Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Party magic

This is where you think smd know things. The party will be a success, this is a point of idea. So I think the point is good, whether or not things work out. This means you can see the results. So I think I will do what is necessary and create with a point to make what is good. Think and know is a point here, so I think about things and know what is necessary. This is a point in idea, see ya layer, I will update this blog in a few days. That is where I tell what happens. So ciou and farewell and good-bye till later.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Thought idea with magic

This is how some magic works, think of what you need and work with the results of suggesting it to yourself. The results could be manifest by what you get or do. This is where you think and create, the suggestions are many yet the point is done if you think it's possible or need the effect of what you say. So if you create the point, then you create with your will. This is a point of stating your intent. The past lives you have had are what show your idea or resolve, if you can remember it, so think about the idea and need a result, then you create with willing nature as you need the result. When it doesn't happen, then something went wrong or it wasn't supposed to occur. This is a point in the past.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

in en point

The point is done so enjoy yourself as things occur. You know you set up these events and enjoy what happens. If happily done, then that's all the better. This is a list of things that occur during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Enjoy the read.

Dentist; the dentist will give me enough pain killer to make me not feel the drill for the filling. I do not have another filling to do. This happens without stress.

The tree; this is a point she is satisfied by feel, he is as well. So think and you know what to do.

The point; the point you think and you know, the leftovers are given. This happens without stress and early on idea by feel.

Think; the point is done, think about things and your cured. Danny's problems, he no longer has by feel. The problems with the family, they are fixed by feel.

The point II; Paul m comes out soon enough and brings me to the dinner.

People; people don't mind me for what I do.

Anarchy; the point you think and do what you feel, no matter if its good or bad. You won't get in trouble of putting things on the door. This is done without stress.

Volcanic reaction; this is the point that is made, thinking creates the reaction and that creates eruption. This is a known effect.

Money; if I get any, then I save enough to last the entire month. This works by idea with the point you make. That happens without stress.

Weight loss; my weight goes down quickly, so I think of things better, this is a known effect.

Worry; there is no worry by feel. Enjoy your day.

Disaster; any disaster is averted by feel. Think and you will know better so you do things better. This is a point in the past so think the idea is done and it is.

Dimensia; stop by feel, think the voices aren't there and you turn off the overactive pinneal gland. This happens without stress.

The idea; this is where the weight goes down and things are better in the morning. So think good dreams and work with the point that's given.

Delay; any shipping delay is dealt with by feel. Really the shipment arrival is sooner than usual.

Mail; the mail today brings my packages early and Paul truitt gets his check. This happens without stress.

The release; this is with no guilt, no pleasure or thinking about. The release is a point that you create by thinking about the idea and stating "I won't make this effect on myself." In this way, your safe by feel and create by what you do.

50 dollars; I will get 50 dollars on the 19th of December at the Xmas party for NSO. This happens without stress.
The Amazon mail; they deliver to me the mail earlier than usual and even if I miss them the first time they deliver today and I get the mail. This happens without stress. This is done without worry. I can wait for the delivery.

If I overdo exercise; I will not have gained any weight, instead I will have lost weight.

Am = if things work they work better.

Danny; he manages his money good and easily can afford his bills and things he needs.

Time; its time if enough, think and you know what will happen.

Timing; per each 2 minutes, there is 100 steps. So for 1 minute there is 50 steps.

Preconditioned; this is suggested thought and made idea by a moment. Think and you create what you need by what you do. This is a point done by feel.

A = your
Though = inert, still

Sunday, December 15, 2019

great thoughts for magic

These are some spells that work with the power of words. So if you think to create an effect with the spell, you can make a result if possible. This happens without stress. So enjoy yourself and work with what you get. Ciou and farewell until later, goodbye.

illi onta-malda telma = elvish for: create better conclusion, pronounced [ill-ee on-tan mal-dan tell-man].

tra liban = trade freely, pronounced [tran libe-pain].

illi onta-malda lasta = elvish for: create better hearing, pronounced [ill-ee on-tan mal-dan last-an].

spun ien earan e unnan thein amyx e me = atleantian for: create good hearing and listening for friends and myself. pronounced as [spoon lie-n ee-are-main ee un-main thee-in amid-x ee mehn].

t -o- t did repy eo l-k ui me = he or she doesn't break up lasting friendship with me. pronounced as [t oh t died ee-oh l-k oo-ihn men].

Uu apu qam = undo bad situation, pronounced as [oo-uh ape-un q-aim].

ego uen amyx = I remain friends, pronounced as [ee-go oo-en aim-in-x].

preint Trump did sox t elect e bfr t knon t t ge ypek = president trump doesn't win the election and before he knows it he gets impeached. pronounced as atleantin [pree-int Trump died socks t ee-lecture-t ee bfr t known t t get why-peak].

writing stuff

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Atomic effects

The effect is life, so think and you know about things with the life that you own. This is an effect by what you do with light. If you compact the light energy by thinking the mind compacts the light. Then you create by the feel and work with the energy that exists. Enjoy yourself as you create things. This is a known effect. Ciou and farewell till later. Good-bye.

Some spells; left side of = means effect, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

ilya poita taur ne = remove cloying scent, pronounced [ill-ya point-ah tar neh]

illi pen mavri = null cravings, pronounced as [ill-ee pen mavv-ree]

in focus; this is where you focus in thought and create with the energy of thought itself.

l'vantua morfethe balbau lu'klezn xund. = drow for: the machine makes allowances and things work.

L'vantua xunde. = drow for: the machine works.

L'kleven xund. = drow for: The tools work.

L'kleven dajakk nintan. = drow for: The tools fix themselves.

L'khel ky'kiya ugulove lu'Usstan luth l'ilra'osett. = drow for: The body weight lowers and I cast the effect.

L'khel ky'kiya ugulove z'lonzic lu'Usstan shlu'ta luth l'ilra'osett. Nindol zhah xuil natha venorik ssiggrin. = drow for: The body weight lowers enough and I can cast the effect. This is with a silent thought.

vel'bol rin'ov shinule, Usstan xuat cal ussta ky'kiya. = drow for: whatever occurs, I don't eat my weight.

