Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Focusing and making

The idea you think is what is created as a due, this is a good suggestion for those that want to do business. If you think of the idea, then you create the point by what you do. This is a known effect of will and desire working together. When it doesn't? There is usually discord amonst the area and what you do directs the point that's done. Think about the idea, then you create with a point and make with a thought. This is all known by feel, if you can't realize what is there then you don't know the area or idea that is created is what you needed. This is all in a good day. Enjoy yourself and you get what you may have. This day is amazing. What you do today is not always what you do tomorrow. So this is an effect of the moment, think and you know what you can do. Ciou and farewell until next time, good-bye.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Short time magic list

This is where you are going to create things and make what you need by feel. That is used by the soul manifesting the idea and you use your spirit to direct by feel. This is using an idea, that you create with the point and make what you need. The idea is done by what you think to do. So what you need is what you get as long as you think you get what you want. This is a point of idea. So ciou and farewell, and good-bye for now I am done with the list.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

luck; this uses fortuna and she creates luck for you.

Je $erai riche yo = State that and you will be rich and have your subconscious create that idea..

linking to stones; So you want to make orbs that link to stones and enable you to have the energy around you from said stones?
"this" is the trace point, think to see the link or imagine the stone. See if you can imagine the idea, then you can link to it. So "this is another", what you do is think the stone you imagine is sharing it's properties with you. See it's a linkup, that is broken by thinking it no longer shares it's properties. Although, you can even have one shift to you. Then think it comes to your area and forms there where you can find it. See you can give the stone ability. Think it can do things, then the stone does what you want, as you feel or imagine the stone. Note this also works for severing links with people. Think of what you want and you can do the idea.

writing stuff

Cs-137 viewing; Cs-137, its a planet of beings. If you want to see the exoplanet then you know what's on it. Think your soul shows you by insights with vision from the third eye. The subconscious mind will show you what you need to know. Options are to state you need to see this, then think of what you need to see as you 'need' the point known. Then you will see what you need to know. Otherwise think the name "cs-137" and need the planet to show you what is there. That is yet some idea to do.

Manifest; You can carry energy through the day. When you rise with the sun, it is an active and powerful energy carried with you. When you set intentions at that point, carrier by the power and brilliance of the sun, there is no doubt it will be made manifest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

focus idea by a point

Focus with an idea is with a point, these idea work with the point and create by focusing. So I think this is interesting. Think about things that are pointed out and you create with the point.

Think; think a point and you will know things by what is done. This happens without stress.

Mail; the mail comes early with what I need to get. This happens without stress.

Maple; any syrup cancels out hunger that won't go away normally. This can cancel out your weight gain.

Vevazz; laser effect that lowers the weight, this happens without stress.

Icon flight; the Pegasus icon flight is a success in launching the rocket. They don't lose communication anymore with the plane. They verify the system components, the system is go. Recycle is completed.

Also for viewing places, I know its this: think of the place and your soul gets to you what you want to know about the place, area or planet. You realize the insight by suddenly known idea about what you need to know about and needing to know.

That is a seeing idea, and use of your third eye to know about things otherwise. This can see across the galaxy, so I think that their is a way to know psychically what a place is like or what some person is doing.

The medical weed trick; if you want to do magic with weed then think of what you want.. Do weed and focus on a statement you or some other makes. Feel or need the moment you think to create the point with the soul.

The soul makes what you need and then you create by the focus and stated idea. This may work with thd oil and definitely with sugar or substitute sugar.

Mail; the mail comes early and things work out by feel. This is done as I get my packages and things work out by feel. The amazon package arrives today earlier than usual.

The trick; My trick is to combine both "NeuroFeedback with Alpha waves". However, don't do that to yourself though it works with each differently.

This could have potential change in the brain of which isn't really a  sure thing if its positive or negative. See mine was positive, but it changed me psychologically speaking.

I don't know if its good or bad. The thing we define "bad" or "good" is based on conditioning, not complex parameters that have no effect on the human spectrum.

So its good if you treat the person positively, otherwise there's unpredictable results. It's not about behavior it's more about how the brain changes in the future. All we are ,  are memories, so that makes sense.

Forest; the Californian forest is kept and saved, they kept their California forest.

The connection; the connection to at&t is restored by feel. This happens without stress. The inet connection stays connected. This works despite having no connection for others.

Cerul technique; think of what you want and need the idea, then you get the idea you need by feel or relaxing. If you think to create something, then you act by idea and make with what is possible.

Cerulean technique; think of your need and work with a point, this is where you think of something then need the idea as result. The mind or third eye directs the soul, and the idea is done by relaxing the mind and the spirit manifested point directed within by guidance from the soul. This is a known effect.

Direct; the direct approach is this caerin need way. The need you think about and the spirit makes what you need seem to be there by magic. Think of what you like and you create something by feel.

This is in the cerulean viewpoint, what arboreans that are forgotten about do is this, think and do things so the effect is done as if magic happens. This is an idea effect that results in restored memories by feel.

Curating; those really addicted get off their addiction by feel. They no longer feel the need to do more illegal in the area drugs.
This is helped to happen by fate that makes things occur.

Cbd transmutation; cbd transmution is thinking the water is a cbd liquid and drink to discover if it worked.

Down; I don't feel down by what occurs. Think and the relationship doesn't go bad.

Thought; the mail if it doesn't come today, comes the next day by feel. This is a known fact.

Relaxing; this is where you relax and create with idea today except for drugs.

Relax; this is a point, you think to create something with idea you have and this is relaxing by feel.

Swell; when a person says swell I reduce in weight and body shape firms up with a point done  by feel.

S'well; this is a drink bottle, filled to the brim of liquid.

In; this is delivered in mail by what you think to order.

Think; the effect is known, if you need anything ask and I can give if I can.

Mail; the mail is done and delivered early, so the mailed check for Evan and donavan come in by feel.

