Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

light burst

creation; since too or so many bananas or fruit is weight loss. so since i am thinking i am aware. no greed is creativity, creativity iss no greed. i am now no longer greedy so i will stop, step aside then create what is with a cool attitude. so i think then this is nothing that is energy is no longer reaction so think then your aware. so far so good don't think to help out. so i think this is area awareness thinking the area activity think what you want then you can get the ideal. this is the point i don't do too often so enjoy the items as they last but go ahead. no more to say thats necessary, as too much too often is greed like by now or non needed.

cat walk; whatever you do, don't answer if a wrong number. no trick this is no wars necessary. think then stop by to get work out of it. this is there by the feel. somethings were not meant to block. so you if fighting is to hit the opening you see or not as you think to not fight. this is what you think by the area so think then you can work with things. i think this is area interest so this is no longer always possible unless you think this is now its over. so this trick with seeming that you seem the dog or cate or the dog or cat seeming like you is the pinneal gland that the dog or cat has or you have as you focus.

this is a burst of light thought that can seem to hurt or step away to go then the light energy stops. the light vibration could be an object or you think then the animal does if there is one. this means of the measure of energy with opposite light energy pulses creates less weight. this is as though a focus that creates a energy or light bursts or pulsation that is actually seeming like you or others you think is there. this is as though a light bursts from your third eye point. think then you see this is done.

so you focus that usually is what the pinneal or third eye does. as you think then your aware awareness is what you consider. if you don't eat it then you don't gain it. this is by the photonic energy source by now so you think then you know as with friction thats the opposite ideal your aware. the rest your aware of that i wrote is with the pinneal gland. that is a possibility as this can produce some energy particle form. that makes things supposedly opposite non opposite by feel a light energy burst that is your blood flow that is life.

this is the point you think to work then pulsing is from the vibration with the screen that emulates the body function that could near the measured frequency thats correct to cause what you think or feel as you type. so turning off the tv stops the feel. that is a laser burst that is light photons that create what you think or consider. thus as you walk the light photons shift behind you, though thought as you shift through gravity causing displacement sometimes to what or where you think by the feel.

so by the feel you could feel drunk, or your weight could if you build up enough energy seem to dissipate away. this doesn't last so don't eat right after, drinking water can cause by the light energy burst woozyness. too much light energy buildup will cause unconsciousness. so think as light energy can burst to create what you thought. sometimes causing light energy to feel intense. this then is the point then that you can then focus with the point to create as you wish. just think, focus then you are aware with what you can do.

horse thinking; en no more. seen is the feel then you think to work out. the point is think you understand what was said from where you see people then you sense whats correct to realize you have no stress. the chemical react is blood feel with no reactioning or non feel points as you think to work you are aware your area is dangerous to those nearby. then you think walk away but you have to seem aware to what you are near or sense, sometimes of course a horse is this as the mind is your aware thought the brain is conscious feel. so i think so feel is what you consider by this.

then you go where you want. this was the plot i saw there near the dog park. i was aware that those that were there created by their own thinking on or off sometimes the dog or animal would interact thus they would think the way the dog thought. thinking to correct they create as they are aware good behavior is some activity. some are actually like that as a habit but no longer is the point they must due to do so they stop.

i wondered why they did this when they only have to feel calm, think what they want then speak. then they control the dog or animal. so i just observe the area as i think this is or was aware behavior. this is where go by now. till i move out so no i think i can create better behavior by the point i think is life this is now not important he that wrote this is no longer there. non is the use that is energy to the use that others can create. so that if expressed would convince them not to use this so you weren't free.

thinking the point is you think the point out then use is your own insanity. so think non insane to create sane like as you are aware this means insanity is what you think so your aware by now what you consider. forgiven is the point you think things through or not bother, so insanity then becomes something else that isn't safe. so think then if a drug isn't safe, so don't use it as the drug will kill you if the police don't. if anything is some acronym then this sometimes is similar. this then is what or where your aware by now.

this created area is the view you have so think as you have so you have what is the fruit or food your aware is good with no side effects. this cures the body from impurities that the body goes through so this is the point the body adjusts by some vegetables that is with water or use by the self. this then is why i am whom you think. child care then is where you think to thin so your able to work. so you say the meaning then your free to think.

as this then means work is where an acronym, then is the point that quietly goes the way you think. think to go. the point is then as you are aware your creative urges are what creates your point. then is the point you do so then your aware. then is the point there is no aware thought nothing with the body you feel so then you are created by the point you do.

then is the point so you then do sane activity then your free. this all depends on how then you think to state something. so that then was some act to get away with things. so i will go about doing my own ideal as due is not doing things by feel if not possible. i can't stand the canines that think this so i am human now.

so if then your aware your able to think for yourself. then if you think you can create what you wish by now. this wish is by the zest with life. as if en nothing is demand. this was my last rememberance of that life i will call zephyr. so i will not do anything more with that life, i will use my memory with another better life. that if your aware you can create nearly anything. this i believe is another way to work. so working with others is simple just think to create then you are aware by the ideal you do.

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