Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, June 25, 2023


 The creator or God is what creates, if and when you think its there then it can be found. So think of the idea, then you are aware of the fact. This fact creates by you willing it to exist and that will is reflected in your creator. So think of the effect and you know what is possible.

Some spells

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

think; thinking in idea you get what you need by the feel that exists things you want.

thought; the rest is thoughts, that I don't have to put down in writing.

raven; the raven is a point you say and if the target/s attack or are wanting to do violence, summons from the creator a force of energy that freezes the target/s in place and gives them a heart attack. They that are the attacker or instigator of wrongdoing are dead on the spot. if you are proven right, where you did nothing wrong. then you are though not touched by the raven.

dhs pay; I receive the small check payment on my dhs card as soon as possible.

monday; the point is expression amongst the day.

interesting; the point you see is not taken in if violent. if cube violence is there and done, its not noticed.


time gate; This is where you think of the time and cause your soul to form an energy gateway there, that forms with the right frequency. Think of the time and place as you form the gate. This causes you to shift there, when you walk right through it. 

roving gate; This is a gate of energy that shifts you places as it comes nearby and passes over you. Think to form the gateway, as you think of the place to "visit", and then you will the gate to move towards the target/s. When it passes over them it shifts them.

Anti-corruption; this is where you create an effect by thinking about it, that causes non corruption. no matter what.

think; the point is always the similar idea, if you think to look at a game. You create with a point, that you state I am there and you are where you think.

booze; if you think about the point, you know what is what. think to realize things and you do not do booze.


thinking; if you think you create, that's the general rule.

visage; the visage is an illusion, that creates with a point what effect you desire. think of the idea and think your the figure your always wanting to be, then your soul makes you that form. look in the mirror to break the illusion.

iridescent sphere; this sphere is using energy focused from the blood and chaos energy to create a sphere in the air that shoots forth to disintegrate the target. its formed by focusing energy into the form of a sphere, that is thought created in the air. then, when its focused enough, think chaos energy and blood energy goes into it until it no longer absorbs it. Then think to it to go forth and hit the target.


victory; this is where the bill is voted on to raise the debt ceiling and passes, no matter what.

psionics; if you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go". optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water. think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result.

fire formation; that is where you focus on the heat in the air condensing into a sphere in the air. the more condensed the more it does. so basically, the heat is the fire in the air or above your hand from energy. that's gathered in your wrists, and used from the focus of your hands and thought. so your gathering it into a sphere in the air or hand, then think it goes to the target and it does.. (target a wall surface). it should form at the least a dark spot you psychically see and at most a physical smudge mark. think energy goes into the mark or marks and it will eventually burst into fire. tell if you can do it. 

oh yeah.. sometime you will find it doesn't form, allow the heat to recirculate in the air and after 1 minute or more, you should be able to do it. one last thing, the more your emotionally focused upon the target and doing something. the more chance that you do it. the more effect you get, like making a really dark spot. that's if you think about the need and will it with your emotion, like love or hate. this does have a 50% chance to succeed. sometimes if you overdo it, you can get a headache. that headache disappears after awhile.

so try and try again till you give it up. for some it does take years, so think to master it at your own pace. however, the effect of creation can make you hungry, that's because your body uses energy up to help form the effect and need energy from sustenance to recoup its energy. this is focusing the energy in the air to create things by feel. so think to keep from eating and you don't gain any weight. that's what could happen to make weight happen. thinking to ho;d off causes you to not need to eat, so think about it and you know what to do.

the more you repeat the rite, the more you accumulate with based repetition - energy, into a specific point of poise, the more power you get over the accumulation of such energy as well as the reinforcement of reality and abiding by those principles that reality gives structure to those system, which manifests the way it did for you. it doesn't matter what kind of system you are using, repetition will reinforce its power. another reason why ritual magick is so effective, because its based on repetition. repeating it again and again creates more effect. some magickal orders like the Golden Dawn, repeat their rituals on a daily basis. they understand how if you keep regenerating the energy, it accumulates to serve that point in reality. 


empowerment stone; this is where you have the stone and focus energy through it for an amplified effect. think and create as you hold the stone. this is also a blessed stone effect. so think about what you want and the stone creates it consciously with its conscious of energy. this includes summoning a dragon form. that lasts for centuries.

