Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoodoo Doppleganger

  Calling a hoodoo doppleganger is the usage of materials and spells to cause a doppleganger effect. Which is one person who seems to repeat what you do and can give advice, as well because of this. The Hoodoo material is a herb and food. This can be a cooking herb or a few of them. Just think or say as you cook and use the herb in the food, 'Make the doppleganger effect', or think 'doppleganger' and state what you want to incur it in those that you want effected.

  When you do this as you add the herb, add a sigil thats drawn by the finger. Then to ensure the effect, have the victim eat something. Or, as the victim thats spoken about is about to eat, think the effect shifts to the victim, through the food. If they start to act differently as you try things at the person, then it worked. As it could take months, then don't hold your breath on the results. Generally with the effect of the hoodoo doppleganger, you cast an effect near or at them and they can repeat it, guided by your magick. Or, they repeat the actions to some degree, of the person you want to be doppleganged which is the person you describe.

  This technique can be used to get other effects, as well. All it takes is to state or think instead of the doppleganger line, any other thing you desire or need. As in, 'make this effect', and be thinking of the effect. As, you place the herb or ingredient. And, adding a freehand sigil to help the effect of what you said. It doesn't have to be a herb, it can be milk or other.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free will

  Free will is something that we utilized in magic and practice to preach, by choosing to do things with impeccability, and showing that the truly free are those who can get out of their head and ignore the hunger in life for a little while and get things done. All we need is the choice to believe we are free and thus, we are as free as we think. And, the only choice we have in life is indeed to act impeccable or to act like a nincompoop. The more you act impeccable the better you feel. So, free will is just the ability to make decisions that determine a certain path in life. As, it is how one decides to what occurs and it's not something to worry about.

  However, to some free will is laughable. As they think, 'We are not even free to choose to live outside the boundries of hunger and thirst. Its like asking if an ant can be free if it can choose between corn and spice. Its just funny. The freest choice we make, God has already wrote infinite possibilities about it. Its natural that we can't comprehend the vastness of God. We can't think how its possible that we are free to choose between blue and green and that God already knew what we were going to choose. Its much more than that. God not only created us as weak little men but also gave us the power to choose out of our power. But even so its just funny to think that we can do whatever we want while all we think is dependent upon infinite number of stars that can be stationed in infinite multiplied by infinite possibilities. Human freedom is nothing other than serving its animal needs mixed with ego. Trying to go further than that, its funny.' -By Anon

Friday, April 15, 2011

Putting mental barriers around your thoughts

  Basically, your trying to do this, imagining a barrier being put up around yourself, swirling up from the ground. Then thinking and feeling the second barrier form around you from an element of your choice. There's an optional third shield by imagining a white circle surround you. This tells the subconscious to put up a block that absorbs energy and also it is to block out influence and others thoughts from intruding on yours and them picking up your thoughts as well as you can pick up on their thoughts. When you feel the barriers in place, then your protection is there. To drop the barriers, think of the barriers and tell your subconscious to drop the barriers.

  Some may have found it difficult to wrap each of your swirls of thought with the barrier. This is where you allow the barrier to surround the head. And that's how you can apply the swirl shield, as your thoughts are generated in the head. So, you can protect the head and the thoughts aren't read so easily.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Higher Self

  What is the higher self?

  Have you ever thought you were here to do your own planned bidding? Either through you or separately?

  Well you just bidding things to occur. Some think they are here to do some bidding of God. But each person has a godlike higher self that serves like angels to God, a higher self. I tested this out, and found this god self uses its body on earth sometimes. It may be your own body then. The earth self actually has a higher self guiding it. It does what you bid the force of whatever to do. Which constitutes some magic. The actions it does separate are magic and prayer, the actions that are physical are through your body or in the form of bodily guidance.

  So how can ya use this info? The higher self serves God by helping its earth body out. It can act in place of the earth bodies mind. So all you need is to focus your mind and do action to cause the higher self to see it as a 'bid'.

  To test this, ask it to do things by stating what you want out loud.

