Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Some oranum posts

Love at first sight post; gotten from here:

Published on April 19, 2019
Spiritual Love at First Sight
written by Oranum

Has it ever happened that you met a person and felt as if you had known him or her always? Alternatively, have you got acquainted with an individual and felt as if both of you belong to each other as close friends and even romantically at first sight? In case, you have felt so, then you have developed a strong spiritual connection with that other person. Love at first sight… is that real?

Love at first sight – Importance of physical connection
It is something most of you have experienced in a relationship at some point in your life irrespective of whether you had developed a spiritual connection or not. After all, a person’s spiritual energy is aware of what is apt for him/her. It also pertains to how the person feels from a day to some other day. According to studies, your spiritual health is directly connected to your physical well-being and health. A pertinent question in this respect can be whether when you feel spiritually connected to a person, you want to be in their constant company or not. Or, is it so that whenever you are in a new relationship, it is because of your spiritual connection with that person? While it may not be true, it can help.

Love at first sight – The real definition of soul mates
In case you have been madly in love, the term “soul mates” may not be new to you. It is used to define the magnitude of the closeness you share with that other person. A soul mate can be described as an individual who is perfectly suited to some other person as a romantic person or even a close friend. However, for any person, who has experienced a deep connection with someone, being a soul mate signifies more than simply being suitable to the other person as a romantic partner or a companion. Rather, a soul mate is a person with whom you can and have developed a spiritual connection.

Being spiritually close to someone signifies that you feel you know them even when you meet them from that very first moment. Also, you feel a deep bond with that person instantly.

The spiritual levels of love; gotten from here: blogsite.

Published on April 26, 2019
The Spiritual Levels of Love
written by Oranum

You will agree that though you would like to be in love, you can never force it to happen as it happens on its own accord. However, the least you can do is to know its many layers so that connecting to its source becomes much more straightforward. What is the essence of love?

Essence of love – Love has multiple levels
A majority of people are confused about the true meaning of love all through their lives. Many of us start the search from our inner lives either conscious or subconscious for the origin of love, which cannot be taken away. It is also likely that you could have grown up feeling neglected or unloved while under the impression that performing heroic feats is essential to winning that much-coveted love. Also, the films we watch, our religious and cultural beliefs, and our parents offer us ideas about the essence of love, which influence us even after we do not remember their source any longer.

Plus, whenever we are in contact with our teachers and read spiritual texts or books, our interpretation of love can become more complicated. It is because based on who you study with or what you learn; you may develop a different perspective on the meaning of love in the spiritual life. Check out the different spiritual levels of love.

Essence of love – Great or absolute love
It is a level, which is an excellent love and is the source of all things. The level considers love as something similar to Absolute Reality, God, Brahmin, or the Supreme Consciousness.

Essence of love – Individual love
Love only looks limited and specific when it gets filtered through the scope of the human spirit, mind, or soul. A person’s feelings and emotions cover the emotion while it becomes easy to look at as an emotion, which comes and disappears. Also, love can be only felt for specific people, and it is not the same emotion for everyone around.

Essence of love – Love as a spiritual practice
It is the 3rd type of love, which looks at it as a practice. It is also the solution for the appalling lack of compatibility people feel at times between their understanding of what love may be, as well as, how they experience the emotion. The real practice of love can trigger an atmosphere of unity, acceptance, and kindness, which are the framework of spiritual life and the foundation of civilization.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

focus point

This is the thought focus and things that work. If you think to create with the point then you will get a result.

Healing; the point you think and do is set by drinking water. This creates what you want, especially since water can cure you of anything. Though this works best if you used pure water.

Pure water; if you think of pure water being formed, then the subconscious forms the water by focus and energy that does what you need. 

This works especially if you used a gemstone or water stone. Simply hold the water stone, and think to the stone to create water by transmutation with energy and heat.

Water stone; even if your not used to a water stone, you can still use one. The subconscious does what you think about, state or need. So the stone does what you need by replication of programming. 

This is use of thought directed to the stone, that is used as a program point. The vibrations of the brain are what this does, so what are the water stone? 

Aquamarine or blue stone. Think about the idea or use before getting one, this is unless you just want one. This is a water stone in effect.

Mail today; think of what you need and you create by the feel. This causes the mail to come early, and I can get my mailed packages delivered to me.

Estrogen; suppress estrogen and you lose weight by feel.

Space-x; they have a successful launch and conditions are right to go. This means they launch and land what they can control.

Whatever; what you do or what I do causes me to not want to eat.

I; I think so I do, otherwise I think and hold off. This is an effect in nature, nothing more that.

I'm sure you do; this is a point done by idea. The idea you do is what you can experience.

Think this; the point is made, let us meet or greet and work together. This is a point in the past.

Eating; the idea that you eat is natural. Eat right and you do right.

Thought; the point you detect her is the point you know and what you realized is what she does.

Wish; Just need the effect as you think your point and somehow state granted. Then the subconscious does it.

Encounters; I am easily avoiding all encounters and confrontations, this happens without any stress. This is so no fights actually occur.

The curation; This is a cure for the brain, think of the energies of life and the energy in the aura that is there. This energy is summoned by thinking the energy comes to you, then this is programmed by thinking of what you want the energy to do. The energy then goes where you want and does what you wish. So as the energy does what you want, some of it enters your brain and body and doe what you think it does by feel. Think this energy cures you, then it restores you by what you do.

What the energy looks like its doing is coming to you, then rejuvenating you as your body absorbs the energy and this creates the cure for the brain. Sometimes this energy doesn't do what you want, that's when you either pee, sweat or shit the energy out of you and you no longer have it to deal with by feel or visualization. This can use meditation and focus in a point to create what you wish or need to do. Then you get what you want, a cured brain.

So if you focus the energy of the disease outside of the body, then the disease dissipates from within or or of your body. This could potentially cure anything of the body, brain or mind. So think and you know what you need, think 'by my divine spirit, I use you to get what I want as though a need.' Then you can get what you desire. Think of what you need and state the idea as though a result. The energy does what is stated, just be careful to state the energy only does what I need.

Then the people around you or yourself aren't effected by what they say. This is only a safety precaution, if you need a physical cure by herbs or medicine. Then either goto a doctor or use oregano or basil with turmeric with water and drink some of the concoction. You only need a little of the herbs to make effective use that lasts at least a few hours to a few days.

Toy = Cetoy, ceio, Customize; change, adapt, modify, this is where you change by modifying things that happen. That usually is through magic or creating by spirit with what you think or need from statements,  that the spirit makes using the subconscious mind.

Differring things

Thunder; they win 4 plays or games.

Smells; any smell in the area goes and dissipates into energy.