Ji astux mziln khel ky'kiya, talinth d'l'alurl lu'xun vel'bol dos shlu'ta. = drow for: So undo extra body weight, think of the best and do what you can.

ilya onta-alma-ye alya, ala-urra-ye-llo selma car-ma arya. = create good fortune and good, not bad and you will do something better. pronounced, [ill-ya on-take all-man yehn all-ee-ah all-ah urr-ah yet low sell-man car-man are-ee-ah]

Whatever; whatever occurs, I am not distracted by any scent.

So; So I will do what I ca and create what I think and need. This is a point in the making of a rat and other things that happen.

What ever; Whatever occurs, I am not distracted.

This; this happens without stress.

pause bug; this machine will work without pauses.

make pay; this is where you think make a payment and you get a payment, that exists by feel with what you intend.

upo facy jay yrz = restrain from doing illegal drug use.

bik baua erce = lessen needy demand.

maps 4; the bill for maps 4 passes by feel. this happens without any stress.

donovan; he gets his check in the mail. this happens with no stress.

writing stuff

that will work = the creator's will.

the atomic; This effect is where you think to increase the atomic spin of the body and you lower your weight with water or lemon water intake. Think to impact the area or being with your increased atomic spin and you disrupt and cause any scent to dissipate. So when you think the increased spin is there, the body uses some of it's water that was placed there or naturally existed within the body, then you create with the energy of the body and cause what result you may need. Oh get this, you can create by feel and work with incresed energy. So this is where you think to make something and you do. The idea is effect and what you think is what the aura creates. This means you create with what is there, so that is all for the atomic ability.

The atomic strike; This is where you increases the atomic spin and you create a striking effect that allows you to seem to impact or "hit" someone or something, that is dismissed by drinking water or something thereof.  This can cause a person to go into a coma state or a machine to not work. Otherwise you create a lessening and nullification of the scents that exist. Think about it's use with a hand motion, if you want to use it.

The water and drink diet; This is where you drink water or some acceptable drink. Then either eat a little or not, if you exercise you will lose weight. This happens without any stress. Some disagree with that because you need some food for energy especially if youre diabetic, you just have to eat in moderation. See if you add lemon to the water, then it does, lemon twist stevia especially. You basically add energy to the water, that is why it works for an extended workout. Sometimes plain water isn't enough energy. So you can still get enough exercise by 20 to 30 minutes at least. This is a known effect.

Diarrheic; If you are done drinking enough water, then you get diarrhea and that is guaranteed weight loss. One thing to note: you won't have lost or gained any weight, if you ate more than 600 calories in an hour. So increase your atomic spin and you make what results you will get from doing what you do naturally. This is a noted effect.

light creation; this is the fact of using light energy and focus with a thought, that creates what you need and you make what you desire. This is the effect of light.


coconut lemon twist; This is coconut and lemon with stevia or splenda and water. That has no calories and things work with the drink being a great taste.

coconut chocolate root beer; This is combining chocolate with stevia and water or tea, that has a root beer flavor packet mixed with it. Use a little vanilla extract and you have a cool flavor.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Gifts and presents

I think I will set this into action by stating things. "I will get gifts and presents at christmas time and my party." There, now I know that I will get what I can and if they can't afford a gift, I won't mind it. This is a known effect..Now onto other things by feel..

My list is simple, money, keychain items or stones. This is a point in reference, let's see how close to the list I am in presents and gifts.

So, what I consider ideal in life is not always what others consider ideal in life. This is a noted effect. I believe I can do what is needed and create with a point especially in regard. This is known effect. So if I am not toxic, I will create with the best and ,ake with the point what I intend. So I will leave you now with this thought, "don't always look a gift horse in the mouth." Enjoy your day, ciou and farewell.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Creation magic III

This is some creation point, if you think to create with pinneal gland, that is what can leave you with a life changing point. So enjoy my offerings and the idea is done if you think to use the point as though a suggestion.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

ulti helga mie = ultimate meatball marinara

illi onta-malda telma = elvish for: create better conclusion, pronounced [ill-ee on-tan mal-dan tell-man].

tra liban = trade freely, pronounced [tran libe-pain].

illi onta-malda lasta = elvish for: create better hearing, pronounced [ill-ee on-tan mal-dan last-an].

spun ien earan e unnan thein amyx e me = atleantian for: create good hearing and listening for friends and myself. pronounced as [spoon lie-n ee-are-main ee un-main thee-in amid-x ee mehn].

t -o- t did repy eo l-k ui me = he or she doesn't break up lasting friendship with me. pronounced as [t oh t died ee-oh l-k oo-ihn men].

Uu apu qam = undo bad situation, pronounced as [oo-uh ape-un q-aim].

ego uen amyx = I remain friends, pronounced as [ee-go oo-en aim-in-x].

preint Trump did sox t elect e bfr t knon t t ge ypek = president trump doesn't win the election and before he knows it he gets impeached. pronounced as atleantin [pree-int Trump died socks t ee-lecture-t ee bfr t known t t get why-peak].

writing stuff

recipes and potions

Spiced tea; add pumpkin spice to an orange drink packet in water or tea and mix with stevia. Drink and enjoy.. this is a good tasting drink. However if you add root beer or dark chocolate and vanilla extract you get the ultimate flavor.

pumpkin tea; put pumpkin spice with orange drink mix, then mix with water or tea and add stevia if you want sweet stuff. Then mix together and drink up. This is decent as a mixture, so think to enjoy it if you need it.

butterscotch drinks; if you want a truly amazing drink, try adding butterscoth candy flavoring to water with a orange drink mix and some chocolate or dark chocolate stevia, add extra stevia or splenda for better flavor. if you want to add the drink ingredients to tea then you have chocolate orange butterscoth tea.

pumpkin butterscotch orange drink; this is a specialty, that uses butterscotch flavoring, orange drink mix and pumpkin spice mixed with tea or water and dark chocolate and otherwise chocolate stevia. Feel free to add stevia to the mix if you need this sweet. This is good all-around.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Creative Magic

This is curative as well as developed, so think to use the idea that is there, if you want to suggest the point by feel. This is a known effect, that creates what you want or need. So I will ciou and until I need to write more is the point you do. Good-bye and farewell. See ya until later.

The point; the point in real life that you realize things, this is the point you know to do things with by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Mail; the mail today comes early and I get paid by Lafayette. So I think and won't worry over things. I also get paid by Kelvin.

Yl yll; creators will, this is a being that's alien and will do what is thought as a point is needed or intent.

Of; the point is using an idea in occurance so you create with what you have.

