Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Love or creation

This is an idea or ability in use, so think of the point as done and the idea is finished. If you attempt to use this, then you create with an idea that spans a lifetime. So enjoy what you can by what results you can get. This is done by thinking of the idea your about to get or need to do, then you create by statement of the right words that create what is desired in effect. This is the power of words.

Some spells

Lava spiking; Lava and elemental spiking is a point you create with the elements or lava by increased energy of the body, some use suggestions to themselves; the elements are water, earth, air, fire or spirit and its done to increase the possible chance of success. If you do the idea of lava spiking, you will receive the effect you think to manifest easier if you amp your power by spiking lava or an element like air, water, fire, earth or spirit. Mentioned various places, the technique is this:
2. Imagine yourself as a stick figure.
3. Draw a line from the lava to yourself in the imagination.
4. Wait 10 minutes,
5. Think to your subconscious or state 'Give all energy except 20% to the lava'.
6. Everytime you want to try and get an effect after this, spike the lava with a thought or stated 'Give all but 50% to lava.'
7. Then think of what you need to get in effect, sometimes stating the idea creates it. So I think if you think it will work that will work. So to cancel the effect is to think of the idea to cancel out and state, 'It doesn't matter.' This effect cancels out the need of the moment that even includes illegal idea. So think and you know what to do. What also works to cancel out the need of the moment is to think of the need and state, 'there's no effect' or 'there's no need to do this.'

Expect results instantly unless illegal, if you think its illegal nothing happens to your senses especially if suggested or given things. So I think this works, especially if your not wanting something. Then the energy does nothing or nothing happens, and you don't create with what is there. Otherwise you could experience a weird feeling. Really this weird feeling is where you think to sense things, and the body's electrolyical activity makes you realize what is there or sensed by feel.

There is no need to this, though you may think there is. So what you think will happen, that's the power of thought itself. That means this is the energy that does things, your thinking about things you need intructs the energy. So if you collected enough energy in the aura to effect, what you think about and need to occur unless illegal will happen results sometime.

If illegal, then there is no need to do illegal things by suggestion, that your subconscious does. That is the effect of energy, this is useful to feel satiated. This is not done in effect, even if you need it otherwise so you don't do the need as if no need to effect. So if you think there is a need, then you can resist the urge if breaking the rules. This is a noted effect of willpower. Basically its the power of the will, that supports your basic idea. So if your will is not allowing something, then you won't do it.

One thing, if you want to try it patiently, don't spike the lava or the element. Unless, you want to speed the process up. And, you will need to adjust your chakra energy to have your body adjust to the energy. This is done, by suggestion to your subconscious, by a statement of 'adjust my chakra energy and cleanse my aura, everytime I give energy to the lava' or 'adjust my chakra energy and cleanse the aura, everytime I give energy to the [element of choice].'

Decaying touch; Decaying touch is an effect that uses the decaying energy of the cells, think and is considered death essence. That is used to create death or decay of the tissue otherwise. Think you can focus death essence and direct it with your mind, that is done to create what you want. This is where you focus your death and decay of your cells, that acts by build up in your hand or any other area as if energy does what you need. The energy doesn't do what's illegal.

If you need it to effect things then it will, so then all you need to do is touch the area or think death essence goes to the area you need the effect and cause decay and death by feel. Otherwise this is numbing as this decays the area. This is useful to use on bugs, so think to use the effect of decaying essence and what you need will occur. This can even be used to kill off disease and pestillence, especially if you think it kills the disease. This can even be used to kill the need.

So think about that idea as a point, that is where you think death essence is used to effect the area and erradicate disease or disorder. If you think death essence leaves the body, then it will go from the body. Sometimes this is painful, except for the fact that if it leaves and dissipates harmlessly in the air, then you create a better working body. This can be a cure, so think and you know what to do.

Willpower; Its the power of the will, that supports your basic idea. So if your will is not allowing something, then you won't do it.

uoa creasn a ergo = stop illegal activity immediately. pronounced as oo-oh-ahn crease-n a er-go.

a nickel; the nickel picked up sometimes with a face showing or heads up, this will clear away bad luck and bad influence. This works all the time, so yes I believe its what works to absorb the bad energy. Just remember to cleanse it, by putting a stream of water over it and imagining a rainbow of colors come from the third eye area, that washes away the negative and creates a more positive feel.

en; this is the end where you feel good and things work out for you by feel. otherwise you not ever do the idea of illegal drugs in a place again. That doesn't allow for the drug. This is a known effect.

writing stuff

DMing by Andrew M.
[Verse 1]
If you like to DM, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me
The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say
I don't share your greed, the only die I need is

The 1 D 20
The 1 D 20

[Verse 2]
Playing for the high one, dancing with the elf
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me
Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you
Double up or quit, double stake or split

The 1 D 20
The 1 D 20

You know I'm born to splat, and that DM is a twat
But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live forever
And don't forget the gnome!

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
Pushing up the ante, I know you got to fail me
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's roll again
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be

The 1 D 20
The 1 D 20
Sung to this song:

The processing cards; They are cards that had pictures and you picked the pictures that brought something to mind. They help memory recall and allow better thinking, by improving the brain everytime you do it.

Drinking; Drinking fluids is a good way to insulate your body. I don't know how you can will your body to produce water. Maybe with reverse electrolysis to take latent Hydrogen and oxygen from the air. But I don't know why you would do that when air is everywhere and I don't know how you can tell your body to mutate like that on command without a transmutation spell.

the matrix of life

Think; think twice of what you do, if you think about things or state the intention then you get results as if an end result.

