Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to grow wings

This article is also here on the alt-sites site.

Step 1- Research
You’ll do well if you get the basic research done, of course; look into different wing movements, how birds clean their feathers, feather structure, wing anatomy, and become familiar with it all. Look into muscle and how the tendons work. 

Step 2 - Think 

 Always remember, to plan is to achieve. Think about what it's like to have wings. Feel where they would be near your shoulder blades. Feel the muscle movements required to flap them. Do the exercises you researched to simulate the movements. 

Step 3- Practice

 Start stretching your arms a lot, and try visualizing two more wings sticking out of your shoulder blades as you do it. Go for a run to simulate the flapping movement. Practice gliding unforced. Run, jump, and flap your imaginary wings. Play with these exercises until they feel natural. Then it's time...

Step 4 - Focusing your will

 There is a secret, it is ki and how much you have of it. The more you have, the easier it will happen. If you don't got enough ki energy, then it won't happen. Build it up by the actions you do. If you meditate on it, put willpower into your wings growing. Eat food and drink water or drinks as you program the food and drinks to grow wings. Each thing you eat or drink is what builds up the body energy. If you think about the idea, it will eventually happen. 

 Otherwise it won't occur, unless you need it to happen. think of what you intend and feel it happen, that works with those who need it from the creator produced body energy. So think the creator makes what you want, and this is intended as this created idea is done by feel. The point being, there is little the creator can't do, so think it's possible and you create what effect you can. If no effect is done, then you can try again or know you tried. Think to do something else instead, if you care to get something useful done.

 What helps this process, is casting forth energy from a source. See thinking to make a black mark on the wall, this is elemancy then thinking of what you need and making what is what the energy of the mark does. So if you think about the idea, that uses the consciousness of energy and the idea of what is intended to be done. This effectively improves your chance of success. Think about the idea to make your chances improved by feel. If you feel you know something, then you realize by the spirit and the soul or soul copy what is there unless it's not exactly what it seems.

  Due note: the spiritual wings are already there, so if you feel like using them think the wings do what you want. Then the energy of the body will create with the spirit what effect there is of the spiritual wings themselves. This is an effect of the feelings you get, if you think of things you need then the spirit uses the soul or soul copy to create what you intend. If you don't intend to get results, you probably won't. So think about what you want, then intend to get results and you can get what idea you need done.

Step 5 - Fixing the irritation

 Think of the irritation, feel it lower as you think it is gone and you get along with people. If you don't, you could snap at nearly anyone. So think and know, this a point you do if you need the result. Otherwise do what you need as a point, where this is in the past. This is a point you realize, so if irritation happens in the back, then it's slowly working, that is just one sign of the point your growing wings. 

Step 6 - Fly

 Now that you've got your wings (at least spiritually), experiment with flying. Don't jump off a cliff or anything but a wheelchair ramp or into a swimming pool is perfect. Remember to keep your knees, elbows, and back straight.

 If you think of somewhere you want to be, then your spiritual wings will shift you there. Otherwise you may opt to grow the physical wings themselves by feel and idea. This is a point done with expression, if you think of the effect. Think about the idea, if you intend the point you can achieve anything. Believe me, it does help. 

Respect the Manatees.

Thinking to grow them the harder way
By Tony Oneil

 Thinking to grow wings, this is not so simple as it could be physically impossible, but the human body starts off with astral wings, anyway. That you can induce to grow on your back. Real wings require a shapeshifting and genetic structuring, to make those astral wings appear on our backs. Set by thinking of the astral wings, physically being on your back. Think this everyday and meditate on it, as with use of a mantra 'wings be flowing in the air, on my back and I as light as a feather as that is imedits as this' or immediate results.

  I have noticed other than the bed bugs biting that there is actually no results sometimes, so if you think to stop then there is no damage as the process stops creating results sometime. This is to stop the ideal response with the body reacting right and there is lessened pain. So if you think to continue, this could turn out no results as you know there is nothing that occurs by this ideal. So this is a warning to not waste your time, unless your just curious as to what you think you could get.

 So as you think or meditate on the thought, breathe in and out as fast or slow as you want, or fast breaths first and then slow breaths. Then imagine wings being grown and appearing where you want on your back. If it works, then try to work the idea of pain from the growing wings out of your mind. As, there will be some pain associated with this. Try this method as long as you want and with use of as many days as you want.

 This doesn't work for everyone, so if you find this is true, try other methods. Hope your feeling lucky. Think to create or think no longer to create. Then you can see to create what you wish. The ideal is feel as you think the body is wing use or growing then you get slimmer as with lighter feel slimmer body nearer the point you are with the wings, as though your floating then you can think to created use so you can create as you are aware as you think to create.

 Meditating for 10 minutes each day,  Memorize or imagine what you want your wings to look like or how long you want them to be. Don't lose concentration if you feel something or your starting to hurt. This means your wings are starting to grow. If you lose concentration your wings will shrink back and it will be more difficult to grow back. Listening to the delta I-doser allows you to perceive your wings. Get it here or here as though avian. named for a vicious bird human that is what i saw that spurred this to seem. i wanted to cause the bird human that is non vicious yet can defend.

 It might be a good idea to know balance as one side or both could hurt, focus energy to create cool feel. As flowing around your body to cause no pain, see in use as the things you hate are avoided or creative use. Seeing not to see use or whatever, feel the focus energy to create with core earth energy. Think the creator dissipates the pain, there where your focus is to shoo away flies or cause less pain more water drinking.

 See that with a rubbing in a circle to the opposite area of your back can cause blood flow the rub to the right side is energy infusive or non use, see to cause what you can. Thought to use is energy from chi or life activity to pray to any god of choice.