No; a misnomer or point that is a concept (of) intent. Otherwise this is intended as illusion and can safely be dismissed.

Mirror programming; think the mirror you look at is what does what you need, then state the idea as intent to do and the mirror does it by feel.

Aware; awareness is there by what is done and what you think. So if you need to do something, you realize by soul insight what to do.

Guilty conscious; the guilt complex causes a guilt to happen and someone gets blamed. Then the guilty conscious doesn't happen in those that don't deserve it. For those that are violent, the guilt of the moment gets to the person and causes them to have a guilty conscious.

Freezing; it starts to not freeze over.

Mail; the mail comes early and brings my package as well as Evans check. This happens without stress.

1000 dollars; I gain 1000 dollars by feel. This happens without stress.

Weight; whatever I do, I lose all my excess weight and the weight I don't want is gone. This happens easily by focus and thinking about things.

Sluggish; whatever makes me sluggish and tired doesn't any longer make me sluggish and tired.

Mail man; for whatever reason he holds off from coming, he no longer holds off.

Think; think and do, the moment you create with life and make idea with things you know are good.

This; really think and make what is possible. Think about things and you can make concept by what you do and that makes what is possible in life. This is done in idea. That is thinking you know what to do.

Angela; she recovers quickly from surgery and makes good where she can.

Relaxing; I and others manage to relax by feel, that is with this as a command done by feel and worked by whomever relaxes.

Mail; the mail comes early today and brings Evan his check, also if I am getting mail then I receive that as well.

Mail; the mail today comes and delivers my package early. This happens without any stress.

Growing a bulge; I no longer am growing a bulge. Instead I am losing my bulge. This happens without stress.

Gay banging; really this is happy to bang you, sir. Like a gun banging and that uses a created point by statements as suggested thought. No stress occurs during this point.

Saying no; when I say no, I mean no and people respect that point. So that is all for now.

When I think; I consider others, so I think of things and that is what I sometimes write down. If a good idea.

Vandalism; no vandalism happens here after this point.

Paid; I am paid what I need by feel. I know this works by idea given. This happens without stress.

Dimension choice; the dimensional number you choose by thought and statement is appearant as one of the brains interdimension and intermediate action.

This is a dimension that appears to your senses, this is in the mind and external at the same time. So that appeals to the idea you may have.

Enjoy yourself as you say the number thinking its a dimension and having brain images, and that is sensation from the dimensional area itself.

So if you don't want the dimension to be sense, then think your senses sense the area around you and you do. You see, if you sense the dimensional area, then you think about what is there.

Otherwise you sense the dimensions around you and that is all. One thing to note, when you do sense your inner dimension, you don't actually move around.

This is a known effect of the mantle of the planet. That is where you think or state things and the mantle that's plastic either forms the idea or gives you an image of what you want.

This is sometimes called the inner mind world. But, if its formed, its in a big cavern gotten to then by travelling tunnels, also creation can be what you think. This is a point from the past.

Pot stomach; no pot stomach here. This is an end of effect.

That big; I am not that big anymore so I will not ever be that big again.

Amazon; they deliver before I have to go to Thanksgiving dinner. This happens without stress.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

put upon moments

This is a put upon moment by the point that is done. So I think and I know, the idea is what is done. So feel free to work with the point as though a spell using the power of words. This is a point in repast. Enjoy yourself as always, see you until later.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

vampiric removal services; This is the removal of vampires by what you do. Kill a bug or a person and you spread their death and decayance energy. This is a point in effect. Think your spirit uses the soul to create the effect of auratic creation, then you make what effect you need or have in mind. The removal services are where you clear the influence of the vampire, and make what you may with what you have. This is a service that's done by feel and is rewarded by what you get. Think and you know what you can do.

Dhampires are half human and half vampiric, so if you think to use them, then you create by the idea you have as they recieve the thought as energy. That they use as directive energy. If a dhampire that has no actual vampire flaws or increased strength and lack of effect, that's influence where it's by the sun directly on them. So they are immune to the sun and only increase energy and healing by the focus of light. This means you can't really kill them, as they under their vampiric father or mother will revert to vampires.

This is the means of idea where they could become mortal, and they are created by feel with a soul they bite the neck to absorb the energy from a person that could be willing and get this, they are strengthened by death and decay energy. So kill the vampire by staking them through the heart, or vaporizing the boes of their last body. This is a point in effect that removes the influence of the dhampiric sire or mother, and they can suddenly die if they seem to "black out" as a point in idea.

If you kill their vampiric mother or father, then you can render them mortal as a gift of death is always acceptable and that is true death for them. Otherwise they just live and do what they can, that is through aura influencing if they don't appear there otherwise. They are always young and can create by feel. So this means if they exist, the vampire will do as directed, if you need them to do things.

So there is a free barter or exchange by feel. However their need to eat is amazing, so they can block out their sire or mother, that's if they think and their spirit blocks the need to eat that comes from dead things or the sire or mother, otherwise the need to eat is "felt" and created is the point that they desist on the need to eat. This is all I know. So don't bother me about dhampiriic behavior or vampirically made drones. Of course, you may choose to work with people, including the vampire or dhampire, if you can stand them. This only parlays the moment, so think and you know what to do.

They are people that exist except they are without a soul, this is knows as the vampire or dhampire sucked the energy from the blood and they are zombies thereafter by feel. If they lived by the blood, the vampire or dhampire can create supernatural effects directed by the thought they have as a point of energy is the blood or food as a source. So this is a point in idea. If you meet with one, you know what to do. Enjoy yourself. Peace and ciou.

This; the idea is a point that's done, if you state things then they are understood.

Computer thumb drive; the thumb drive works no matter the point. This happens without stress.

focus; the higher the vibrational state, the more you sense and the less your effected by feel. So if you think of the idea, then you are aware of what occurs by the point that is done.

then; the point that's made doesn't matter, the idea is what I'd say is awareness of what is intended. This is a spell of creation, nothing more than that matters. If you think it makes a difference, I am sure you can deal with what you create. That only effects yourself if not accepted by the body and awareness is what is there. So that is all that is possible for now. If your aware that you will gain weight, then don't eat and that is all that matters. Think and you know what to do.

ilya poita taur ne = remove cloying scent, pronounced [ill-ya point-ah tar neh]

illi pen mavri = null cravings, pronounced as [ill-ee pen mavv-ree]

in focus; this is where you focus in thought and create with the energy of thought itself.

l'vantua morfethe balbau lu'klezn xund. = drow for: the machine makes allowances and things work.