En; the point is made, if you think about what you want, then that acts as though a need were granted. This is in a way of effect.

in the; the idea is simple, you get what you need or things will work out yet another way. that's as simple as it gets.

acceptance; you decided to accept this reality and create by the feel. Things work by what is done. So think about it and you create what you need.

think; The point you think, then speak about will create what you need or want as a need. This is fun, thinking up things and making the point that happens by the subconscious. This really uses suggestion and it could be from you or me. So if you can get any results, then that is amazing by itself that it happened. If you think to create with the sunlight, then you create without getting tired. This is done by what you feel or need to happen, that is done as you think of the idea as though an intention. Then I think this then is done. So what do you think is fun?

So or not; This is where the soul creates what you want as though a need were granted like a wish. The soul can travel anywhere or otherwise create copies of itself, then you know of what it knows or what you were doing at the time is knowable by feel. Otherwise the point is done "or not" done by feel and that's if you don't think its necessary. So were done serving the nonformed particle beings, for now we will do what is thought necessary and complete sentences. This is done by feel, or not done by the point you make.

An if; This is a suggested thought, that basically is useful. The suggested thought is "I ain't if I do." That is the thought of the day.

lightning draw; create lightning from the storm, this is done by thinking a negative pole exists where it strikes. If you imagine or think a storm exists then lightning will fall on that spot. I'm pretty certain this works, Mainly because the pole is formed of dar matter energy and what you think will occur sometime.

Think and live; this is the end effect of the transfer to another dimension spell via dimension gate. If you dimension door, then you can appear anywhere like any form that you wish or need to exist as by feel. The form an and will be energy, so it can reform its molecules and get what you need. This is a molecular reformation spell by idea. Enjoy and do what you need.

introspection; this is realization of the idea, that is with introspection by what you write.

Reasoning; She is an Alternative of you, think and communicate with her to get some results by subconscious points or suggestions.

definitions: (skip to end)

Wi = With; within or how the width formed.
Widra = withdraw; withdrawal
Mi = Man; indeed
Widran = Withdrawn; to withhold or draw from something with some point or idea.
Widen = with children
Miy = Manic; this is where you focus, intensify your feel and think to do. This works if you think of your area, then you are where you think you are done by feel.
Imi = imitation; image, mimick, mimicking (imiy or imin) or use of imagination, this is using an idea to copy for high regard if imitating another. Otherwise this is a point, that bears no copying.
Unu = unusual; unused idea that is sometimes used.
Uru = nothing; no rush, your rush, this is a point that's done and over with by feel.
Ge = get; gotten or made by idea.
Us = use; make use, kaboose or train car that pulls other cars on a track.
Emu = emulate; condemn you, emulation, or emulated (emun) and that is where you imitated the moment.
Arc = narc; created point of adviser.

game stuff

Ars magic DND; So you still may buy a feat using skill points at 3 skill points for 1 feat. Also, stat buying is 2 skill points per 1 stat raise.

So high bartering that uses charisma means you can bribe instead of rolling speech and give merchants tips on how to improve their business.

There was one quest where you have to get a ghoul that is doing standup and you recommend to the barkeep that he is probably driving away more customers than he brings in with a mercantile check.

If you fail the barter check then he will politely decline your sorry wisdom. If you fail a charisma check to sense if the merchant doesn't like you, then he or she could boot you out of the store.

There you go, a list of all sorts of fun Hex spells that Geisha girls would cream themselves over:

From Arda, borrowed for the luck mod,  The Luck is calculated by use of (Dx + Ch) / 2 and round down. The Luck is added as Luck / DC * 1.8 to add as Attack roll effect modifier. If the value of the luck modifier for the attack is lower than 1, then round up. Otherwise drop the remainder. The luck check is used to determine success of an action. And, it is to combine a rolled d20 with the luck with comparison to a DC.

Ars magic: So if you need luck, then get the luck by a calculated use of (Dx + Ch) / 2 and round down. The Luck is added as a luck stat mod to add as Attack roll or if you need luck as use is an effect modifier, then use the total, also if the value of the luck modifier for the attack is lower than 1, then round up. Otherwise drop the remainder. The luck check is used to determine success of an action. Roll 10 or over for success, roll below 10 for fail where something could happen to you. This is known by what the DM/GM says or does. So think to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability or luck score and then divide the total by 2 (round down).

Luck is supposed to be a very hard stat to increase. But the benefits are bountiful. If you pray to your god in Ars DnD with a luck of -1 or lower he will punish you. How to raise it is to find something and pick it up off the ground for luck if valuable, or whatever you find happens in the luck event. However certain objects that you can find, they will increase your luck bonus.

Regular Luck Adjustment     Event
-2     Break a mirror. (Other glass items have no effect on Luck.)
-n     Breaking n eggs laid by you (at worst -5).
+1     Sitting on a throne (sometimes).
0     Throwing a worthless gem at a unicorn.
-1 to +1 (averages to 0)     Throwing unknown valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
-3 to +3 (averages to 0)     Throwing known valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
+1     Throwing unknown valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+2     Throwing named valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+5     Throwing identified valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
-1     Hitting a blind floating eye (1 in 500 chance).
-1     Killing a tame monster.
-1     Killing a peaceful monster (sometimes).
-2     Killing a peaceful human when you are not chaotic. ("You murderer!")
-5     Killing a co-aligned unicorn.
-5 to -2     Cannibalism (eating your own species), unless an orc or a caveman.
Set to 0     Praying with negative regular luck (sometimes: "golden glow" boon).
-3     Praying on wrong altar.
-5     A sacrifice (not your own race) on Moloch's altars in Gehennom.
-3     Being converted by trying to convert an altar.
-1     Otherwise unsuccessful at converting altar.
+1     Successfully converting an altar.
-1     Sacrificing at another god's altar.
-1     Kicking another god's altar ("Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
-1     Trying to engrave something on another god's altar (also gives "Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
+2     Sacrificing your own race on your own chaotic altar.
-2     Sacrificing your own race on Moloch's altar.
-5     Sacrificing your own race when you aren't chaotic.
+1     Sacrificing, slightly mollifying your god, negative luck.
Set to 0     Sacrificing, mollifying your god, negative luck.
+1     Sacrificing, having a hopeful feeling, negative luck.
Set to 0     Sacrificing, reconciling, negative luck.
0 to +5     Sacrificing, god happy.

