Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my facebook page. Otherwise use my whatsapp number to contact is 1(405)706-2328. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it. This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Friday, September 20, 2024

The end of a moment

The moments end is where you cause a moment to exist and then at its end you know things as you don't notice the activity in the moment. So you begin a moment, then end a moment. This is the way of life. 

Some spells follow

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for idea with the effect and that's use of the trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

spaceX; they succeed in launching the spaceX launch no matter what.

falcon 9; no matter what, they don't have to scrub.

paul t; he comes to the door and lets me in, no matter what he no longer says he's in bed.

computer; it doesn't crash no matter what.

fat kid; even if fat, he solves the problem and things work out in the end.

far man; he is respected and does what is needed to get a good result.

thin man; he does what is necessary and gets to call the shots.


experience; I you don't have to experience things, if you don't need to know them.

example; let others do what you want first.

Cauldren of Wine; Uses phantom wine to boost STR rolls x3 while cutting Perception in half for 1d8 turns. The spell is cast by raising the phantom wine off the ground and drinking straight from the cauldren. 

Mutation: Chloromorphosis; Drinking water as you think of the idea, makes every inch of your skin packed with chlorophyll and you have strong roots. Sleeping on diggable soil will satisfy any hunger or thirst you might have.

Frost shield; This costs 15% energy. That is where you create a focused shield of frosty cold energy, that forms as a shell around you. This shell of frost moves with you. That makes damage on all the nearby hostile creatures and monsters, that are 30' away for the focus of the element 1-9 seconds. 60' away for focusing it 10-19 seconds. 90' away for focusing it 20-29 seconds. 120' away for focusing it 30- seconds. Think as the frost shield causes you to be unaffected by any damages.

Ice nova; This spell costs 20% energy, that causes the concept of making ice shards form, that's done by focusing cold energy to your aura. This spears the targets in a 30' circle for focusing cold energy 1-9 seconds. 40' for focusing cold energy 10-19 seconds. 50' for focusing cold energy 20-29 seconds. 60' for focusing cold energy 30 seconds and onward.  That means icy shards burst out from your aura, to inflict cold damage upon the target.

Chaos shield; This costs 10% energy as it's using an attack absorption, this chaos breaks down the attack into usable energy. Since its easier to redirect the attack rather than absorbing it. This allows you to form a chaos shell, that absorbs the attack and you can redirect its energy. That's focused at the targets to do what you want.

In-directed shield element; This element is one you choose to use that will create inward damaging rays, that come from the shield of the targets. There are 6 rays of damaging elements, that center in on the targets and strike them in the center of their shields.

Wheeled element; This costs 20% energy and is either frost or some other element. Whatever you choose to use, you cause 1d6 elemental streams that project forth from a central point. You see they are like spokes, that you can cause to turn like a wheel. They deal elemental damage to those enemies, thought to be caught in the spokes path. This lasts 36 seconds. They extend out 30' for focusing the element 1-9 seconds. 60' for focusing the element 10-19 seconds. 90' for focusing the element 20-29 seconds. 120' for focusing the element 30 seconds and upward.

an alternate form of this is..

Ice nova; This spell costs 20% substance energy, that causes the concept of making ice shards form and go unerringly to the targets, that's done by focusing cold energy to your aura. This spears the targets in a 30' circle for focusing 1-9 seconds. 40' for focusing 10-19 seconds. 50' for focusing 20-29 seconds. 60' for focusing 30 seconds on feel. That means icy shards burst out from your aura, to inflict cold damage upon the target.

In-directed element; This element is one you choose to use that will create inward damaging rays, that come from the shield of the targets. There are 6 rays of damaging elements, that center in on the targets and strike them in the center of their shields.

Wheeled element; This costs 20% substance energy and is either frost or some other element. Whatever you choose to use, you cause 6 elemental streams that project forth from a central point. You see they are like spokes, that you can cause to turn like a wheel. They deal elemental damage to those enemies, thought to be caught in the spokes path. This lasts upto 36 seconds. They extend out 30' for focusing 1-9 seconds. 60' for focusing 10-19 seconds. 90' for focusing 20-29 seconds. 120' for focusing 30 seconds and upward.