L'vantua xunde. = drow for: the machine works.

L'kleven xund. = drow for: The tools work.

L'kleven dajakk nintan. = drow for: The tools fix themselves.

L'khel ky'kiya ugulove lu'Usstan luth l'ilra'osett. = drow for: The body weight lowers and I cast the effect.

L'khel ky'kiya ugulove z'lonzic lu'Usstan shlu'ta luth l'ilra'osett. Nindol zhah xuil natha venorik ssiggrin. = drow for: The body weight lowers enough and I can cast the effect. This is with a silent thought.

vel'bol rin'ov shinule, Usstan xuat cal ussta ky'kiya. = drow for: whatever occurs, I don't eat my weight.

Ji astux mziln khel ky'kiya, talinth d'l'alurl lu'xun vel'bol dos shlu'ta. = drow for: So undo extra body weight, think of the best and do what you can.

ilya onta-alma-ye alya, ala-urra-ye-llo selma car-ma arya. = create good fortune and good, not bad and you will do something better. pronounced, [ill-ya on-take all-man yehn all-ee-ah all-ah urr-ah yet low sell-man car-man are-ee-ah]

Whatever; whatever occurs, I am not distracted by any scent.

So; So I will do what I ca and create what I think and need. This is a point in the making of a rat and other things that happen.

What ever; Whatever occurs, I am not distracted.

This; this happens without stress.

pause bug; this machine will work without pauses.

make pay; this is where you think make a payment and you get a payment, that exists by feel with what you intend.

upo facy jay yrz = restrain from doing illegal drug use. pronounced, [oo-pond face-why jay wire-z]

bik baua erce = lessen needy demand. pronounced, [bike baw-oo-ah er-seh]

writing stuff

that will work = the creator's will.

the matrix of life manifest miracles and attraction 432 hz

acting the part; this is as I was as if acting right for the moment, and I am certain you can get what I was doing. Affirmations 1 Affirmations 2

recipes and potions

The solution drink; Mix into tea or water, coconut stevia, chocolate or dark chocolate stevia and orange flavor packet. Then enjoy. This is a good drink to mix for low calories with coconut.

coconut lemon twist; This is coconut and lemon with stevia or splenda and water. That has no calories and things work with the drink being a great taste.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Dimensionalist class seminar

The dimensional class is where you create with idea and the dimensional consciousness answers by feel. Their magic is suggested thought with the subconscious mind.

Thinking spell; So suggestion in use is where they create by dimensional energy, think about the idea and they make things easily by use of the subconscious and unconscious mind.

Mental boost; this is where your brain sets the aura wave frequency, then as you think and say things the mind that is your brain consciousness does things. So if you think a certain thing, then that is what is created by the aura making what you need in the dimensional area you are in at the moment.

This is done at least to your senses, so think and you can create what you will or need. See that is created by the aura real time. So think and you are area aware if the aura created enough oxygen from the air particles nearby. That is how this works as a mental boost. So think and you realize by the spirit using the souls memories what insight or idea that is there.

The subconscious is their brain activities, so if the brain is aware then the mind is conscious of different states of awareness. This is vibrations that are cast by the aura energy, the brain that exists is the body in awareness.
That is how things can work. Heightened sense of awareness comes from this idea in action, also this can allow the conscious awareness of several dimensions at once.

So if its a boost somewhere, that only means this isn't a point sometimes that you renember and that means you may need more oxygen or herbs to satiate the body. However complex the brain is, that only means its more capable of dealing with the body and what it needs. With or without herbs in use as a stimulus. The stimulation is what you create with and by feel you may crave the point. So if you do, think about not having the substance and you won't need the point again.

Dimensional shift; the shift is done where the brain consciousness creates new sensations and you are aware of things that exist in a new way. So a raise in vibrations are what you think to do with a positive viewpoint.
Think to do good things and you create with the mind, see as you create you raise vibrational states, and then your senses make you aware of the things that are done.

If you don't become aware of things in a higher vibrational state, then you need to think positively and you create an uplifting moment. This moment is the shift in perception, so think and you are aware. This works by the spirit that goes through everything, so if you think about the point and then you are no longer down in feelings. You are feeling better by feel. That is the active spirit, this is the point of idea and creation. So think and you know more of what exists by feel.

Pass the idea; this is where the dimensional being, that is the said person creates a transfer of energy. Think of the person you need to have what you want to transfer, then you create with a point or some action what you need shifted or created elsewhere.

This is a upbringing action, that creates a positive vibe and you can work with others about by use of awareness. If no awareness is there, then the area or place doesn't exist. If you think of a positive result, you are positive and that creates a positive vibe. A vibe is a vibrational state, that will be what creates with some idea you think and that is done by what you need.

So that is a good thing, if you think positive thoughts you create positive results, this is a known effect. What's not known, this is a point you consider, think and things become clear. If it doesn't then think of something else. Bringing yourself down doesn't help anything. Think about a good thing and you bring positive results with what you will, think or consider. This is a known fact of life.

If you do things by thinking positive to bring yourself up in mood, then you help yourself out in the end. That is the known facts of life, think and you will know.

Dimensional created effects; this is where you make results, so think of the area and you are there at least in perspective. That is where you know the point, the spirit makes you aware and this spirit goes through everything. So the spirit makes you aware of what happened, if you think you know, then things will be alright. This comes as insight, that is the soul and this means it can be anywhere.

So think of what you need and you create the point, the subconscious mind is what creates the point. The programming that it follows, this comes from the soul. The point happens if it's necessary. What you create somewhere, that is creatable here. Think the spirit creates what you want and it's done. That is using life energy, so what is death? The absence of all senses except the spirit sense. This is the energy of the body, that creates with a point and that makes what you need.

The death energy comes into existence if you think it does, the cell energy is with decay and that is what you direct by a thought point. This if directed from the body, will make the body live longer. The death and decay energy, if you direct it at diseased cells will be what breaks down the disease. That makes what you think of a cured condition, so think and you know that is where the conditioning of the body is what is undone.

After that, then think positive, wait a minute and you create with a cured body freed of whatever had ailed it. Enjoy the moment and you make with results that you know about. This is a point from what I remember.
So think positive and you can create positively so they say. This is a point you know, so think and you create with a deep subject or concept that comes from the subconscious mind. That is a known effect of life and not much else.