  It may seem like magic as your subconscious works it out and cause the higher self to do the deed or work through your body.

  It seems that the sub-c can act as a medium channel and to bring the effect. And it can also act as a maker of effects. But it sometimes uses the higher self to get effects.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Personal gods

  Everyone has a personal god that represents us somewhere. Which is formed as us and appears like whom it represents. Its the supercharged form of ourselves that can do nearly anything. Not to be confused with our higher beings, It lives in a separate existence that does what it knows and considers of what we do.

  So, when we try an act of magic, then we are causing the personal god to do it too. And if it succeeds, then we tend to follow suit and succeed in a way. When it fails, then we can fail. Its basically making a wave effect that can guide our actions from our actions. If you wanted it too, then it could interact with this life and personally interfere. So be careful, as sometimes it can read our need and give us a challenge or two to push us along the way to get the need.

  To some, this be just another manifestation/symbol of the subconscious. Instead, its a being thats a more powerful you. It happens that the subconscious be how you work with the higher self and personal god. As the personal god tends to work through your subconscious interactions. As through the subconscious, the thought is sent to the personal god. And the higher self works with the subconscious. As with the need of the subconscious sent to the higher self, unless you believe its not possible. This is just like another manifestation/symbol of the subconscious.

  All three are connected in a way that're sort of metaphores for each other. The higher self is useful in this way, where it can cause events that aren't normally done. The higher self does things for you and it can effect you as you want. Where the personal god can take things personally, and do what you do. Except, with a higher ability thats concentrated from your energies. So if you ever wondered where your energies go when they are done, its to the personal god. Which you get the spent personal gods energies by the effect of your aura gathering it and cleansing it.

  They work together the higher self and the personal god, except they be in other places. Where the personal god is in an area thats like ours and yet its separate. The higher self lives in the area that resembles whatever it desires on a higher plane and yet its to the purpose of what it decides is necessary. It doesn't do what you decide isn't possible. So, it can't effect you with what you don't want as you don't believe in. Where, higher selves can guide our bodies into doing things even though we can't think right.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Projection stances

  These are some stances that are possible for projecting. If you want, you may try the take 3 breaths, give out 3 breathes style combined with this. Also as your idea is energy, you may attempt the stances sitting down, if you want to avoid standing up.

  Standing stance projection, this is to get into trance by breathing in through your nose or mouth and out of your mouth. Quickly yet deeply. Make to project your spirit through the trance and iron will. Then breath as you did for the trance to cause your willed intent to manifest. This will cause your spirit to be as though you were there and appear solid to the mind.

 This is the moment drug use treatment fails, as you are not actually effected by what you think and everything accomplishable is either blocked by what. You do to first abandon truth, and then you are in a moment to do to understand what you do. Even spiritual effect, is where you can get things to doing an idea in a moment. The right drugs can get the right results, the idea is to not strike out as you realize the purpose you do. As you cannot do alcohol, you can try and get along otherwise you can use a little alcohol and aphrodisiac do almost anything.

  The mental projection stance, to get into standing trance and think of your message to send as though a moving scene. Then you will the message forth into the person who will receive the message. This is to make it seen. Allow your subconscious to interpret the response by relaxing your mind, with deep quick breaths.

  You may choose to impose a thought, this be imposing a thought on someone and have them think it was them. Or, to send them an image by thought projection, and suggest to the target something as your message. Making the image appear like them. Then, the person might think it was themselves, and it might work better if the projector person wasn't so close.

  You can make yourself appear anyway you want with mental or standing stance projection. Your subconscious is useful in this procedure, to do the work, understand and acknowledge. If you don't want a reply, don't acknowledge. Its also useful to perception, as the mind be guided by it. Telling your subconscious to state or do things with the words of the response makes sending out a mental message a breeze with reception as an in thought.

  If your message be perceived wrong, act like someone else to throw out the energy and cause people to go off the trace. As you act as though someone else, you energy changes to be like acted person. So, it throws off pursuit. If you change back to normal behavior after you act someone else out. Then you get to be left alone.

