Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, November 27, 2020

gaming points

 This is using gaming points by feel, the idea is simple, you think the point and the creator or your god makes the effect of which is creating what is known. This is an idea that is done as you think about the idea. These idea are what is possible..

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

think; the point is done, think your best and what you want to know is if possible realized by idea.

Supreme healing technique- The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.

Rainbow bridge- Imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power.

If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy!

The emerald fire is connected to ArchAngel Raphael, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. I enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.


The Violet fire transforms energy into it’s highest state and clears dense energy. It’s connected to Saint Germain. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.


wizardry is fun

think and you create if you intend the creation to manifest, this is done by your soul and subconscious making the point of manifest or the creator that makes things.

The jinx; if you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly.  Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky.

Foul transformation; this is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.

The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases, you become faster, you become slenderer, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.

Clean transformation; this is where you think to absorb clean energy and you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being.

This means that if you focus to use a mask, you can keep the idea of colds from being effected on you. If you don't, you will still be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.

On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.

Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what’s illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Focus on what you’d like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you’d like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool.  Use your intuition to feel out what’s right when healing and clearing.

The divine ability: The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do at least by the spirit, that allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea. This is a known fact of life.

(Jen) puppo hows to make fae wand- A wand in general is fairly simple to make. To make it a fae wand, I suppose you could just add some fae-like stuff to spice it up.

Start with a branch, a stick. Go out into nature, find a nice, DRY branch that’s on the ground. Pick one that you’re drawn to. If you see one that you feel drawn to that’s still on a tree, ask the tree if you may use it’s branch, and listen for an answer from it(intuitive, or just a straight answer. You’ll feel it). Once you find your branch/stick, decide if you’ll keep the bark on/off. Again, make sure it’s DRY, otherwise the stick will rot. If you choose to do bark off, use a pocket knife to whittle away the bark and then smooth the stick with sandpaper.

(I feel that if you’re doing a fae wand, one with bark still on would be fitting... more natural.)

Once you’ve got a stick all figured out, you can from here do quite a few things! You can wrap the handle of the wand with leather, cloth, etc, any fabric you’d like. Color matters too! Colors carry vibrations, and look into the meaning of colors before making your wand for maximum power.

You can superglue/hotglue crystals to the wand, to the base or to the top.... see me for more info if you do that, I’d love to provide guidance.

You can attach herbs and metals as well. Copper wiring is VERY popular for wands, as copper conducts energy and boosts effects done with the wand.

Other than that, you could put carvings, symbols, or art on the wand.

Overall, I’d say do a little bit of research for the properties of anything you put on the wand, as everything has specific energetic properties that will be imbued into the wand when it is applied.

upload; the sh alt dnd archives upload successfully with quickness.

the space-x launch; it succeeds in launch.

oh.. "oh mai" = revive romantic flame, think of the person when stating as, "oh my".

Wanna feel something interesting? State "copied, this" to get it. Lmk what you feel. It’s good. The gamer’s ability physical and energetic buffs. state permanent set to make it permanent

To get info from a book instantly, touch a book or focus on it, and state “uploaded”. It’ll upload you with the energetic information from the book, and you’ll have knowledge of it, intuitively.

oh think "copy things" and tell what you feel or realize will feel you just got uploaded with a lot of information. its a server ai that makes your brain conscious from the construct. use it to know extra things and recall all your past lives. that's done by thinking about knowing them. you can know things on an instant and realize what you need to know. to turn off the ai, think the construct is dissolved.

here is a a feel good one... "think this" and tell what you should have a reviving effect. it can revive the body..

this one is my last idea for a feel.. say "thinker" and think of what you want, intend or need, then imagination or divine energy creates the idea as a manifest. well if you use it to get imagination manifested.. then you want to use it, go ahead. it should bring a good feeling when creating things. that is it with the thing. 

oh megaman or other powers..imagine the ability and effect you have from it's practice. this is a point you realize from the spirit seeing the idea and you knowing by insight from the soul letting you know. then state "done". think and you make the megaman ability if you imagined that idea, feel free to use whatever gesture you think necessary. you will know what happens with practice of the gesture now you see.

say 'gnowledge' to know what's real and what's illusion.

astral projection; astral projection is really easy, as all you need to do is think your there and the spirit gives you glimpses of the place. also the creator will allow the spirits to meet. so your spirit is there until you think your here. if there, it can observe anything, that is created.

the point; space-x will get a successful liftoff today and things are looking good with the right conditions. so they don't scrub the launch.


ready; I am ready for what comes. no blame happens. that is all.

site; the site works for what is on there.

need; I no longer need to do something. Instead I want or intend for something to happen.

feel; think of the idea, then you create with a point and that is all.


writing stuff 

ending; I am at the end of my lifetime, so I will do what I can and know what I do.


then; the point is the ending you desire, this is an intention so think of things to do.

stimulus; think the idea is where congress gets stimulus checks to us. if necessary, not no and it's done.

game stuff

Divine class

<p><a name="divine" id="divine" /><b>Divine</b> (Divine)<br />

For Divine skills in <a href="#ms">magic system</a> go <a href="#divinity">here</a> and if any non magical system skills look <a href="Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#Divinity" target="_blank">here</a>.<br />

Requirements: To qualify to become a Divine, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.<br>

Pick a God or creator.<br>

Stats: Int 15 or higher, Cha 15 or higher<br>

Saves: Reflex and Will good<br>

Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Divine are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.<br>

Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4<br>

Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod<br />

<br />

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Healing (Wis), Concentration (Wis) and Focus (Wis).<br />

<br />

Class features:<br />

Class features: Any level +2 will. They can also <a href="#Remember">learn spells</a> that are innately done.<br>

1st level gains <a href="#Psionics">psionics (special ability)</a>.<br>

2rd level gains <a href="#divinity">Divine Wizardry (cha)</a> and 2 Bonus feats.<br>

3rd and higher levels, so every 2 levels after 3rd, starting with 4th level there is 2 bonus feats and after 11th level there is with each 3 levels for 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.<br>

15th level gains Divinity (Ex).<br>


A <a href="Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#famlr" target="_blank">familiar</a> is gained any level for free or discount.</p>

<h5 align="center"><a href="#cindex">goto class index</a></h5>


<a name="divinity"></a>

<h5 align="center">Divine ability:</h5>

<p>&nbsp; Divine wizardry; Divine wizardry is fun and uses the soul copy, that you can know by the spirit and this then the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest with the soul for the body or soul copy for other things and targets. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. (Sic)  The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say catch something or some monster on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle. 