Elemental shield; The shield is your aura, that absorbs and protects against any elemental or energy attack. This shield also deals out in a circle effect, the elemental damage that you cause to effect the targets you had in mind and focus upon. The area of effect varies per focus amount. So for focusing 1-9 seconds, you have a 30' effect. Focusing 10-19 seconds, you have a 60' field effect.  Focusing 20-29 seconds, you have a 90' effect field. Focusing 30 seconds and onward, you have a 120' effect field. This spell costs 10% substance energy to cast.

Frost shield; This costs 15% substance energy. That is where you create a focused shield of frosty cold energy, thought to be from some cold area that forms as a shell around you. This shell of frost moves with you. That makes damage on all the nearby hostile creatures and monsters, that are 30' away for focusing 1-9 seconds. 60' away for focusing 10-19 seconds. 90' away for focusing 20-29 seconds. 120' away for focusing 30- seconds. Think as the frost shield causes you to be unaffected by any damages, that's because it holds by concentrated cold energy the targets from attacking you. They are held and unmoving in cold stasis for 36 seconds.

Chaos shield; This costs 10% substance energy as it's using an attack absorption, this chaos breaks down the attack into usable energy. That's focused into effecting your targets, rendering it from yourself. Since its easier to redirect the attack rather than absorbing it. This allows you to form a chaos shell, that absorbs the attack and you can redirect its energy. That's focused at an area to effect the targets causing them to do what you want.

Force blow; This is where you focus upon the target energy, that seems like stones as they bludgeon the target with its energy.   

Immobilize; This is where you focus energy upon the target and think "freeze". Then, the target is frozen in time as you need it frozen.

Spirit attack; This attack is spirit based, where you think the need or want and the spirit that goes through everything does it. Spirit attacks are double the energy damage, yet you don't have to move to attack. It lasts as long as you want.

Elemental focus; This is where you focus any element into existence. That you focus at the target through weapon attacks. Add element damage to your normal weapon attack.

Shadow focus; Think to use the shadows as you focus its energy. This causes the shadows to form what you want. That includes force bolts, poison effects and shadow portation.

Transform; This effect allows you to transform into anything you want to appear as by feel.

Enfusing; This effect is where you infuse with your thoughts the element you make use of the weapon. This adds the element as damage to the target you hit.

Black wind; Think of the effect of there being a black sphere, then the black sphere goes forth generating a black smoke wind as it goes forth and deals dark energy damage if it goes through the targets.

cloud walk; This ability is where you turn into a cloud and walk away or attack. The effect of this is to not be effected by any attack, that's as the attack energy empowers you to do things as a cloud.

BLAM; Sacrifice one thing for the greater good. Slightly boosts your party's morale in a 9ft circle by 3 points.

the steroids drink; think to mix oregano, basil, cinnamon, vanilla extract and stevia or sugar substitute with water. then drink.

HGH Drink; One sip and you turn into a giant gorilla.

Well that is the point. Polymorph usually turns everyone into something stronger.

Eggnog; Turns you into Santa Claus.

Cracked Red Eye Orb; Turns you into a dark spirit so you can invade someone.

Humble gong; Ring it once and it is so loud it rings at 692 decibels ending the Universe with physical sound.

The cursed belt; It changes F to M and M to F a little too early.

The cursed collar; A war effort against you by 1d6 monsters.

The cursd table; It returns things set on it to itself.

The cursed gold coin; It makes people start clipping coins from now on. Also when it is cursed it is impossible to remove without tobacco.

The blessed pill; It contains omega 3 fatty acids. Good for the cell walls. Permenanly improving your health by 10% each pill.

for dnd

Altars are high-bandwidth connections directly to your god. They are either aligned or unaligned. Aligned altars are either lawful, or neutral, or chaotic.

There are three uses of altars:

If you drop items onto an altar while not blind, you will know their beatitude. Any altar can be used for this purpose. Note however that if you drop a fragile item (e. g. potion, mirror, crystal ball...) while levitating, it will break.

Sacrificing. There is no way to sacrifice unless you stay over an altar.

Prayer. While you certainly can try to pray everywhere, prayers while standing on altar cause better or different outcomes.

A temple is a room with an altar and a priest. Not to be confused with the player role, priests are generated peaceful and will stay at the temple (unless angry), most of the time at or near the altar. Altars in temples can have any alignment or be unaligned. The tending priest has same alignment (or lack of it) as the altar.

