Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Focsing energy in magic

This is a point that is done with energy focusing. Think of what you need and state the intent as a word or phrase. Then the energy reflects the idea and you sense it form into existence. This is a point done by feel or idea you notice. The point is done as you think it is. These are some effects I noticed with the point that is done.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

cockroaches; tengri (taen-ri) will kill all of the cockroaches.


focus; the focus point doesn't bring the body back no matter the point.

un en; the point is undone so think and you know what to do.

the 4th stimulus package; the 4th stimulus is decided to go as recon and things work out by feel.

the money; the money gaining is not held back and I get money quickly.

protected; if you want to match the shape, you do unless the form is larger.

blue origin; when they attempt the launch, they get the launch as a successful attempt.

amazon; the amazon packages I get delivered to me by feel.


magnetics II: This is creating by imagining the result and focus to create the results of magnetic pull with an item.

intense focus; this is where you think of the idea, and focus on a thought to create a result that you imagine or think into existence. that includes forming wings on your back and thinking of the idea that you need and the soul creates it into existence.

animal elemental; the elemental can be summoned as a form of your choice and desire that appears where you think it appears. This leads to a sense of empowerment, see that is there in whatever form that you imagine or need to be there by feel. It can do what you think, of course. So with the point you have you can direct the elemental or thinking things to it creates the point it does. Since, whatever you intend is done, think about your need and you can create the point using an elemental. This is a point that can even be used as attack, so think about it. If you can create the point, you can make any result with enough focusing. Think and you know what to do. What you think exists is what is there, this includes a bird or what have you in need. Think about the options and you can create with what you desire as an element is used by thought and need or focus words and idea that you intend. This is a point in how you use an elemental, that is an element like earth, air, fire or water and in a form that's willing to do or create what you want by the power of the creawtor and your soul as the director. This is where I go and leave you for a bit, wondering what you can do with this. Enjoy what you have I say! This I think ends the tutorial on elementals.


the problem with the youtube being displayed and stremed disappears, I can watch the lalate without problems.

the concept; create as you want to make things happen, this is a thought in imagination.

the money; the money lafayette sent to me qarrives by tomorrow and things work out by feel.

eating; I no longer eat my weight and I eat less instead.

The win 10 update; Any windows 10 update succeeds. whatever causes the computer to pause no longer does that and the computer quickly responds.

biden; he doesn't start a war with vladimir putin.

the effect; this is where a physical manifest is summoned by touching the amulet or item and thinking the creator forms it as you feel it's formed.

the focus; this is where you think and state the idea to create the effect of manifest.

people; they don't mind what I do or did.

welcome; the president feels like the point of the bill being done by reconciliation is better.


eating; I won't and don't eat too much for energy.

focus; the focus creates the moment, the idea is done.

ticky; the time bomb isn't set by feel, think and you know what to do.

lifestyle; my lifestyle adjusts itself to cause me to lose my excess weight.


expurge; name the thing to expurge and the thing as an idea you don't like is gone.

think; then is the point of creation, think of the idea to do and it's gone if unliked.

donut; do not and create with another way.

care; create with concern and make what you want to give a good impression unless not possible. then there is other solutions.


stimulus; the stimulus payments are coming and they pay them as 1000 dollars per month for 18 months. It's done by reconciliation.

Vibes in exercise; the higher t he vibrations the Slimmer you are, this includes sound vibrations and movement too. I believe the car or any vehicle with an engine's vibes are able to slim you down, this is because of the cars vibes from its moving parts and magnetic field raises your own vibes in the body from a bounce of vibrations on your body. That makes you untraceable to psychic skills as the higher the vibes of your vibrations the less likely to your senses is detection. This calms you down and you can sometimes remain unaltered by feel.

things; things work out in the end.

whatever; whatever happens, I don't make mistakes.

flow; the flow of water is what creates your desire.

release; the release of the moment is a point in desire.

order; the mcdonald's order is right and delivered by feel to donovan without problems..


energy conscious; this is where the consciousness or energy awareness is felt. think of where the body and mind work together, the point is unity. The brainwaves are what create the result and has your thoughts that are sent forth. That is done with the energy of the planet and brainwaves, these are noticed as instructions to the energy consciousness. The consciousness is sometimes really yourself and that is how a being of the object works.