  This is to hasten the idea so this does work and takes awhile to create, the effect more easier or nor have pain effect. There will seem some pain closer to where wings are difficult, as there are tensions in back you see stat is where slower growth isis seems. No pain by cause is with a soothing calm in chaos aura area, feel calm thought you are calm as though by medicinalist energy.

 So stay or go with a calm feel projection for along a path is feel, as there is no pain you don't feel pain or no path to pain or whatever. There is more than one way or method listed here. More Gods exists under the creator as subcreators. The creator has no other name than creator. This is sorta needle work as words you hear, are from a needle worker this is from a visiting accupunturist named band nemen or Dr Horrible.

 The creator doesn't need prayer, so talk to him as though talking to nothing but air or think your request. He will respond by giving. Keep your eyes open or closed, either way. You can talk to him in your head. The creator knows how your wings should be. However long to wait is up to the creator. He knows how long it will take. Ask for them sooner and he might give them earlier. So address him as the creator and ask or state what you want. This is to ask for wings sooner.

 If it doesn't work, then you will know that you tried or are tired. You aren't a failed person, this just takes a while longer than it may seem. And, when it is growing or grown, then you can't just make them ungrow or disappear. So you psyche or may unintentionally block them from growing, released by the fear of what your going through. Thus, remember there are other methods and spells for this. So, fare the well. Here is a wing, pep talk for you that might speed up the process as you think "50 or otherwise days less" more or less by use.

   This is energy in motion as if this is an 'ia' result. As an idea is a point so if you make a thought mention you can direct, the area energy to create with and as you do things the time adjusted is by your thinking in a thought. That is a time adjusted to what you want, in thought is a thing in mind that adjusts what is around you as if you were making. What you want faster or slower or normally, as if the idea you wanted occured in thought. This is a considered idea in point of view and things you intend, as you want will occur if you think it necessary.

Wing pep talk
By Cmann

  For those that are discouraged from wing growing, what is the idea if you can try and succeed and as yet you are sensing things as the point to feel and experience the freedom of what is done. Ask yourself that 'What is the purpose behind this?' This is the part of you that can easily overcome the pain, the pain comes from an idea to use the wings and think to grow them in idea I am through with what you did.

 On a point of concession, otherwise you can say they are not there and they are still there. This is the point of the wings. To see them and know what they want, they you count as peers and if you want them to work right you have to work with the shoulder blade. With use of the wings imagined to seem used, and the shoulder blades are what cause the flight as you imagine the flight and think you experience them. This is the fun part of having wings, so what you think to use in the wing growth is not always to use in the flight.

   As the flight is the wing that you think to empower with the wings of an energy, that lift up and use is a point to have fun with now the challenge is to use the wings and think to play with the wind and as you are thinking light body you are light. This is where you are and the lightness is your body weight, as you weigh nothing however you are you are an idea that is useful. So have a little faith and you are better. That is nothing in what challenge, you are intending to do. Just by activity you can speed up the growth and it will if you feel it will. This is to attempt to do, without arm movement what is in a point as an exercise the wing growing. With enogh try, if you aren't stupid you do, as you can wait you can achieve the goal and get an end result.

  If there is the point you can seem to feel them, you can use them astrally but you can think and do things.. as in create a gust of wind. If you intend to use them and otherwise use the idea, that if they grow out you can use them physically. This is there as a point in mind and this is what that means,
as you sense them now this foretells you can create them to be real. This was meant as a fun idea to try and even if somewhat exhaustive, its still to my mind fun. As if right now you can use them astrally, you can can think and feel the intensity of the point. "I will do as they do in in flight if them as you imagine the birds." This is almost like a spell effect as though thought or not, 'Eflim' as if you make fire to raise up and use is drawn fire enrgy in from the core of the planet and this makes you light as a feather in done mode. Now that should make them stop, and you are done with the idea as if you are acting like yourself right after and avoiding all obstacles and going on your own.

Spells and miscellanious in life

 However, here is a spell for wings.. for those who want to try. This is here,

 Here is a spoken spell:
Grow wings, physically, QUICK, DOES WORK=
Speak this spell to get effect.
Deera Marku Deera Marku Showsizo
Repeat at least 20 times each day

 If you know and are aware of your wings, even though they aren't physically there yet. You can goto the sky kingdom. This is the kingdom in the clouds where you materialize your wings and get there by thinking you are there. And, you are in two places at the same time. You can float on a cloud and watch the ground or go explore by flight. Exposing your wings to the wrong people can get them ripped off of you. Then, they won't grow back, except maybe physically.

 Again, the secret is ki and how much you have of it. The more you have, the easier it will happen. Do activity and you build up the ki energy, if enough then things can get easy enough to do as you wish. Otherwise you won't get much, unless you try. So think and you know what you can do. The point is a concept, if you think it's easy, then things become easy. So basically, it's only your intention that is done by the spirit and soul using the subconscious mind. This is from the past.

 A cheat: You will receive the wings easier if you amp your power by spiking lava. Mentioned various places, the technique as this creates what is possible by the energy you think is useful. Lava spiking is using the elements or lava to create a sped up effect. Lava and elemental spiking is a point you create with the elements or lava by increased energy of the body with an energy feedback effect, this is when the energy returns to its sender and reenergize the body by feel.