Eating; whenever I feel like eating, I don't feel like eating. That's the suggestion, however things go. So I think I create that genetic pattern by drinking water and thinking the pattern exists.

Diet; drink enough tea and exercise, that's about what I'd think will work. Also avoidance of high fructose corn syrup. This is a must to avoid the high fructose weight gain. 

This is done by reading the food or drink labels. Other names for high fructose is fructose otherwise not in fruit. This can be found in almost anything, so pick your food or drink carefully.

Think and go; this is where you think to do things or go somewhere. That is a point to the past.

Think; the point is made so things will work by what is stated.

The idea; what Ben tries to send me or what he intends to send me he manages to send me. Also his magic becomes easier.

Mail; the mail comes early today by feel, the mailman delivers my mail. The ups comes early and delivers my packages.

Tired; I don't get tired and things work the way I intend.

Money; what you've earned you can keep, if you lose the money you regain the money. That's unless you choose to give it away.

En; the en end.

Rest; energy enters you and the body uses the energy to refuel the cells, this is done as the body recovers from reviving itself. 

You can feel recovered in energy enough to do things that you need to do. This can be achieved by meditation and even includes revivification or Resurrection of the body through spiritual means.

The travel; the energy of the divine shows you what the place or area looks like, all you need to do is think of the place. The shift is finding yourself where you think to be, this is done as though you teleported there using the spirit that goes through everything. You know you succeeded, if you blank out by feel and come to awareness there.

The ability; the ability is focus, thinking of what you need and do. The result is achieving what you want, this is done as if a need were given. The mind is part of the energy and the body is the focus point. Do and you achieved results.

Energy is from the divine soul, thinking of the idea focuses the energy and you create with what you have. Things are made by the creator.

This includes technique use, the elements, and thinking to work the changes. Think ab out the idea to achieve what you may. So think to create and your working with the energy that you have. 

Also, the point is done effectively if you focus and think of what you want, then imagine the point that you need. This can create almost anything except that you don't want. Think and you know what to do and finishes by feel.

Mail; the mail today comes early by feel. The packages are delivered, Evans and donavans check comes in today or tomorrow.

Mail today; think and know, the mail comes earlier, this is especially true if packages or important mail is coming.


Teue = so; true enough to be believed.
Tie = this is where you think to work with what is there, and you create the point as though linked to others.
Tank = the combat specialist person that makes idea with what he or she thinks.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Creation point

The creation point is a point that you think of things to form, then you make what you think using the spirit energy. The-spirit-that-goes-through-everything is able and creates by influence, What you think then speak or feel is known about. The idea forms where you need it formed. This is a known effect.

What you can do with this is form vines or in a sped up evolution, things that you need. So think and you know fits this quite well. The point you think is known by spirit intuition and things you know are easily formed by feel. This also effects food tastes , that you taste when you think of the taste and this is easily felt or tated in the mouth of another. So what you taste the other tastes by focusing in on the idea that you need tasted or felt. This is where focusing creates a feeling or thought.

This is all in a point or thought, that goes and forms in the past then is felt in the present. This is a point to the past. So I will ciou and farewell until later on, good-bye.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Atleantian dictionary exerpt

This exerpt came from the Atleantian dictionary, online its or even better is this direct link: if you seek the formation of words look at this segment:
For the PDF versions look here:

            Praoncie Ke
      Pronounciation Key

The key has no denomination as in no personal view and everyones equal, thus objects
are spoken of by a personal view, and people are in the third point of view as if another
person viewpoint. What helps is the pointing out, declaring what you are talking on first as in
a point that's made. Say this is a poem, song, and this can use gesture to help understanding. If
you yourself can't understand the communication, then its counted as noise and
ignored. This rest isn't true for netherese. The way to pronounce these words are
through vowels as in "a", "e", "i", "o", "u" and "y" with the short vowels as in "a"
for (yih) and long vowels as you, except its reverse with "y" thats short like
(while) and long like (will) from other vowels.

     When a "y" is in the first column, it be pronounced as a "w", "y". Single vowels
are long, double vowels make the first vowel long and the second short, except for
when the double vowels are the first part of the word. Three vowels are first and
second long and said together. The third vowel be short and the y be usually long.
Three vowels of the same, are pronounced all long. Four and more vowel words are
pronounced with all vowels long, except when the last vowel is the last letter of the
word. Then the last vowel is short. Like Ieeek (I-eeek) for I seek to be friendly and
bound. See or not construe, Yieeee as (Why-like-Eeh) for Why I shriek.

Any vowel in front of a double consonant, (like tt) be pronounced as a short
vowel except the vowels that change their pronounciation completely like y which be
long as w. This includes z as a y sound in chez is ghei. For jhe is zhe or g, and z is
zheigh for j like sounds. So Jhe is ghe or G and in front of a word is zhe like j is z
and z is j. *Vowels in front of the double consonant are flat like asset.  Final an
consonants of roots, following a short vowel, are doubled when suffixes are added
(from the Atlantean language) like lear ~ learre.

    The single consonants are spoken as soft even when put with a different consonant
for example cackl = (cahc-kle), letb = (leht-be) except for lets = (leht-s) with a
slight hiss to none of the s. Use double consonants spoken hard like raccoon for "cc"
yet the "ss" be like assume and be the exception that sounds with a hiss. With any
three consonants its first two sounded together, the last sounded separate like ltgeneral,
lt-gene-ee-rail. So with some words the ch if there and male is sh sounding, and then
if female its k or ch sounding. Like chares or peace, where a man would pronounce it
share-ee-s and a female would pronounce it chair-ee-s.

    Some words where they are combined, with totally different meanings, as the result,
If derogative or derived negative word meanings, are used in combining words together,
there's two different ways to derive the meaning. As, when they be declension or derogatives,
they as a point is a moment as part of the idea. There is a moment that noting the word
and the magic, makes the word unidentical to the actual meaning unless your thought matches
the idea and not brainlength of the individual. The idea is a point as your thought is
caught on tape or recording device, the idea you express portability is thought and created
as a thought in a moment that only you can detect with focus. Think though and you know how,
with practice, what to say.

    The word meanings are possible to create with a thought and use is the idea, or any will
that you detect in mind to understand to gnow the meaning that are with both words meanings,
as meanings put together is as though two or more words put together. And keep in mind, some
words are not meant to be combined. If nominatives, then they be made into one meaning, in
some manner some speaking aspects are thought and known.

    So use by the idea is a point, separate in the declension words, and undeclensions are with
a dash (-), so that the words that are derogatives and declensions, when putting them in sentences,
don't cause problems as this in translation is sometimes wrong, so dismiss and try to create your
own to avoid confusion. How you want the words understood, be instinctively. With a thought, fewer
word lookups and more lookup idea is a concept word root study as possible. There is a concept and nothing there is as thought unless there is nothing there to do.

