Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, July 10, 2023

Pure illusion

 This is when you create with a point of expression, then act correctly. Thinking to create an illusion, that's using your body energy. The soul guides the body energy and programs it into created effect. This is from the past.

Some spells

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

thoughts; this is where you think to create a point or expression that's stated. 

thinking; this is when you see a sense in the point they do.

themselves; this is a point you know, they, themselves and others.

discord; it fixes itself no matter what and quickly.

think; think it will work and it works.


seytan; he gets results like he wants them. no matter what.

a work; a work of art is something you know about, not always is it done here.

the brain; If you try to remember something, your brain cells grow.  sometimes it is necessary to try to remember the past without stress.

instant transmission; this is where you create a shift to make what idea, that you intend to do. then you cause a shift to where you want to be, so you get to see what you created.

spirit sight; this is where you think to see the magic in the area. then the spirit shows you what is there.

portals; this is where you think of the area to be as you imagine a portal opening, and the soul causes you to be there by the power of the portal. the portal closes as you think its not needed.


blood port; this is where you focus the energy in your blood and think of the area to go, then the energy is used up as you shift to a new area.

The spell; this spell underlies the basis of most spells, think of the idea and will things to occur as you look determined, you create a reaction of what you want.

location spell; This spell causes you to know where the location of treasure or whatever you want is by feel. Think of the idea, need the thing and idea as you say out loud or under your breath "fid" or fide. As you look on a map, the location becomes clear.

waypoint; This is when you think of the location and need to be there. The heat energy or fire consciousness will shift you by feel anywhere you want to go.

then; this is a time spell, where you think of the time and need to be there. then, the statement of "then" causes you to be there at least in spirit or soul.

The timeflow; this is where you think of the time as a flow for an object or idea, then you state three things that mean your intent. this causes the flow of time, that's of an idea or object to happen as you wanted it.


psychoport; this is psychoportation, where you think of the place and imagine you there doing something, then you create a point of teleportation by the soul shifting you there where you think to exist. doing what you intend to do and thinking you will shift by this means, causes you to shift sooner, that's the point in idea.

psychoscout; this is where you think of the area to see, then you create with the mind as you "see" the area with or without the help of a mirror's energy. this is what is possible if you recognize the area and you know the area by what is sensed.

suspicious; whatever I do, I don't look suspicious nor do I look bad, no matter what.

vortex; if you think of it a vortex is energy swirling from various things. so think of water energy in the air swirling, and you created one by the subconscious making it be there..

power up; Think of the creator's energy, then imagine a white light filling you up with life. This restores your lost energy and things light up in the area.

power down; this causes the targets energy and stamina to become 0 point. their energy is drawn out by void effects on their spirit.

imitation; The imitation is where you create similar results by the idea you do that mimicks the other person like your copying him.


no matter; no matter I am no longer greedy and accepted for what I do.

not minding; people don't mind what I do or did.

moose; he gives me another chance, no matter what happens in life.

things; things work out in the end.

think; if it happens to me that I would receive an accident, then the accident never occurs. no matter what.


smartness; I am smart from this point on, no matter what.

dumbness; dumbness afflicts the criminal and things done by them makes them caught.


cosmoskinesis; This is where you think you are there, its interesting and useful to know. All that's required is to ask the creator of the universe to create a planet that's liveable and star for you by stating out loud or thinking to him your request. Think about it and upon attuning yourself to the universe and the creator, you can cause the planet to be revealed to you by request. Think your there, then the planet energy draws yourself there. This happens by feel or idea you observe in some manner or with some youtube vid describing it. This is in the known universe. So think and you know what to do.

stacy b; she comes back to work in palo duro no matter what.

think and do; if you think you can do it, then you will if you need it done. so think about it and you know what to do.

thought; the thought I don't want don't happen, no matter the case.

things; The things I do, they work out in the end. no matter what.


think; the point you have is good for discussion, think not to be racist.

this; the point you have you can create with energy, that's done by the idea you intend to make with the power of the soul.

insignia; this is what makes them do things..the insight that's good with action.

moose; walmart, he always gets his groceries, even if walmart delivery. no matter what.

attacks; all attacks are deflected to their attackers if energy attacks.

farron; he now gets his full broadcast done by feel and actuality. no matter what.

constructs vs sigils; You can create an energy construct that does the same thing a sigil can. However, in practice constructs can do the same thing as sigils, sigils allow you to have something physical-ish to focus on. Servitors and sigils would be two different things. You can attach a servitor to a sigil, however.

The fact; Moose doesn't mind what I do or did.

White, grey and black magic; white magic allows you to do something like healing and your known for it, basically you are traced to be the one doing it energy wise.. grey magic allows you to do healing with energy where you aren't known for it.. meaning you aren't energy traced to be the one responsible. black magic is where you could do harm or whatever and aren't known for it and you aren't traced for doing it. basically, grey magic is mind magic that can be suggestions to an ideal outcome and your subconsciousness creates the effect of the suggestions. feel free to respond to this with your own idea by feel.

interest; the interesting thing in the moment is what you notice, if not busy you reply if necessary.

in a moment; this is where and when you create with a point, and thats an expressed idea and get what result you get.


sey foc = (pronounced say-folk) rhink of comfort and maternal care as though it emanated from you. That's as you say sey foc out loud or under your breath to a candle flame. This might take a day or less to manifest. This will be will this be physical and mental changes. You can say it once or twice for effects to be done.

corey; he doesn't mind what I did or do. no matter what.

