Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, May 15, 2023

Repair magic

 Repair magic creates a repair or things thought to not work to work again. This means you create with a thought and touch and do your thing and the thought instructs the energy consciousness into dguiding you or doing it for you.. Then it should cause the item to repair by itself. This is a known fact of life.

Some magic:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

healing; the body adapts and created is perfect health.

jeebus; this guy makes certain there is a good sell.

awh; said like aww, it creates interest.

interest; think and know what to do.

creation; think and know what you see to do things with by feel.

creatorship; think to show and you show good things.

coop; the chicken coop works out well.


truth; the point is done this is a concept in use.

interest; think of the moment and it becomes clear as to what happened by the spirit, that is showing the soul what occurred.

caught; I don't get caught for getting money, no matter what.

The spacex launch; The spacex launches launch without a hitch and things work out by feel. No matter what.

truthful; I am truthful in my endeavors no matter the point.


thoughtful; the thoughtful touch is done, so think and things work out by feel.

thinking point; I become whom I think to be. otherwise I become their shape as I need it. no matter what.

sacrifice; If you throw away food and think the weight that's excessive drops away from the body. this is a food sacrifice.

this; think about the idea, if you can do it you would.

think; the point is use, if you think of the use you create what you may with the effect of magic.


who owns what; if you think to own things you do..especially if you prove you do.

Downloads; I manage to download the torrent files speedily, no matter what and quickly without error.

spacex; they no longer push back the launch and it launches successfully no matter what.

torrent; the speed doesn't drop below 300 kb/s. no matter what I get the torrent. the percent downloaded doesn't go down no matter what happens.

torrent; whatever the reason, the percent reaches 100% and completes itself quickly without errors, no matter what.


spacex; they resolve the issue an quickly with the falcon heavy launch no matter what.

minding; I don't mind what occurs.

rememberance; I remember even though its not possible.

War; World war 3 is averted and things return to normal around the world. Russia no longer needs ukrain territory or other territory. no matter what.

solar flare; I am not effeccted by a solar flare by feel.

for dnd


Medium Monstrosity (Demon), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15 Natural Armor

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)

Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4)


17 (+3)


16 (+3)


13 (+1)


17 (+3)


18 (+4)

Skills Deception +10, Nature +4, Perception +6, Stealth +9, Survival +6

Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 16

Languages Common

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Proficiency Bonus +3

Exceptional Stealth. The skin-walker has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and its passive Stealth score is 24.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The skin-walker has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Magic Resistance. The skin-walker has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Mimicry. The skin-walker can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check.

Shapechanger. The skin-walker can use its action to polymorph into another humanoid or a beast, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Skinsuit. When the skin-walker has the skin of a creature it is using Shapechanger to assume the form of, it has advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to maintain its disguise.


Multiattack. The skin-walker makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws or spear.

Bite (Beast or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage.

Claws (Beast or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage.

Spear (Humanoid Form Only). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or reach 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage or 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage if wielded in two hands.

Gore Stench (Recharge 5-6). The skin-walker summons the blood and effluent from corpses that have died nearby creating a powerful gas in a 60-foot radius sphere centered on a point it chooses within 60 feet. Creatures in the area make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or are sickened. A sickened creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, it cannot take reactions, and on its turn it can only take a bonus action or action (not both). The gas dissipates at the end of the skin-walker’s turn. At the end of each of its turns, a sickened creature can make another Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds, the effect ends. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the skin-walker’s Gore Stench for 24 hours.

Screeching Echoes (Recharge 6). The skin-walker summons the voices of the creatures and warriors that have died nearby, creating a malicious cacophony all around it. Each creature within 120 feet of it that can hear it and that isn't a monstrosity must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of the skin-walker’s next turn.

merchant class

Ex and Sp

Deals (Ex); Think and do, this is where you make a deal as you think about the person or people. The energy of the items create the deal. Add +5 to your high bargaining skill.

Luck (Ex); Think to work or do things with the energy of the items you have, and you create with an unnatural luck. Add +7 to your luck.

Energy wings (Ex); This is where you gain energy wings and create by focusing your energy flight and hovering. Add flight 40' and Hovering to your special ability list.

Timed hit (Sp); This is where you create by gating, the effect of a hit you intended to hit the target by feel. The soul opens the gate and closes it by feel.

Psychic (Ex); This is what happens to create the effect of knowing. You know by the spirit to disappear or when you need to do things. The subconscious "tells" you what is what. Your spirit sees the idea or event and you know what it is or what is there. This can be any time and any place.

Danger sense (Ex); You always know by the spirit when danger is nearby, that you psychically hear or feel by a cold shiver that goes down your spine.

Disappearance (Sp); This spell can render you silent and invisible, like a glitch in the matrix anytime you want. The effect is that you create disappearance, when you think you know what is bad and nearby. The spirit uses your soul and causes you to disappear in plain site. Think and you know what to do. You can sense telekinetically created invisibility by use of the third eye.

Djinni (Ex); There is a point you see, that you know about and can deal with by feel as though aided by djinni. That do what you want and aid you in your endevours. So the point is when you think. This becomes apparant at level 20. This is where you fix things by energy of the soul and become tougher. Think of the idea, then you know what to do. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.


money magic; This is where you create with the power of money. This uses the energy of money itself to create a result.

Timing it; Think of the time and speak, then where you want and at that time you are heard as though spoken telepathy.

focused energy effect; This is where you focus the energy of the item and create a result by feel. It works like this, the energy of the item is touched upon as you think to create an effect. This creates the effect as a result.

Void creation; The effect is done, you create with the power of void. Think you focus channeled energy of the void to void out what you don't like. This neutralizes any attack, that's done by feel and what you have to do. If you suffered an attack, then the damage is healed that you took.

Thinking to create; The thought is created, the soul and spirit use the cells energy to create what you want.

Card magic; If you have cards of any sort, you can think to focus with the energy of the card you hold. That creates the effect you think to create.

Soul magic; This is where you think to be somewhere and you are by the power of the soul. This includes sending your soul to the target and controlling them to make what effect you want. That uses the energy you gate in to create what you intend.

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