 See some use suggestions to themselves, except the real way is to speak your intention idea and make use of the power of words. This effects things and makes idea by what you do. The elements are water, earth, air, fire, void or spirit and its done to increase the possible chance of success. If you do the idea of lava spiking, you will receive the effect you think to manifest easier if you amp your power by spiking lava or an element like air, water, fire, earth or spirit. Mentioned various places, the technique is this:
 1. Focus your mind on the idea by imagination of a image meaning lava or your element.
 2. Imagine yourself as a stick figure.
 3. Draw a line from the lava to yourself in the imagination.
 4. Wait 10 minutes, otherwise 5 minutes is good enough.
 5. Think to your subconscious or state 'Give all energy except 20% to the lava'.
 6. Everytime you want to try and get an effect after this, spike the lava with a thought or stated 'Give all but 50% to lava.'
 7. Then think of what you need to get in effect, sometimes stating the idea creates it. So I think if you think it will work that will work. So to cancel the effect is to think of the idea to cancel out and state, 'It doesn't matter.' This effect cancels out the need of the moment that even includes illegal idea. So think and you know what to do. What also works to cancel out the need of the moment is to think of the need and state, 'there's no effect' or 'there's no need to do this.'

 Expect results instantly unless illegal, if you think its illegal nothing happens to your senses especially if suggested or given things. So I think this works, especially if your not wanting something. Then the energy does nothing or nothing happens, and you don't create with what is there. Otherwise you could experience a weird feeling. Really this weird feeling is where you think to sense things, and the body's electrolyical activity makes you realize what is there or sensed by feel.

 There is no need to this unless necessary, that is where you may think there is a need. So what you think will happen, that's the power of thought itself. That means this is the energy that does things, your thinking about things you need intructs the energy. So if you collected enough energy in the aura to effect, what you think about and need to occur unless illegal will happen results sometime.

 If illegal you might get no result, this is because your moral code would block the result, if any moral code exists in your mind, otherwise your mind may attempt to make it not work. So then there is no need to do illegal things by suggestion, think it not illegal and that intention set by the idea you have is what your subconscious does. That is the effect of energy, this is useful to feel satiated. This is not done in effect, even if you need it otherwise so you don't do the need as if no need to effect unless necessary. So if you think there is a need, then you can resist the urge if breaking the rules. This is a noted effect of willpower. Basically its the power of the will, that supports your basic idea. So if your will is not allowing something, then you won't do it.

 One thing, if you want to try it patiently, don't spike the lava or the element. Unless, you want to speed the process up. And, you will need to adjust your chakra energy to have your body adjust to the energy. This is done, by suggestion to your subconscious, by a statement of 'adjust my chakra energy and cleanse my aura, everytime I give energy to the lava' or 'adjust my chakra energy and cleanse the aura, everytime I give energy to the [element of choice].'  Don't actually use this unless you want to speed the process of some effect up by feel.

 The avian is what i will name the men or women with wings, so i think there is a point that is always a way out. think to create as you think what you create. this was indeed the point i saw someday ago as someday, some do or whatever. this will be my last comment for the point i close the post down. so thinking to create is thinking to get or get along by some point you do.

 I think this is better by feel my last post to the main how to grow wings so i think this is what i will do, prove that the wings if invisible or not are possible instant shift ideal. think the wings are useful then grow then you create by scratching from where you are, to create as if you were scratching some wall you know will show what is there that you did so go check. this is the last point i will make think to create or work as you think or not bother trying. as i think this was or is written so this is what is or not useful if no need or no longer desired seen is "not by nonchalant approach". i think this is where i will go now to post elsewhere, i still think some can or some create wing results that are unseen.


  1. If you can make it work please show me how to do it

    1. Well I am trying to do it but it is very easy to do

  2. I want to grow wings so badly. I'm planning on trying every spell. of course not at the same time of course.. but if it worked please tell me!!

    1. Me too, I plan to do every single one, well some of them at the same time since I easy to forget, and if one of them working I honestly don't know which 'cause I do a ton of them in one day

    2. omg i prayed really hard and god gave them to me it was pretty painful but i have my wings

    3. really? thats amazing! your so lucky!

    4. I went on this web site and found a spell about growing wings, so I tried it it and it worked I've got really coll white mantle wings that I can have out when ever I want. Just say I have them out, then some ones coming, I can easily put them back in my back. The side effects were disenes, fathers randemly falling out of your back. It is so cool.

    5. I have wanted wings for 2 years now and what method did you use? I meditated for 20 minutes and prayed three times. I felt a pain under my shoulder blades, is that supposed to happen? And my email is:

  3. ya same here ive been wanting wings sooooo much send a pict if you make it my email is

  4. it worked!!
    Oh wait i was dreaming..

  5. wow.. my dream may actually be possible?

    If you have any tips or advice about this or any proof to sort of boost my confidence please let me know!

  6. I want wing so badly ive been meditating for one dway and nothungvhappened please let me know if something happens

    1. i am not to big on god and all that but i prayed really hard and pictured it in my mind now i have 2 sharp pains on each side of my backbone but no matter how mush medicane i take it doesnt help

  7. its anything comes up let me know plz...

  8. I reallyyy want wings... i want to fly
    i tried this and my back felt weird where wings should be.... is it working?!

    1. felt the same got worse then it actually did work no joke

  9. I tried a spell earlier and I felt pain in my back and I look in the mirror I realized that I had somthing weird coming out of my back and I realized that's where the wings should be...I just kept pushing on it hard as I can and it stoped growing but I keep getting pain in my back and I still have these weird bumps on my back does it mean I'm changing bcuz I never had them before I need answers it scaring me I need answers please sombody!!!

    1. i have always wanted wings. one time i tried a spell, and i got a big bump in my back then i panicked and it shrunk back.

    2. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO START TO GROW!!!!!!!! ¡ !!!!!!! ¡ !!!!!!!!

    3. What about bathing suits and stuff. I really want wings but I also like to swim in my pool without freaking my friends out...

    4. wait , i want to have angel wing or fairy wings ! is there an effective spell or somethin? please help me !

    5. Yes.. think of the wing type as you do the method.

    6. i had the same try praying even if u dont believe put lots of energy into it it worked 4 me


    1. Can you post what spell you used to get them? i really want wings!

    2. Did u use this method?

    3. What did you do? Could you please tell me. I know i can't just fly away from my problems but i really need to.

    4. how the heck did you do it!

