Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020


This is creationism, think of the point and your soul uses the spirit to create what you need to know, then you know what you need to see or what occurs is a point you mention. This is the idea, that is there by feel. So the idea is a point, the soul creates it as the creator or God, then you know what is there by what is noticed. This is what I have been able to do with that idea..

 Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

This came from a blog I noticed by the third eye..

Some things; the problems that exist, it clears up.

Yep I know it; "I know it" will cancel out any fight need. Its interesting, that literally translates into "yes, kill now the hit." three words..what you say after in the mood to fight makes the moment. So this is like the point you do things and they don't do things. See this is a point I regard as a subconsconsciously understood phrase. They are understood where the subconscious brain translates the idea and what you intend is intentionally understood as a  known point by the effect. That is interesting, that's like your right by feel? So you see, if someone threatens, there is no need to fight. Just walk away and enjoy your life. 

However, if they intend to fight, they could try to attack you go figure. That's just in case they want to hit you. There was a person I used that on. I stopped his need to fight. It's the power of words..

th en

the tax rate is adjusted down and created by feel as a lower percent than usual.

evolving and doing things, the idea is a point that is done by what is thought. thought is sometimes fought in a bad mood.

the poison; that is a necessary thing to take care of roaches, think and you know.

stopping; I stop moving and die. This happens to the roaches. So I hope to create with a point and smash, this will work out in the end.

This then is the end of my broadcast, so then I think and now I know. Ciou and farewell, until tomorrow.  See, that works. Think positive and do what you can..

the point; you think and you know then you see and know where you go.

the swirl; the point is a swirl, think and you can enter into the area by wormhole and exist or the point is that I exit by the same way, as well.

the character; the room consciousness can present you in a vision to others of what you think to appear as by feel.


this financial fit; this is the point you are financially fit by what was done.

the point; you know what to do by the observance of the point, think and do what is necessary.

Again, ciou and farewell by now, this is near the end.

the point II; this is the idea near the finish line, that the financially done idea is possible and things work out for me and others.

the stranded; the point I was noticing someone stranded.

the area; think of the point and the moon will make the idea manifest, that happens with the area energy ripple or shift of things that suddenly appear somewhere else.

the arabic; the area is revealed by the arabic spell, ara fic.

this is the end of the blog, ciou and farewell, forever.

this came from some area in my memory, that I noticed and the blog mentions..

the pattern; the pattern of life, you know about and do things. this is what you noticed mentioned in a book I could recommend. the book I don't know except it came from the series the wheel of life written by robert jordan.. the pattern is done by thinking it is done and the creator makes it occur. this is a known effect.


the area effect; the area is a point that's done in by feel, so I might as well leave and hope not to cause what occured there by what is considered bad.

phantom symptoms; the symptoms you think or feel exist things, that are defeated by the point of doing.

upcoming snow or cold; the upcoming snow or no, the cold doesn't happen as there is warmth instead. there is no cold snap that occurs during winter time.

osirus-rex; it succeeds in it's mission by feel.

deal holdout; the deal holdout for a stimulus package is no longer a holdout. they tell on the amount we're getting.


release; think to release gas buildup, even in a container, that releases the swell of the body by magic..

that; that is a way of the west. the western states in an era of creativity. well, enjoy yourself..think better and you get better results. that is all for now..ciou.

that was recorded somewhere in the area that the blog reports..I wonder if it's true.

now for normal stuff..

fatless II; this is a point you think I am fat or thin, skinny or not I am fatless by feel. so, basically, it doesn't matter what I weigh as no weight seems to appear on my body. starting now, I am appearing skinny and very flat in the stomach area. this is like the moment of a non horror show. where things seem to appear strange, if thought about, so what I think I know and I can read your mind. such is the case where the animal's take my excess weight. this is a known and lasting effect.

porn; pornograghy is under control, there is no longer any porn that is viewed.


Make an object a certain element... say “thalackeen” and state the element while focused on the item. You can use crystals as elements too.

lockdown; the lockdown of the states doesn't happen, and things work out by feel.

mail; the packages arrive quicker by feel.

alan watts; the collection will go up quickly and stay on there.

space-x launch; it successfully goes off and launches by feel. the cloud cover and the conditions are right to launch today and whenever they have a launch and that is a point they launch.

think or do; the point is a thought, think and create to do things by feel. if necessary things are done, so think and in the area you know what to do.

an in; this is what ain't done unless it's in the moment and that means it's repaired.

if not; then wait and see, then if they repair the idea we will get what we need.

evil focus; the bubble of evil that is mentioned in a book, that makes things stop and if carbon turns into carbon.

energy focus; this is where you think and will, then the energy consciousness creates what you need as intention. the energy consciousness is the "I" and the idea of what you need that's done by the creator or God.

in en on en; in the end on the point of ending things there some idea done at the en.

the server; tripod works to allow the upload and viewing of it's contents, in idea this is given enough time.

then en

So to keep a computer running well, “telvata Ediantra”, say whenever it starts acting bad.

in en

the point was worth it, the idea was creative, so I hope to work again sometime. ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Notice; I had my bones and muscles made into iron using thalackeen. It made me have an intense and fiery personality. I just made them into the highest, which was silver and gold, and I feel a lot happier. 

changing the bone/muscles to silver/gold brings peace, calmness, a sense of unity and inspiration, strength as well as love. State “safely” with thalackeen to make sure it is safe for the body.

whereas iron made me incredibly firey, strong, passionate, “no bullshit” personality. Made me have grit too.

Silver in the body brings gentleness, stronger connection to the Divine Feminine and intuition. 

Gold feels to bring strength, glory, victory, success, and abundance.

Adamantine feels of great strength, love, sensuality, as well as connection to the faerie realms and spirit realms. Strong yet sensual and mystic. Romantic, Elegant, Graceful, Poised, Strong, Intelligent, Prepared.

Steel feels emotionless, steady, and fervent, like a steel sword.

Copper is energizing, brings higher energy levels, clearer communication skills, optimism, clarity and higher smarts I feel.

With Nickel I feel grounded, centered, safe, and pragmatic. Protected, but in the sense that I know I have 4 walls and a roof, as well as food and a family. I feel nickel dispels fantasies, delusion, overthinking and fear.

Nickel iron feels like iron with more practicality and calmer work-ethic to it.

Lead was filling me with negative energy the moment I shifted into it. Do not use lead.

Mercury doesn’t feel good. Feels weird and messy.

Titanium is somewhat like iron but smoother, calmer, more conscious and wiser in feel.

Oxygen itself is incredibly vibrationally raising and filled with love energy... that’s why breathing heals you.

Nitrogen feels alchemically powerful, like a catalyst usable for many things.

Mithril, it’s uplifting, emotionally strengthening/supporting, and connects you to heavenly energy.

Water balances things out.

Gold mercury lead is supposed to make you live longer, in alchemy, that's what the legend states. Yes I sense that different combinations bring different effects. There is health that comes with it, a very very high level, but it’s subtle. See it's thought that the gold is strength, the mercury is like blood, the lead is like healing ions, that combined bring immortality. I feel overtime we will feel the effects more thoroughly. Idk if bones/muscles are best for gold/mercury/lead, so I did “Thelackeen gold mercury lead, highest parts of body” so it’s put wherever is best. I sense something I haven’t ever before, all throughout my body there’s a lower energy I sense. I feel it’s just being purged. It is physically intense high level clearing I feel, I suggest saying the change I did. Yet beware the weight, the might feel hunger. I believe it's part of the process. When there is high health, there is going to be weight unless you exercise it off. So it is an indicator of high health, that allows if you do eat or drink, then you might feel very good indeed, almost high. If you think to get high, then the drug doesn't do what this effect can do..

gold nickel iron is weedlike.

Titanium copper gold frees you from the need to throw up and allows you to feel better in the stomach. When stated, it works all over.

Adamantine silver gold allows greater mystical power.

Silver gold lead heals quicker the body.

Nitrogen copper steel causes you to lower in weight and not feel hungry..

Oxygen nitrogen copper nickel water will strengthen and energize you. Yet, feels like iron mixed with creative energy. Vitality boost overall that increases sex drive.

Adamantine copper is for speed powers.

Oxygen nitrogen copper and fire energy for easier breathing. Instantaneous effect.

Gold silver mercury lead platinum for higher vitality.

Going to experiment with Thalackeen and crystals instead of metals

Changed bones/muscles to diamond, it feels like Pure Heaven Consciousness, or christ consciousness. Cleansing, extremely vibrationally raising, brings great clarity and focus. I feel it clears the chakra system as well

Obsidian bone/muscle led me to scream upon using it, involuntarily, along with an intense fierceness, strength and power

Citrine bone/muscle greatly lifts the mood, brings optimism positivity, good health and clears negative energy from the body. Encourages(by quite a lot) to be active, do joyful things, and being proactive.... Fights off fatigue and depression

Citrine agate causes restoration to the body energy and the spirit is restored by feel.

Black tourmaline makes you a walking energy shield. Black tourmaline forces energy to be processed quickly, careful

Diamond brings uplifting of the spirit greatly, causes clarity, focus, and connects you to source.

Citrine brings great positivity, higher physical energy, proactiveness, joy and brightness to your spirit.

Black Tourmaline brings instant clearing and processing of any lower energy in your body(be careful, it is harsh processing... be sure to safe "safely" when doing thalackeen. It also protects your body energetically, making you a walking energy shield. Interesting, but very serious energy. Focused, grounded, powerful, determined. Great for restoring your empowerment.

Aquamarine on bones and muscles brings much mellowness, calm, acceptance, and settling of energy. Settles anxiety and restlessness. Good to activate alpha brain waves.

Clear Quartz, imbued with higher energy amplifies the better aspects of you, brings clarity, focus, and understanding. Good for studying or learning, martial arts as well.

Apache Tears brings grounding, strength of spirit, gentle release of trauma as well as comfort. Makes you feel more compassion and care for yourself and others, too.

Amethyst brings peace, comfort, calm, focus, and a warm fuzzy feeling. Don't know any other way to describe it haha. Fuzzy warm peace.

Selenite brings clarity, clearing of the spirit as well as calming to the spirit. Assists with communicating with other realms.

