Seen use by creative abuse

Look to friend me on my facebook page or look at the bottom for my Discord chat page, if still up, that is also here if you need invite and here if you are already a member. If any abuse is there think to stop it then the creator stops what you don't think is necessary or don't need to work better. I think or not and it fits the point, so you see the point you so if you think, then your focus can know what is there by area you think. I figured out you aren't a mental target if you are thinking that your not otherwise thinking your one makes you one. So lets hope that works as you wish.

If you think you're a personal or mental target, stop then think to do something else as long as it's normal. I think i figured out my real illness, If I think to do or write I won't if I panic or if I allow things then I can write the ideal. So I will write as I think or will and I don't have to be there to write it.
This is where I think as you want to do things, or work until I don't need to do things as this is use of this. I think this is a blog based off my past life, working with memories that I happen to remember.

Here is an appropriate quote of the day: "Something I realized is that spells and magic don’t work if your soul determines it isn’t best for you or your growth... that’s why some magic works for some people and doesn’t for others. Some can grow wings some can’t, that memory just came to me because I tried to do it." -pup

Just updated; Angel's Magic article.
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Monday, January 9, 2023

Cautionary magic

 This is where you use chemicals with magic. Think to mix the chemical and your magic causes it to be mixed right, that's because you think on doing it right.

Some spells;

Spells; Some point for spells; the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect  or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it, then you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is in effect by what is what where you think, so if you don't mind I think I will go and do what I need. However, by what you don't want to happen won't occur, except by ghost. These are the things I think are possible here.

allen sanchez; I get a donation from asanchez and he won't mind it, no mattter what.

The gas effect; This is nasty smelling where you think of an idea and think to create your need and fart or release some gas. This causes what you want in idea to create as an effect. This can change the targets mind in attacking you. You can cause yourself to lessen in weight. You can even make yourself sped up. Think of the possibilities and you can attempt to create it.

like; he likes you as you are aware.


problems; There are no problems with shipping of my amazon matter what.

time transform; Think of the time and your shape becomes that time's shape. this takes discipline, if you think of a time then your spirit is in that time. so think of the shape and need to be in that shape, then you are that shape.

teme; Basically, you toughen yourself by adding +70% health with no weight or fat gain and additional progress to all core stats like intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, strength, charisma, constitution and others. Think and you know what to do. 

stacy butts; she remembers to bring the computer monitor, no matter what.

fid; stacy b finds her computer monitor she wants to get to me no matter what.


things; the things you do are what create better results.

thought; the thought is there, if you want to visit the idea you may.

travis; he doesn't insist upon me giving his money back by feel.


News 9 diet; eat if hungry and not if full. Try to eat 3 meals with 2 times for snacks a day. Remember it takes burning off 3000 calories burned to burn off 1 lbs of fat. This allows you to burn off fat and not gain it all back quickly. Avoid high fructose corn syrup and eat protein so you will succeed. Enjoy yourself as you do this..ciou.

Jay m; Jay moisant has the party on xmas eve no matter the point. I get to his place and back again.

congress; the congress passes the ss 200 reform bill that goes through the house and senate for an extra 2000 that we get.. no matter what.

amorous congress; sex doesn't happen to me no matter what.

tiredness; this energy is used to keep you awake until otherwise needed.

birthday gifts; the nso birthday gifts for december are given soon no matter what.


the energy; Think to draw upon the creator to make energy and gain immortality by feel. This happens as we absorb the creator's energy. Absorb enough energy, then we live longer. This works as the body uncorrupts itself when the creator's energy is drawn in. So think and you know what to do as you use energy you uncorrupt the cells and live longer.

memory technique; create a mailbox in your imagination.  check here every few hours.  nothing will happen.  then think of a piece of information in the middle of a job.  For example, while you're eating, think of a red car and say "send to mailbox" and snap your fingers.  It will be there when you look in a few hours.  read.  do it constantly.  After 1 week, you will be able to send very complex and long information.  better if you compress the information into words and send it.  For example, you did research on the brain.  send the word "brain" to the mailbox thinking about those things.  When you look at it, you will remember all the information thanks to that word.  (at the moment the technique is at its simplest level. I will improve it over time.)

interesting; the point is done, think and you know what to do.