1 mile walk; take 11th to Robinson up to 14 th street up to walker back to 11th then back to PD. Walk that three times for 5k. This is 3 miles.

Nuisance; this is where the nuisance quits by feel. Thinking of the idea and making do with what you have.

Mail; they come early on and the idea is done with getting me the money. The idea is result of Evan getting his check today. This is known by feel.

Vehicle impatience; this is the last one I will write up for the post, this is where you find the vehicle rush is due to impatience.

The vehicle consciousness is what does the drivers need, so think the driver calms down and doesn't rush things. Then the creator created that result.

This is a point in record. The point is done, you created the idea. So that is that, ciou and farewell, good-bye by now.

This; the fact if illegal is not there. So when you create with a point you make something with idea.
Customs; the basic idea is checked by authorities and things done are in necessity.
Torrents; allot, this is allot of, otherwise mentioned is torrential rain.
On in; the use is comprehended today by idea that seems to occur by idea meant for you. This is a known fact of life. Hope for the best.
Lia; easiness, this is where things get easy by feel and time seems to fly by feel.
Loa; a smooth point like energy that is made from lava flows.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eldritch effect magic

This is an effect of mana and life that you imagine. See as long as you can imagine the effect, then you can get what results you need. This is the point you speak about in idea. So that means you create as you think, or work with some idea. Enjoy what you need from this list, ciou and farewell till later, good-bye.

Some spells

think and go; This is the point you think about things and go by feel what you need. You always conserve money and think things through their paces. So if you need things you are satisfied enough and don't get illegalities.

Time; this is the time of no time or moments that occur by what you think and need, otherwise think or things not needed are not done as you think it's not done.

writing stuff

I think it's entirely possible, I am the only one typing things. So I think I will create something with what I type. This is a point to create with that I do. So I think people won't mind. This is a point in idea, so bear with it and work things out. That's it for the writing corner. Enjoy and ciou.

definitions: (skip to end)

Magnetic bracelet; Magnets in a bracelet that you can wear and get relief to pain and conditions. Once you wear it, don't take it off unless you want to puff up in swelling.

game stuff

Witch class
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All  normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Any level: They follow the superstition (Ex) unless they choose to act normal.
1st level gains Charm magic (Cha)..
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Supernatural ability (Cha) .
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Hex magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
14th level gains Divine self (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their superstition (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.

Witchcraft: This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is four innate skills in witchcraft: Charm magic, Supernatural ability (Cha), God magic (Cha) and Hex magic. As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.
Charm magic; This uses the angels, sephirim or devas to create what you need, the effect is 1d8+charisma mod per each 2 Focus skill ranks as a point. There is 1d6+focus rank duration. if non-instant, in seconds or rounds within battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed.
Supernatural ability; This is using the spirits, their spirit or the spirit that goes through everything, thinking of what you want and need to cause by the soul the spirit, whatever it is, to get what results you want as though a charm. The effect damage or healing is 1d8+focus rank per each 2 levels of the character as a point. The duration is 1d6+focus rank if non-instant. This is done in seconds or rounds in melee and minute outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
God magic; This is using God names to create what is needed, this works as you call out the God name and ask a request. This is what is used by feel for the Wiccan and Witches won't actually use this as an ability . where they their ability is powered by their spirit  guded by their soul.  The effect of God magic is similar to charm magic, except the damage or healing amount is 1d8+Focus rank per each 2 levels as a point for the character. Duration, if non-instant, is 1d6+focus ranks for seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
Hex magic; The magic of curses and what you need by the spirit that goes through everything, this uses the third eye  and that is energy used to create your desire.  This is stronger than charms, so instead of 1d8 its 1d10. So  the effect is 1d10+charisma mod per each Focus skill rank as a point. There is 1d8+focus rank duration. if non-stant, in secocond with battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed. Witches can use riled or poltergeistic spirits, too. So these riled spirits are Demonic, this means they will do whatever you wish to whomever you want effected. This includes anything you want or need excepting what you don't want or need. Wiccans won't use riled and demonized poltergeistic spirits as they are sometimes too dangerous.

Gloss skills:
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Divine Self; The Witch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of the Spirits. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
Superstition; The moment they sense things awry, they are aware of the moment and know the cause, this makes for natural fears and idea that could exist. So if things could go wrong they stop what the think is the cause and work with idea to make what is to exist. Otherwise they make with idea for the moment. This is where they create by feel with the point that the moment is made by themselves. This uses their idea of what exists, then they do what is necessary to avoid the trouble that would come. This is a point they won't do what they feel is uneccesary and will do what they think is fair.

Voodoo Witchdoctor:
Supernatural ability; This is using the spirits, their spirit or the spirit that goes through everything, thinking of what you want and need to cause by the soul the spirit, whatever it is, to get what results you want as though a charm. The effect damage or healing is 1d8+focus rank per each 2 levels of the character as a point. The duration is 1d6+focus rank if non-instant. This is done in seconds or rounds in melee and minute outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
Divine Self; The Witch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of the Spirits. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.

The modern witch
Witccan class
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All  normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis) , Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Any level: They use the Wiccan crede (Ex).
1st level gains Charm magic (Cha)..
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and God magic (Cha)..
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Hex magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science understanding (Ex).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
15th level gain Divinity (Ex).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the Wiccan crede (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.