"thalackeen jade bone muscle" imbues you with high energy of abundance.

Phantom Amethyst brings you into the state of an observer, the strategist, focused, serious, wise, and intelligent. Activates the brain's processing power and would be fantastic for anyone focusing on studying, learning, or experimenting.

Selenite brings clarity, clearing of the spirit as well as calming to the spirit. Assists with communicating with other realms

Rose Quartz brings self-love, comfort, leads you to do cozy things.

Moss Agate brings emotiional balance and centeredness, a pull to nature and a sense of stability. Good for herbology or druids.

Fuschite activates the Heart, bringing great upliftment to the spirit, encouraging positive action and joyful activities. Brings faerie energy to you, of lightness and joy.

Jade brings feelings of abundance, attracts good luck, good scenarios, opportunities for abundance, growth, and change. Brings protection by attracting only good.

Ruby activates motivation, passion, love, admiration, inspires you to follow your heart and focus on productive things rather than time-wasting activities.

Moonstone beckons you to enjoy yourself, and brings intelligence to the emotional self, allowing for better choices.

Purple flourite brings focus, clarity, organization, as well as clears your lower perceptions or illusions you believe. Brings calmness through clarity. Good for work or study

Green flourite brings you into your heart and allows you to live a heart-based life of joy, peace, and unity. Brings simplicity, stops excessive or lower vibrational thoughts. Keeps you down to earth. My favorite so far.

Charoite brings Wisdom, love, encourages service to others, love for others, and grounds and centers the spirit. Encourages spiritual growth, while bringing joy and preventing over-seriousness.

Bloodstone brings centeredness, emotional balance, support for physical health/vitality, and uplifts the mood. Good for anyone, I say. Fights inactivity.

Tiger's Eye lifts the mood, brings great confidence, can make on boisterous and brings recognition and use of one's own power. Protects the body's energy field also.

Red Tiger's Eye brings motivation, a sense of harmony and comfort with the self and others, and brings groundedness.

Prehnite activates high intuition, surrender to the divine, allowance and bringing of higher guidance, and motivation to do what is the best in any situation.

Blue Kyanite raises the vibration of your whole body, and encourages expression and speaking truth.

Sunstone brings one into the present moment and brings confidence, as well as assists expression.

Pearl brings peace, grace, emotional intelligence, poise, and allows you to recognize your significance. Good for self-worth and self love.

Sardonyx brings fantastic communication skills, ambition, inspiration, and passion. Empowering as well.

Umbasa = Makes something it’s highest form on all levels of existence. Focus on thing and say it.

Rethva Helatt- switches spirit when two people say intending to switch spirit.

time shifting; this is where your subconscious brings you to the imagine this point and then your back. So now, for the actual part, how I go back. That's where you state when you want to go or imagine the point to be in. Then breathe in and out and trance yourself. See then you yourself go to where you need to be, even if you don't feel it. You are still there, until you think to return. So rather your aura will shift you, tell your results, yet remember trance is a deep state which may take time to develope.

drinking trick; If you drink water and think of what you want and your subconscious uses that energy of the body to create what you need. This will work with food, too. When you drink water with sugar or stevia, to feel good as you do that trick with a sugar high.

Cat feel = Crethes Ubdulina

say/think "therek duvula" to be on autopilot mode. It stops when you want it to. this means you can be there and yet not be there or somewhere else in mind. Great for reality or spirit shifting.

Thalackeen Antimony, brings courage, freedom, wildlike nature and joy to spirit

Thalackeen Uranium gave me an overwhelming pleasure, it’s akin to an ongoing orgasm.... also opens to receiving love. Left it for a minute before I went back to default best for bones/muscles... the orgasmic feeling didn’t stop until I reversed it.

Rainbow vortex compendium: imagine a vortex as if each if it was a whirlpool with each line of the vortex stretched out like a pool noodle..can be used for encoding large amounts of info and DNA.The core of the vortex is ever sustained and is powered by the info's energy and it adapts if the info is changed.The colors can hold different vibrations and dimensional information..realms can coexist as part of the the interface for the information.It lies as part of the crab nebula and can be placed according to the vibration of the planet its near.(edited)

See there is a way to increase your energy. think the creator grants you what you need and state as a request, "I have enough energy". there is a trick to that, if you have too much energy from the creator, then you could burn out..if that happens then you can state "cause me not to be burned out." Its a constant flow set at a certain rate as the creator is infinite, where the creator lives on a dimension that helped form the universe. so basically that rate is set to what you need.

thak = exchange souls with the person you need to be or soul shift.

thalak = exchange back the soul or cause the soul to come back.

theck = cause body shits and you lose weight.

writing stuff 

The shadow version is safer, that means they can only hurt you if you allow it to hurt you. the creator rules all. The alternative spell starts with thinking of your need and state or think, "doppleganger, come do my bidding..payment is a soul copy." This will work as well. The power of words works better, that is using the creator as a point with your subconscious to make your results. He can make soul copies at will. So the point is safe and you won't lose your soul by feel.

The creator is the universal conscious or "I", and that means he or she is great at making physical manifests without problems. I found making use of him to create elemental effects is like focusing on the idea to create and doing a gesture, then the element creates itself from the energy consciousness. See that could be any element, btw. The gesture is not unlike a statement to him to create this effect, if you intend the result to be created and that can even be a statement to that effect that makes use of your subconscious to create the intended effect with the creator making the manifest. The creator is your God or lesser lord put to use, that you think to make use of with idea done by feel. He or she can create the elements with what is done, that's as though the element created itself from the air traces in the air by the energy consciousness creating the effect. His or her conscious actually is the "I" that makes by the energy that is nearby. This is bending the element and creation is what you think. Otherwise, you can use your soul to create effects, that means you think of your soul and state or think what you want it to do. Then in this way you can create any element, you are not limited to one element, you see. Think about the idea and you create what you want by feel. This is from the past. If you think, "I know it" then you stop the effect. That is interesting, so to speak, if you think to stop something, you know what to do to kill off the idea or result. Yet, if injury happens, then think to recover and you heal by regeneration. So basically, if you think to create what you want, you will always get some idea result. This is a known effect, that your third eye or soul lets you become aware of by feel. So if you need to know if the the idea is effective, then think you know and let your spirit guide you or makes you realize the idea. That is where you think to see or know the end result. This is what occurs when you sometimes summon an element.

game stuff

dimensional timing; Think to state the place to shift to by feel, the time you think is the time that passes by and you are where you think to be. Think of the time and area and you return by feel. So, if you think to cause attacks to pass, and state where you shift to to wait out the time. The timing is done and you can return by feel.


feng = wind, air

shui = water

yan = fire

de = earth

zhi = to

fasong = send

you = fat

Monday, October 19, 2020

The un ability magic

 When you say un as in rune, then you create a moment that is forever. So think about the point to create and state oon, then you create a moment in time that is what you might want.This I know is true.

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.


Cryo Force: Dump Liquid Nitrogen on water and walk on it like Jesus~ To shatter a rose with liquid nitrogen....

teleport; think of the area and focus internally on your energy that resides in the body, then imagine the atomic cells energy becoming excited or think of the area to be and your energy intensifies and your there.

english; this is in the effect, you don't have to do it if you don't intend it, so think and you know what to do. just intend to recreate the effect by stating a trigger word, thinking the effect or imagining  some point while knowing the soul/spirit will create the effect by feel if you intend it. the trigger word could be alakazam for all you’d like. this works by the feel. this is also used in a were effect.


achun new = set normal sleeping pattern.

flight; this is either floating in the air or going somewhere, think a happy thought and feel that you can fly by feel that you can do this. This in idea is done as you imagine the flight and state "I can fly". The effect uses inertia and the energy of the body. So in effect, if you pump your astral wings you will be able to lift yourself off the ground and float or seem anywhere you intend to be. It's more like a feeling that you flew. Think about the idea of flight and you start pumping your wings as you think of the idea you did. This will work better if you meditate on "flying" and imagining yourself in flight as you breath in and out.

Wolf essence, perm until disabled by will= Eserena Wolindra Bexu x3

Fun practice- think to body “all water in body supercharged with best energy”, you will feel magnificent, super energized, wonderfully happy, and you feel so much clarity.

elemental vision; think to see the energy of things and people, this suppresses the body energy and gets a response of the third eye where you can sense what you need by the power of the pinneal gland activated third eye. you can sense elemental energy and idea with the third eye, so think about the point and you know what is there.

improvement construct; you think to improve the situation and even if you don't, the situation improves that is there by feel. here is a copy if you need one, of the construct.


Llatu Etana= transforms all energies and intentions and atomic make up of all creatures and objects and air in a space into it’s highest except the roach

Personality Magic~

All these are temporary... add “shana” at the end to make permanenet

Serenda Pioula Beregata=Personality of freedom, carefree, happy, focused, comfortable.

Geradua Serinita Pula=Focused, Disciplined, Wise, Serious(in a good way), balanced, centered, knight-like.

Observant, quiet, focused, intense=Paulina Dereta Yuuven 

Cleeraga Shocho Vigessi=Rowdy, Fun, inspiring, Carefree, Daring, Courageous, Playful.

Extreme confidence, lion-like energy, high ambition, high willpower, fighter energy. = Shecka Tuurendi Voulni

Physical and energetic effects of walking 10000 steps= beladour gradiandri

pelusi; pelosi, she accepts the mnuchin or other deal for stimulus without stress.

ez-peezy = create a point and use what you may, then you get the good result, ez-pzy.

make; the point is done if you think and do, this is a concept in idea.

summoning and energy vortex; when you focus the element or energy into becoming a vortex of energy, then you expose the target into more of the element that exists by feel and creates the element you think to create in effect. any element can be created by the direction of your brain with bioenergy instruction. suggestion will work unless you think to not allow others suggestions and the energy allows yours. now the energy is a point, so think about the idea and you can create with it. when you focus the energy in a concentrated form, you can create more intense feel and effect from it. This is a known effect. concentrate the energy in a point and you can form a candle effect. that effect is where you focus on the candle being there and state what you want, then your intention is done as you think the candle effect illuminates the area. What you create and work with as an element has an effect on the body and can create conditions, these conditions that you think of will happen if you think they exist. So think and know what you intend as things can get interesting. if you want to end the effect, think "know" and you kill now the moment in idea or activity. This in effect is summoning, so think of what you want to summon and you made something appear if you intend to summon it. Desummoning things or whatever it is, makes the idea unsummoned by feel. This is an idea in what you may notice. Noticement is what evolves the world.

