Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Think positivity

Focus on what's positive

Easy to say right?! Well, let us give you some practical tips on how to actually be able to live on the bright side.

1) Share positivity
Remember they say that, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. This is so true and along with it you have to know that supporting and helping others is an infinite source of happiness for you as well.

2) Stick to a positive thought
In case you are suddenly unable to find a simple and true positive statement when negativity arises, just go and remember those "good old times" you have had. Recall one of those sweet memories and focus on it.

3) Gratitude
Yes, it is here once again... Creating a mental routine to concentrate on the things you can be thankful daily will change your mindset eventually and you will find and create more and more things to be thankful of.

+1) Go out, exercise and move more. :)

This came from an email sent by

Friday, September 28, 2018

jole II a few days later

This is apart of the personal or private discussion s that we have, I think this will be a list of idea and quotes that you can use.

EgoidGeo = the subconscious world, this is the subconscious consciousness world. Think about what you want to express and you know what will occur to happen what you need.

The signs you see psychically is what you think to use somewhere as a dream symbol. Sometimes the sign is what you think about, you can create by the senses or your sense of time and humour.

The time is 100 days per every second here. Otherwise the time is what you think in relation. So think of what you need and you could get it.

Think about it though, you might realize that idea that you think about. So suggestion is what created this world, think the point and you can create by suggestion. This is like what you need, that is focused upon and what you think to do.

So think an idea, then suggestion is your thought body reaction, that generates the correct reaction to the point of full manifest or making your idea.

That is where you think to expose things or you do the right things, then you know the idea by what happened to seem in effect. So you feel by idea and create by suggestion. Think "I ca do it" and the end point is you can do anything, this is doable if you believe you can otherwise you hamper yourself.

This translates in subconscious ancient into "can die off a hit", otherwise stopping what is blocking you in person form from getting what you want by what you think.

If you want to live forever or cause something to live for awhile, state or think, "une" or "oon" all the while thinking of the 'un' word. This is what you can use to create what you want forever.

This was in an announcement then was going on, so you can go with what you think is necessary. The rest doesn't matter, that is unless you think it does.

So if your subconscious rules the mind and timewise this world, then you know the idea to work with by the feel. There is a death god named dega, that works in the subconscious world as a deity. So think of god and you think of him as a point. This is an idea of mine, that proves true if you think about the idea.

Then you can go on with what you think. Imagine something with the old terms, the ancient language and you get what you need. So that's all about the subconscious world, this is done by feel with the sensed moment that I got.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Think to enter the subconscious consciousness world, think to undo what you want to understand is gone so you leave the room and you leave the subconscious world.

Otherwise if you think to exist outside the world your in, this I'd say is in a form of your choice and you created by idea being done. This causes you to leave the subconscious consciousness world and your will once you leave becomes your own.

Think; the idea you expect to work you express, so think about this as a point. This is so you can create what you need with just a thought.

Think and wake; this is where you think and wake up done by morning. That is where you are not where or what you need.

Otherwise you'll get request s by the hand full. So think of a quiet place and go there, then you are safe from overwhelming requests.

Think a point; belief is this idea, faith that things will be better and work out.

Tsig; think a point, put off pound. Thought signature otherwise, think that your a good god form and unable to be damaged.

Thought; the point to his or her mind is a thought, think a concept and if done you create by focusing in then use is done by fee or feel on the need to make a want. This creates a manifest.

Thought immune; this is a point you think and work, so you can create by what you do. While you do, your thought immune by feel and thinking a point your not harmed by what is done.

So instead of being lowered by thoughts in vibrations, your raised by what you think to do, fee or feel. That is known as the unharmable point.

Workers and crew; they don't mind my coming and going. In fact, there are some willing to talk with me nicely.

Think and get; this is where you think about things and I get what I indicated as a good point.

Thinking; Self-molding-conciousness takes vibration and frequency with air vibration and thought. This creates by feel, so a self-creating-formality is all we are and some people do it 'cool'. The creator free styled us is what happened. Otherwise things would be a bit more clear.

Things; think of life energy and sending a little bit into the area, then the place is blessed. This is done so think about the idea as working out.

Think to shift with a blessed area and you can focus your idea to occur a point of energy transferring and then the spirit that goes through everything shifts your body to where you naturally would be and this destination is decided by the soul intuition by fee or feel.

Then in idea, the point will seem a successful debut. Otherwise things just work out. So think positive, this is where you bless the area.

Positive; Think about the positive point, you can create with a positive attitude. This life energy is generated, that is done by the senses or using the feel you perceived.

The point; the point you watch is to provide functional support, so think and you get what you want.
Things that malfunction; things malfunctioning suddenly work again, this is when they think it will function and this is done by feel. Then think this sees use, for that no longer malfunctions.

Told off; I am not told off for what I do. In fact, I am not minded.

No longer; so no longer am I there, this I know as a fact, although I am still allowed over there. I think I will go and do something else.

The en; the point at the end is the trolley road and trolly is finished finally, this is with working machines so I am happy about that point.

The resertifications; they send the resertification of my ssi/ssdi as though I got what I wanted.

Inspection; I manage my room right, so I pass my inspection for today.

En; at the end I think I will do what I need so things work out, this means working with others idea and advice.
I managed to gather enough idea to inform myself of what will come. So I think I will be using the idea listed in the manner listed.

This is an idea, not a list so use it as you wish.

Angela; she gets back soon enough. Think of your need before the moment, then you can get what you need. Think about things and you know what you can get.

Whatever; whatever the case, I can find enough money going the way that I do.

The point; think the end and work your result. This is a list thing only.

R-z; sticky stuff, binding idea, tar
Goid; weird gold, conduct
Thi; this though is a point
Funct; function, functional work, think the idea will function and it may.
So; freedom, you are free from that world so enjoy what's left of your life.
Oen = own, or, snake bite, sex attribute otherwise; this is owing to things and this is where you think a conversation or concept to cover for things.
Thin; think about things and your thin by what you don't do.
Then; different per person.
Iso; energy, this is power that is with the point of free movement of electrons. This is in use of a power to generate it nothing more matters.
Mei; Maria, cool, calm and considerate by feel. She is relaxed by idea, the feel from her is allowing communication.
Think; the idea fixed itself. I remember to contact Danny a few days in advance for my ride back.
Orion; he doesn't have problems so sensory overload doesn't occur.
As; actually, a ctualized.
NuaBe; these beings of death, they can create what you want and they can be made of dark matter from energy interchange, that forms them in the air. This doesn't matter what language you use, they understand the point.
Be sure to dismiss the being back to dark matter when your done with it in time. Then you swap back if you swapped with them your place.