Think and kill; The effect you think into existance by the power of the creator or god, this is the moment you seal the body and put a void hole in the body. that's if you want to kill the body. The body will either collapse or die on the spot. losing sudden weight.

kari lake; she gives up on legal actions and striking out no matter what.

danese; she isn't disappointed in life and creates better by doing things that are needed. no matter what.

meals; I get 2 meals from meals on wheels today or on the day of saturday..


for dnd

magic engineer class addon

ex and sp

Assault n battery; this is where you hit and get a charge to your energy from the hit.

Lava bombs; this is gated in lava balls 65 cm big, that rolls into the area after falling down. 

Tornado fire; this is a tornado of fire that goes out by burning itself out.

Lava sweep; the Lava gated in to an area sweeps forth to go into an open area.

Mosquito tornado; this effect is where millions of Mosquito are gated in as they form a tornado formation that goes where you intended. 

instant karma; this is where you think instant karma and its instant payback or actions done that were done to you to the deed doer in life.

instantaneous transformation; This is where you think of the form and need to be the shape, then you appear bigger than yourself unless you wanted to appear smaller than yourself as you are formed that way by will. The effect is simple, the spirit creates your body shape change, then you are that form in appearance. so whatever shape you want to be, you are by the power of the soul and the creator that feeds the soul.

energy strike; this is where you send forth a pulse of light that appears like a red beam. hitting with a bright red light of radiation..

telekinetics; think of the thing you want and the object to do and focus upon the item, then will the idea as you need it for you want as you state the point or intent. The object, if energy aware, should do it.


build; this is where you think and focus on what you want to do, you can build or lift anything by the power of the spirit using the soul energy. you can glue things or unglue things together by feel.

fuse; This ability is creating with energy and fusing something together or fusing things together otherwise you can unfuse them. People can lift objects like logs, fans, sails and more besides, and adhere them to other objects (as well as breaking those connections) to result in complex constructions made for a specific purpose. This fuse ability allows you to create instant combinations of weapons and shields merged with other items like rocks, changing how they work, how durable they are, and how much damage they can deal. 

ascend; you raise yourself up and through what is above you by the creator doing the deed, and you are on the above surface. you can also lower yourself to the area below as though magic done by feel.

reversal; you reverse the momentum of what machine is there by the power of the subconscious. This recall is using an ability that allows players to "rewind" time and the path of physical objects, essentially forcing those objects to undo any motions they did recently. It's a great way to send enemy projectiles hurtling back toward them mid-throw, or as a means to cross certain rivers, lakes, or pits of lava by reversing the flow of drifting items you can step on. 

autobuilder; this ability of the creators will make you anything you need to be found by you, it even can use gemstones to get a pattern that you will to be built. hold the gemstone, think of what you need and its there where you look to find it.


Add Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.

Likeness summons; This is where you think to focus on creating a likeness of some form from thin air. This is done by the creator making it appear. It disappears when it isn't needed. The source of this appears to be an angel sent by God or the creator to appear and act like you want it to act. If your evil, then you call by thought a fallen angel or demon to do what you want. The idea is you create an appropriate appearance, if you have in mind the person or thing you want to mimic. If no image appears, then God or the creator must have thought to not allow it. So luck be with you.

Geologist class

Ex and sp

Psychic (ex); they know before the moment what will occur, they are never surprised.

Intense attack (ex); the intensity is there on need, think to add +5 to your attack rolls and damages.

Focused management (ex); this is where you think and focus on the point to express. Then, the result is created that you wanted, this works best as you know of the problem.

psionics; If you focus your mind and breath to relax..then your thought will occur. that is where psionics happen. so think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go".

optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. that by far is easiest. then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. then, you "psychically" feel the wind. otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water.

think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. the water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. however you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result. This doesn't effect if you don't need it.

Mastery (ex); this ability is where at level 20. you master the moment, then create your results with the creator or god as enhanced. Think and you know what to do. This allows greater potential, that's done by the creator or god changing things. Add +4 to all your core stats. Add +60% slim health to your health.


Earth Detection; this is an early warning, where you are sensitive to vibration, and can sense when someone or something is coming near. This includes seismic waves that indicate an earthquake. This effect is instant.

Appearance; this is where you focus the vibration in the planet, programming it to make through the vibration the spirit or apparition appear at least in photos. You can make almost anyone invisible appear to the third eye in a moment. This effect is instant.