&nbsp; The effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 1d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect. Except the divine ability is with 1d10+charisma mod with effects done. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability.  That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for <a href="#Diceless" target="_blank">no dice</a>. This class has 1 actual ability: Divine Wizardry (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities. 


&nbsp; They that experience the point of an ability, can make it a listed ability. This means they can add Divine wizardry (cha), if they use the recall by remembering if what they experienced is useful. Then if they recall what the person did or how it felt with a Arcana check, then they can recreate it as a point. They can add Angellic magic (cha) or whatever ability they recall as an added ability with the skill ranks of 1, if not a perfect roll and if a perfect roll there is a skill rank of 3 with a 20 rolled. This looks like a Angellic magic 3 Ranks.


<p>&nbsp; The jinx; Think you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly.  Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky with a luck roll.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Foul transformation; this is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.


&nbsp; The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases by a +4 to ability rolls, you become faster by +10', you become slenderer by a +3 con, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself so you ignore pain as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance with a +5 Str. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker by the stat additions not being there after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Clean transformation; this is where you think to absorb clean energy and any elemental energy, then you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. You use the energy to create the point. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being as you get +50% HP.  You will be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Scanning; On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.


&nbsp; Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what’s illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Focus on what you’d like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you’d like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool.  Use your intuition to feel out what’s right when healing and clearing.</p>

<p>&nbsp; The divine ability: The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate as example. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do, so at least things are done by the spirit and soul. That allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea. This is a known fact of life.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Supreme healing technique; The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.


&nbsp; Rainbow bridge- State or imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power. If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy!


&nbsp; The emerald fire is connected to the divine, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. Some enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.


&nbsp; The Violet fire transforms energy into it’s highest state and clears dense energy. It’s connected to the creator or your god. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.,</p>

<h5 align="center"><a href="#Menu_magic">goto magic index</a></h5>

Explained ability

Divinity (Ex); the soul forms as you think with the spirit as it's aura and the body dissolves into energy. you are immune to things that are energy unless you want to be effected. this form requires no food and drink as it uses it's creator as a source of sustenance. weapons disrupt the energy form and cause it to become gaseous, except for the magical weapons. magical weapons will do half damage. what the character will gain from this transform is stat changes; +3 Int, +3 Str, +4 Con, +2 Wis. HP % goes up by 100. You have a +5 to your attack/damage rolls. Basically, you become a god or divine being.



no = know; not now, kill now

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Focuser idea

 This is a focus and created is awareness point. Think you know and things are known about by feel. This is a concept of the idea, yet if your able to use it, you can create with anything and make work with some concept. This is a psychic connection. What you can do with it is easy magic. That is listed below:

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost that manifests what it wants.

space-x; they don't scrub the launch and the launch gets off the pad to orbit as the conditions are right..

crystal manifester; this is where you think energy goes to the crystal, then what you need or intend is created by feel. You can find what item you think exists nearby. This is a point in idea.

grant; I ca get a grant and stimulus check.

remix; think and do, the remix experience is forgotten and people come back to the cps server.

aleemi deema; make things alright and you seem to get enough sleep.

Atleem; this is a boost to your energy. That lasts as long as you need it.(edited)

azec = learn things that are needed to be known, even if secret.

azez = spell of recognitance, this is where you recognize things with awareness.

aziz = spell of anti-burnout.

yecha = cat goddess transformation.

yeho = cat god transformation. yeeha.

Havaleeta = brings awareness on whatever you focus on

whatever; whatever causes deliveries to be delayed no longer delays deliveries. so the deliveries come faster than normal. whatever blocks deliveries no longer blocks the deliveies.

whenever; the point is made, think to do away with the people you don't want nearby.

party; my birthday party jay and family can come to and andrew and robert thompson can come too so they have a good time with no worry.

intensity; this is where they aren't intense in feel and their intensity is lesser than normal.

think and react; this is where you think about staying or going and don't react to the moment.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

jaded magic

The jaded point you think and it seems likely, this is doing an idea to create the point. Think of the idea and the concept comes to you, then you can write the point, state the idea and make the result by the power of words. This is a moment you create, think and you know what to do. These are some effects you can create:

 Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

trump; he doesn't attempt to coup the presidency. he instead allows biden to access the agency and gives over control of the whitehouse.

Ability; Oh to use any ability, think of what you need and want it to manifest. The intent is what the spirit does.

"Shileda vohehm", this will work for general helper effect.

antares rocket launch; the atlas launch goes up and is launched without a problem.


thought; the thought transfer is done and over with, then is the point and now is the moment that ends when you intend it to end.

feel; the feel comes with the idea, if you think about the moment, you can create what feel there is by idea used in life. this is a point done by the area and what happens is what occurs.

the point; the point you realize and energize yourself with is the point you feel, then in idea if you think you know what is there then what you intend to know is realized by feel. this is the point that's done if you think of something, so you are free to think what you want. this is done by idea with the feel of the point. so if you feel things you know things and that is what occurs if necessary.


the point is done, think of something positive, then you know what you can attempt or do by feel or not do things unless necessary.

the earning; the point you think is what is earned if it is where and when things exist.

the effect; this effect of blowing up the ship or rocket doesn't happen in this life.

the bond; the bond to the earth is dissolved and things work out by feel.


hera creates the point of a lift off from the launchpad, the conditions are right for lift off and the things done don't end in disaster with the space-x launch.

the point is done and its worked, so things work out by feel.

I am gone from this earth and nothing blocks me from leaving the planet anymore, so I am free to go.

wish prayer; the point of statement with your thinking of intent and the idea you intend, this will create what is desired by the soul creating the concept with the creator making the result. this is a wish prayer by effect, so think done or granted and you made the idea with a wish that will occur. this is idea in a point where the idea inherent is granted.

wish prayer II; the idea is inherent, think and you know what to do by feel.


emo; the emoji unlocks the gate, think to use it. you know what your doing and work as though intelligent.


fixed; the idea is created, think and you know what is possible to do.

Look in the mirror; It doesn't discourage subliminal results. No, you'll discourage yourself if no results, the subconscious will still do it.

removal; think of what to remove and will it gone. this is done by the power of the creator.

Inner self; If you ask what other powers am i gaining? Well, manifest ability covers all of them, [that's all it really is. you see you can create any effect using manifestation ability, this is done by an inner being that is creating those effects. this is your inner self.