Atlantis background; Atlantis spent all their time improving their souls. the energy throughout the planet was maximized for consciousness. the myriad of energies that goes from plane to plane (leylines), were significantly allocated to fit every single being. the moment a person was born, they would spend all their time learning and developing telepathy. although, the people that  were born had telepathy naturally in them. they didnt even need to think to make telepathy. it was as natural as breathing air. no matter what, things get better instead of worse. so think and you know what to do.

psiballs; you can program a psi ball to perform psychokinetic functions..the same way you can program one to attack or destroy any target. but, the more complicated the task, the more complicated ur patternization of its formation is going to be, and the more it takes energy to do so. another reason why tech magick is so effective. also, there is more chance of burning out the machine the more your energy use.

Thought time travel changes; you can project energy into the past, and split yourself into several frequencies, and then it rediverges into one in the past to the future present. when you remote view the past, you can affect the past. think the changes you desire into happening as you RV. sometimes the past people if they're psionic can know that you are viewing them. the same way for remote viewing ancient atlantis. the people were really telepathic. like it was a natural thing at the time, not masked right now with air elemental formation. you are simply projecting your consciousness in the past, and your consciousness is energy, its the same thing as interferrence. so if you influence the past, you will influence the present and future. they are connected together by a thread, when one is affected, the rest follows. think of it like a snake that eats its own tail. from an aniministic flavor, natural systems would be part of the universe grid, hence you shouldn't separate timelines as a separate system from the universe itself.

effect; I am not effected by what I think is bad.

thought; The point is expression, that creates with life and makes for idea to occur.

thundergladiator; he thinks to improve and is nicer to me no matter the point. he no lonfer ignores me.

things; things work out in the end.


UAP; these ships can go underwater and fly at 5 to 20 times the speed of light with manuevers that are amazing.

wakeup; this is crushing a dry leaf under your feet and experiencing the release of death and decay energy. That upon release to your aura, fixes your brain and wakes you up.

metalforever; she responds to me nicely and works with what I give her. she communicates and is willing to chat with me. no matter what I am not bothered by how she acts.

writing stuff 

This is the first rule to practice. you never tell anyone that you practice, it doesn't matter who your friends are, your parents. literally, you dont tell anyone that you practice, the only people you should be engaging with are ones that are already aware of such nature. it is not your job or responsibility to convince anyone about anything. its important to stay solitary in your practices. people's perceptions and observation they have a way to interfere with your energy, especially magick. its kind of pretty basic. 

thumbdrive; I know whats on it by what I think is there from what I soul know or not. this works as you pick it up and think to know.

for dnd

enchanting; the enchant is a point you think of what you want and think the object or person does things by the energy you or your soul casts forth.

emulator class

Ex and Sp

Shadow shift (Ex); This is where you think of the place. Think the shadows shift you there, and you are there unobtrusively.

Immunity (Sp); This spell can be done anytime outside of battle, once done makes the item immune to any and all forms of being broken, damage, being corrupted, harmed, hurt and immune to being any form of bad and evil. Also it is immune to being in any way controlled, corrupted, drained,  hypnotized, copied, absorbed cloned, stolen all in any way. This lasts till until you no longer need it that way.

Spell immunized (Sp); This spell can be done aytime and lasts for until you no longer need it. This makes all your powers and abilities immune to being taken away, stolen, copied,  borrowed, drained absorbed and more.

Thought transfer (Ex); This ability is when you recieve the thoughts of the target/s. Its where you can act on or be like what the target/s do act like. This is where you create the thoughts by writing them down, and stating what you intend. This uses the thoughts as energy and you create with intent what you intend to manifest.

Thought control (Sp); The thought you project towards the target/s makes them do things that you want. This is done by their subconscious or minds perceiving what you intend, and they recreate the thought you project. They successfully do things you want, like leave you alone with a roll of a 1d100+will and getting a 51 or above result.

Universal language (Ex); The languages the target/s can speak or think you understand and can speak as well. This is done by the creator making it understood and able to be spoken with an innate understanding of the languages themselves..

Shadow lord (Ex); This is where you think of a point that's expression, then do things to create with energy to elevate yourself in the shadows to that of a lord. You can command or think and hear communications to and from the shadow beings easily. This changes the body into a super body, where you add +5 to all core stats and +30% to your health.


Think and seem; This is where you think about the idea and seem right to the person or target/s. This is where you seem emulative of the person and can even look like them. Think and know what you want to appear as by feel. 

Gender switch; This is where you think of a gender to appear as, and you are that gender for however long you need to appear that way.

Thought energy; This is where you think to program energy near the target/s and it emulates the effect of the program. That's like your wanting to create a better way of life for the person, they immediately think better and do good things. Think and you know what to do.

Shadow wizardry; This is where you think to work with the shadows that are genderless and create with the dark energy or void, that's creating with your thought to make a manifest from energy with the shadows themselves or light that mimicks things to effect the target. What the shadows do to the target causes it to drain the target/s and they lose their abilities and you temporarily gain them in spirit form for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need them.

Then thinking; This is where you revert the target when you think of a time, and state "then" and time for the ghost or target/s are reverted to that time. They are still for having to adjust to the change in time. They don't move for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle.

Imitative energy; This is where you think of what you want and cause the energy consciousness to become imitative of that thought. THis includes the elements and what they do, brought from gated in energy to create what is desired on the target/s.

end point; This is where you think of an ending and cause fate to make the idea, that's making it as an end point by stating the fate of the person or target/s. This could be anything, including making the target drop dead where it stands by sudden heart attack.


It starts off your in a house, you notice weird noises in the basement...then a cryptid comes out as you approach the stairs to the basement..


grad; town

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