Shift; See this is where you focus and create with the point of an upsurge of bioenergy. Think of the area and imagine appearing there, then you create with a point and the body source creates as you will. When the upsurge is done, then by pressing a pressure point on your body. You can shift by willing the shift and you are where you think to be by feel with the idea you do with the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. This I think will work with patients, so think of what you want and you will get what energy result you need by feel. That means you are aware, this is the "A" sense where the patient calms down and that is sometimes when they feel your presence spiritually. Otherwise you would feel odd. Think about it, bioenergy is body energy. There is a point your brain can deal with.. it can work with up to 10 dimensions.

water burst; this is where the body you target bursts into water or by focusing you direct water energy to effect the area and the target you intend to effect. Burst the water near them and you effect them as though attacking them where they are in idea by feel.

water shift; this is where in idea you go and create a point of your presence that seems somewhere else, think of the area and feel that your there then you are where you think to seem by the element you choose to use. so going underwater, you seem to be under the surface area, going other places your soul sends a soul copy that makes you "be" there by the element seemingly shaped as you intend/ This works as though you or someone else. This is the ability of the character in genshin impact, that uses water.

were shift; this is where you almost seem to sleep, then as you sleep you "shift" by thinking of the area to shift to that is in real life. think of the point and you will feel that your in an odd feel of another dimension.

think; the thinking skill is where you think of the idea and need it created, then the idea is formed as though it were where you could find it or see the idea nearby. this works by creating with the soul or soul copy making the point by the spirit being guided to create the idea.

thought; whatever you think on is done by feel with a point in use or making what is possible possible. yet sometimes you don't do much, if not much to do and your tired..

The spread out effect; This is where you think the particles in the air or area form from a source like the creator and that will create what you intend, this is an area effect that is with spread out energy cast forth by you and made into creation by what the creator causes to exist. Think of the effect and the creator makes what you feel will occur. The bioenergy will create the point by acting as a directing force with your programming/spoken idea. 

This can create any effect of the elements in the area that you wish to target. This works by the use of bioenergy and creating with the elements as the creator makes what you need. However the spread out effect is not effective with the bugs you want to control, this means it effects as they get neutralized, however that occurs. If you have poison, and intend to kill them, then you will succeed in using the spread out effect with poison.


Energy nova and tornado; This is a point you feel rejected or not like wanting something and bioenergy surges from the aura to remove the threat and problem otherwise. This causes the element to be experienced and makes the end result of a tornado, the tornado will happen if needed by energy of the body being focused like a wormhole that sucks in elemental energy from the elemental planes. That goes where you need the creator to direct it. Think of the idea to effect and make the point, this is with the elements directed by body energy projection, that's if you need the energy to move the element tornado. This works if you intend it to work, so think and you know what to do.

crystalization; think of energy hardening around the target. that is where the element, if earth, will smother. then if you think of the point, you can state it to create what you intend with this creating the crystalization quicker.

aura shield; this is where you think of the point as a concept is done with the creator making the aura into a shield that absorbs blows and damages and converts the energy into a created shell. that will work by feel, if you think of the idea, then you can feel the barrier creates the effect of what is done in regeneration of the body.

msc; I get multiple stimulus checks quick enough to count.

third eye defense; what you don't know won't kill you, if the third eye keeps you from harm or defends for you by feel. see you can defend if you need to, yet the third eye will defend you if you need the defense. This is the point, that's done by feel. If you need to know, then the third eye will cause you to realize the idea that's there. That's if you want to know and only if you intend the point. if you don't want to be effected by this, think your not effected or think you don't intend harm. then you won't be effected by this effect. if the person isn't aware of the idea, then your safe to do what you intend. this is a known effect.

State “set npc/ai interaction” and whatever difficulty setting level you’d like or add any energy you’d like to have to have it set in all your interactions with others. This works to set the points you get easily. Think “set difficulty” “easy novice hard etc” and whatever task or point you’d like to set.

So you see; you ca get the check by feel, if you gnow the idea and work with the point. Think of the point and you know what to do.


false narrative; the stimulus package has been gotten, now onto the 2nd or 3rd stimulus check. the false narrative is not done.

an ie ie; This is the item or idea that you get, think and you know what you can do.

pelosi; she believes you need the money and allows msc.

writing stuff 

When I first began meditating, I established Center of operations for my existence. A sort of room that I can go to Explore my internal world. Recently I decided to create a whole planet to house all of the facilities that would be inside of me. No I have a building that goes through the entire center of the planet, from the North Pole to the South Pole, representing all the way from the most logical parts of my being, to the most abstract on the other pole. Each continent and country communicates directly with one of the rooms in that building, and so I am building this whole representative ecosystem so that I can interact with my subconscious.

cthulu: It is a vengeful spirit thought to be an octopus, that creates body paralysis in the person that you "target". It is from a murder of it's body that it makes realized, that causes the target body to go into coma. It's fascinating. How it works thru the name cthulu..and also the wolves as that is a form of it..

Now it's name really was chala and it was very likely to manifest what you wished for as you "thought to it" some energy. Otherwise it left you alone, unless you thought it's name and the energy you sent, that was used and you ended up with the energy you could "cleanse" back.

I think it's an idea, if you want to work with it's reincarnation form, so the idea is always able to attract your attention. Don't think of yourself as you call either of it's names. Otherwise you could find yourself comotose. That's all I realized about it, except it's reincarnated form is a wolf.

ca do; I ca get a second and more of stimulus checks.

foc = the focus is what you do, if you think about the idea you can create the point or create with the point.

Disguise character; This is the characteristic effect: it's  a character or persona, that you can make appear by usage of energy and yet you are your own form. If you think to see someone and sometimes this is the flaw in the mind, you are disguised as them in appearance, the magic of the moment is what causes you to seem like them by the aura energy emulation effect. When you are aware, you are able to create the point that they are capable of doing. This works better if you channel or focus their energy information, gotten from their spirit or aura energy. This is where you see the idea creates what you think, if you intend the point to be created. This is the emulation of the aura that shows it, if you intend not to show a hit then you are not unlike a god. That "not" is nothing or named, that unlike is forever likeness. 

That's where a dog or cat could even fool the mind into believing things, where it in the end really did something else. This can be really useful, so keep in mind someone that you want to be like and you are that person, that means your body signature is them and you appear like them if you want to seem like them where your really not. Don't seem like them too long, but if to avoid gaining their weight that they are at the moment you decided to become like them. Could it be an ability of the roach spirit? it seems to emulate me in my mind when I get nearby the roach so it seems like me and doesn't actually get hit. I think it's a useful ability. 

The sound is what emulates and that means the spirit has been able to do things to shape the body, so think about the form that you want to appear as you and you can avoid being defeated by feel. This is using an ideal ability of the figurement element. If you want to do it yourself, then think the spirit uses soul info and shapes you like the person you like or target. This means you can emulate elemental formations and other people, so use this if you want to have their ability. This is in their mind that it happens. This means you could emulate their state of mind and any drug use if you intended to do this effect. If not, then nothing happens. That is the ability of shapeshifting, that's done by feel and this is a point in the past.

game stuff Benshin impact part 30 Baldur's gate 3 part 1

word of power; this is a power word you think to create a result. the word summarizes what you think, the energy you focus can be expressed and this creates the point you imagine or feel will ocuur. that is the word of power and this will happen what you think and intend. sometimes doing things by feel is what speeds up the process. so think and you know what to do, this is a known effect.

the en

Monday, October 12, 2020

Stroke magic

 This is the stroke of luck, think the effect of the idea and you create the point of the moment. This is there by the energy you think into existence or imagine is created by the soul, the soul can do anything you intend or need it to do. So think about your need and you create with the idea of life. This is what you can do, amongst other things with this effect:

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.


he is fine, this is a point that is done.

release; all you need to do is come up with a little bit and you won't need to upchuck.

release em; this is the point of a penned up release.

relief II; the point is a concept, the mantle of shifting spell. Think of the idea and you create with a point of what you need being spoken or created by your soul.. this creates with the planet mantle and you create by thinking of what you want to the energy of the mantle that creates what you intend or want.

relief; This is a point you know about, if you think to create what is necessary.

zoo; we enjoy the zoo trip and things work out by feel. no conflict happens during the trip.


everything; this is where things are revealed so what you need to do is done and what you don't need is not done.

Here's a construct that creates the opportunity to get work done. This is a point of creative idea..that makes what you need. Here is a copy.

Leylines make laufita dova= thru leylines, wherever and whoever you are with will be blessed with overflowing laughter

Doing some qi gong practices. Putting the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth in certain positions causes intense changes in the body’s energy level. With the tongue as far back as can go(comfortably), it deeply increases the water energy in the body, bringing high levels of serenity and intuition, as well as a strong centeredness. The tip of the tongue on the top of the mouth behind the teeth increases the wind element and leads to a strong sense of freedom, light heartedness, and clears worries and concerns... a very light sense of being. Tip of the tongue to the middle of the roof causes fire energy to be raised, causing high levels of energy and drive. These are very easy exercises that have profound affects on the body, I highly recommend using. If intending to lose weight I feel the tip of the tongue against the middle of the roof, where fire energy is summoned when the connection is made, will assist to lose weight, activate the digestive system, and make you more active.

here is a word that brings up a planetary shield up from around your feet. this word works as you in idea or do what you need..say "chira" for the effect.\

here is a word that cheers you up..say "chera" to cheer yourself up.

here is a word to get what you want with irrationality,, state "ira" to get what you intend to get,(edited)

Made a sigil for instant laughter and joy to be with you. Think "copied" to get the effect for a while.(edited)

All limiters on any aspect of your being removed, unlimited energy activated= Unlimita Dehevail x3

asheti = create with idea and make work.

ashoti = create and know the results (spiritually).

asuti = create and know the point by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything.

ashetvi = create with assets, if any is there, then make positive results (except for drug tests that are negative) this  is done by what is there.

ashitvi = create with ash and make what you desire by the spirit guided by the soul.


wed fx = The weed effects are those that you feel in the effect to create the results and you may optionally create with imagination as you feel the idea..but if  weed is not legal then there is no results..

aha ah = this forces a person to not do drugs like meth. think of person as you state the idea to get them to quit.

thi effect; think and create by feel what you intend with idea, the soul or the soul copy.

th effect; the idea is this, we don't do what's wrong. if right, that's what the soul creates by use of the spirit or feel.