So think about things and you create the idea as you know what you do there, thinking about things leads to actions and that means you make the point by use of the soul and this is what you can observe in real life. So real life is a point in perception, that is a point in the past life.

This is what I remember from that time. So remember, what happens in the past is the past moment. This is what happens, so now is a point that creates memories. See this is what can occur, and what you feel is what also allows you to remember things more easily. That is long term compared to short term memory.

This is what is written, that is the result of feeling things out with insight at the end. The soul is insight, so you can see where this goes. The end point is always better than the beginning, unless you think darkly. So think and you know the point of revelation. The idea is what creates.

I think so you know where knowledge can come from and what you can do with things. This is where positive action is done in perception. React accordingly, the soul can see what is there and you realize the idea from the spirit. This is a realized result from what is done, nothing more than that actually exists. If it does, then you would know about it.

So whatever occurs, you are where you are and that is all that counts. For up until now, things were easy. After this point, things will get different results by what you do. Think about this, the point is a point so live with it.

Timeshift; This is where the point in dimension is a moment and you think to see that moment. When you do, your in a different time that you think about being. When you think of your own point, then the time becomes the moment of time, that is whence you came. This is a known effect. That is all for now. Ciou and farewell, Good-bye.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

some posted notes in magic

This is some posted notes with magic, that you can do things with by feel. Think and you can create with life and death falls away. This is the lesson of the day. Enjoy yourself and think about what you want to do, then your subconscious does the idea if you think to state the point. This is an idea from a past life that I will call a hermit. He grew old and died happy. That's all I can say..

This is some stuff he did.

Some spells

glamour of abundance; this is where you think energy from the creator is expended, then in exchange you get money, wealth an items if necessary.

whatever; whatver is wrong with it, no longer makes it wrong. This is an independant case. So think and you know where you are by now.

Oh; if you know what's wrong, you can fix it too. So I think you can get along with it. see ya.

Special focus; This is where they think to create something with you, and you use the attention as thought energy to create with idea or do what you want. The action takes seconds to do but the idea is what endures unless you don't need it to. This is how things work.

Weight loss; I manage to lose my excess weight by what I do.

omni bentidoct hydro continuata pactus emperoct = permanent fix.

Nindol zhah natha mal'rak dajakk. = drow for: This is a forever fix.

Mal'rak dajakk uns'aa. = drow for: Forever fix me.

G'jahall jal jora. = Drow for: Defeat all rats.

il kluthak ulu kyon lu'naubol's xusst a satiir. = drow for: she seems to care and nothing's wrong by feel.

Uk kluthak ulu kyon lu'naubol's xusst a satiir. = drow for: He seems to care and nothing's wrong by feel.

Zone of fresh air; This casts a zone of sweet air that lasts all day.

game stuff

The invisibility feat; This is where you stay still and possibly move slowly, then you are thinking your invisible and that means you think your unseen. The point you think is what you create by the energy you think to use for stealth. This feat is where your unnoticed, that is until you want to be seen. This feat renders you unseen and thus invisible by feel. The idea is where you can hide in plain sight, so hiding in shadows is what this emulates, except your not noticed when you don't want to be seen. This feat is done when you do a focus check and get 10 or above for success with a roll, otherwise you get the diceless system with 15 or above and otherwise drawing of straws with longest or shortest straw as success.

Enjoy yourself and as I can say, more will come and if you think positive, then you get positive instead of negative. Good-bye and ciou.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

digestive magic

This has to deal with things that create sights by what you think to eat. This is a list of things you work with and create by thinking of what you need, and then eating or drinking something.

The magic of what you digest is what forms things internally, that creates the idea outside of yourself by energy that the body casts off in waves. This wave of energy you can direct, that is where thought you focus creates what you need or want.

This works if you can focus, then what you need and think about is formed by the subconscious guiding the spirit. Enjoy what you eat and drink as if you form things by what you feel in thought. Ciou and farewell, till later.

Thought; the things you think don't exactly happen until you think it does. So your safe to say, whatever you want is not minded.

Free rulide; this is a free ride that you may choose to take. Enjoy the ride.

Dr appointment; he sees me early and I get the shot.

Mail today; the mail is delivered early today. This is done with Evans mail and Donovan's mail by feel.

Swell; if you think this you will unswell. This makes things so you don't swell up in weight to 175 or 180.

This; whatever you think is what you intend, so if you think your not swelling up then you won't swell. What you intend is what the subconscious does by feel. Think and you know what to do.

Creation; create and do, this is the way of life. Enjoy what you have and you create with life itself.

Mail; the mail brings the essential idea and mail, things work out by feel.

Procurance; this is where you cure the mind by curation of the brain. This effects anyone who needs a cure. That happens without stress.

Blessed; this is where you accept the point done and what you want is accomplished. This is a point you aren't diseased and make for what you can. So that is a point you create, think and you are no longer diseased forever.

Time; time is the moment that you do something, this moment moves swiftly by what is done. Think and you create something that causes no stress.

Eh; the point was nice, so you can seem nice too. That is all for the day.

Rulish; this is the point where you create by feel and make things by what is done. This is different by the point, if you make a point you create by vibration as the power of words. This relieves stress and quiet is what happens after.

Lah; lawless
Leah; relaxed and working
Liah; liability in moments
Loah; loaning
Luah; dance
Lyah; lying about idea
Laih; held off
Leih; accepted or lent a hand

Friday, November 8, 2019

Silver magic

This stuff you can do with silver or some gemstone, as you hold or think the gemstone will do the idea, think of what you want and need the idea as a result. The gemstone or silver material will do what you need. This is where you can use this list to create the basic idea for what is required. Think and you know what to do.

Some spells; left side of = means effect, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you.

mail; the mail comes early today and brings evan, paul t and donovan their checks today. I also get my packages, if any come along with my mail.

paid; I get paid today by what is done. this happens without any stress. If not today, then tomorrow. This is a way this works.

tf2; the download of the game is completed. The idea is done by feel without any stress despite how long it takes to install. Its not too hard to install tf2.

people; no war exists between me and leah or others. they treat me better from this point on.

en; the end point is done by feel or not, think of what you need and you create the point.

game stuff

These next idea are for a game, that I posted in the ars dnd and ldnd games on so enjoy what you can of the site.

