Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thinking with devine by denise

This is a list of angels you can call upon to reconcile or you may go create better results by messenger which can be yourself. The gods and spirits are there if you need them there. This is from a goblinoid that was to escape but I dismissed him or her back into the mirror that he/she came from. So in truth I offered him/her escape, just not the way he had planned. This is an energy being that is a lost soul, the being had lost its body due to an ailment and terrible wasting disease. When he/she or it separated from the corporeal form he/she decided to stay, so this being wanders the planet in goblin form that looks human. So I wouldn't tempt he/she to stay. If you don't want he/she near, think he/she is gone and the being finds its way to leave sometime. That is all there is to this being called madkarna and haunts from the mirror.

Ieazel; Ieazel guides my words to get what I wish to have at the right time by feel. This is no matter the point to do, he or she will do what I need by what I do if I feel he or she needs to do it.

Omael; use to get peaceful resolve.

Yehuiah; the angel of light and clarity used to clarify life and the turns there in.

Cassiel; the angel of jobs and working right.

Chavakiah; the angel of happiness that's creating happiness from other states of mind. State chavakiah and the friend's name three times to resolve differences and cause happiness instead of other feelings.

Hahahel; the guardian angel of memory and gifts and money.

Haaiah; use his name to set up situations you do like or get out of situations that you don't like and no I don't overeat. I can use this name to get out of situations or make things from situations.

Menadel; use this angels name, menadel to get over fear and live with courage.

Mikael; the angel of light and love to see through moments of the real situation and see reality. This angel helps you to get over paranoia and confusion and you notice the truth.

Sahaaiah; use to work with others with or for love.

Some gods and spirits:

madkarna; This is the name of a spirit that if used in a loop during a ritual or and evocation it is a God, so be careful. If you use madkarna you could dream of failure and that means you lack discipline. Otherwise you can have a sign that you are strong, this is all covered by dream symbology that's interpreted on the internet. My favorite dream interpretation site is either dream symbol searched for on or

devine; This is devised devine and uses the idea of divine people. This is where everyone is divine, we are all our personal gods and creators are those whom work for us. Things could not be better. This devine state uses our souls and the spirit that goes through everything, think of the request and state the name to call upon the person. Then the subconscious of the person does it for you, if you want some request. That's if things are done. The person could get distracted so think about things you can do to get done. First, you get things done and then they get things done, second. That's how things like this work. If you expect anything else, then that will happen too. That's if were mind readers, but some aren't so your safe with the people that can understand your need as a wanted idea.

Animal spirit; The animal spirit is different, in their animal spirit its dependent on the feel of the moment and how people can do things. Think of the moment and the spirit of the animal can intervene if the spirit animal feels that you are threatening. This is usually a growl or a feeling of the need to back off of something and sometimes you usually black out. The animal spirit can be a friend as well as remain an absolute protector, the reason is the animal spirit senses you and known are things by what you do. This is the end of my idea. The rest of this idea came from a friend of mine, sitting at a table and describing his idea.

The animal gets his or her energy from the spirit unless you heal or reverse the spirit, sometimes thinking to use it can get a result of where the animal will physically growl or whine to the idea of some person nearby. This is a notable pattern that is acted upon if they think you hostile or trained to react hostilely unless you think passively and this is like a dog or naturally react hostilely like a clawing/growling cat. This can only mean they get their spirit animal energy sometimes from you or others and work with it by creating with what they do. So if that describes a spirit animal almost perfectly. This is further information that isn't always acted upon, I am thinking its not always true. So treat this with a grain of salt.

This is excepting the point you feel the need to heal, they usually project the ability to heal. This is so you know the animal spirit can do the healing so either state or not state the need. Then they can heal you perfectly, this is within a few days to a few seconds. This is freakily done as if you regenerated from the spirit, and the wound just disappears by looking at the wound or feeling it. The animal spirit can do requests as well, just think the request as you need the animal spirit to do them. The idea is done and its as you state the idea you wanted.

So if you run across a stray animal, then you know where it came from. The area you thought to its animal spirit, unless it was dead and this includes wolf spirits. If they are dead, think about the animal spirit being there and imagine stating its name to get the name. Then think its name and state it at least once and at most three times to call it on need and the spirit treats this like necessity. Then state your need by feel to get your wish. If you don't get what you need or wished for by feel, then think the creator creates what you need by feel and this is the being that helped create us all.

Now wolf spirits are the solitary, they depend on the hunt and the moment so they might do the request if they were hunting or willing to do the idea. You know by feeling good when they do. A person using a wolf spirit can find things missing, sometimes there are some blockages by the effect of the wolf not liking what is there. Raccoon and squirrel spirits are similar and rather interested in what you do, they will heal you if you rub your eyes thinking of healing by feel.