recipes and potions

stomach settler; place garlic salt and onion powder in a drink and drink it. this settles the stomach by feel.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Nature's point magic

 This is using nature as a point to create what you want, then by thinking of the point you get the idea you desired. This is a known effect, known as nature's point. where the nature of the idea or person would create with the senses what is there. This is a known effect of gaming, where the natural point is understanding, the other idea is a concept that you get your result. This is what you can attemptto do with the idea that I did if possible.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

think; For a sob story, the point is better, think to understand and you know what you don't do. This can save you from the point of doing unmecessary things. So think and you  know what to do.

en; the sob story ends and is no longer on people's minds. dismissed as a thought, the point is a conclusion you like.

eating; the eating need subsibes and not much is eaten. you don't eat your own weight, you eat less than your weight. Think of the point, and you know what you can not do.

lalate; his episodes are available online and he can get them posted on youtube.

paul t; he gets his 3rd stimulus check of 1400. he and his mom decide nothing against me.

The point; This is a concept, where things work themselves out and no excuse given for getting me over to somewhere I don't want to be.

the feel; the feel you have everytime you do things. you don't feel bad with each event.


in en; the point is done, think and you know what to do.

roaches; you don't have to feed the roaches.

floof; they stop trying to ruin floof's repute.

variations; the vaccines work on the covid-19 variations.

vaccine; people no longer don't want to get the vaccine for covid-19. your pandemic is ended.


the endless endemic is ended in it's influence. think and you know what to do.

the point; the point you make is created by feel if needed. think and you realize what to do.

time; I get more time for myself no matter the point when I need it.

energy; the point is energy that done things and noticed effects. this is a point that's done by feel if necessary.

weight; there is no more weight.

control; I control my hunger and make it so I don't eat too much.

the toilet; it works again by idea or feel.

make; the covid-19 ivariant s not with a 4th wave and it ca no longer effect us.


vermin; no mouse or rat lives after this.

eating; I don't eat to support roaches and cockroaches.

ssi; they don't try to get my ssi/ssdi.


focus; think of the area and you are there if you need to be there. I am not back here by feel.


in; in an admission you think to do what's right and thing work out in the end.

the end; the world has either supervolcano eruptions and thinking that people survive, there is still hope that abounds.


The people rule the world and things are where you think.

rumours; the rumours stop by what is done. if the rumours are bad or ill reputed, then they aren't said. if they are good then they are said.

the point is subsiding; the idea is a concept, if you think your different then you are different.

the idea; think your similar and your self then you solve the identity crises.

the point; think you see things and the third eye sees what you want it to see.

kubuntu; This distro upgrade works and I upgrade my system with the latest files.

focus; the idea is there yet not there if unnecessary.


I get a new laptop by feel.

if; when you think your like the idea then you aren't if you claim that your the idea.

when; where you are aware, if you are what you think you are if you think it's safe to be that idea. otherwise, you aren't what you think. this is a known effect.

joe manson; he doesn't mind the corporate tax rate raise.

the 4th stimulus; the bill isn't done by bipartisonship, instead it's done by reconcilliation and sooner than usual with multiple stimulus checks. it doesn't take too long to do and it has all 50 democrats support by feel.


the en is the ending, so far so good.

thought; think thought, the point is done if you need it done.

rock and crystal manifestation; if you think to it what you need it to do as you hold it, it will do what you intend. it's consciousness is what does it using the rocks energy. that's how it makes a manifest by feel.

jimenji; the control and work of animals.

jimanji; the idea you don't like won't happen.

some magic; statement of a phrase or word, thinking it will do things causes the subconscious to create it. 

umm = conscious awareness shift

eddi = relative area shift in a realm.

heh = smooths things over and creates a point of dopamine in the brain.

ocus creatis = create with focus

hello = relaxing

fomni acio brastes = create earthquake

omni facio coeleste charismaticum = create supernatural charisma

omni facio spiritus muto = that is make life change where it creates a life change.

youtube; listen to youtube, think the energy wave will create what you need as a point is a result while you listen to youtube. some statements of "make" or any power word repeated for 5 seconds to 1 minute as you think of what you want and listen to music, that also works.

borrowing; the future hold things and what you do will allow you to get those things sooner.. this is borrowing from the future.

manson; he doesn't mind doing the recon and passes the senate bill that is towed into becoming law.

