Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Think and do 3

This is the third installment of the idea, that I have by fee or feel. Think of the point and state the beginning word to create the result by action or idea expression.
Phone messages; they go away as they are deleted. The phone messages I send are received, so the recipient can think and reply if necessary.

Pop evil; this is where you pop the evil roach. That means you can sense where it is. So enjoy your day, that is just the beginning though so just ask for more information.

Room khepser; this is a room transformation, where you can transform the room to become better, all by cleaning it up and clearing away the debris that builds up.

Think about it, the roaches use the food scraps to survive, so be sure to clean those up as well as store open food containers. This cuts back on roaches that exist in the area. That is especially true, if you keep the room clean.

Repaired; repairs cost less by feel, this is including the kit chen faucet.

Potion; this effect takes parts of things and uses them to create what you think.

The end! The end of the film and idea that surfaced.

The point; this is where you use a piece of chalk or imagination, that you trace a five pointed star on the ground. Then think energy is with the star, step in it to trace downward an inward spiral.

Then you think the planet shifts you by it's core to where you want to go. That place you imagine, you appear there until you are there. This is the way of core shifted body that goes through the core and you end up where you want to meet or go.

This is also possible, usage of a bed's rectangular shape to shift you by the energy. So think about it and thinking that the planet shifts you, this makes it so by the soul manipulating the moment. Leave the bed area when your done, so things seem normal again.

Then go somewhere after you feel energy surge, such as leave the area because it looks like you did something there and all you need to do is walk out of the area. Otherwise that is where you leave the area to avoid suspicion.

If you want to use it for summoning people or animals, don't step in the star. Then think the star makes the being appear that you need there, that is done as you draw or trace the sigil to do the job. The spirit or being of the person or animal will appear where you want. This is done by the power of a symbol. If irritated, then the summoning won't occur. Then after your done, think to send the being, person or animal back and draw or trace a sigil that represents your need. That is all for a summons.

After that, think to dissolve the star and your finished. Otherwise you could allow the summons to send themselves back. The next step would definitely be to dissolve the star, whatever you do. Oh your not summoned, if you don't think to be there.

Think of this; a Ruby used for representing the core, that is used by thinking about the point to do as you hold it. This Ruby could cause a temporary amount of heat on the point or your heated around the body. That is done as it works.

So you see this, that is different through the area by feel. This can happen if you displace yourself by what you do. This is what you could do.

Making magick; I can make magick happen with anything.

Its simple. Take two ziploc bags that seal. Seal one bag then put the sealed bag into another seal locked bag and seal. That way you have a sealed seal.

You can bury it to make it earth energy. Burn it for fire. Or put in the freezer for ice. Things you freeze, you freeze out from influencing the point that is there.

Things you burn you put into effect. Things that are earth, they are neutral in tone and do what you want by thinking about the point.

Evil Lynn; an alter ego of mine that thought some of this up.

Madagascar; a set up situation to your liking.

En; the end point to the staged event. Think en to end it earlier.

Forced; if forced or know your connived, then you end up not doing it.

Winds; this is where you focus and achieve a second, third or fourth wind otherwise a wind of energy that revitalizes the body, and it's sometimes done by swallowing your spit or if you swallow some water.

Natural creation; Think about things to create them by the idea you consider.

Men; men with fatigue usually get this way from low testosterone. So think it increases enough, you then create a different version of the second wind.

Different diets; if different in your diet, then give your body at least a day to adjust to the diet routine.

Eating; whatever the need, I won't gain weight from today's activity.

Solo q; whatever it is, the solo q does it.

Think; that atwaine gets here sooner than later, then traffic clears up and then he arrives.

The progenitors; they arrange things and people's time by idea that you need.

Giants; the Giants are a group of hominids, otherwise early humans. That create the point by bearing and being aggressive. The lowest form of giant is now 6'2" where they started as visiting peoples. They were over 10 feet tall, yet horrible things that were done. They caused their ancestors and progenitors to take notice and thus make them shorter.

So they did this out of punishment, the black men kept to their giant genes more easily than white men. So until recently, they are allowed by their progenitors to become taller again. This is due to an effect that seems like a natural course of nature, but really if you look at some canyon wall. You will note a huge footprint, this is a testament to how big they can become. Albeit nowadays it's actually safer to become a height of 7'5" and no taller. After that you run an increased risk of heart attack, simply stated this is the idea we risk so let's make the best of things.

Sealing power; With sealing power you can do anything. But almost everything results back to sex apparently. You just have to seal things and work with them. Think to seal things or aura and touch the item, person or object. Though to unseal is think to remove the seal and touch the sealed item, person or object. This is not the regular sealing of an envelope or use of caulk. This is sealing the energy of the point. Their is a difference.

Une; pronounced oon for forever, think of what you want forever done and state the phrase or word.

Instant transmission;  You need to use light to do it. I did it with my light body. If you think on being somewhere, thinking to shift by light particles. Then you shift to where you need to be.


Faca = Faucet; a sink water streamer that works by handle.
Feca = duct, fecal matter, fecal or shit
Re = ah again
No = natural, this naturally is a number according to base 12 math. That math starts at 0 and uses n um bers and letters from a up to f.
Fie = figh; fight, defiant, fine, sigh, aigh
Noe = now; known or knowledge about by note
Ie = no
So = yes, diggity
Think; the point is done by person to person or text. This is finished by the use of the creator.
Snl; create as you can with a point of humor or your able to get something. This is a point of a picture perfect moment.
Ykk; jawbreaker; take a whack to the body, then if to the jaw there was a hit you get revitalized by airflow in energy.
Ykj; restore by feel or the use of the senses. This uses a state of mind, that your soul is a servant and you get some rest or result. That's done by relaxing the body and thinking of the point to create by feel.
Uupeir; uu-, offense; offensive (moment) or raper, that is undone by thinking of the moment before and allow things to become with time matching. This is then done, I think to cover for the moment.
Rap; point of a sentence or Admittance as you think. This is ended by a period. This is where you think to feel things, so think and you know to realize things that exists for you by feel.

This is symbolized by a song, so think to know the meaning if the words make sense. This is making use of the sense of a point or paragraph that exists as though the song we're written for you. If you okay, then this stops in time. Think about it and you can stop it yourself.
Iyeb; yep, personal yes
Iyob; nope, personal no by a point 'an rap' or 'that's a rap'.
Iyem; item, do (it)
Iyep; stupid or smart
Uyeb; no, oh yeah, personal agreement, personally agreed by feel.
Pekmnt; parchment; parchment paper.
Kojou; mage dream, this is dreaming by focusing on a point and breathing until you fall into a trance. That uses the ease of the use with the power of energy, this is done from nearby power. Better be careful about it, because you could set into motion something that isn't too advisable. So mention it or hear a loud startling noise and you cancel out the dream by feel. So I will see you later and now ciou, farewell and good-bye.

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