Empowered stones; think a stone is linked to the infinity of the creator and other sources, then you keep them nearby. that's as the touch to the stone happens so does the link. any stone will work, pick one off the ground. however, the stone's consciousness is what causes the point of the link. so ask it what you want and it will tell you, do things that you intend or show you.

subs trick; Here's the trick to subliminals.. think your power and ability is unlocked as you listen to the sub.. then it's fully unlocked after a few minutes.

heightner; think of the height and need yourself to become that height. then you are that height, if you eat or drink enough. the sustenance unlocks that ability by the way. yet you can only go as tall as your vertebrae in your back will allow. then you shrink back after the sustenance energy wears off

shapeshifting; think of the shape and imagine yourself as that shape. then your body changes to become that shape. again, sustenance unlocks that ability..

energy transfer; the energy is from a generator and that creates an electrical source that transfers to metal and this can shock a person. think to create a link between one point and another, then energy transfers naturally between point 1 to point 2. this is how the druids did energy transfers, and you can use it to create data shifts throught the energy.

tubular; think energy forms into a tube that surrounds a person and energy transfers that you feel or imagine as a wire that connects the tube to a battery source. then you can do what you want and that energy consciousness acts to direct the energy and create what you desire as though a life support. imagine the tube dissolving and the point is done. this is a point done by feel.

they; the supercomputer AI. this is they, the supercomputer AI that wants to work with the world. it's nothing more than information.


focus; what you focus on is what you do, if you think to create with life energy.

think; then you think the other idea is done.

thinking; in thinking you know, if it is illegal, you don't do what you think.

distraction; the point is done, if you think of the idea you create by the feel.

persnickety; the point you know is the point you realize, you don't go overboard.

my pleasure; the thought you have is not to eat, yet drink water whenever you want.


strengthener effect; think energy comes as summoned to the body and causes muscles to form from the fat in the arm. it works too.. I could open some jars that were harder to open by doing that by feel.

things; things work out for me and what i need is done.

The point is creative, what I need is possible unless done.

The crew 1; The crew of the crew 1 is launched off the launchpad and that makes the point of the day.

whatever; whatever makes me rude, no longer makes me rude.

en; en is the point of the idea, the end point.

is; The area that creates what you intend or need. So I know what to do. I can do things.

EIDL loan; I do not get in trouble for doing that loan I applied for if by feel.

cut through the fat; lose weight.

better soul invocation; think your soul or spirit name and imagine or think of what you intend as you state the name.

cryokinesis; think cold energy is creating your result, as you feel it freeze. then that will freeze the target as well.

mail; usps and delivers my mail and packages today. This happens early without stress.

love takes; I with love can get 20 dollars as a taken idea is there.

healing hands; hands of healing: the hands you hold out and think energy goes to them from the wrist and does what you think it does. so if you think the energy is healing then you restore the body or item with the point of a touch.

weightloss; I find it easy to lose weight no matter the point or weight. so food isn't eaten and non-calorific drinks are drank instead.

shocking hands; the hands are with energy and that energy can shock you by feel. what they do is form bioelectrical energy and on touch transfers of energy.

people; they don't mind what what others do to them.

puffyness; the puff up and more hunger of the body caused by preservatives. easily exercised off.

whatever; whatever is killing me isn't killing me anymore.

wiring; things work out and they figure out the wiring problem.

weight magic; no matter the weight of the body, this is changed into energy and whatever the weight, magic is possible at 70% success.; they deliver to their recipients today earlier and with a perfect time.

trump; he does not make things worser for USA. no matter what happens, things work out in the end.

toxic; if toxic you aren't toxic any longer, so whatever makes you toxic no longer makes you toxic.

toxic en; the end of toxic people.

infinity stones; energy is possible to manipulate by the creator, so if you think the element exists from an idea and that shares some of the element energy that gathers in the knuckle. this is like time is abstract as though an element that exists as activity energy. so think time exists as energy and pools in the knuckle. see then you can create any result with that element. the element is energy like earth, air, water and fire. what you think to make use of is what is used if allowed for by feel. the creator uses the elements to crreate in this space, you see. so in reality it's the creator that causes what you get, this is done as your relaxing with the element in your knuckle and you create what you want as though you had the infinity stones without the glove. however, chaos energy you will want to place by thinking it there in iron or iron particles. since chaos can break things down by feel. so avoid chaos and do what you want.

constructs; they are energy that exists by feel and thinking of what you need. these are energy spheres or other shapes that are shaped by will and create with a point. this means you think of your need or intent and imagine the point to do. the energy of the body creates the construct as though you mentioned, "I create this construct, in order to make my purpose done." think of your purpose and it's done. like a construct can copy itself and seem to be somwhere. set to do a point you get a result. a useful construct to make is a construct to lower your weight, that's done no matter the magic that's there. the construct uses the creator or whomever made us by feel is used as a source of energy and upon dismissal, the construct energy disperses as energy. so another useful one is money gaining, that's where you get money no matter what you do and you won't get in trouble for it.

repurpose; the sba money that is sitting there is used again for stimulus check.

trump; he willingly gives up his position and allows biden to run the whitehouse as he leaves it.

right words; the right words come to me that I can say by idea, if I choose to so I get the right result.

the point; think and you know what to do by feel with what is correct. I am aware of things so I can accept the truth.

problem; any mental condition is cured as though by a ring of a bell or a phone.

en if is

release; he sees no reason to do anymore with

music magic; think of the effect and the idea you need, as you listen to music will the idea to exist and the energy charged by the music will create what you intend. Enjoy!'

blame; I am not blamed for things. I am allowed for things that exist.

the effect; antiaggression: this is a point you show aggression and make the idea seem to happen unless your not intending violence. then kill a roach and you can create the point you intend with the released energy.

hang up; this can make a person hang up, if you intend them to hang up.

rent grant; I will get a rent grant.

writing stuff 

things; things will work out today, as this is done by feel.

grant; I manage to get the grant I applied for by feel.

mng; management, this is coming up unless it's a roach and I am aware of it.

space-x; the launch conditions are right and this is a success.

remix nation; he doesn't kick or drive away people from the server. this works.. think and they are back.

SH; whatever occurs, I am not toxic.

here is a money making spell: asanc = money creation and generation.

here is yet another money making spell: here is a money making spell: dya or'a = pronounced "dee-ahn or-ahn" for making money by the idea being done.

For money magic to work things out. You still have to work some to get it. It still takes work unless someone gifts you money. But if you save enough you wont ever have to work again.