Witchcraft: This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is four innate skills in witchcraft: Charm magic, Supernatural ability (Cha), God magic (Cha) and Hex magic. As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.
Charm magic; This uses the angels, sephirim or devas to create what you need, the effect is 1d8+charisma mod per each 2 Focus skill ranks as a point. There is 1d6+focus rank duration, if non-instant, in seconds or rounds within battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed.
Supernatural ability; This is using the spirits, their spirit or the spirit that goes through everything, thinking of what you want and need to cause by the soul the spirit, whatever it is, to get what results you want as though a charm. The effect damage or healing is 1d8+focus rank per each 2 levels of the character as a point. The duration is 1d6+focus rank if non-instant. This is done in seconds or rounds in melee and minute outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
God magic; This is using God names to create what is needed, this works as you call out the God name and ask a request. This is what is used by feel for the Wiccan and Witches won't actually use this as an ability . where they their ability is powered by their spirit  guded by their soul.  The effect of God magic is similar to charm magic, except the damage or healing amount is 1d8+Focus rank per each 2 levels as a point for the character. Duration, if non-instant, is 1d6+focus ranks for seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
Hex magi; The magic of curses and what you need by the spirit that goes through everything, this uses the third eye  and that is energy used to create your desire.  This is stronger than charms, so instead of 1d8 its 1d10. So  the effect is 1d10+charisma mod per each Focus skill rank as a point. There is 1d8+focus rank duration, if non-instant, in secocond with battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed.

Gloss skills:
Natural science understanding; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done. This is a +4 to int.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Divinity; The Wiccan find belief is enough to get them through anything. Their belief is whatt turns out with idea to be true enough for their Gods to give them ability and create for them what they need or wish. This is where they are divine beings and create as though a God working with the creator. The Wiccan gains by using the power and ability of their Gods +5 Con, +5 Int, +5 Cha, +5 Wis and 100 HP..
Wiccan crede; The wiccan crede is this belief, whatever you do is done in threes if you do things to others and they don't like it, then this is visited upon you by the power of three.

Think and give; this is where you think and know to give what you have. So when you have something you know is bad for you, you give it away  by feel.This happens without stress.

When; his is where you think of the time reality and match reality to the moment that you think into existence, this is also where you can stand still and create some feel or effect.

Herbology; Herbal and otherwise, you know the right things to use for the effect you desire in a potion or drink. This happens without stress and you are calm as you do things. So healing if desired is done. This is a known effect of increased intelligence and wisdom by +3.

Eldritch class
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Any level: +2 to familar effects or attack if any gotten. At any time, the eldritch can turn vampiric nature and if they died they are vampires.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats and Eldritch magic (Cha).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains  Spell subversion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Chaos confusion (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Hex magic (Ex).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Elder being (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their superstition (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.

Eldritch ability: This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is one innate skill in eldritch ability: Eldritch magic (Cha). As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.
Eldritch magic; Eldritch is condensed mana magic to cause effects and it transcends time and space. This uses the death of something to get an effect with added personal mana energy and other energy. To kill something doesn't mean you always kill it, you just stop some function. By using this, you can master the negative.

The way we gather it, is think of a container being in an object and this makes the energy gathered by a thought 'anme' at the object. This makes it gather the necessary energy. When used by thinking about it, the effect is possible to create a detriment or death in the object. You create effects with thinking about the container of energy, and stating or making by willing your intent for the effect.

If you decide to end the eldritch energy that effects by objects. Then, decide to stop it, and it stops itself. So if you wanted to get an effect for levels 2 to 7, then its 1d6+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 8-13, its 1d8+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 14-20, its 1d10+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 21-27, its 1d12+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 28 and above, its 1d12+cha mod per each focus rank. Now duration is 1d6+focus ranks for levels 2-7, 1d8+focus ranks for levels 8-13, 1d10+focus ranks for levels 14-20 and 1d12+focus ranks for levels 21 and above. That is done in seconds or rounds in melee, minutes outside of battle or unlimited for non timed events unless the person wanted to end the moment..

Gloss skills:
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Hex magic; The magic of curses and what you need by the spirit that goes through everything, this uses the third eye by feel and that is energy used to create your desire.  This is stronger than charms, so instead of 1d8 its 1d10. So  the effect is 1d10+charisma mod per each Focus skill rank as a point. There is 1d8+focus rank duration. if non-instant, in second with battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed. Witches can use riled or poltergeistic spirits, too. So these riled spirits are Demonic, this means they will do whatever you wish to whomever you want effected. This includes anything you want or need excepting what you don't want or need. Wiccans won't use riled and demonized poltergeistic spirits as they are sometimes too dangerous.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Elder Being; The Eldritch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of their own mind. They transform into an energy form, this is where they are unable to be effected by normal weapons. So they are able to do things unnaturally and turn into enrgy, that phases what they have into energy to by the power of their mind if unfocused. So they can turn solid again and this allows magical weapons, that means they are with what they have physically. They absorb all energy attacks in total including elemental, as mp added to their MP total that's temporary and lasts a day. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
Vampiric;  At any time they can turn vampiric nature if it's nearby. If they died, then they come back as vampires, that have their stats and abilities. Except if in sunlight, they suffer a -2 con bonus and could pass out if exposed to 3 hours sunlight. After 3 hours, if they don't make a concentration check or picks the longest or shortest straw, they could seem to pass out and remain in a death like sleep, comotose. If they survive, then they are likely to seek vengeance for attacks or they can create better by passing off the energy of the need as a source that is all damage turned into mp added to their total MP by the feel of using a crystal or thinking it's a source.

This is in an eldritch effect that uses the idea of life energy to sustain them and death and decay energy to keep them calm. This means they are able to create what they need, by using an enhanced eldritch ability. Instead of what the effect normally is, it's doubled in dice instead. Also they level up normally, so it's not as though the character is stuck at a certain level. It's as though their magic got more powerful by the focus they have with life energy, that helps them as they create their effects by feel with idea that's from being nearby the aura energy waves.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Some runic effects

This is a listing of some runic effects I got, that is using Ansuz And Fehu. this is the listing..
that will work for you. So enjoy yourself and be well, ciou and farewell until later. good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

Testosterone; This is a given, if you want to have some testosterone or hgh, then think the testosterone and hgh is there generated by the blood energy, this causes the creator to make the effect and you have that effect you need. That is some effect, that's a created idea by the bloodstream and made to exist by thinking it there. This happens without stress.

Hgh; this is an effect the body needs, if you think to create it you can get the idea that includes added testosterone and hgh or not notice its gone.