In a temple, you can donate money to its priest, provided he or she is peaceful, and the altar had not been converted/destroyed/desecrated. His alignment is not important in most cases.

If you try to convert an altar in a temple, the priest will get angry and will not accept donations anymore.

Force blow; This is where you focus upon the target energy, that seems like stones as they bludgeon the target with its energy.   

Immobilize; This is where you focus energy upon the target and think "freeze". Then, the target is frozen in time as you need it frozen.

Spirit attack; This attack is spirit based, where you think the need or want and the spirit that goes through everything does it. Spirit attacks are double the energy damage, yet you don't have to move to attack. It lasts as long as you want.

Elemental focus; This is where you focus any element into existence. That you focus at the target through weapon attacks. Add element damage to your normal weapon attack.

Shadow focus; Think to use the shadows as you focus its energy. This causes the shadows to form what you want. That includes force bolts, poison effects and shadow portation.

Transform; This effect allows you to transform into anything you want to appear as by feel.

Enfusing; This effect is where you infuse with your thoughts the element you make use of the weapon. This adds the element as damage to the target you hit.

Black wind; Think of the effect of there being a black sphere, then the black sphere goes forth generating a black smoke wind as it goes forth and deals dark energy damage if it goes through the targets.

Cloud walk; This ability is where you turn into a cloud and walk away or attack. The effect of this is to not be effected by any attack, that's as the attack energy empowers you to do things as though you were a cloud.

Focused lightning; This is where you speak quickly and as you speak, body energy forms lightning that pulses outswardly to effect the targets with energy damage/effects.

Float; This is where you focus energy beneath the feet willing it to cause you to levitate.

Absorption of energy; This is where you get near something and then your spirit absorbs energy from it.

Detonate; This effect causes the body to gain in energy and when near the target, they will explode.

call summons; The moment you need something, that is the moment yo think of the area and whom is in it. If your need is great, then allies will come.

Spikes; Think to put your hands on the ground and will to summon spikes from the ground in a radius of about 5 meters.

Ice breath; Think of cold energy that goes from your mouth, then breath out and you freeze the targets hit by this breath for 1d6 rounds as you freeze them for damage.

Ice element attack; The effect of this is to think of an ice sphere, that you think project forth. It shatters in the area of the targets. Dealing ice damage.

Poisonous effect; This is where you focus poison to effect the targets. As you think poison effects them, it creates a poison effect in them for 1d6 rounds.

Instant freeze; This focuses cold energy that is concentrated to freeze the target for 1d6 rounds as it deals ice damage per round. This costs 10% energy to cast.

Fire attacks; This is where you focus heat energy in the air to make fire on the target that burns out in 1d6 rounds dealing fire damage each round. 

Fire wheel; This effect is the idea of making fire form in the air in the shape of a wheel. This wheel rolls towards the targets and hits them for double fire damage. This spell costs 15% energy to cast.

Ghostly visage; Think to be an energy form and not be hit. You transform into a ghost form until you will to transform back to being solid.

Gold invulnerability; This is where you think of gold essence, then you turn into a moving gold figure that is invulnerable to all attacks.

Transformation; This is where you focus on a shape to "become" as you will the shape to exist. You transform into it. That's until you will yourself to be you normal shape again.

Red mist; This effect is focusing your blood energy to create a red mist surrounding the targets. This mist lasts 1d6 rounds and deals energy damage.

Shock attack; This is where you make energy focused in your aura. Then cast it forth to attack by effecting the targets. 

Yellow swords; This is using water energy in the air. Think to effect the target by thinking the water forms into swords. You form 1d6 swords, for levels 1-9. 1d8 swords for levels 10-19. 1d10 swords for levels 20-29. 1d12 swords for levels 30-. They are energy swords, that are shot towards the targets. Each does a normal amount of damage. So think and know, whomever you target with them, tey are effected with piercing damages. This costs 20% energy to cast.

Call lightning II; Hold up your hands and will lightning to strike the target called from above.

Call tornado; This effect is where you hold up your hand and think the wind forms as a tornado. This tornado causes what you want as it goes where you need it to go.

