Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This came from a life that I noticed was aware yet doing her own thing. how can they seem aware before awareness as a term was made? they were using the term before that life existed. so the term existed before the life you had now. such as suchas or awareness, the term was aware meaning creative energy that you know things from.

Other things an idea is more than that awareness this is life, that means creative approach that exists by you knowing. so creative knowing is the ideal you are aware of by feel. that means several things from where your standpoint or standing, this was meaning from a definition viewpoint awareness is aware. so think as you know then, as you think you can know by what your doing.

suggestions from this opportunity:

suggest; think then your aware of the point that exists.

crewate; create a point then the people that run the area exist by area feel or area activity.

create; those that exist are aware by now that mean crewate as aware thought. so think as you delight on those banana chips to create the point. this uses your energy that exists, by the feel that you have from the item you use.

create use; think then use is user feel by fee or creative ideal.

creative approach; think to approach or approve the idea, then you know what you can think.

creator; create by feel, the creator is the conscious energy. as the idea you know, that creates by feel with empathy or apathy that exists by feel.

curate; think the point then you are aware of the programming. feel or think then you are knowing by the feel that exists. you reveal the programming by thinking a point, then you know by what you speak or do. mind control is similar to this. stopped by the idea you reveal by what you say, the mind control.

creative approach; think then your aware, then you know what things exist. as if when your there, where you see things you know things by the creator.

the end

appalanchian; the false mountain where my friend was that helped make humans humans.

the ending; the point is energy that activates, then the weapon is done with what it was doing by now.

you got it; think the end then the point, then you know the idea that exists. then you got it.

the area; looks like a strange cavern that is prehistoric yet modern.

the activity; change of idea or cell structure, that creates what you think you need.

the end; leaving it is simple, think you were alive somewhere else that was existing then. as you walk out you are back, if you wish to be back.

exchange; money is exchange of idea, item or things that exist. so your money is the item that exists, where you think to exist. exchange as you want things.

then end this; think to end this life you are back in america or somewhere else. thinking to end this I tried this experiment, I was thinking I was somewhere else. as I was there I was here where my life continues, then I ended it there so I was aware of the possible points to do.

jelly bean; those that are jelly beans are large and weighty with an intelligent intelligence.

skinny cow; those that are skinny cows are slender and thin as a rail or thin by feel.

cow; those that are cows are animalistically intelligent or use, by focus you are aware they exist otherwise they don't show up.

buy for less; the area is clean, clear and the better buys are marked or there.

end; the end is the end, you are aware, that this is a repostin of the past events or future moments that exist by the creator. you could end up with a million dollars. think or feel then the creator creates the idea.

end point; the end point is the area, then if you think you know by what is happening.

ending; the end point here is what you consider ended, there is nothing more to this and its real or not there.

focus point; the end point is near, so you only need to create with life or integrity.


none superinundated.; this is the result of all my experiments. so I think if you were to focus, you could create by what you feel.

superintendant; the superintendant saved the day. the creature causing this disappeared. leaving us sane.

a way to walk; if you want to walk, then walk so your able and willing to serve if you feel like it.

choked; the choking occurred recently that was from some hot spicy stuff. a hot spicy stuff item can do that.

stabbed; he had an escape planned so I put it into play. he said he would be stabbed in his death, so I thought I could make it happen so he escaped the planet like he wanted. I gave him a target space, then he was there.

drowned; I feel I was drowned while doing this act for him, so I think this will work to get rid of the squirrel spirit that is around here.

end: I think I will end this here before I get into trouble. I found him as he was so I see he could exist not be hunted, so ciou till later.

end of the script

new script; This is a script that is broadcast to the area I saw. Ended by a point that ends the script point, I think I am sure this is the end point.

The suggestion is true that you suggest something then, the subconscious creates what you think should occur. so there is the ideal that is true, there is one if you think there is now the idea or whatever you think. the script is simple, think to create then you add to the point. the point is the idea that you think then, you add to the point or feel by focus. note lisa is not my wife. so this doesn't effect me.