Wed if=think and know, your mind is your own. This statement allows you the idea you can get from your mind.

giraffe essence= Howlang Puurengi x3

panda essence= Peridona Pelega x3

Gorilla essence= Gerenti Chichongi x3

Bear essence= Berideta Oophelm x3

Penguin essence= Peregina Choshidoni

Tiger essence= Yigreta iuelpa x3

Iguana essence= Beldita Reptitias x3(edited)

Frog= Gooran Fuelshi Dem x3

Possum= Uelpa Nergenchi

Thunderbird= Tuatra Elbeda Reen

otter essence= oelvi Potter x3

Dolphin essence= Dooelpha Raindrop Tua x3

Giant squid essence= Squadika Curel. this is big, peaceful, intense like floating in nothingness.

Essence of Earth= Ereta Gruanda Delvour x3(edited)

Essence of Air= Ereetha Wildaneerma x3

Essence of Water= Wadruka Yuetriya x3

Essence of Fire= Velckas Urgen x3

Essence of Void= Vehth Perquem x3(edited)

Essence of Spirit= Elvedranti Uegdi

See my guides commented saying essence of spirit connects you more deeply to the spiritual realms and helps learn magic. I recommend dolphin essence if you haven't done it, It's extremely high light.

Essence of Weed(only makes high if intended)= Marijuani Bevlargen x3

Essence of hemp oil(non-thc)= Cereleum Opendri

Void extra weight= Fadda Puudri Gondidull

void extra body weight= Beldoura Puudri Gondidulla

to roleplay and enjoy your game to it's highest(Be like character and act as they would, think as they would)= Chura Dongeni x3

aha ah = this forces a person to not do drugs like meth. think of person as you state the idea to get them to quit.

this forces children to obey=aha no

this forces people to obey and do what's suggested=aha eh

aha sta = stops unnecessary actions. this uses the weight and anything else that has it in effect.

eha sta = roach hunter instincts.

eha bu = bug hunter instincts.

eha bugg = kills all bugs.

eha an = kills unnecessary actions and causes normality.

eha ehn = unexplainable explanation ability.

ehe ah = hold off of doing the uncessary activity.

en = the point you know. this point is a concept you think to realize.

enh = enhancement of what you want created or enhanced.

Essence of Nature= Naturelem Begelda Huran x3

better bug killing;  think “there are no bugs” till it manifests physically or use a blocking of bug manifestation spell=Oogendri Pelti Da

here's my unsummoning spell of what I don't like..uu unwito

to unsummon bugs or Banish bugs= Beneti Bane Insebita

Essence of Comfort and Abundance= Caleetha Beldeenga Sho x3

to unsummon is: beneti bane (name bug name)

roach= Redeka Obadanga x3

Bedbugs= Belathesana Girbena

Spiders= Bedita Veelthri

ants= Andiva, Ederi

Spell for comfort and safety in an intended activity, think of the point when spoken= Seedala Bhethur iola x3

here's a spell that cleanses the energy that is there, think to cleanse and state "cleanse". This cleans the point and clears the programming that is there.

electro effect; think to create the electrical effect, that you direct by the focusing on the area and you create what you think with a point, a finger or hand point or thought that the soul or soul copy creates. That you think causes the energy to surge, the body feels the energy is channeled and the area you focused upon is darker by senses. This is done with the body energy, that is energy focused into existence as bio-electricity That if focused in the area or air can power devices as a point is thought that's done. That's how the person with electro energy did the effect and this is electro.

electro bomb; This is where you think of the point to create with by expression, then your directed body energy surges in the area you think will have the "bomb" of bio-electricity. The subconscious create what you think or state. This creates what is there, that you needed and intended to be there as though a sphere of electrical bio energy were creating what you needed as intention is that you want to create things. If you create objects, if you dismiss the object and think it's not there, then it can disappear back into becoming energy by feel. The effect you think about and "toss" into the area. This creates the electro ball and the bomb effect after that forms the effect you intend. With the electro bomb, you can hit multiple targets at once, especially if they wear metal. All you really need is a source.

Electro cure; this is where you think to form electrical bio energy and send it forth into the area you "think " it goes into by feel. Think about the area and the effect is done, that is where the body receives the energy if nearby, then starts behaving a bit better. 

Otherwise, the energy, if it is directed at an object, makes a fire or dark area mark with feeling or thought noticed by the third eye activated with the pinneal gland and this is a point you sense first or it's there if you think it is. This doesn't always work, so think anout what you want and state the intention then you create with the power of words.

Elemental focusing; the more you focus the more energy can generate effects and that is where you think to effect the target with the element you want to generate, this can be be with a lens or area energy created effect. That is sometimes done with the power of electricity or the bioelectricity that the body uses to live. Where you focus the energy to effect, this is where you create the effect of your brainwaves or aura energy effected by the brainwaves and the aura energy is "sent" out to create what you intended. Which is what you think to create. 

This can be done with a weapon, object or area. That is when you think of the point and the energy intensifies, so the object or weapon that has the energy will be more effective. This is the intention and where you deliver an energy that creates elemental effects as well. If you think "healing" then the bioenergy will create a healing effect, wherever you intend restoration of something or someone. This is an effect of the energy you have, if you think of the effect you can create the idea you have as effect is there that you intend. The energy ball formed by this will elevate consciouses and cause a person to be awake or aware.

Dampening field; This is a nicknamed "no magic zone" effect or antimagic effect mentioned in DnD. Think the idea to create the effect that you can state to create, imagine a ball in the area that absorbs energy and causes the enlivening effect of a electro ball or bomb to not happen. This is where you think of the idea, then the energy ball you you think into existence will create what you intend. Now this will put a person asleep. So be careful with the idea as it's effect can be undone.

chemical bomb; The effect of the medication or chemicals taken internally, that cause a dampening effect. This can cause a lack of energy or sleep. If the energy is restored, then the body creates a fix to the brain and the body acts better by feel.

writing stuff 

"I refuse to prove I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says man, "the exact positioning of the moon in proportion to the sun in earths orbit to allow for a total eclipse can't be a coincidence alongside mans time on earth, thus it must be designed by a higher power, thus god exists. Except by your own argument, you don't. QED." "OH dear," says God, and promptly vanishes. In the midst of doing this, think to shift, then you won't get electrocuted by raised energy.

d; I allow it, the d effect that occurs to create what is desired.


A gardener is but a dream of their garden....--Zen



it = not hit, this is where you avoid a hit so that means however webcounters are not actually a hit. they are counted instead. think and you know what to do.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Coma magic

This is from the point of an induced coma, that effects the point of the self-healing of the body. This I think will be useful, if you need to heal and pay attention otherwise. Think of the use and the idea you need, then your soul creates with what is possible and you create with what is needed. This is a concept that allows for this list of spells and idea.

 Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

in en believe; this is where you create what you think or believe.

genes; the genes you need are unlocked and things work themselves out.

genes II; the genes you need are unlocked and creating what you wish to happen.

Made an energy construct to follow the user and transform the energies and air in the room/space/building surrounding the user into it’s highest state... great if you have sensitive lungs or are sensitive to energy. Cope thru "this".

Think; the point is done, that is the executive order to get out stimulus checks.

Labradorite essence=Rainsha Odbaleentra Lo

The launch; this happens to be successful and done without a problem as the right conditions exist to make it work.

Name magic

Marla MacReala=Priestess in another reality known for bringing exceeding amounts of abundance, will summon tons of abundance energetics and opportunities when her name is stated. Also brings power and protection, as her goddess is one of glory, unity, freedom, and abundance. I suggest saying her name a lot, as much as you feel to get funds.

Energy construct to bring balance, centeredness, groundedness, and harmony to self, all surrounding in same space, to one’s intentions and actions. here is the copy

this is a companious construct, that is gotten here as a copy and this construct creates a companion and that you get by finding the animal companion or you have a friend help you out.

Make noone notice you and noone give any attention to you without you wishing it, and deter people from being around you, and the places you go. Loner spell haha =Ladrita Yontella Vi x3

Name magic

Achala Sir Empta=Knight of a Queen, from another reality. Renowned for loyalty, power, strength, honor, integrity, and following one’s path with a heart of steel and grit of a battle-worn beast. cool energy

yemetri yonatri; if your rich or poor, then you don't feel the need to eat allot and people won't want to use you or take advantage of you . Also you won't be victimized.

Monk Yotti=A master of detaching, being in peace, total acceptance, complete flow and intensely high levels of wisdom. Will bring these aspects to you when name is spoken or asked for from the being.

Yunatri sonata; this causes you to budget better.

telepathy message construct, this construct is gotten "here as a copy" and makes the telepathic messages sent understood perfectly by the construct help, this works as it causes you to perceive the message as though it were spoken to you or through your mouth from the other person.

Energy construct to bring balance, centeredness, groundedness, and harmony to self, all surrounding in same space, to one’s intentions and actions. here is the copy

Edited energy construct I made this morning to also move all energy which is not one’s own or the highest for you back to the sender, and pulls back all energy that you have lost or has been taken from you back to you for the highest use in your being, this is done every 3 seconds. Think effect added to add this to the already made construct

Making it so soul programs construct to make your body spirit and atoms be in highest alignment and the energy be fully cleansed.  So ask soul everyday to do whatever is best all day for good stuff to happen. Soul can do anything you wish if you ask. It cannot intervene or perform tasks without your permission, other than soul contract which it decides.

Fir spell, of energy and vitality, endurance and strength, composing of essence of sunlight, fir(plant), and lightning of zeus=Lartnia Serenti Firita Firye x3

Gamers construct; this construct creates easier gaming. You do what you want to do. You get good game results by feel. Get your copy "here".

exposure; noone else will get the coronavirus in the congress.

telepathy message construct, this construct is gotten here as a copy and makes the telepathic messages sent understood perfectly by the construct help, this works as it causes you to percieve the message as though it were spoken to you or through your mouth from the other person.