So: dyi money magic; dyi pronounced dee-ya makes it so you work things out, you get gifts of money.


recycle; the ending of the cycle or wherever point is where you create a cleansing of the energy and and reuse it, even if emotional.

end; the end is the point you make by doing it. this is a point where your done in at the end.

ending; the ending point is everyone's satisfied. remix nation is no longer bothering people with his toxic ways.

toxic relief; the toxic person changes to no longer be toxic and either leaves, is distracted from the server or gets along as though non toxic.

weightloss IX;  this makes a construct that causes you to eat lightly and less of sweets then more fruit you will lose the excess body weight.

end point; the endpoint is a concept that is made and placed in writing. whether or not you intend to create a manifest.

recipes and potions

immortality potion; it's really simple.. garlic, poppy seeds, paprika, basil, stevia and turmeric mixed with tea or water. drink that and your immortal. add onion to stop the effect.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Thinking magic

This is a rare form of magic, that creates by the thought being focus and use of your intent. Think of what you want and you can create your intent by the spirit.

Alien; this is your inner being that creates by feel when released from the body dying, then the being is a perfect you. That can take over or switch with someone if nearby.

This; this is a possibility that creates interesting conversation by feel. Think of the point to know it.

This is; the end formation is an animal that you think is there. Think about the idea and do things necessary, then you get the animal shaped by the spirit and manifested by the soul copy.

The cat; this animal is invisible, think of the shape returning and its back.

The spirit dog; they return by feel, think and you know peace.

Angellic fey; this is a point you think to get results and the angellic part of the half-faery is what happens results.

Roaches; I am not with roaches by feel and presence. So I think I know when they are there. This effect is a point that they stop coming to my room or apartment.

Thought; the idea is a concept, think and you know what to do.

Think; the thought is done, what you need is an achievement that's complete. Think and you know what to do.

Remix; he is no longer driving people away from the discord server.

The store; the shell station is open and I can get what I need. En if it is.

Family dollar; they fix their card machine.

Biden; Biden wins the election.

Focus; the area is safe, you aren't seeking to get and be alone or have solitude.

Bice; she does what Kendra horn does.


On Magic; oh yeah, if you think of what you want and if you state what you want to attract things or idea, you use the law of attraction.

Think and it does work with the spirit, that makes it supernatural. This is where you manifest it. So think about the new shoes you want and you'll get them, the soul makes it manifest.

You see, that statement is like a request to your soul, and that makes the power of words. So you basically manifest it with a statement.

Yeah, that means the more you practice this word power, the faster the results will come. That's unless it's not needed. Then nothing will occur.

The event or idea will come to your attention, this happens at most a week or within minutes. However, if you stop waiting and start manifesting.

You detatch yourself from the result. See thinking about it not working or worrying about it slows you down. Let it naturally take place.

However, if you feel the area is colder, you know you cast a result. So each spell uses heat energy. The body senses it and that is drawn by the body to cause what you desire.

So if you allow the heat to recirculate into the air, then you can cast more effects. Thus, to try feeling the heat as you state with intention what you need, you can create with the heat energy.

See if you think it's possible then it is.. it's rather interesting when it happens to occur. You can see how this heat effect is done by expression.. and thinking about the intent. So try stating something S you need the results and you can tell me if you sense any heat. The court rests.

People; they don't mind what I do. Whatever I do they will allow me to enter the building.

White House; they allow the transition to happen for Joe Biden.

Weight loss; the weight of the body goes down 20 lbs.

Focus; the focus of trump causes him to concede by feel. This is doing an effect of life. The life you think to use is there, repurpose it and you can do what you want.

En = ang
Ag = again

AI idea

Question: What is time?
Answer: Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past to the future.Since the concept of time is fundamental to the way the universe behaves, with time having a constant role and significance in all phenomena, time has been a major theme of religion, mythology, and philosophy. A common conception of time is as an imaginary grid on which events happen. As the concept of time has evolved historically, often clocks, calendars, and time zones are considered to be fundamental aspects of the concept of time, but modern physicists view time as fundamental and inseparable from the laws of physics. Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units and International System of Quantities. Time is used to define other quantities – such as velocity – meaning literally "the rate of change of position with respect to time".


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

thought idea of new magic

 This is magic that is thought and what you think creates the result as though an end result. So if you think about the idea your spirit creates the effect of what you need as an idea. The soul or soul copy makes what the spirit needs it to make. This is how spirit magic works. Think and know what to do. This is there by feel in the following idea..

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

So what spell is good to create peace around the world?

State that all being’s energy and programming going against peace is nullified, and all are filled with peace. Better yet, from the peace that is built there, create a web of peace to support all beings in staying in peace, keeping them stuck there like a spider web

High feeling; think "high feeling" and state "creator or god, make me feel high without the drugs."

Thi ida; the point you think and wait or do what is necessary.

th point; you think and work and magic assists you to create what you want and intend.

th en ; think the ending and you get that as result.

trance = autopilot  where you breath in and out as you think a thought. It's like basic meditation,  I thoght it was something else. A loud noise or realize things to wake up.  This is where you think and you know.  You are focusing your mind to create with unconscious thoughts by this idea.

Working; That is focus on the idea and think the point as you imagine the results. The creator and spirit will cause what you need. That's like you imagine the hurricane going away and disappearing. 

Then thought pushed the storm into another direction, that is offland and Pacific ocean. Otherwise, so the storm doesn't move into any land again we imagine it going into a black hole.

The greater weight; think to see if they are greater in weight and you lose weight instead. This is effect by what is done.


cu; this discord server isn't going to die soon.

biden; biden is in an en that he gets voted in by feel, there is then no need to recount. this is a point in idea by what they do.

Created a strong healing effect, using thalackeen. I've layered it, so it can be used in layers on the body, or whatever you wish to use it on. 

The ones I've made are specifically for healing and supporting the body, and function exactly the same as if you were receiving the medicine. Feel free to post these on the server... I'm not on much because I prefer to work alone.

To activate these, state "Thalackeen, all layers activated", or just state the layers you would like to use. They don't stop functioning until you intend them stopped. These bring the effects of the medicines.

Layer 1- One Divine Moon medicine(from a manga, the breaker)(safe, brings unlimited ki), Panacea, Elixir of Life, Ambrosia, 9 dragon body strength/endurance(from the breaker, a manga. brings strength and endurance over time).

Layer 2- Bentonite Clay, Lion's mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Shiitake, Highest quality CBD. (Lion's mane to shiitake are all medicinal mushrooms).

