Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Crazy things

 The craziest things are still possible..assuming the subconscious creates the idea by feel. If it doesn't, then it isn't exactly possible. So in some form or another, its possible to create with a point of expression and make with the suggestion to the subconscious..For this reason subliminals are very interesting, you have to look up what you want as a subliminal on the youtube though. So think and you know what to do.

Some spells:

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

Astral computer; basically its just energy that would change its shape to fit your perception.

thundergladiator; he doesn't get rude and he doesn't mind new members that aren't rayn on discord. no matter what he doesn't go too far.

Shimmering force field; this is cast by the power of the soul. State out loud or under your breath, "soul cause the shimmering energy to form." Then need it and it forms like a Shimmering energy, and makes you appear as whatever you want. It lasts till you start doubting it.

thundergladiator; he's no longer too suspicious of people and impetus, no matter what. he no longer thinks Q is Rayn. he agrees with my ideal.

Organic constructs; Think they exist as you want them and they shape themselves out of energy. They create what effect you want physically. So if you think they de-exist then they will. You see they are easier to create than complex models, much safer to have, as an indirect influence in yourself and others compared to imputing micro sigils in each cell, which can attune you straight off insane, goodbye realm. organic design, or borrowed animal/plant/insect forms have a lot of value of utility. plants are great for area construct, as they are ideal model for converting energy of an area. So this will make your Stamina infinite, they are efficient and require little to no maintainance. animals have in built weapons and defenses and abilities. insects are peak of efficiency right after nano and viral type of constructs. micro constructs that mimic crystaline structure can resonate very efficiently and induce changes. with organic you can mimic symbiot designs, kind of constantly working inside of the body, efficient types of constructs. that can overcome some particular vulnerability or issue of the moment one faces be it temporary or prolonged.

Psi balls; Psi balls are a construct of a sort... it is programmed energy, just by telling it to be round and be there of this and that energy it is a pattern, a programming. Among the beginners no two psi balls are alike... some can last longer, some are solid, some are dense, some have hole inside... there are really a lot of parameters one inputs. It is elementary level of a construct, a very primitive, one can input expectations of a behavior, explode on impact or merge, and it will act like programmed energy.

crystals; They are similar to chakras, so, you link to them, dump filth, suck out energy that you can, and align yourself, then unlink.

Easier to clean, than cleaning a chakra. Purer than draining people. Less error in alignments. If you want, you can also program them. Depending on the crystal i sort of put it in my hand, push energy through it, but i do not allow it to convert it and rework it to the outside, i restrict the output, instead i create pressure and keep pumping energy, it has pushback and delay, and not every crystal is the type for this technique, but you sort of force all energy into the crystal and not let it out while you push energy in, and if you do it right it sort of elevates the crystal into an excited state. It is a process that can happen in few seconds or a minute...

Sort of like way more responsive and alive state.

After that I like to grant them elevated consciousness and make them capable of communication and ask for a specific deal. Crystals are very inflexible, and they for a certain task want to be cleaned or put somewhere or charged every day/week/time you use them, or something else like specific person and etc. Once you give them that for the deal, pact is sealed it is like contract and they are more resistant to reprogramming from someone else, they perform tasks faithfully too. But maybe the best one for warfare when dealing with entities would be the gaia link. 

You reread the definition of a crystal on wiki, google what earth is made out of, figure out that majority of earth has some minerals which you guess it are of crystal structure, all scattered, and instead of connecting to one, you go outside, take a stance that is comfortable, and connect via energy link, reaching deep with energy to a collective crystals something like 2m or 8-10ft underground or more deeper, until you feel the link establish... And then just not move for hours. Just passively standing like that, will allow things to happen, you are cleansed, grounded, balanced, and if you persist you start channeling energy similar to a tree, where vortex slowly forms, from down to top... After certain time i think several hours  a other vortex forms naturally, from top to bottom from the sky, and they sort of merge and balance, but it takes too long on initial forming.