 Void stance is powered by the essence that is death essence to kill by corruption or all else that could go wrong, the ruler of death does not care by thought or idea as what you think is watching. So feel in focus, as you say this is to use a stance to project. Then feel area energy or think to not use corrupted death energy or corroded metal that is not to use corrupted metal, think where your aware your voice is thought heard in thought unless you don't intend to see, hear or create of the place.

  Think or other area you think is not noticed there, in a cases of biolocation you are not seen in several area until you think to be seen. You think as think your area is activity to use, so the area is concept to use as energy that is concept from other area. Such is the case as energy and thought are relational to use, this is by use to get results while thinking nothing is hold an object to thought shift. As you think shift the object, that is in thought is shifted or thought about idea is shifted away. This can seem done by the void shift or clear the mind by mirror, think or clear stance use is to not be detected by those you don't want to know you by thinking.

  So as your energy is there to shift with, as you see what is now as concept. Focus to create or feel to seem, if you want to know to be prepared or not as dangerous is not to be. For if thought is concept, then what you perceive is what can cause your body. This is to not always work right, if they look for you as you look at them they can detect your thought presence if you want them to.

  This is to breathe and feel focus your energy to be projected forth and achieve what you speak, as though your will was stated and the statement served as intent. When you breathe you can shift things, as you focus your mind naturally to naturally create with nitrogen or oxygen. This is Hydronation in oxygen to use, as thought is projection or conception is energy.

  Do this is not always done by breathe as you think out and in or breathe out, as you feel cleaner where you breathe out disgust or unwanted idea 3 times. Think to hold your breathe or focus to shift things, and not if then repeat the breathing and holding of the breathe till you feel focused.

  Dismiss in your thoughts things you want by saying to yourself, 'This thought is unimportant' or not do idea then as thinking nothing is noting nothing except what you think. Then start speaking what you want to happen and allowing your inner energy body to do the necessary things. If you projected even a little energy, then you can get results as results are possible.

 Alternatively isis protects you if thought your life is nothing or need is necessity, you can breathe out and speak something to accomplish. Then breathe in and you achieve the same thing. What you look at or focus at, will be effected. Whats effected can sometimes do the action you speak, if you don't want to be heard don't of life to people.

  So if need is idea, speak to the air as you think to someone and that is what can achieve the result, by your wills influence. If you find yourself the target of this stance, then immediately speak the opposite of what is projected. Or, will or speak the intent, 'Whatever was said isn't done as if the whole thing not important.' So use and idea are interesting, as the 'programming' will be undone if you think thought is not necessary.

  The clear stance is thought to use to use the clearing water in the lake or near the ocean, that use is idea energy that is focus to create an idea to use as this is don't think to do. Think is to clear your mind thinking of nothing, as if this is a clear thinking sigil in life. Dismissing thoughts as they come on, as 'unnecessary' as thought is done your thinking is life. Then breathing in and out not quickly nor slowly. Think of clearing or imagine something clearing itself and project, or you know the energy to the person or target after observing by feeling where your energy build up is by thought.

  Basically an idea is thought, you can be thinking of the person or target and send a suggestion by thinking of 'clearing the mind' or 'clearing' or stating 'erasing' to be erasing the person or thing. Then allow your thoughts to come back and breath normally. Whatever you do after empowers the effect even more. This can even effect clearing the air. Until, the thing you wanted erased be gone from memory. Then your action is your own.

  The attack stance, is to get into a standing trance. Then as you feel or think, breathing quickly yet deeply, feel tension build up as you hold more and more energy in the body and then strike out with the spiritual fist or whatever appendage. The target is thought about and hit as you want them to be. Build up enough energy and you can cripple the target. You can hit them from anywhere with this, as the energy is shifted to the target on release of the hitting energy. Otherwise its close range. It doesn't effect those who be immune to energy.