Spell learning; Uncastable until you recall it, +1 on successful recall + 2 on first cast + 3 on second cast and so forth.

With that at any level, you can get a new skill. Remember though, you only get a certain amount of skill points.

temperature feat;  The temperature, whatever it is, is not felt. How it works, this is where if your cold or hot, you can invert the temperature as you think and this makes the body not feel the temperature itself. This feat makes it so you don't even sweat after the fact,  that's if you suggest to yourself that point. Otherwise its knowable, this is done by a point of delayed reaction and that is when your body sweats.

Added the remaining elements in the list to the quick list.
Chaos; this is an element that degrades by too much activity. If you feel the energy of the moment, then if too much its chaos. This force is a destructive one and instable focused force. So I think if there is not too much and no actual breakdown of things, then you have a balance between chaos and order. This is a nature of order balance, itself.
Order; this is creating peace and stability by working with something. This force represents a stabiliozing non destructive energy that strengthens and works for you. So I think without order there's chaos and that rules by fire. Think and you know what to do with it. Some order things by speaking or thinking the idea to do, some create by the point and work with the idea that is there sometimes by suggestion. So if you think of what you want, you can order anything.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Focus and creation

This is a trick on words, that is where you state an affirmation to the subconscious mind, the words trick the subconscious into creation or creating a manifest.

This; the idea is a point, think and you know what to do or don't do. So think and you are aware of what you can do with things.

That; the point is the idea, think of your need and you get a good result by feel or need.

Em; they that use the point of them, are possible to work empathetically. Think and you realize what to do.

Idea; think of this, the end justifies the means. That's unless the means isn't just.

Think; the thimble in my sewing kit is missing so I will have to go get one. Seeya.

Fud; food: fudge, this I'd say is energy that you eat and digest. However defined it is.

Unobtrusive reduction; this is a reducing point, that is done by tracing a inward spiral. So this is done over the target and does things, if you think of what you need to reduce as you trace it.

Excitement; the moment stops, the excitement dies down, then calm your able to handle things.

Internal life; this is focused idea and the body working as though within the point you see by the third eye being pinneal gland activated. Imagine or think the point and you create by the feel. 

Think of the pinneal and blood in your brain flows to the gland to activate the third eye, think of something else to deactivate the pinneal gland and close the third eye.

In en endure; this is where you are enduring things and events are a way of relief.

Antwaine; he has the money for the website, this is there by the time I next meet him. Realize the idea and you know what you can do. This is sometimes the way things work.

Ars magic DND; you may buy a feat using skill points at 3 skill points for 1 feat. Also, stat buying is 2 skill points per 1 stat raise.

So high bartering that uses charisma means you can bribe instead of rolling speech and give merchants tips on how to improve their business. 

There was one quest where you have to get a ghoul that is doing standup and you recommend to the barkeep that he is probably driving away more customers than he brings in with a mercantile check. 

If you fail the barter check then he will politely decline your sorry wisdom. If you fail a charisma check to sense if the merchant doesn't like you, then he or she could boot you out of the store.

Decaying touch; this is where you focus your death and decay of your cells in your hand as if energy, then touch and cause decay by feel.

Make and create; this uses the power of words to create what you say will happen. The creator or soul creates, that is done by spirit influence and the brain energy reflected through the aura. The words are created and made in action by what is done.

Feat; temperature, this feat makes it so you don't feel the  temperature. How it works is if cold or heat is there, you can invert the temperature and no longer feel the temperature itself. 

This feat makes it so you don't even sweat, if you suggest to yourself that point. Otherwise its knowable, this is done by a point of delayed reaction and that is when you sweat.

Feats; this is where you focus and think in thought, what you need as if a intention is done by the body or others body that you need. 

You can create with death energy, like a necromancer would use death essence, that is generated by the decay of the cells. 

This is also a point you create by focus, possibility doing an exploding body effect or thinking about things and making by what you feel.

The feat is a feature of the body, that is sometimes created by the subconscious and this is using affirmed idea to create by suggested points.

The counter; this is an en point where you focus and create in en by what is done. You can create a counter if you so desire.

Wi = With; within or how the width formed.
Mi = Man; indeed
Widran = Withdrawn; to withhold or draw from something with some point or idea.
Widen = with children
Miy = Manic; this is where you focus, intensify your feel and think to do. This works if you think of your area, then you are where you think you are done by feel.
Imi = imitation; image, mimick, mimicking (imiy or imin) or use of imagination, this is using an idea to copy for high regard if imitating another. Otherwise this is a point, that bears no copying.
Unu = unusual; unused idea that is sometimes used.
Uru = nothing; no rush, your rush, this is a point that's done and over with by feel.
Ge = get; gotten or made by idea.
Us = use; make use, kaboose or train car that pulls other cars on a track.
Emu = emulate; damnation, emulation, this is where you emulate a real world or this is emulated (emun) and that is where you imitated the moment.
En = at the end moment.
Eco = economy; economic, this is a point of how money is spent or goes in a flow of things.

Monday, June 24, 2019

focused magic

This is where you focus and create by movement, otherwise creating with an idea to make what works by feel. This is a point we share energy of our bodies, that stabilizes the machine and other idea. Then created is the effect that we need by what we want. So enjoy the listed idea as though you could create with the point as you focus and need the idea as if intention were the written words, themselves: These are my idea;

Some spells

the gesture; the gesture is what you use to create a result, that is decided to be used or created by feel.