Prets conyd hif gwat " Corrected. Here is a great spell. You concentrate on it and hope for actualization and certain things happen that can improve the whole world.

"I am em no more" focus on the spell and something good happens for you and the world as though I am aware of the moment and things happen good for you.

Relation; If in a relationship, you and I avoid the 30 lbs gain, so no matter the reason, you and I lose weight instead.

Success; Here's a quick check to see if your next action will be a success, drop a penny and see if it lands heads up or heads down. If it's heads up and you pick it up then you will have success. If it's heads down and you pick it up, then you won't get much. Unless I call tails or it lands on the ridge.

Another effect; Here's another one, if the moment was supposed to happen then this does, otherwise you can expect not to do anything about it and the moment passes you by. This is an interesting effect.

Thought effect; the idea exists if you need it and if you don't, then the point ceases to exist.

writing stuff

Think of this; the world is a frequency and you can match it's frequency waves by thought to create the moment to make what you need. This happens wherever you need the moment formed, then you create by feel and work with what the planet has to offer. If you don't then you create with other worlds and sometimes, if you don't direct your mind on to the correct planet, you could find the planet inhospitable or the area unhospitable. This is called grounding yourself, so think of the moment and you create with whatever element you wish to attune yourself with and use as though a natural.

The matrix of energy; this is what you think.

Saturation point; This is the satisfaction point of when you satisfy enough, where you think to reduce your eating and work with idea that exists by feel. This is when the body is reached it's maximum natural point of satiation, and thinks to reduce it's swell or point of weight to become lessened. This is easily reached, though you can trick the moment by walking around and thinking to reduce the body weight. The power of the mind over the body does what you think and need, this is the power of the idea you have by feel what you need.

comfort food; avoid the comfort food and you create lessened weight. This happens without stress.

glut; the temperance is the thing, if you think then I did my own thing. So I will go and do that. Also I will not glutton anymore. Thanks.

1d100; This is interesting, a percent chance is done by this idea of using a 100 sided dice. So if over 50 it's success. Then if under 50 its a fail point and if at 50 resolution. So here you go.

recipes and potions

cherry orange tea; This is where you use cherry extract and orange flavor mix with tea and sugar or substitute sugar. Then mix it up and you can enjoy the drink.

game stuff

constructs; Psionics are a special ability, that is sometimes used in the ability needed and energy consciousness does what you think by idea. So these are energy effects that are formed and shaped by the power of the mind using energy to create a shape. This shape has attributes called programming, that you can use in idea or make by suggestion, alter by thought, need to cause with effect, destroy with thinking the construct or thing is destroyed and kill with the effect by feel to do things. This is using a point you create with by feel, so if you think of the moment and you make the effect by what is done you create the effect of desire by what you do.

Constructs are a feat of psionics that can emulate or create nearly anything, so if you think to use them you can make them by a concept you try out or suggest to the subconscious. This is done using a focus check with a 10 or above as success. Making in duration 1d6+each 2 focus ranks as a point in rounds, and minutes outside of battle. Otherwise if instant, then you can create by 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. The power of the mind over the body or element that does what you think and need, this is the power of the idea you have by feel with using what you need or have. That's gotten by gating or creating with the use of what is there.

weaving feat; any non weaver class, you can make use of the weaving ability in magic skills section if you normally couldn't before. This feat allows you to get the weaving ability, and you can do what you want with the idea.

mpo feat; The manipulated power of objects feat, this uses the void of space to create what you need, that is a point you can copy anything that's there and make the idea become manifested. Roll a 1d20+focus rank to create what you need with a 10 or above result.

The diceless system; this option for gameplay is where you don't use dice, that is when you halve the dice base and times it with the number of dice. Then add the modifiers, this is an effect done by feel. For the idea you think, this is what is done. The choices of success is using d20 as 10+skill rank or mod and get a 15 or above then you got success, if your not doing this online then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So if you use a 10+focus rank approach, then a 10 + 6 focus ranks (6) = 10+6=16 or automatic success. Otherwise 10 + 4 focus rank = 10+4=14 or automatic fail.

A fortitude check with +4 is a fail, otherwise a +5 fortitude is success. However for attack rolls, This is using the d20 as 10, the modifier is either base attack bonus or strength and/or dex mod added to weapon proficiency. This total is compared to the Armor class of the opponent, and if greater then this is a hit. So say you had a +3 weapons accuracy proficiency++6 strength mod, that +10 must equal the opponent AC of 15. This means 3+6+10=19 compared to 15 making the opponent hit. This is how the Diceless system can work, that's unless the GM/DM has something else in mind. However this may be appealing, it's up to the GM/DM to see if they can implement the idea. If not, then there is always rolling a die.

Feat; the feat of the moment is a point you do things if you think to get effects. This is done by the idea you know, so think and you get what effect you can.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Solar and planet effect magic

This is a solar and planet effect, what you can get by thinking the sun or planet will do what you want. So think about what you want or need, then you will get your results. This is a known effect. Ciou and farewell until later.

Some spells

illi pusta or-matya ir i pol-yesta = elvish for stop overeating when it begins. pronounced as ill-ee pus-tan ore-mate-ee-ah irr I pole-yes-tan.

illi tyasa-mennai carina hya moina = elvish for: test until done or safe. pronounced, [ill-ee tye-as-ah men-aye care-ee-nah hi-ah moy-nah]

Psionic investigations; This is where you use psionic ability to get answers and make knowable to yourself what happened by the use of the spirit. The spirit can be guided by what you think and need with the soul, you see what you think causes the soul to direct the spirit so you realize things, that's an interesting idea and you can create answers where there normally wouldn't be one.