  The projectile attack stance, this be to get into a standing trance. Then, breathing deeply yet quickly till your mind focuses on one thought or nothing and you are in trance. State a mantra consisting of 'Om mani luminoct paki d' under the breathe, while thinking of or visualizing the target being hit by a tracking projectile. A projectile will appear and track the individual. Stopping in mid-air if there's a shield around the target. It strikes when they aren't aware of it and dismisses it.

  Three strikes more or less and the person or being targeted is out cold and possibly dead, unless they be immune or resist the blow energy thus nothing occurs. If you wanted to nail their ability to think then hit the brain. If you want them to not to feel, hit the heart. As, it numbs the body and sorta prevents feelings.

  If you want to nail the Crotch area/Hera area (which is 1 inch below the pelvis on a man), then you nail their ability to make chi and magic happen. Hit all three spots on the body at the same point to create confusion, thought or craziness is thinking you hit the area you intended to numb or focus on a thought. Any other area hit makes them unable to feel the area or use properly the organ near it for hours.

  The spirit stance, is effective when you get into a trance, by focusing your mind on what you want or need to happen and breathing in and out in-between fast shallow and slow deep breaths, and attempt to build up activity energy as you use activity to build up your spiritual energy and send your spirit energy to achieve something, this can be anything your thinking on or needing and possibly feel occur.

  The spirit stance can manifest in any effect with an effect or any effect to the spirit of another or near the other to be as a supernatural effect. And, it effects as though done sometime physically, as its undetectable unless your awareness is good enough. Thus as concept in thought, your conscious or others in idea won't try to stop the magic.

  As your invisible, this is an idea not always done. If they don't realize this then this is fine or until you convince them not to block your activity then your done. As you don't have to be in an area your not as you don't stay. So as your with an ability that is energy, the idea is cool to use or creative by the feel as you see what you do.

  If they don't consider what it really does unless they think this is necessary. It can effect the spirit to cast out energy to create affects, if anything occurs physically. Then it is 'powerful' and supernatural to the observer as the activity can be felt to happen as though a ghost were doing it.

  The other things you can do with the spirit stance, is to become like another person, being or alien. Simply by taking in some of the spirit of the other into you and then allowing it to change your behaviour and sometimes the body structure morphs as well. The spirit is stored in you or somewhere else, to effect through your body the 'change' of a greater ability, thought to become a different person is not actually done unless necessary.

  If that is energy by focus this is witchcraft in different forms controlled by your mind, thinking or creating end results are thought of the end result as you state by the thought your idea. This may include a different body structure that becomes your own. It depends on your will and control of the spirit. You may store effectively any amount of spirits in you or an object.

  The object you use is used by a touch and the spirit energy is transmuted into it. Until you need it else, then you think of the spirit you need and 'touch' the object to gain it. The spirit is sometimes able to control you at your low point in energy. So be careful as the spirit of another person who touches an object is possible to be transmuted into you.

  How to do it. This is simple, start breathing not fast or slow and in deep breathes. Then if thought use another idea one would use other than you, try to find a focus of thought by stating the person, being or alien name. At least three times, the name you use can be a descriptor thats general and to the purpose.

  This is to draw the spirit near you. Then, think to it or will it to ' in me and work through me.' If you want it to adjust your form to its stature, think or will it to 'adjust my form to be as though yours' and allow the body to change. Also possible is to will your body to 'change' itself to become like the spirit that you called into your body. Its up to you as to what you want it to do.

  Where you can keep the spirit energy, is in your mind as well. Simply will the spirit energy into a mental room. This room is controllable by you and no one else. It does what you want it to do. Thus, you can lure or will the spirit into the room. And, collect them in there. Allowing your spirit to work with their spirit energy and you gain strength from it. Also, to let a spirit out and into your body makes the change happen of your psyche and ability. To then will your body to become like its form is possible now. Then, when your done you just put the spirit energy back into the room.

  What type of spirit and being do you want to be in you is up to you. But, several people have used this for strategic wins and only after allowing the spirit to temporarily usurp the body and win for you or join its strength with yours. At the direction of your subconscious mind control.

