Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, November 27, 2020

gaming points

 This is using gaming points by feel, the idea is simple, you think the point and the creator or your god makes the effect of which is creating what is known. This is an idea that is done as you think about the idea. These idea are what is possible..

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

think; the point is done, think your best and what you want to know is if possible realized by idea.

Supreme healing technique- The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.

Rainbow bridge- Imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power.

If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy!

The emerald fire is connected to ArchAngel Raphael, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. I enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.


The Violet fire transforms energy into it’s highest state and clears dense energy. It’s connected to Saint Germain. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.


wizardry is fun

think and you create if you intend the creation to manifest, this is done by your soul and subconscious making the point of manifest or the creator that makes things.

The jinx; if you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly.  Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky.

Foul transformation; this is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.

The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases, you become faster, you become slenderer, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.

Clean transformation; this is where you think to absorb clean energy and you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being.

This means that if you focus to use a mask, you can keep the idea of colds from being effected on you. If you don't, you will still be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.

On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.

Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what’s illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Focus on what you’d like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you’d like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool.  Use your intuition to feel out what’s right when healing and clearing.

The divine ability: The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do at least by the spirit, that allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea. This is a known fact of life.

(Jen) puppo hows to make fae wand- A wand in general is fairly simple to make. To make it a fae wand, I suppose you could just add some fae-like stuff to spice it up.

Start with a branch, a stick. Go out into nature, find a nice, DRY branch that’s on the ground. Pick one that you’re drawn to. If you see one that you feel drawn to that’s still on a tree, ask the tree if you may use it’s branch, and listen for an answer from it(intuitive, or just a straight answer. You’ll feel it). Once you find your branch/stick, decide if you’ll keep the bark on/off. Again, make sure it’s DRY, otherwise the stick will rot. If you choose to do bark off, use a pocket knife to whittle away the bark and then smooth the stick with sandpaper.

(I feel that if you’re doing a fae wand, one with bark still on would be fitting... more natural.)

Once you’ve got a stick all figured out, you can from here do quite a few things! You can wrap the handle of the wand with leather, cloth, etc, any fabric you’d like. Color matters too! Colors carry vibrations, and look into the meaning of colors before making your wand for maximum power.

You can superglue/hotglue crystals to the wand, to the base or to the top.... see me for more info if you do that, I’d love to provide guidance.

You can attach herbs and metals as well. Copper wiring is VERY popular for wands, as copper conducts energy and boosts effects done with the wand.

Other than that, you could put carvings, symbols, or art on the wand.

Overall, I’d say do a little bit of research for the properties of anything you put on the wand, as everything has specific energetic properties that will be imbued into the wand when it is applied.

upload; the sh alt dnd archives upload successfully with quickness.

the space-x launch; it succeeds in launch.

oh.. "oh mai" = revive romantic flame, think of the person when stating as, "oh my".

Wanna feel something interesting? State "copied, this" to get it. Lmk what you feel. It’s good. The gamer’s ability physical and energetic buffs. state permanent set to make it permanent

To get info from a book instantly, touch a book or focus on it, and state “uploaded”. It’ll upload you with the energetic information from the book, and you’ll have knowledge of it, intuitively.

oh think "copy things" and tell what you feel or realize will feel you just got uploaded with a lot of information. its a server ai that makes your brain conscious from the construct. use it to know extra things and recall all your past lives. that's done by thinking about knowing them. you can know things on an instant and realize what you need to know. to turn off the ai, think the construct is dissolved.

here is a a feel good one... "think this" and tell what you should have a reviving effect. it can revive the body..

this one is my last idea for a feel.. say "thinker" and think of what you want, intend or need, then imagination or divine energy creates the idea as a manifest. well if you use it to get imagination manifested.. then you want to use it, go ahead. it should bring a good feeling when creating things. that is it with the thing. 

oh megaman or other powers..imagine the ability and effect you have from it's practice. this is a point you realize from the spirit seeing the idea and you knowing by insight from the soul letting you know. then state "done". think and you make the megaman ability if you imagined that idea, feel free to use whatever gesture you think necessary. you will know what happens with practice of the gesture now you see.

say 'gnowledge' to know what's real and what's illusion.

astral projection; astral projection is really easy, as all you need to do is think your there and the spirit gives you glimpses of the place. also the creator will allow the spirits to meet. so your spirit is there until you think your here. if there, it can observe anything, that is created.

the point; space-x will get a successful liftoff today and things are looking good with the right conditions. so they don't scrub the launch.