The high effect; this is where you feel high, and you didn't have a drug that makes you high. The effect is instant and in unlimited duration. So if you ever feel high and no longer wish to feel high, then you no longer feel high. The drugs you are prescribed, they are recreated by blood energy and then if you think to work with water. You create a state of euphoria, that is where you are high if you need to be high and you don't ever need to touch weed. This is created by construct, that then is gone or can come back. Especially if you need the effect to dissipate or come to your awareness. Copied by the soul, this effect keeps you from ever needing actual weed again.

CBD; The CBD effect is replicated by water, no alcohol is necessary and if you drink something then pain is reduced magically. The effect is there, that's until you no longer need the pain reduction and curation of the CBD. However since this works by a construct, this is recreated if you need the effect and uncreated if you don't. Since this is safe, the idea is done by feel and creation is your own thing.

Food and edibles; This effect is created by the soul and the food that you find is there. The soul understands and makes the feel and the idea to manifest by that feel. So you can get what you need, you have enough to spend and still have enough left over. This is done by feel and created is the result, that you will want to get. This effect is known, so think about what you want and the effect is your need or want manifested.

planetary and solar effects; The sun effect is where you send the sun some energy by thinking something you want or need, towards the sun that you imagine and need to get your energy. Then the sun gets your result done that you need or desire to occur to you or others. Then the sun will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening. The moon effect is where you think your need or state your need as you look at the moon, then the moon will create what effect you think is needed at the moment or sometime, that you consider things happening is when the thought is happening.

Unless you don't need them, then nothing seems to happen to your senses. Basically it's people that create the result, so if you needed something they feel the idea. This is a point in reference. This the idea that you think or state as a suggestion, that your subconscious makes up by feel. So the area you sense is what you think about and what occurs there is what the spirit reveals by realization. This comes from your soul, that is your consciousness and this allows you to know what you think to gnow. So if you "took off your fat suit", then the body weight is reduced by the idea that is done. This is a point that is known, that is without burning out the machine or monitor.

So think the earth does things for you, that you need and this planet will do what you think as you need the idea as a result. This goes for any planet, actually. That is the point you know about, if it's livable doesn't matter. So think about what you need and choose a source that will do what you need and want as desure. Then you will get the result as an end result and things will be created as an idea or manifest. This is how the energy consciousness works. Except the nearer the source is, the sooner the effect that you can get.

So this is the general rule to the point. If say you needed the effect sooner, like within 10 minutes. Then choose the planet if your on the planet. Think your on the planet, then you are there at least in spirit or soul. The sun is 15 to 20 minutes away by feel by spirit and soul travel. See this then is why or where the planet's consciousness will suit the purpose and do what you need, that's as a want is done by feel. This is basically how the energy circulation works. So if you want to know more, then look online at here with this blog and you can find out whatever you want. Also is an excellent document source, that will do what you need as a point is being made. This is a known idea.

writing stuff

Koans; There are so many Koans, there is no shortage of tricking smartasses. If it's a Buddhist Koan. That means it's a Koan where this is a problem that doesn't have a solution.


Immortality potion and tea; The potion is: poppy seeds, turmeric, garlic powder, oregano or lemon basil, pumpkin spice and pepper. Otherwise for the unimmortality potion just add onion powder. This is interesting if added to instant tea it's a immortality tea. Good luck testing this to see if the potion works. What I noticed so far, is that the potion causes whatver you think will hurt you to be redirected away from you. Then it's not as though it happened, except to someone else. Interesting, right? This is more interesting if you add a ritual to this, think of the god that you want to help you and immortality or unimmortality. Then state over the potion, "Oh creator, make this a potion of immortality and create what effect I need by feel." Otherwise for unimmortality, "Make for me this potion to cancel out the immortality, thank you oh great creator." Then you can create what you need by this idea.

definitions: (skip to end)

ad = the effect of making by use of another's energy, and if shown they are aware of your need as a point is done.
id = the idea you think as a source, if a being is with it's energy used up and the being creates no more effects. This effects only the being that you consider is a source to something. So state "id" out loud as you think of the source being. Then it's no more by what is done.

game stuff

creation; I love to use the point that allows you to work with idea, this is done to create with the point and what you think is what your spirit uses to get info from the soul as insight.

nothing: If you think nothing will create what you need, then that's what you use as a source creator. So that is a point in the past, made by a monk. This is interesting, as what you think is created if you intend it to be created. otherwise it's just an idea.

If; When you effect a point you think of the idea, and the point to effect and state what yopu need meaning to have that instead. This reprograms constructs and programming that is sometimes set by feel. I think that's a worthy thought.

Mastermind; This is called the mastermind game. Try to guess the code in the fewest guesses.

Play; if you don't want something to effect you, then think it effects someone or something else and the subconscious creates the effect of someone or something else getting the effect.

Feat: Innate ability; this feat allows you to do what you need without getting into trouble. When you think of something to do or create, then you either can roll a focus skill check or use the no-dice system to determine your success. The spirit creates what you need as it's guided by the soul, directs away attackers from you and you can think and need what you desire. This can mimick any actual ability, spell or magic system innate ability skill. This cannot however, imitate other feats.

The effects are 1d10+cha mod per each 2 focus or concentration skill ranks. That's for damage or healing effects only. For duration that's non-instant, it's 1d6 + focus or concentration skill rank in rounds or minutes outside battle. That's unless the duration is unlimited, and the caster or effect maker decides when the effect ends. However there is save versus spell with this feat effect. This can end the effect as well, earlier than usual. This is especially true when the effect gains trauma and you go insane from this effect. The trauma points and insanity you have are cancelled out. So then, if your insane, your no longer insane and think of things normally. This is a known effect.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Realist magic

This is a list where you think of the idea or emotion and realize the source. Then the point is done by what you think to exist things by feel.

This is where you realize the feeling and think of the result to create by the spirit and make with soul energy or information. Make what results you want, this is a list of what I did.

Think; if you think things will work, then they will, especially if the right things are done by feel.

Mail; the mail comes early today as a point to deliver what I will get in packages and mail today or tomorrow.

Paul t; he gets paid today by feel from getting his check in the mail.

