Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Time effect waves

 Time effects are possible by synergy, or amplified energy sine waves(time waves). These synergy sine waves, carry the event on its path, through the worlds, with extra charge built up from activity. To more or less feel the air charge, or tension in the air, will denote the type of activity, without a sine wave reading. A negative feel or vibe, will denote a bad moment. To feel a neutral vibe, will denote an upcoming neutral event, that leads to nowhere. To feel the positive vibe in the air, makes the upcoming event positive. The time wave will cause time distortion and disruption, as the wave passes through an area. For each year of a timewave effect there is 100 percent decrease in activity and increase of destructive forces by 35%, the last effort is to have chaotic results from anomolous destructive forces. For timewaves of positive nature, use with care, because it could bad with some sort of prosperity. I think its 1 year before a timewave effort is to have good results with a bad action or others bad reaction.

  Time is the measure of events, and actions by any means, as the events happen. The time wave is only applicable when an action is occured in a place. Time events happen, as you achieve a result somewhere else or through your own actions, focusing a synergy effect to yourself, or others. This event links in some way to you, and a power wave passes through the area, near you. The synergy effect dissipates, when it reaches its target. When it dissipates, things change with an eyeblink, or things weren't there that suddenly are. Those with resistant will or the person who set it off won't be effected unless it was to disappear to other areas.

  There are twelve time waves so far:

Event remaking time wave is "thought" that doke remakes the event right before your eyes. Done by setting a pattern of change before the event. Like a statement that means nothing, yet destabilizes a person over time.

Destructive time wave and considered a dysfunctional wave, that makes anything it passes by, not function right. This is set off by the use of a bomb somewhere in the past, or a linked by a device that stops functioning and forces the device linked to it not to work.

Reconstructive time wave, that will force you, or another, right after you destroy something, to remake it. Say with thinking on the event, "rebuild it" or "fix it", to do this unconsciously, say without thinking on the event, "rebuild it" or "fix it".

Repeating time wave(loop wave), which is set by a loop spell. To be broken by doing anythng, out of the order that you remember of the original event.

Disturbance time wave, that happens after you do an action that should not have happened and a lost soul or wandering soul becomes poltergiestic. The event reflects on you to cause you disruption until you fix it, the event, in some manner, or make reparations.

Deconstructive time wave, causes an event to occur that makes dissasembly happen to any particular thought or device. Those deconstructive with time waves that happen by someone else making a remark somewhere, or proving sometime in the past or future the device or thought was unaffective.

Dissolvation timewave, you could fix something in the past, it causes a time wave, and your house isn't there suddenly over a few days to a week. You could say that you have this stuff at your house, and cause a house robbery. That is a radical dissolving time wave or extreme focused sine wave done by only a fix in the past. When you try to thwart it, it comes back twice, and if its thwarted three times. It won't repeat itself, thus any destructive time wave, won't affect.

Shifting time wave, happens by an event, like a wish, oath or an intent to accomplish a deed or action. Sometimes a misplaced item, and things shift before the persons eye as they want.

Relational time wave, causing through the desire to understand someone, who refuses to work with you or hates you, and you somehow switch with the person. Hold the intent to make things happen by imaging the event or feel the event necessary. Then touch something or someone, the event happens through the subject you touched, by a relational or relocational time wave that follows the S-curve of space where energy spacial matter=mass=time=space and E=mc^2 and also E=Temperature of K/4.
Timeblock wave, which happens to block any event you desire. Focus your life energy, and imagine the event or action. Say, "stop" or think "stop" to stop the action or event. Release the energy as you think it or say it. As with fueling you wait that is energy to relocate as you dislocate by gravity.

The eco or ego wave, when we have taken 8 waves of energy or 8 time waves, so we get ego waves. Considered using Gaia or Earth energy as a focus. As its te best time or dreamless energy generated by these certain things, it creates a warmth or cold or intense warmth or intense cold indicating a healing effect. A soothing spirit and you get self-benefit from it by some sort of idea that you see effecting around you. It feels WARM as you might think it suddenly around you. Now if it were warm, this Gaia energy is of Gaia earth in energy in a form that you can't see sometimes to focus it. The wave is the ego wave as it occurs. It draws intense moments of warmth as you might think because its like little pockets of energy floating around and you might say its restoring you or your restored as you are.

This also destroy soul sucking or vampiric type beings and effects while removing shadow like beings that are ghostlike. Sometimes a COLD energy can also be gotten by the wave if you use numb or cold negative wave patterns like stopping people nonetheless. And its counted in the moment of eight as it can spread absorbative or destruction in some chaos as cold is using void as from where its source came from. Thus you can sometimes feel nothing or an intense cold feeling as it depends on what you use. There seems to be a switch of when warm turns to cold as the source of void interacts with it. You can always get effects off from the wave as its just to say what you intend or want and it happens.

Guidance effect wave is a human wave and it seems is persistent and called by thought or perception by release. It mainly consists of a felt wave, of an perceived effect by a effort, and a self-achieved goal as if by self. It ties into the splice spirit work, as one spirit does one thing then the body. And that spirit perceives another body and also an exact same situation. All in an exact similar conception with a difference or consideration. Thus, suspection as the suspection is the detected moment in time and the amount of point. In how movement can indicate what may be concieved it is true. So the process is in consideration as in everything else surround as thus the body feels an association. As understanding it makes it want to do it, if possible. So when they can't do it theres two results, one negative and one positive.

One negative is in a minute by the spirit of the body, that goes an effects that we are to do and cause as in a wave. Other people can get some problems, as you see or actualate or don't create "ather" actions. As the sophistric spirit spirit perceives it, in an emotional reply and response. Could cause damage otherwise, or as in perception of a flaw somewhere. Then theres the positive. As in a wave, the positive is where the person in spirit will travel to very similar somewhere else to cause the event perceived. The positive in deed, not only is it positive but to work with it. The idea is that this other person, is similar and finds strange thought and conceptual activity in idea. To be guided and achieve to what the spirit couldn't. If you are freakish, sometimes we state something in recognition of an event. An if it doesn't exist we tend to create the condition or not.

As for example, a person perceives a person perception in idea by a window. It cannot be rolled down due to some tape. Then that person picks up on another similar person with a similar hope, of the self. They do roll down the window. As the window rolls down, the person as the first person doesn't perceive being watched. But, the first person guised as a spirit in ways of action or ways of concept energy is in what will cause either trouble or discomfort and by some activity with felt thought of the second person they goto another. Then around them more, said persons actions may change radically without knowing it. So said person could also be said item, so is the said concept or said co-concept. The so concept of this is that the activity which may seem strange will end up occurring, whereas activity of another sort could happen and they roll down the window without knowing why. Or suspecting that it was done by someone else.

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