Now do what you want. Otherwise they could replace you by fee or feel, if you think the idea is necessary for the being. This is where they are, the shadow lands. Think to be back in the real world and you are back.
Time; this is the time of day by idea given out.

Dark matter energy; physical energy that creates by the feel or use of senses.

Pulse; the pulse is the idea that you have blood flow, blood pressure is the thing keeping the blood in the veins.

Were; these mythical beings are creative and work by senses that are feel to them. They are part were means that you are part animal. This is an effect by choice.

Enyt; in it (benefit), eight, aftermath: things work out but are as they are by now.

Ut; but

Wit; wait

Incle; inclined, this is inclinations to relax soon, uncle

Lest; Least favorite person, that can molest others with his or her senses.

Teln; telnet, telling, This is where you don't have to write what I see. The "I" is the third eye consciousness. That you know by insight with the spirit, this is guided by the soul in formation.

This is empowered by the pinneal gland, that is the real psychic organ. This can be represented by an eye sigil or thinking the symbol you trace/draw means the eye.

This leads to eye land, the world view of the above and beyond world, that allows what manipulates this one.

UouLid = Curse land; the land of the hex witch, that is empowered by thought. This is then given form by energy that you release. This is a point that you can manipulate, that uses the third eye or 4th eyes to do the idea.
If your caught there, think to go to him that is your parent and ask for something if alive. If dead then you at least no longer are there. Just mimick the right idea, if you need to go back. Know the language there is thought and example.

Just realize that the curse land lies within the shadow lands, so think to observe and you are there to see things. Otherwise you shift, then your back in your normal world.

  Here is some things jole II did in the past that was within a few days of the last recorded moment that I did of him. Enjoy the definings and idea that I did. Feel free to use any of these as suggestion idea that creates what you need by the senses with what you feel.

definings (skip to end):

an = negative reaction if necessary
a = positive reaction if possible or not attempt the action
was = waste basket
en = end time
iefix = This is in lefix, This is some idea in use as though an about concept in a point that I fix things. Then I think about being somewhere else and I am there, this is the use of a point so I am aware and I am out of the way of others. This is a point I think an idea to fix things and then work with the prepared food, thinking of the moment I realize the calories and write them down by feel. Then eat if I want so I think to satiate the hunger or think of the moment and wait and the need disperses by feel. Otherwise you wait for a bit and goto the fridge and open then close it, the idea that you eat energy food disperses the need by idea energy blood infusion. So long as I am aware.
asr = eraser
AntiFoaBe = Anti-photon being, That is an ion that heals anyone nearby the particle and this is the being that uses the modern english and does things positively if its negative and vice versa by the ion. Think to summon this being only if you know english good enough to pass as though an english speaker or you might die from the being's presence. This being can do almost anything, that is all it can do except what is light based actions. Those actions you can do using sunlight, otherwise this is use with light from a light source. This being does things using the darkmatter energy that is thought of use as though the energy were responsive anti-photons. This is what the Death God is thought to be made up of by feel. So don't call the Death God if you want to remain alive.

This is just a reminder, so don't take this too seriously as you can't really call him or her into existence here. Anyway you think of the idea, unless you do the idea at the right time near the right area and this is with partial success by the correct ritual. This rite is based in english, that means with english you can get the darkmatter energy to have the darkmatter create for you. Otherwise you may get an opposite reaction such as hits and kicks with a negative negative or negative english use. This is a point you know to do things for as possibly can seem done if it doesn't work out, so if you state the effect you stop the idea. This is done in the effect.

So this is a point to beware, think the effect and the idea is transmitted thoughtwaves to darkmatter itself through its energy matrix. This creates what you think into becoming created as though a full manifest. That's the theory, this is a point to try out before calling out to darkmatter itself to create a being, that is made from what the darkmatter really is made up from existence.

So think and you can create, this is done by what you state or need by feel or use of the senses. If you know nothing occurs to happen what you want, then you don't need to do this effect. That's all there is ncecessarily to this anti-photonic being. The counter to this effect is "I don't matter", that's written or stated as an idea or suggestion. This counters whatever the being does, so think about the effect and use the idea if the effect the being does isn't for you.

IIeMix = This is release from a darkmatter beings mandate, that includes the Anti-photon being. This is either where I don't mix or I mix idea that is unseen and unknown. That uses what I know, want, feel or realize and this is from others sometimes. So think and you know things by what you do or what happens, this is with thinking that's what you can do by things from the senses with the thinking that you do.

Ie [Lie-there] = Think and Idea create by oh yea; Think the point and idea from the point that is written down, think the idea and state Ie then you can create what you think into created manifestation or what you need. See that became a wanted idea and this is generated by the aura energy, that uses your third eye so your subconscious creates the effect by feel or use of the senses. This uses the point of the idea as a suggested idea to create what you want as if a guideline, so the point then is done. If you think of the point then you can imagine what you think about, this can make what you want as thhough if a wish were granted. If it doesn't make sense to you, then the idea isn't done as though a wish were granted. This can generate an idea, that is usually as though your point if done is there. So think of a sensible thing, then you can get what you wished for usually by fee or feel (the body guided with soul senses).
I = Oh
e = yeah, that, is, am, idea, yes
e = error message, think a thought to work with what you do. this is a point in idea.
s = weight scale
f = focus point
r = reconsider
th = think and consider
done = done is the point and anything you need is practically given.
l = left alone and this where he thought the en point.

Ithink; What I think is that we should leave before getting into trouble.

Focus; Think to focus and you can create generated results, this is done by the aura creating what you need. This is done by influence.

Th En; In the end we should be as though not ever there.

Rut = run, root, root area or world variation

Th Sy = Think the nasty or synthesis; travel by energy from the leylines using the third eye. Think of the place to seem and your there.

