Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Sunday, December 18, 2016

things by the feel or a point by orgonne

These are things that create by the feel, this is with a ghost influence and working by sorcery. This is what I came up with by feel.

Aging; most things age but I don't, its been twenty five years since then and I still look at least 10 years younger. I think most women have this anti aging disorder. So I am not surprised that actually I act and look 20 years younger.

Wonder; If they orbital atk the gods are aware of this place, at least some have come back to live again as they once were. So I am not surprised by the fact, this is a fact that they live again as they want to live.

So I think that they are alive most the time anyhow, so who is the next god or goddess to become aware that they are devine? I believe many will but some are earlier than others. So I think to see and I know.

Body adjustment; think the gravity around your body adjusts the body weight and creates what you want as though in the end you get what you want.

Body actions; However the body does what it needs to do, this is thought to support its current mind frame a nd thought b y feel with physical actions sometimes. So think to adjust the mindframe, then you know things by what is done.

Cold; the heat or coldness does not effect me and things work out as though well or you are well without it. So you are well either way.

Think; the point is made so I will do it if I think I can. That is all from the kitchen.

Money; I gain more than I can spend and I save what I can.

If; if things work out the way I think, then I will be not responsible for any action that I am held liable for any reason.

Mail; the mailman will run today and deliver mail.

The prize; the prize is a gift card that I can use. So think and you wish me luck.

Delivery; people are where they need to be to get the delivery as its done. I am at the right time and near right area to get my deliveries otherwise.

Orbital atk and NASA attempts; an fate makes it work, they do the delivery of the space load to the sky.

Calcite; calcite is used in the atmosphere to cause cooler temperatures.

Need; so if you need to think, think the obvious and do what you need or think.

That one won; that one attractive woman that wanted the apartment gets the apartment.

Pete; he gets the best deal.

Things; things work better and work out for those that want things to work. They that feel are sure to succeed. Think and your rewarded.

The point; So with climate change and all, I believe that you could expect snow without ice after this. May Atlantis rise again.

Space shifter; they use a superconductor made of gold to form a tube and then pump it full of microwaves to shift naturally with some idea of another dimension to go. Then allowed to cool down, the shifter shifts back.

This they use as well with the EMdrive to propel yourself forward by electricity converted to microwaves, this is put to a copper tube and this is used until not needed.

Climate deniers; they no longer deny the climate is changing by our activity mixed with natural activity.

Climate; They who are climate deniers no longer deny it as fact is based in a point. This idea is what you think not react to by feel. So Donald trump can no longer denie it as a hoax nor say it is one. Think and you do, this is the end of my vision quest. So I do agree.

Chris lasiter; his car works even if unexpectedly in en or in the end.

Strange feel; I feel strange no longer, this is true as if I was aware and not in a dizzy fit. Thinking to pass the fit, I passed it to the planet. So the fit passed and I am fine for now. So whatever sickness I have I no longer have it.

Hunger moment; I don't have them so I won't eat too much.

Donald trump; he's a conman no longer. Whatever they fear won't happen, this is if it has to deal with trump.

Wicked; there is rest for the wicked. There may be work for those that need it. So think and you are happy.

Lisa; she is able to accept me as I am and things soothe over by feel.

Door prize; for those who participated, Chris m won the door prize.

Peter Paul; he doesn't have to worry over driving his car.

Set; nothing is set against me. Gamewise and normally I am safe from harm.

The end; the end is what I decide and let others decide with me, so I think this is the endpoint.

The end

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