  Mirror stance works by you standing in front of the mirror and 'think to it' to do something and it will work. When you send built up energy towards the mirror, while thinking of the purpose. It is likely to do things as it is when it will take the instruction from the energy and 'cause' the effect. The effect will literally make itself known as though self occurring. The mirror will mask you trace.

  This is where the right breathing for trances will make this work more effectively. Basically, breath deep yet not fast nor slow, till your mind focuses in on the idea that you want. When you need things to occur, they will as the subconscious makes it possible. Where the right phrase or word can create the effect.

  A positive enforcer enforcement effect can be useful with this. A positive effect is to make negative into positive, generally, by energy. A positive enforcement effect is to cause energy to make reinforcement of idea that is positive in nature. This is done through the thought of sending built up energy and charging it to 'do positive enforcement' will. Other things can be directed through the mirror.

  The movement stance, is the stance of causing others to do things and in movement. As now is then, it depends on the inaction of where you are and sending your energy to be movement causing as you think of it. Where now is present this can shift you, to places and spiritually, to make exploration of spaces and other area possible.

  Thus if your able or think to do things, be sitting or standing as you focus or remininsce. Except standing up and doing the stance will tire yourself out. The movement trance is useful to explore with and do things elsewhere as you do things sitting down.

  When the movement stance is done, you will feel energized, and yet have done no actual movement. So, to attempt it, get into trance mode. Breath in and out and send your energy or your spirit by the effect of breathing in deeply and not fast or slow and breathing out the same. Then build up energy and will yourself or your energy 'there' where you want movement to happen.

  Think of where the thing or person is to go. Then if use or thought, try to focus your mind as you are in breathing out in trance mode. So as you see and know idea or things, send your thoughts to the energy that you sent by thinking what you want to feel the send. Focus in on the creating movement idea.

  Think of the direction, and the rate of movement. Cause the thing, being or yourself there to move in the right direction by feeling the movement of the direction. See as you are and use, you cause the motion necessary to get an idea of what you need to happen. As a point or thought and use in life, you get things done without ever having them here.

  Nor or use is an idea not to do unless necessary, so tell your subconscious to do the correct actions to make the movement. See and wat you do also creates by observance with encouragements, so your idea is some idea to make your subconscious show you what be happening there. Saying as a mantra, 'show me what be happening' or 'sho wha happen'. Then when you are done, mentally have your spirit come back to your body.

  Tell or not as no relationship to come back and the spirit will return. This only seems to work on your own spirit, not really effective on others. Except if you build up energy to send to the person and direct your will to them. What you do there with your spirit is reflected on yourself sometime. Meaning what you do elsewhere is done to you. Unless you block the effect out, then you will get some interesting results.

  Feeling the effect will cause your body to remember it. And all that's required to get the effect is meditation or remembrance of the feel for the effect. It can come back as many times as you want. Just think or visualize the effect as you feel it to be on occurance.

  Dark trance is where you get dark matter to materialize as you trance. This is to think of the term 'darkmatter' and then trance, feeling your need. Think the thought 'dark matter' and breath in and out. Keep breathing in and out till you trance and then till you feel your need is satisfied. When it is, you should get something to manifest, somewhere.

  Now for a few drugs to get effects easier. Actinine, a weightloss effect that appears in body an by the internal drug effects that cause more energy, more activity, less hunger. This is a metaphysical drug effect that is manifested by will and intent. Sometimes in a standing trance or meditative trance. It is possible to repeat the effect by repeating the name till it is manifested by the subconscious.

  Its a sedimental poison effect, that builds up in the system. And is shitted out, making its effects neutralized after a day. This poison is a mild toxin that the body uses to deteriorate the weight and be converted to body energy. However, the body can become immune. After overdose and repeated exposures you risk heart attack.

  The drug form of Actinine is Actinex, this is honey, turmeric with mustard poweder which is formed by use when combining with powdered calcium tablets maybe tums, 2 baby aspirin, vitamin C, molasses or honey and water (1 Liter). Both forms are nonaddictive and good for the heart, unless overused by taking too much. Not to be taken by needle or interveniously.

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