En = In the end; We are situated, sometimes this is done by the feel and work is easy if gotten. This is done if a possible point is needed.

StevyEtetUouo = Starving artist diet; Think to eat less by buying more art or art supplies and producing your own art. This uses the heart feel to create the art for the home, unless you know you can sell the art by feel. Think of the art supplies and then you go get them. If you spend more than usual, you could starve yourself and remain starving half the time. This allows you to eat less and work with artistry. If you don't need the art, then you don't need to use this diet.

TIdeUouo = Item idea diet; This is where you buy the item instead of the food, that's it for the food diets. This could leave you starving half the time, so be aware of the point as that's the idea.

CidyUouo = Candy diet; The candy diet is where you think to buy candy like mini marshmallows and eat only a little of it, this is each day and that takes the place of food. So think to fulfill your idea needed and go by the idea point. This is a point from the past by feel.

Shifting; Think this is effect as you consider your weight or food as a source of energy. That effect is think this is your body shifted and in item otherwise, this done by the aura energy using the heart pulse. This is done by the point you thought to consider.

YlFrotUouo = all fruit diet; Think to do things to remain active or eat fruit instead of normal or abnormal food, then you sustain activity off your weight or otherwise lose weight.

DruUouo = Drug diet; The drug you use, this is usually prescribed so ask if the the side effect is weight loss for the drug, that creates what effect you need and you then eat or drink what you think is approriate. Be sure to exercise off the excess, otherwise you may think to use pacing of the heart and remain active until you sleep. This causes you to lose your weight quickly by the idea that you do.

datatape; the data tape that is there after all this time. This is a personal point, otherwise you would realize the idea.

mont = moment; the moment or time point that lasts until you think it doesn't, otherwise dismiss the thought then the effect disappears.

En; the point at the end that is the end point.

yele = yes element, element that concurs with someone and creates some agreement, this is done unless you don't need the idea then you won't agree with things to do.

aud = audible, normal, audience that listens to what you say.

tali = tailing, talent, yes

reiae = reiatsu (spirit energy or force) or spirit energy that is like a ray that's focused to use this by feel, that is with idea to use the senses. the point is recorded by the idea being written then displayed, sometimes as anime or moving japanese animation.

ressert = rea (disease notice), reaifuae (infactuate), ressertification, reassert, reassess (disease noticement)

clar = claire; clear, clear and pure energy, declare

ic = ence; fence, exchange (of heat or energy), hence, exchanger

a inde = stopping, this is stopping by a point.

wro = wrote up he writes this into the dictionary somehow. This is done by thought interring the moment or idea. Then its written as though their idea by offense noted down, otherwise this is idea you see if you wanted to see it.

lilfai = gyefi, mihrum, mushroom; mushrooms are unique as they are also very low in calories and make a great snack.

-XVI- Gods, Angels and demigods; Godd-Tesie-e-demigoddix -XVI-

World view

EgoidGeo = The subconscious world, this is the subconscious consciousness world. Think about what you want to express and you know what will occur to happen what you need. The signs you see psychically, they are what you think to use somewhere if necessary as a dream symbol. Sometimes the sign is what you think about or something going on in the real world, that is where you can create by the senses or your sense of time and humour.

The time is 100 days per every second here. Otherwise the time is what you think in relation. So think of what you need and you could get the idea. Think about things though, you might realize that idea that you think about. The point could be a repeated moment. That is only done to remind you of things, nothing more than that. So suggestion is what created this world by idea, think the point and you can create by the right suggestion. This is like what you need, that is focused upon and what you think to do. This is in the idea that you know what you say. That's all what counts.

So think an idea, then suggestion is your thought body reaction, that generates the correct reaction for and to the point of full manifest. Otherwise this is making your idea. This is where you think to expose things, you do the right things, too. Then you know the idea by what happened to seem in effect. So you feel by idea and create by suggestion. Think you "ca do it". This translates in subconscious ancient into "can die off a hit", otherwise stopping what is blocking you in person form an from getting what you want. That is done by what you think.

If you want to live forever or cause something to live for awhile, state or think, "une" or "oon" all the while thinking of the idea word 'un' meaning forever in ancient and undo in english. This is what you can use to create what you want forever. This was in an announcement then that was going on, so you can go with what you think is necessary. The rest doesn't matter, that is unless you think this does. So if your subconscious rules the mind and timewise this world, then you know the idea to work with by the feel from the soul. There is a death God named Dega that doesn't have a form, this is until you call him into existance here. That God works in the subconscious world, this is in the form as a deity for now as if you called him you called death or life upon yourself. So think of a God and you think of him as a point.

This is an idea of mine, that proves true if you think about the idea. Then you can go on with what you think. Imagine something with the old terms, the ancient language, you get what you may need. So that's all about the subconscious world, this done with the sensed moment that I got, btw. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Think to enter the subconscious consciousness world where illusion cast by the aura energy subsists, think to undo what you want to understand is gone so that you leave the room. Then you leave by suggesting that you do, the subconscious world.

Otherwise if you think to exist outside the world your in by feel, this I'd say is used in a form of your choice. You created the idea and from this idea is things done by the idea. This causes you to leave the subconscious world, that is where your will is okay once you leave and becomes your own. So think the idea you expect to work that you express, then think about this point. This is a point, so you can create what you need with just a thought.

other things:
Enn; leave if en an done.

kyo; immedience, as if there was one

kilo = en

raynt = reticent, resistant by feel

uneat = This is where the body eats its own fat, the weight drops by idea that you do. This is the end of bill cosby's life that I noticed.

uuat = unat, unattack, uneat the meal and work with things to do what you want.

iht = uusiht, siht to work with a point and go and do things by the idea you write. this is where you hit the cheeks and do things to make up for the point. whiz and you can work.

en iht = pronounced een eight, this is where the iht or hesitative hit is the end point, you can do what you want. doo and you know what you see.

Eniht = pronounced ennate, negate, the aftermath; sometime you think and I agree, then I lose my weight I don't want by the use of the third eye, 4th or 5th eyes.

ey = eye, eyelet, don't as the eye is useful especially in a cyclops. however they see things their own way.

contracts: these contracts don't effect you as you don't need them, this is done if you don't need them to effect yourself or others.