    5. send me an email on the spell you used

    6. i have them to but my way hurt like a ****

    7. I'm willing to go through the pain. if you could post the spell it would be great and very helpful. as soon as I get my wings and become a good flyer I would like to meet other winged people. anyway... plz reply " your way" because I'm sure it will help me and many other people looking for a spell

    8. i just prayed really hard even though i didnt believe and i got my wings after about a month of pain... the pain got worse every day though it sucked

    9. THAT'S AMAZING. I have so many questions. like: what color are your wings? how old are you( not to sound to stalkery but you don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable) are you a boy or girl( also optional) thanks:) I'm the same person that wrote be4

    10. i am 14 girl and my wings are a redish orange with black paches

    11. ccool! I'm going on 14, girl. praying real hard. when I get my wings I would love to meet you. I really hope your not lying, if you are I would be very upset. also I would like to know your wingspann and maybe what state u live in.

    12. i have about a 13 foot wingspan im not lying would like to not share the state sorry

    13. that's fine, I was just asking because I would like to meet you once I get my wings. do you have any tips on praying, I'm trying but I feel like I'm not getting any results.

    14. not really it took a while it just started with pain right by my shoulder blades then lumps ang wings.. put LOTS onf energy into it bargain if it doesnt work for a while, like after a while to get it to speed up i prayed to god that i would try to go to church more often if it would speed up. it worked...

    15. cool, just wondering... when I get my wings, would you be willing to meet me. like
      on top of the Sears tower( in Chicago) or some place

    16. aawesome!! can't wait, but any tips on things to say and all you did was pray? also, I am assuming you can fly, how long did it take to learn how? also, did you get the right organs to fly? I'm trying not to ask to many questions, but I am really happy that it might be possible:) anyway, thanks

    17. I did a spell yesterday for wings and my back then started to fell weird and. I felt drained of energy
      I might be geting my wings. Soon:)

    18. go u and ya all i did was pray. i learned to fly after about two weeks i did get the organs with it. what spell so i can recomend it

    19. I'm the person that's been writing you for awhile. This is gonna start getting confusing so call me CJ. I'm stuck! I'm still prying and I still feel like I'm getting little results. How do I put energy in it. By praying longer and more often? Also when will I know it's working? And I would also like to know the Spell

    20. good luck.. it does take a while but try barganing like promicing to go to church more often and stop lying...

    21. Oh ok, I'm REALY happy that someone else has wings. If only they would come to me NOW! Haha. Your info. Has helped me a lot . Are you able to hide your wings by folding themin?

    22. ya mostly but try to avoid hugs from people who dont no it gets akward

    23. o good, do you think a 15.5 ft wingspan would be a be able to hide?

    24. ya probly my 13 foot ish wingspan hides pretty well

    25. good! I wish there was a way I could meet you, or see your wings. being online and all, you can't trust anyone.

    26. i understand completely

    27. yea, do u have an email?

    28. o ok that's fine, so how has your life changed since you got wings

    29. i can mostly get away to be by myself now if i want to. i have less physical contact. though i did get more popular after i showed them off at school, but it gos both ways some people hate me more and others are fastenated.

    30. Good for you! Could you please tell me everything you said or did, because I have been praying for about a month now and not much has change. Like I said before I hope your not lying becuse you helping me makes me feel it's possible

    31. Like do they look weird under your clothes?

    32. nope they mostly fold into my back like i have these pockets inside my back and they slip into them

    33. So they go inside your skin

    34. mostly yep a few stray feathers here and there

    35. That's really gross

    36. ya well it works though

  11. Ya are growing wings!! Muahahahaha How long did it take?

    1. Pleez tell me how long it took I NEED to know!

    2. Will laying or sleeping on your back stunt the growth of my wings? I'm always nervous when I sit in a chair and

  12. I need wings. It's cOmplicated. But please tell me if it works.

  13. I tried a spell once that make my back agonizingly painful. I had a fit in social studies and later on I freaked out because lumps were forming and I canceled the spell :/ But yeah, this should work if you believe it.

  14. it worked. i have wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Will the wings come with the internal organs to help you fly?

  16. I read about/watched something like this before, it was a long time ago so I can't recall where, but it included a meditation on "feeling" your wings...part of the exercise included "unfolding" them. I tried doing that, and all I felt was restriction. It felt like either I had "stumps" or that they felt bound up (tied). And so I stopped. But my curiosity still lingered in the back of my mind. Some time later (I know how much I will be made fun of for sharing all this so I'm going to remain anonymous lol), as I was falling asleep, I felt the presence of Archangels standing around my bed. Michael, Uriel, Metatron and Raphael (one whom I almost never see or have interacted with before, unlike the first 3). I mentally asked them why they are visiting me, and Raphael answered "we're working on your wings". At first, I didn't get what that meant, then I recalled that failed exercise I did before and understood. I asked if there was anything I could do and I was told no, just get back to going to sleep. As I was falling asleep, I could actually feel them get stretched and unfold for the first time, but I tried not to dwell or worry about it because that tends to screw things up lol. That's something I notice with many of you, you're dwelling/worrying TOO MUCH about it...some of you are sounding as if you're pleading for wings almost as if you're DEPENDING on them as if you could use them to run away from home lol, or acting like having them is the ONLY you can escape from your problems. Sorry to tell you it doesn't work that way. It's just manifesting part of your true nature/reclaiming part of who you were/are...some people's wings are bigger than others, some have a nature where they don't have wings, but a tail (so why work on feeling wings you may not even have?). Your wanting it so badly just illustrates your deep detachment of the awareness that is required. Don't you see? You already HAVE wings (or a tail), your awareness is that closed off that you think they're something that must be granted to you. Once you realize you have them, you then have to WORK on it...See, I probably just turned off 90% of you by saying that lol. Those who just want to stick around for the "fun" parts and see if they could use them to really fly. It's really not so glamorous, sorry to say. It's really more like Uma Thurman in "Kill Bill" where she's trying to regain use of her legs after waking up in a years-long first, she can't even command movement of her toes. Try to do the same with your wings (or tail). Extend your concentration, awareness and sensation to them. At first, I only had full sensation of the base joint, so don't be surprised if that's all you feel in the beginning. With time, it will extend, just like Uma and her legs, remember? lol. I have had brief instants where I could actually feel them brush against something several feet away (My wings, not Uma's legs lol). Keep that in mind, as there are going to be times where you may begin to feel they're making you "clumsy" and are constantly getting in your way, you may begin to feel instances of phantom pains/itching that you can't scratch (careful what you wish for lol). From that point (I know this is gonna sound cheesy), there's no where to go but up. I would probably be more advanced if I dedicated time towards it more consistently, but I do work and study a lot.

