Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, June 26, 2022

DnD Magic

 This is dungeons and dragons with magic.. sure its a math based game using dice, but there is magic to do by  this.  The magic is simple, think it and roll the dice. If you rolled half or more the dice value.

You got a result done by feel or idea you observe. This isn't done if you get below half the dice value. In fact, you get no results. So think to use this in fun and fairness and you know what to do.

Some magic
Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Focusing creation; focus the energy of the area into creating what you want.

Democracy; Democracy isn't dying anymore,  its changing. Although any republican won't respond to this.

Travis; he doesn't mind what I do or did. He finds his wallet, easily.

Fat; i no longer look fat, no matter the point.

Donald trump; he gets caught by the hatch act and put in jail.

Juneauvt; he gets his store run today. His mother gets healed quickly.

Molecule; this said 3 times will create whatever you think and imagine.

Gating; the gate is formed by imagination of a portal or oval area about the size of your body..then thinking of where you want to go and stepping through it.. the soul will cause your body to shift there in a blink of an eye. The body tends to follow the spirit and can detect by energy consciousness where and what it did. This is a known effect in life.

Answers; I can answer Juneau questions satisfactorily, no matter what.

Juneau; he doesn't mind my answer to him about things no matter what.

Good idea; people work for me and not against me.  They do things and don't let me down,  there is no crisis so think and you know what to do.

Cars; they no longer charge higher costs and lower the costs instead.

Interesting; the Interesting things in life are explained, think and you know what to do.

Car bombs; they don't exist and no longer effect the area.

Thought; the point is made,  think to do what is right.

Fix; the culmination dope made drops away and in disappearing makes your condition dissolvation happen.

Culm; create and do if you need to create things, see things you need are given or achieved as acceptance is there. So think and you know what to do.

Juneau; he doesn't mind me and won't attempt to comment to me today.

Lucifer; he doesn't mind what happens and stays in the server.

Roe; roe vs wade isn't overturned no matter the point.

Car sales; they handle the car sales right, no matter the point.

Housing; they handle the sales of houses right, no matter the point.


Faster magician; his grandfather gets the help he deserves, no matter what.

Shipping; I receive my shipments by feel earlier than usual in the mail.

Ea; earning by feel with what you want to use to gain things.

Ear; to earn by feel using a result.


Water; have a glass of water in the morning and you melt the belly away.

Chai spice stevia; chai spice liquid stevia is no longer so rare it can't easily be found.

Chai; Chai tea is acceptable as a replacement for normal tea.

Biden; his impeachment against him fails and things work out in the end.

Opec+; they ban Russian oil and goods without bad results.

Acquitted; biden gets Acquitted no matter the argument in any impeachment attempt against him no matter what.

Russia; they fail to capture Ukraine no matter the point.

Swelling; Whatever causes me to swell up in weight no longer causes me to swell up. Instead I unswell no matter what.

Thinking; thinking of the idea you shift by feel and through the creator you know what is there.

The price of gas; the transportation cost and price of gas doesn't go up. The price won't go above 4.30 per gallon for gas.

Bills; I can pay my bills 3 times over without worrying.

Paul t; he gets his check in the mail today and I get paid what I am owed. He doesn't mind paying me.

What; what works is the focus if you focus on things, then you create by feel or observation.


Sabrina; she brings me to get fitting shorts no matter the point sooner than usual. She gets her car fixed from the accident. She doesn't have to pay out of her pocket for the repairs, either.

Waiting; I can stand the wait period for things to pass by feel or idea, no matter the point.

Danese; she needs me to make a vid of her.

Amazon; they get to me my packages and I receive them, no matter what quickly and efficiently.

Food cravings; they drop down and I no longer have to worry over eating too much.

Think; the point is done,  the eppic nurse comes and I get my invega shot .

Amazon; they don't screw me over and don't steal from me by feel. Whatever causes me to not get my packages delivered to me no longer happens by feel or action.

Mail; the mail comes earlier than usual today and I get my packages.

Anxious; I am not anxious anymore no matter the point.

Bad luck; change bad luck to good luck no Matter what..

Democrats; they retain control over the senate. No matter what.

90 days; in 90 days the economy will be better by feel.

Recession; this recession is averted by feel and idea.


Increase; 'increase in energy is increase in potential. This is increase in idea.'

Instant shift; through the pineal gland, the third eye shifts you instantly by feel to somewhere you think is safe.


Need; I no longer need to fight. We no longer need to fight.

Flood; when a lot worse is mentioned it gets a lot better no matter the point or reason.

Juneau; he doesn't mind what I do or did.

Eppic nurse; he comes earlier than usual to give me an invega shot.

Room 14; he deals with me and I get 10 dollars for charging plates. No matter the reason or point.

David elliot; he doesn't mind what I do and needs me to get things from the store for him.

Weight loss; the weight drops away and i am left slim, no matter what.

Juneau; he is satisfied with what i say  or respond by feel. No matter what.

800000; I did 800000 steps by feel.

Curse removal; the curse is removed as though the creator and the spirit causes it to be removed by feel.

Ricardo; he recovers quickly by feel and things work out by idea being observed.

Thought; the thought you think is what counts and per each amount you get money of the amount desired.

Mattman; he gets me a 20 dollar donation by feel.


Paul t; he no longer feels bad and acts good no matter what.

Juneau; he feels better by what is done and things work out by what occurs.

Eppic nurse; if not immune, then he comes today and gives me the shot of invega. Otherwise he comes when he can.

Reaction; he and she doesn't mind my messages on Facebook and responds back by feel or idea being expressed.

Shot; I act as though I got my invega shot and better than normal no matter what.

Trip; i do not make mistakes by feel.

Creator; Travis pays me 5 dollars each trip to the store i do for him. No matter what.

Creation; think about the idea and you know what is what and when to do things.

Cocoa; think to create and you know what you can get.

Creative; what you describe to me is then treated by the subconscious mind as though a suggestion to do.. so when the person you suggested it to thinks about it they do the idea.

See; See yourself in a picture then they in the picture direct you to act normal.

Stacy butts; she is allowed to come in today and I get to go to Walmart.

Glitches; the machine glitches no longer happens by feel.

Mebbin; he finishes up the meeting with me by feel and quickly enough to make things good.

Eppic nurse; he manages to come before the 14th despite the due date being the 14th. I get my shot of invega.

Worse; instead of getting worse, it gets better by idea or feel.

Nudist; instead of a nudist colony it at least still have clothes no matter what.

Cloud world; this is an exempt idea. Think and know, this works out in the end. No matter what. The cloud world can't influence or interact with the real world. I think this ends their way, so we can be sure that the cloud world won't interfere with us again.


