Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Think a point II

This is where I sit back and relax by feel, thinking of what I need with an idea for manifest. I think this is a point of conclusion, that is when you think of things and they self-generate results. Not including bugs and roaches. This is a point that creates for itself by the aura energy, so if I thought to kill the bugs then I would kill them by feel. This is using the senses to do what I want. Think and create, this is the generate rule for today.

This is what I can create with a relaxed mind:

Think a point that exists and you can do what you say or cause by the power of the third eye what you need. Enjoy what you read and you may use what you have read as a suggestion.

Curse land language; think you realized what you need to know and you realize what you want to know. As this is a point in example, think of the idea and the third eye caused you to say the right things.

So this is curiousity I guess, know what you look for and I will let you go with that. As the language is different per person, think about the idea and you know by example, that you can write down or choose to do otherwise.

En; the point at the end is liint or something in the pocket. Think you know what this is used for and I'm done by now.

Workers; the road work is done, now their doing or checking the power lines for the trolley.

Church food; I get the best of the food that is left, so I think I will be able to get their shrimp or good meat. This I think is possible.

Think a point; this is a point you think about and you create by feel.

Danger sense; think the spirit wards away the danger and your not effected.

Enfoming; in the end your informing others of your information, this is done until your finished with the idea that you sense to write about.

Written idea

Energy; Any ways I figured out how energy came about. Chemical capacitance went beyond its threshold and charges air. It starts to fray and gets pushed into air. Air really is just the energy. You can make it whatever color or design you want with air since its formless. This is where air came from as well.

So for example I can draw something like graffiti. Add some water and some spit to add dna to it for a element effect and then burn it to transmute it to air. Then I can breath my own custom air. Literally.

Materialization; See that is material fun. So think of this materialization as use of object energy, this where your able to create what you need by what you think.

As you do so, you use up the object molecular structure, then you need to either find a new object or use the air. What is a molecule? Object make up with chemical structure and this uses charges and bonds.
You have to make it vibrate some how else besides it charges that are bonding to use obect energy. This is the trick to materialization with an object.

Otherwise touch the object then think of what you want it to do to generate a result and the object consciousness will have created the idea as a form or materialization.

That makes the object brittle, so you have to throw it away or it will break. The object doesn't go any further in breakdown. This is constructive reasoning or in idea not done by fee or feel.

This came from the movie, ready player one. That is one good movie, if you want to know the truth.

The elements; using air, you can form things by use of the elements. What are elements? Energy shaped into created feel or idea. Like think of the feeling you could get from fire and then feel it form nearby. Particularly on a candle wick.

Ice is similar, think the ice feel and feel it form by focusing on an area to create the ice in the area, particularly near water or liquid. That is done particularly at liquid you want to freeze works as well.

The elemental takes place in the dark matter reality. Then the reality created the effect here, this is as though a wave. Then the elements you want is created here by the air.

Energy transferred can recreate what it was become before the moment that it was shifted. Somewhere above in vibrations, that is the dimension, it takes a bit to realize what is there.

This reality you think about the effect to realize what it's doing, then you know what time and space is used to do the idea. You know what to do.

In effect; the dope in effect is herbs and things are what they are legally. So enjoy yourself by what you do with feel.

Relaxing; in relation to meditation, relaxing your muscles are very important. So think to tense the strength in the body, then release the tension by what you do from the muscles and the body becomes lax. This relaxes the body, if not the mind by what you think.

Eye prowess; think of what you want to do, then look the person in the eyes even as you talk to the person. Then you gain the person's respect.

Circle spell; A unique circle spell, draw a circle that is big enough for you and place a candle on the ground within a 4 (elemental), 5 (magic), 6 (religious or sealing purpose) or 7 (angellic) pointed star, that resides in the circle.
Then think of your need, this is done as if that were a wanted intention. So you can create with a point, that is used as you light the candle.

The next step is up to you but I would suggest that only you can change your intention for the circle. Then this keeps the point you originally intended.

That is the point you think you need and speak to the candle that's lit. That is how things can work, this is done until you thank the candle for it's work and blow it out. Thinking rite over and your finished.

En; the ending is this, think a point and you get what you want as your thought is the intention. This is all that matters until things don't matter.