Amazon mail; the mail comes early today, delivering my packages that I will get. This happens without stress.

Think and become; this is where you think and become what you need to be, so you create with whatever energy you have to work with by feel.

The point; the time you discover this, you will be on time. So you know things will work out just trust in the creator. This is the time you take to make with what you can, though you can do what you want. No harm no problem.

Play; if you don't want something to effect you, then think it effects someone or something else and the subconscious creates the effect of someone or something else getting the effect.

Inner beings; they exist as an energy form and since they are energy, they can with enough energy break apart and become energy in form.

They only get farted or pissed out as they are energy, and reform solid when they create or then are outside your inner world.

They can create what you need or want, thin and working, they create by the feel and the beings within make the effect you think about and need.

So if you need something, they manipulate your thought pattern and cause the right memory to be there. Then when you need the idea, the brainwaves alter the aura to create wave of energy that uses the energy waves of heat.

Then the consciousness of energy causes the idea to be made. This is what sometimes occurs, if you think to need something that you want.

So this is known by feel and created in a result knowable as an end result. They are the nibs and create as you think or need. So think and you know what to do.

Realized dieting; this is where you think to eat less, so you eat until not hungry. That means you create to the point, the eating you do and eat less by feel.

Soon enough you would eat less, so if you think about this and having reached your balancing point, you naturally lose weight. That is done until a certain point and then you naturally keep the weight off by feel with life and death energy.

Always remember, avoid high fructose and don't eat too much sugar. This is the trick to the diet plan. However using this diet, you can even have a cookie or some sweets.

Yet think to hold off and you no longer will need to want eating as a energy source. You will drink water instead unless you choose a drink.

Also, as you weigh less, you will lose the need for fatty foods and unhealthy foods. This is done so you create with what you have and make do with healthier foods and less calories eaten per day.

Prescience; preknown and by using science techniques to direct your mind by what you think about and decide to know.

Then the spirit let's you know by realization. This is where you know at least 5 to 10 seconds to minutes in advance for what you need to know.

Charlie nation; the idea is thus, where there is two parts of the city, this can be any city. Think to know what is there, then if demonic you create by the feel.

So think and you stop things there, if anything is done wrong you can break through the fabric of reality. See that separates us from the second space of the dead.

This layer or fabric if reality allows us to remain free from the second part, that is where you see the dead walk and work as though living. Thus is the name, hades.

This is where the living are dead and strengthened by death and decay energy. The area is sometimes with an army, this is known as the legion.

So think about what you want, accept what was wrong as a point and think it wasn't wrong. Then you are free from the area of the dead.

This is also where the walls are shown with animation or live murals, and this uses the power of the third eye. That means you create with a thought, the blood flow to the pinneal gland and that activates the third eye.
Think it deactivated to cause the third eye to not be with blood flow, and the subconscious made point of the third eye. The god is the ruler there, think of what you want as a need or need something.

Then think and you can create with the death energy to make what you want, this is done as though a request were told to the god. The legion however is the are point that kills the living here, and they don't mind the death.
So think about what you want and the subconscious creates what you need, this used as the power that you may use. If you must know peace, then eat or drink something.

They were told something so eating or drinking makes pleasure, and this reflects in the aura. The aura influence causes the peaceful mindset by you being appeased.

So exercises create what you think of weight loss, if you gained weight it's due to the point of substance that makes the weight gain happen.

Undead are those that cross over from the dead part of the city and are unkillable. They have no extra personalities, if sick. So this means they got sick by life in appeasement and yes they require no blood.
The computer is a point of the third eye, that creates what you need by being active. The radio or TV can describe your life with music or programs. This is exactly as described as entertainment or enjoyment. The idea in a point is expressed as suggestion to the subconscious. This is Charlie's nation as you can know it.

Mail; the mail comes early today, delivering my packages that I got mailed. Also the donavan and Evan check comes in, too by feel.

Alcohol; the alcohol doesn't make a person go batty or get messed up with it by feel.

Think; the point is done, accept the fact and do what you want. This happens without stress of mess up by feel.

Day moments; the day speeds up for the reason that its slow and time is the moments that exist by feel.

Think; I think in the moment, then create for a point. This is all in a good days time.

Swell; great
Darn tootin; that's okay.
Weed properties; smoking a blunt can cause memory loss, so think about the idea and you may remember things. This is a point from the past.

Enjoy yourself and ciou or farewell, goodbye.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Homebrew Game spells

This stuff I created as a point, that I used as a concept for the homebrew game. I of course use 5e dnd and alternative stuff. So I think I will create what I need by what I want as a need, this means you can as well. So think about what you need, and you create with the idea you can work with by feel. This creates magic as though attentive to detail, that means what you think is what you get then if you need something feel free to ask. That is all for now, so ciou and farewell until later.

Some spells; the left side of = means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

this is; the point of life and creation is what happens as in a balance of life, the force is energy and the balance is what you think and the idea is what occurs by feel.

I will; I will form a flat stomach by the time of a few minutes from now by feel. My stomach does not go from being unflat.

effected; the drug that causes no need to eat is there formed by energy in the bloodstream and I act as though not hungry because of this.

en: the point you think is where things effect and this is when you think to create the point.

the ideal; the ideal is done, the effect is the third eye. think of what you need and it does what you want. this is the way it works. meaning your third eye made you obese as you thought to eat more to lose weight, so think it lowers your weight and you create weightloss instead as you think to not eat more and eat less so you lose weight. act to create with exercise and you make this a reality. think about what you need as if it did, and it can do whatever you can need as though in a moment you think what you do effects the person or idea and as you state or need the effect.

internally done; this is where you create by thinking the body energy conscious makes what you need, that is using the third eye and pinneal gland by feel. Think the body creates what you want as you eat or drink, and the body using the third eye does what is necessary. This is the way it works.

animal shift; the focus of the mind internally changes the body and creates with the body energy and the subconscious mind creates what you think and need. This can change you from animal to human, by the power of the creator.