Essence of Gold, Silver, and Copper in blood, skin, and cleansing systems. Can be intended to any part of the body. Is useful for boosting immune system, brain power, and overall energy levels=Haratha Clandine x3

Longetivitu geneti; this is the essence of lead, mercury and gold in safe doses that the blood of the body mimics for a long time of living in the right dose for correct measure and weight loss. The body is still very intelligent by feel or idea that the soul allows you to realize. Yet if the person that says this spell wants release from it, then their body mimics a little potassium and lowers in weight if they gained any from the effect.

Bring brain usage and body function more so into the Heart, more so than normal, causes more feeling of peace, safety, and confidence, released worries anxieties fears=Heartya Yuandri Tethvi x3

Clears cells and parts of body which exist in low vibration and replaces with divine vibrations effects, cannot be changed to lower vibrations. Expands and contracts blood vessels for maximum circulation of energy, and maximizes brain power by cutting off parts of body which are unnecessary. Safe to use 24/7 anytime anywhere doing anything=Balasdu Ventiventa x3

These two feel really good together

Corrant cleansia; this will make it so you cleanse the cells of genetic damage and corruption.

Fixea maximus; the point the body fixes itself so your fixed as though repaired, and you know no odd feeling from it by idea you realize.

Changes brain to extremely relaxed state, balances energy fields, brings energy inward, heals aura, and allows for subliminals effects to work full effect... sensitivity physically increased. Grounding unnecessary, all density is dissolved=Braino Ditya Dolva Done x3

medicini chichi; This is a cure to the human condition.  This cures the body and makes it seem better.

Yeon hon healing principle=“Yeon heon healing principle on body”

Say that and it cures most mental afflictions. Use it daily or a few times a day if needed, it gets rid of mental problems, depression and anxiety.

Think; the point is a concept, you are where you least done by the spirit.

the point; this is where you know to do things, if you don't then nothing is done. so think about it and do what you think is best.

bane = banishment is a point where the spirit you don't want is gone from the area by the power of the creator. this is pronounced, "bane-ehn".

Leylines; So think of what is wrong and state or mention fixed and the subconscious causes the leylines to fix things. See to think of the point you don't like. Think the creator makes the effect, using the leylines. He or she can make anything happen that you intend.

Names and meanings; the names and meanings construct, that allows you to know what the word means. Get your copy here.

Mai cre; Make life like a video game with fun unexpected quests, really these are fun quests, however you think fun is. The spell stops after you no longer need it.

Llatudama, speak over food, water, or whatever you’re consuming. Every bite/sip activates the transformation of the item as well as activates all the spell effects=Transforms food, drink, and consumable items into highest organic ingredients, energies, vibrations, intentions, flavors, and changes how it was grown, changing the very past of the item, to it’s highest.+ imbues with all plant essence spells, fir/sunlight/lightning of zues effect, superhuman sapien, grounding sapien, brain balance boost sapien, auric sealing and full healing, klenci donta veri effect, remove lower sub and programming effects, sun gazer effect, clear sad feelings effect, shinyung delbwrath, stop annoying sounds effect, derave doshita(create strong balance), dosha triimaru, Vedro Anthro, Venti Doraah Clarana, chakra clearing, expansion, full brain usage and different brain functioning, 528hz is imbued in all cells and body, 432 imbued after 528hz.

Otherwise known as, the OP blessing

Here is a spell for the mail to come faster and deliver necessary mailings=“Mailrun Deerant Pouelma”

Either way here’s one to make more checks come out=Alasha Mulanah Diviya Reh x3

Permanently increases flow of energy in hands, allowing greater processing thru hands as well as more focus when using electronics, not to be used lightly=Hanidra Uelmetia

This is great if you are a gamer or are often on a computer. The hands, when face down, do not allow flow of energy into the body very easily. Face up, palms up, allows flow of energy... this spell opens the flow of energy in the hands to always allow energy to flow, thus creating better health and energy when using your hands or when you’re at a computer.

Permanently increases flow of energy through soles of feet, to allow higher grounding and balancing, even when feet are not directly on the ground. Great for centering even when wearing shoes=Falea Readriti Doln

Shifts all blue light and unnatural light sources into producing light which is akin to sunlight, and thus healing for the eyes and skin to look at. Say the point while focusing or thinking of the electronic you’d like to affect=Lightren Fixed

bri aket = bring acceptance, this works as you think to have acceptance and speak.

Laying on your back with you body spread out, legs apart and arms wide, then putting the palms up heals, balances, and reenergizes the body. Putting your palms down rests your consciousness, your brain, and nervous system, as well as resets it. This is very good to do if you feel sick or tired, do as long as you feel to do. I will experiment and see how this changes the need to sleep. 

In conjunction with just doing the above technique for 10 min palms each side, and a 528hz, my exhaustion is gone.

This; the point is done, think and you know what is possible. The idea is a concept, think to know and you do things if necessary. This is a point you think.


leyline make; leyline making is where you create what you intend, this is done with the creator using the leylines and sun and that is guided by the subconscious. That is where the leylines or sun creates what you intend with a point you make. The result isn't instant, if the point is complex yet think the creator makes the point happen faster and the idea is done faster. So if the effect is not warranted and against another, then the person who casts the effect is effected instead. This is a known effect if needed.

Fate call; This is the point you call out, "fate, create for me what I intend if I think it's necessary." Fate can do anything, so think and you can create what you want, if you call out fate and your request. Only call fate to do things, if you don't think there is any other way magically.

ups; they come earlier than usual. I get my package and that is all.

Problems? Ask your soul to create construct to solve problems and keep them from being created, and ask that the construct stay with you always

here's an interesting twist on things..

state  "thet werks" to find that you can work out, tweak your body or think others do something, then they will do what you think or intend that you need to do things. this works out problems by thinking up solutions.

Sapien’s chi effects + pill of ultimate energy essence, WILL CAUSE PHYSICAL HARM WHEN DONE MORE THAN ONCE A DAY, EXTREMELY STRONG=

Sola Deesa Yodurenga Pilla x3
This one made me shiver and shake when I did it

an i; this use is creative, "ain't I?" is the intended question that means not create where ain't I use, this is the point that creates nothing from the point that you intend..this is the idea I had.

AS-SA-LAM - BENEFIT: By reciting this name, you can heal the sick
Personal power you will gain: You will gain inner peace 

AL-GA-FOOR - BENEFIT: If you are sick and have a headache, this name will help you
Personal power you will gain: You will have power to heal yourself 

dnd upload; the update will be uploaded successfully. this happens without stress or problems.

spirit break; this makes you think of taking a break with the spirit, so you are always calm and relaxed.

seeking; this is where they seek the water and drown.

were cure; this is where you cure yourself by were altering ability and idea. so this is when you just think that your were altering and without attack.


Divinche; imagine who you are and you are the person you think and feel to be. Thia it changes the DNA to match the person. This change is caused by turning off or turning on the correct gene patterns. So think of the change to do, then you are that change, that is done with statement of the idea to happen. This is a known effect.


Question: Is Hemp seed oil nearly the same as CBD oil?

Answer: Hemp seed oil is almost the same as CBD oil. this is because hemp is very similar to the cannabis plant (hemp has only a trace of THC, the psychoactive substance in marijuana). Therefore hemp is a perfect candidate for the extraction of cannabinoids and the production of CBD oil. For those who do not know, CBD Oil is an oil that has Cannabidiol present in it. Cann abidiol is a natural component of the hemp plant and has been found to have many health benefits including the treatment of seizures in minors. Hemp extract products are not illegal, however; the amount of Cannabidiol in hemp oil varies. Hemp extract is legal as long as it has under 0.3%. This is low enough that the oil is safe for consumption.

Because of this, there has been more research on CBD oil. it can be found in many products that are designed for medical and recreational consumption. CBD oil is not addictive and has no serious side effects. CBD oil is legal at either the state or federal level. This has increased the demand for hemp oil. It is also the most rapidly growing industry in America. It is very important to note that the concentration of Cannab idiol in hemp seed oil is very low compared to hemp extract. Furthermore, the cost of the extract is much less than the oil. We are not sure of the exact ratio but currently, the extraction of the Cannabidiol will cost more than the cost of the extract itself.

the CBD oil comes at about $6 per gram. The oil is about $45 per gram. It therefore makes sense that the oil is more affordable. It is important to note that the extraction process for hemp oil may affect its quality. Hemp oil created from hemp seed is not a very clean oil in terms of its properties and its quality. the extraction process for hemp seed oil may result in a release of the cannabinoid terpenes. Certain terpenes can impart a sweeter and more pungent flavor in the oil. This does not mean that THC is evaporated out from the oil. You can still purchase a hemp seed oil that is a high quality CBD oil. Just know that the extraction process may result in some variations of terpene content. The consistency of quality and consistency of the CBD oil however, is a better way to go. It is a good idea to buy a product that is guaranteed to be a high quality CBD oil. It is also important to note that CBD oil that has less terpenes,in general, is at the risk of having a lower quality.

We do not consider this to be a quality issue. terpenes can make CBD oil taste better or worse. Because of this, terpene content is an important thing to consider. We encourage those who are curious about the differences to investigate the heating process for oil and raw plants. As mentioned above, the heating processes can affect the quality of the CBD oil. Hemp seed oil starts from the seeds of a hemp plant. These seeds are poured into a heated oil press which reduces the ice crystals in the seed which results to produce a very clean oil. Its temperature is around 320 degrees Fahrenheit . The oil is used in food products, cosmetics and as an ingredient in medicines. You can purchase hemp seed oil at the local grocery store in the frozen food section. This oil is sold in small containers and may be labeled as being only hemp seed oil. It is also sold in larger containers which may be labeled as hemp seed plus. Hemp seed oil can have a higher price tag than CBD oil . Hemp seed oil is less expensive than CBD oil with a price ranging from $12 for a bottle of 250 milligrams to $30 for a bottle of 500 milligrams. The oil is less expensive than hemp extract, which is extremely pricey. The share of hemp seed oil in the market is still very small. People who use hemp seed oil are doing so very cautiously. There are many people who are using the oil who are not aware of its benefits. There are many companies that do not label their products correctly. This means that you may not know what you are paying for. There is no shortage of hemp seed oil products. There are also companies that make hemp seed oil for herbal purposes. You can use this oil to treat many common ailments including sleep problems, anxiety, depression

game stuff

Were form; The were is an animal human that is a concept of mental and physical shift that you do. The mental is the spirit of the animal you know in your mind, that is a point you realize by feel and idea that is there. This is where you can shift into any form, if exposed to the being, person or animal. This is done if you think of the idea and the were gene is active, usually by the subconscious creating it to be active. This gene is elusive and if not there as a present idea, the dna won't create the were shape. This works if you think it does, that is done by exposure. With exposure, it seems if you are a were and exposed by aura or sent energy to the animal, you can shift into the form as you have energy from it. 