    There be no case except for three in this language as its active case and naturally considered
magic case like the linux magic number that uses auto references to get the effect. This
be considered hyper translation when used in active speech, where there's no case extension
(affix) of the 3 cases, that are dropped within a sentence of no spaces. Use more than one
ending or affix and only if necessary. Do this as a case in point.

Singular verb: - or -a, Except the - can connect two words like declensions.
Any plural: -(i)x for plural and -x can be in place of -e or use I with a consonant an the -x.
All other cases: -(a)n be where the usage of 'a' be behind a consonant.
Optional s: use -e at the end of the noun or verb. Like know is kno and with the -e its knoe.
Optional ed: Use an -o at the end of the word. As the word augment is aug as root and -o as stem
for or creao for creature creator.
Optional you: Use an -u at the end of the word. This if used in negative thought is an option, that blames the intended person or group. So this means 'a person that' does what the word is in effect. Such as avai for take, then add a -u for taker or thief. This is how you would use it.

Optional ing: To form nouns and other cases into verbs. The idea of in and en is -y with consonant
an vowel or as to be with feeling its -in for present action or -en sometimes for past action.
As optional additions, as this shows conception of something or to use an -ing effect. As in is
into and en is in or at the end. To bein in is like been except different meanings as bein that is
being and been (benen) is beneath or not being. As benigning is bniy.

Using -h: The h ending can be used to work the point to halt things and denote not or no in front of the regular meaning. This is where oe is done then oeh is not done.

"Etiamax" = Lets stand to make (a difference),
What are you saying? = "Varusax", as variety a sacks
"Arudua" = How are you doing?, or not rude at all.
"Arux" = Abrupt use, not done by the effect of what is and isn't.
"Abrubix" = Before rubs or abrupt rubbing. Sorilea soreness.
"Ydutnowan" = Why do that now?
"Yneadut Asuluken" = Why not do that as your looking?
"Gluky" = good looking.
"gifuh" = no gift.
Now why didn't I look at this earlier? = "Nowydidmeluka Atherlyran"
Now energy is right, corrected as necessary from that game. = "NowLetisCmorAsTu Amor Aste Asten Gea Astec Vei"

Depending on usage for example; the word aq meaning fact or factor can mean also
factors (aqix), factoring (aqix), factored  (aqan). The k as in kn be silent or
dropped yet influences the word like in knuckle. the "h" as in "bhack" be unheard with
only an influence except when alone, th treated like t, Bh treated like b, Kh treated
like k are letters but the t be unheard or soft, b be soft, h be also silent within a
sentence, Another word aao means bank (aao), banks (aaoix), banked (aaoix) and banking
(aaoa). The tense of the words are hardcase so "I" unless needed, "of", "or". "our",
"that" and "the" are assumed yet not placed in the phrase unless you want it there.

Use simple word patterns for complex sentences.
"lets make a difference" = "letmaitaix". Due note this has no "a" in it from the english
"lets be different" = "Maybtai"
"this be our way" = "tbaye". leaving out "our".
To say "This Can't Be Yogurt" = "TCanB Ugite".
To say maytag, be "Mayta"


  rak = (rake), aroo = (ar-oll-o), waii = (w-aid-rite-ih), cyl = (sil), uar = (war),
  yyn = (yin), c`aa = (c-yay-a), tar's = (t-hair-s), zap-o = (z-ape-oll),
  e`iryy-i'pu = (ear-ire-il-why-puh), zyl = (zil), elevn = (wee-l-see-vn),
  decty = (d-eh-c-tye), betto = (bett-oll)

To put these words together string the words;
EX: Eueios n-hawaiin = Languages and desirous as nothing is involved in depicted sacredness.
EX: Eueios n-hawaiix = Languages and desirous in sacred depictions.

These are complex sentence patterns;
EX: Ichluffigy`omue itek'gymix = I love exercised vision in taught exercises
EX: Urion e-eplen-uoy y'aftan =  Most important be enduring long instances after
power actions.
EX: Ich e`iryy-i'pue id = I at last changed self being peculiar in mind
EX: Disishwodstuukae = This be a sentence (long word string) strung together.

These are with numbers;
EX: sexeoe I quadcentquadttrimille I tuten = 6,443,021
EX: onzanai dec e dectdec = 11x9=99

bank account: this atleantian banking is use by feel to keep as you wish this is done. if one were not in to indescriminate one use is all thats needed. look here to -ivb- for alternative banking.
nehi or min = lower or tremble or treble
mine = mininum
mane = highest
ad = aal, raise
aao or stupid = bank account
aal or ael = savings
aaw = money, atm
oal = loan
thinking = activity
think = thought

The ideal way to work with this is use is us, aao means bank by aao, banks aaoix, banked aaoix and banking
aaoa. Thinking to create with banking use is "nahi aao aela" or ne nihi nahil by feel is aalih e aao as its went by feel this is what I went to work with others.

This song be a example of proper old latin nouns and completely translated
broken into pause breaks where punctuaction marks were, to make it easier to understand.

Ay Tonyn tudulin Ay Tonyn iffyicudiwudbue Eniotlitiae teniotlitutan
Etemmaiembgregren gren Frostanflakix r-gretgutan tgan

Hey Tony! I like the things you do. Hey Tony! if I could I would be you. The one
and only tiger the one and only taste! Eating them makes them more than good, there
great! Frosted Flakes are more than good, there great!

    Elmally Chrisan Tlitan Urbuasbbyqan Sotigtwealwudys wetebfainaave Duurskekix
alwadraa ubrisomda Ucasa HaHa Buoulgaaoe OthtuMaa

    Separated words: Tun me allyn Chrisan  T lin t  Uran bun as b byqo  Sotigan
t we alan wud ysan  We th fainan a aven  Du ya skekix  Alwae dra  U b rin somdan
U ca sa  HaHa  Buoul ga aoen  Othan tu Maan

To my friend chris, Its like this, Your talent has been bestowed, Something that
we all would wish, We'd then be King of the Road, Do your sketches, Always draw,
you'll be rich someday, You then can say Ha! Ha! Half goes in the Bank, the other to
Ma Ma.

    Juueertix Elmordyfpepix Taconfelyjuux Twamemepryey Mogadjuun bygadix
Modysijuudun bythurtan Mooffjuux dan bydysan Qerylyjuux e-dabydyfan-e-offan
Qerymemjuura fothwin Qeryprveyjuurdua bytdefan thwegdsjuux Dufoalan oabovan

Spells are many things. To many different people. There are confusion and lying
spells. There were memory and privacy spells. Most genious spells done by geniouses.
Most defensive spells done by those hurt. Most offensive spells, done by the
defensive. Where confusion spells are done for defense. Where lying spells, are done
by the defensive and offensive. When memory spells are for those with confliction.
When privacy spells are done by those defensive, then we got programming spells. Done
for all of the above. Usually for correction and mostly for fun.