Think of anything else or approach them and they run away. This is basically how a raccoon or squirrel will react with food in their claws, they if you think to them and they run off also means they were frightened and thinking to get away by feel. The raccoon or squirrel spirit I recognize because one had possessed me, until I had mysteriously almost drowned in my tub of water. Then I was normal thereafter and losing weight unless I didn't need to lose weight.

So if you create an appeal to them and do the job by offering what they want, they offer knowledge in return but this lasts only until the person is drowned a bit and then they release the person if they were possessed. If possessed by a raccoon or squirrel spirit, the person does indeed gain knowledge and some weight that they can exercise away. So be wary of them as a point they possess is when you appease them in some manner. As an indication of their possession, this is when weight gain for no reason appears to your senses. That's if you can appeal through your own senses first.

Please keep in mind, other animals are rather careful of you, until you think the right thoughts and think of this as a point in experimentation. This is where you can use the ape spirit animal to get what you want, think your need and you will find it done. This is where the ape does what you want, sometimes moodily, and their spirit creates the point metaphysically. Their way is not like the other animals though, so think of your need and its done. The point of their deed is when their need is due and you feel it by sensing it, this can describe them perfectly.

The orangutang and monkey are a bit different though, they will do things for food and think of things to reply with by feel. The orangutang spirit will create quietly what you wish and think of thinking of the past lives for you. This is where the oranguang spirit will create what you wish, this is done by using the past in the present life and create a future that is cool for you. Now the monkey spirit is able to get places and adapts the body with excess energy.

This is gotten from the activity of the area, some things that are created are thinking points. Sometimes they are accepting of the gifts given. Both the monkey and orangutang spirit will heal you by energy infusion and this is thinking of healing while the feel is pressure points or looking at you. Their healing both is not instant. However they do make requests by you thinking of the idea, they create what you want by your needing the idea that they can sense.

Bird spirits are rather unique, this is as they are neither animals but they are similar. The idea is this idea, the bird spirit is flighty and very accurate in a hunt. When they are hunting, they are usually quick enough not to be noticed. So the person who uses a bird spirit can create with quickness and thinking by feel. This where they will excel in idea that they attempt. So the bird usually gives up on the hunt when their prey proves too difficult. This means the person can give up if given difficulty is too hard. This is a bird spirit in a moment's notice.

Rat spirit now are different, where rats are solitary and do things as the feeling comes upon the body. When they feel the urge they feel the urge and that's about it. The person feeling the rat spirit presence can deny the presence. See this is useful to drive it away, but the need and deed that they did is still there. All you need is to recognize the rat presence. This is a point to the past. Where the rat animal spirit can feel calm but unique. However, it's hard to feel calm when ecstatic or this is not to think about it. This is the rat in my mind.

The horse spirit is loyal by feel and can create with your energy. The sad thing about them is that they in real life are large beasts. This is excepting for the mini horse. They are stubborn but active and can do things on request. However the donkey will be stubborn sometimes and with a person this is individuality. This is the horse spirit on the regard of thinking about them and what comes to mind. Since the bird is including the owl. The owl spirit is wise and can work with most anyone, thinking about the owl I realized that they are nocturnal and can with humans cause activity all though the night as you wisely go about your idea. Those that use the owl spirit can cause themselves wise moments to live by, if given the right cues.

The elephant can work with regard to others and strive to protect the herd. This is where they work as a family and can work as an animal spirit, this is in regards to those as warning signs can come from them. This means they seek self-pleasure and work towards the idea of security if they are used as animal spirits. Think and your request is done by them, if you want something bad enough. When you think your request to the animal spirit, always seem aware of the feelings you get from others as vibes. These give the indications of what is going on by feel.

Some animal spirit totems are useful as well, this is with idea of working toward a peaceful animal relationship. Animal spirit totems are sometimes used to contact the animal spirit, so pick your animal spirit and then build a totem. These are using what you think is appropriate for the totem. These totems are using animal bones and things that represent the animal. The animal totem creates a sense of well being and created feel of satisfaction. Think of what you need and the idea is fulfilled by the totem.

These are the built totems that animals can also be calmed with feel and thought as you think peaceful calm toward the animal, sometime holding your empty hand out toward the animal. Again, this is using their spirit and built using a bone or a part from a dead animal or item that represents them. Just think your need and as you look at the totem and its understood parts you know things that are to be. This is sometimes thought for what you wanted. That is what is given most times, otherwise kept is the idea by feel.

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