Contract 1; If you can cause me to lose my excess weight and mass, then I will get paid 100 dollars and I will do things for you if necessary.

Contract 2; I can get what I want as though a need were granted, this is done as use of voice if a wish were spoken or thought to the wish god.

Contract 3; The point is something where I am not hit by feel, so I think this goes if far enough along.

Contract 4; The idea is basic, yet detailed if necessary, I can learn the idea from anyone, anything or anywhere that I focus my third eye to listen in the consciousness on use of the third eye by feel. Whatever I learn, I don't have to write down. This is an idea to do if your aware of it, think and you know about the point.

Contract 5; I can win whatever I choose to win, I will remain left alone by those that would bother me.

Contract 6; I don't have any personalities from my disease if any is there.

Contract 7; I will provide what I can, that's if I feel the need or think its possible. If I don't, then I won't provide anything.

So I think I will see you again sometime, ciou and farewell. Good-bye.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

think and go III

This is where I think to go and do other things, that make the point creative. This is done in idea and makes by what you think creates.

Think and know; this is where you think and know things by what is done. Otherwise this I'd say is a concept formed by what is done. If not then the optimal point is not to do things that bother others. This is done as you think to work, then the point is over.

Don't mind; if you don't mind the idea then the point is done. So I don't mind the point that occurs.

Think to watch; if you notice unusual behavior, think to modify by the aura energy. Otherwise think to watch the point that happens when this occurs.

Computer; the computer is either repaired or fixed by feel. I get paid for it if possible.

Do; death of the body to shift and reforming where you thought to be by idea.

Think; think calmly be well. This is the idea that I came up with by fee or feel.

Think or go; this is where you think about things and go by feel.

This is do; think and do somewhere appropriate, then come back and see what you can do by thought.

Think and know; this is where you think and know what to do.

Realize; think about what you need to know and you know the idea. So don't be too grateful or you might regret it by having resentment.

Realize 2; think you know and you realize things.

Think a thought; the thought you have is what reveals things by what is done.

The think; the point you think is the point that's finished. That's if you think unhazardously.

The point; the point that's made is a point in the right direction. So think and you know what to do.

Picture; the picture is had, so I might as well let her go for now.

Job; whatever I do, I do a good job.

Positive/negative idea; if you wanted to use can positively think to use ca instead of can, the negative usage of can is can. Same for did where di (positive did) or did (negative did meaning didn't). This is in an effect by itself.
So don't worry about things you don't want effecting you against your own will. This is where you can state can and intend by thinking the positive term and that's what you can get.

Due this: the positive can effect the positive people, the negative can only effect the negative people. This is a fun rule of thumb. Meaning the negative won't effect you, that's if your being positive. This is where the positive can watch the negative in actuality.

This; think miss

Suggestion; think a point for recommendations.

Suggest; suug, struggle, suggested thought helps you remember, this is done by recommendations or idea that you can state.

Think; this is what you can do.

Food need; this is where you can absorb food energy if necessary from sun or other energy that contains the food or vitamins. Otherwise there's an energy shell, that blocks out the food energy.

Import; think to work and you create by the feel as though thought were the right direction in things. Otherwise the right things were stated and you can create with what you do. Now walk, this is a consistent point due to idea being done. However in the end, you shift by feel and you can create by the point.

Get a dog; the frisky or friendly dog would be your best friend.

Needs; I think needs are basically desires sometimes as desired, so that's noted about it. Noted is the effect that you ca get what you want.

So usually no one expects one of these in the future. That is unless necessary and I can get one. This is in effect by what I think.

Avoidance; This is in a point to avoid if necessary. Otherwise except and accept what comes of things. This could include work, so except the effort as need be done.

Avoidance II; think of a thought, then use what you may have thought of to do what's right. This includes putting out pets that you can't have or I can't have anymore.

Think an idea; this is where you think an idea by situation and do what's right. If you don't want to do something, then resist the urge and it disappears as if not ever noted there.

Roach; Any roach thought disappears as though not there. You aren't effected by the energy of the roach.

Effects; So any effects that you don't want to be effected by feel, you think it's another effect or a bug that you can kill.

Think and do; think the effect and do what you need to do or something may happen otherwise unless nothing occurs.

Hunger control; think to control the body with suggestion through a written word or two, then you can use a hair from your head and swallow it.

Otherwise think about what you want, or hold it and think the suggestion to do. If negative then it's not done, if positive then it's possible.

If you agree it's not against the will, think of something and it's done. Then every notion or suggestion you hear you can deny, it's as if they were simply stating a point. That point you don t have to do if you think about the idea or point.

Thinking point; think a point and you create by focus. Think to go and do what you need to do. This is done by the idea you have. Otherwise things work by what you do.

People; people will respond to my texts or phone calls by fee or feel.

Kabbalist approach; This basically is a point set by the aura and energy creates the illusion that we perceive. From the energy conscious, so the conscious is simple, but you can create nearly anything.

The energy conscious is like a point you could see in any shape or size that you wanted to see. Just imagine the point or state the idea to do and the conscious creates what you direct it to create by feel.

They are colored by what they do and see to be near. This is from perceived need, The need is a want to the energy conscious.

Then the idea is directed by the dna directing the brain and the brain creates through thought brain waves as thought goes to where you think you are by thinking your there.

The energy conscious picks up on the thought. The point is where the brain is just a sponge though. This sends alpha waved energy and the conscious uses the idea.

See that is done as programming to it's energy that it does. This is when you create by the energy conscious creating by itself.

EEprom; this is like the leaf technique. You can imbue something, let alone genetics into a memory slot and work with it or delete it or examine or analyze it. It gives you several fields to play with by fee or feel.

I do that with USB sticks. Think by touch that your energy body connects to an really through the chip in the stick. You don't have to keep the chip in you, they can be anywhere.

The thing is you could be right there or think your there and you can connect to the chips. It's a unique energy body trick.

Now that is a believable point, I think I believe you. -Sh

The sun; work by feel or the senses. this is done in use by thinking the effect. the solar light can create anything you think about, this is done if you thought the point and work with the idea. Otherwise no results will occur. -shell station mgr

Idea; This is in the idea done. Think and you know what to do. -shawn

Idea II; if the animal or roach conscious feels it's been ignored then it will come out and draw attention to itself. -sh

Antwaine Clayton; he arrives on time and creates the free ride by feel. This is done if necessary. -sh
I lose all my excessive weight and create better idea. Sometimes prayer is necessary to get what you want by focus on your need.