    I remember that just before I fell asleep during that visitation, I asked how big my wings were, and Uriel answered "they're ridiculous" lol. Oh, now I recall where I found the meditation, but it's not much help as I still don't remember the title: I found it on youtube...something something incarnated angel/human angel. Oh well. Bye! :.)

    P.S. This is the first time I've ever told anybody.

    1. Did u get thewings after all? Did this method help u get them fully grown?

    2. Plz remember the title and tell me!

    3. Will my Archangels be different. I feel they are helping me. It's wierd because i have like a voice thats not talking inside my head, but its like someone outside is talking. Also please tell any mistakes i had in writing this.:)

  17. I've meditated for ten minutes and nothing has happened. Will it ever happen? Will just not happen? What do u mean by astral wings? I try not to have a pleading voice and feeling about it. I even try to feel them on my back. How long will it take to even start to grow? SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS!

    1. The astral plane has our forms with wings and ability to fly. It might take a week for you.

    2. Yes it will, you will receive them easier if you amp your power by spiking lava. Mentioned various places, the technique is this:
      1. Focus your mind on the imagination of a image meaning lava, this could be a red dot.
      2. Imagine yourself as a stick figure.
      3. Draw a line from the lava to yourself in the imagination.
      4. Wait 10 minutes,
      5. Think to your subconscious or state 'Give all energy except 20% to the lava'.
      6. Everytime you want to try and grow wings after this, spike the lava with a thought or stated 'Give all but 50% to lava.'

      One thing, if you want to try it patiently, don't spike the lava. Unless, you want to speed the process up. And, you will need to adjust your chakra energy to have your body adjust to the energy. This is done, by suggestion to your subconscious, by a statement of 'adjust my chakra energy everytime I give energy to the lava.'

  18. I have tried everything and one question will this really work? I just want the truth. I have ben looking for years piz awnser me.

  19. its ben a while and it hasnt worked is there a secret to this.

    1. There is a secret, it is ki and how much you have of it. The more you have, the easier it will happen. If you don't got enough ki energy, then it won't happen. Build it up by the actions you do.

    2. Ki is the personal energy you built up by using life energy of chi and activity. Any action will do and your ki builds up everytime you do activity. It is stored in the body.

    3. I dont get the ki energy thing!

  20. im kinda scared...i feel so lost. Everyone said my idea is it? should i stop trying? Someone plz tell me if this works i really want wings and ive waited soo long...plz someone...

    1. Your idea is not stupid! Just try any spell you can! So, do not give up on your idea!

    2. i dont see any thing or feel any hing! but i can move a certain bone in mu back i havent been able to move! is that a sign?

  21. Of anyone on here grows wings please contact me I'm been dreaming of this ever since I was a little girl please
    I've meditated for about 5 minutes and nothing has happened so please help somebody
    I've felt no pain and I've felt no lumps please someone if u know a website were it really works please Email it to me

    1. try meditating for 10 minutes each day.memerize or emagion what you want your wings to look like or how long u want them to be.dont lose concentration if u feel something or your starting to hurt.this means your wings are starting to grow.If u lose concentration your wings will shrink back and it will be more difficult to grow back.

  22. i dont think i have enough ki im always locked in my house because i have a fear of going outside thats why i want wings so i can be glad that im safe in the sky but i just want to know how can i build my ki without going outdoor. NOTE: realised im being stalked by someone D:

  23. I tried this and I got a pain in only my right shoulder. Does that mean its working?

  24. For the past half-year especially, I've felt that there have been wings on my back. Nothing corporeal, but I feel them stretch when I am happy (especially when I'm outside in nice weather) and stiffen up when I'm stressed (loud crowded environments in particular). They seem to be very tied to my emotion and stress. They make my back and neck sore and eventually give me a headache if try to move them around a lot. I've never tried growing actual wings; it was more like I suddenly became aware of them.

    I think getting over the grief of a deceased friend is what sort of set it off. I was really searching for a way to get my head back on straight and life in order, and started relaxing myself by going to this little cafe once a week and just listening to music and focusing on regaining my inner-peace. That's when I started to feel them, stretched out and resting on the empty chair behind me.

    I finally got curious enough to look into it online. I've never really tried the lava or ki thing, and I'm not sure if or how this fits in. Who knows, maybe I'm just thinking up weird stuff...

  25. i REALLY want wings-sometimes it hurts not to have them, to be stuck on the ground.

  26. I really want wings! I have tried many spells, and I was wondering of someone could email me a spell that works? Thank you so much! I hope you help, I don't want to sound demanding.

  27. what does lava mean? does it mean magma, as in the volcano meaning?

    1. It means magma, as in the underlayer of the continental mantle in the earth.

  28. Do you just think of them growing first or do you think of them being there first? Please tell me also how long it takes please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please awnser this anyone that has had this spell work please!!!!!!!