One spell of peace; This spell causes the peace to exist where war is likely. This is stating to a candle flame, "Make peace around the world by chares that lasts."

illi hir-ye hosta-gaud nanwen-ar-matha = find and get device retun by feel. pronounced as [ill-ee here yee host-ahn gawd nan-wend are math-ahn].

t obj raunix = othe bject returns, pronounced [tea obb-j rawn-licks-x].

u obj stoi = no object stolen. pronounced as [you obb-j stow-ihn].

t theb fuburix t'elf-n- t obj e rauno = the thief reveals him or her self and the object is returned. pronounced as [tee theeb foo-burr-hike t elf en t obb-j ee rawn-oh].

en conf = end conflict.

writing stuff

This; the idea is done, do as you wish. then you know what is done with a point you live. This is a point in the past.

definitions: (skip to end)

fud = food; idea, thought or idea that you feel is needed.
part; act, well, well as you do you do the act.

game stuff

Tengu = ninja; The secretive face working soldier. They serve people, that they need to work with and create as though a point were made. They aren't ninja, if they have a clan.

changes; change the hit die to 100% health percent system, add Step-by-step character page ( using this page ( as a racial bonus listing..

Feats: Infinite dodge rolls - (being jumped doesn't even phase the character), dodging is rolled wisdom in addition to dexterity. Also the more drunk my character is the more damage resistance he gets without dulling his reaction time. Also his unarmed attacks deal more damage the more drunk he is.

Focused Meditation: Gained by monk, Assume a sitting position to still the mind restoring 1/5 health and Mana every turn even in the midst of heated combat. Very confusing to attackers and gives a taunt effect to enemies. //A Zen praticioner should be able to hear the drop of a pin across the room even in deep contemplation.

transmute liquid - This is done by focus and thinking what you want, that's done to change fluids and make it by thought into something that's needed. This is a feat gained by anyone who needs it.

Day Tripper - Can identify consumables just by sampling them. The character knows how to handle his alcohol and basically and other chemical he can put into his mouth, or any other oriface for that matter.

Electrical absorber Blue scaled dragonborn Your scales automatically absorb the lightning strike doubling your maximum MP or STP. Your next spell shall deal twice damage and be doubly accurate.

Divinations: -
10% chance on any attack for the blow to miss, perhaps striking a nearby friend. 1d10 for blows to redirect on the disciple's target.

hyperlight; - This is a point on your way of life and its a choice of yours, lets make certain that you know where your going and that means you should know of things before you go as revealed with insight by the soul and realized by the spirit. So think you go and you go there, otherwise if you don't think to go you won't and you end up back on earth or the planet you want to be on. Once you shift there, you can easily shift to places. What will occur is what you want to occur, this means what you feel should happen will happen.

Once you shift you aren't rememberred as you went hyperlight, this is using the light given off of our bodies aura with thought to end up somewhere or do something else. That is done by closing your eyes or leaving them open and think you go somewhere else. Seeing a picture of the place helps with what you do. Think of what you want and your subconscious does things, that is where the subconscious creates what you want by what you need. This uses any source of energy that you want to use, that is including your own body weight as a source. I am not in an afterlife, so I would know by the spirit what is there. This is advanced knowledge of the enlightened master, seeing that he or she ceased to live 800 years ago.

Then remembering the area or place and thinking of the thing to do as you need to be there shifts you back or to where you need to be, this is just as you feel what you think the area was like. Think of the feel that was there or think of your feelings for the place or the family there to activate it. Then a natural light surrounds your body spreading through the aura, that erases the past point and you are of different intended results. Unless your recorded in doing something or on record then, if on record think to go hyperlight and they won't have a record.

Seeing you can do the hyperlight shift while this can be done standing in place or going to somewhere, still doing things otherwise you can go anywhere you imagine, if you intend to, then you are in other places and times until you decide to return. This means you are remembered and yet you don't make the same mistakes. What is listed in the point thereafter, this won't happen to you unless you want things to occur.

There you go, a list of all sorts of fun Hex spells that Geisha girls would cream themselves over:

Remembering spells; There is spell learning, that is done to declare you will learn a spell and then roll to remember by an arcana skill, then roll a wisdom check to remember it and write it into your character. This is done as if you wanted to learn an outside spell called entice or Summon Golem guardian, that you mention in a spells ability: Entice (Int) Rank 1 or Summon golem guardian (int) rank 1. The more you use this ability, mainly by doing it as though a 1d20+1 and casting it forth, the more the ranks rise with its use. The effect is decided upon by the gm/dm, so think about what you want and you can get a result. []..You now know the procedure for sifting your memories for old spells you learned, sometimes from this list []. If you want to learn harder spells you need to practice extensively in a certain school. Unless you want to walk the path of wizardry and dabble a little in everything...Or solicit a wizard for a spellbook. If you can even hope to encounter one...With a high enough Charisma you might even hire him to tutor you for the day.

Prayer; If you pray to a God, that can be chosen from here [] then you focus your energy to create by conditions. These conditions or idea are events that come up by idea, think about your response and you create the point that you think about as a moment, that exists a vision and your soul is what talks to the God. He might bring up three set paths, or She might come up with something to do. This is a point in idea. That means once you make a deal, then you create the point that you think about as insight or realization. Then you realize the God's name and your not unlike a follower of Him or Her.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Listing effects

This is really just one effect, so think what you need and you may get what is existing by the spirit, and that uses the soul to generate the manifestation result by brain waves and spirit influence that go through the aura by feel.

