Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kundalini meditation

 It's basically focusing your spiritual energy through your chakras. The idea is to feel warm. Close your eyes, and as you concentrate on the inside of your chest, imagine the chest and you'll start to feel warmth. That warmth is what you want. Don't close your eyes, unless you have to, where your a beginner.

 Once you discover it, your goal is to get it to spread as much through your body as possible. It takes less thought to activate, yet is more effective than normal meditation. That heat basically unlocks all your chakras and energy networks. Even better is you don't have to find a quiet place to do it. As long as you know how to summon the internal heat, you can do it anywhere. The trick is to get it to take over all of you. When the heat doesn't reach somewhere. Then, that area is blocked at the chakra point. Force the heat to be there and beyond, if necessary. You can open your chakras up, using this technique.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Savage power

  This is the act of a person empowered by wild energy of raw force and it comes from the savage land. This can lead to brutal activity that is ogre brutish and undeterminable. Only ogre type people can get the true use of this. When they use it, they can become wilder in behavior and uncontrollable. They tend to use brute force tactics and if incited or riled, they will assault. What calms them down, is to not react and do your own thing. This Savage power is raw wild energy and can be used by anyone. Ogre types can get good use though, as they enjoy its use. The other types that get joy from this force are demonic types. With savage power, the user of the force gets double strength and effect thats tripled. It can allow the person to get energy from chaos and attacks. The savage person tends to attack those they see as a target.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to channel

  These are the steps necessary to channel a persons spirit or any being with enough personal energy. Thanks to Mattman and info from other beings channelled. SH included some information as well.

 Step 1. Clear your mind.
 Step 2. Focus your mind on the thought of the thing to channel, stating its name to cause it to come.
 Step 3. Imagine a person or state the persons name, and associate their energy.
 Step 4. Let the thoughts happen.
 Step 5. Imagine the heat in the air and your body heat help cause the effect and you'll think things that aren't your thoughts. At that point, all ya gotta do is type what those thoughts say.

  How do I channel a being you don't even know the energy of?

  The start of channeling begins with telepathy. This allows you to get to know the beings energy, even a spirit can be a being. First thing you want to do is clear your mind. You'll want to get an idea for the energy of everyone you talk to. That can be done mostly just by recognizing a face or calling their name.

  Usually if you can bring an image of the person's face, call their name or general look into your mind and see the memory of it, you can summon them by the associated energy. Then chat with them by imagining a scene in your mind that the subconscious fills in by their thought and your thought. This is done as the third eye does what it needs to. Things will seem to pop up in mind and be known. Then its easier after that. Just remember, calm mind more results.

  Due note: Try not to channel demons or dark entities. They could possess you or make life miserable.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shadow vision

  This is for those with enough personal power. Simply put, be in a dark room where you catch glimpses of things. Place yourself in the area by imagining yourself in the void room. Your subconscious is what makes this possible as you let the void room draw you in. The shadow vision comes to you and shows you a formless and black room with darkish smoke and its without walls.

  Attaching to yourself a sun and void source is what makes this easier. To do so, imagine a sun and void image and put yourself beneath it in a stick figure drawing. Then, Draw a line from the sources to yourself.

  This is what one person whom could naturally do this says about the room:
'I see "you" in some place like your room or something by tearing into the void and I sit there and catch some of the things that you release its like a black rip or tear in your reality and there are white things with information floating in that I catch. I can have multiple windows open at the same time. You really just float around in there. I get things in dreams a lot or just feelings and there sometimes are messages of just "knowing".' -Anon

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to summon your spirit energy

  Focus your mind on the moment at hand. Then, try to breathe in and out slowly. Maybe add a mantra word like 'Aum' to cleanse to air of bad vibes or 'Ko Aum' to kill the bad influences. Think or state, 'I command to work the energy I have to achieve what I want or need." Gather your spirit energy by thinking it where you want.