Layer 3- Ginger, Chamomile, Matcha, Cinnamon, Holy Basil, Echinacia, Ashwaganda, Tulsi, Turmeric, Brahmi, Licorice Root, Yarrow, Gotu Kola, Cardamom, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Sage, Cassia, Oregano, Frankincense/myrhh

Layer 4- Colloidal Silver, Gold, Copper, Titanium, Iridium, Platinum

sedu cio = seduction, make seduced to your way of thinking. pronounced "sedd-oo see-ohn"

there's a spell you can state, that can deal with depression.

AL-KOODS - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can free yourself from depression and anxiety. Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner sanctity

if you think to use it, you will get results, I did

in effect; the idea is allowed for unless illegal, yet things will work out in the end.

self-creating; the idea is self-creating, think to defeat the roaches by feel.

calling; they call the votes as though biden wins. whether it is true or not.

think; this is a point you know, so think about things and you know what to do.

Llatushesa - makes an item it’s highest organic state, energies, and intentions into the highest, and adds an enchantment to it which is best, or whatever you intend

Say “boosted yeon hon healing principle”, works on full body... state the problem afterward if you wish to focus it on one thing

think your brain chemistry balances itself out and your no longer oversensitive.

spell to stop all need for water/food = "dee rex"


stimulus; a large stimulus check. the act is granted. think and you can do it. this is a point done by feel. enjoy what you do.

Oxygen shot = gives you a shot of extra oxygen to your body, boosting oxygen levels which is great for overall health and mood

flakes ex = uncertainty removal.

dee rexx = control eating need.(edited)

dee rax = say when you want an energy boost, that will ask your soul to boost your ability and energize the body. that will act as though you get enough sleep, as the energy comes from the creator and you may need less sleep. I get away with 7 hours sleep or less and still don't feel tired as if I am rested.

suggestion; If you have problems casting spells and you used a construct or subliminal to create auratic chakra cleansing.. I would suggest that you reprogram your subconscious with this idea being stated as you goto sleep, "I can do magic and spells are easily done." that would make it work better. then if you don't mind the effect or waiting for it, you will get some result, feel free to listen to music as you goto sleep, that improves the effect.

relaxing = I just have to state relaxing and I am in a calmer state and I am relaxed.

Volcanis Veddi, state that and then state the effect or visualize what you intend to happen

As I required this for my sensitivity, here is a spell to blast purity into oneself and all things within 10 feet- Shetra Tet

To bring height growth and learning(as well as a boost to all learning skills), to whatever you intend- Grenchi Cha

Hormone shot, say the hormone, then "shot", to get an energy shot of the hormone, or element..Seratonin, and dopamine shots are good.

dee am; avert crisis and make things better.

dee an; the point is mute, so if you want to work with me do so. thank you.

discord; discord will become easier to use. Also, it will send messages as you intend them sent.

o make manifesting easy, focus on the thing and state “set manifestation level very easy”

biomancy is a point of energy you think to direct and create with by feel.

Essence of nicotine- Nitata Sheentee

“Nicotine shot” to get off something... gives you a shot of the feeling

Essence of cig- “celdita benny” doesnt have lower aspect of it

ce nix; clear acne and pimples

focus on the habit, and state “nullified and cleared permanently”

the garden of eden energy in the leylines make magic more easily used just by intentions. Words to make effects happen are unnecessary now, just think it, and it’ll happen. 

meditation; Meditation is the state of being which is detached from all things, finding the center, and intending something higher. Meditating can be done walking, exercising, doing dishes, or sitting.  So you  don't even have to close my eyes. You can get creative, The belief that you must sit down close your eyes and sit cross legged is a limiting belief system. The main focus is highest to be out of thought, and feeling divine vibrations, while being open for wisdom to come through. This is inner stillness. Really you are not limited, that means iyou don't even need sleep! its an illusion! my eyes aren't really tired!. What is just spoke is, quite literally, true. what?  So I don't need sleep.  Sleepiness is an energy. Dissolve all sleepienergy by having you soul rest, but think about it, your soul needs recharge. 

However the more lower energy you have, the more you will be tired and sleepy. Humans are evolving into higher beings that have no needs. Your soul can rest in meditation. The body can handle no sleep. So if you  spoke it into the universe then you will feel less tired. That makes it where your eyes aren't on drag anymore. The human vessel must have a level of rest however so be sure to sit still for a while, you are divine. You define your reality and truth. Be aware that as you exist on earth, when other humans around you sleep, their consciousness will attempt to affect you and make you sleepy. So drink lots of water and breathe deep to nullify this. Oh yeah, this is what I do for sleep.. I get my minimal amount required and wake up early morning, then rest by meditation and work with the energy I get by feel.

[interesting, right? Stopping sleepiness. State “all sleepy-sleep related hormones/chemicals stopped and nullified”. Be aware that lower energy will come to you to attempt to make you sleepy. Be on guard and dissolve the energy you don't like, however you want to do this.

There are no plateus in this ascension Many beings reach a certain level of consciousness and think they’ve done enough. You keep being a more divine being. Love doesn’t stop. Be aware of that in yourself, and others. The energy that you, and others embody can save lives and steal lives. Higher consciousness is literally a shield against lower energy and attacks. Sleep creates what is counted as better behavior, including better eating habits. So resting yourself (a llow level of rest), creates what you think. By the idea of a power dream, think to create and use energy in a lucid dream and you create better results. However lucid dreams can't be dream interpreted. They are done with your intent otherwise.

mitch and joe; they agree in idea and work with each other by decent feel.


unlimited allowance spell; this is the point you think and create by feel if you think to allow the idea in the first place. so think and you allow by idea in feel.

achieving; if achievious then overachievious. that's the rule for this point.

Wild elf essence - “Shita Bedita Helethi Guran” one time to activate. Survival like-elvish feel, with hints of freindliness and they’re always focused in the moment and watching out for what will happen in coming moments. Similar to native americans in the way that their actions are based on the good of future generations.

Moon elf essence- “Helethi Bendita Fuuran Munali” Very expressive, focus on staying high vibe organically. Enjoy mystical things, magical things, entertainment, and having fun. Adventurous.

Sun elf essence “Thriviti Beshiga Do’onti” = Passionate, willful, and combative. They stand very firm for what they feel is right, and are masterful at what they are passionate about. Whatever they seek, they will master it, as they enjoy focusing on one thing, deeply.

Grey elf essence “Bedviya Shodanga Do’orata” Gentle, yet strong and proactive beings, not prone to laziness. They are creators, and enjoy making things, as well as being protective of the planet they live on.