So this is a point and thinking or speaking your request to get the idea you need from god or the goddess. Otherwise the deity or angel is what created your point. -antwaine

The dr. meeting; the moment is done as though you don't have to wait for the shot or the doctor him or herself. This is because of the shot that is given early on by feel. So I am early. They can give you what you require by request or the need being known. -a and sh
Think or focus and you make by what you think. Elemental form is possible by this method. Otherwise no as it's just an idea. -sh

For a working spell prayer, think or consider what you want and then state, "oh god, make what I state or say as though necessary and prayed for to occur." Then you can treat this as though a wish granted. -sheila

So you will be born outside without me. -sh

Dead bomb; think to create by feel, through the dead a bomb is made of lead and this is used if necessary. -a an sh

Coal; this impact that coal has on the environment is reduced to nothing. This works by feel and creates a clean environment al area. So I don't mind coal being used on the streets. -sh

Maria Valeria; Maria ca do what you need by home defense and this is done to do things by feel, think your need and your want is done by her if necessary. -sheila d. And p.

I don't know; this is the answ r to things otherwise that you don't know. -Mgr

Think about things; think and you know about things sometimes before stating them by feel. -shell director

Think in about; this is where you think in idea and use about what's necessary to do things, this is where things illegal are not done by feel unless allowed for by the point you do the idea in private. So think and you know what to do by idea or fee concept. -sheila d.

Cleaning up; using what tools you may have, clearly clearing the way of debris is being done. Otherwise your cleaning up things by feel. -c mgr and sh

I don't know, II; So I do in that area killing and what I do now. -SH

Snake spirit; snake spirit can offer knowledge. The cost is sometimes a mention by idea. This offers some of your energy or something you own, that is used as exchange for the usage of idea. Then you get something for something that's done.

Other animals do this as well, but the snake is oftentimes representative of knowledge that you can think to gnow. So if you don't know then you don't care to realize, this is what insight your soul can give you. So I think your able to get things, and otherwise handle things.

This is usually done by what you do with time on your hands. This is what you can do with your time, that is done unless you have otherwise planned things. That is truely what things can mean or measure up to, however yes, snake oil can cause baldness. But you have to consider others feelings so think about this.
This is a point in fact if not life. Think about others as you think about yourself. This is noted in life, sometimes things aren't always about yourself. -SH

The heart energy conscious can serve as a soul, if you think the idea will work. This is the point of the heart soul. So indicated is the moment then that is done.

One thing, this heart energy conscious can appear as though the energy consciousness which is true for awareness. -sh

I was asleep, walking. Sorry for what I did when doing, so now you don't have to do things. I am empathy. -sheila
This is a point you think then say, I guess your right. Request as you want. -SH

Stynae = stag, Stagnation; things seem at a stop or standstill or no communication seems to happen. This is the case of no communication happening in awhile.

In order to fix this, pray to your own God to have something occur that you need and think about. My favorite god is tengri, the mountain god. Think to use him in some manner and you get results.

This can be done by stating, "Oh tengri, probably pronounced taen-ri, make what I need to occur and happen." That's what you can do.

Feel free to replace the name with God, you can think the God name as you state the request and this will work in a pinch. So think about things and this is done, if that's whom you think will do the trick of stimulating conversation. There you go.

Da = Done; whatever you need is doable, then think of your need and focus on the idea to present your wanted idea.

Good-bye; really this is farewell with a ciou, have a happy day.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

jole the II Idea

This is a point I recorded by thinking to my third eye to glance at the area and notice what was done. So even if it says its private, its not private there. If you think to use these ideal, then  you you can use them as a point in thought about what you need at the moment.You don't have to do them, this is done as you suggest by statement of the idea to the air, someone else might do them for the experience point. This is a few noted effects.This will begin with other things, then goto world views. This is a point in fact, whether true or not, your subconscious can create what you want..This is a point in Jole the II's life that I noted down.

Other things:

clayton antwaine; He doesn't decide to suddenly become unreliable. He can make the trip to edmond, bringing me back and forth. You can't force someone against their will, but you can trick them. This is what I hope to do.

Psychic idea poetry

Think as you would like.
This is a point to the past.
The thought is what you sense.
The vision is what you see.
The psychic nature is something else.
This is a point put to the present.
That you notice what is there.
As a point, this is a sign.
Think the idea and intuition guides you.
Intuition is the soul by use.

That is only until you change the point.
This means use of your intution guided senses.
That allowed you to detect the truth or focus point.
This is a point put to the moment.
What you do is up to you.
Think and you know what to do.
Otherwise you can detect things.
You can see the point, that you need to sense.
This is a concept done by the third eye.
Empowered by the pinneal gland with what you think.
You can see anything that you want to see.

Now its done as a wish.
That is spoken idea or thought point.
These are thinking waves of energy sent to create what you wish.
There you go, we don't mind.
Psychic ability is thinking or peception to see things.
If you see accosting, that means you have something to defend.
Now a psychic spell in idea is thinking of what you want.
This is idea in a point and desiring the result by concept.
Psychic list is creating by writing or typing.
This is what you think by need.
The usual sighting, however this is done.
That is done by your own two physical eyes.

orange coconut; orange coconut drink is made by orange flavor enhancer mixed with coconut stevia or powder added wo water and turmeric, this is done for an admixture that is tasty and works like a charm.

orange; flavor enhancer use is useful but actual oranges squeezed and placed with water works as well usually much better and you get the vitamin c from the mixture.

sugar loss; sugar death is where you lose red blood vessels to using too much sugar from something.

sugeay = sugar eating; this can cause sugar death otherwise nicknamed white death, that is where you drastically lose weight and some muscles and are left alone with a body that doesn't work too well. That is when your body expands and then shrinks down to its thinnest shape without exercising the weight of food off. If you want to repair from this, then eat steak or other iron rich foods. That should restore you after your first bite, that is done by the body as if you get energy from the food. This is a noted efect of extra oxygen from the food as well, if any exists to be had by the food or drink. So enjoy yourself.