   Serendipity or natural discovery happens by accident.
    Aha -o- nat decoaya onem bij geroman

Ally maiy
Alliance influence after, thou are what earn the right. Make possible concept and use is subcnscious. Allay the fear and use what thou must, use is up to you or think not to do as thou desist or not to givest as thou must use the creator.
elyman -o- sylieman = elliemay or salliemay, loan agency, money made force, loan detour actor agency.

        Ever mind the rule of three, gives you harvest, because this is thou and this is yours,
        Three times and three more is what you givest harvest from, things that are returns to the area,
        This lesson must be well, as thou must learn to see or look, as though is there use thou will,
        Thee only gets earnings, what thou dost earn in life, as thou errand thou are what you consist.

        Evr mid ruus an -a- thein (Ever mind rule of three)
        Thein nax va th gioun ret ei than (Three times what you give out, returns to thee)
        T gno uelan th mu gnon (This know well, thou must know)
        Th otly gix va th du erna (Thee only gets, what thou dost earn)
        If its bad get out of there. = If tix ba g ou t than

        Sinning be sometimes easier to forgive, rather than being always right or
        too perfect.
        Synan bay sotye eisyr le fogia raa t bayan yuen ryt -o- tu pafin

        Eifogie eifogia
ei fog ia ei fogia
        To forgive be to forget.

        Things may not be well, so seek civil liberties. = Tmabhwelan sesekcivliatix (short form)
Things may not be well, so seek civil liberties. = Te ma bh welan se sek civ liatix (expanded long form)

        If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen. From my mama.
        Eef yo can pod t ha kep ou t th kyknan Fro me maae

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thesis paperwork

This is a point that you create by feel and make things with the point you realize for what you have. Thesis involved, the building of materials and making it look good, so think a point is what you need and this creates the mood. The point is used to excuse yourself from what occurs. This is a moment that you can use to bear excuse and create what you need. This is usually building up energy so think about the idea in listing.

Some spells

resting; think your resting as you listen to music and laying down or sitting down comfortably.

illi car-wis = make shift, pronounced [ill-ee car-wiz].
illi car-amar wis = make world shift, pronounced [ill-ee car-am-are wis]. Have in mind the world you will shift to by feel and a piss, then you can shift to where you need to go by feel.

sah leht m = world shift, pronounced {say-ah let em}.

relaxation; relax and seem natually charming. that's what you have to do to get away.

think and do; think and know to do what is necessary.

think and know; This is where you think of the place and imagine yourself there. Then you shift by feel and go on your way.

prostate; enlarged prostate is no more.

spelling; think of what to do and you go as you need to go or do. this style uses the idea that what you think is what is done, that's if you say the right idea that you need to happen what you want. otherwise if you think of the idea and need the point to occur, then this will happen by feel and sometimes without people realizing that you did anything unless spoken.

g m doex = get 1000 dollars, pronounced [g em dough-ex].

nature shift; the nature shift is where you shift naturally. think to strip down and then where you need to go is where you are by feel with spirit.

world at peace; this is done by the subconscious mind so when you think peace to the world the world conscious creates peace.

at war; if at war then think warfare won't happen, think the thought effects those that would war with peace.

en uu war = at the end no war happens. pronounced [een oo-uh ware].

translation; think your speaking your language and then speak what you need to say. otherwise think your speaking their language, think your meaning that you intend to express and you speak it by spirit as you speak with your tongue.

trading; trading stock commodity, this is where you trade food for food or money for money.

payment; think the need exists that the person exresses or think they will pay you for services and then approach them with a point of service.

think: the point is done where you get results, so thinking of the idea is what you get or do with life.

think less; think less of gaining weight, think your losing weight instead and you do.

Trick of the mind; A trick of the mind is its function, this is where you could try the trick described for cravings and pain is meditation. Instead of ignoring the pangs, focus on them completely for a few minutes. See if they dissapear as you're focusing on them, or otherwise your thinking of a distraction and you don't think about the need or pain. However the minute you stop focusing on them, sometimes you do them. So just face them head on like a ship dealing with a rogue wave. The wave passes and you are unaffected by the need or pain.

A decency trick; think your innocent and do or say what you need to say. Then the guilt if any that you feel isn't reflected on the voice. There's interesting results with that, if they are aware of the trick then they won't fall for it. So I wouldn't just give this away. Get this, the truth is what you think is true that they hear from your speaking instead. Amazing results.

This is neat when it works. Having an air of confidence can help in lying too. As can practicing talking and looking in the mirror and learning your tells. If someone has a nervous habit like clicking a pen and they suddenly stop doing it when you ask a question that is a tell that they are scrambling in their head coming up with a response. Rehearsed lies may be harder to spot, but a lie compiled on the spot should have a big tell to it.

So I wonder if I could ever pull one off without giving it away. Yet I'm sure you could. Speech is a skill and it just takes practice. However being believed as you tell a truth sometimes is a skill too. So it's sometimes useful for that as well.

Working; Things will work out and I will get what I need by feel. This is an ideal point of life.

The point; mud flat is the using warm or hot water bathing, this is where you add essential oils that you use in the water. Then coming out of the water only to observe a sink or bath worm hole, that is calm that returns you to where you intended to be. This heals you by feel, so if you done you are finished with the mud fix that is water.

the essentials; the idea is known of what you need to know for doing, that is what you think to create by feel not the point.

illi onta uuve heb-va acca-li ma = Obtain abundance and avoid having too many things.

th e t en; this is the point at the end.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

oranum posts

Here are some posts about oranum stuff, from

Published on March 29, 2019
The difference between a karmic and a Twin flame relationship
written by Oranum

Karmic Relationships – What is it?
When you first heard the term “ karmic relationships ” from your friend, you wanted to know more about this type of connection. Ever since people started exploring the philosophies of the East, they started talking about this life-changing relationship with a specific partner.

Karmic relationships are different from twin flame or soul mate relationships, which makes them extremely interesting. The majority of the connections you experience throughout your life tend to be karmic by nature.

Most of the time, these types of relationships are an unpleasant experience, because you feel like it isn’t going anywhere. You should know that having this type of connection with your partner means that it shouldn’t last. The aim is to understand and learn from these types of relationships so that you can go on with your life.

It teaches you how to obtain true happiness and letting go of the past so that you can grow as a spiritual being. You need to rinse yourself away from all the negativity which comes with karmic relationships so that you can rise and become a better individual.