Sentinel works as though a fighter.

Sentinel (Sentinel)
For the Sentinel's magical skills [#ms] look here. [#sentinel_abl]
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They can tune into the area so they know and gain a +3 to any rolled or no dice check. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Digestive magic (Cha) [#sentinel_abl] and Extreme senses (Cha) [#sentinel_abl].
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) [#Creator_abl] and Emotional creation (Cha) [#sentinel_abl].
4th level 2 bonus feats and creation by idea or feel (cha) [#sentinel].
5th level gains Transformation (Cha) [#sentinel_abl].
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Power of words (Cha) [#sentinel_abl].
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.

  A familiar [Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#famlr] is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 8 and every three level higher than 20th.

Sentinel class ability
This class has 6 abilities:
Digestive magic, extreme senses, emotional creation, creation by idea or feel, transformation and the power of words. They use charisma by the feel, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice. Otherwise you can draw straws and get the longest or shortest cut straw for success. Otherwise a coin toss is possible to make certain to succeed the task.

Digestive magic; This has to deal with things that create sights by what you think to eat. This is a list of things you work with and create by thinking of what you need, and then eating or drinking something.

The magic of what you digest is what forms things internally, that creates the idea outside of yourself by energy that the body casts off in waves. This wave of energy you can direct, that is where thought you focus creates what you need or want.

This works if you can focus, then what you need and think about is formed by the subconscious guiding the spirit.

Extreme senses; the senses are extended and create a sense of calm. The senses are able to create awareness of the moment, think and you can sense things that are almost impossible to know by realization.

This happens to effect your ability to sense the truth. So if you think to extend your abilities, then you create by feel for the sense of falsehood. So you know things by what you imagine or sense. If you don't want to sense it then you won't.

Emotional creation; this is the point that you create with projecting emotional feelings. You can recreate anything you feel, this is done by realization of the moment.

Then focus on the feel of the point you realize by the spirit sense and create the idea by statement or thinking its created, though the soul is what makes this effect, the spirit knows what the soul is doing.

Creation by idea or feel; This is where you think the idea and feel it will happen, then the spirit will create what you need using the power if the soul created the idea.

Transformation; this is where you focus in mind what you think to intend, and feel the change occurs in the body by what you eat or drink as energy for the change. This can cause you to lose weight and allow you to create things from the body change easily.

This is an immediate result by thinking its immediate, yet results prove that this may take moments. Otherwise you could take a year or less. Think to act like the idea you had in mind and you do the intent. If you attempt to transform into a creature, then you will find that creature nearby if any exist for you to change into. This happens by feel, so think and you know what to do.

See with a focus or concentration check that has a 10 or above for normal dicing and 15 or above for no dice, you succeed. What you focus in lengths of seconds is what you can become. This sometimes almost works, so if your concentration breaks after 1 round or a few minutes, then you change back. This is where you create a result in focus ranks.

At 1 to 4 focus ranks you can transform into a dog, cat or other lesser animal like large squirrel or racoon. This includes bugs and similar shapes including female if you were man and man if you were female, that is ruled by your spirit guided by the soul. Again this sometimes almost works, so again if your concentration breaks after 1 round or a few minutes, then you change back.

Otherwise you can transform into yourself again by thinking of yourself as though human and the energy consciousness of the body changes you back to seem yourself. This change takes 1 round

At 5 to 8 focus ranks you can transform back  quickly and become yourself. Otherwise you can change into a nice person that does requests. If an animal shape is required in mind, then you can change into a large creature. This transformation takes 1d6 seconds yet actually is with moments.

At 9 to 12 ranks you can transform into a creature that's huge. This seems to be instant no matter the amount of time you actually take.

At 13 to 17 ranks you can transform into a gigantic creature, known as dragon or wyvern or similar. This is seemingly instant yet may take a few moments.

At 18 and above ranks you can transform into anything, this is including dinosaur or other creature. This is instant yet may seem to take moments.

The power of words; this is effect done by creation with the subconscious, otherwise you state what you need or want and you make the idea intent that you think will happen.

The subconscious creates what you think, need and want by feel, so really this ability is what you think to occur that you state and you make with the subconscious mind as you direct the subconscious by use of the spirit.

If you don't intend the words to effect a result, then they wont do things by idea or feel. This uses suggested idea and creation is done by the spirit using the soul.
If you think to use this by idea, the point you make is what is done.

Sun runner
The sun runner acts as though a sorcerer with light energy.

Sun Runner (sun_runner)
For Sun runner skills in magic system [#ms] go here [#sun_abl].
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons no exotic with ambidexterity and light armor but not shield. This is accurate weapon and light armor proficiencies.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Any level gains +2 to effect or rolls. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains sun weaving (Cha) [#sun].
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis) [#Element_abl].
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Creation [#Creator_abl].
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains spell recognition (Wis) [#Creator_abl].
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Khepser (Cha) [#sun].
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.

A familiar [[Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#famlr]] is gained any level for free or discount. At any time the weaver can enter into a group they choose by feel, however they are Aes Sedai or Asha'man after the point of tests or acceptance. There's 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting with level 10, and every three levels higher than 20th.

Class abilities
This class has two actual abilities, sun weaving and khepser and the rest is whatever they learn. This ability follows the charisma stat as its core. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice. Otherwise you can draw straws and get the longest or shortest cut straw for success. Otherwise a coin toss is possible to make certain to succeed the task.

Sun weaving is a skill that is what creates by the sun or moon where moonlight is sun energy that is reflected here and the light of this is where they weave into things the light of the sun or the energy of the moon.

This manifests what they wish to see, the consciousness of energy is what does the deed of creating the effect. If you don't need the area effect then work with the idea as it will form anyway. This is the form by the feel.

So the effect is the sun energy and what they think and focus to create the sun does for them. This is where they stand in the sun or moon light, and focus on the light imaging a weave of color effect the formation or target area. Then that is what this does, that's by the power of the mind with what you imagine or feel should effect.

So if you think to protect someone or some area, then feel the light of the sun or moon will do what you need. The light does the deed of protection through a dome or surrounding of light. If you focus the light, then you can melt through things. This takes 6 seconds focus.

If the light of day or night is used by imagining you shift to some area then you appear there and find yourself there. If you imagine or think about the effect you need, as you direct sunlight or moonlight then the idea will effect the target or area.