Flying spell II; This is where you summon inertia energy, and will it to lift you off the ground to fly where you want to go.

Fish eggs; This is where you summon freezing fish eggs, that fall from above on the targets. They freeze the targets for 1d6 rounds.

Flame balls; This is where you focus energy to make the heat form into fireballs that go and hit the targets. This costs 15% energy. It forms 1d6 fireballs.

Fiery clones; This causes the formation of 1d10 fire clones, that unerringly go and accelerate towards the targets only to explode in a 30' fire effect. This costs 30% energy. 

False death; This is where you still your heart as you don't breath and will yourself to not seem to appear alive. This lasts until you "awaken" again.

Firey grass; This is where grasslike fire strands come from the ground. Only to effect the targets as they are there on the ground.

Fire discs; This is where you focus fire energy from the air. Thinking to fling it in some shape. This includes discs of fire, that you fling by flinging forth your hands. You form 1d6 discs. This costs 20% energy.

Circle of fire; This fire circle is where you surround the targets with fire. So when and where becomes more difficult to reach you, as if they cross the fire they get burned.

Flight on a cloud; This spell allows you to summon a cloud, that lifts you up and all you have to do is will your direction to go. This spell lasts till you desummon it.

Green lightning; This is lightning made of green fire. That does 3x the normal fire damage. This lightning will decimate a target. The costs for this is 30% energy.

Sone armor; This uses some health (about 20%) to make you immune to attacks by a stony skin.

Chill attacks; This uses cold energy in the air to form what cold effect you want, including snowballs.

Whirlwind; This causes a whirlwind that deals wind damage as it unerringly goes in and targets the targets. 

Blood-based attack; This effect is where you focus energy thought from your blood. Then, think of the idea you want formed and itd manifested.

Blood form; Think to focus, the blood energy is there and if you will it you transform into a blood form. That can do any blood energt effect as attack. This costs 40% energy.

Fire shockwave; This is where you focus concentrated fire, that you focus release as a fire shockwave that effects all targets as they spread out like rings. This deals 3x the damages. This costs 40% energy.

Frost effect; This creates by focus your area coldness into frost that forms on the targets.  Dealing cold damage.

Elemental clone; This is a clone made of the elements in elemental form, that does what you want and has your stats.

Doppleganger effect; This is the effect, that energy forms a doppleganger called from hell. It has the target's stats. If shaps tself as the target. This lastst until it is desummoned by you dismissing it in your mind.

BLAM; Sacrifice one thing for the greater good. Slightly boosts your party's morale in a circle by 3 points. The circle is as large as you want.

Gotcha; If you say it, you get crazy good luck every time. Add +10 to your luck rolls for the day. Say Ave Fortuna to upgrade it. The upgrade is its turned into +777 to your luck rolls. If you roll a 1 its an automatic fail.

The steroids drink; This contains oregano, basil, cinnamon, vanilla extract and stevia or sugar substitute with water. Drink to cause improved endurance and muscles. Add +5 to your strength per drink.

HGH Drink; One sip and you turn into a giant gorilla or bigfoot.

Magical Eggnog; This has an enchantment, that turns you into a thin Santa Claus.

Cracked Red Eye Orb; Turns you into a dark spirit so you can invade someone.

Humble gong; Ring it once and it is so loud it rings at 692 decibels ending the Universe with physical sound.

The cursed belt; It changes F to M and M to F a little too early. Mainly when you put it on, you change gender.

The cursed collar; A war effort against you by 1d6 monsters.

The cursed table; It returns things set on it to itself.

The cursed gold coin; It makes people start clipping coins from now on. Also when it is cursed it is impossible to remove without tobacco.

The blessed fishoil pill; It contains omega 3 fatty acids. Good for the cell walls. Permenanly improving your health by 10% each pill.

Tukima's Dance; This dance, it forces weapons to turn on their owner. Their weapons strike themselves.

Smite; the effect is to do a smiting blow, where you knock out the person or kill them with your hit and deal double damage otherwise. This is decided by rolling a 1d20+luck. Roll a 1-9 for double damage and knocking them out and 10 on up for outright killing them. 

Haunt; this is where you summon a spirit to haunt the area and it does what you want it to do. If you want the ghost to paralyze the targets in fear, it will do it for 1d6 rounds.

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