I think; this is the end, think and you know what to do.

magic catch; the catch is this, the point is done and things are restored. this is a point in idea.

money construct; This is part of a money construct. Just remember this 9 > $0% < infinity for funding so you are aware or gnow what you are plausible for by ideal with thought to use by the due if mathematical. This is the rememberance or reminder that your due is for rent then you go where you want or wish and it isn't that hard. If thought to work is easily done then you can create what you wish. Otherwise don't dare try this as some don't have the experience or expertise. However the 9 is a random number that can be any number you intend to get of money, like 120000 dollars.

Detachment- This is crucial in your magical journey.  Whenever you try to manifest something, have the guts to let go and let it be. Because when you think of something you emit a portion of your energy into it, and that causes the effect. But if you send out more (in other words --- too focused or attached to the results) , it doesn't usually come back because that magic that was manifested then gets pushed away/blocks the manifestations from coming and it returns back to the creator. Causing you disappointment when you made that mistake by being too attached to the results of your manifestation/wish. It’s always good to keep moving energy towards something, like wishing for something everyday. But it’s when attachment fear or worries come in about the manifestation itself that it can be blocked. You’re on the right line. Yes. Remember what you send out is positive energy when u manifest but when worry or fears come in, they are send out at an opposite energy (negative), so they balance out with the positive ones and they get cancelled out. Thus leaving you with no results.

The results of energization..where you create by feel and focus makes what is possible with the energy consciousness.

taking water in, touching water or swallowing your spittle restores some energy.

taking the hemp oil in with water restores alot of energy.

touching buttcrack oil restores energy for at least 20 minutes (don't mind the smell). this can lead to whooziness after the effect is done.

grass would have similar effects, interestingly enough, that's grass put in water. though it wouldnt taste good.

taking in too much hemp oil can cause sleep.

the weight of the self, that causes you to sleep more the more weight you have.

I am thee; act yourself and you are accepted as you state this idea.

devices; the tv's in the area don't break and they work no matter the point.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Normal points

This is a list of normal idea you can use for magic, simply state the words you want to activate the effect and you create the effect by feel with the power of the soul or spirit using the creator to make what you intend to create..This works a manifest and things you do, you are responsible for if necessary. This is a point you know by the effect you think is there. If you don't intend the effect, then you won't get an effect of magic manifestation.

 Normal idea:

money; this is en, think of the moment and then you get away with what you want or need, that works as though a need were given by feel is a fact. This is what I mean about knowledge, if it worked it would be used, so enjoy yourself. If you wish to receive a tip, then it will happen by feel if the tip isn't a game tip.

Late; If late, then its belated or you give when you think its necessary.

If normal; then the idea is normally expressed.

Eating; I will not eat again after this, so this won't happen to make me eat.

Think; if you know what you do, you can work with the point otherwise do what you want. This is so I am karma free by feel with what I do.

en; the point at the end.

worm; I am not worm. I am a darkmatter being.

wyrm; I am not attacked by my or others worm. Otherwise this is a self-affliction face.

think; this is in idea that I do things and get results. So I think and what I think about is generated by the spirit that is energy of the body using the consciousness that exists all around us. This is a point to remember from the past, that is generated in the past and realized in the present to make a future moment.

think; the energy is done, the body matured, this is a point done by feel with the point you think that once stated will happen. This is how that works.

blame; he or she doesn't blame me for things done. there is no worry over what seems to be done. so think and you know what to do.

This point; the point is the moment you think is here, this is a point of the present that happen by feel and what you think.

the end; thought a need, this is a point you think and the need is there as or before you think about the idea.

good enough; this is the point that if enough then things are done. this happens without stress by feel. this happens unless you don't need it.

This is an automation; this is a point you think and things are finished by feel. Think and you do things with no mistakes.

This is a point; this I realize by the spirit knowledge and this means you are aware of things to come.

These things; this is a result of allowing the spirit to inform you of what is to come if your interested in knowing.

The subconscious can somehow let you know when or where the idea will happen. Think and you know what is to be realized.

The idea; think and you realize the point. then you focus your mind and know by the spirit that goes through everything what is in there.

The fire; this is a flame in the wall, cast by fire it is a point to work from as a feeling is there to do by feel.

