Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thought created belief

Seeing as belief exists

  There in mind and energy is a room to use as you want and think easy, as you are aware or a point to were by altering the fabric of time and space. As thought is a point and creative is creativity in use, think and your feel is free as your doing what you feel is right to get what you thought done. Unless thinking of disaster is in a point, and if watching is an ideal use by what you feel necessary is the point at the end "to en". As you say your a creator I believe your not lying so what you say is what you create. That is the reaction that is by others to use as you say not. There is several different cures to work with as they are thought to exist.

  Thought fix in idea is to restore yourself by the thought or telepathic feel to fix yourself, as this is wrestling by a touch and go and energy use on touch hold creates restraint and release restores by what you feel is there. By what you feel in mind is what you feel in real life and if you feel it and someone is linked, not always is this in the head as a ball. They can feel in mind the thought you project.

  Then this is a safe activity, as thought equals moment and use is percent. The thought is a percent, as you think of what you did and thought by what is there as you feel you know then the subconscious comes up with a percentage. This is to think about the percentage and you know, the state of progress is by feel and you know the percent. Thought can be dangerous and as you know the percent is 100%, if you feel it is and "en" in this is at the end done.

   This is a telemetric telepathic system by "telementric" or telepathic feel in policy by belief, to do or not as something needed something sensed. Think in a focus is an energy by the thought, and the energy is the focused area that you think to use. As your energy is disassociated from the feel and as energy is in focus, then there is energy by realization. As your energy is in the feel, as feeling exists to stop and cope as you feel by thinking in and not feeling is out sometimes by gnowing things.

   The effect is shown before you think by thought and incident not always to do, creates, makes or seems the event or action by activity and this is known by feel. What ever the reaction that is feeling done, viewing this is the will to subsist as the will is energy by the will in a link. As the thought is by feel, this is energy by what you feel to feeling as your thought is energy with nothing.

   As the void and love as the shifter, think as a possible way this is a possible idea there by fruitcake energy in energy is in live. There is a way to do this, as your the energy and the will is energy the thought of a wire as a substitute wasted in trash can create. Think by will is the person in inner energy form, as shifting is the will by existant thought carrier "an" wave you shift with away from chaos. Thought or otherwise that is a dimension can seem to do, as you seem wasted your not as wish with the energy wave conscious and that can do what you want as a thought light wave carrier you think work to make in work by make or free by thought.

   That is the method, here is the energy in the will. As you assume what you think in focus and the subconscious does, intention and action are what you feel the need for and otherwise think. As energy in feel is energy by the will in the moment you feel the point, then and with thought is the focus by expression and what you say you end up seeing, feeling or dreaming.

  There is energy in the way to were as wereing is altering what you see, as assume in thought is assumed no more then what you feel is thought in focus. There is energy in a spoken no that is felt as a halting force. This is a hand up or feeling to do something else, or created creative spurt to create with the feel of the moment in imagination to physical use. Say and creative use you see is a point that or not is past, as you don't feel to act to what you see.

   Think and feel then is focus and need on the moment, this to know is in a tight spot to do or feel to know is to see. As you know and you are aware of what is interred thought and cleansed energy by the aura projected energy, think from the body thought or position in meditation. This is thought dismissed with musical energized fire by focus, to cleanse with a white fire energy coming on feel from the area and by focused fire energy coming from somewhere. There is energy coming from the feel and that is summation by the feel with feeling as a bath is water. This is energy to the aura to cleanse the shit, thought and stink that shifts away is displaced to the area necessary for it to be.

   Always remember you don't have to do it, think and as it seems to be necessary you can get what you wanna a point to do. The idea you feel as energy can form in sight, as you think nothing this creates as action feels right to what you think it is. If necessary and this is what can do to become made in action by thought reasoning for what you want, think as this is telemetric as psychic is math in feel and psychic in reaction by motion.

  This is what three things do when the three activity idea are, as seen by feel and focused by thought your feel can create. This is by what you want in thought, think by thought and by psychic points in phenomenon to be sensed by telepathic concept. This can seen in realistic idea, be seen as what you think.

Stored horror flicks

By Danny and Paul with Bruce Davenport

   The world is indeed full of frightening things from thought of bad idea, think and this nothing is but a warning sign as if the subconscious shows things to see. As if things from horror flicks and we don't wanna see it, as this is the idea think or not so those that are victims don't react. As helpless creatures surrounded by forces and that are inexplicable, think in the moment as too helpless to act if horror seen is avoided.

  As thought and decide comes as unbending idea in any rule is by thought is reason enough to bend them. The average man, in ignorance, believes that those forces can be explained or changed and he doesn't really know how to do that, but he expects that the actions of mankind will do. The idea in explanation to move the thing or by will, explain them or change them sooner or later.

  A sorcerer, on the other hand, does not think of explaining or changing them; instead, he learns to use such forces by redirecting himself and adapting to their direction. That's his trick. There is very little to sorcery once you find out its trick. This can start good and turn out bad as energy allows nightmare idea. There is in a zone by the path of life energy, think by the biology and look by sight, vision or envisioning the feel, the idea not to do and yet doing is the idea that is done by not doing. The point and use is the restored activity energy.

   A sorcerer, by opening himself to knowledge, falls prey to those forces and has only one means of balancing himself, his will ; thus he must feel and act like a warrior. I will repeat this once more: Only as a warrior can one survive the path of knowledge. What helps a sorcerer live a better, thought is life and is a point to live so live it as the strength of being a warrior is living forever with thought and use of peace of mind as restored is the heart by love. Thought by the creator, the love is temporal love by energy collected by sex energy. Then the use is sex energy and not love to rebuild yourself with and your being is fine.

   It is my commitment to teach you to see, as a hope and as energy is denied or allowed by fellowship. I am compellent by the thought. I am the compelled, and undead therefore as to get things done, to make you feel right is to teach you to feel and act like a warrior. To see without first being a warrior would make you weak; it would give you a false meekness, a desire to retreat; your body would decay because you would become indifferent. It is my personal commitment to make you a warrior so you won't crumble to the ground dead.

  As if you see it you know the idea by what it is, wyrd is weird sometimes as sometimes it is wyrd to know as wyrd is fate. Fated to not always do things as they see fit or see reason. As you hit a dead body you will know what it feels like, to see the dead men walking and setting off the events listed and here as centuries over. Whats weird is the thoughts you have as you think and look in the mirror as shadow form. Thinking as whatever happens your involved, till you don't want to feel involved.

   That is energy by the feel of defying nature and as energy is energized by the tree of life, your energy is life by the energy is seen in life. As energy is in idea by the point you see, your thought is to see or think or give as reasoning your excuse. As excused your excuse is reason in excuse as excuse is excusable by feel with excuse by the thought with energy as excuse to die off and do as excuse in activity allows. As there is these that are excuse in the area by the excuse in energy, that use is feeling by the feel of water in the body that reacts to the point you think.

  As assume what you want if you feel the purpose your reasoning, thought as if nothing thought is thought and good enough till second thoughts and your thoughts comes back and remembered is the focus to do as you need. Thought exists if you are what you think, thinking and create by what you want. If you consider in life by water, you see to get what you want the bath way in a bathroom.

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