Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Past life 9

This is a past life that was useful enough to learn things about life. This is a few things that he did so far in life. Think, work and play. Otherwise he eats, shits and works things out as he sleeps. So his only actual ability was sleep and hypnosis creation, as he did things with his dream body quite often made things or found things to suit the purpose.

This leads me to believe that he used dream and sleep therapy quite often. I think despite that, he still could create what he wanted to with what he had by feel. How he died was naturally as he pushed someone too hard, he died by a point as he was laying on the ground. He died at age 39 and it is indeterminable as to when he was born or the date at the time. This is what I recorded and noticed:


This is the idea of where you are. These are the suggestions by the area you think to create an idea, for you can suggest to yourself so you deliver to the point and with a point sometimes thought. See I think that sometimes spoken is the point of view by what you do, so that doesn't mean anything compared to this. When you do something you get something done, think before you speak as your likely to find it is happening sometime as its true. The way this works is through your next life and the energy thought, that you perceive from him or her or it by feel.

mischief; the act of mischievism is to think and confuse or get attention elsewhere, thinking to attention what you want attention to by feel or activity.

mae; near or away from her I won't act like a lovesick puppy. I will leave her alone if she wants me to, this includes romantically.

amber the photographer; if she's interested in me then I won't shy away from her touch. I will talk to her interestingly.


This is the action that can be done by feel or otherwise is the thought sometimes that is possible if the condition is right. These are tricks and don't always work, so I think and work where they just might work right. Otherwise I just think and do things by thinking. That sorta rhetorical thought is what this could be. You can't argue with an idea that's rhetorical. So the thought by orgonne is this:

focus; create by focus is the act by what you do, think and you do things right to the correct means that draws the right attention and you get what you want.

resolution; think a point and you can use it to resolve an issue if it fits by logical means by feel.

resolve; This my idea by feel. Just feel the area form the pole to draw the lightning and you then imagine the negative pole dissipate. This is how you form lightning strikes. So simply by thinking a thought you form clouds and then shape the storm and focus is like the direction that it goes. Then the storm dissipates away only to reemerge from the merged with matrix energy where you want it to reform. This is how a storm can form and go away from the area, this is only to dissipate away till its nothing. So this is until you can't, seeing as its just not needed to be done.

The effort is thought in meditation by using an in breath or out breath, with the out breath coming from body. Use is a point as it's the ideal of evolution through the choice of doing something, I have seen all that counts in this so as we do things to achieve our end and our mind achieves with our spiritual influence. As the spirit influences and grows in force, some evolution may happen. In that achievement, we grow from the so called and summoned experience. Anything can be an achievement by the use that is nonetheless existing things, this is with an included point by a successful act or an embarassing moment. All possible because by faith or filth, this has gone on unless needed otherwise. This means you see what is non corruption, thinking to work and avoid the bad as a circumstance. Then you really can't as you can do things easily.

Faith comes in on this from being a point, as though its where we think the action will be done and accomplished. This is usually by our thinking and acting on purpose. Which allows things to occur by reaction and this includes things from the list below. Which by some accounts this is feel, so if you see things as a point not to do then avoid doing it. For where all instructions are not heeded, this is used idea by allowance and not always needed in idea given. Some idea herein are fictional, that your subconscious can make real. See and feel are theory not intended for use, you know the way in or out of an area or existence. So unless you want to do something, then think to create by instinct or intuition and that feel you have.

orgone "or gone" thinking "this is okay as I am thinking your way" or "not":
This is the ability that exists as you do know, but think as this is not done if uncounted for a point exists as if by feel as you don't know you won't use it except when this is not usually by feel. This shows a willingness to go do things. However the thought is the use of something. Think of a point and you create a point by the feeling in that you have something to work with by feel the source of energy. So another use is to think a point and usage comes easily.

focusing; I discovered that he had no dreams and that he only used his ability to create things or idea into existence by thinking of things to do or thinking with focus he created thought. he exchanged his dreams or what he didn't like for this ability to create things.

meditation sleep; meditate and as you lay still you are acting as if asleep. if you close your eyees and think to sleep them you'll get to sleep, sometimes breathing in and out slowly as you listen to music helps.

focusing trick; thinking about this, I all considered the point and made the way or idea to work by feel. this idea I knew by what you did or I did by feel.

think; the point is a consolance to the act and the act is a point to make things work. this works by what you do.

other things:

Thinking about things I believe I found the cure to alzeimer's coconut oil or coconut milk otherwise used in the form as coconut stevia. So all I need to do is think of some moment and think of the point and do what I need to do, this amazingly if mixed with water and turmeric cures what I called senior moments. Where senioritus hits you from behind, sometimes with bad reasons or felt reactions by strain and you think to work with the reactions.

The coconut green tea also works as you need one drop of coconut stevia, others use some coconut milk and place with tea and substitute or raw sugar. This with a flavor packet from crystal light or some company with fruit will allow a fruity coconut tea. That is all for the point I had to make. Ciou and I think I will wait till I have something of interest to post so I think the point and I know the point and farewell.

the end

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