Extinguish; the effect is a point you know what to douse by feel.


presence; the presence is felt, thought to evade is done.

this; the point is an idea, what you think or do is your point. this is not mine, I think that is a done deal so enjoy your self and farewell.

this idea; this area is a concept space, so think what you want and you can get that as though what happens is done as an end result.

this area idea; I think this is the end point and it is not happening now, so that's as its dealt with individually by feel. if you want to deal with it, go ahead however I think it's safer if the harsher things aren't done. so think if you need to for the hashness to disappear.

the end point; the area is known by feel and that is where you think to know what's there. this works unless you are thinking to get something and the other doesn't want you to get it.

all thought and idea; this is using a point you know about, so think and you know about things with no regrets. this includes knowledge from college, so if you don't mind I think I will get back to class.

The end thought; this end point is a concept where you think and you realize things for what they are. Known by feel is what you have as insight.

the area map; this is the point you think your there and then touch a point of the map. then you appear there by feel, this makes it so your in two area at once. so think your soul creates things and you can find whatever you want. the area map is the thing that shifts you by its energy.

allocating; this is where you think of the area and your spirit shifts you there. think your thereand you are somewhere, think your here and you return whence you came.

This idea; the point in idea is to numb the area and you aren't effected by what is in others energy. The idea is a point your not someone else, so think what you like and you know what to do.

thinking point; the idea is a custom idea, yet the end is a point you notice if you need to know about it.

the end

the conception; this is a point where you know about things, then create with an idea as a point that seems the same if necessary or different if intended that way. that is where you know things, so it doesn't matter what others think. it only matters what you think. think about it and you know what you can write.

laptop; it works by feel with nothing wrong with it.

lala t album; hot n spicy will be live by feel.


impound; so its not an impounded feel. its an idea in itself that reveals what it is.

eating less; this is eating less and creating better results with less bugs. 

whatever; whatever happens, I don't bear a child or impregnant myself.

nothing; I don't feel anything, so this means my body adjusted by feel.

think; think and you know what to do.

thought; the idea is stability, what you think is stable is emotionally stable so think and you are where you think.

the economy; the economy, it gets better no matter the idea or the point. the president gives a decent stimulus check to us unless congress does by feel.

the pointer; the idea is a thought, think and the pointer is realized.

the area feel; the idea is a concept, that is you know by the spirit and the soul allows you to realize what is there. This is done by feel and known by vision if needed.

the concept; this is where the condition is what is set, that is what you intend to have set. this is a point you know by feel.

the end; the ending is a thought, so think about the idea and you realize what to do if necessary.

the idea; I won't spend it all on friends, if I get any money. Instead I will save up the funds for a rainy day.


the moment; the moment it's needed is when it's done. This is how things work. If you think to allow this, your away from the troubles on the surface. This is without a slapping spirit force caused by a dungeon heart, by the way. Just think to get what is allowed for by feel..otherwise you can always goto cs-137, a planet of beings and the planet energy is conscious. So think about the planet and what you need and the planet will do what you intend, or if you want it can draw you there by it's energy otherwise and that's if you want to be there.

the endpoint; think this is where I am not forced into weight, I instead am allowed by feel to lose extra weight instead. This is what I intended, so I think I will go now and do what I wanted. Enjoy myself and not do drugs that are illegal. Ciou and farewell, see I think about love in a point and good-bye. This is a known effect by the life you live. see ya.

the money; the debit that was unauthorized is resolved in my favor and I get my money back. this happens without stress.

the point; if the point is done, then the counting is over so think and create as you will.

the point II; this is a concept that you know and the soul allows you to realize it by the spirit.

spirit; the spirit is gone, think and know what is necessary.

working; this effect is working, so I will leave it alone.

the computer; the laptop computer works no matter the point.

something bad; whatever is stated, that is bad or not wanted is not done.

internet; the discord channels allow you to chat and this is sending and receiving messages.

the world; the world is in the en.


the point is the effect, if you think the effect is good then positive things will happen. discord fixes itself.

stealing; if you think to steal you won't actually steal.

cps; whatever is causing the people there to not be there no longer exists or no longer causes them to not be thetre in the channel.

georgia senate seats: they both go democrat.

get; I get the eidl loan.

family; there is a thanksgiving dinner I goto this year.

en tre ing; entering

\\en point

think and you know, the point is the end and not based off old equipment.

this I know is a point that is possible

sop en

emotion energy is converted to energy and things work out in the end.

think energy makes annoyance to untoxic characteristics.