Some reason; as they are able somehow the democrats get reelected except Joe mansion.

The; tell your thoughts about this,  I think things will work out by feel. Your  opinion matters.

Chris b; he accepts what I did and allows me to goto the store for him. No problems occur.

Any; any old BBQ sauce doesn't have high fructose.

Stability; the economy doesn't get bad no matter what occurs by feel.

Cash; i manage to get allot of cash very quickly by what I feel is done.

Ventilated; you no longer hyperventilate by feel.

Focus; the focal point is the sky, think of the idea and sky energy forms what you want.

Think a point and you create by focus. This is a point you know what to do. Think about it and you know how to do it.

The idea; you can make use of the device and all but this is a point of concept done by feel.

Madness; their mind is your madness. So lose your mind and you are calm.

Drumstick; I no longer look like a Drumstick by feel. I look like a slim stick now.


Adi; this ad fades away and you are back.
Foc in; focus in idea creates what you desire.
Adu; adieu, goodbye
At; that, t
Ebez; mbez, embezzlement,  stealing money

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

renewal magic

Renewal magic is the idea you create with the point, as done is using an idea that is creative with the concept. Think about what you want and the creator will make what you intend and want by feel. This is a concept that is made as though creative were your idea and the god makes what is needed if intended.

Here are some spells:
 Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.


things work themselves out, no matter the point. If necessary, I will do what I can and make results where otherwise impossible.

psychic agreement and disagreement; think to project to the person what they would agree to as you talk to them for psychic agreement. think to show them or project to them what they would disagree with as you talk to them for psychic disagreement.

psi blink; This is the moment things blink and you are somewhere you thought to be. This uses the third eye pinneal gland to create the moment that you blink out of existence and then blink back in at another point.

psi moment; This is the moment that you think of the point that is an idea you speak of by feel to create the idea with suggestion to the subconscious. This forms as a point of manifest and things work themselves out by what you do.


they; they reach a deal to service all the western allies and U.S.A. its cheaper oil no matter what.

paul; he pays me 40 extra no matter the point.

chris b; He doesn't mind what I do and doesn't try to avoid me.

instance; think the instance and what you experience is experienced by the creator and you live your life instead.

teleport; this is instant and doesn't matter with the distance. this is where you shift your body to be somewhere else, including other planets.

energy; I regain my energy I used up.

Energy boost; Think of the moment and you imagine what is requred to visualize an energy boost. This boost I receive by feel, and I can do it anytime.

for dnd

skill: Planeteering (Int); This skill is where you can navigate your ship and can go to other planets and explore them. This is done by focus or "being there", as you can teleport or go to the surface to work with what is there. If you can survive on the surface then you will know by the sensors. Otherwise, you know by intuition with the spirit showing you in a vision what is there and what it's like. That's unless your ship sensors tell you what you want to know by feel..

mechanic class

action EX:

Technicality (Ex); They know everything about the item and can identify it otherwise, no matter the point. If they don't, upon identifying its functions, they can use the item as though a natural.

Technique (Ex); This is where they can understand anything about an idea, observing it in use psychically no matter what it is. This works upon a mention and a point and they know what is what.

Psychic (Ex); This is where the character is psychic and knows what to do from what they glimpse psychically.

Related (Ex); Anything related in an idea is known about and by use of examples, they can create with a point and work by idea. 

Spotting (Ex); Anything they spot check, they know what to do with by feel or idea. 

Change (Ex); Think to change it and it's changed by the creator making psychic changes in the point of thought. This can be any time or place that is changed and you know it.

Manifestor (Ex); This is done at level 20, where you create what you think and feel is necessary. The result works with a benefit of +4 to all stats and +60% to health. Then is the point, that you think is possible. If it is possible by the DM/GM allowing it, then its done by feel.


Trigger; This is a using a switch that triggers the result you think it will trigger. This will trigger anything into manifesting itself. If its not allowed by the DM/GM, then nothing happens. The time it effects is up to you, yet it will deal 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 focus ranks, round down. So say the person had a 10 charisma mod and 20 focus ranks at level 24. They would have a 6d10+10 amount as 70 max possible for healing/damage. If the duration or amount of time it lasts is needed, then there is unlimited outside of battle and 1d6 rounds in melee/battle. Otherwise it lasts until you decide to end it.

Psyche moment; This is a moment you use your psyche or pinneal gland to create a result of what you want. This is where you create with elements and make a result by feel or idea. The result amount is for healing/damages. This is 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks, round down. Say your character had a 7 charisma mod and 16 focus rank at level 16. Then your character could do 8d12+7 in amount of damages/healing. Otherwise a total max of 103. Any duration or time of lasting is with a 1d10 rounds in battle/melee or unlimited outside of battle. Otherwise it ends the moment you decide to end it.

Timing; Timing is where they use a timer and count the moment that is in seconds as they create the moment they need to see in some instantaneous space. The moment the timer stops, they cease the moment in time and things revert back to normal. They can see anything that will occur before the moment actually happens. Basically, you will know what will occur with a point or thought you do make. You know when or where thinking will happen and things will occur by the psychic moment revealing it to you.

Dimensional time shift; This is where they are able to imagine the spacetime and use their third eye to shift there by feel. When they shift back, they can come to any time they desire.Mechanics; This is where they are able to repair anything by the consciousness of energy making it work, except for broken weapons which need a forge. This hapens with an intuitive knowledge of the machine or idea that you or they want to know. If you can't repair it, then you find a replacement and work with point to buy it if necessary.


eq = equal idea

mai = made; make in an idea

Tho= thought; the point is prolific, if you need to create then you will.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Incredible results

 These are some of the incredible results that I somewhat managed to get if possible. The results come by feel as you feel the need, then your subconscious creates the idea you got. So think and you know what to do in action.

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

the point; the congress doesn't do things that block democrat bills.

the point; the republicans don't block democratic bills.

everyone; people don't mind what I do.

focuser; the point is a concept, think and you know what is what.

thanks; A big thanks to Dr Oselumen i never believe that there still exist a real death spell caster.

ino mo; hit upon no more.

eno in mo; enough not more.


gating; I found this way to open gates. think of the area and imagine an oval in the air expand until it is the size of your body and walk through. the soul will make you shift and the spirit will tell you what is occurring. normal shifting is mentally done, your soul is your consciousness. so then with gating you shift your body and soul and as your consciousness shifts with the soul, the spirit creates what you intend to create. then you get to be where you intend to be. so what you have to do with gating, is make certain your not in an area that would kill you. however, with gating you could end up right behind the target, and then shift to somewhere else after taking it out by feel. 