When you create with a point that's spoken or your with thought, you use solar energy and thinking of the point as if an intent is to make the result what you needed or wanted. This is a point in idea, so think about what your intent is to create the idea as an end result with the power of the solar body and its consciousness.

This is felt when you think to create with the consciousness, that's done by words or thought and this is the first step and needing the result directs the light. This is what is directed by the spirit and of what they imagine is what can happen. This then is done as what you think is result.

This effects by a 1d10+cha mod per every 3 focus ranks until level 6 then its every 2 focus ranks for a point till level 12. Then its 2d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks.

After level 18 is reached, then its 3d10+cha mod per every 2 focus points. After level 24 is reached, then its 4d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks reached by feel. After level 30 and onwards is reached, this finally is 5d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks.

If the effect is not instant, then its where you focus per round in melee, or outside of combat in minutes with concentration checks.

Khepser; this is drawing in light energy by thinking its there and sunlight if not there is gated in. This energy changes things from the inside out.

So feel and think and your thinking is what the energy does by transformation with energy, and that's known as a transformation.

This is achieved by a focus check with the energy doing what you want from a 10 and up result. Otherwise use a drawn straw to achieve a result.

What you change into is up to yourself, yet you may also change others. So this seems instant yet may take moments.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The track point magic

The tracking point is where you think of the person and end up where they go if safe. This is when you create by feel and do things using your spiritual senses. So think about the area or the person and allow your subconscious to "find" the person. Then as you breathe in and out think you see them in a sighting by the third eye. The third eye will show you what you need to know. The closing of your third eye is where you think of other things and this  will create other blood focus points in your brain. Then you know the point of peace, when you don't see visions you know you shut off the pinneal gland, that is the third eye. This is a known fact in life, that led me up to the point. So I know this works.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Postal idea magic

This is about things that create and use of postal energy is what can do this idea. If you think to hold mail and work as though the mail's energy created what you needed, then the mail works as energy and what you intend or think is what is done. So enjoy this little post, ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

mantra = “Everything is easy for me. I am capable of anything. Life always works out great for me, wherever I go”. - Great mantra, could feel the energy of it coming into effect. Saying mantras 3 times, or any sacred number I feel is quite powerful.

Soreness = As I’m feeling my body is sore from an intense firedance yesterday... I spoke “There is no such thing as pain. All I experience is joy and bliss” 3 times over and the pain faded and I feel way better.

Money; I gain at least 60 dollars by feel. This happens without any stress.

Sigilizing affirmation(similar thing as visual sigils, cross out repeating letters and then rearrange... so "I am strong" becomes something like "Stram goni") can help with making sure they're implanted into subconscious and are created by feel.

cloaking spell; breath in and out, thinking the energy in the aura makes you unnoticed for what you did as though cloaked. The cloak is where you create with the idea of energy, think the energy seems to cloak you and you are aware of the point. That means you have no actual recognition with what is done from others. The energy is what causes you to not be recognized if your not wanting to be noticed, this effects others and only those you don't want to realize you did things. However, the cloak is revealed by the third eye in use, so if you need to know what is there or done, the energy manipulated by the third eye reveals the things done by spirit use with the soul that finds out information.

Cloaking system augment: This high-power system uses a set of cameras and LEDs to make you blend into your background, rendering you fully invisible to normal vision. However, you may be detected by infrared, sonar, etc.
You might even get a chameleon or octopus mutation that lets you control the pigmentation of your skin to match the texture and colour of your background. Heck, even snipers tie bits of shrubs and moss and leaves to themselves and their rifle as part of their training.

If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.

-- Sun Tzu, "The Art of War, Datalinks"

cleanliness; Sure, if you'd like to clean your life, then clenli is your spell. This is pronounced "clen-lee", think and this does what you think. This idea, the point is done when you think about the point and react better. So this was not brutal, think about better idea that doesn't make you angry. Then you know what you do by feel.

By feel; By feel you know, if you do things then you get results by what is done. This is a point in the past by feel.

illi tancata ma dairiol hya varya = elvish for: fix things funny with all. pronounced [ill-lee tan-caught-ah ma dairy-ole hye-ah vare-ee-ah].

dajakk klezn fa'narow xor b'vecko = drow for: fix things funny or strange.

dajakk klezn naurka ulu tlu yugho. = drow for: fix things harsh to be nice.

morfeth klezn yugho. = drow for: make things nice.

ussta ky'kiya gos harl uss-ravhel lu'hueszith-lael wun ky'kiya z'arlathilu lu'queelas, nindol zhah serus tir a satiir. = drow for: my weight goes below one-hundred and fifty-eight in weight naturally and quickly, this is kept off by feel.

ussta ky'kiya gos harl uss-ravhel lu'hueszith-lael wun khel ky'kiya z'arlathilu lu'queelas, nindol zhah serus tir a satiir. = drow for: my weight goes below one-hundred and fifty-eight in body weight naturally and quickly, this is kept off by feel. no matter the point. this is done by feel.

ussta mem neera milka. nindol zhah xuileb phor triank. = drow for: my stomach becomes slim. this is without overhang.

Ji Usstan tlun naut Kle'val natha yah. = drow for: So I am not unlike a god.

Donovan's lu'Evan's tjeak chu wun l'ly'ryus meun. = drow for: Donovan's and Evan's check comes in the letter form.

Donovan's lu'Evan's tjeak chu wun ly'ryus meun. = Drow for: Donovan's and Evan's check comes in the letter form.

writing stuff

Food; Hold off on eating and give half away.

drink; drink what you want and avoid too much in sugar or any high fructose not in fruit.


Mail: The mail comes today early and brings us our important mail posts. This happens without stress.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Focusing and making

The idea you think is what is created as a due, this is a good suggestion for those that want to do business. If you think of the idea, then you create the point by what you do. This is a known effect of will and desire working together. When it doesn't? There is usually discord amonst the area and what you do directs the point that's done. Think about the idea, then you create with a point and make with a thought. This is all known by feel, if you can't realize what is there then you don't know the area or idea that is created is what you needed. This is all in a good day. Enjoy yourself and you get what you may have. This day is amazing. What you do today is not always what you do tomorrow. So this is an effect of the moment, think and you know what you can do. Ciou and farewell until next time, good-bye.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Short time magic list

This is where you are going to create things and make what you need by feel. That is used by the soul manifesting the idea and you use your spirit to direct by feel. This is using an idea, that you create with the point and make what you need. The idea is done by what you think to do. So what you need is what you get as long as you think you get what you want. This is a point of idea. So ciou and farewell, and good-bye for now I am done with the list.