Juu; Oh by the way, I have a tontonto doe. So I can do anything if necessary. If I find out abuse is being done, then I will set out to stop it. That is all. Add to the dictionary, if you want to create an effect.
Think if it is all.

definings (skip to end):
alia = alleyway
ia = hit, item, in, item in, idea
was = waste, water, waste of time, think to shift to somewhere else and you are where you think to become better
ie = idea, item
so = soul, sometimes this soul is formed like an item is written to from genetic memories being inputted then stored, otherwise this is an idea that the creator of our memories made up to appease himself by feel.
se = said, what is said is a point made by actions, nothing much more than that.
fo = focus point, that focus point reveals what you want by what you think to need.
pa = paternal, personal pin, pain, painful moment that creates what you want with realization from what is done.
pe = pea, peck formation
pai = pay, pain bearing, bearing the pain that you imagine, think of what you want and the subconscious gives you what you need with use of the pinneal gland third eye.
pen = pean, the pea moment that releases you from all energy programming that you don't want, personal pen
si = sit down, shit and release, this is where you give a shit and seem to care for the point that's there with no bad feelings.
ke = key method, think to key in and do what you want (sometimes this is for a personal reason like better health yet you could reject the health as its extra weight and weight drop) and things work out
tote = thoughts, self-fought moments
sofi = softy, suffix, suffication
de = death, dead feeling and death thereof by the method of thaumaturgical breathing, trauma inducing by thinking of the feel. Otherwise thanatoic trance, that uses induced breathing to create a death like state and you feel like your dead unless you actually are undead. Then you know everything and things are what they are by what is done. This serves as an early release from the world to the normal world, that is outside the aura world and you are free to do what you need to do by what you want when you free yourself by the point of death.

That release frees you from the point that you don't want to live through, so all you need to do is think yourself onto another exoplanet and you are there after thinking yourself going above the cloud tops that you imagine there in the atmosphere and recieving the cure to your condition. This is what you can do instead of constantly being reborn on the same world. If you think then you don't and you can find yourself reincarnated again and again until you think to see another planet, that is done on the same planet until your soul dries up by the energy being used up that it has stored. So think about that and you might free yourself as to seem with life before its too late.
Suraprea = Secret prayer; If you think to not expose your God or hide your faith. However you think to not openly pray, just state what you want and the creator gives you what you want if you intend to get the idea as a result or open end result. That is because you are nothing but a memory to his mind living the life as though he would want, so what you want if stated or thought about is what you get as if he wanted the idea. This is noted effect, that is what really occurs with a prayer anyway. However you can pray any way you wish to pray, this is a point put to the past by feel. Then if you knew the point, you know what to do, that means you create with a result.
non; think and this is to create with the point none more.
no; not, now
not; note, noted event
in; and, hand, not do
or; order, build up, in (energy)
kao; chaos moment, break down, psychic moment
is; in, indeed
id; idea, I'd
sa; say, save
ge; energy use, get
eas; was
xiy; exonerary, exhibition, concession
trefoe; transfiguration, adaption
nua; no matter, dark matter
nunagy; no energy, dark energy or energy that is what causes things to be pushed away yet holds together things by dark matter that uses interaction or area focus to keep what is stable there by idea.
oe; okay
sug = surge, form, remember
Dego = God of death; if you call upon him he or she might not answer except in answerable deity form, so think to know what you need and then call upon the god to form physically where you are and he or she can manifest or form into existence. Then if he doesn't kill or neutralize you, you passed his test and his formed avatar will give you whatever you want by thinking of what you need. So think about the deity and stating the point calls upon the deity's attention to form. If you want to cheat the moment, think that it doesn't kill you and your granted what you need as you think of the idea to get things. Your subconscious uses this as suggestion to do what you want, that is done as you call the deity into existence and you pass the deity's test of will. After that, you get what you want and all you need to do is think of what you need, when you need the idea.
Egoem = Egoism, Thinking; This is a point that is created by idea if needed, if you don't mind it then you won't be hit. Question the point and the point disappears. This is all there is usually set to the point that shifts with you. This is usually not done if not needed, though the point exists by feel. Ithink my friend charles used this effect to shift everything he thought valuable to himself from somewhere else. So I will use this as well, think of the point and the idea that is valuable is shifted to where I am. This is the effect in mind. The transit is the physical effect. What one can say about the idea is that you can bring anything with you to your next life. This is the method to use and do the deed.
Tsyt = transit, object shift: This is it; Think to shift it and its there. That's all there is to it. You can use this to shift nearly anything, including that which you remember is yours by feel or insight.
wit = writ, witten, written idea or effect by thinking about the point, so sometime if you are stating a word or two of the idea this works as well from the power of words and this is using suggestion with the subconscious mind.
doe = dough, dollars, $
nuta = danese, nebiki, neptune, goddess of cleaning, the cleantime pointer, think your need and you might get the idea as a want or the idea could die off. Otherwise depending on her mood, you might be ignored. If you think her name, you could find yourself cleaning the area. So think about the idea and the point to do, if you state the concept your soul does what is needed. This is how she does this trick, so think about your need and necessary things are done, sometimes this done by others that can do it.
snaspiy = snake spirit; Snake spirits can offer knowledge. The cost is sometimes a mention in idea by what you do. This offers some of your energy or something you own, that is used as exchange for the usage of the idea you can get by meditative insight. That's how you get the snake information. Then you get something that's done.

Other animals do well for this, sometimes they do this as well. But, the snake is oftentimes representive of knowledge and that knowledge is what you can think to gnow. So if you don't know, then you don't care to realize things. This is what insight your soul can give you. So if you think your able to get things, then you otherwise handle things.

This is usually done by what you do with your time on your hands. That is what you can do with your time, this is done unless you have otherwise planned things. That is truely what thinking things can mean or measure up to by feel, however yes, snake oil can cause baldness. But you have to consider others feelings so think about this idea.

This is a point in life if not a point in fact. Think about others as you think about yourself. This is noted in life, sometimes things always about yourself. So yanno the truth I think this is a point that you recognize. That is a point in life. Think to act accordingly. This is for what I think.