  Try to collect a moment of thought and think of your purpose. The purpose turns into your intent. Then, by thinking your intent and releasing the energy, your causing your result you want to occur. To release the energy, think it where you want it and feel it go freely to achieve the result. If you succeed you will feel at peace and there is a chance that the effect you needed will happen.

  With high capacity energy charges, you can adapt your capabilities to get a more powerful effect. When you gain a higher amount of ability, you get the capability of high spirit energy summons. This can lead you to making disasters, if you get dark desires by using death essence or chaos. As there is possibility of making things happen, instantaneously. High capacity energy charges on a small scale are done this way.

  This uses forced capacity. Force capacity is where you are readying yourself by the effort of opening chakra gates. For full force capacity, try to open all your gates up. When you surge, you use energy coming into your spirit from the surroundings and other sources. Then, as you can get greater surges, try to exercise and do ki powerups.

  There is a high toll on the body, to get the higher capacity energy charge. This leaves you tired and drained at first, till your body gets used to it. You accept it and you go on. The missing energy is easily replenished by recharging the soul battery with earth or spacial energy. This is done by grounding yourself and absorbing energy from the spirit energy thats cleansed from programming. When essence of the discarded life energy is gathered, with some left, then you can get enough. And, then you don't feel tired easily.

  For an effect of high intensity energy surge, work with maintaining a certain level of energy, unless you don't need to. Folding into your blood by compressing your excess energy as you do things to build up ki. You are able to get results done by higher energy effects. This effect is another way to strengthen your mind and body, to get more effort done.

  When you do surges, you get the effect of very high energy outpouring. This can flood the area with energy and take out energy barriers. A person of high enough personal power, can get double the effect of which you normally would get. When you can generate high enough energy without disrupting the body, you can do it with a quick response. There is a possibility of death or disruption of the body with high enough energy buildup with a quick release. But the spiritual energy level thats with enough personal power, can cause the death possibility to disappear. Try to do the surges as you consciously do them to direct the buildup.

  Spirit bomb came from Dragon ball Z and is where you collect energy to the point of the effort to doing gestures. This is where you get the effect of forming any effect thats controlled by your spirit. Then, your getting to the point of working extra energy and by your own spirit energy. This is formed into a shape of a spirit ball. When a moment comes where you gather enough energy into it, then the spirit releases it to effect an area.

  The spirit release is very intense. And, the spirit ball can be thrown at a target through time. This is done by thought of where you want it going and sending it. This is done with the work of chores and gaining the time ability. Then, when you send it, you focus it into the area and think it where you want it and what time by a thought 'release' of pressure. Those of high enough ability, will be able to release it by feel. And that feel is by innate ability, mostly understood as it can manifest things.

  This forms into a personal energy shockwave, that goes towards where you desire it to go. This can be a blast radius or a small time energy barrage. High potential spirit bomb, is where you use the high capacity charge with the spirit ball.

  There might be a personal or predicted chaos result, so to control your energy try this. Think to realize things and you will know the answer, its rather simple as all you need to do is think the creator does the action that you want. Think the creator is the one that created everything. Then the point is done, this is just as though it was done by you or the correct person. In this way does a being do things, not always formed from the energy conscious are what you think so the creator creates things better. This will create what you want to have done, and that is a point by feel without the predicted chaos results.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fast reading with comprehension

  This is a way to read very quickly with comprehension. This is telling an effect by stating your intent. Or, you can try willing your subconscious to read the material, as you read it. This will cause the subconscious to read the whole thing, as you read it, very quickly. You will understand the material as the subconscious will cause you to catch on. This is to get the meanings of the words as though it were a second reading. Don't expct to be able to recite the material completely on first read. Unless, you have a picture perfect memory.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Seeing energy effects

  This trick is simple, see the effect thats unseen by naked eyes. Simply, focus your third eye and tell it to send its vision through the normal eyes. Will the eyes to use the third eye vision and you can, sometime, see the energy effect thats in a picture or near you. If you practice it enough, you can get used to the feel and seeing with your third eye.

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