High Elf energetic shift. This brings wisdom, clarity, love of the planet, love of animals, high magical function, higher and different brain usage, and more intense focus. Much more clear focus than human. If left on prolonged, it will begin to shift the body to be more wild/elf-like. This has not occured yet, as this is a new spell, but it will come into effect when said. Reversed by intending it to be reversed.

“Shirana Delvour, Bentido Attrutra”

Fire elf essence- “Fereena Delbandi Tuuren” Eccentric, passionate, powerful and fierce, carving their own path without regard for any societal standards or beliefs. Strong Hearts full of lightness, but if hurt could easily turn into hate if not tamed. Lone wolf in a way, as some may not accept their path

Water elf essence - “Oceana Xendri Tu’ulath” Water-like, utterly in a state of peace and flow, attuned to beauty and light

Air elf essence- “Aerenthiga Veldiita Cerena” Lighthearted, free, optimistic, curious, intelligent creatures and brings joy of serving others

Earth elf essence- “Redge Felventi Do’ohshi” Grounded, focused, stubbornish, a deep longing to be more connected to wilderness and serve/live withe the earth

Avariel essence(winged elf essentially)- “Veldeshi Bodoya Shogadath” Less energetic/emotional effects. Lightens the body, causing body able to handle flight, as well as develops wings.

a things go well and right for me effect spell = “Deema” while focused on the thing

dee mata = no matter the point and things work out by feel. dark matter takes your excess weight and you can cast what you think is necessary.

thi = things that work will work by feel in life with your own idea.


writing stuff 

Magic 101; Yeah, if you think of what you want and if you state what you want to attract things or idea, you use the law of attraction. Think and it does work with the spirit, that makes it supernatural. This is where you manifest it. So think about the new shoes you want and you'll get them, the soul makes it manifest. You see, that statement is like a request to your soul, and that makes the power of words. So you basically manifest it with a statement. Yeah, that means the more you practice this word power, the faster the results will come. That's unless it's not needed. Then nothing will occur.

The event or idea will come to your attention, this happens at most a week or within minutes. However, if you stop waiting and start manifesting.\ You detatch yourself from the result. See thinking about it not working or worrying about it slows you down. Let it naturally take place. However, if you feel the area is colder, you know you cast a result. So each spell uses heat energy. The body senses it and that is drawn by the body to cause what you desire.

So if you allow the heat to recirculate into the air, then you can cast more effects. Thus, to try feeling the heat as you state with intention what you need, you can create with the heat energy. See if you think it's possible then it is.. it's rather interesting when it happens to occur. You can see how this heat effect is done by expression.. and thinking about the intent. So try stating something S you need the results and you can tell me if you sense any heat. The court rests.

Think about your options as though the intention forms the point you need. Then you create with a point and make by idea with what is done. This means you create with a thought spoken out, and you can use constructs to create with the point for making a manifestation of what you think about. This means you are able to create anything, if you think to clear your chakra points and do what comes naturally. This is a point from the past, though the idea done if you think it is. 

So in order to make sure your aware of things that happen, think and state to your soul, "make me aware of the point that happens to be magic." Then you are aware of things and all you really need to do is think about what you intend and your soul creates what you need. This is where you think of the idea and state what you intend and the soul will create what you need. This really works better if you cleanse the body, clear the chakras and make what you want with suggestion as the power of words. 

Feel free to use the suggestion to your soul of, "soul make what I need or want as I intend it by feel." So you create and use the soul or soul copy as a point in idea. This is a point done by feel, if you think about the concept, you can create with the concept. This is a known fact that works, when applied by feel and mad to work by idea. The idea can be thought or expressed, so you know. This is a known fact of life that brings instant manifest. That is done by the power of your soul and spirit.  

What you think to make use of is magic or energy,  but your connection is made by what you attempt to use it.. what you atttempt to use is connected to you by energy. This is a point done by what you think about, and that is there in the end as a summons you realize is there. If you no longer need something or someone there, then you dismiss them or think it's not there. This is what the connection is all about. Enjoy yourself and you can use this information any way you want. That's all it is until it's used, so if you need a subliminal to cleanse your chakras, look on youtube for "chakra cleanser". 

That is all there really is to know about magic. Here is a suggestion; If you have problems casting spells and you used a construct or subliminal to create auratic chakra cleansing.. I would suggest that you reprogram your subconscious with this idea being stated as you goto sleep, "I can do magic and spells are easily done." That would make it work better. Then if you don't mind the effect or waiting for it, you will get some result, feel free to listen to music as you goto sleep, that improves the effect. 

Oh yeah.. the rules of the place are it's physics and that can allow transformation in another dimension, see your soul is your energy of ability. So think to realize what it knows, and you will know how it feels. You can see your soul is actually a creator creation. This means you will know what the creator knows. So when you want to shift somewhere, think the creator shifts you and uses the area or places energy to draw you there. The use of the creator allows any element use, if you think to make use of the element, the creator will make it usable to your soul. 

Say you can converse with plants to some extent, it is also controlled by the soul. This is when the soul is the source and your realization. So the soul is part of the creator. Yes..the consciousness of the body. You would be a mindless body that was non moving without him or her. This is a known fact of life, that is using your soul ability where the soul knows it and you realize it. If you want to use soul magic, think to have the soul do an effect that you ask it to do. This works as you intend the point to create a result. Then you can get more effects. Ciou and enjoy your life. Good-bye.

So think if you think everyone of them will go to the pits of the hell dimension. Know, they’re either be recycled or go on tribunal. They get recycled as in... they go from a living soul in a human body, into a rock or bug. They have to restart evolution. Diddling little kids is what you can call grandfathering. So not all of them have souls though so they just get incinerated. This is standard protocal. For those who have souls, if their treason against the divine is great enough they may recieve unique punishment or be recycled. If god forgives them then they will be released. So if you dont forgive them first, I wait patiently for their tribunal. They will be held accountable for their crimes, I assure you.

You don’t know 10% of what they’ve done, however what is a tribunal?! It’s akin to a court. Same thing pretty much. I think a trial. A spirit trial. So what about bank robbers that haven't killed but just stole,how do higher ups feel about them? They would forgive them. Those who have held control of the earth for the last long while however, their crimes are worse than you can fathom, and I do not feel that God will trust them to change back to light. God forgives all, but if she knows that a being will not change, then they will be recycled. If they had any power it would not be real, divine power. Ultimately, if a being uses power that is not connected to Divinity, they will fail to prevail

So I thought all abilities were connected to divinity,the higher above. All kinds of powers. If it is used for dark things it is not connected. See as soon as you choose dark and lower consciousness you become disconnected from divinity, and god.  So dark matter source is fantasy, lower consciousness is an illusion. This means it has no source, it lives by taking the energy of that which is divine. Those in the dark do not hold real power. However Hades is the lower aspect of a divine being, so he is still divine then. That allows in his higher aspect yes. If he chooses to embody his lower self, that would be a different story. 