You don't always have to react to every single thing. Think to relax, you know the way. Meditation or sitting back and allowing the days feel to go from you. Breath in and out and think to relate to your thoughts. This is the way to do it. Thank you for your considerance.
sna = snake (any sort), snazz (snare), snake snare, snack otherwise no snack is done
spiy = spying (out), spit/ting, spiked on a cooking stick or rod and set on a rack in a firepit. Otherwise: spirit, spiritual and done with things.
Vyrt May Ba U-x = I will gain my money back double.
Tsuge = The suggests, The suggestions; The suggeststions that I get, they are actual requests from people so don't mind me as I use them as a point.
En = The endpoint, The point at the pointed end, think of the idea and you can get what you want by thinking of the need.

World view
AraMaiGeo = aura manifest world: the aura energy is the manifestation, the world is the feel you have that is based in the physical world. this is anything that is possible in the aura, think of what you want and the idea exists unless not necessary. however the creator of this world is dead, now is a point that you can create what you want.

AraGeo = aura world: This is where you can think to create the point and you create what you need. This uses the aura energy and the world around you is the feel by the senses that you have. The God of this world is you, otherwise the original God is the creator, we are just memories of the creator. So thinking about things he realizes the idea, then you get the idea as an end result. One thing about this world, that is based off illusions and she's dead by asphixiation that originally created it. So think to see the reality of the area and you do if curious. Doing is where you shift to see what and where you want to see. Whether or not if you could survive there. This includes exoplanets upon testing, so think about that. This is a point in the past that it was created, that is a point in the past that is created equal to todays time. So think of the idea you want as a need focused upon is a want, desire is what you can get unless not possible as the negative doesn't effect. Then you could think and go to do entropic idea.

Then = The point with the end; The world at the end, this world view is showing things. That could occur or happen, this is done unless you don't allow for the point and do things to save the idea.

SodiarGeo = Heart world; This is the work of SH, think to use this as you want to use this as information or activity. The heart world is the soul world that is created by the formation of the heart. This exists by feel or uses with the senses, then created is the idea that you think to use things. The idea is a point that you create with by the way you think, this is where you can get a warm fuzzy feel to the area and through generation you can create anything. That is where you do self-actions, think of what you want to do things by the idea you need. The heart area can create anything and time here is every 1 second outside the heart is 1 year inside the heart world and get this, the heart has a simple brain as well. So that is what generates the results. The idea you have and think then need is what you end up with by feel, that is done if you speak or think of the idea as though an end result. By thith method, you can generate any result or idea as though a full manifest. This is a noted effect to the place, so don't take everything done as though an idea to do.

IvaiTichGeo = Body aura world; internal aura world, inner fat world, involved world; The world that is in your aura, yet not everything there is represented by a gene or DNA pattern. Somethings are foreign energy and matter. The idea of objects are sometimes where you are touching upon the organ. The creation is done by activity of the body and blood or liquid waste flow is water. So no matter the point, the idea is done if you intend it to be done unless not needed. A shift is where you go by leaving the room or area physically. This is basically teleporting by feel or use of the senses.

Think of what you want and you can get what you want. That is where the effect is either drinking or eating a little, then what you think to create is fully manifested. We each have a manifest where the aura world is creating internally what you want, what is needed is created outside the aura world, if necessary. Think about the place or area and being there to enter the aura world. Think about "going" and leave to exit the aura world. This sometimes what works by the aura energy responding to the water flow, this is where you are exiting by the feel of the senses.

One thing to note; the god and the goddess are the main gods of this aura world. You are the creator that give the main gods energy, this is done through the point and release of muscles or basic energy infusion from the area of the body. The pantheon is what The God and The Goddess can choose. Devine are those people that use their organ energy or blood energy otherwise to infuse the organ with energy or blood cells.

So this is useful to create what they want, that is done by the use of their pinneal gland third eye. They have a subconscious mind, so think to their spirit or aura energy to create what you intend to create using their subconscious to create the point. Sometimes this is done through suggestion, sometimes this is done through the idea that your thinking your there and nearby to use their services. Then if you think about things you can shift to a point that is elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Think and work

This is a point you think and work by what you do and feel. So if I think to work and I can find work by what I do. I will work by feel. This means I can find the idea that I want, if I use my sense and use what is available to get the job. This is what I will be doing when I need to do this, so what I thimk I can create. This I hope works by what I do. If not, I will be out and about on the streets. So this should do the trick.

What I am trying is that point of a candle and summoning my results. This is done as if the end result were spoken. Then the point exists what I need by what I do or think with the want being spoken. Now as they said, the results will be accepted so I am assured I won't need a job too soon. This is a point in idea that works by the feeling others get. The need you have, if focused upon is then a want. The want if thought about is treated as though a wish that ca occur if you need the idea to happen. This is how things work in magic sometimes.

So I will go now and ciou in farewell. Good-bye.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Think and go II

This begins jole moisent the II life at age 30. Think and do what you want with this idea list or this is where you can go and do what you want.

So now is a point the time is done to get what you want by feeling your need. I will be following his life as for now is the moment to live your life and enjoy life's little moments after.

Think; this is a point that was livable by idea, then you can get what you need.

No me II; no point to induce a me 2 movement if you think of thinking that occurred.

Think a point; I think this is important to get back in the building, so I will try to access the door...with no key to the building I will try picking the door lock. No surprise there that I couldn't get in again, so it's no use.

Make ready; you make it so I don't always know when it will be ready.

Instant 10 or 40; you make ten to forty dollars by fee or feel.

I can; in can or I can stand it when no response is made.

Think a point; this thought came from another but is useful if used right. This kind of thing happens all the time, so I think to do something about it and things work out for me.

Useless thoughts; think what you like to know and through the spirit is the thought that you understand as if a revelation by realization.

You don't always have to put the useless thought though, so think of what is useful to you and use that in your memoirs instead.

Joules; this is house otherwise area power in use instead of just feeling the energy hum.

Then in Im; the release to prisonation.

...; Release from prison or hell by then I'm Im.

Appointment; if an appointment then you get there and get through quickly.

Sage; the herb heals by the use with the feel.

Problem; no problem has to exist to have perfection.

Jedi ability; the idea is energy and your ability comes from a balance of the energy. So think as a force is also energy in spirit terms, the force will balance itself if possible. The force is also electrical energy that's measured in joules or the sense of energy.