Wave energy; this is where you focus the energy of sound and the earth into creating an effect by thought  programming it, as the subconscious does the programming and the consciousness of energy does the idea with its influence. This includes a wave attack. That effects the targets and does damages to them. This effect is instant.

Elemental summons; this ability creates what is called the elements, like water, earth, air, fire, poison, acid and void. Think to gate in energy to create the effect. That effect occurs because of the creator or your God.

This is using your thought and need for the energy to program it into emulating the element. This even includes attacks and healing however you form the element.

Some like spheres that you think into existence. Some like beams. Some create elementals at level 10 or living elements that are shaped as you need..

See these elementals have your stats, except for 100% health and a different shape. Think of how you want to create it, and state to the dm/gm what you want to do to make use of this. This effect is instant and lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle passes, or until you no longer need it.

Shaping; this ability creates a shape of energy formed from air and earth.  That emulates a being as it exists.. it has 100% Health and is shaped like the being. The rest of the stats are your own. It basically does what you intend or need. This lasts until you  no longer need it or it thinks to end its life.

Recreation; this is the point that your spirit recreates the idea or process that you observe to cause it to effect a target or targets. You can even recreate a target form by feel. Any recreation starts with spiritual recreation, then in you need it.. physical recreation. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until you no longer need it outside of battle.

Thought control; the thought of controlling the creature or targets is done by the creator. You can make them do anything by feel and need. This control lasts 1d8 rounds in battle  and until not wanted outside of battle.

splintering; It seems that your subconscious will take a force to make changes to the material, that means it splinters it.


The creation; the Creator makes what you want, no matter the reason why. It seems that he hears our idea to create as we need it, and then makes realistic the point of expression. The atleantians also create by the idea you do. So think about it, if you thought to do things to make what you wanted, the creator makes what you able to do what is necessary. This means you create by needing something, the creator makes it more likely. So think about the idea, then you get what result you desire. If you don't desire it, it doesn't get done. This is the way of people.

Although, sometimes with idea done its magic, as it takes an event or it to take place. This is where you think of the result, when you think to do things and the soul creates with a point or expression. So think and you know what is what. This I think, that you realize things, the moment things materialize. So think about it and its as though a thought there in some world, that creates itself by the thought being noticed and you get a result. That's done by feel or by being aware of the moment, and its as though think and you know what you can do. Otherwise don't do things and you might get a result, that's with extra energy not being used up.

Energy is a vague term, so think of the use to define what it is. One such meaning is the body energy, this I think you know to realize it. So if you think of the idea, you realize what is done. That's realized by the energy consciousness, that's revealing the idea to your spirit and that idea the soul has you realize. If it didn't, then it wasn't meant to occur. So think about this for a minute as it seems, that knowledge is the inner knowledge. The inner knowledge comes forth, to allow you to do what you think is necessary. This is in effect, a point where and when the expression comes forth and you know what the creator creates if you don't unless you don't want it. The expression itself.

If you don't want or need it, then you make the result of the idea disappearing. This is where you think about the point as an idea that is done. The idea sometimes is an object. Then, if you don't need it, its gotten lost or disappears by the idea that you need. So think, if you need it its there, if you don't need it, its gone. That is the way of life. There is a safeguard, the safeguard is when you want something nasty and it goes against the person's life. Then and only then, if negative and they didn't deserve it, the effect is that there is no effect. So think about this and do what you want.

Now if you said "fixed" and think the leylines fix the idea, then things fix themselves by the power of the leylines. Don't fix it if not broken. The leylines are the lava flows below the planet. Thinking about the lava, then think of what you want, causes the creator to program the leylines into doing what you intended. Think the leylines do things to help you as you say, "do" and you get the result of your desire. These things are what you think you need, like money generation. The money is generated easier, with a "do" thinking the leylines cause you to get more money. This is way easier than it seems by writing. However, the thought really is done as the creator makes the idea seem to exist.

It seems that there is nothing the creator or God, can do and create for you. So the limit is where you do too much, that's when you get a use headache. This headache comes from thinking things and getting results that use a source. Say you wanted something, and used your own energy as a source. That the creator uses to create with effect, so think and you get the dream result that you desire. This is where you can consider the use of fat cells, that means you use it as an energy source. Then think of what you want, this is where you create the end result in idea. That result is sometimes what you want, sometimes if the target didn't deserve it its not done. So think of what you want and you can achieve you life's desires.


w/ = with, using

w/o = without, with held, hold

woke; disliked thing

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