Buddhism; this is a point you know, so I think this is a concept well deserved by feel. If your a Buddhist, your faith is in the middle path and based on yourself. You deal with things and the basic point of life, this is without having to pray unless necessary.

Glutton; without glutton you lose weight.

Iced coffee; if take in use at least a pot of iced coffee, fast. Then you will shit. Don't guzzle it though, as its concentrated.

Tiredness; if tired then think the creator causes the body extra energy. This is possible with a drink of water as you state the intended effect, otherwise its possible just by thought.

Effect; This is done in thought, the effect though idea is your own. Sharable is that thought. Ownership is done by mentioned names or idea. However, if you own up to the idea, then its your own point you think about by feel.

Exercise; this fixes the brain and body, suggestion forms the rest of the rules that the subconscious follows until countered by your own suggested thought. This is where you agree or don't agree, so you still agree in appearance. 

Reform; if you think to act normal, then suggest to yourself that you reform someone, then in their mind they can see this as a payoff in their mind which is just a brain conscious awareness. 

This is where you think of someone, then think of something and the subconscious feels that is necessary by feel. The subconscious is the brain activity, BTW, so usually if you think you use the subconscious. 

That is done to produce the thought as though manifested in the conscious awareness, this is perceived perception guided by the soul that guides the spirit in its activities. 

That is how the soul gives the knowledge that is realized by the feelings you have in empathic motions with the right thought. If the right thought is not there, then you feel its not right or there in manifested form. 

So think on this, that is used as a relief point by the idea you feel is correct and thinking is what achieves this point as you act to do things. 

So if you dismiss the thought, otherwise knowable as illusion of perception, then the illusion disappears as a point of life. 

This is known as a chakra con point. If anything else exists, then its sometimes something else other than what is obvious or then that is uses in thought. Unless you don't need it, then this is manifestation. 

The idea is this, the brain conscious awareness is what the brain perceives and this is enough of a perception. So think of what you need, then the brain creates what sometimes is needed. 

Oh get this, the brain is what perceives things and your thought is used as a brainwave broadcast through the aura. That is perceived by the third eye pinneal gland, think and you know what to do.

So I think its safe to say, that the illusion of life is easily dispersed back into energy. This is using an illusion of life, think what you want and you could get what you need. 

Also, this is from knowledge gained by magic. So you really don't need to lose an eye for it, like Odin did. This is a point of fact, so think and you can get what you want as though a need.

Need; this came from a need based reality, so take it with a grain of salt. This is a point of fact by idea, think and you can get what you want as though a need were granted by the subconscious mind.

Due note; you can always tell if you shift, that's because things pause and its like your going through a wormhole. So you are where you think you are usually by feel. 

This is a point of perception, that you can see things by feel. So I think its considered the 6th sense, otherwise known as otherworldly perception. This sight is empowered, just by the pinneal gland blood flow in your brain. 

I know so I think so I feel is the way it works. That is where if you think blood flows to the pinneal gland and activates the third eye. 

Then you create what you feel or think and need, this is a point of perception that if used is what perceives what you want. If you don't need to perceive things otherworldly like. 

Then think blood doesn't flow to the pinneal gland. This deactivation causes the third eye to cease, and what you think you can get. However, that third eye perception is interpretable as a sign where you see the idea. 

See this is what is sometimes done by the vibrations, so think about this the sign is what you see. So think you know, and you realize things by what is there.

Think; the idea is what is there, what you see, and sense is what is done or perceived at the moment. This is used ad hoc as though a psychic perception. If you put too much to someone as a perception, then you can blind them to your true self.  

This is used, so you can perceive the act and suggest things. That's as if in their mind by vibrations, this is used to create what perception you need. This is only an act, so think what you want and you may get what you desire.

However, if you think you deserve something. Then act as you may, you could get what you need by feel. This is a perception point, so you know and act according to what you feel. This is only an act.

Deceptive feel; if you feel that the idea is right or correct, then you create the feeling by aura projection waves, the thing you state or think is then alright. 

This is usually an act of deception, so I think its used if you need to successfully lie or tell the truth and be believed. Sometimes its not believed to be true, even if it is. 

So your free in perception, think and know if its real or not. This is how you realize the truth of the moment. Nothing else matters as the perception is the act by things done.

The perception is the act of the mind to perceive things if focus is done on the point. So think and you know, what you perceive or notice. See this is en thought by what is there. 

You know what you see, sometimes this is a conscious awareness. So think to realize is the act of conscious awareness with the soul. This is using an act of the mind, where its self-deception so you realize your inner thoughts. 

This uses things that exist, so you know what you see by comparable view to what you experience. This is a form of mind magic. 

That is where you know things by what you sense. Think and you know what you see. Now if you think this is in idea, then its in perception.

Animal perception; this in idea is used if in perception. This is where you know things by the spirit, when the idea is realized by feel. This is used by animals in idea, that is based in perception and what they sense. Use this if you need to understand them.

What they understand; this is where they know it then, that's picking up upon the vibrations and the brain translating the vibes using the spirit.

Think; the idea is where you see things the way that is naturally done. This is understood by the spirit and created by idea.

Buddha; this about sums this up, if you place a Buddha statue or statuette on a pedestal then you receive the blessings of Buddha and can shift to the area you imagine or think to let your mind wander and then you find yourself somewhere you intend to be. 

This happens by feel and is accounting teleportation points, that you imagine appearing in and your wandering mind is what pulls you there. Sometimes you even find yourself there. So if you combine the Buddha blessings with the shift point, you use the statue to shift to another area. 

This is a well known attribute to the Buddha, so think of the area to be, imagine the place and feel the energy move you through time and space. 

This can even be used to shift your body of energy to the space time area, that you desire to be usually by feel. Its useful to stash things, so you bring things with you. This happens easier with a relaxed mind, just type relaxing or state relaxing and the point is done. 

