Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Delivery magic

 This is where you think of the place and imagine the idea as you realize that is is done, at least in vision. This is an idea in itself. 

Here is some magic..for your consumption:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does things by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

I; I don't eat larger or smaller. Noone eats larger. In fact, I and they lower their weight if overlarge. No matter the point.

things; things that are positive, happen for me with no negative effect, no matter the point.

I read something interesting

he says : "my dear system, please extend 1 hour to 5 hours for me. Let me sleep for 1 hour and feel like rested for 5 hours. May the miracle happen."  If we say this, 2 hours of sleep a day is enough.

Imagine I have you read 10 pages of information. If I ask the other day what you remember. You can't explain it all, but it's in your mind. For example, if I told you something about bees, you may not think of it. but if I show you honey, you think of bees and hence that topic. A little knowledge reveals all other knowledge. This is how the da vinci method works. we know quantum and many other information. If we combine, we can find new things.

NSO; they don't do a hiring freeze and they don't lay off stacy butts or other NSO employees.


aura shield; this shield is created by envisioning white light in your aura, and that causes the idea you don't want to be deflected.

Whatever; whatever set off people against joe biden, no longer sets them off against him by feel in life.

focus and create; the creator makes it so joe biden wins by feel.

pdf book uploads; I sucessfully upload all the pdf books that I intend to get feel they adjust the author to what I suggested, no matter what.

mail; the mail comes earlier than usual, especially with amazon packages.


channeled energy; The focus you have is used by the higher self, that creates by cause and energy that flows from the higher plane through your body to be directed outward. That happens through the aura and its cast out like a wave that effects the target. This energy does what you think it does. Including making dysfunction in machines by feel. This is real higher self channeling.

Focus point; the focal area is the thing you think to see.

self-creation; the third eye creates what you want by feel and with your need that you feel is important.

packages; no matter what, I get my package sent through usps and the bbb stimulus checks.

writing stuff 

The focus; This is the point of focus, think of the idea and you ca get the result by idea or feel.

for dnd

witch class


focus magic; The focus of the mind creates results, so stating the result as an end results makes the manifest occur if its intended. So upon focus you create the point of idea and that you feel should exist exists. However, if there is a counterwill, then you can expect no results. This can create any result that you can imagine, state or say just like a wish. It can even use a rite or ritual to make results, only as long as you focus the result to manifest and exist. This can generate from energy gated in as the elements, or whatever effect you want energy to create. 

Dust of peaceful rest; If you find a body and want to use dust to cancel out its ghostly influence. Then gather sawdust or cremated body dust and hold the bag of it thinking to repel the the ghost from the area that it influences. Then, sprinkle the dust on the body and bury it. This fixes the moment and creates peace where it was unrest. This is called into action by your energy charging the dust and the thought you wanted occurs by its sprinkle, this is the dust of peaceful rest done by feel in a game.

magic food or drink; You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating or drinking. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food or drink with the thought focused through the food and drink as you eat or drink it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food and drink is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again.

ice magic; Write a note and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently not to exist. If you dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup.

remote listening; Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens.


genetic wake up; You can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water. This is not intended in real life, yet is how it is done. This process can take at most a day and you develope the trait of the idea you intend..

genetic correction; This is a water type body formation that you think of the genes correcting themselves, and as you drink water you get a purified body. If you don't intend this don't do it. If you do this, then your body is pure so you become ageless.

fire genetic correction; Think of heat energy that enters the body and creates what changes you desire, such as cleansing the genetic patterns and correcting problems by feel.

earth genetic correction; Think of earth energy coming into the body to block out the problem genes.

air genetic correction; Think of air entering and changing the genetic pattern to create what results you state or desire. The air particles are conscious so its the energy of air that does your request. 

void genetic pattern change; This corrects the genes as they exist as traits and uses void energy to change the body as the void, through its energy sucks the genes essence that block what you want. Effectively turning off the genes that are bad.

Thought magic; This is a more powerful version of the focus magic. This is where you think of what you want, focus the thought and create with the result manifesting by feel or observed idea. Counterwills play a huge role in this, where other things are thought and funny things occur instead. Then there is the combined effect of 2 or more people, where you think of the point and someone else thinks of a point and by focus you create a combined effect. That needs a focus point though, so focus your thoughts on an idea you speak about. You then create with a major focus of many people, or just two people at its minimum. This is why it's more powerful and can generate unlimited amounts of money.

Channeler class

Description; This is a modern day weaver of energy that focuses the energy of the moment and gates the energy in to make use of it.

Ex ability

Ultimate channelor (Ex); After you reach level 20, then you have the ideom of ultimate channelor. The point being, you are better at the idea understand the risks, so the energy changes you as you are using it. This is where you gain in core stats as you are practiced at the idea. The effect is you can raise all core stats +4 and +60% health since you use the energy to get healthier.


Energy channeling; this is a point you think to believe. That you focus upon the energy of the area and think your need to it. The energy responds with a surge that eliminates ghosts and cause of idea you don't like. Think to channel the energy in a positive way, to get a good result. Each time you channel energy, you create your need that you think into energy and existence by manifest if you intend to get a result.

Sun channelling; Think of the sun and its energy that radiates forth, thinking to create what you need as you think your need to the energy itself. The sun will shine forth and the energy creates your need.

Moon channeling; This is creating with the moon energy, if any moon is there. This controls the mood and waves of energy that create by a surge wave of energy what you wish to create.

Spirit channeling; This is where you take a relaxing breath and use your 3rd eye to percieve the ghost. Then say what you want it to know or do. Then the soul allows you to know by insight what it says in return.

Being channel; Think of the being and this can include a god or the creator, then allow yourself to relax as you breath slowly in and out. Think your message to the being or imagine the scene of you talking to it, speak your message under the breath and you hear its responses by the soul picking up on the response and letting you know..

Electricity channeling; This is where you focus the energy of electricity to create what you may, that makes itself into manifestation of your idea after it surges and creates what you want.

Elemental channeling; Think to focus your mind and cause a gate to the aetherical plane of elements. Then the energy comes through at the right frequency. This energy is there in part in the area and in the air, that's in the form of the element particles or traces of heat. This can be used to form the elemental creation on a target or in a target at will.

Soul channeling; This is where you think of the soul and feel the response as you state what you want it to know. Then you channel the soul and after a few false starts, you get good results.

Death channeling; This focuses the death and decay in the body to be sent to the target no matter the distance. This death energy makes the body of the target decay and collapse in death. That is done, unless the target is immune to death attacks.

Voidal channeling; Think to channel the void by opening a gate into nothingness, this causes pure energy to rush forth and the soul directs it. As the pure energy causes the target of the energy to do what you want, think to create what you want it to do. Normally the void gate, if opened in the target will create the dehydrating effect. This is sucking of all life force from the body, that results in instant death and collapse of the body. Remember to close the gate as you are done with it.

Dimensional channeling; This is where you imagine the area or think of the dimension, and focus your mind on the thought to create as you need its energy to do the idea you intend it to do. This allows that the area will surge and the dimensional consciousness will create things in itself. What you want as a point in time is formed with then you blink and its there. That's where you intend it to form as it is possible. This proves it is alive, has a consciousness and will respond to your will. So think of the idea and you can create it.

The energy you send to the dimension, this will create what you need as you intend things to be created as though the thought in energy transcends you and you create by feel. Then things are created from the energy in the area. This includes things like a fireball that can burn a target alive or an air ball that punches through something. Whatever you intend is formed and your energy you think there directs the point that is done. Its purpose is then set to the point of what the soul deems necessary. This is a known effect. 


.. = an etc.

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