The cosmonauts and astronaut; they launch off and get to the space station without any trouble from the soyuz.

illi ala-mat-acca olya = elvish for: don't eat too much. pronounced ill-ee ala-mat-ack-can hole-ee-ah.

illi viirin onta heren a vald-lhu an illi = beget fortune and happiness time for all. Lhu is pronounced [looh]. You can never have too much funding.

illi viirin pica-belka hroa talma = elven for: lessen excessive body weight. pronounced as, ill-ee vie-irrin peek-ah bell-ka h-row-ah tall-mah.

illi viirin talma hebin au = elven for: keep the weight off. pronounced as: ill-ee vie-rin tall-ma he-bin aw-uh.

naut maunar ichl mzilt = Drow for: not spend too much.

Usstan ibo'a mzild taga Usstan maunar. = drow for: I earn more than I spend.

Usstan noa ussta rewt ky'kiya nin. = drow for: I lose my fat weight now.

Usstan orn inbau l'nodven klezn xunor. = drow for: I will get the necessary things done.

now ye did epi t  th t'e e tho me'uni els di t = if you don't need it, then it's as though someone else did it and I don't mind.

yim magu esyr dey t es e ego did meta  ale u-epin = make magic easier despite the weight and I don't mind, unless not needed.

if ef the sih = now make things better.

sih wet ie geb = siphon to ground. This is useful to lower excess body weight. Think of person to siphon what you need away from them to go to the ground.

ruua ac = regulate electricity

ii ac = channel electricity, this is where you create by generation of bioelectricity that creates with your thought you need or thinking of your want.

i ie ie = let magic be real.

writing stuff

Elemental manipulation; this is an effect that creates by feel and uses the third eye to create what effect you need by the element doing your thought, that exists with gating or focusing it into being and can even make influenced actions. You can make the creature or person do anything with this special ability, that's made by a 1d20+focus rank with a 10 or above. This acts as if the person or creature does what you want by wanting to do things for themselves. This is using an art of control. Think and you know what to do.

The divine form; This is an end shape if a divinity god shape that uses position with the soul of the moment, the soul copies itself if necessary to the element that creates the shape, that is done as you think or imagine the effective being form from thin air or element you choose to use. It uses 320% health and the stats and abilities are your character's stats. This divine self is a energy form that can seem shaped as though any form that you imagine there that can only get damaged by magic or magical weapons. The soul communicates through the spirit and the soul shape is what you telepathically talk to usually by feel. Otherwise you realize what was said or done and know what you think to do, The point is done if you think to work by feel and create with the point you have.

This god form can be there if you need the idea or want to form something, and otherwise you can create a point of influence by the soul shape. However this soul shape can appear like yourself, if you think to do things somewhere as its solid as a point it is needed that means this soul shape creates by idea and has the the properties of a divine being. The idea is the thing, think of the idea and you create with a thought that you direct by willing the idea to happen with a 1d20+focus rank and a 10 or above result.

This is the effect, think to create with an element or make an idea happen and you can get an effect of damage/healing or duration with 1d6+focus rank for rounds in melee and minutes outside battle. This effect is done by using a 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus skill ranks. That means there is a resistance to magic roll using your will check, and that is with a 10 or above. That is where you think like the being and they are formed by the point you use with an idea to create the form from the element that exists naturally and is gated there by feel.

The idea is a point that you use things, so you know that really does work in your favor if you have divine luck on your side. This won't effect those that aren't hostile, though you know the effect is real by feel. This is an elemental god form by feel if you form things by thinking them there or create a elemental fey shape by holding your thumb and finger aparate in a somewhat O formation thinking energy forms a fey or fairy by feel. This forms things in your inner world, and what you think forms outside your inner world is what is there by idea or a point that occurs.

The divine formation; You are turned into an God being and think like yourself as you have conscious thought through the energy consciousness. That's unless you aren't already energy. Then if you think to become an energy shape, you are that shape. Then you know the effect is absorbed as energy, and whatever hits you phases that part of the body and passes right through you. This happens while the rest of your body is turned into light. The effect is then you somehow keep what you hold, and can turn solid as a point is done to create what you may have by feel. If you turn into energy, then your immune to all things except your 25% resistant to magic. So if you are an energy form your conscious is your energy and the spirit-that-goes-through-everything is the spirit that creates for the being you are by feel.

Also, you phase out with your equipment and phase back in by feel, so you don't lose a thing. If you think to create things by the power of the soul, then you can create with an idea and work with a point. You can raise your ability stat scores by +5 and increase your health percent by 300%. Then you can think and use energy as though a solid form by focusing your feelings, and you are solid in shape. If your not focused on being solid, then your shape phases out as though you don't have a shape here. So I think you are omnipotent by what your aware of and omnipresent, that means you are aware and know what is there by what you do or work with using the spirit-that-goes-through-everything as realization points. This is realized by what you feel is important. However try to remember, if you do phase out you can bring your stuff with you.

Wholeness; This is where you are one mind and many bodies, think and you know what you can do.