See with gating, you could find yourself anywhere. you can cause an effect through an open gate, this is done by saying or thinking of what you intend for there. so think and you know what to do and by feel you know what it is there. This is in use by what is a point from the past. you can teleport anywhere using gating, yet time is a point you make and say as a concept you need as its idea. so think of a point in time that you open a gate to and your there at that time. this is is known as the idea of gateway creation. if you succeed in gating you will have shifted physically, using gating, then you create a gateway to wherever you want to be at the time you decide to be in. Then as you think to exist in the area your there.

scaring; I am not scare of answering juneau's scanning questions. I can answer them satisfactorily.

I am em; this is where I am female man.

null; null any blockages and stuff occurs for you except for those you meant to attack me with..

focused; the point is done if you think it is, so think of what you intend and you can get what you need.


entanglement; this is where you focus on the area and think create energy goes there to stimulate the area with the plants sped up in growth or feel. this energy will make the plants grow and think time sped up for the growth. so if you chop down what you don't want to be entangled with by feel, then you save yourself trouble. as the plants grow quickly enough to tangle the feet.

focus point; think and you know what to do.

kozakura; she doesn't mind what I did or do.

En health stats


paul t.; He doesn't mind me for what I do or did.

focus; people repair the internet and youtube works flawlessly no matter what.

lalate; lalate gets out a new episode by feel and things work out in the end.

starvation artist diet; think of the point and don't get food so you force starvation on the body and elongate your life. this makes you look younger but not and you don't eat as much.

but not it; what's there is nothingness, the idea you have is from stored energy in nothing space, this is where you wonder what really is there, well, anything you imagine. this is the secret of imagination space that you imagine the event and you manifest it by the consciousness of energy. this space forms from nulled areas and that means it dissolved into space. then is the answered moment and the idea is what forms if you use the energy.


travel using null space, this is the idea you imagine a tardis or a time ship with bigger on the inside aspects and space you can live in, shifting you to somewhere else and temporarily the tardis exists to shift you by feel. if you hear a trigger word that is bad, then think the tardis shifts you like a time soldier or someone that shifts in time. the thing is, the tardis can shift you back as though you were in the wonderful energy of consciousness and this will do what you intend.

the point; the point you think is what forms, so think of the idea and you will get what you intend as you need it. so if you think you have allot of money, then you will eventually get that money. if you think it's not coming, then it may stop being there. so think and you know what to do.

Unlimited recharge; the recharge of energy and restoration of stamina is done using this technique. This makes your stamina 100% if lower than 100, this is done by willing energy comes into you that's cleansed of harmful effects thought up on sending. Also eating or drinking water or some drink creates the energy in the body. Also since the creator is unlimited, you absorb the creator's energy that he sends and cause yourself to become unlimited in energy effects and stamina  related actions. You will never get tired, no matter the point.

fate: economy improves and recovers. we still get the bbb and 6th stimulus stimulus checks no matter the point and no matter what.

fate; the democrats including the president joe biden gets reelected or elected into the house and senate of congress, no matter what the point.

fate; the bbb gets done and I get a few stimulus checks from it, no matter what.


for dnd

gating; I found this way to open gates. think of the area and imagine an oval in the air expand until it is the size of your body and walk through. the soul will make you shift and the spirit will tell you what is occurring. normal shifting is mentally done, your soul is your consciousness. so then with gating you shift your body and soul and as your consciousness shifts with the soul, the spirit creates what you intend to create. then you get to be where you intend to be. so what you have to do with gating, is make certain your not in an area that would kill you. however, with gating you could end up right behind the target, and then shift to somewhere else after taking it out by feel. 

See with gating, you could find yourself anywhere. you can cause an effect through a gate by saying or thinking of what you intend for there. so think and you know what to do and by feel you know what it is there. This is in use by what is a point from the past. you can teleport anywhere using gating, yet time is a point you make and say as a concept you need as its idea. so think of a point in time that you open a gate to and your there at that time. this is is known as the idea of gateway creation. if your gm/dm allows you to shift physically, using gating, then you create a gateway to wherever you want to be at the time you decide to be in. Then as you think to exist in the area your there.

feat: clone; Requirements: Any ninja or tengu class. What it is: This is an energy clone formed from some element and only ninja can create one or many of them. They have the same stats and abilities as yourself and upon one hit they dissolve into energy. Because they're a clone, means they share telepathically their experiences and knowledge they happen to pick up and you know what they think all the time. You can unsummon the clone at any time. Once gone they are gone and you know what they knew, so think and you know what to do.

sp. ability: Blocking; The point you think is the point you focus. Then you create by feel. If you intend time to create it, you do. Time to do this is a free action and you can prevent any spell or elemental formation with this effect. Think the blockages are gone to remove it. If you say or think "non block" then the block is gone. If you say or think, "nonblock that persists" then its gone forever. You can block any results with this effect.

solamnic knight

The solamnic knight is a knight that uses their god to get whatever they would want, so they are God knights. They follow the oath and the measure. The oath is the sworn oath to their god that they would remainfaithful to his or her duties. The measure is the point they do things and work with a code of rights.

<a name="Solamn"></a>

<p><b>Templar</b> (Templar)<br> 

 For Solamnic knight's abilities not in <a href="#ms">Magic system</a> go <a href="Ars_files/Ars_gloss.htm#Solamn" target="_blank">here</a>.


 Description: The solamnic knight is a knight that uses their god to get whatever they would want, so they are God knights. They follow the oath and the measure. The oath is the sworn oath to their god that they would remain faithful to his or her duties as he or she serves others in duty. The measure is the point they do things and work with a code of rights.<br>

 Alignment: Any Neutral or Good alignment<br>

 Saves: Fortitude and Will good<br>

 Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.<br>

 Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4<br>

 Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod</p>

<p><b>Class skills</b>: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).</p>

<p><b>Class features</b>: <br>

 Any level: They gain and can use Traveling (Cha).<br>

 1st level gains Solamnic manifest (Cha), <a href="#foc">Focus ability (Wis)</a>.<br>

 2nd level gains a Bonus feat.<br>

 3rd level gains Solamnic force (Cha) and Weapon specialty (Ex)<br>

 4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 5th level gains Water Absorption (Cha).<br>

 6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lunar (Ex).<br>

 7th level gains Energy absorption (Cha).<br>

 8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 9th level gains Instances (cha) and Dorce bubbles (Cha).<br>

 10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 11th level gains God weapons (Cha)<br>

 12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Holy being (Cha).<br>

 14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Raise in advance (Ex).</p>

<p>&nbsp;<b>Bonus Feats</b>: At 1st level, a Templar gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Templar gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.