When you have that direct link, you are very much in tune and can suppress beings of higher plane with a lower and overwhelm with collective consciousness and vast resource of gaia, literally like fighting with your mom having your back. -Nesh

Dirty mind control; You use the idea of the underworld by naming the target/s in a rite with a candle, summoning the underworld and get people horny. That's the transference. Then you possess the person and sabotage them. You use sex to possess and then you minds the persons business with your intuition and cause them to do whatever you wants. It's like mind control with the penis and vagina. Don't do this as its dirty minded.

Annunaki; They existed as giants in the past from the planet called nebiru. They caused humans to exist with help. When they made humans, they taught them what they knew. Also, they used them for digging up gold. So they could repair their planets atmosphere. They left using the pyramids that shot beams of light out to the homeworld of theirs as well as the other constellations. Sumeria shows what they learned. The offspring of the annunaki, the giants were used to help build things. They got wiped out by a great flood. Only to have emerged as humans repopulated the planet, after the floods went down. This is a known fact of life.

shift by objects; This is where you think of things that exist for you and use their energy, thats by a tap to them to shift to another place and time. The objects or idea you used will power you to be there and do things. The objects can find you when you disappear.

Astral timetravel; time is non-linear in astral and it works in different ways. time travel doesn't exist in a linear sense. you can influence the past as much as you are able to influence the myriad of possibilities that make up reality. the more you have an affect on reality, the more reality also has an affect on you, its one of the principles of morphic resonance. so when you think of time travel in this instance using astral means, reality already knows it, and does its mystical dance for you before hand trying to prepare it for you.

this is also true in a mystical way especially if you look at it from a dmt frequency perspective where elements shift and morph constantly beyond supersonic speed trying to formulate  your consciousness between myriad of energies. it takes thoughts affecting reality to another level because thats what this is actually. you are treating your thoughts beyond the disposition of "reality" putting it in a cube and closing it. not treating reality and ur thoughts/intentions one in the same. so when you think of time travel in astral, its both actually. in fact, you can think of the idea and the astral plane makes it exist. 

states of consciousness can be tapped deeper using variants such as dmt, take for instance stage 4 breakthrough would look completely different than stage 3. The energetics that define reality is in instance, just consciousness existing in the psychic planes. However, the fact that astral can br accessed through the doors of dreams, and other psychic vision and formulation, its far beyond the peakiness of what make sense in this instance, considering the divergent of reality work in this case from a fractalized "divine" essence and we access it through states of consciousness. 

hence the astral body in some esoteric traditions is called the illusory body. And in my experience, your astral body looks like your interpretation of you. That just goes to show you something. How you think you look is altered by you yourself. Other ppl can think you look different than you think you look. Maybe even voice. So yeah, thoughts and reality are often mixed with most ppl. Most ppl can’t usually differentiate between ego and reality. The mere fact that you can consciously differentiate yourself from other people just goes to show you. That those ppl are within your mind.

yet they are present objectively, and your mere thoughts and perceptions of them "seeing" them into the moment you summon their essences into being basically. a person's physical shape is defined by the combination of elements that they are born with. I think that the ego and astral body maybe mixed. Jung thought that much of our ego development came from dreaming. So this idea may not be very far fetched. dreaming comes from the release of dmt, dont you ever forget that. 

Mistress mommoth; she discovers time to play the game and she enjoys my alt dnd game as though it were matter what.


Crystal movements; So from what I know of crystals they sort of just escape from your attention, if you are too negative of an influence on them however they dont move by themselves though. sometimes the person moves them for you. that's due to the soul sensing your need, or they suicide by having you drop them. escaping from you by any means and it is not even like stupid idea, you notice that yeah, despite being careful I have dropped this particular crystal dozen of times. I have not dropped crystal ever. so you compare it and something is odd, like as if it is escaping. so that's how it can move. -Nesh

for dnd

How to play this game: You can play using the rules, or dismiss some of the rules as preferred. Its your choice. If you dismiss the rules you don't like, or don't use a section in this manual and play it freely like a modular game.. go ahead then its even more playable. You know be creative with it and have fun doing your own style. You see this friend liked to use wisdom instead of intelligence, so I allowed it with skill points. He seems to like the game, he liked playing it like it was homebrew. So it just depends on how your style is. So it's a modular thing.. If you need unlisted spells that's not there, feel free to make up the spells as you need it like you want.

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