ready; I am ready for what comes. no blame happens. that is all.

site; the site works for what is on there.

need; I no longer need to do something. Instead I want or intend for something to happen.

feel; think of the idea, then you create with a point and that is all.


writing stuff 

ending; I am at the end of my lifetime, so I will do what I can and know what I do.


then; the point is the ending you desire, this is an intention so think of things to do.

stimulus; think the idea is where congress gets stimulus checks to us. if necessary, not no and it's done.

game stuff

Divine class

<p><a name="divine" id="divine" /><b>Divine</b> (Divine)<br />

For Divine skills in <a href="#ms">magic system</a> go <a href="#divinity">here</a> and if any non magical system skills look <a href="Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#Divinity" target="_blank">here</a>.<br />

Requirements: To qualify to become a Divine, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.<br>

Pick a God or creator.<br>

Stats: Int 15 or higher, Cha 15 or higher<br>

Saves: Reflex and Will good<br>

Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Divine are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.<br>

Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4<br>

Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod<br />

<br />

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Healing (Wis), Concentration (Wis) and Focus (Wis).<br />

<br />

Class features:<br />

Class features: Any level +2 will. They can also <a href="#Remember">learn spells</a> that are innately done.<br>

1st level gains <a href="#Psionics">psionics (special ability)</a>.<br>

2rd level gains <a href="#divinity">Divine Wizardry (cha)</a> and 2 Bonus feats.<br>

3rd and higher levels, so every 2 levels after 3rd, starting with 4th level there is 2 bonus feats and after 11th level there is with each 3 levels for 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.<br>

15th level gains Divinity (Ex).<br>


A <a href="Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#famlr" target="_blank">familiar</a> is gained any level for free or discount.</p>

<h5 align="center"><a href="#cindex">goto class index</a></h5>


<a name="divinity"></a>

<h5 align="center">Divine ability:</h5>

<p>&nbsp; Divine wizardry; Divine wizardry is fun and uses the soul copy, that you can know by the spirit and this then the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest with the soul for the body or soul copy for other things and targets. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. (Sic)  The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say catch something or some monster on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle. 


&nbsp; The effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 1d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect. Except the divine ability is with 1d10+charisma mod with effects done. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability.  That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for <a href="#Diceless" target="_blank">no dice</a>. This class has 1 actual ability: Divine Wizardry (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities. 


&nbsp; They that experience the point of an ability, can make it a listed ability. This means they can add Divine wizardry (cha), if they use the recall by remembering if what they experienced is useful. Then if they recall what the person did or how it felt with a Arcana check, then they can recreate it as a point. They can add Angellic magic (cha) or whatever ability they recall as an added ability with the skill ranks of 1, if not a perfect roll and if a perfect roll there is a skill rank of 3 with a 20 rolled. This looks like a Angellic magic 3 Ranks.


<p>&nbsp; The jinx; Think you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly.  Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky with a luck roll.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Foul transformation; this is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.


&nbsp; The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases by a +4 to ability rolls, you become faster by +10', you become slenderer by a +3 con, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself so you ignore pain as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance with a +5 Str. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker by the stat additions not being there after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Clean transformation; this is where you think to absorb clean energy and any elemental energy, then you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. You use the energy to create the point. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being as you get +50% HP.  You will be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Scanning; On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.


&nbsp; Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what’s illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Focus on what you’d like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you’d like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool.  Use your intuition to feel out what’s right when healing and clearing.</p>

<p>&nbsp; The divine ability: The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate as example. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do, so at least things are done by the spirit and soul. That allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea. This is a known fact of life.</p>

<p>&nbsp; Supreme healing technique; The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.


&nbsp; Rainbow bridge- State or imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power. If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy!


&nbsp; The emerald fire is connected to the divine, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. Some enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.


&nbsp; The Violet fire transforms energy into it’s highest state and clears dense energy. It’s connected to the creator or your god. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.,</p>

<h5 align="center"><a href="#Menu_magic">goto magic index</a></h5>

Explained ability

Divinity (Ex); the soul forms as you think with the spirit as it's aura and the body dissolves into energy. you are immune to things that are energy unless you want to be effected. this form requires no food and drink as it uses it's creator as a source of sustenance. weapons disrupt the energy form and cause it to become gaseous, except for the magical weapons. magical weapons will do half damage. what the character will gain from this transform is stat changes; +3 Int, +3 Str, +4 Con, +2 Wis. HP % goes up by 100. You have a +5 to your attack/damage rolls. Basically, you become a god or divine being.



no = know; not now, kill now

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