&nbsp;An Templar can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.</p>

<h5 align="center"><a href="#cindex">goto class index</a></h5>

actions EX

Solamnic force (Ex); This uses the focus of self-creation and intensity, the effect is to create with more speed and greater damage or healing amount. When you focus on a thought, then feel its intense you move faster and get stronger. This is done with a rolled 1d6 actions per round of melee or combat. Also you get a +3 to the strength as a bonus. The damage/healing dealt is + the strength mod as an amount bonus.

Weapon specialty (Ex); On your attack roll you get a +4 bonus. This means you are a specialist in weapon handling and get more effect with it. Also add your strength mod to your weapon damage roll.

Lunar (Ex) With lunar energy, you can create the effect of energy waves using moon energy. The energy waves effect reality and create your thoughts. If you wanted to create an attack wave, then the damage amount would be 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks round down. Healing is what effects those you want to heal, same amount. Say you had a 7 charisma mod with 20 focus ranks, then the damage/healing would be 10d10+7 or 107 total possible max.

Raise in advance (Ex); This is improvement to your stats at level 20 due to your God making you better and more attractive. All stats improve by an added +4. Also, you have an additional improvement to health of added +60%. This raise allows improvement on the career path and you become Grand solamnic knight class instead of a solamnic knight.


Traveling; The area you think to be in is the point your spirit shifts you to be in instantaneously.

Solamnic manifest; The ability of a solamnic knight is yours, this is where you can create by feel with your god what you have to create and then make with the idea that is possible by feel. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think coming to fruition or being made by their god. This is intention that the god does as though you, whatever your intent that is a point and the soul creates it with energy from their god as the ability of the body and spiritual magic thereof. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing their body into doing the right things, this means your area energy is used into creating influenced magic and manifesting using the universes energy by what you want with a prayer spell. You can create anything if you think to make with their god, and this guides the spirit and uses your soul energy into having you realize what was done by the insight. 

Water absorption; The water in the body as well as the water in the area can be absorbed as health %. Add on focus 2d10+focus ranks in health. If absorbing from the target body it's potential water particles, after your done the target will collapse.

Energy absorption; The food energy your able to absorb as it's flavored energy that's intense. The food will become flavorless and you will have recovered 3d10+constitution mod in amount of mp and health percent at will.

Instances; Through the power of prayer you get instances. The instance you do things, is the moment that can last forever. You see the instance is an action and this action is a moment that can in idea last forever. The instance ends when you think its ended by other instances or idea you do. Otherwise the moment ends itself by stopping.

Force bubbles; This is where you focus your thought energy and extend out the aura by 1d10 feet to create a bubble of focused force. This means you extended your aura energy and create additional damages or effects. Add 2d10+focus ranks to the total of damages and healing. Add 1d6 rounds to the effect you cast forth in battle. This effects those that get in your force bubble.

God weapons; This is where energy crafts itself as a weapon with prayer. As if directed by god, you can use it anyway you like. The God weapon is created by the deity and you find it in your hand or nearby as a point to use. The area energy and your god energy makes the weapon effect and it does 3d12+focus ranks in magic damage. This effect dispells itself as its not thought about, needed to dissipate or not needed at the moment and it is easily dismissed.

Holy being; This is your god that reforms your body as though it turns into an godlike being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from your god. You are never hurt unless it's magically induced damage and always keep full health percent as your god restores your hp % instantly except for magic damage, that you heal yourself by prayer spell and restore yourself to full health %. You can turn yourself unsolid or solid at will. If unsolid, all your gear turns unsolid as well. You are unable to be hit by any weapon. Upon turning solid, you can be hit by magic and all your gear returns to solid state as well. At anytime, your god allows you to shapeshift at will into any other form. This is a worthy idea by observation to have in life, if the DM/GM allows for it.

solamnic artist

<a name="Art">/a>

<p><b>Artist</b> (Artist)<br> 

 For the Solamnic Artist's abilities not in <a href="#mp">Magic system</a> go <a href="LDnD/ldnd_gloss.htm#Art" target="_blank">here</a>.


 Description: Your basic solamnic artist is in a practitioner of the arts that is using a point and that is magic used to create what they would desire. They have no oath and they have no measure. Except to use what they can within their means to get what they want done and they create with the soul.<br>

 Alignment: Any alignment<br>

 Saves: Will good<br>

 Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.<br>

 Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4<br>

 Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod</p>

<p><b>Class skills</b>: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).</p>

<p><b>Class features</b>: <br>

 Any level: They gain and can use Third eye manifest (Cha).<br>

 1st level gains Solamnic manifestation (Cha), <a href="#general">Focus ability (Wis)</a>.<br>

 2nd level gains a Bonus feat.<br>

 3rd level gains Effect creation (Ex) and Solamnic force (Ex)<br>

 4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 5th level gains Energy weapons (Cha).<br>

 6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lunar (Ex).<br>

 7th level gains Moment in time (Cha) and Dimensional Travel (Ex).<br>

 8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 9th level gains Radiance bubbles (cha) and Third eye blast (Cha).<br>

 10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 11th level gains Unlimited recharge (Cha).<br>

 12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.<br>

 13th level gains Recovery (cha) and Energy being (cha).<br>

 14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Neomodernism (Ex).</p>

<p>&nbsp;<b>Bonus Feats</b>: At 1st level, a Solamnic Artist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Solamnic Artist gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.


&nbsp;A Solamnic Artist can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.</p>

<h5 align=center><a href="#ctop">Return to class menu</a></h5>

Your basic solamnic artist is in a practitioner of the arts that is using a point and that is magic used to create what they would desire. They have no oath and they have no measure. Except to use what they can within their means to get what they want done and they create with the soul.

actions EX

Effect creation (Ex); Through the power of the spirit you create more effect per effect you attempt. Add your charisma mod to the effect amount that you deal.

Solamnic force (Ex); This uses the focus of self-creation and intensity, the effect is to create with more speed and greater damage or healing amount. When you focus on a thought, then feel its intense you move faster and get stronger. This is done with a rolled 1d6 actions per round of melee or combat. Also you get a +3 to the strength as a bonus. The damage/healing dealt is + the strength mod as an amount bonus.

Dimensional travel (Ex); Think of travelling the dimensions to go where you want, make a fist to compress energy and thrust the fist forth. Think to release the energy to cause what you need, this is with your soul guiding the energy to open a portal. So you get a shift to occur by walking through the "gate", thinking to appear where you need and intend to appear. The subconscious will make the shift occur and this lasts until you don't need it. This technique can shift you in the multiverse and you can appear wherever you want.