Think; a thought is what is known, knowledge is not disregarded by feel. This is a point in the past. So waiting is a point, think for what you realize as insight. The idea is over, think of something.

In; the idea is set and good.
Out; the idea is okay.

Its ez now; think and do if you feel its right. This happens without stress.

Successful marriage; be willing to buy things like a chocolate bar. Work together and communicate with each other, also never go to bed angry.

Tv; the TV that was taken is either replaced or returned. The act of stealing physically gets the thief arrested. This is done without any stress. So even if stolen its replaced.

"Thief Eyes" - enhance perception. "It takes a thief to catch a thief." "When two Zen masters meet there is no need for introduction. Thieves recognise thieves instantly.".

Pnd = Pending; upcoming
Acy = Incite; inciteful or knowledge is known.
Leaa = Lemonade; refreshing, this drink if sweetened is great.
Puapli = Power plant; this is the power behind many devices and items.
Tengu = ninja; as a point you know things, so basically at ten you go with what you have gotten. This is an effect of the mind. Illusion is a point the aura projection by focus and thought of what you intend is done. Enjoy yourself.

Friday, June 21, 2019

exotic magic

This is using a bit of exotic magic, using a candle that's lit and a God that is called upon to create what result you may want as a need. So think of the effect and call to the candle flame what you need by statement and you get results by these idea. Enjoy yourself as you do this, ciou and farewell, good-bye.

Some spells

remove glutton; This removes gluttony by feel, think and you know what to do or what it does. This effectively removes glut by what is done, so no gluttony happens.

removal grant; this removes by granting things such as a wish what you don't like. This effects by feel and with no stress.

antwaine; Antwaine answers by feel, the text that I sent. The website he needs is done.

something to do; this gives me something to do, so K am glad to rxemplify the means.

think; the end is near so now I can focus in on what is necessary, this is done by feel.

law magic effect: think a law into an idea by a point or making existence, this effect creates itself by any means you think is necessary. that is fun as all you need to do is think a law exists and it is there. I love law magic with latin, that effects unless you don't need it to create results. Otherwise you could think the en and it did create results. En means in the occult, at the end. What you think is at the end is stopped, or at a natural point where its ended.


star magic; this is a trick of the mind or the thought formed from a star, and what created in effect is what you need or want. the star is conscious with awareness, so think of this as a point you get, that's similar to law magic brought down on the area by feel. so a wish is done with an effect of star magic set by star energy.

ending; this is a point that is a ride.

dice magic; think the effect you need and roll a die, then you create the effect as you need it effected. this effect ends when you no longer need the idea, that's a generated result by what the subconscious does. That is the secret to this effect. this is where it doesn't matter on the roll, all that matters is the roll itself. that is until it no longer effects you or others so it doesn't matter as if antimatter.

en; en this effect.

that will work; this is an effect that makes people think to continue on and do things. if this creates an endless result, think or state en to end it by suggestion or thought to work magic.

en this now; this end the effect you think of by feel, or state and don't need to happen your point you wish instead.

en of this; the point in effect is this you need whare this is at a conceptual point, that is ended by what you need being done. that is where you see what you like and you know what you need by feel. how it ends is up to you, however I am not a part of your mind or any mind that isn't mine. ty.

illi hosta-tuksa lempea imi mirian = gain 100 dollars. pronounced [illi host-ah tuck-sahn lemp-ee-ah imm-ee mirror-ee-an].

completion; the completion is done by going through an ideal and writing what you sense, feel or see in a third eye vision.

end of this; the end is the same for anyone that realizes by insight how things will end. so somehow think of this as though thought were what you gained from things here. over there anything is possible. over here anything that you want by needing the idea is probable. so think of this the next time you think to visit. ty and I expect you to not ever come back here, since your used to unlimited idea or actions that don't depend on thought. this is where I ciou and hope you enjoy yourself. Good-bye for now and forever.

writing stuff

This came from an old website: We accept checks and credit cards through Paypal, we also accept moey grams and western union and you can call us from a grocery store, once you sign a money gram form. No cash by mail. For a limited time offer, you can buy four cd's for 25 dollars, no cash by mail or feel free to use money grams or western union.

silence; the silence with a positive feel is yes, the silence with a negative feel is a no. The silence that is just silence, this is maybe or something that's possible to happen once conditions are right. This is a point that occurs sometimes, when you have a question or idea that you need and you need an answer or point in return.

think; the focus point is done, think and know what is due so you can deal with it at the right time.

in an alternative; this is usage in a point where an idea is to use an alternative. That's if you use something more than 3 or 4 times.


imitation pina colada; use lemonade or strawberry lemonade and mix with water in a 16 oz cup, that has coconut in some soluble form added to the water.

dark chocolate coconut water; this is 16 oz water that has coconut and dark chocolate stevia, that is mixed with white stevia.

strawberry or cherry a&w rootbeer; this is the use of a quest 0 calories drink and its mixed with vanilla extract along with an a&w root beer flavor packet. So if fizzy, wait till the fizz drops down then add ingredients, then shake to mix and only after you cap it quickly. This is what makes it worthy.

definitions: (skip to end)

Gs = ghost; this is a guess but the gist is you can see the ghost is there by its outlines in energy shaped like the person. Otherwise you can sense them, this is done by smelling their BO or feeling a coldness that's unnatural in the area.

If you do, think you can see them and you are aware by realization to their area shape if nearby. That's the gist of there shape. So think and don't react by summons you can call them there, their ghost is the astral shell and you can bet they will do requests or stated demands.

That's if they feel like doing things. The energy comes from objects, so if nearby and they use the object like divine confetti in a game called sekiro. They can sustain their shape.

