Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019

syndicate magic effects

This a list of happenings that you can use as spells en point:

Normal idea:

starting: this is starting by the feel with a point to do with life.

think; the point is done, so you don't have to do things unless necessary.

feel; the idea you realize is what you consider with emotions or feelings.

almost; the point is almost done, unless you spell the idea to occur.

Some spells

illi car-lare = make happen what is needed at the moment. Think of what you need to create the idea you want. Lare is pronounced [lare-eh].

illi hosta-mirian et illi = gather (get) money; hosta is pronounced [hoss-tah], mirian is pronounced [meer-ee-an], et is pronounced [eh-t] and illi is pronounced [ill-ee].

g t dylau = This spell is pronounced [g t dill-ah-uh] for getting the effect, think of a candle flame to seem the effect more easily.

Me did oet = This spell is pronounced [meh died oh-ett] for I don't overeat.

me ca bide fo t ad stip = I can wait for it if necessary. This spell is pronounced [meh cah bide-eh foh t aid stipe].

illi ren-ana car-kwa = remember to do something, prononced as [ill-ih ree-n-aye-in-ah car-k-wa] for the effect.

myw le fig = remember to do, think of the idea to achieve as you state [mew leh figh-g] for the rememberance to do.

Some tricks; Sometimes this works. Think of the indigestion or body illness and state kk. That will cancel out things of the body. Otherwise try oregano and water with tur meric. That can settle the problems of the body. Unless it's genetic. Ah is a natural diuretic, meaning its a feel good idea. Then you might need meds, if that doesn't work. I think if it is a dark flame. Think the fire is dispersed by imagined water that flows over the flame.

This works sometimes. Aqua creates water where you think it exists.
Agh will disperse a windy day to a become a milder day. Unless the weather turns out to be raining. Then you can opt for aghe and the weather dies down. This is all temporary, so think to work with what you can. That means you focus on the area and state the need, this is done to form the idea in a manifest or creating the point you need or imagine. This in a way is how that works, this uses the subconscious and the body energy to create by aura what you want or need..

doppler shift; the doppler shift will create a shifting point where you walk in a direction and create a shift of body such as teleporting. The way to do this is several different ways, but I think this way works for some. The point is expresssed or thought about and created by the energy of the body. This is how the effect works by feeling out the concept or magical spelunkin.

The point is created by idea though, that's for certain. Other wise you create the point by needing the idea, and the subconscious does what you say or feel is necessary. Then you know yourself somewhere else and what that person does. This is all in an idea that's done, this is usually by the spirit and the subconscious feels you needed. That is when the subconscious acts as a guide and things tend to work out by feel.

Think then do; The point you think to achieve is done as you do physical activity, this works by physical activity creating what you think as you do physical activity.

The time trick; this trick is what you can do if you think to create and need a result. What you think you imagine and the idea is a point that the subconscious creates by itself. This is created in the time as though a moment, that you think about to create in by feel. So the point is created and things are what they are by idea.

life trick; the life trick is the point you imagine a lifetime or life moment and sometimes need a result that you wish or want to manifest, this is where you think of the life track or thought of moment and things work out. That seemingly is like a video with a slider on the bottom of the window. So all you need to do is think to cause it to play to learn of something, and stop it as you think of the idea. The subconscious sees things in moments and not always the time of the point. This creates what you know as advanced knowledge. I think you can say that you are advanced if you know things and get things as they come.

So I think this is a beautiful idea, that allows for you to know things before they occur. This especially works if you come across a moment, and think to interject a point that you do like. That's when you pause the moment and change the idea that's there to reflect the point you need. This as a concept is where you think of something and imagine the point, the subconscious then creates what you need to happen. That as a point is a time of life trick, this is where the subconscious knows the point and causes the idea instead of what normally would occur. So use this trick as if you feel its necessary.

writing stuff

what do spells effect? Bioenergy is what the spell effects. The aura is the energy that is effected with the body that responds as a result. It's interesting as a result you can get is fast enough or this result works as a point the mind goes through by feel. What the mind experienced the body will if you need it to know what is going on and done is the idea.

This works as a realization to your brain and things work out by feel, that means the body caused the energy to go through the blood flow and you have an effect on the body. Healing is what this means by feel, so think and you can know the point as a result or response and realized is the idea that goes on by feel. This is how the spelling idea works.

However, you can stop someone from casting a spell on you. This is how you block such activity if it is not invited. Think it doesn't effect you. Its that simple, your thoughts reprogram the energy sent from the mind as brainwaves. This uses the pinneal gland to do things such as focus and create. So yes indeed, some speak their thoughts to cause the energy to do things. I think you will notice a change. See if you give it an hour or something like a drink of water. This causes the body to readjust to the idea you have, then you will find the point is done and your no longer effected.

2000 calories diet; Quite simply put, eat lesser quantities and avoid or eat less (small quantities) of carbohydrates and sugar such as spaghetti, bread or sweets. Such as smaller portions. Avoid high fructose and your all set with enough exercise. Btw, enough exercise is creating exercise by walking for 10 minutes to 1 hour of activity. That is you can walk until your tired upto 1 or more hours, and possibly take warm or hot bathes where 1 minute in the water is 1 minute exercise. So I think I will ciou and farewell till later, good-bye.

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