Death r ite; death practice, this is used in a particular form that can cause death if you think of the person dying, then parting with a hair and you direct by feeling your purpose and focus on the name of the person or thing. The subconscious does the rest. However, this doesn't effect those that have natural luck or know the trick.

Focusing trick; think of the area and the particles forming what you want by vibration. This allows you to be anywhere, you can cast a spell as though thought were the idea.

See that particles formed things and these things do what you need or want. This is done by fee or feel, that is actually activity with what you think is appropriate. Think your unaffe cted, think about things and your not effected by this trick.

Think; I get what I need, this effects all the time.

Silent crunch; if you just step along and step on a soft item, you hear psychically or you have perceived spiritually the crunch of the item.

Pay right; through the moment that you think, the idea is paid right. This is done as if you can pay alright.

Biosig; biosignalli ng and something done by the feel or use of touches on the body.

Breathing; think to hold in the stomach and breathe the stomach mass out, this effects as you create less stomach weight in appearance.

You can literally feel the stomach pull itself inwards. This is an amazing thing that's done after tracing the inward spiral on your stomach by feel.

After this pulls in your stomach enough, you experience lack of need for food or drink. This is a noted effect. That is where no eating actually occurs.

Inspection; Maria or another does the inspection of my apartment soon, this is without any stress or strain on her part. She is used to things and no longer is tired, so she can do what she needs to do.

Balance; All it ever is... is building up or breaking down... thats all change ever is... That's all it ever does and will do it seems. Some things are just another perspective.

The sphinx ear secret; think of the ear and hearing what you hear through the sphinx ears, then the idea is this: the thought you perceived at that moment where this is thinking a point and receiving a thought back.

That is a Martian thought pattern, this is where you think of things and can translate by feel what you need to understand. Some just hear wind though, so that is where I think to hear through them is where your actually there.

Angela and Jay; they respond to my text messages and don't have stress.

Arnes; either Daniel or Jay in god mode. They respond to a summons with thinking the name, and then calling forth arnes three times.

Then describe what you want and they might do the idea. Think to dismiss them back to their body when done. Use this carefully, such as thinking the idea you could get the point of activities.

This; Less sensitive more encouraged. I don't spend so much that I can't recover.

Think and you create what you want, as though an artist in the making. This is what is expressed on Sunday morning radio.

Home defense; Think and use effects to lessen or remove roaches.

Think and fix; if you see a problem then find a way to fix it.

Roaches; the roaches are killed off and they naturally die off otherwise. They don't cause an automatic unthinking action.

Net; The network server works again by fee or feel.

Syig; bathroom, similar to bathroom area that you can use instead.
Suya; suja, personality, personality syndrome
Suga; contract, contracts (sugane), sue (sugar)
Keith; done
Don't; die off in it or hit, dare or not
Lax; relaxed state of the body
Then; think kindly to do what you want by need.
Emp; empathy, I feel for you moment, empower
Enh; ending, enhancement by fee or feel.
Peachy; happy, this is where your happy go lucky otherwise your focus is work.
Peary; maudelin, this I'd say is sometimes being morose or usually in creative mode.
Maddy; mad like maddy
Eo; up, up wind, earth world, you end up there
Devil; devil woman, she wolf or fox
Fael = sely, Sealing; the effect of stopping influence, if you think about things. Think about allowing things and the influence continues.
Cafie = caffeine, Confines; space or area your in an at the moment.
Faeris; faeries will do what they want, that means they are responsible for what creates by the subconscious mind, this can use nighttime planet radiation or the sunlight to form what you want.
This is also a place on a planet, that you can use by fee or feel. Really though things form before you thought of the use. This use is done when you think about things, this includes things being there.
Edger; the dropper, eyedropper, pen
Faux pas; pulse way
Detr; determine in detriment or where to go (for the bathroom), dreamt, talk with your teeth
K; lay off of sweets and snack then you will lose your weight.
Know; no lay off of jobs so you know this is an idea, think of what you are needing and notice things. If changed then the idea is really there.
Matrix; energy matrix set up by stones set in a pattern by thought use.
Gluix; glue
Yagli gures; eres, grease wrestling, Turkish oil wrestling
Ui; ruin, disgusting
Bpv; thought up intervention, this uses a bipartisan view to make work.
So ya; I'm free, yes, soy

By; buy or bye and farewell, so ciou for later in life.

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