Example: Think of where you want to go, then make a fist and punch the energy of the fist forth to make a portal that you see with your third eye and if you want to be there, think to shift there and by the power of energy as you walk through the gateway your there. This is useful in escaping the reality your in and upon evasion, you get to a safer place. Physically you may be where you are, but spiritually you will be in the dimension you intended to be. 

Neomodernism (Ex); This is done at level 20 where you create the idea and work with it, you become a neomodernist. Your work skills improve by an added +5 to intelligence and +4 to charisma. You get +50% health improvement from the energy consciousness doing what you want.


Third eye manifest; The power of the third eye is used by focusing on what you intend it to do. You can shift by will through this means to where you need to be teleporting. No time is used in getting there.

Solamnic manifestation; The ability of a solamnic artist is yours by feel, this is where you can create by feel with what you have and make with the idea that is possible. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think. This is intention, your intent that is a point and the soul creates with the ability of the body. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing, this means your area energy is influenced into manifesting using the universes energy. You can create anything if you think to make with the soul and this guides the spirit into having you realize what was done by the insight. 

Energy weapons; This is where energy crafts itself as a weapon when you imagine it in your hand or being nearby and acting as though you use it, see it with your third eye and use it as you wish and you can use it anyway you like. The energy weapon is created by the soul and you find it in your hand or nearby as a point to use. The god weapon is similar to this effect, except the energy weapon can create itself from heat of the area and looks like a firey weapon or other element such as an ice bladed weapon where it does 2d12+focus ranks in magic damage. This effect dispells itself as its not thought about, needed to dissipate or not needed at the moment and it is easily dismissed.

Moment in time; This is the moment you think of something, then it manifests at the time you think it should happen to occur. This is a delayed reaction to the will, if necessary.

Radiance bubbles; This is where you focus your thought energy and extend out the aura by 1d10 feet. That is with added radiation in the area to create a bubble of focused force. This means you extended your aura energy and create additional damages or effects. Add 2d10+focus ranks to the total of damages and healing. Add 1d6 rounds to the effect you cast forth in battle. This effects those that get in your radiance bubble. They can be stunned for 1d6 rounds, until you cancel out the radiance bubbles.

Third eye blast; This is where you shoot forth a blast of energy from your third eye. It disintegrates the target into dust, if you get the effect. There is a saving throw versus death, if made you instead get a 1d10+charisma mod amount per each 2 focus skill ranks rounded down. This means you can get with a 13 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, 6d10+5 damage effect of energy or max of 65% health damage. 

Unlimited recharge; the recharege of energy and restoration of stamina is done using this technique. Make your STP 100 if lower than 100, this is done by willing energy comes into you that's cleansed of harmful effects thought up on sending. Also since the creator is unlimited, you absorb the creator's energy that he sends and cause yourself to become unlimited in energy and STP.

Recovery; This spell effect is where you create perfect health, and all you did was allow your soul restore you by feel. Restore your health by making it 100%, or its fhp amount upon willingness of the GM/DM to allow this effect or at will.

Energy being; this is the third eye that reforms your body as though it turns into an energy being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from the creator. You are never hurt unless it's magically induced damage and always keep full health percent as the creator restores your hp % instantly except for magic damage, that you heal yourself by healing spell and restore yourself to full health %. You can turn yourself unsolid or solid at will. If unsolid, all your gear turns unsolid as well. You are unable to be hit by any weapon. Upon turning solid, you can be hit by magic and all your gear returns to solid state as well. At anytime, you can shapeshift by feel. This is a worthy idea to have, if the DM/GM allows for it.


atria = hatred; hate

obito = orbital; obsessed, obsessive, obvious, observe, observation, satellite, obligation; to owe someone with something, owing, acqiesque

lupus = calculation; lump us, calculate, lump sum, thought up, en use

pay = payment; to transfer over credit or give money

queue = lineup; line, duck quack

sue = pursuit; think to enable, follow

oo = cool

Saturday, June 11, 2022

extension magic

 When you extend your stomach and pull it in, then you tighten your stomach muscles and look thinner by feel. This happens as you exercise long enough. This is physical magic made by feel and created by effort. Think and you know what to do. I will now go on to some magic effects I tried..

some magic

state the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do.

whatever; whatever blocks the democrats in getting elected or reelected, no longer blocks that from happening.

Business; The business that people set up is a reflection of themselves.  if their subconscious mind is negative and bumpy, so will their work.  when there are many people, it depends on the average.  collective consciousness.

whatever; whatever blocks me no longer blocks me.


juneau; he doesn't get tired of my answers.

focused intent; this is the intent that you think and your thought is the focus as you create with a concept and that is spoken or felt to happen.

despite; the bad rolls are not bad and they don't create them.

U can't; faster magician doesn't need my 25 dollars and gets enough some other way.

mail; the mail toda comes earlier than usual and I get my shipments.


loan; I get my loan money, I spend it wisely by feel.

astrawolf; she sees lupus' point of view and understands it. She allows him to stay and finish school.

vision correction; think you can see with 20/20 vision and that your vision corrects itself by saying "corrected" out loud or under your breath. this has a 50% chance to work

cps; it could be anything, yet this is where you focus energy to create what result you need by feel. The energy is compressed by idea, and focus makes it release into the air to create what you want with your thoughts as programming. yes you can protect children with this effect. If you want to lose weight, think weight loss and the body does the idea. [i]

answering; I can answer any question..correctly and right.

dimensional travel; think of travelling the dimensions to go where you want, make a fist to compress energy and thrust the fist forth. Think to release the energy to cause what you need, this is with your soul guiding the energy to open a portal. So you get a shift to occur by walking through the "gate", thinking to appear where you need and intend to appear. The subconscious will make the shift occur and this lasts until you don't need it. This technique can shift you in the multiverse and you can appear wherever you want.