Make it better; this spell makes things better if possible.

Make it; the spell that I think you can perform anywhere, state "make things the way I want" at a wall or door. Then you mark the area of entry, usually with a chalk outline or make it my way at a door frame.

The use of chalk is optional, all you really need to do is trace the area with a finger. Then the point is done as you find your way out to an area that your subconscious created. This spell lasts until you leave the area.

Numbers; for those numbers that call you and are not needed to call you, place yourself on their do not call list. This is done as it's separate from the national do not call listing.

Ultra-sight; think to see with water energy, then you notice things in ultra vision. This is uses with the third eye, fourth eyes, or fifth eyes. That you focus on your thought to use for use by fee or feel.

Air sight; air sight is psychic nature and you use your third eye or other eyes to do this trick. Think to focus and you can create with what you perceive.

Earth sight; this really is cool to know so I think to conclude the elements with vision styled. So think to see with the earth and you notice things.

This is inclined vision that includes vi brational viewing. What you can sense are the vibration points, the other idea is this: the different dimensions themselves. Think to notice the numbered dimension, this is done by thinking the number and you can see the area related.

..; sanity by the sensed feel or the senses. This sanity is fleeting, so think what you want and you may get the idea.

Granuity; This is the spell apparently to make everything progress and become better.

Dark matter energy form; think the form that exists is there, then you create by dark matter reaction to energy the firm form.

So realistically that exists by fee or feel with thought, this is done as energy is expressed expression. The soul is a being that is sometimes reformed. Otherwise the soul is your soul that shifts or copies itself through soul space to make the body manifest.

I am done; this is where you think of things to manfest and either state the effect or trace a symbol in the air intended as the meaning that you want.

Then as you eat a small bit of food or drink something without high fructose, the idea manifests fully. If you want to effect the body by sigil or empowered by thought symbol.

Then trace the symbol on the body. The point where you want the effect will occur or happen sometime as if natural.

Think and make; this is where you get something from someone, think to a candle flame or imagined lit candles what you want. If you held or were touching the item, then change will occur in the person by feel or the sense of time.

Were change; think to hold or touch an item, this works as you imagined or consider a change to happen. The energy builds up and creates what you think, this is done by idea being thought or spoken of in a point.

So think about the idea and this uses the suggestion to your subconscious mind, then allowed is the point to create using the energy that's there.

This can cause you to do the right things and create, that is with a machine for a working state. Otherwise you can expect a change in the body, that causes what you need.

Now that is done, that is to do. -daniel

The threshold noise level can block out what your listening to by fee or feel. -sh

Bucey; the use of words by a word, that are described by your experience. -Gary bucey

End; this is the point you think that turns out to be the ending. -sh

Dreams; some dreams are puns or indications of the real world. Like you think of the idea, so your point is knowable by actions you happen to see or think to realize. -sh

Thought; think a point and don't do it, this is done with thoughts of violence. Now focus, think and create with peace. -sh

The moment you use a speed spell, that is the moment your replacement body is there. This is done if you are too aged, that is with idea by feel and focus with fae. You won't be replaced if you think to unage by what you do. -sh

End; the endpoint that you know as time exists to do things. -sh

Smoking; people quit smoking, however they do it. -Ad moment

Well meaning; the well meant idea is what is expressed, if good then this could be what you get. Otherwise you get nothing. -dr a.

Think; think a concept and you can get what you need, this is a point in the past. -sh

In an Ann; this is in an announcement by what occurs with a point in the right direction. This is a point you can get by thinking about the idea, the point comes to your awareness.

This is where you no more until necessary. Then things get interesting, as things can stop coming. So then if you think about things.

I think you might get the item or idea that represents the point. This is all written down somewhere, so I know it's interesting as it's possible. -d

Think and know; this is where you think and if you want to know, then you'll know. -sh

I do now think about things and go about places. This is done by the spirit and guided by the soul intuition. -lala t.

Think to go; this is when things are done and you think to go and do things elsewhere. This is a point to the past. -sh

Spirit necromancy; think the time and you direct life energy to create what you think to make happen. -Sherry McDonald

Waste; the spirit waste is there if you do things, so think to clear away and clean up things. Then you create better results. -J

The soul can shape irl itself into any shape or size that it wants to seem like. This indeed is a power of the soul. -r

Yes but your power is to work with people. Think and you know whom this  came from. -r

Magic and psionics is where you can make almost anything happen to occur. State or think the effect by words.

So sometimes with psionics, you can think and feel the idea form. Use the words carefully and you create with words.

Otherwise think about what you want by needing the results. The end result is that you cast a spell on the point. -sherry

Prayer is the option where you can use groups and create by thinking your point as you state what you want. This creates what you intended nearly every time. -sherry

Think a point, the ideal change will make what you want by feel. -g

Now is the time, think to change. -sh

Think the time and the idea to happen by occurrence, then the idea will happen in that time. -sh

Think the time, the idea in use is the point that is done. -shell station mgr

Agreed; This is the time of change.  Initially it will be scary.  But it is change towards positive with thinking of the time. -j

Exhibition; concession
Eas; was
Pain; inflicted, infliction, Inclined feel by infliction.
Valient; valiantly, prominent, bold, alcohol
No matter; dark matter
No energy; dark energy
Transfiguration; adaption
Retun; return by feel to when we think you came.
Whence; the idea you know as the time.
Taquitos; this is fried and reheated flour tortillas with chicken eaten slowly so the food lasts. This happens quickly instead of over time, so think by the feel with senses so you don't freak out.
Think; the thought that occurs by what you thought occurred.
No; not, now
Not; note
Nor; ignore, if ignoring on the moment then you have ignorance.
In; and, hand, not do
Or; order, build, in
Chao; chaos moment, break down, psychic moment
Or in; order by hand
The; this is then in idea
Is; in, indeed
Id; idea, I'd
sa; say, save
In is idea; locate by Third eye
Ge; energy, get
Sen; send by feel, sent
Seen; see to what is known
Tn a lil; think a little
No tu lil no tu mu; not too little not too much.
Ego ab t a bit; think about it a bit.
Situ; situate, situation by fee or feel

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