  29. U guys do realize that no one has wings in this world besides the animals lol so wut makes u think it will work if no one in the world even has wings??

    1. i have wings you wacko if you want proof try a method that grows wings and meet me at jiffy stop.

  30. If I'm planning on flying over the town or possibly my school, you mention wings being ripped of if shown to the wrong eyes, anyway if I want to show them to bffs or something will that get them ripped of my body? Because I need to at least be able to show them to my friends or my parents and tell them how I got them. PS if you want a specific king of feather, can you meditate on da feather? PLZ ANSWER ME SOMEONE!!!

  31. Guys I have tried things before I'm 14 and I feel the wings in my back i have been doing it for a year I feel them pushing the skin it hurt and tingles but I don't know how to get them out

  32. Hi. Last night i meditated and i got what felt like two lines down my back. They were kind of painful but not really. It was my first time :D im just thinking about it and i can feel them now :)

  33. SPELLY!! I feel some minor pain in my upper back and small red dots inbetween my shoulder blades. I believe it's working, but I wanna speed up the process. I don't understand the " spiking the lava" thing. Do you think it is working? SEE YOU GUYS IN THE SKY... Once I get my wings anyway. If you have another spell that worked for you please reply.

  34. Good enough.. the idea works then, to some degree. There isn't really a way to speed it up. So, bear with it.

  35. I think this is actually starting to work, I've been getting pain and slumps around my shoulder blades. But like inward one post before you have to have every inch of your body believing in this. Even if you do have a feeling way down in the deposit hole that this won't work. You have to make sure it does

  36. When will your feathers come?

    1. they came atomatically with mine

    2. so you have your wings!

    3. so you dId this method? for how long? what colour are your wings? plz reply

    4. this is going to sound really sappy but i prayed really hard, it took about a month, and they are a redish orange with black patches

  37. hey Spelly, how do you know all of this? it's really cool and I am trying to grow wings and every time I think or picture my wings I get these wonderful sensations through my body. I started meditating about a week and a half ago, but then I left for a trip and I couldn't meditate as much. the only time I can is right before bed when it's quite. if you have any good tips on growing wings PLEASE tell me, anything helps. and if you have done any other spells and they worked more reply. and Spelly, replying me with information makes me feel more confident that I'm doing something right. so if you could write me back... that would be great. anyway... THE MORE INFORMATION THE BETTER!

  38. If you can make it work please show me how to do it on a video.
    send it to me in my e-mail:

  39. Hi, I just tried the meditation with all of the comments ideas, and for the first time meditating to binaural beat-like sessions was very interesting, as I had actually felt a bit of a flight-like feeling with a bit of back soreness... This is really interesting, thanks. ^^

  40. Can doing this meditation for a longer time or multiple times in the day increase the speed of growth at all?

  41. Spelly plz help me! I have tried this for awhile now and still have no results I have a few questions to help me find wat I'm doing wrong:

    When u are spiking lava do I focus my mind on imaging lava and me as a stick figure for this to work?

    Ki energy is that daily activities or like running for example?

    Plz help me everybody I don't know wat I'm doing wrong. If anybody know anything that could help. Plz, plz I'm begging u to plz tell me

    1. Its easier if you think of lava as a line picture and yourself as a stick figure. Ki energy is Chi life energy that is built up in the body. Mostly by doing physical activity and mental work.. like thinking. Yes running and walking or doing hand work like typing can be considered physical activity.

    2. Thank u so much and I hope it works I just can't focus my mind on one thing like as u said to mediate on imaging u have wings

      I have always wanted them and have a passion for them. My favorite design for Wings is the morpho butterfly wings

    3. Best thing to chant is 'grow wings grow' on an exhale then you can actually feel them. For any other tip plz ask questions in the reply panel below. ��

    4. did that work for youyou?

  42. I've always wanted to grow wings. So, I'm not sure whether it's true or not. There are some comments saying that they have grown wings with black blotches or something like that. But I'm going to try it anyway, even if it doesn't come true. I'm probably crazy. But I don't care. I NEED wings, if anyone has any advice or something plz tell me.

  43. Hey spelly this is cool but how do you know that it works. Did you do it do you have wings. Otherwise how are you so sure that it will work. If you do have wings you should post a pic because I'm sure everyone who goes on here would love the insparation

  44. Hey Spelly I was really wondering, do these spells REALLY work? Can you prove this to me by Flying towards Me after i come out of School or Something?

  45. This is really fascinating, i always wanted wings, to experience flight and freedom and its always been a wish and dream of mine since i was a little girl, if anyone managed to grow wings, could you send me a picture?? plz! plz!