Example: Think of where you want to go, then make a fist and punch the energy of the fist forth to make a portal that you see with your third eye and if you want to be there, think to shift there and by the power of energy as you walk through the gateway your there. This is useful in escaping the reality your in and upon evasion, you get to a safer place. Physically you may be where you are, but spiritually you will be in the dimension you intended to be. 

sabotage; the sabotage of congress for democrats no longer exists.

atlas-v launch; the atlas V rocket launch launches good and they succeed in liftoff of their mission.


thought; the point is made the action is done..we will now consign this broadcast.

companies; the companies don't shift the cost to us. extra cost is no more.

kodak ura; self-improve with a camera and your action. kodakura responds no matter the point of dislike. she improves her opinion of me to the point of liking me again. she doesn't mind what is done no matter the point.

cro-bot; this is the point of crowing and using a bought idea to improve by feel.

cra = I no longer crave food, no matter the point and all I have to do is state the idea to get the point. I don't mind what occurs.

spell creation; think of a language to use and put the words in a statement or use key words, putting a description beside the words to use as though a power phrase. think they will effect and state the power phrase and the subconscious will manifest it. its your intention that makes it work.

improvement; if you state the spell and think it worked then the subconscious creates the correct improvements  as instincts. that spell is.. 'imp ov" without quotes, meant to improve your condition.

freedom from body spell; if interested.. the spell is a stated "de per" without quotes. meant to free you of the human body and improve transformation.


in do par; do pardon, the spell of creation with the subconscious and needing a result.

foc us; focus and think to create.

thought; the idea is a description, so you think of the concept and state what you intend to manifest it.

thi nk; the point is done, think and you know what to do.

lum in; luminoct or some such, this causes the illusion of a light spell and it is brightly seen like a shining source of light.

great eagle summoning; this is a stated 'sum mon' and thinking of a great eagle that carries you to somewhere else.

nin ja; the point is creating with a creative approach.


enn; the point at the end that you don't always have to realize.

enn in; the writing point you end this idea with is interesting to those who want to read it.

men ace; this menaces those deserving of the idea and the effect you need done is done.

ce nat; cease natural functions and cause the body to die.

se nat = the senate does what you want and decidedly.

da nat; darken the area by filtration filters, clouds or blinds.

da net; darknet, the online area that services all needs.


shirak; create bright light. It uses any source of energy you think to use.

travis; he continues paying me 5 dollars and not 3 from this point on..

foci; they deliver my package today and whenever I am slated to get one no matter what.; they deliver to me and I receive the packages as soon as possible no matter what happens.

amazon; they don't misdeliver anymore and I get my money back if they do, everytime quickly.

They; the people responsible for the misdelivery no longer misdeliver. no matter what.


delivery; they are no longer confused as to where I live if they are to deliver my goods.

Special effects; This is to create the point you think by stated intention or acted out idea. The effect is the point of illusion, otherwise the knowable as a point of using the elements to create the effect you desire. Observe the idea you know about to realize this worked. Then doing is the effect itself. 

curation; the effect is to create a cure and work with it in some manner. this is all in the doctors book that exists of medicines. Take care how you use them.

matt chapin; he gives me a donation of 20 dollars no matter what and quickly. He thinks to help me out sooner than usual.

Class ability; The class in ability is where you can create by feel with what you have and make with the idea that is possible. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think. This is intention, your intent that is a point and the soul creates with the ability of the body. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing, this means your area energy is influenced into manifesting using the universes energy. You can create anything if you think to make with the soul and this guides the spirit into having you realize what was done by the insight. 

writing stuff

ritual of repelling insects

I wrote "insect repelling ritual" at the top of a page.  The page is divided into four.  Part 1: I drew insects on the floor.  I drew myself and I say mmmm.  12 o'clock.

 2nd part: same but 2 o'clock, 

3rd part: no bugs on the ground anymore.

Part 4 is explanation. " if at these hours i will say mmmm and think that this frequency is missing its bugs.  in a short time the insects will escape for 300 days."  Then when I do what I see, I will believe it will come true.

insect repelling ritual 2: touch a rock or stone, thinking to "repel all insects and make them go." then go with it to place it somewhere you want it to effect and it emanates the energy frequency to cause all insects to die or leave. I used it and no insets remained except for those that crawled in.

pattern effect; think of what you need, form a pattern and upon completin you create the effect you thought to create.

pattern focus; create with the will and make with the idea an you think as in the soul creates what you want.

definitions: (skip to end)

y = yes

n = no

nah = negate, negative

yah = ya, affirmative

may = maybe, in-between

mey = creative ingenuity

nok = no ok

Monday, June 6, 2022

For use magic

This is for use by magic, that is the point where the energy does what you want as its conscious and does what you intend it to do. This magic is interesting by feel so words can direct it to create with idea and made effects are what you get. 

 Some magic 
State the word to the left of the ; or = sign and don;t state the ; or = as its a separator, then when you state the word or phrase you think of the idea or look at the idea to do. 

 Thought: the bbb is passed into law by congress soon. Abortion is allowed by the democrats by feel. Cola is swapped with inflation. 

 Theo; he isn't crazy today and gets his cup of coffee. 

 The mail; it comes earlier today and brings Paul his check. I get paid by feel. The mail also brings my packages earlier than usual. Paul t; he doesn't mind what I do by feel or idea. 

 No; no baby, no baby weight gain. 

 Abo; abort the baby and no longer eat or appear like you have one. 

 Fun; the fun is the effect you create by thinking, feeling and knowing. 

 En Deafness; I am not deaf no matter what. 

 Ricardo; he gets to go back to work and keeps his job. He heals quickly by feel and the creator cures him. 

 Paypal; they give me a temporary credit for the 39.90 and I don't have to pay it back sooner than usual.  

 Mj; she texts Stacy b back by feel quickly. The bodyweight; the weight on the body is reduced by feel and quickly. 

 Juneau; he doesn't do a curse against me by feel. He does nothing against me by feel. 

 Ricardo; he recovers by Saturday from his wounds. 

 Peachy; when peachy is stated, I do not get aen or overly large. Stacy; she can help visitors by feel. She is done with the phone conversation with mj. 

 Their way; focus energy and create with thought or idea pointed out. 

 Nonganesa; the point is weight dropping off of you as you gain in money. En Energy manifest no longer puts up my weight by feel. It puts down my weight instead. 

 Focus; the focus in energy is the object and if you hold the object thinking of what you intend then its the object energy that created the idea. 

 Juneau; he doesn't burn me out on answering questions. 

 En Bbb; the build back better gets enough support to get it to law. No matter the point. 

 Kirsten sinema; sinema will agree with passing the bbb no matter the point. 

 Blockages; any blocks to my wish, spell or motion is no longer blocked. 

 Focus; the focus is interested attention and thinking of what you do best. Think and you know what to do.

 Focus ii; the point is a concept you think it its done. 

 Wetless; weight less 

 President; the president is no longer blamed no matter what or when. 

 Freeze; the moment freeze no longer is frozen by feel. Thought; the idea is done so think and use energy from the creator to make what effects you need without too much taken. 

 Focus area; think of the thing and you create the idea by the power of the spirit using the soul as a soul source. 

 Kevin; songcastmusic gets the update done on his singles' pictures.. he isn't upset about the music service or myself. 

