in negative energy, the backing action could cause it to fail as an opposite synopsis happens and makes the intent reverse. So, in theory, thought and other idea, the magic backing can also be used straightforwardly and be intended for another result. as instead of it being a backing action, its to cause another result. Where, the act you intend is most likely to occur when it is used to overcome an energy influence or will that isn't for it. So, you can see the usefulness of this, when you think about it with an open mind.

  This is a comment from one who tried it, named Caz.
'Well i did backing magic for reinforcing my "to write" spell and then I got the urge to write and finished two MM articles. So take that how you will. the backing energy seems almost like a 'coating' that goes on the surface of the spell. I noticed this technique is a lot like the 'shelling' of psionics. Like it makes a layer that stops the spell from losing power.'

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