Any object can be used, if your soul shares energy of itself through the object. So divine is the soul and in the game point confetti is the object. This is confetti in use, that gives them energy and solidness.

If displeased, they could turn poltergeistic or demonaic and toss things around. So you were warned. Think to dismiss them and state something to that effect, if you don't need them around.

The ghosts are psychic, this is usually by the astral shell nature.  Think to them and they might respond by telepathic communication.

What you will perceive is a faint voice. This is the ghost. Sometimes this is alarming, so don't be surprised by the possible ways of the ghost.

However due note, at any time the ghost absorption of objects energy may cause the object to break. That's done by idea PR point, unless you empower the object to last by your infinite soul. So don't be alarmed as this is the way of the ghost.
Fez = fees, confetti; divine confetti, this is the confetti that inters itself to the spirit, so that the spirit gain substance enough to make it where you can kill the spirit. All you really need to do is spray it and enjoy, then any spirit draws the energy from it to cause solidified formation. This is how the spirit works to make itself form from a linked dimension as though from the air itself.
pez = please; please of pleasure, this is where you please someone's asthetics or face and sense of pleasure.
hunna = hundred, hunnerd, this is like a hundred dollars.
bih = bitch; withheld by something, this is a moment that happened when the ideal person was withheld and started bitching. Ended by the moment you think to work with something or someone. That's true, unless you die by the meeting. Then its where you are set free to wander the planet your on.

game stuff

this is an idea to use exotic weapons, like a ninja star or katana and do special effects.
Special effects EX: This is to create the point you think by stated intention or acted out idea. The effect is the point of illusion, otherwise the knowable as a point of using the elements to create the effect you desire. Roll a 1d6 to decide whether you succeed in the idea you know about. Then doing is the effect itself. The roll breaks down with this idea: 1-2 is success, 3-4 is some other effect made up by the DM/GM, 5-6 is failure and no effect will occur.

This is an idea to use all weapons if needed to see use. Also, they can make use of the telekinesis ability. They can think of things and create manifest by what is done.
Telekinesis EX: This is using an ability to create with the mind and body energy, think of what you want to achieve and you can get results by what is done. State the effect and the subconscious can do things by what you think and need. The effect is done with a roll of the 1d6 or clear the roll with an alternative the dm/gm decides to use instead. This is if a 1d6 is used, 1-2 is success, 3-4 is something else decided by the dm/gm, 5-6 is a fail and no result.

The master is able to use all abilities, he is a master of all weapons. The master can create with a will or make with a point, that he decides to create what is thought up by what the subconscious does. This is a master of all trades.
All ability EX: This is a special ability that allows you to use any ability or item, the master can make use of this effect using his subconscious and the mind or metaphysics. That directs the point, that's created by idea thought about or stated. The spirit knows how to create things as it sees what was creating the idea as a manifest, this is usually at least 5 minutes or more in advance that you know about things or events by feel. The soul creates with the point as a form of insight comes to you that the spirit knows, and the master can create as he or she will create the idea as a manifested point. Name the needed idea and possible ability, that is done to make use of and you can roll a 1d6 or draw straws or something similar. The 1d6 is this: 1-2 your result is what you want, 3-4 your result is something else that the dm/gm decided, 5-6 is failure of the result and nothing happens.

This is a exotic weapons user and all magical enabled being. He or she can create with magic and make work with what is done.
Magic EX: This is a point you think of something and create with the magic of the moment, that's created by the subconscious or spirit and sometimes this is using a suggestion, that's a suggested idea spoken, otherwise there may be eating or drinking something. The moment can create what you want, if noticed. The moment can also last as long as the mage needs this to last. Just state what you need to occur and happen with the point and you create the effect of what you need by what is done. This uses a 1d6 or drawn straws with shortest straw or longest straw making success. The 1d6 roll is this: 1-2 is success and you get what you need, 3-4 is something else and that is what the dm/gm decided, 5-6 is utter failure and nothing happens.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Think or make

This is a list of idea that includes things with magic. Feel free to use the idea as affirmed points. This is using an idea of feel things and create by a point.

Think; the idea that you need is there by what you consider with enough information.

Its fixed; this is when its fixed by feel, that is thinking about the point to do.

I somehow gain 100 or more dollars and this is enough to survive on use by feel. This happens this month. That is done without stress.

Eruption; the kleindale eruption effect happens for either cf (campi flageri) or Yellowstone and that's erupted by feel.

Interactive tv; the TV becomes interactive by feel. This happened with no problems or stress.

Weight manipulation; think of what you need and the body weight does what you need. This allows you to manipulate your weight, simply by thinking of what you need such as weight loss. The body will respond due to the subconscious, then caused is the weight loss by feel or exercise. So think about this, the weight disappeared could come back, really this is because of the metabolism raising and you feeling more hungry. That is where you create a more faster metabolism, this occurs from sheer willpower or eating the right things. So it doesn't matter, unless you stop eating and exercise or drink water.

Gemstone use; think of what you want, and then state the idea as though a need is granted. This works by thinking of your need as you hold or touch the stone. So think and you create what a point is done by feel unless you don't need to do things.

A suggested thought; this thought actually works. The thought if spoken is, "it will work" and that's it. Otherwise the idea needed is, "whatever blocks the body weight from lowering doesn't block the weight from going away." 

This is suggested as a way to unblock the body from doing what naturally occurs. So there you go, if you want to lower your weight that's how you can do things. 

Mail; the mail comes early today unless you think to come and go before the mail arrived. Then the mail arrives right after I get back. This happens without stress.

The doctor; he sees me early on and I get my shot. This occurs without stress.

Hall of fame; the mentioned idea or person is like a hall of fame, this is where you get mentioned and your famous.