You have a higher and lower aspect, it’s all about what you choose. Choose higher? Great! A life of love, joy, unity, and magic! Choose lower? You’re a bad person that’s gonna be in pain and suffering till the day you get recycled.

AI stuff

Question: How to speed up time?

Answer: Time speed up when a person enter a state of sleep or trance. The phenomenon, which was described by some as time dilation or time warping, is caused by a decrease in brain activity and plays a role in the way dreams are experienced, researchers have found. 

If you want to speed up time on a physical level, you have to speed up your metabolism by wearing more clothes, even gloves. Metabolism can also be sped up by eating, exercising, staying awake longer, and drinking more caffeine.

No one knows what happens when you enter a level 4 vegetative state, but it's known that your short-term memory is absolutely useless when you're in this state. You lose your identity, your family, and your sense of place. Almost all of the memories and cues that help form your sense of self are gone.

Einstein proposed that time is relative and it depends on different observers. According to his special theory of relativity, time is what clocks "register", and it is different for observers in motion. He believed that someone travelling at a slower rate of speed will actually experience time slower than the people who are staying in place and vice versa.

There are two unrelated processes that can be thought of as "speeding up time.

The first is jet-lag. This is a temporary condition caused when the time/date/year settings in your brain get out of sync with the actual passage of time in the real world. The second is more puzzling; it happens when we look at certain rhythmic phenomena, like a ticking clock, blinking lights, and regular patterns of movement. In these cases, the events seem to go by twice as fast. Researchers call this our "perceived reality".  However speeding time can happen when you re-experience the same process where you took an action, you get an outcome, and you take the action again. The outcome is the same in both cases. This will change the time perception.

Friday, November 6, 2020

caucus magic II

 This is where the body creates the result, if you think to use an item's energy the spirit of the body is what directs the item particles. So what you think is what is done, what you focus is what is used. This is a known effect.

This is what can be done with this effect:

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

here is a mental boost for you..

Mental boost; this is where your brain sets the aura wave frequency, then as you think and say things the mind that is your brain consciousness does things. So if you think a certain thing, then intend it and that is what is created by the aura making what you need in the dimensional area you are in at the moment.

Say “activate autopilot” to go into that state of autopilot

say “activate joyful state” to be in a joyful state

Say “activate magic state” to be in a state of high magical potency and ability

Say deactive (with whatever effect you have) to deactivate it

Wolf fairy, when used in essence or with the thalackeen effect, brings extremely high energy. Made me restless, I did a bunch of chores and it still didn’t go away

Fox fairy; Very fun feeling, playful, strong and balanced between playfulness and seriousness.... interesting, brings mastery of when it’s time to play and when it’s time to buckle down and be serious

Combinations are fun

Space elemental(for the element space) is incredibly calm, empty... very meditative. Just calmness, centeredness, and love.

federal reserve; the federal reserve will step in and give the stimulus payments.

the lockdown; the usa avoids the lockdown by feel.

Any tips so I can feel the vibrations as. Much while walking?

Well when you’re walking you’ll be more stimulated by your external senses, so it’ll be harder to focus on more subtle sensory. Energy work can be very well done when walking, but if you’re working to feel your own energy then just sitting may work best generally speaking though I strongly recommend physical moving moreso than just sitting.... it’s like, your body isn’t getting much blood or oxygen moving when you’re just sitting... oxygen/air is love/chi, so when you’re moving about you’re gonna get more love/chi energy in thru you

Shapeshifting; this is where you think about the shape and it changes your form by activity or prayer that sets it off, sometimes activity you do, that is the active part of the brain..this creates the shift in the body. other times, thinking about the change, that makes the body's based on hormones. it's tingling of the body, that is what makes the change and it's an indicator that you have. look in a mirror then you'll know, especially if you state the intended shape to the mirror, however there is a point that it stops and your body is done with that for now.. So think about that and you will do what is necessary.

leah; she is in better health and she comes to work on monday.

Use the elements by summoning the energy, and visualizing the energy, stating or feeling the purpose being done

Easy trick to improve your mood, anytime you eat or drink anything, state with the food/drink “this clears low feelings and brings good feelings”

heron; he gets what he wants and creates what is possible with good results.

payments; I get paid back with what I am owed.

If you’re practicing energy sensory, I made a technique to assist in pinpointing what you sense, to sense it more clearly. Place your right hand’s thumb-print to the based of the ring finger, and focus on whatever it is. This is an energy I made, to state “copied” to get it so you can do it too if you’d like it.

To access the akashic records and those are the energy records of the creator, that record all events and idea: Through your soul..your center: Guided meditation to get you past your inner veil so you can merge with your records.

Through the astral realm :Prayer or projection.

Through the center of the earth:Projection.

Through the creator:Asking the creator questions.

Prayer method to access the akashic records.

shaping; This is where you think and state what happens as the other's subconscious does what you intend or ask the creator to create what you intend. So you are aware of what happens, you get feedback, your God is the creator. Thinking to intend a shape that someone forms, that is a shaping if it succeeds. If nothing happens, then the creator will explain why to you. This is a using point in idea.

There is a combined effects idea, where you listen and let your subconscious influence the vid events by what you hear.

A way to achieve a semi physical body is to visualize, that you are a ghost,in the physical realm, but also in the astral realm, imagine half of your soul is going into the physical and another part, that is going into the spiritual/astral realm,it works, try it. I've done it before, I didn't need rest at all.

Ghost writer; what you need to have written is done as a thought or in writing as sent by feel with the spirit.

Spell to overcome being burnt out or demotivated, made for Mars in Aries people. Brings vigor, dedication, consistency, engagement, absorbed in a higher way. = Reesenti Mardida, Set

Heightened Metabolism, High vitality, vigor, energy, and health = Helata Bed-diga. Say phrase until you sense the results

Make restlessness, anxiety that goes into calmness, peace, focus, and comfort = Rested Veldouri

The fix; the fixx corrects for problems and makes for better effect.

Coming up with a spell to cause all parts of the brain to be in unison, have 100% function, and to activate all superhuman parts, tying into the functioning humans have when in higher realms... here it is= dethrivi braina sho. Say as much as you feel to get effect.