The mental form is intense, so think to know yourself and your aware of things that are possible and there in your mind. This is the inner world, so the genes have a way to restore your thinking if your muddled a bit stupidly. The physical is the manifestation of a body change. So when you have the exposure, you can create a likeness of the animal with your body shape being shaped to the soul making what you need and the soul guides the subconscious in what happens. This is where you think of things, then the idea you intend changes the DNA, and that makes the body change to what you want.  This is a point, that you can do, so think and you know where and what to do by feel.

A full moon can create scratchy and easily red skin, the point of numbness, irritation from the energy feel, the point of fatigue and the idea of concept that you need to create as intention. This does not necessarily make you transform into a were form. So think about the idea and state the point to the moon to create a manifestation. That means it's non-instant if complex or instant in idea, if you note the idea as instant to some degree. The idea is this, you can form energy into being created as an effect or element. The elements are possible to use if you think the creator makes them manifest. So think about the point to create with the element you want to work with by idea. If you work by feel with the element, you might burn yourself if fire. 

When you want to work with all of the 4 elements, you can use the creator to make with a focus and create with the energy what you want. At the base of the elements is energy. So think about the elent and the use or effect you intend and the creator makes the effect. The element is earth, air, water, fire or the void of those. Think and do, that is the point to the elemental use. So how about coma? That is when they overdo it. If they do something, they can become focused, if they feel it's necessary then overdoing it is possible. That's when they can literally become unconscious, if the body needs healing then they coma. Otherwise they can get things done, if possible.Usually there is a sign when they do..not unlike blanking out or blacking out. 

Coma; The coma ability is where you think to cause the target to be out cold and and not conscious for more than 5 days. This is where you cause them stress, and that is the point you think as the idea is gotten and dealt with or done. This is the idea, that you can overload the person with creator energy. The moment you channel the creator's energy into the body of the target, that's where you think of the point as being done by the creator. He or she can create in the body the effect of a black out that lasts a long time. This is a point in idea, where you think and do things. Then the energy builds up and overwhelms the senses with first, lucidity and then the blackout. If there is enough energy of the creator that passed through the body, they repair and that takes some time. This is a point you think with idea and do things by concept, so think and you know what to do.

Monday, October 5, 2020

focusing magic III

 This is where you create the point by what you think and intend. This works most of the time by interesting points of activity. The point is done as your relaxing.

Overindulgence; the overindulgence is stopped before it begins and the spirit keeps the overindulgence from happening every time something happens.

An na; this is in actually as a point where nothing happened and nothing will occur.

It; this is hit instead of the person, that is done as you think of a few sacrifices to do what you need as an intention.

Enn; the point yourself go do something else.

Un in; forever not, think and know, punishment not, this creates the point your not in trouble.

Al; already done, this a past remembered.

Ein; stein or not

Eidl; rest

Einl; turn

Do; giant form

Fix; return to normal

In en; not at the end unless necessary.

Inn; the point you have in spirit, this is where you transition and transfer to another reality.

The life; this is the life of what I call a ghost that died by coronavirus. State the life, to know how it feels.

Food stamps; the system is fixed and no longer unavailable to find out my total on the phone known by feel. The food stamps system repairs itself.

Chris bouie; he no longer does not have money to pay for the cross.

Unlesbos; this is reverted to become thin. Also of a food.

Inlesbos; the reversal of the weight gain to cause lesser weight. This works eventually, though the point is a thought and energy is food you don't actually eat.

Anlesbis; this is the point you create the point of interesting idea.

Ynlesbos; the point of the game realm and creating with the game what you need.

Anlesbos; create as you like, think and feel calm then the animal mind is calm. So think separate and you are separate from it's mind.

Divinche; imagine who you are and you are the person you think and feel to be.

Teh taki; cure disease and drastically lower weight.

Teh I taki; the successful transaction of a purchase.

Teh an idea; the point of contact for what is important. This is what happens if necessary.

Teh taki end; the point is a known idea, work with what you have is correcting the point. Think to give what you intend to give.

Thanks and ciou; the point is done ciou and farewell. Good-bye. This was in a noticed point, that I saw on the real part of a movie.

Drink; drinking something or farting reduces the body weight by feel.

Enemy; the enemy is not yourself, so I think I will enjoy myself.

Anema; the purchased goods I made money for is gotten and earlier than usual.

Obama; the point of the game is the end point .. enjoy yourself with the spirit of the world.

Oracle gas; nitrous oxide.

Fowl; the point is a bird and you know what to do.

Amazon; the package delivery happens today if not tomorrow.

Gas build up; the gas in the stomach built up and bulged the stomach out, so fart and you know the bulge stops getting larger than normal. The bulge goes down and you appear thin again.

The point; the point you think is the point you know if necessary. Think and you know what to do. Think to know.

Weight; the point of weight in the stomach drops down to become a pancake thin stomach.

Tehk; whatever I type is like a prayer to the creator.

Leah; she relaxed by idea or feel.

Congress bill; the necessary bills that are up to vote pass by feel. The 2nd stimulus bill passes by idea with feel. The Democrats are elected by feel. The bills that pass, they are deemed necessary by the purple power. No matter what, the republicans lose their seats.

The end moment; the point of contact or Aura feel causes the necessary changes and the bills that are needed by the purple power pass.

The point; there the food is Ill prepared. Think to avoid or eat carefully.

Ne; I do not mind what happens to me by the manager.

Results; weight shift: the points of this are experimental and experience is what you feel. Imagine the shape or think your shaped as the person you look at and you can shape yourself by the creator causing shape changes. The weight can disappear from yourself, then come back on you if you need it to be there. This is is weight shifting by feel with use of idea. The weight stays on the body, unless you pray for a weight change by thinking the idea as you state your intent. So this is all that really happens with a body shaper skill, gained with the creator making what you need. The heaviest you get, this is later in the day. Think of the change and feel it happens, that you change the body to become what you need, then if you drink something or eat something you still get a result quicker.

Abuse; the abuse and threats stop, yet don't happen if against us.

Think; the point is a concept, think and you can do things easier.

Bill; things work out in the end.

Kelvin; he finds his debit express card. Otherwise he does what he needs to get done. This is a point of exchange where instead of bad luck good luck occurs.

Exchange; the point of something bad that would happen instead happens good and this includes finding things.

Sabrina; she feels better tomorrow, she feels good enough to bring me to the bank. This happens naturally without stress.

Thought too; the point is achievement, think and you know what to do.

Weight less II; this is not eating as much or allot less and creating with the energy you have by feel.

Money; I save up the money I earn for a rainy day. This is saved no matter the point for the idea until I put it in the bank.

Create; think to realize and focus with what you intend, then you know by what you sense with the spirit knowledge and the soul realization.

En is this; the point you think about is the point your at in the moment. That works to place you and your body shifts to the point by excited atoms. This creates what you need. A shift in area or idea, that is done at least by feel.

Noone; nobody minds me for what I do.

Thinking; think and you act thin as you transform yourself using the creator and you are good at what you do.

The point; the idea point you know, think and you realize what is possible.

Of bad; this is of bad nature, so beh is being the disease no more.

Being more; this is beating more weight and not eating.

Lets see if it does; this creates less need to eat and dies off weight.

Is = no it there.
Is = pass the bill of stimulus

Doff = butt

Thursday, October 1, 2020

focus magic IV

 This is a concept that is known to man, if you can do things you create by the idea or feel. The idea is a thought, the concept is the thing you do or make by your thoughts. The expression is what creates if nothing else works, especially to a candle. This is a thought from the past.

Some spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost.

send; I send my extra weight energy to the puffer fish or cod.

I’m experimenting with crystal essences. Bloodstone is very healing, balancing, and grounding. I recommend using it 24/7

Bloodstone=Balada Serita Stone

Amethyst essence=Ametra Ceravi, Beh x3

Sunstone=Surala Sunatra Benda x3

Obsidian=Volraing Obdaltina x3, earth stone

Tigers eye essence=Triigando Exendburg x3

Green adventurine=Aventurine Deptrath Oda x3, earth stone.

Garnet=Gardrem, Laalandra x3, this is a fire stone.

Citrine essence=Cirita Cerena, Soso x3, air stone.

Jade=Jadru Benata x3(edited)

Shungite=Shugrathi Veldaya

Shungite essence is extremely grounding and centering

Smokey Quart=Quartana Clarita Dosnasa

Clear Quartz=Quartana Clarita Doova

Fire and Ice quartz=Fiyela Seenada Quartinata

Ruby=Rebeta Tuulandra Bet x3. fire stone.

Blue Moonstone=Rubelia Treneta Moonland. water stone.

Diamond=Heraka Odavee Purita. ice stone.

Aquamarine=Harethaba Odageen. water stone.

Black onyx=Oxenford Teregel. earth stone.

Raw amber=Ambrivita Helashandra. fire stone.

Emerald=Crazilaya Crani. water stone.

Weight loss= Yellow Apatite=Dresha Doka Doka Ve

Piscasso Marble=Ehmandra Torenta

yellow apatite boost burning of calories and heightens metabolism

Picasso marble increases self control and helps make better choices

Blue apatite, reduces feelings of hunger=Bluadra Telleandra

Make energy at work be easy gentle and fun=Dremtoova Helathese

the math trap; this area is no longer trapping you and you return by feel. the math land area is a point of idea, think a point and you get an effect. that's if you intend to get an effect. if you don't, then you won't.