Divine luck; This is where you create by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything as the consciousness of energy, then you get natural luck by feel or idea is what you think and the luck is what is formed. Then things go your way, that you need to happen by feel. Add 10 to your luck. This is the last I will write on this idea, so enjoy what you can by the idea you have. Ciou and farewell, good-bye.

world view

Pocket dimension construct; this is where you think to see things and you know the idea by what is done.

recipes and potions

strength potion; combine with water: stevia, paprika or smoked paprika, dark chocolate stevia, coconut, pepper, cayene pepper or pumpkin spice, celery seed, and bay leaf crumbles. Thinking to the water, 'strengthen me, at least temporarily.' This is done as you put 3 swathes of honey in the water, mix up and drink. The effects are temporary so think of things to do after the effects wear off. As you won't know until a point occurs, that the effect wore off, where you won't be able to open something up..

extra strength potion; combine with water: stevia, paprika or smoked paprika, dark chocolate stevia, coconut, pepper, cayene pepper or pumpkin spice, celery seed, turmeric, and bay leaf crumbles. Thinking to the water, 'strengthen me, at least temporarily.' This is done as you put 3 swathes of honey in the water, mix up and drink. The effects are temporary so think of things to do after the effects wear off .. As you won't know until a point occurs, that the effect wore off, where you won't be able to open something up.

coconut and pumpkin; this uses a little coconut and pumpkin spice to add to the drink and you spice up the drink. If you don't have it, you can order it. This is a known effect.

definitions: (skip to end)

its in curious = this is curius.
in the effect = eat and be happy.
your a winner = you won this yet you gain the money value that was supposedly won.
now I'm done = I am finished with this.
nah I am beaten = nah I'm beaten, I am not alive after this.
this is a value of death = this is a deadly thing by idea.
that's what I heard = so I know this is done.
it's proven that this is what happens = this creates a result that you can imagine.
it's really that reason that don't hear but you know about = so it's a point you realize by what the spirit knows.
it was it was convened = this was ended.
don't eat your weight = this is where you think and hold off.
this is en in an idea = the end is done so do what you need.
know = kill now or realization by spirit.
It's in essence = important.
I got you = I realize that, realization.
deeb, doob, dub = copy things. This ends with deeb, doob and dub.

game stuff

unnatural thinness; This is where you are gaining muscle and losing extra body mass and in thinness you are able to eat or drink anything, this is done without gaining weight if your inclined to do this idea. The fat is reduced of the body. This is the last stage of muscle toning. So gain +5 strength. This is added to the strength stat, so think about the idea and you know what to do with certainty, so use a +4 to the reflex roll and use it as a bonus to the idea.

If you use 5e homebrew rules, that's for dnd then you create the ultimate gaming experience. This is a point for gamers and working with homebrew for now, the thought is what counts with this idea. So enjoy what you may by what you do.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Thought focused events

The thought existing things is what this is about, so if you think something is necessary, then the focus you have is what the spirit creates. Think and you know what to do.

Fairy wish sphere; this is a wish granted by fey that you draw into the area. They give what you want or need if you need it or have a good enough trade.

The black sphere; this is a point you imagine black void energy surrounding the person or area. The sphere seals away things, and absorbs energy from nearly anything nearby to keep the effect it is programmed to do.

Otherwise the idea is done by what you think to create, this sphere is what void does and if dark matter energy creates what you need by feel, then you create by void and work with the creator's energy.

Void spheres can copy nearly any thing. All it needs is energy of the person or thing. If you use it for attack, you absorb the person or area attacked into the sphere. This just proves that black can absorb nearly anything.

Quik print; this is where you can get the business cards made by feel. The idea is done if I have enough money.

Doings; doing activity, thinking about the idea intended for effect, then creates the point with the effect you thought as intention.

Wish it; this is a point you wish the idea to occur, then the idea or effect will happen, if the idea is necessary.

Ending; this is where you end the point. That's usually done by what you think and do. So this works by feel.

Mail; the mail comes and brings Donovan's and Evans check. This is done by feel.

Energized; this is where your energy goes up and eating goes down. This is a point of improved activity.

No eating; its in the idea or don't bother asking, so I think I will create with a point and not eat by inclination that is done by feel. This effects from the time I was 12.

Thought energy; the energy streams through the area and charges the water or drink, then if you drink you get energized.

The power of this idea; think of the moment and do activity. Thinking that you lose weight and reduce your gut. This if done with exercises will lower your weight, at least temporarily.

This in weight; remember to not eat your weight, think I don't ingest this. Use this trick, eat protein and drink water, that and get the right minerals then you will not need the weight or need to eat.

Think; what this means is to consider, if you think about the idea you consider that you can get it and thinking gets results sometimes by statement.

Thank you; this is where you focus and create by feel to make the other person or being feel good. This is a trick point done by feel.

Werewolf or animal; this is the trick, think your turning into human as your about to change and you use the power of thought. The cells change to cure yourself, that is done by the power of the subconscious.

Thinking; I think and do things by activity and act cured by what I do. This is where I am not talking to myself and suggesting things by feel, that my subconscious does by my stating the point and doing activity that is necessary. This is a known fact of life.

Reticense; this is the point you feel things are done by ease or what have you by feel without hate of the doing..

Standard; create or work, this is where the idea or point is done. Think about the idea you do as a point is achieved, then you get what is needed.

Focus; the Dr will see me early and I get my shot earlier, too.

Were; the were are animal shifters, think to use what comes naturally to you and in experience you can create with idea.

Think; the thought is idea, the point is done, this is the end of the line.

The point; none mind me for what I do. This happens with no stress.

Dentist; the dentist doesn't find any teeth flaws or holes in the teeth. Tooth decay is not happened. This happens without any stress.

Food; a little food will create less or no need for eating, especially if you smell cooking. That means you can get away without the need to eat.

I will eat less so I lose my weight, this will work no matter what I do.
People; they don't mind each other by feel.

Don't pull the punches; don't do the deed. this is meaning no war happens.
Balmy; moderate humidity and temperature.
Muggy; the idea of subdued temperature. This is a muggy day.
Attack; ayt, activity.
Foci; focus point.
Attempts; many times.
Footprint; thought of size.
Calculation; function, action.
Small footprint; small size.
Instant recap; instance of replay. This is an instant replay view by the third eye.
Enjoyment; play time.
Warranted; made to go, made to serve.
Warrant; given. This is give or take by feel.
Is; prison.
Exercise; outgoing point.
Enamoured; fallen for yo. This is where you fall for someone.
That's what you get; just accept it.
Yo; you.
In; ingest and reduce weight
In it; pull it if necessarily needed.
Swallow; love, love bird, the bird of love is the swallow.
En; the warranted idea is given as though release. The energy leaves the body and you are released by idea or feel.

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