Now that you understand what it is, the next step is to learn how to identify it. Here are two ways to know if you are in a karmic relationship:

The relationship is on a pedestal
Do you or your significant other have the habit of putting the other party on a pedestal? While everything may seem okay, you should know that this habit is quite common in karmic relationships.

If you or your partner does this, it becomes almost impossible to identify problems with one another. When you or your spouse starts focusing on the other person’s needs over everything else, it can make the relationship toxic.

Repetitive patterns
Are you beginning to notice that there is a repeated pattern in a lot of problems in your relationship? For example, do you keep arguing about the same thing over and over again? Repetitive patterns indicate that you haven’t learned from any of the karmic lessons that life is trying to teach you. You need to break away from them to experience personal growth.

Once you learn the invaluable lessons from your karmic relationship, it is time you let go!

The next piece is about spiritual cleanliness from

Published on April 12, 2019
How to Clean Your Aura?
written by Oranum

Your aura is the energy field around your physical body. It picks up on vibrations and energy from other places and beings. When this energy is negative, your aura gets drained of its light and you begin to feel the physical and mental effects of this. Luckily, there are ways you can rid your aura of negative energy. Learn about a few of these techniques below –

Take a bath – Set the intention that you are cleansing out emotional impurities alongside the physical impurities that you have accumulated along the day. The negative ions that get washed away in your bath remove unwanted energy from your aura, refreshing and reviving it.
If you can take a salt water swim, there’s nothing better. Salt is famous for its healing properties and will leave you feeling ready to take on the world again.

Water, in general, contains tremendous potential for energy healing. Take a walk in the rain or stand under a waterfall – you will be able to tell the difference in your mood.

Meditation and creative visualization – One of the most effective methods of aura cleansing. Sit/lie down in a relaxed position, get into a regular breathing pattern and then visualize all the negative energy flowing out of you.

Dust away bad energy with a feather – Owl and turkey feathers make great tools for cleansing your aura. Use one feather or a feather whisk and sweep it along your body in a top-down motion. Ask a friend for help to brush the feather along your back where you can’t reach.
Smudge out negative energy with sage – Cleaning bad energy by burning sage is a timeless practice. Use the smoke from burnt sage smudge sticks to wrap your body completely. The smoke will penetrate your energy field and cleanse your aura. Breathing in this smoke also helps clean your body of negative energy.

Energy-cleansing is not hogwash. Scientists have verified the existence of an energy field around our body. We feel exhausted when we accumulate too many negative ions in this force field which cleansing takes care of. Try out the methods listed above and let us know if they worked for you!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

made idea

The made idea is a chance to do things and focus is a point of the idea.

Paul's mom; she can see by feel and knows what to do and where to go.

The mail; the mail arrives earlier than usual and thought, I get my mail today. This happens with out stress.

Things; the things that oc cur are what you do, think about that and you stop the bad and make the good.

This; this idea is old and all. Think about the point and you can recover what you lost easily.

Novacane; I get enough novacane so I don't feel the extraction of my tooth. The tooth doesn't break off in my mouth. 

So during my extraction nothing is done wrong. The area heals quickly enough to not warrant extra pain killers bought over the counter. The doctor sees me sooner. Also he doesn't mind me, this is for what I do.

Self-creative; the moment you realize, that is the moment you think and if you are aware, then makes the point of what you consider. The point is done so that you create by focus and make work with what you can use. 

This is using what you think you can create. So think about the point as possible, this is done as the aspect is the point and you create by the feel. 

So think about making what you think about, then you can get what you need.

Sunny day; the sun does things by skin and eye absorption, so mostly it delivered vitamin-d. Then this is true If you lay in the grass, you stimulate brain growth.

Sheila; she finds her missed things and no stress occurred. This is so whatever misplaced isn't misplaced.

Lisa Counselor; she remembers to call me back, and I get the appointment done with housing authority.

New Blu phone; it works suddenly and things are fine. The screen lights up and the phone will work.

Mail tomorrow; the mail arrives early when it comes, also the mailman brings me my mail and packages. Kelvin gets what he needs to get.

Phone; my phone works by feel with no problems occurring with it. This happens with no stress and no bad conclusion. So I think 
Things work out.

The sense; the sense is done the moment you think things aren't going to work, then you create a point where the subconscious separates out the moment. Then if you think about it, you notice things as if another person were doing it by feel.

Think and then; this is where you think and do things, then you are where you are, this is done by feel. Things work out by what is done.

Things you think are sometimes believed to be there, then reality sets in and you realized the truth. 

The trunk; think of what is in there and you create what you think to consolidate or consider.

Sim chip; the sim chip can simultaneously create what your sub-c or mind needs, so think of what you want and you create what you need.

Computer chip; the computer chip can create by your focus what you need. Then your mind sees what is there, this is used in the room that you sense out by feel. That point can end when the machine crashed. Then you have memories of the mome nt, that you observed. This is a point of recall and nothing else.

The end; the then point that you notice is what you perceive. This is a psychic phenomenon and thinking what you want, this is what you use to direct the mind or subconscious.

Sunconscious; the sun has a consciousness, that you direct by thinking to make what you have thought of or consider into existence by thinking about it. What you think about to deexist unexists the idea, this is done before you experience the point of the idea.

Dr appointment; he sees me early, thinking to be on time and I get my injection.

People; the people around me don't mind me, then I get to do what I want. I don't mind people for what they do.

The diet; the diet soda will work by feel and lower the weight per ounce. Then of course if low enough, you can do things as though through magic. Then things happen, that you need to happen. Think you will lose weight and you do. This is the rule of the Amazon.

Energization; the energization of the cells that's usually through water, this creates what you think and focus is what controls it. 

If you thought energy to create what you want without revitalizing water, then you could age as though the point of created effect or creation makes the cost of a sped up body. 

This is an effect of energized energization. This has an effect of dropping the bodyweight and sometimes this is only minor. So think of the idea and you've got the result.

Cell cure; the cure is cell adaptation that you cause by drinking water, when you or some other drinks water or some liquid, then focuses on the cells with the thought to cure the body. The cells adapt and you cure yourself.

The thought; this is the point your subconscious does, then you state something and you end things with a natural end.

The end; the end is the point you think, then you focus and after that you get an ending point that you can need and get done.

Hitch; connect, connection or problem.
En; enjoyed moment.
Fid; find

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

new magic that occurs naturally

This is new magic that occurs naturally, so just by reading it you can get a result if you state the idea you need. Enjoy yourself as things occur, ciou and farewell until later.