 Danese; she isn't upset about what occurred. 

 Mail; I get my mail today earlier than usual including any packages. 

 Bbb; the bbb in congress gets voted on as soon as possible and passed into law quickly. If nothing done, they pass it later on as soon as possible and that's sooner than usual. 

 President; he gets popular and the democrats get popular as well. 

They get the vote done by the memorial weekend with the thought about it agreed with quickly by quickly done negotiations. This happens despite the people against it. 

 Stay; stay focused an finish in your tasks. Stay focused; the point is not minded the idea is go, think and you know what to do. 

 Frailty; we are not as fragile as we look. End speech.. 

 Juneau; he gets his deal done for his ged and manages to get it with flair no matter what. 

 Nothing; Nothing is set against me by feel. Lupus; he definitely gets a result from asking his soul for things. 


 Lalate vids; Whatever the problem with his vids that keeps him from being watched no longer keeps him from being observed. 

 Lazik; they repair vision to perfection and you don't need glasses. 

 Rain; it doesn't rain on me. Install; Whatever pauses the win10 update no longer pauses the install of the update. 

 Focus; the point is thought and what you think is possible so you could recreate it from nothing. 

 Mail; the mail comes earlier by feel or idea. And I get my mailed packages easily and sooner than usual. 

 Republicans; they in the point don't succeed in what they attempt no Republicans matter to the point. 


 Talking; I can speak with people clearly by feel. 

 Ricardo; he gets good reviews by his doctor appointments and things work out by feel. The doctor or nurse didn't mind my call. I don't mind what occurs. 

 Juneau; he doesn't mind what I do or did. He finds no fault with me. 

 Routine; my Routine with Juneau improves by feel and idea. 

 Angela; she replies in idea to my text to her by Facebook or cell texting no Matter the point. 

 The rat; it experienced death so I don't have to. 

 Focus point; the focal point of the manifest is the area, think and you get what you need.; the guest book fixes itself by feel. 

 7-11; Travis finds no troubles with their atm. 

 Putin; putin loses the Russian war. 

 Biden; he isn't effected by Juneau in any way and his soul is returned to him by returning itself. 

 Juneau; he doesn't effect me no matter the point. 

 Win10; my win10 install updates itself by feel and completely updates quickly. It also installs clamav. 

 Travis; he pays me 5 dollars for going to the store for him no matter what. 

Things work out in the end and my windows update finishes successfully. This happens quickly and easily. 

 Windows; the windows install works well with the cursor shown, no matter the point. 

 Travis; he doesn't mind what I do, no matter what. 

 None; noone minds what I do. 

 Taz; I don't make mistakes with him. I give him his space and allow what comes. He doesn't mind i do. 

 Fault; I don't find fault in myself or others for what people do, no matter what. 

 Lupus; he gets easily his memory back of his life without consequences and confusion no matter what. 

 Democrats; they get an easier win this time in congress no matter the reason. 

 The mgr; they don't mind what Paul did to the freezer. 


Abd; crippling weight gain 
Aen; crippling weight 
Conv; conversation, convention, conversion 
Escav; escavation seen by feel. 
Uaen; reversed gain in weight. 
Unnabd; non weight gain. 
Enabd; non crippling weight loss no matter what. 
Pec; Peaceful again 
Leswet; least amount of weight. 
Bbb; better build 
Lindel; lying person 
Ee; subject, subjectee 
Er; over, a position over 
Grit; grant, granted (grito) 
Grat; gratitude, gat, grateful (grato)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sendition magic

 The act of sendition is the act of sending energy to create with by your will by feel. This means you create with the thought of energy, that creates what you need by feel. Think and you create an with a point your subconscious directs the result to make what you will and create what you wanted. This is the idea, you think of the concept and things happen that you need when you write them down. This is the effect done by sending things and the energy of the item is what empowers the result. This is what I did with that idea:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

LOA; One way you could use the LOA in trying to attract people is also by having someone who you already know go through a slight change and some mental growth which will produce the exact same result. LOA isn't just about manifestation for something to happen, but also for something to change and become what you wanted to happen, but in a different way and perspective.

whatever; whatever the reason that I can no longer watch youtube vids including lalate vids, no longer exists. I can now watch youtube vids on firefox with my desktop no matter the point.


writing; Write your need on the top of a piece of paper.  then write it at the bottom.  Fold 2 of them on top of each other.  say this verse "he(god) is the one who teaches to write with the pen" carry that paper on you.  I guess your need radiates energy at every moment and you get your request in a short time.

nothingness; how about, stating out loud, "I can create with nothingness." and if you focus on nothing and state out loud what you intend as an idea. this generates a result out of nothingness and nothingness contains mana energy. This is where you think, I will create a breeze, then state the affirmation word "breeze" as you look at nothing for a slight breeze in the area. Now realize that everything that comes from the void,  goes back to the void. So if you summoned an object from void,  it could disappear back to the void. 

win 10; the update happens quickly by feel or idea noted no matter the point.

update; the win10 update completes very quickly without trouble suceesfully no matter the idea.

update pause; whatever pauses the win10 update no longer pauses it no matter the point. the update pause at 21% is ended and it continues to update and is installed. the pause at 90% upauses and continues on to finish installing quickly no matter the point without problems.

the internet; it works and I can get connection to the network and the internet is fast in response.

the download; I manage to get the download easily and quickly that I set out to get.

the improvement; The idea of economics is improved upon by activity. Think of the need and it is improved, however there is no negativity.


jamie; he and she doesn't mind what I do.

for dnd

templar class:

This class creates with ability and weapons what you think is really cool to do.

<a name="templ"></a>

<p><b>Templar</b> (Templar)<br> 

 For Templar abilities not in <a href="#mp">Magic system</a> go <a href="LDnD/ldnd_gloss.htm#Templar" target="_blank">here</a>.


 Alignment: Any alignment<br>

 Saves: Will good<br>

 Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.<br>

 Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4<br>

 Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod</p>

<p><b>Class skills</b>: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).</p>

<p><b>Class features</b>: <br>

 1st level gains Improved weapon manifest (Ex), <a href="#general">Focus ability (Wis)</a>.<br>

 2nd level gains a Bonus feat.<br>

 3rd level gains Nothingness (Cha) and Improved focus (Ex)<br>

 4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 5th level gains LOA change (Cha) and Strength enhancement (Ex).<br>

 6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Dexterity enhancement (Ex).<br>

 7th level gains writing magic (Cha).<br>

 8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon specialization (Ex).<br>

 9th level gains Time ability (cha).<br>

 10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon focus (Ex).<br>

 11th level gains Self-creation (Cha)<br>

 12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.<br>

 14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.<br>

 20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Dedication (Ex).</p>

<p>&nbsp;<b>Bonus Feats</b>: At 1st level, a Templar gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Templar gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.