Think progression; the progress is what you think by where your soul goes and how it represents itself. So think and you know what is done.

Cookies; the cookies I can stand by what you do. This happens without stress.

Weight; I somehow don't gain 100 lbs. So think what you like and you get what you need.

Repair; people needing repair, get rehabilitated, think and the spirit does what you need.

The right animal; the animal owner if correct for the pet will resemble the animal in some manner of characteristic. So I think I met my pet and didn't have realized it. However the pet could have a different attitude. So beware.

Sleep; people get enough sleep.

Deliquescence; this is no longer the case, if you check what was paid then you'd know. So late payments are no longer late.

Energy; the energy of the moment is there, think to be where the shape or person was and you share the memories of the person that was there. Direct the energy by voice or thought. 

Then you create with the person, this is done in the moment and by feel. If they were standing or sitting there, that's for any length of time you notice them. Then you can share with the energy. Otherwise your not using their energy, your using your own to get results.

Energy trick; if you focus your idea of energy, place something somewhere an object was sitting. Then focus on the object, and think of what you need or want as though a need.  

You create by object energy in this manner, the object stops produced effect when it is moved. You could, if psychic or telepathic then perceive the area thoughts of objects and people. 

That's if you focus in use of the psychic ability on the area, and think to create with the area energy. Otherwise you can realize by the soul, what you think or need to know.

Weight goal; maintain weight at a lower weight. Lose weight otherwise. I think this will work. So this happens with or without stress.

Jeannie; her job is effortless and she has less stress.

Sandals; they don't rub or chafe after the fact is noted.

Mail; amazon delivered its package to me by feel earlier than usual. This happened with no stress.

Gods dice game; I suppose the world wouldn't be worth the candle if everything was predetermined. Whatever your alignment, if you choose chaos then I recommend studying the quantum realm thoroughly. This quantum realm can produce nearly anything in this realm.

I can just picture them up there rolling a 1d20 to see where the next tornado in Oklahoma will manifest.

And a 1d4 is used to see which direction it heads. 1d100 for intensity. Maybe when comets hit that is a god dropping his dice off the table or imagining the result. 1d20 for amount. And when we fly rockets up there, he puts on his invisibility cloak.

So with the creator's dice game, a chaos roll is a 1d4, where 1 is you get what you want as a need, a 2 is some  result otherwise, a 3 is some random imagined or thought up event, and a 4 is nothing at all. This is all determined by what is thought and needed.

If you think in percentage, then imagine the result. Then he would roll a die to see the percent chance done. Imagine the dice roll to see what results occur, and this is what you want.

I have a dicebag somewhere. 1d20 is my favorite. The more you shake it the more entropy you add. If you drop a dice without the shake it is bound by law to only land on one side unless it bounces. The act of observation destroys the latent entropy by feel. Enjoy your dice game, creator. 

If you dare; you won't get fired, you will just serve a point. So enjoy yourself and ciou until later. Good-bye.

Poo; shit or stuff from the backside.
Adnu = had enough
Nu = enough
Ad = had
Saly = Supplicant; perceived applicant.
Y = yes, why
Fz = Dluat, Delinquent; late or after the point. Otherwise this is delinquency by feel for payment that's owed.
Fez = divine confetti; this is the confetti that inters itself to the spirit, so that you can kill the spirit.
Gs = ghost; this is a guess but the gist is you can see the ghost is there by its outlines in energy shaped like the person. Otherwise you can sense them, this is done by smelling their BO or feeling a coldness that's unnatural in the area. 

If you do, think you can see them and you are aware by realization to their area shape if nearby. That's the gist of there shape. So by summons you can call them there, their ghost is the astral shell and you can bet they will do requests or stated demands. 

That's if they feel like doing things. The energy comes from objects, so if nearby and they use the object like divine confetti in a game called sekiro. They can sustain their shape. 

Any object can be used, if your soul shares energy of itself through the object. So divine is the soul and in the game point confetti is the object. This is confetti in use, that gives them energy and solidness. 

If displeased, they could turn poltergeistic or demonaic and toss things around. So you were warned. Think to dismiss them and state something to that effect, if you don't need them around. 

The ghosts are psychic, this is usually by the astral shell nature.  Think to them and they might respond by telepathic communication. 

What you will perceive is a faint voice. This is the ghost. Sometimes this is alarming, so don't be surprised by the possible ways of the ghost. 

However due note, at any time the ghost absorption of objects energy may cause the object to break. That's done by idea PR point, unless you empower the object to last by your infinite soul. So don't be alarmed as this is the way of the ghost.

aded = Undead, Now the undead have a wide range to do; since they can't move, they can manipulate and do things in time. They also can be reborn, this is where they manipulate wombs to become born. This can eventually be on a barren womb, as well. However, once born, they are day walkers and don't age very fast after a day of 20 years old. They also use others as a point that their subconscious mimicks and they "act" alive, even when they don't live. Sometimes they live using the creators life energy of love. So think about the idea and hope you don't come across one of the living undead. That is because, if you do you could become a model to them.

Then your mimicked by feel and created by in their mind as though a super human, this is true even if you are anything but a normal citizen. Think and know by feel what they are before they come near you. This is what I know not what I fear, so the idea is fact if your affirmed in belief or created by them in their minds eye. Then they could do anything to your spirit, that is truth as I ran across one. Got bit in the neck, then left alone. Only to discover that I was nearly undead myself, that is after the effect of their influence. Enjoy yourself as I leave you for now, ciou and farewell until later.

Asuic = Assurance; Knock on wood, assured idea or thing you need.
Ada = Update; improvement, the moment you improve something either positive or negative like ideal.
Occulto = secret, secretive, this is a secretive moment that happens by feel with no stress.

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