Some spells

illi tiuca ui amba = fat no more, pronounced ill-ee tee-oo-cah oo-ee amb-ah.

illi ni ye carila mai au = I am doing well. Pronounced, [ill-ee nee yeh car-illa may-ih aw].

illi haro sairina haro = spell hawk (magic hawk), pronounced [ill-ee sare-reen-ah hare-oh]. This allows you to see through the eyes of a bird or hawk, and then direct it by what you do or think and feel the need for it to be doing.

mental defense; If you need a defense, then have this one, "do in so many times." There are psychics out there that like to read others thoughts. So if someone's trying to read you that you don't mind them reading you for some reason, then don't think it. Otherwise if you find them reading you and don't want them doing so, then think it. This does a number to the person, making them eat more or fart allot. Its really nasty at the point of a thought. It works. I think things through and really think that. Then I saw a metal shield form instantly. So get this, if they don't feel like eating, then they die off so many times in their mind. So its interesting.

ego burst; Here's a point for the ego burst, "I think so I am, think to do with end." It causes them to create things that end their ego in the end. Ego is energy go. E-go. Hence its where the energy goes. The source. Old energies that want to be heard. They usually end up at doing things with the void. This drains them and they do things by feel for the feeling that exists is nothing. The ultimate effect is this, they create by feeling, the point of work and idea and then die trying to feel something. Otherwis they end up in a farting mood.

Energies; So old energy and old patterns once cleared get recycled into new beings after going back to pure source energy. This is done by thinking the old pattern of the energy passes to the void area of the soul world. Otherwise its bones. Bones are eternal where you simply charge your bones. This is done with new energy. Same format new power supply. You can even translate it to a light body. Different bodies are possible; Gold body. Light body. Rainbow body. Etc. Spiritual version of there's an app for that idea. Think of the moment and you think of the idea. This works for the better, especially if you think of the time. So there's a stone for that.

crystals; So you charge crystals, think energy to the stone, bio energy. Even though that doesnt seem to work, I think this actually does work, just think about the effect being formed. Then the stone uses the energy you thought to the stone, the crystal then forms what you needed by what you do.

Ultimate defense; think if being read or done in by a psychic, "Do in idea, this works." Then you realize things can't be done with the idea if you do them in by feel. Otherwise you can't do things without the point will work.

the eyes; I found this interesting, the left eye is the eye that sees the physical realm, the right eye is the eye that sees the spiritual realm as though physically. This happens on focus to the thought that you need  for the right eye and want to see for the left eye, that is used to see the idea you want to see.

this; this idea is progression, where you draw the figure and your body adapts to become what the resemblance is by feel.

atomic control; think of the atoms in the body and think to set a suggestion or focus on what you need, this is done to make the effect that you want as though a need. The point is this, that they do what you want where you are considering the person and if you think of the idea they do what you need as you feel the need from them. This can control anyone so be careful with this idea.

rite idea; If you have an idea or something. Make it a ritual. Write it down on a piece of paper and then zip it up in a zip lock  bag that way nothing intrudes it. If you seal it away like that, then you freeze it, you separate the idea from you and the point it creates freezes itself out. "Time literally stops for a few seconds and then the point is over" or "gone by what you do". Then time continues and things work by the point, that you then do as "its done alright". Think that quoted part, then your in a clear mind state.

This is when your able to think and things go through, that means when is the end where by the point you do you get things and create by the feel. Then the idea is over and you create by idea being spoken. This uses the subconscious mind and the idea by some sort of expression. Otherwise you can do things where you could always imagine a color and create the point by feel. They feel the urge and you direct by the point. This works if they aren't aware of the procedure being used on them. They are people that you focus to use their subconscious mind, then you get something manifested.

Think about what you need and the idea is manifested, if you need and intent the idea. That is true by focus, yet if you think you need something and your around someone then you state the need. Then you get what you want, if you need the idea and your point is what you intend to create. This works by feel, where they can feel things and know what to do. The point then is done, this is done so don't if they are aware, otherwise people sometimes have responded to what you needed. If they sense you are writing the idea, they sometimes wait. Then the idea is what is finished and your off to do something else, think for a minute and work with what you have. This creates what you need anyway, so its better to leave it alone. Then is the point and your aware of what you've done.

This makes a sealed envelope effect, where your sealed away words are in a point that you put the words written into a plastic bag. This allows you as that part of yourself to do the idea uninterrupted by what you do. So I think this is apt enough description. So what I spoke, that was enough by feel to do what you wanted as though a need. That being where you think of the idea and do things with the point. This usually works, that's mainly done by what you need as you think of the point or intention as though a want. Then its both a need and a want.

This is a concept that if left alone works best. So if you are aware of things, then you know what to do by feel. Sometimes all I have to do is think or feel a point exists, the subconscious will make the point happen by manifest. Then if that's true all I need to do is wait for some results. Other people may see this differently, and that makes it so you think and their subconscious shows you what you need to know. So if you don't mind it, then go ahead and do what you want. This allows you to get what you want by the way. Sometimes it doesn't. Just think about that to see the truth of the moment. The idea manifested is proof enough.

Here's a funny fact. When you concentrate to release gas from your body, the release speeds up your body temporarily and you gain in movement speed. This causes you to focus and you think to go faster, except you don't if you didn't concentrate enough. When you focus enough, you could force passing gas. So the end point is making concentration noises like an animal. Except you don't act the animal part.

Its gross though, so some don't want to do that. You could focus upon the thought of speeding up, then you sometimes end up passing gas. That's another way to do things. So however, there are numerous ways to do this trick. So think about a way that works for you and you could use the idea. See what you think after you do this. Think about the formula for speed to make yourself go faster. speed = distance / time. Then you know how fast you go and you end up faster. Neat right?

fig gud del e t yal ga e did ge ynt = make good deal and the product everlasts and doesn't get smashed. pronounced, [fige good deal ee t yale gah ee geh win-t]

fig viu zlo = make volcanic eruption. This works if you think it does, then only if you think of the site to make erupt. pronounced [fige vigh-uh z-lo].

focusing trick; If you focus on the words and create what you think, imagine or feel. This creates what you think by use of words, and the words bring up imagination or feelings from one area. That's why it works. You think or create by what you feel that others feel in the next area over. This is a point in the past.

they; they don't mind me for what I do.

lisa; she can bring me to the housing authority meeting on saturday. This is done with no stress.

type of skin; This is stone skin, wooden skin or supple and moving skin amongst others like marble skin and other skin. That is where you think of the skin being like something and this could be stone, wood, or supple and normal. Then it is like the type of skin you think, including stone that is supple and moving. This works best if you hold the object you want to be like.

something; there's something to do, if I need there to do something.

writing stuff

End result; I got my sports watch to work by thinking the watch starts counting steps and my subconscious made me do the correct things as the watch started working again. So if I think something long enough, then eventually that thought will work. That was an interesting result.

middle earth; The middle earth is a sacred area for beings, that like to think they live in harmony. See there is a map of the middle realm. This is the inner earth area. Some think its quite interesting, where some thinks its hogwash. So Lord of the rings might be literally middle Earth. Except for this, only now there are alien ships that fly there. So things are different from what is reported in games there. If you think of things sometimes the idea is formed, even from thin air. So I think this is an effect of middle earth.