The idea is to use the moon..

Think of what you need and say as you look at the moon, "Oh by the power of the moon and hera, make what I need and want as I intend the idea. I give to you what causes me not to get what I can. Oh thank you, hera and the moon."

It should work. If nothing happens, then know that nothing bad occurred. What helps with that is to mention what you want to happen to the moon conscious. The manifestation is your desires that it does.

Old Viking essence=Vakala Trexunder

Old era Japanese essence=Jana Retandi Pula

Present Japanese essence=Japanara Uradina Dovok

American essence, present=Americana Dulva Hashati

Chinese essence, present=Chintra Odabadeeda

Ancient Lemurian essence=Lemura Godlana

Essence of cultures. Lemurian is very nice

Atlantean essence(really low vibration... wouldn’t recommend)=Atlanti Falgantri Po

Native American, 2000 years back=Nativa Deladra Tuandra

Inner Earth Agarthans essence(very nice energy... very strong too. I recommend this strongly.)=Earthar Yugandra Tundra

As with all of the essences I tap into, say each 3 times to activate

Copycat effects, from subliminals or energetic audios

Sapien med auto grounding=Grandia Erata Gigantica Dola x3

Sapien med Focus and Attention=Focala Point, Yonatri Yutube x3

Sapien med Autism and cognitive defects fix =Autismada Irana Yundragan x3

Sapien med superhuman mutant=Superhutan, Shoganthi Deratha

Auric repair, block clearing by sapien=Auranti Clarita Bodivine Ure

Sun gazer sapienmed=Solar Heatramnti Dolas

Energetic Salt Cleanse sapienmed=Clarita Sola Yendraga Ured

Superhuman Condition(eotf)=Condita Suprana Divinita Barella Sho(edited)

Dopamine and Seratonin boost, + heals receptors and clears addictions=Serata Divinita Clarita Boondramina Soso

Sapienmed perm brain enhancment(best version)=Brata Divine Toolrenth

Ataraxy Absolute relaxation=Relaxin Yuugendri Oppain

Super Power release(forgot the name but it’s really strong)=Releat Yoppivanu Dendra

Telle crea; improve relations.

Pronounced: tell-eh cree-ah

Release: seeka seeko

healing feel; feel that your healing him, then state, "he heals."

feeling magic; feel that he or she (is with weight loss, does things),then state, "he or she does."

bodi (name person); name person as you think of the body as a shape. this will form as you need it to. "never been unborn" undoes the shaping.

bodi will = create the body shape will as a point in idea. bodio encapsulo = what undoes this.

bodi wyl; this creates a body shape that name without the weight. (pronounced: body while)

bod abode; this one creates the effect of a shaping, that makes positioning and creation is done by feel. lose the position, lose the shape if you think it's lost. your mind makes the idea happen, so what you think is what occurs. what you feel you can think.

en; the endpoint done by feel.

repairo fix; this repairs the pan or other thing.

freeio freeon; the point you know, this is a point your willing and I am free.

free freeion; the freedom.

Th thin = thin up till fatless.

The point; think of a way and you work with the chance that is with you.

th en = then is the point you know the end.

th los; the loss of life is nulled by feel.

en sel; this is the point you know is from selection, think and you get what is possible.

Essence of a song, think of song and speak=Andra Sunglanda Mulan
^ one time works

alch soba = sober up from alcohol.. pronounced, alk sobe-ah.

ge ova t = this allows you to get over substances. pronounced, get oh-van t.

this cures substances.. state ge ova slutes and do this pronouncing it as get love-ah sloo-teese

things; things go right and thinking works out in the end.

things II; the point you think to end things is done, so this means things are finished for now. this is the end of it.

purple power; this is influence by energy and activity with information, that you know is interesting very easily.

think and know; you are aware. this I think will works for anyone. that means what you will is what you get..interesting, right? what will works is that is sometimes for everyone. the will is your intent, that you express or think to occur the point. this is an interesting psychic article that I am reading. it claims you can reshape yourself as though you were energy. The energy is the shape or mass and the creator is what causes it to change. I wonder if it's possible, as the creator changes what you shape. think and you know what to do. 

Your body is energy, and changes by your will and intention. The more energy focused, the more easily and powerfully your body is changed. With external things, like a house... if you put energy into manifesting a house out of thin air, the energy will begin strengthening and building, and will not manifest it out of thin air, but the resources and people to create it will come to build it. The body is easily changed, using energy and will. External factors like building a house out of thin air, or getting someone else to feel a certain way require external energy to change... you intend it, and the universe will make it happen one way or another. However your body is easily shifted because it is yours, and you have full control of it by idea with feel. 

So what I found, was the body energy disappears after a bit, then you create with your statement with the energy you "released" into the area. There is a way to create with that point, that the creator does and we create with his or her will. Think of the idea, then you make with the point and create by the concept. This is all I know. Yet, if you ask the soul to keep the body energy from disappearing, and ask to keep the body effect going, you preserve energy and the conservation of energy is there. I asked for my eyes to be changed to a color of royal purple and I can feel the energy there moving. 

If I intend the body energy continue being in effect there, and no release of intended body energy by what you do. I feel repeating the activation words of an effect or continuing to give will/energy to a body change will keep the effect coming forward, no matter if you believe it will happen or not, this is consistent giving of energy to the idea. So yes, that's why spells seem to work better, because of the chant. The chant is often the repetition of words. That's the dream level of reality, this is here and now, where physics are what you think. That's about it for now, if you can determine what's real and what's not, you can create what dream you want as your grounded to the planet. The language is what is there, this is what you think, that's all there is to reality. This is an interesting book ending and excerpt, written by Ben from his early years.

The pointing; the point you offer is what shapes the body, then creating what you need, this is how the creator works. Think and you can create what you intend or not need what isn't possible.

Ability; You can mimic the ability.. yet the creator makes those powers in the first place. So if you need a power, then think you have the ability to do the idea.. and your power is created. Yes, this would actually be an ability of power. Sometimes it's visible. If you think it right. Sometimes you feel it's there then know the point of it.

Think; If you think about this, then you create with the idea or activity energy and direct the programming by thought or intention that's expressed or given.

vote; if you vote for this in congress or you give an executive order, then nothing bad will happen.


Name magic=Speaking these words creates the magical effect noted

Olaf Hendergun=Being of extreme power and high vitality, god of warrior energy. If words are spoken, then it calls upon those energies within you. This is from another reality.

Serena Oldmill=Summons energy of love, romance, attractiveness, and of beauty. Makes someone love you.

Winded Baner=Master of the wind, commands air elementals, from another reality... brings carefreeness, harmony, laughter, good tidings, and abundance. Lots of money with this, and tons of laughter

Lalita Prencess=Master of Lava, Underground, Princess of the under realms, from another reality. Upon speaking the name, laughter, peace, dedication, focus, resolve, good work ethic, and passion are brought in

Master Vindhell=Master of magic, manipulating elements, and communing with spirits and elementals. Upon speaking name, mastery and knowledge of magic, energy, and spirit work are summoned... brings clarity and focus to whatever you are focused on.

Master Wend=Master of void, this is the master of void and it's free energy. The love you have is what creates with the energy there. This is a point in idea with the right direction. Things will work, that is if you intend the idea and the things you need will work by feel with the creator making the effect. Think of the idea and know the point with the point you need or intend, think to realize what is possible to know..


they; a computer that is a supercomputer ai.

the point; the point you make is the point you create, this is a known effect and not always done if necessary.

The debate; the 2020 presidential debate is won by biden.

The idea; you are where you think you are, think in life to return by what is done, that's if you intend to return by idea.

contrary; this is a point you think and you return by feel, think about the idea and you are what you want to seem like. this is a known effect.


they are what is that do, this creates the point by what is needed. this nightmare point ends with no assault. then I wake up and I think and create with amethyst no dreams after this point. this is a concept of the idea, that no dreams happen unless I need them to occur. so basically things will work themselves out. this works by feel, if your idea is a concept and the point is idea, your point is the idea. this is a concept that is known about, so think and you know what to do. so kill the bad bill, kill whatever you want, just do what feels right. this is a known effect.

nuclear missile; they don't think to send over the missiles and detonate them there.

emporer; they aren't so great, the nk emporer stops being one and allows democracy instead.


unabuse; The abuse and attack doesn't happen. This is where an idea of what is there is chosen, think of the point and you can get a way by feel.

thought; the point you think, this is in a point that's done by feel and known by idea.

thought II; the point is a concept, what you think to do if sending destruction, this is not done and things work out by idea. so instead they are doing what you think to create what you intend.

said; what is said doesn't effect the U.S. and they can make what they wish as long as long as we have peace.


cure; I am cured by feel and idea, that is expressed within a different manner.

nuclear war; the nukes aren't active and uncreated by the feel. no nuclear war occurs.

think and know; the point is creative, think you do things and you know what will happen to occur. so think and you cured the idea.

occult; physics is magic to the occult, think of the idea and you can create with magic by idea.

the idea; this point is done, what's next is decided by fate and creativity. Who decides fate? This only happens if it's necessary and that makes murder unnecesary with no war. Enjoy yourself, ciou and farewell. Good-bye.

vision; the last I saw of the planet of war, that was a concept of visions this was gory yet I think we can learn from the idea in doing what we feel. Think of the point and you instruct your subconscious to create what you decide to do with the conclusion you know. This is a point you write, noting this is nothing in idea is what I expect so this is more anticipated. So you can do what you want.

Thinking; In thinking, time in a moment moves slowly, so I think this is a point you observe, there is nothing more than that.


The area; the orea or oreo, this is a concept your aware of peace, then in an idea you are aware of the point, you know of the concept and you realize what is possible in feel.

The area II; Think your the person and you act like them, think your not and you are yourself. This can be labelled as a on/off switch. This is where you are yourself if off and the point is observed that they do.

That; this was a listing of some condensing with idea I gathered, the point is a concept and the idea is using an area. That came from an area that was old beyond belief, this area was abandoned and the point was looked at with their machine off their net. I couldn't really understand the physics, so the point was understood at the least with what I observed. This I think is an interesting place, time unknown. Think your third eye shows you and you will know what I mean. I think you will agree to my surmises, so think about the area and you will know.