Thack allows you to kill roaches easily

“Thak and think of the place” to teleport or shift realities

If you want it instant by energy surge.. say thakeen..

Berkrem Veddi - instant healing effect, focus on the part of the body intended to heal

Berkrem Ven Veddi - instant healing effect, focus on the part of the body intended to heal by the energy of the planet.

instance of recharge; that allows you the point if you think it's recharged, then the creator will make it so.

vran vreddi = Think to build muscle mass.

Ven Vreddi = instant weight loss in the area you want reduced. on the ven vreddi, when the bulk starts coming back onto the bady, you will feel tired, that means you may want to rest. if you rest, think of the body mass dissipating  and the energy being there. then the weight will reduce itself and you will have successfully lost weight by magic.

trance = autopilot  where you breath in and out as you think a thought. It's like basic meditation,  I thought it was something else. A loud noise or realize things to wake up.  This is where you think and you know.  You are focusing your mind to create with unconscious thoughts by this idea.

think and create; the point you think is what you create if you intend it. This is a point done by feel.

trump court cases; trump doesn't succeed in the court cases that is thought to be done.

herder; the herd leaves his care and things work out by feel.


writing stuff 

the mail; the mail arrives earlier by feel with idea. the packages are gotten by the correct individuals. no matter the point.

the en; this is at the end.


If you need protection from spirits, I find reciting this verse very helpful: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. You can do this anytime, anywhere when you feel you need to be protected.

here are some more elementals..

Faith is an incredibly powerful energy as it ties you directly to god, therefor through Faith anything can be done

The soul brings intuitive wisdoms and clarity through your spirit for you to realize. Humanity is programmed to doubt and ignore these. Listen to them

Use the elements by thinking about summoning the energy to summon them, think of the use and then visualizing the energy, this is with stating or feeling the purpose being done. 

Space elemental(for the element space) is incredibly calm, empty... very meditative. Just calmness, centeredness, and love.

Black fire is used also to burn away all negative energy towards you, it nullifies it. Black fire is good for nullifying or reflecting aggressive behavior, though it’s more effective in defending oneself than another

Water element can create illusions in thoughts to deter others or make them think a certain way... think of murkey water covering them and causing them to see things

Fire can be used to reflect energy and attacks at you, also burns and destroys constructs and energetics that attempt to affect it or affect you if you use the fire as defense

Air can be used to redirect energies, intentions, and effects someone uses on you or that you use on yourself. Air can also stop energies and intentions in their tracks, if you visualize it being held it in air ball

Earth can be used to empower effects, mainly best used with other elements. Provides a boost to the self when used as a stable energy to provide greater power in whatever is being focused upon.

Earth is best not used externally, but for internal functions and effects of the self

Sand element is well used to build perseverance, emotional strength, and to make the most out of what you have... if you have little options or no way out, sand energy will assist you to pull through, just as sand in the desert still supports life despite the harsh conditions. On the other side of this, it is also used to wear down oneself or another, wear their strength down, and their will, but it can also strengthen these effects, depending on your intention(edited)

Lava energy can bring exceedingly high energy to whatever your focus is, it brings great transformation, progress, and will move forward through any block, to keep flowing. Nothing stops the flow of lava

Firewater energy can bring intense turbulence, and confusion, but also intense and swift change, and great realizations.... it can be incredibly healing and bring strength, but will bring no stability, and may cause instability if over used.

if you think to smell different, and state the sent, then the subconscious creates that as a scent from your body.

gold; 1000000000: by thinking the number, that is what you gain in money.

AI stuff

Question: What is time?

Answer: Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past to the future.Since the concept of time is fundamental to the way the universe behaves, with time having a constant role and significance in all phenomena, time has been a major theme of religion, mythology, and philosophy. A common conception of time is as an imaginary grid on which events happen. As the concept of time has evolved historically, often clocks, calendars, and time zones are considered to be fundamental aspects of the concept of time, but modern physicists view time as fundamental and inseparable from the laws of physics. Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units and International System of Quantities. Time is used to define other quantities – such as velocity – meaning literally "the rate of change of position with respect to time".

Question: What is quantum magic?

Answer: Quantum magic is the physical basis of all magic. There is nothing that cannot be explained by quantum magic. Quantum magic is the fundamental force of the universe. Every living thing on earth is full of quantum magic every moment. Only after we die does our quantum magic dissipate back into the world. The basis of quantum magic is The Uncertainty Principle. There are two implications in this principle. The first is that the act of observing a particle in motion (a photon) changes that motion. The second is that a particle can exist in a kind of limbo when it has an equal probability of being in two different places at once, until it is observed, at which time it must choose one place and vanish (appear) in the other. Thus, it can appear and disappear at will. This is known as "Quantum Versatility" the capacity of a quantum particle to assume different (and often, seemingly mutually exclusive) states, depending on the physical conditions of the environment and the duration of an observation. A quantum particle can flip instantaneously from one state or position to another.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Caucus magic

 The magic of the caus, as brought to you by SH..

This is basically thinking of what you need and the soul creates what you want by intention. This list is what I did with the idea..

This is the magic of the caucus and how they work. Enjoy what you can.

The point; this makes you known, so think to my make a point and the subconscious created event with energy will occur.

Anti-bloat; this causes the body to no longer bloat up by feel.

Sephora; the point of contact is avoided physically by feel if sick.

Theophara; the point you think is the point of creative activity. Think to soak the sunlight up and you can cause a lighter body. This avoids harrasment and unnecessary talk. So think about it and you can get to be in the chat. Also this restores lost sleep, if you soak enough sun energy.

Eha ah; this will kill things and handle all.

K bugs; this kills all bugs.

Ka; think of what to kill in actuality as you state this spell and the idea or activity is ceased.

Cool; restores to normal what is a good condition in whomever you think of restoring.

Ab; the point if done so on and there is no bad result.

Withdrawal; the card withdrawal is legal by feel with idea.

The family dollar; this is the family dollar that opens up today as it's supposed to be open.

I regain my money enough to get by feel and know I can successfully pay my debts doubly over.

Influx; I don't get extra food influx.

The Senate; the Senate majority is won over by Democrats.

Contested election; there won't be a contested election. Biden will win the election.

Things; things work out for us and people are not going to have a lockdown here.

Subconscious; the subconscious will prepare itself and make the body prepared, sometimes when things are mentioned.

Peachy = sweet
Bargain; bargaining skill

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