Not in game terms though. Even though law prohibits you from being down there. The middle earth is a pocket area within the earth. That's often thought of as the inner earth or pocket dimension that is physical. So magic is more concentrated and works differently in the middle earth and isn't affected by human consiousness as much because their consiousness is so strong down there. Some think we have selves that are already down there.

There are beings there. They love sharing info as its there for any psychic mind to pick up and direct. See its almost always psychically perceived. So its always info that you can use in some manner. Some can get this, the area is a pocket within the planet. Its sorta like a pocket dimension, except its physically within the planet. I love using the weather machine. They can create any sort of weather. This is anywhere..I believe they feel our need and create it where we think to have the weather. This is the idea for the effect.

This is done as we think it should be. So if you wanted to create the weather, then think of the weather as a point to create. Then they create the point as you need the weather a certain way. So I think its interesting, that's where you think towards the sky and the sky creates what you need with the energy of the sunlight or inner core source of ambient light. I think that's how they create the point, that's where they perceive our thoughts and form reality to create what we need. So don't get me wrong as things could be different.

Think so; So think of positive things for bringing the mental body up to 5D or higher, this works as well as bringing the lower chakras up in frequency and the lower bodies possibly. That is done so you think of things better and don't judge as much. This helps to get along with others and work things out so you fix things for yourself. I think things are done through telepaths or people who are spiritually adept at picking up thoughts of others brainwaves. So its useful to know that's the reason you can get certain results, whenever you do get something done by the subconscious mind. This is a point in the past.

That is where you can think of the point and your crown chakra creates with a concept. See that means what you need to occur will happen, this is sometimes done with the point you feel is necessary. This is done by the point you intend to occur, if you didn't then the idea wouldn't happen to occur. So think positive for the idea and you might get what you need as you state or express the right things that you feel is correct, btw.

This wouldn't happen otherwise. So if you thought the idea and your intention is to create the point, then that is what you get. I think this is safe, especially if you don't think of war. The war could happen, then you would know that what you think is what occurs in nature. This is a point put to the past perception, so think and you know the rest.

Think a point; the idea is a formation, the point is the action it does. So think a point is where I am not nearby. Its not a point to do if you think to create by feel and you want to hide the activity by thinking. The animal, rodent or other human will do just fine otherwise area pointed out will work to hide what you need to not be perceived.

The point you use a gemstone also works, so think and you can get what you need to happen with no worry over being psychically perceived as though a barrier is there. This is protecting yourself by the point, that's perceived and its not you they observe. This is a game though, so think it through. It makes perfect sense if you are of a high enough vibration realm and consciousness the point is where thoughts will come to you, so this makes it where they are able to help you with your goals in life so that you can help others.


dirty green tea; this green tea is dirty water in effect, that we use for kids and if we get them to try it. Then they might think it tastes great. What it is, use water, macha green tea and fruit flavoring with some sweetner. This stuff is great, yet some sweetner is not too healthy for you like aspartame during exercise in a hot area. That causes you to swell up a bit, yet you lose the swelled body after you get in a cool area so try not to eat too much while swelled up and that is that. Then there is sucralose or plasticised sugar, this is not that great so think to use stevia excepting for too much stevia. That is where you could get cancer from stevia otherwise raw sugar instead can be used for taste, when you could gain weight from too much addiction.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Some magic effects III

Here are some spells and writing stuff that you can use for information or suggestions.

Some spells

illi tiuca ui amba = fat no more, pronounced ill-ee tee-oo-cah oo-ee amb-ah.

illi ni ye carila mai au = I am doing well. Pronounced, [ill-ee nee yeh car-illa may-ih aw].

illi haro sairina haro = spell hawk (magic hawk), pronounced [ill-ee sare-reen-ah hare-oh]. This allows you to see through the eyes of a bird or hawk, and then direct it by what you do or think and feel the need for it to be doing.

mental defense; If you need a defense, then have this one, "do in so many times." There are psychics out there that like to read others thoughts. So if someone's trying to read you that you don't mind them reading you for some reason, then don't think it. Otherwise if you find them reading you and don't want them doin so, then think it. This does a number to the person, making them eat more. Its really nasty at the point of a thought. It works.I think things through and really think that. Then I saw a metal shield form instantly. So get this, if they don't feel like eating, then they die off so many times in their mind. So its interesting.

ego burst; Here's a point for the ego burst, "I think so I am, think to do." It causes them to create things that end their ego in the end. Ego is energy go. E-go. Hence its where the energy goes. The source. Old energies that want to be heard. They usually end up at doing things with the void. This drains them and they do things by feel for the feeling that exists is nothing. The ultimate effect is this, they create by feeling, the point of work and idea and then die trying to feel something. Otherwis they end up in a farting mood.

Energies; So old energy and old patterns once cleared get recycled into new beings after going back to pure source energy. This is done by thinking the old pattern of the energy passes to the void area of the soul world. Otherwise its bones. Bones are eternal where you simply charge your bones. This is done with new energy. Same format new power supply. You can even translate it to a light body. Different bodies are possible; Gold body. Light body. Rainbow body. Etc. Spiritual version of there's an app for that idea. Think of the moment and you think of the idea. This works for the better, especially if you think of the time. So there's a stone for that.

crystals; So you charge crystals, think energy to the stone, bio energy. Even though that doesnt seem to work, I think this actually does work, just think about the effect being formed. Then the stone uses the energy you thought to the stone, the crystal then forms what you needed by what you do.

Ultimate defense; think if being read or done in by a psychic, "Do in idea, this works." Then you realize things can't be done with the idea if you do them in by feel. Otherwise you can't do things without the point will work.

the eyes; I found this interesting, the left eye is the eye that sees the physical realm, the right eye is the eye that sees the spiritual realm as though physically. This happens on focus to the thought that you need  for the right eye and want to see for the left eye, that is used to see the idea you want to see.

this; this idea is progression, where you draw the figure and your body adapts to become what the resemblance is by feel.

atomic control; think of the atoms in the body and think to set a suggestion or focus on what you need, this is done to make the effect that you want as though a need. The point is this, that they do what you want where you are considering the person and if you think of the idea they do what you need as you feel the need from them. This can control anyone so be careful with this idea.

rite idea; If you have an idea or something. Make it a ritual. Write it down on a piece of paper and then zip it up in a zip lock  bag that way nothing intrudes it. If you seal it away like that, then you freeze it, you separate the idea from you and the point it creates freezes itself out. "Time literally stops for a few seconds and then the point is over" or "gone by what you do". Then time continues and things work by the point, that you then do as "its done alright". Think that quoted part, then your in a clear mind state.