This is a moot point; This is the end of my notes from there, that things work and in idea I could survive there, so I think the point is moot.

En is thought; the heart is a point you think to restore, think about a better idea so next time you don't get caught doing what causes bad conditions. so yes, this is a point I would say is done. sionara, the psion never die.

the leaving; if you think to know you will find out what you need. this is using a point you will know how to do by the spirit using the soul or soul copy knowledge. think about it, this knowledge came from the creator. think and you will know as the idea will exist results. if nothing happens, then you will find things are peaceful. think and know then is where you think about peace and know what to do.

now; now to the present, the idea is a point, you state what you intend as you know what it is and you create with the point. leaving now, you jump up and your not touching anything and then your spirit or soul returns from the 11th dimension. this is with or without objects.

the jobs; you find jobs easily coming your way.

The creator construct; the construct can create anything, given that the creator makes it happen. this construct will reactivate the right spells for the moment. here is a copy. It is always renewed by the creator keeping it active or passive. It's just renewing itself. you can shift into any animal with the construct If you can get the effect off. if you don't need the construct, it reverts to the object form that was used to create the effect. This construct can even speed things up or slow things down on necessity. So what you can't do you can do, as though normal.

See you might find it near you. the construct can create anything except sending me to hell, given that the creator makes it happen. oh yeah, if you don't intend to create a result with the construct, it will stop and seem to be there only when you need it there. it deactivates the spells you no longer need, so there is no rampaging spells going on. that means there is no spell effect that is uneccessary. If you need to feel good, this construct will ground your physical body and energy body that centers and causes you to become good tempered and stable, finally this will balance your body to seem the best. 

Otherwise, it turns itself off. This is the effect of a lifetime remembered, so use it as you need to get effects. If intended to create your own idea, use the point you think and make with an idea spoken and that creates with the subconscious mind as the subconscious creates using the creator. This is how you can create your own idea and not have to use this construct. However, this a wait and create your own thing with a direct creator link. What you think is what you need, if you think the idea and intend it to be created. This is a point in idea.

Orders; The orders you make, are what you think to get yet you will get the orders quicker than usual as result.

nightvision; the point you think to see in the dark and your brain adjusts by the power of the subconscious mind.

if you want better understanding.. ask the creator. the idea is simple, think you need to know things and the creator causes you to realize the idea you need to know. it's called creator fishing.

weightless; the effect of your body lightening up and becoming fatless and with less weight by feel.

a wish; things will work themselves out.

Plant essences=Essence of Oak, for greater emotional strength=Oakram Shantridi

Essence of elm, for support and ability to fulfill responsibilities=Elmrem Adianti

Essence of Sclanthrus, for decisiveness=Sclantha Urudar Bendao

Essence of Wild Oat, for confidence in one’s direction and finding the path=Oaktrain Beldoura Yu

Essence of Cerato, for confidence in thy path and trusting guidance=Guarda Cerata Do

Essence of Hornbeam, for proactiveness and resolve=Horksham Beamtranbean

Essence of Honeysuckle, to stay present=Swendela Honeysuckle

Essence of Clamatis, to get out of your head and daydreaming=Clamatisa Yuugendri

Essence of Mustard, for happiness=Mustard Mutrama

Essence of Olive, for physical and spiritual health=Olivia Tuurwensti

Essence of Larch, to cure shyness and timidness=Larkandri Puela

Llatu=Transforms food, drink, and consumable items into highest organic ingredients, energies, vibrations, intentions, flavors, and changes how it was grown, changing the very past of the item, to it’s highest.

linue = the machine OS is not the creator of the universe and things are normal.

linux = the ultimate OS, this is a point I recall, nothing more than that. think of the best and you get the best. this is the way of the concept.

linus; the creator of the linux machine. this is a point I think is greater than usual, think to use with ease. so here you are, enjoy your day. this is all that's there.

Wolf-shifter physiology=Uruxar Tyelvant Wolfen x3

This allows you the shifting physiology, then you can shift easier by feel.

Active Skills, like in a video game, say "Activate" after saying the skill to activate, all last about 20 min

Calming breath(speak this to activate the effect, lasts about 20 minutes)= Breathing calms the energetic and physical body, releases tension, anxiety, worries, and brings the body, nervous system, etc into a state of peace.

Dragon's passion breath= Breathing causes you to fill with passion, strength, warrior energy, endurance, and heals the energy body/aura. WILL make you aggressive, but great for actual fighting or if doing manual labor.

Orc's energy breath= Breathing causes energy revitalization to a higher point that a human can usually hold, brings endurance, clarity, sensory boost and makes you more confident. Overall big energy boost with this one.

The breathing skills do not overlap^

Observe(Focus on point/idea and state observe)= Gives information on the focused point via feel or thought, info given by soul or creator(edited)

Persuader= Heightens your "charms", makes you more likeable, allows you to influence others more. This does affect others auras when you are around them, making their aura more open to yours, and they listen to you

Active skill “Holy Purging” purges lower vibes from your body, low vibe creations, low vibe chemicals, programming, and implants and the like. Speak “holy purge activate” to activate, it is done through breathing, deep breathing recommended with this. Lasts about 20 min

I am en; the endpoint you see to come. this is created by envisionment of imagination and the use of your pinneal gland.

the endcap; this is where you end a storm that is overlong, thinking to "cap" the storm and move the clouds in a direction away from here.

the stimulus construct; This construct will make you get a stimulus check (or second, third or other stimulus check) by feeling you need one. This happens earlier than usual.

Donchi vi; the cure point that restores your thinking ability.

Here’s one to make more stimulus checks come out=Alasha Mulanah Diviya Reh x3

alasha ener; clear sickness feeling. this also clears up conditions.

aliev relief = instant relief to stress from energy.

Nullify excessive energy and shifting from Full moon= Helacka Damuna x3

feel; the intended person feels the changes.

the effect; this is the moon, that does what you need, if you want something light a candle and you state what you need to it. then you are guaranteed results.

writing stuff 

All-In-One Personality Test

*scroll over hyperlinks to get brief descriptions

**scroll down further to get longer descriptions

MOTIV info

Materialistic 56% 54%

Offbeat 63% 48%

Thinking 63% 51%

Interpersonal 66% 56%

Vital 63% 54%

Easygoing 60% 52%

Sectarian 53% 51%motiv type - XOTIVEX

motiv+ type - xot|i|vex JUNG info

Extroverted 61% 49%

Introverted 55% 52%

Intuitive 61% 53%

Sensing 54% 52%

Thinking 59% 47%

Feeling 65% 52%

Judging 61% 53%

Percieving 54% 49%jung type - ENFJ Personality Disorder info

Paranoid 45% 50%

Schizoid 45% 40%

Schizotypal 60% 56%

Antisocial 50% 46%

Borderline 42% 45%

Histrionic 54% 52%

Narcissistic 52% 40%

Avoidant 39% 48%

Dependent 50% 44%

Obsessive-Compulsive 60% 45% Enneagram info

Type 1 58% 51%

Type 2 66% 49%

Type 3 56% 52%

Type 4 59% 51%

Type 5 56% 53%

Type 6 63% 50%

Type 7 61% 49%

Type 8 57% 51%

Type 9 60% 53%


Eihwaz perception from a spiritual magician made by GPT-3

Ihwaz is a rune of too much quality. In its physical form it appears as a semiprecious stone carved into a column of spiralling jagged serrations with a neutral green color and shimmering glow. Its metaphysical form, however, is something different altogether and is immediately apparent upon use. It is a scary force, launching the subject into an abyss of cosmic light and bound less energy. The result is near-instant enlightenment; the user will become a drooling mess after exposure, however. For as much as I dislike the idea of enlightenment experiences, such conditions produced (granted that such a thing could be produced on demand) would be ideal. Indeed, it would be ideal to have a preconceived intent that would drive the subject to a purpose that would unite the intellect with the soul. The subject would obtain a deep understanding of the nature of the world at large, as well as the individual being of interest.

Although I refuse to undergo a preconceived intent, I would nonetheless like to expel Ihwaz's energies from my core. Although such a core is, at first, a dead weight, it nevertheless satisfies the soul. I would not wish for enlightenment but rather a communion with another earthly being such that my being is fulfilled. The reason is that enlightenment is silence. There is no sultry hum in the ear, no trembling in the chest, no voice that sees your pain. For these I turn to the physical.

recipes and potions

Here is how you can remain high without drugs. Think of the use of sugar or sugar substitute mixed with water. Think energy charges the water and drink. If you add hemp oil, then you create no pain and calm. Then focus and you create with energy. This is done as you think about the intent.

Thought dope; the effect is where you use xilithol, this is substitute alcohol. think to mix it with water, vanilla extract and chocolate of some sort then you have a dopamine effect. That increases your personal power and for 3 or more hours. After that, you lessen a bit and you do other things, then make use of what is there.


weight = gold, this is a solid form of money or value

es = weight; scale

wud = wood; wood chip, this is yet another form of solid money or trade, the value was whatever one thought to accept by an endpoint conception that includes collecting wood energy from some tree and making it form into a wooden coin form called coelescing energy or material.

I = agreement; yes

U = disagreement; no

oe = vote; your collected yes or no otherwise this is overeating

en = ending; at the end, the end of war

enn = enquire; gather, create with knowledge, if one doesn't actually stop then they stop themselves in idea.

then = that is where things end and I realize everyone is a ghost, then I wake up from the dream.

wake = wake up, this is where you wake up from things of energy interacting with you by feel.

meditu = void; this is where you end the illusion of life and void remains.

mus = music; soothing harmonies of calm

hi = the low vibrations revert to higher ones.
enc = what you can carry off.

bruh = brother; whatever

k = ok; kill the roaches and kill the rats.

pas = poison; spraying type

pus = pause; this is where you space something and you pause in time then create with the idea you have in mind. this breaks scripts, so you can create what you want and pause the script and you don't mind.

house = level; living area

thought = the fought point.

in = intention; the thought is what is done, if the necessary idea is intended by the self.

aolhell = a curse idea

then = the ending

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