Some spells; the left side of = or ; means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the effect and look to read mentally the definition. See that's how this works, if you think abou the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This effect is what you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need.

luck; this uses fortuna and she creates luck for you.

Je $erai riche yo = State that and you will be rich and have your subconscious create that idea..

linking to stones; So you want to make orbs that link to stones and enable you to have the energy around you from said stones?
"this" is the trace point, think to see the link or imagine the stone. See if you can imagine the idea, then you can link to it. So "this is another", what you do is think the stone you imagine is sharing it's properties with you. See it's a linkup, that is broken by thinking it no longer shares it's properties. Although, you can even have one shift to you. Then think it comes to your area and forms there where you can find it. See you can give the stone ability. Think it can do things, then the stone does what you want, as you feel or imagine the stone. Note this also works for severing links with people. Think of what you want and you can do the idea.

writing stuff

Cs-137 viewing; Cs-137, its a planet of beings. If you want to see the exoplanet then you know what's on it. Think your soul shows you by insights with vision from the third eye. The subconscious mind will show you what you need to know. Options are to state you need to see this, then think of what you need to see as you 'need' the point known. Then you will see what you need to know. Otherwise think the name "cs-137" and need the planet to show you what is there. That is yet some idea to do.

Manifest; You can carry energy through the day. When you rise with the sun, it is an active and powerful energy carried with you. When you set intentions at that point, carrier by the power and brilliance of the sun, there is no doubt it will be made manifest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

focus idea by a point

Focus with an idea is with a point, these idea work with the point and create by focusing. So I think this is interesting. Think about things that are pointed out and you create with the point.

Think; think a point and you will know things by what is done. This happens without stress.

Mail; the mail comes early with what I need to get. This happens without stress.

Maple; any syrup cancels out hunger that won't go away normally. This can cancel out your weight gain.

Vevazz; laser effect that lowers the weight, this happens without stress.

Icon flight; the Pegasus icon flight is a success in launching the rocket. They don't lose communication anymore with the plane. They verify the system components, the system is go. Recycle is completed.

Also for viewing places, I know its this: think of the place and your soul gets to you what you want to know about the place, area or planet. You realize the insight by suddenly known idea about what you need to know about and needing to know.

That is a seeing idea, and use of your third eye to know about things otherwise. This can see across the galaxy, so I think that their is a way to know psychically what a place is like or what some person is doing.

The medical weed trick; if you want to do magic with weed then think of what you want.. Do weed and focus on a statement you or some other makes. Feel or need the moment you think to create the point with the soul.

The soul makes what you need and then you create by the focus and stated idea. This may work with thd oil and definitely with sugar or substitute sugar.

Mail; the mail comes early and things work out by feel. This is done as I get my packages and things work out by feel. The amazon package arrives today earlier than usual.

The trick; My trick is to combine both "NeuroFeedback with Alpha waves". However, don't do that to yourself though it works with each differently.

This could have potential change in the brain of which isn't really a  sure thing if its positive or negative. See mine was positive, but it changed me psychologically speaking.

I don't know if its good or bad. The thing we define "bad" or "good" is based on conditioning, not complex parameters that have no effect on the human spectrum.

So its good if you treat the person positively, otherwise there's unpredictable results. It's not about behavior it's more about how the brain changes in the future. All we are ,  are memories, so that makes sense.

Forest; the Californian forest is kept and saved, they kept their California forest.

The connection; the connection to at&t is restored by feel. This happens without stress. The inet connection stays connected. This works despite having no connection for others.

Cerul technique; think of what you want and need the idea, then you get the idea you need by feel or relaxing. If you think to create something, then you act by idea and make with what is possible.

Cerulean technique; think of your need and work with a point, this is where you think of something then need the idea as result. The mind or third eye directs the soul, and the idea is done by relaxing the mind and the spirit manifested point directed within by guidance from the soul. This is a known effect.

Direct; the direct approach is this caerin need way. The need you think about and the spirit makes what you need seem to be there by magic. Think of what you like and you create something by feel.

This is in the cerulean viewpoint, what arboreans that are forgotten about do is this, think and do things so the effect is done as if magic happens. This is an idea effect that results in restored memories by feel.

Curating; those really addicted get off their addiction by feel. They no longer feel the need to do more illegal in the area drugs.
This is helped to happen by fate that makes things occur.

Cbd transmutation; cbd transmution is thinking the water is a cbd liquid and drink to discover if it worked.

Down; I don't feel down by what occurs. Think and the relationship doesn't go bad.

Thought; the mail if it doesn't come today, comes the next day by feel. This is a known fact.

Relaxing; this is where you relax and create with idea today except for drugs.

Relax; this is a point, you think to create something with idea you have and this is relaxing by feel.

Swell; when a person says swell I reduce in weight and body shape firms up with a point done  by feel.

S'well; this is a drink bottle, filled to the brim of liquid.

In; this is delivered in mail by what you think to order.

Think; the effect is known, if you need anything ask and I can give if I can.

Mail; the mail is done and delivered early, so the mailed check for Evan and donavan come in by feel.

1 mile walk; take 11th to Robinson up to 14 th street up to walker back to 11th then back to PD. Walk that three times for 5k. This is 3 miles.

Nuisance; this is where the nuisance quits by feel. Thinking of the idea and making do with what you have.

Mail; they come early on and the idea is done with getting me the money. The idea is result of Evan getting his check today. This is known by feel.

Vehicle impatience; this is the last one I will write up for the post, this is where you find the vehicle rush is due to impatience.

The vehicle consciousness is what does the drivers need, so think the driver calms down and doesn't rush things. Then the creator created that result.

This is a point in record. The point is done, you created the idea. So that is that, ciou and farewell, good-bye by now.

This; the fact if illegal is not there. So when you create with a point you make something with idea.
Customs; the basic idea is checked by authorities and things done are in necessity.
Torrents; allot, this is allot of, otherwise mentioned is torrential rain.
On in; the use is comprehended today by idea that seems to occur by idea meant for you. This is a known fact of life. Hope for the best.
Lia; easiness, this is where things get easy by feel and time seems to fly by feel.
Loa; a smooth point like energy that is made from lava flows.

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