  46. I've always felt like I had wings even when I was very young. And I would look over my shoulder expecting to see wings and then wonder why I didn't, would feel my back expecting to feel them there but find smooth skin and then wonder where they went? For a long while there Dragons was my obsession and my wings were that of a Dragon's, bat-like and taloned with smooth beautiful scales. But as I got more into the spirituality my wings then changed into bird wings. And then my sensing them told me they were getting bigger.
    And then something odd happened... every time I "succeeded in a milestone" in my spiritual practices (like got a new level of Reiki practitioner, learned how to speak up, lead my first meditation with others following, had some life-changing revelations, learned how to let go and be in the moment, etc.) then I would get a new pair of wings. 0.o (All of these wings are astral/spirit ones by the way.) Then they would grow rapidly with the biggest getting to OVER 20 ft for one wing and thus OVER 40 ft easily for the whole wingspan. I like to keep the biggest in more energy form, not even astral, and wrap it entirely around me and keep me completely covered and shielded and safe. x3 The wing pairs got to 12 pairs on my back by then (NO joke o_o I have no frigging idea WHY that many...?) and I cut it down to more of 4 pairs and then it built back up to 7 pairs and I sighed and settled on that for an agreement, for there are 7 chakras in one's body so I figured that 7 pairs could be linked to that well enough.
    The second biggest is around 17 ft each and the third biggest is around 8 ft each. And it gets progressively smaller from there to the smallest which is around 1 foot each. I assigned one pair to become physical though, and it had been (before assigned) between the now 2nd and 3rd biggest in placement and size (thus explaining the size jump of before). And how I can measure astral wings? Well just unfold them and then rest the wingtip on one wall of a space you know the dimensions of and keep walking back from that wall until your wing is outstretched completely and then figure out from where you are in the room, how long the wing is. This is a good method to use if you can't measure them with rulers or measuring tape for the bigger wings.
    As I had mentioned above, I had "assigned" a wing pair to become physical and keep the rest astral and energy-based because if ALL them became physical... OMFG how would I FLY or even MOVE? X__X So yeah... Did some meditations and spells and rituals and made some bargains with an energy vortex in Sedona Arizona (awesome place!), and enlisted the help of the Archangels and other beings and Gods and Goddesses of the Elements and Cardinal Directions in the Rituals. Have worked on the art of detachment and living in the moment and I can feel the wings growing in my back. Sometimes I can even connect with them and feel them sense touch from outside my back (which is REALLY TRIPPY when it first happens 0.o) and I got a thin downy feather of beautiful blue that could've come from NOTHING else but my back deep in the deepest part of existential depression I had one time. I took it as a sign from the Creator that my wings were growing and would come out soon and as a wonderful acknowledgement and reward of faith, just enough to keep me working at it and keep me believing. x3 I get aches and pains in my back and CANNOT sleep on even my sides unless there is the electric blanket on hot to soothe the pain away. Been sleeping more and having some mood swings and eating a lot one day and not so much the next, so variable eating habits, and the back has periods of VERY itchy (like something within is itchy and I can't scratch it or even get close to the source of the itchiness) pains that one time even made me double over until it passed. And my first spell was casted over a year ago in the December of 2011, so all this has happened since.

  47. I asked someone about my need for wings, they said it was called Obsessive Compulsion or something that that you want it so badly sometimes that it almost feel like it's real, but your mind comes up with these illusions to match your desires. I WANT to believe that it's true, but somehow no matter how hard I really want it, nothing happens. But I'm still going to keep trying anyways. Besides, everyone has exactly what they need, no more, no less. (sigh.) :(

    1. Oh same, i just posted a video on youtube

    2. Really?!? Can you type in the link??


  48. I was just wondering... i mean i want to do this but i am curious does anyone have like any pictures of their wings or anything...i feel like if i dont see something to show that its real i wont have a goal to reach out for...ya know if you do have a picture could you send it to me at if u can thanks!!

    1. Seeing isn't believing my friend.

  49. You guys, this isn't true. People just say they have wings cuz they wish they did and want to believe the possibility and pretend they're cool or whatever. It's complete fiction. Some author who was writing a book got the perfect idea from birds that humans could grow wings. Even if you did have wings, you wouldn't be able to fly. Your wings would be able to lift you up from the ground unless you weigh 2 pounds. And also in order to have wings, you'd need some sort of organ inside your back, which would increase your body size A LOT! It's a cute idea, but unfortunately impossible. I want this to happen, but it can't. Life is full of disappointments.

    1. You don't know everything Einstein. Maybe, just maybe, there is a possiblity our human species can have the ability to grow Wings. Maybe Humanized Wings DO exist. I think your problem is just that you're too doubtful with your bastardful comments and wish to ruin everyone's day. I think you need to leave.

    2. Sorry. Didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

  50. How do you wear a shirt if you have wings? Will you have to wear a shirt over them? Might look weird v.v

  51. Hey guys!

    I made a forum for this kind of stuff.. A community. Come join the flock at

  52. Hi, I'm 14 and I did a spell I got off of YouTube and my back REALLY hurts. I wasn't really thinking of what will happen if this works. I'm really scared and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Any advice? Thanks

  53. Hi I'm a 12 year old girl here in San Antonio Texas .
    I am a spell caster who wants to grow wings and would give anything for them, I'm meditating, casting spells, and praying for them, can someone please give me some pointers and if you used spells give them to me I want to grow wings but not for the fun, I want to feel free and different and having stress. From things can you please help!!!!!!

    1. Hey girl im only eleven but well... yea when u grow ur wings i would love to fly up and meet u maybe we could start a flock or some thing! so let me know! i dont have my wings yet either but i just did the spell and my shoulder blades hurt!

  54. So basically, when I was younger I used to have dreams that I had wings so I started shaking my hands or whatever whenever something happened that made me feel sad, upset, etc. So my mother took me to therapy for two years, but my hands never stopped shaking. I still do it even when I'm older. And I had these illusion that I rly had wings and whenever I flap my hands, I get the feeling that I'm in the air or something. So I don't just want wings, i need them. They'll sorta make me complete. Also, I don't really understand the lava part of this thing. Please help if anyone has any advice.

    1. Hey there...

      I have your exact same problem. I'm 12. I've been dreaming if wings for 4 frikin years now. It's not that I want them, I desperatly need them. I have dreams, where I have wings and I can fly. I have had these dreams repeatedly. I wake up feeling like a million bucks, but only to be so disappointed that its not true. Now I'm trying to grow them. I've started a online flock. A community. A network. You can join, if you'd like. I really want to grow wings too.

    2. Hey 12yr old i feel like u do i have been doing every thing! oh by the way im 11

  55. Hey guys! I know a lot of people here are wanting to grow wings. So I made a online flock. Join it! I myself am trying to grow wings. I'm sure we can all benefit from having a real place to talk. Come join the flock. You can ask questions, anwser questions, keep online journals, and see proof about this stuff.