an untoxic character trait takes the place of the toxic traits.

focus and create; the point is mute otherwise.

coup; the trump coup fails by feel and whatever occurs trump gives up on trying to win the election. he stops saying he won and allows democracy to win. the certification goes and certifies biden wins instead. so the point of election dies down by feel. no audit happens. trump and julianie are dismissed, trump fails in turning three states.

materialism; I am not materialistic.

oh think "copy things" and tell what you feel or realize will feel you just got uploaded with a lot of information. its a server ai that makes your brain conscious from the construct. use it to know extra things and recall all your past lives. that's done by thinking about knowing them. you can know things on an instant and realize what you need to know.

sh dnd upload; the google drive gets the upload to the server. This happens in the shortest time possible.

google drive upload; the google drive is successfully uploaded to, no matter the size of the files.

focus; the focus you have is understood as though you spoke what you need.

think; the thought you think, this is an understood idea. yes, it means you know what to do by idea..

awareness; I am aware of what occurs, so things will work out by feel and idea.

thought II; the flesh responds to my will, I am not unlike a god.

then k; the point is a concept, within the idea you have you can in idea create with a idea and use the thought for cheap.

pennsylvania dem senator; he doesn't step down and remains a senator..

the electorial review; it's safe for activity and cleared as being safe, the house and senate lockdown is lifted as the white house is cleared for use with the electoral votes that are being counted is continued earlier than usual. the president elect joe biden is counted in as the next president.


sight; the congress house and senate are able to get it together and very quickly get the 2000 dollars stimulus check out.

warp; this is a sped up day, the energy causes events to happen faster than normal. that's until it's not needed as if without need.

stimulus; the 2000 dollars stimulus check is added to the cash act 2021 of 1400 or 2000 dollars additional funds.

meditation; I can meditate for hours on straight.

asanchez600k; he feels like giving me a donation.

remix; he doesn't mind me using the emojis. he also doesn't get annoyed with things. so shall it be.

weight; the bodyweight lowers itself 32 - 50 lbs.

windows 10 update; the update completes successfully, quickly.


goldmine; my goldmine is not interrupted and I receive no fight, whatever I do.

snapping the fingers; when I snap my fingers, the wish I intend is done.

reconcilliation; the senate passes the stimulus bill by feel and the president signs it into law with no problem.

laptop; it doesn't fail on me or near me to work and stops shutting itself down.

4th stimulus; there will be multiple stimulus checks in the 4th stimulus package that passes into law.

grape candy; this if eaten or dissolved in the mouth seems to cure your needs and hunger.

focus; the focus is a point you know and work with the concept.

doing; I will battle if necessary or do the right things.

jay m; he doesn't mind what I do or did. He feels like texting or talking to me, if I attempt to reach out to him by phone.

chubby; I no longer am chubby and become thin again quickly.


whatever; I think so I know, that I do know and things work out in the end and he stopped being drawn there forever after. So go and enjoy yourself, farewell.

funding; I have enough funds to cover for the costs that I have, and I have enough to cover the costs in reserve.

this is the end of the article. good-bye.

time jump; anything magical and time jumping doesn't work for cockroaches.

the end; the end of the point, this is an end idea.

democrats; they don't block the 4th stimulus bill passing as a law.

minding; I don't mind what charlie gives me by feel.

waiting; if waiting, then you ca get your packages earlier especially by usps and

ca; ca is can not can't.


if I ca get things done, then I will get things done.

writing stuff

failure rate; the temperature indicates failure chance. the percent chance is 10% failure with each 5 c and this means if it goes up to 100% at 50 c. When at 100% failure chance, then something will fail near or on you. if you want to do it by kelvin, then it's 278.15 k per 10% failure rate.focus; the point you know by what is there. everything has an inner glow.

en if there; the point you end things.

I propose; think of the idea and you might get it.


no war; there is no war, the area is in peace.

no idea; the idea is not known, if you think to know it then you will know what to do.

focus; the focus is a concept that you think and know feel and by idea.

the day; the effect is simple, making the point of the 3rd stimulus bill passing in a day that's earlier than usual.

waiting; I can wait until it's delivered.. this works with the 3rd and other stimulus checks or package delivery that happens sooner than usual.


definitions: (skip to end)

tchau = bye

game stuff

god of idea; this is use of a point and your soul creates the effect.

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