This is where you think to eat, at the right times so you are aware that weight loss occurs. you actually by doing this use leptin control easily from the beginning of the idea, that you use food right or from when you start to eat. that is the script where the body causes things to create the right circumstance, sometimes to feed or create drink for itself unless you buy drinks.

The idea is you use a little fat intake, thought to bump your leptin up as a cheat day. use some carbohydrates as 10 to 20 grams to allow longer walking. then you create the ideal point that you focus, this uses fat burning. that is a misnomer really, where you burn the calories naturally. altogether you can use the right one ingredient meals.

Think thin thoughts as you hold in your stomach to cause faster weight loss. the end of the script is this, you gain what you don't always wish to gain. so the right method is thought to bake foods with less eating, where you could always shrink the stomach to create the point of less weight. this is from an idea that by less eating, with smaller meals you are with lesser weight.

So you stop gaining weight by activity done per day. something off is what stops the script. so this could be a word or number or letter. so think to create what you wish. that is the end of the new script, where you don't need to have one. 5-htp is a hormone that is useful so think of this, as a point that this goes up then the cravings disperse. that is it, think then you are with less fatty tissue that by exercise you can exercise off.

This is not guaranteed, that is then this is now. so think to improve then you do things better, as you walk away and don't let them bother you. some things to avoid, hot dogs, cheese, unorganic grown processed foods, too much banana from so much of that potassium. also try to avoid carbonation, as you don't always know when to stop eating unless you do stop, feel to stop or think you stop. so that is all for today, ciou.

new script II; this is the script I saw broadcast to the area near here without anti warfare or aggression allowed.

think a point, then you know a point to do. if you knew a point then you know, as to how you know a point to create with area feel. you just think a point then, the idea just comes to you. so that is just to rewrite or work with time. think to create with what is there. this is the ideal, tis is the end by what is done. so I think the end of this script, usually is the point you know then follow along or see if you want to see. that is all there is to this. attack not on a point, think not to do things to create with what isn't there.

the ideal; that means this broadcast by frequency is what you think, that exists so your subconscious can create what you think or feel. where feeling comes before thinking, you feel then you know by what you do. so I think this broacast by frequency is none needed or nowhere you think to work with, this is usually by what you think to counter or work with law, so your seen by focus with energy feel. that means you focus by feeling then think to create if you need what you think.

I think there is a point where your cronic. so this signal point is the frequency suggestion acted upon the mind by feel, for your not acted upon by reaction to create by what is done. this is if sicke or mental where you aren't going places, till you think you need to go somewhere. so you please or work, then avoid attack if threatening. your threatening if your stating, that you want to strike someone not changing an ideal. I think this handles all cases. if none is done then, at most you hear a high frequency or low frequency point. then you know what is done by feel.

thought; I think this is a point I will say, no not in this day and age. I fear noone and nowhere. so things work with or non against you, so you are feel or aware think feel is aware then you know what is there.

stress; the little things that create stress don't add up they are just facts. so think then you enjoy your day.

an; if you think to get out of this, you are non effected. so you are aware by now of the things said ,as example or the right things come to mind.

if; if you think to do things again you are no longer in trouble, so if you think the thought again you are doing something different or time adjusts to create what you think is available by usual feel. the end is here now, so think what you want then you know the way to go. state it if you want to let them know. otherwise don't state it, an if you don't want them to react when they react at all. the if statement is if, then or else. think the if, state the then and then else occurs if you don't want it. that is the way to stop, keeping this transmission effect from effecting you.

resolution; think to do something else if a statement s there, other than wisely thought or done.

fine; the end point that is a point where the end is in sight or site by area activity. then the activity was doing things to worsen you yourself, now the activity is doing things to not do things wrong. you decide this is the end time anyway.

fine point; you can do what you want, there is no fine by law or idea. so think what you wish then the government, creates what you not think about unless you need the idea.

end at this point

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