  56. Hey guys! I know a lot of people here are wanting to grow wings. So I made a online flock. Join it! I myself am trying to grow wings. I'm sure we can all benefit from having a real place to talk. Come join the flock. You can ask questions, anwser questions, keep online journals, and see proof about this stuff.

  57. Is it safe for me to try a new spell if I already used one?

    1. I asked that question... But the anwser was no.

      You'd need to either wait out the spell, or cancel it. I'm not sure how you'd cancel it though.

      Join the flock at

    2. Do you happen to know how long it takes to grow wings?

  58. Yesterday my back was feeling tingly so I decided to rub my back and I felt a bump. Is there a way for me to know if it's my wings coming in or just a regular muscle?

    1. i think u have cancer...

    2. Dude shut up. That person doesn't have cancer. And its sick how you can say something like that

    3. There should be two on each side near the sholder blades If there is then it is your wings

    4. Thank you so much for the information, and as for the person who said I have cancer I am 100% positive that I dont have it. That is something that you just dont joke around about.

    5. Your welcome :) I wonder what your wings look like

    6. If I get them I will let you know :D but I used a spell that required a symbol and this week i had to take it off for cheer try outs and my back has stopped hurting. Did I mess up the spell by having my symbol off for a couple of hours a day?

    7. No you would of just delayed it so it will take longer. Oh and mine are royal blue black and violet

    8. I bet your wings look amazing :) I dont want to wait any longer, I just want to have my wings already

    9. So where abouts do u live?

    10. I dont feel comfortable exposing my location. Just because there are people on the internet that can take advantage of the information. Sorry

  59. Ive been feeling pain and tingling in my back also there are two lumps growing does this mean my wings are growing?

  60. Does anyone actually have real physical wings that they can see and touch?

    1. I dont but i really belive some one out there does!

  61. Spelly PLEASE help, i have really bad headaches,back pain lupms on my back and i feel like i have a really high fever but i don't what do i do?

    1. Alright, keep trying to grow ye wings. I reduced ye headaches and body pain. So ye won't suffer from it too much.

  62. I'm glad I know I'm not the only one that wants to grow wings. I told my friend and now I think she thinks I'm crazy.

  63. What the heck! the whole thing was sooooo boring!

  64. SPELLY!!! i need u! i dont feel anything! i prayd like 5 time through out the whole day yesterday! Will it work sooner if i do more spells? i have done a million! i dont feel anything but when i strech it hurts and my back seems more stiff now! is it working? if soo i need a flock and SOON!

    1. Heh, the growth is closer now than before.

  65. No one will answer on this stupid website

  66. I tried meditating and at first I couldn't tune things out, but I just started repeating 'wings' over and over again in my head. I pictured myself in a forest at sunrise. I thought about their development inside my back and then imagined them beginning to hurt and make bumps. I did begin to experience pain and still am! I pictured them coming out of my back (painful!) Then I cold see them wrap around me. I could see their shadow on the ground! And when I tried to move them they flapped a bit and I could feel them like they were muscles in my back! It was amazing!

  67. hey do u come on this website alot?

  68. Will my wings still grow if i do more spells?


  70. Spelly, if small white feathers fall near you, what does that mean? Also Only one Side is developing what do I do?

  71. OMG thats what is happening to me! only one side of me hurts and i found a brown feather on my jacket a while ago.

    1. I had more than one it was almost ten small white feathers Abd there us only one lump on one side

  72. cool! i really want wings do u?
    i will do any thing for them!

  73. You will get then If you really want them

  74. ive tried every thing and nothing seems to work? do u kno why?
    i sit out on my roof every day and pray but god ( my religion is christian ) seems to not listen to me! i just want them sooooo bad! plz help me!

    1. What I do I everyday Egan I wake up I concentrate on my back for about 5 minutes and every day it get bigger. Try that also in your spare time think about them on your back, the shape, size and colour. They should start growing were you want. The feathers that fell near me were white which symbolizes your gardian angel, who is trying to help you. after the white feathers you should get your wings soon. You may not see the feathers but don't worry it will still work.

  75. THANK U! u are truely an angel!!! I have a blog u can contact
    me with it is ( spell it just like that! )
    Once agan thx alot ill keep tabs with u. ill let u know whats going on. whats your name? my name is jordan and yes i am a girl!

    1. Nice name I like it :) mine is Chloe

  76. really pretty name nice to meet u chloe! so why are u on this website?
    will u check out my website???

  77. I've been meditating I also prayed but nothing seems to happen does this really work or is it a hoax can someone explain all of this to me

  78. My back feels weird it doesn't hurt its like tiny stumps are there but I touched my back and felt nothing someone help me

  79. yea some one needs to answeer us because we need some help... i did a diffrent spell and it seems to be working better than this other crap... but the medatating seems to help it...

  80. Spelly I need your help I need my wings fast not in a month but like in a week is there some way to get then super fast?

  81. why do u need them?

    1. I can tell you tons of reasons i need and want them i really want to believe this works but without motivation and concentration i just cant seem to imagine me with wings.I would love to have them just to help people and animals i also would love the idea of being able to show my very close friend who is trust worthy and into stuff like this.but i cant seem to get my wings.i feel them there but when i turn around i see nothing just my normal back no grey marks no bumps nothing ive meditated and prayed and tried spells i feel them there i feel im getting closer but i have no way of telling since all i see is plain nothingness no feathers i never feel weak or get dizzy i feel like they are there u they arent :( what am i doing wrong

  82. ok first here is a very good website to go on it is u need to make a membership and friend 'Ment for wings'. (thats me) i can tell u more once u get it.

    1. ok ill try it out thnxs for the info

    2. i just made an acount im a member now :)


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