Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Experian Moment

  There is experian moments in the moment you get cash and think experian with the after effect. As this is the moment you think your a target and you aren't, things are correct by what is right. As you assume the idea you can get money reports as its free for one month.

  Think and as there you get free money as the energy from the site is the idea you think, as you do idea you generate money as you consider what you think and what you do in life. As you think the money from the planet and the funds come from the converted owed funds. There is a surrender by funds use as another way to do this is, as you think money to you you get money back frome bad by credit. Thought to exist with a point is to create by energy sensitivity. There is a point to work with, as you consider the result in a thought by the energy that is there.

  This is a point as to create with a thought, created with the energy as purchased in somewhere else. As this doesn't actually matter how much you purposed or can purchase with money or credit energy, you can create any amount of thought in idea or money on a thought. Think, see an in focus you are a free man as you are and thought is with you, as a moment can exist each sensitivity you feel thought is good.

  As good or bad vibes you think to avoid if you thought the idea was dangerous, any thought other than that you create activity. As though the area was energy and thought generates money from what is excess, that if you erase what isn't intended in the person. This is seemed with what they don't want to do or not, as they are not effected by what you think. As a point to general idea to consider, or not to create as what existed doesn't anymore.

  Thus, if you create money with the thought that you have, as felt is the credit then with a swipe of the credit card or debit card. This makes credit extended as energy creates infinite credit or money is there, as energy is manipulatable by the subconscious to exist or not as you create and the erased idea is restored that you thought to exist in intended to seem there.

 If you make money you can get easy funds. Things you use on a daily occasion are a point to use as though a thought is cash for america. Think as they sense your need they will do it. There is a very interesting idea to do things and make exitinguished is fire by idea, as you create with what you think on is an idea to get things finished.

  Things as a case where you think in to create as you go and use, thought and concept generate funds if you think as you consider a thought to get better you use the electrons or lava energy exchange as done and think focus, think and if thought this is in focus and perceive you will create money by the lava creating the money. As you think no will battle or not, your will is as if a created idea as manifest.

  This is from the negative charged area that is a graveyard that used to exist here in the area my mom was buried in. That is if you can get protection from your mother, its already been done as to think not as or not as a deceased parent or will create you can get money for easy love. That is why you get free and energy credit now. Thought as in concept to the moment is way out there or if you treat life as a game, realize and life is what you think. Think and create, this is to get better as to act with experience as you are as if this is what you get.

  Think as you have your life and life exists and because you think it does, this is to be no character if a point is made and to think a persona is aura manifest by some idea makes what you think there from some life you are living and or being and the electron exchange is possible use is with a past life or some area person energy thought.

  As energy makes things there where you think as this is life that keeps things alive in practice, work or no if not as you consider what you do or with a will it disperses. As there is a way to very easy cash don't, as you see to use it or not be as no chastising point by character you get away. As you are okay and in trade this is easy you are your own mind.

  There is no point that if in use your use is a point to remember, as a point is mention as this is a life and what you follow is what your life is by thought in momentary or in concept. As a point in a good way considerance made up or considered real with life moments. As a power will is by the energy returns from the energy and that is a point by what considers, thought in thought or not as your thought is our idea in thought as nothing if your will is energy. As this is true and if a concept is made you are better in life or this is false nonchalance, your not to be a character or anything you don't want to be as your not to be within reason as necessary.

   Thought or not as all you do is magic by mana, for each their own due in atomic magic, use that as a good example is positivity, somehow when you're positive if alive, more good and "lucky" things happen to you. There is a point that if your incapable in life with something or not alive in a moment, you can see and use something as if not negative unless necessary to heal by the ions in life.

  There is a way to heal by thought projected ions, that they can use in their aura as you heal your cool and if you don't this is thought attracted luck. Don't do this if you don't intend to die or get energy back, what you do you sorta suppose and you don't get bade as bad results. As you can get usable in energy and what is in the order thats all.

   This is where the secret as mentioned in a book, creates as an end result is nothing as that came with a thought to complete or not. Think to do or create a positive point and that isn't always going to happen, the same for the opposite when you're negative you're having a bad day. Trap is like the chain reaction, that is a thought of "bad luck" with a bad mirror and that is alright or think of this. Your a character they used to think as you can or be their will not, as you aren't a character flaw your okay or not as your doing things and your fine.

   As a flawed brain has a shadow mirror as you don't think of the mirror, as a flaw your not effected as you work around the flaw and can use the idea to create or stop use. As you project the energy to the criminals or magical people with an idea to create the sorcery with no criminal influence, that is created on thought and that is thought perception from the thoughts in practice or area energy that create for you as you think to create. There is a point to create, as about things is to do things in life. As what you exist, this is with as an idea is what you can create.

  "accio pyro" = This creates on a thought to seem and make use is your thinking or inciteful with use is accio to make a fire ball or fire effect while thinking, this is on the effect you can form in thought the multicolored idea for fire that is multiple phase color as each color does different things so as thinking feel the color creates the in intensity your will creates what it want from the idea.

  As "multi accio" is if considered multiple accost or nothing as energy or make with "accio multi hydro", thought to do the multi-hued energy effect this creates en vaios as the movement energy and collects is energy in the area. Do is the moment you think and create energy, and as you thought the effect is possible as the end result that is mainpulatable by will. As there is no point if not any result is possible to be as a point.

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