Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, August 13, 2018

Definings and idea

Y; wide chip, computer screen
Yd; wide chip, computer screen, lockdown
I; ed, I lied
X; exit
Thought; thinking points
Beget; budget, beat it or get away with it
Is; wish moment, probably
En; enter area
Le; leave less mess, leave area
Mes; mess in area, less in the mess
Message; think to do your own thing and you decide to do things on your own with idea. Think to own your own thing, this is a point in the past.
Christen; non religious, no worship

Idea to exist the point
This is where I end up with the idea. Feel free to use the point as you need to use it.

Passing; I pass the point or the idea area that I think to pass and end up on another planet. I can also pass the moment, that I think or feel about. I also pass my inspection by feel.

Leaving the 5th; this is where you recognize whom you are and think to work with the area. The area you end up is some place you think about for what you do.

Exercise; exercise is more efficient and effectively done.

A/c; the air conditioning starts working right again, almost immediately.

Bath tub area; cleaning the tub area is easy and because I do a good job I pass the inspection.

Hunger; If hungry then trace a inwardly drawn spiral on the stomach, then your no longer hungry. As you do this symbol, think to hold in the stomach and the stomach goes down. Then you can say you aren't with much weight. This is a proven way to not appear overweighed with some people.

Impressions; think of the impression to send by your energy transferred. Then touch or feel and they get the impression.  This sends the impression by your weight energy to or from the area.

That means the consciousness received by idea the feel and then the information, that what is sent or received is known by insights with soul intuition.

So think your done and your done. This is only impression from weight, though you can say that you could thought send energy anywhere. So you can be right by what you think.

Gating; time jumping is where you think of the place to see or service, then the idea is imagine a gate, otherwise an oval of energy.

See that shifts you by the spirit that goes through everything to be there. Then your there. Think of the time that exists, that is the time that passes.

This is instant if you think it is, that seems the time that you want to see. Think of the place that you came from to return by the energy, that you realize is there.

Through this realization, I realized how massive people can beget lesser massive people. Amonst other things, I know things that I happen to timewise observe. So I realize what I can do with what I gnow.

Eugh ia la; huge in law, pass the excess food or drink or anything and your energy aware thought transfers through the object by fee or feel. This is the thought energy that you want to pass along.

A/c; the air conditioning gets repaired soon enough.

Vibrational hiding; this is where you hide by thinking positive and passing through an open door, this raises the vibrations of the body and you disappear from the vibrational level that is there normally.

Time moves faster by intense feel with the body and thinking of the point creates time as you need time. Otherwise time doesn't seem to happen to you.

So this is done as you notice the time outside your aura. The world outside your aura won't notice you as much as you notice the world around yourself.

Due note: the moment that you make a sound is when your noticed. Also the point, where you scent your noticed. When in an upper vibrational state, you aren't so easily effected by attracted attention or attacks.

Where you receive an attack, think to do positive things or think positive and you raise your vibrations to an even higher state.

So the higher you are in vibrations the less effect of negativity, that negative people has on you. So in order to enter an upper vibrational store is to enter a lower one that is open.

Store opening; the store opens up on time, that I need to have open up.

Railset; the rail is set by focus and feel, this is pretty soon and enough for cement pouring.

Think; this is where you think to activate DNA and create ability, that is to make what you think or done by fee that exists somewhere else.

This is what I think in idea so do or not; think of what you want to do and act to create as you do things. This is where you suggest something, the point is done to act on things.

Thought; though no fought moment happens with a thing or joystick. This is where freedom happens by feel or sensation with a point.

Think a point; think a concept and work with what you have, this is what you can do. The point you do is the point things do idea. This I think is done in the item or a thinking point occurs.

Maintenance; he gets here and looks over my air conditioning and gets air conditioning repair out.

Fost; gi or give away by idea or feel.

Mgr; the manager gets free and will make the meeting point today, if not then she makes another time.

The point; this is where you do things, then the point seems like magic. This is the basis of illusion, think to know and you realize things that are there.

Listening; think to know as you think about what you need with the consciousness of energy, then if you think to listen the energy conscious reveals.

That is done by realizing things, this is insight with the soul informing the spirit, the spirit is then what tells your consciousness what is done by idea that you realize with your senses. This is the sensation that you can feel.

The en; the point at the end doesn't occur, that is not done unless you need it to happen by feel.
Think and go; this is where you think of what you need and go with the point. That is a point to the past.

The job; Mae somehow keeps her job that she got with counselling or whatever the job is for now by fee or feel.

The DNA; think to activate your DNA and what you think you create by the influence of your brain waves using your DNA. This is a point to the past.

This is what I call meta DNA enactment, meant to create what you feel is needed by what you think to consider into becoming manifested.

Walking; walking off the edge of the map is taking responsibility. This is for your own actions, that means your no longer playing the game or your not in virtual reality. So in idea you go places, this is through what you think.

Acceptance; if you think to accept things and use love and positive feelings, then you drive away the demonic spirit. Laughter and positive idea creates positive idea by feel and craziness dissipates away. So I will go now and ciou for now is good-bye. Seeya later and this is in effect.

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