&nbsp;An Templar can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.</p>

Ex: active ability

improved weapon handling (Ex); This is where you are improving your weapon skills and gain a +3 to the rolls using the weapon.

improved focus (Ex); Your focusing skill improves and you get double the damage using your focus ability annd energy that your mind directs to the target with a hit of the weapon. Each hit disrupts the target's energy flow with a critical hit, stunning it for 1d6 rounds in battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle.

strength enhancement (Ex); +1 strength

dexterity enhancement (Ex); +1 dexterity

weapon specialization (Ex); +4 to attack rolls 

weapon focus (Ex); +5 to the effect and totals with rolls of the weapon.

Dedication (Ex); The point they reach at level 20 is they become dedicated to a purpose, as long as they are doing their purpose they receive bonuses to their effect and attack rolls. This amounts to +6 to their rolls and totals. They receive a +5 to strength, +4 to constitution and a +50% to their health.


nothingness; how about this with an idea for an ability, stating out loud, "I can create with nothingness." and if you focus on nothing and state out loud what you intend as an idea. this generates a result out of nothingness. Nothingness contains unlimited mana energy. This is where you think, I will create a breeze, then state the affirmation word "breeze" as you look at nothing for a slight breeze in the area. 

Now realize that everything that comes from the void the character can think it to the void. This is including disease and wounding,  goes back to the void that makes it disappear from here. So if you summoned an object from void,  it could disappear back to the void of life. So if you thought and needed something, then you ask the void energy to create it. Since that is a point you have, you could think it didn't happen to exist and sending the existing thing's energy to the void could make it not exist.

The effect in DND terms for this is per each time to use this, it's as though 1d10+charisma mod with each 3 focus ranks (rounded down) for effects. That include the elements such as fire, water, earth or air energy or healing. Its like watching a concert, it exists yet doesn't after the fact of it not being needed. The effect is this, you can summon a thought that turns into an object from the void of nothingness. Then you summoned an object. 

If you instead summoned a fire energy to cause healing, then its not causing damage its making the body heal quickly and to a certain point. If you summoned the fire energy to create harm, then it causes the fire or heat in the air to make damage. Its an idea that exists by the consciousness of energy. This energy does what you intend by it receivving the thought you need and it does a manifestation of effect..duration is how long you need the fire energy to do the idea you had. 

In DnD terms it's 1d6 rounds in battle, and outside of battle it's unlimited until you dismiss the summoning and this causes it not to exist. You you make an instant effect of thinking the wound was the energy and make it by gates of singularities to be sucked back into the void per the amount you rolled or decided with no-dice systems per minute outside of melee or battle. As it does this thing, you heal the wound and restore good health to the body. 

This at 20 ranks in focusing and 7 charisma mod means 6d10+7 in amount, that has a max of 67% health restored each round in battle or minute outside of battle. The effect is focused into existence by the power of the creator. In the effect, you have to think and state the desire as a need to create the result as stated by the DM/GM. If you don't, then how do you know it worked? I think it's interesting if it does, and interesting if you get some other result.

LOA change; One way you could use the LOA in trying to attract people is also by having someone who you already know go through a slight change and some mental growth which will produce the exact same result. LOA isn't just about manifestation for something to happen, but also for something to change and become what you wanted to happen, but in a different way and perspective. What you focus upon that comes is changed, thinking of what it is  to become by what you want by feel with this ability. This is possible to change a form or attribute of the target you thought to bring to the area, on a successful focus or concentration check with 10 or above results or 15 total with no-dice.

Writing magic; Writing what you think or need or as you describe the idea by writing or statement otherwise thinking to write it like a story, that makes it by the subconscious creating what you describe. This self-creates the point you make by feel or idea you observe. The writing effect in DnD terms will work by rolling a 1d20+focus or concentration ranks with a 10 or above and otherwise with a no-dice determination it's a 15 or above result for success. 

Time ability; the character will be able to manipulate time and events by imagining or stating the idea they want and if the energy of the element is summoned by this its through gating. The means create the effect and the idea is the point you speak. This comes into existence as a point of activity. The activity allows you to get things by feel. You can get things done very easily. However, with the time ability, the character gains 1d6 actions per round. They literally speed up and get things done quicker. This means they use the 1d6 for rounds of time speed up. That means you get multiple actions per round and rounds of it.

A DnD result by this effect is a focus or concentration check and 10 or above results to cause fighters to demise as though not existing and things are better after. Otherwise the result is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks round down. The effect is 1d10+charisma mod for the amount. Each amount is used as percent for healing or damage. So a 15 skill rank in concentration, a 5 charisma mod and the intent spoken of "I will create a water effect to heal using the time ability." Creates a 7d10+5 amount in percent. That amount is what summoned water if successful will heal your character by feel. 

Self-creation; The character that rolls a focus skill check with 10 or above as a result or has 15 total is the result with no-dice, and that character focuses can create using the energy of the area, that is directed by will and the subconscious creates what you want by feel. This is concentrated energy, so think and you know what to do. The thing this energy does is start the change, that is from imagining what happens within to create without problems. Self-creative thinking can produce the result or effect, that the building or area energy creates by being nearby. Since this is more focused energy, the result is produced by using your focus skill. 

The DnD result is creating anything in the area by the power of the area. This means in math terms, that you per each 2 levels, round down, is 1d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result. A thought of this idea can create the result. It's self-creative from the consciousness of the building or area making the result. What this means, if the area consciousness is awakened, it can create for you what you focus on to create. The result is a total that creates if elemental and healing is intended, with a level 15 character and 15 focus skill ranks, 7d10+15 in amount. This amount has 85% health restored.

The duration or how long it lasts, is what you intend it to last, this means outside of melee or battle its as long as the area lasts and per 1d6 rounds in battle. So say you cast a earth effect, from the earth energy forms the result you intended. And, it lasts a rolled 5 rounds. Say this effect was to create an object, thinking and stating, "the self-creation I intend is to use earth energy to make appear a few hundred gold coins wherever I find them." This creates with an unlimited amount of time, the gold coins that appear from focused earth energy with a successful focus check and since it's outside of battle it's where the gold coins are there indefinitely..unless you are in battle, then it is there for 5 rounds of 6 seconds or 30 seconds. 


flying carpet: this is a carpet you sit or stand on and thinking of where you need to go. As you step on the carpet or sit upon it, say "cruise" and you are off to the area you wanted to be.

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