Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, October 11, 2018

jade I idea

This idea I got from a jade piece, that someone else owns and I had borrowed.

definings (skip to end):

dze = death bug, a bug that can make anything seem dark or bad and is a friend made from the shadows.
ze = bug
zep = bug formed, the form that the spirit can take to create effects that doesn't exist except to the subconscious as a sign.
zeb = beetle or cockroach that takes possession of those nearby that does things to the summoners will. Dismiss the thought and they go away.
zeo = hacked; worm, virus (person), hacker
zeeo = wedding cake; focus (on), the focus point to do things with by feel.
zeeio = ninja around, dogging around or uselessly going around counterclockwise three times.
skiky = skanky, smelly or smelling (sometimes like a skunk)
writ = note, bank note
Carycoa = cherry cola special, chilled cherry cola in a mix of water and flavor packet. Only 10 calories with no high fructose corn syrup.
jit = adjit, bug, readj, readjustment; adjust, adjustment
qu = quit
ite = it energy, kite
triom = trivium (Ex); trivia, advent, this is an additional event so 'or not' to stop this effect. That is an Ad in event form, but can be experienced in real life if you need it experienced.
rip = dead, ripe; this is where the body is ripe or sometimes odorous.
mil = model; the moment of the idea represented by a person.
skok = schuck; corn husk, throw away part of the corn.
pawok = patchwork; this is using a patch to attach to a surface area.
sapa = supper; dinner or meal
hub = hubris; damaged area or area effect.
spet = spelt; this is a body spell, that is where spelt is the moment you think of what you want. Then as you draw or trace the symbol on the skin, the need is done. So the moment its done is when the body creates this idea. That is done by aura influenced events, this is usually what you need. So don't mind the reaction to you after you do things. Then I won't force your body weight up.

Keeper things

meyo; helped
breh selo; breach sealed, bretheren selected
Me e prueo; I am prepared.

Other points:

The events that happened to the store are psychologic by feel. This is from the logic of a psychological expert, that uses language for working with the competition, if he or she owned a store or ran a store. Otherwise they do what they need by desire or wanting a result, that they sometimes don't get. What they don't get sometimes they use fear to get, if they can get a better result. This came from a stepping into a store area and getting a sense of the word or idea that the store owner did. Although no evidence is present, you can know things are done by asking what is what. That is all for the psychological sense section. If I remember to write the idea.

Some ability is like this. I think if your curious then 220 to 180 lbs allows for light magics where things are 15% likely, 179 to 160 allows for medium magics where things are 30-40% likey, 159 or below allows for heavier magics where things are 50 and greater % likely, this I think means you can do even heavier magics if you weigh less than 139 lbs where things are 70 and greater % likely. You can also do psychic ability things anytime you think (using thought to suggest to your subconscious, then your getting results especially if you term things as though the idea were an end result), feel (insight by idea from the soul and using the senses that you have) or focus (creating what you want by ability that you think you have). If your above 220 then magic is iffy or sometimes happening by pshycic or paranormal, listed here at and means you use are with a 10 - 14% chance of happening results. So think about this fact and work accordingly. Oh yea, if you seek balance in your life with energy, feel free to use a copper bracelet or brass will do for some ailments.

Age in use of magic may offer some experience in its use, but unless you have the right minerals and vitamins your going to lessen in ability as you age more. This depends on the person, that cannot actually be discerned as to what age does what for people. Since some people are born more able and if their willing they could serve your point as though you were requesting by statement. However the reverse is true for psychic ability, listed here at, this is where some things you do can age you and some things you do can unage you. This uses the power of words and the suggestion.

No more than you age the more able you become, yet you don't have to appear like your aging. This is done by suggesting to yourself the idea, "The age I show becomes that of 20." Other suggestions are, "I unage to 20." So the more powerful you are and this is if adept at things, you can do things with it like teleportation or psychoportation as its called or telekinesis otherwise lifting with your mind, the abilities are described here at So I could think about the effect and the more I feel or think the more likely I am to come into luck at what I do, this is unless you can't do the trick and then you think to do something else that's not a waste of your time. This is all in an ability as though an idea were expressed, that is used to create what you need or wanted.

Oh get this, the amount of muscles that you use or have allows for the intensity level. The more you have in muscles, the longer that you can do things. This sets the duration by what you do.

eleiymeditu = Elemental meditations: Here are some more elemental meditations, if you don't want others effected by your thoughts. Then think as a point to yourself, "My thoughts won't effect others." Enjoy them as they are there.

Water meditation; This idea is use of water in a pond or area and its calmness, with calm water thought there's calmness. Think of what you want to create with the body, then drink the water or work with another and have them drink of it. This is true if the water is drinking water. Otherwise the water that is calm and focused upon is what creates calm thought in you. If you create a ripple, then you make waves sometime else as if a point were done.

Fire meditation; Think the point you want to see and you your soothed by the flame of a candle. Sometimes you can see the point as a psychic vision.

Earth meditation; The idea is simple, think to release your excess energy into the ground that you can feel by walking over it. Then your as calm as you may want to seem.

Air meditation; Think a point and you can create what you think to soothe your feelings into calm composure. Thinking to the air creates a release of tension in the muscles, then the excess energy that causes uncalm, wild thoughts is gone by thinking release into the air.

point realization; The point I was thinking about, that is where you list a word and maybe post it with definition. Then you get to see what it really is usually by feel you know with realization. That gives you the true sense of the word you think to use.

a rite; This is stated by the feel, usually towards a drink. "Make things better, make things non dangerous, Make peace arournd the world by chares that lasts, and I will lose 4 lbs in 3 days time."

tix jotan; its written: think en, this is at the end where you can know what is there by what is written if its right. So its written, it doesn't mean its ended unless necessary. Then its ended and you can do what you want.

te en; its at the end, so think about the illusion that shelters us disippating and then its done.

I knew; I knew by the energy vibration. that is where I went, iseul or off limits is the insult or issuer that knew in their day (ya!), we knew they would do that or he would come there their way. -The cult

quite; quit it by energy, obscurity, this is quiet energy that you can listen in on by listening to vibration, tv or radio waves. There's nothing more to it.

So use; The creator point by feel. So use is this, I would use the creator that creates anything you think. Sometimes by the point you consider is the spirit with the creator to restore my brain thought or awareness by focus I thought brain chemistry by a touch to the face or body, this meant I was physically adept at curing physical and mental disorders.

creator repair; Think the creator repairs things and he does. This is done by feel.

buagaba = the moon puzzle, this is a lunar metorite.

this quite was; this in use quite was a point, then it dropped away in interest of other things. So enjoy yourself. So I will ciou and farewell till later.

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