This is when your able to think and things go through, that means when is the end where by the point you do you get things and create by the feel. Then the idea is over and you create by idea being spoken. This uses the subconscious mind and the idea by some sort of expression. Otherwise you can do things where you could always imagine a color and create the point by feel. They feel the urge and you direct by the point. This works if they aren't aware of the procedure being used on them. They are people that you focus to use their subconscious mind, then you get something manifested.

Think about what you need and the idea is manifested, if you need and intent the idea. That is true by focus, yet if you think you need something and your around someone then you state the need. Then you get what you want, if you need the idea and your point is what you intend to create. This works by feel, where they can feel things and know what to do. The point then is done, this is done so don't if they are aware, otherwise people sometimes have responded to what you needed. If they sense you are writing the idea, they sometimes wait. Then the idea is what is finished and your off to do something else, think for a minute and work with what you have. This creates what you need anyway, so its better to leave it alone. Then is the point and your aware of what you've done.

This makes a sealed envelope effect, where your sealed away words are in a point that you put the words written into a plastic bag. This allows you as that part of yourself to do the idea uninterrupted by what you do. So I think this is apt enough description. So what I spoke, that was enough by feel to do what you wanted as though a need. That being where you think of the idea and do things with the point. This usually works, that's mainly done by what you need as you think of the point or intention as though a want. Then its both a need and a want.

This is a concept that if left alone works best. So if you are aware of things, then you know what to do by feel. Sometimes all I have to do is think or feel a point exists, the subconscious will make the point happen by manifest. Then if that's true all I need to do is wait for some results. Other people may see this differently, and that makes it so you think and their subconscious shows you what you need to know. So if you don't mind it, then go ahead and do what you want. This allows you to get what you want by the way. Sometimes it doesn't. Just think about that to see the truth of the moment. The idea manifested is proof enough.

Here's a funny fact. When you concentrate to release gas from your body, the release speeds up your body temporarily and you gain in movement speed. This causes you to focus and you think to go faster, except you don't if you didn't concentrate enough. When you focus enough, you could force passing gas. So the end point is making concentration noises like an animal. Except you don't act the animal part.

Its gross though, so some don't want to do that. You could focus upon the thought of speeding up, then you sometimes end up passing gas. That's another way to do things. So however, there are numerous ways to do this trick. So think about a way that works for you and you could use the idea. See what you think after you do this. Think about the formula for speed to make yourself go faster. speed = distance / time. Then you know how fast you go and you end up faster. Neat right?

fig gud del e t yal ga e did ge ynt = make good deal and the product everlasts and doesn't get smashed. pronounced, [fige good deal ee t yale gah ee geh win-t]

fig viu zlo = make volcanic eruption. This works if you think it does, then only if you think of the site to make erupt. pronounced [fige vigh-uh z-lo].

focusing trick; If you focus on the words and create what you think, imagine or feel. This creates what you think by use of words, and the words bring up imagination or feelings from ome area. That's why it works.

writing stuff

End result; I got my sports watch to work by thinking the watch starts counting steps and my subconscious made me do the correct things as the watch started working again. So if I think something long enough, then eventually that thought will work. That was an interesting result.

middle earth; The middle earth is a sacred area for beings, that like to think they live in harmony. See there is a map of the middle realm. This is the inner earth area. Some think its quite interesting, where some thinks its hogwash. So Lord of the rings might be literally middle Earth. Except for this, only now there are alien ships that fly there. So things are different from what is reported in games there. If you think of things sometimes the idea is formed, even from thin air. So I think this is an effect of middle earth.

Not in game terms though. Even though law prohibits you from being down there. The middle earth is a pocket area within the earth. That's often thought of as the inner earth or pocket dimension that is physical. So magic is more concentrated and works differently in the middle earth and isn't affected by human consiousness as much because their consiousness is so strong down there. Some think we have selves that are already down there.

There are beings there. They love sharing info as its there for any psychic mind to pick up and direct. See its almost always psychically perceived. So its always info that you can use in some manner. Some can get this, the area is a pocket within the planet. Its sorta like a pocket dimension, except its physically within the planet. I love using the weather machine. They can create any sort of weather. This is anywhere..I believe they feel our need and create it where we think to have the weather. This is the idea for the effect.

This is done as we think it should be. So if you wanted to create the weather, then think of the weather as a point to create. Then they create the point as you need the weather a certain way. So I think its interesting, that's where you think towards the sky and the sky creates what you need with the energy of the sunlight or inner core source of ambient light. I think that's how they create the point, that's where they perceive our thoughts and form reality to create what we need. So don't get me wrong as things could be different.

Think so; So think of positive things for bringing the mental body up to 5D or higher, this works as well as bringing the lower chakras up in frequency and the lower bodies possibly. That is done so you think of things better and don't judge as much. This helps to get along with others and work things out so you fix things for yourself. I think things are done through telepaths or people who are spiritually adept at picking up thoughts of others brainwaves. So its useful to know that's the reason you can get certain results, whenever you do get something done by the subconscious mind. This is a point in the past.

That is where you can think of the point and your crown chakra creates with a concept. See that means what you need to occur will happen, this is sometimes done with the point you feel is necessary. This is done by the point you intend to occur, if you didn't then the idea wouldn't happen to occur. So think positive for the idea and you might get what you need as you state or express the right things that you feel is correct, btw.

This wouldn't happen otherwise. So if you thought the idea and your intention is to create the point, then that is what you get. I think this is safe, especially if you don't think of war. The war could happen, then you would know that what you think is what occurs in nature. This is a point put to the past perception, so think and you know the rest.

Think a point; the idea is a formation, the point is the action it does. So think a point is where I am not nearby. Its not a point to do if you think to create by feel and you want to hide the activity by thinking. The animal, rodent or other human will do just fine otherwise area pointed out will work to hide what you need to not be perceived.

The point you use a gemstone also works, so think and you can get what you need to happen with no worry over being psychically perceived as though a barrier is there. This is protecting yourself by the point, that's perceived and its not you they observe. This is a game though, so think it through. It makes perfect sense if you are of a high enough vibration realm and consiousness the point is where thoughts will come to you, so this makes it where they are able to help you with your goals in life so that you can help others.

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