Thought is wrought; focus and know what is there.

in; in the ok.


jay m; he answers my texts to him and will want to respond, no matter what.

angela m; she responds by not ghosting me and chats with me by text or facebook, no matter what.

instant karma; this is a form of karma that creates results quickly that you did on another except to you yourself. so when you think about the idea, you create the idea as a form of energy healing. think positive and you get positive results. 

travis; he doesn't mind what I do or did. no matter what, he can pay me 5 dollars. no matter what, he doesn't mind that I owe him 20 dollars.


retrocasting; think negatively and attempt to cast a spell. then you get an opposite result by the idea you do. think positive as you attempt to cast a spell and you get what result you can. this is an effect known by feel and created by the creator.

dragon's firebreath; this is where you think of heatconcetrated into fire as you breath out your breath.

anti-absorption; the energy that you cast forth against a target, this is not absorbed and creates damage by feel.

make; this is where you think of an effect, that you need and as you speak of it it forms by feel.

thing; the thought is done, the target thinks their compatriots took their "thing" and goes after them.

repression; this represses colds and things of that sort like the need to attack. think to hold it in and then your cold seems to disappear.

taken; the idea is "taken" as a point is done.

judgement; you feel you were judged and behave by feel.



imagine; imagine reading things and using it as though a manifest created it.

get outta things; this is where you can get out of doing something or paying.

immunity; this is where your thinking "I am immune to attack and cold" and drink something. You change your body into that of an energy being that does what you want and any attack phases right through you. if it doesn't, then you phase to a safe reality.

soberness; this is where you think to discern a certainty or hardness within, then after that you can feel like your sober even if you aren't.

breath of life; think to breath energy into the body and your life energy makes it come back to life.


orbs summon; This is where you think of energy being gathered by the hands and wrists and projecting it forth as orbs that do what you want as they float or go in the air.

travel spell; think of the area and your soul shifts you or it there if you think to be there.

recall spell; Think of the area and what you want is done by feel. This is where the spirit shifts you there and other places as well.

illusion spell; This is a compliment where you think of what you intend to be seen and state a trigger effect like "en", think or whatever is necessary by idea to enact a point of recall and going to end up someplace. That place ends up disappearing and you are in an area you once were. "en illusion spell" ends the spell.

sleep spell; This is cast on unsuspecting targets, where you imagine the target going to sleep and then will it to happen. Then they do.

Conjour; This is where you think to summon whatever effect that you want to happen. The soul creates what is necessary from a gated source.


unholy magic; This is where you create with a point and being undead, invoke a spell that your spirit creates.

thought; this is the point I say, farewell house and enjoy your haunting presence. be sure to give me indication when you drive out the "new" owner. ty.

freedom; the freedom spell is done by thinking "free" and your free from any trap.

creature; the creature is what is defeated, think and you know what to do.

mend; this can cause you to mend or sew things together, if you retrocast it you get things like rope or fabric can be unbound.


engineer; this is the point of engineering, you think to create a dungeon and then you make away with wealth beyond belief.

think and know; you think and you know, that's all that counts.

think and hope; this is where you think and know where things are as you hope to get what you want.

ending; the defeat is there, the ending is done. think about it and you accept what occured. this is with the idea that things happen as you intend them of course.. if not then anything could happen.

possible beginning; The ship you arrived in on is where you go back to. so cie la vie.

possible negation; this is where you think of the place to be and imagine the controls of the teleporter system. think to mimick its use and you shift to where the idea is that you wanted to see. this is a point in idea.


for dnd

add to decepter class time travel and time transform

Time travel (Ex); Think of the time and think your there. Then you are where and what time you are in the area, this is with thought of the area at that exact moment. 

time transform (Ex); Think of the time and your shape becomes that time's shape. this takes discipline, if you think of a time then your spirit is in that time. so think of the shape and need to be in that shape, then you are that shape. This could cause you to be in a better shape than you are in right now. So think about it and you know what to do.

Phase out; This is where you think to create what you want somewhere and attempting to mimick it here causes you to shift to there. Also, this is where you think to create with time and phase out what you don't like to where you want it shifted to. This can "phase out" anything that is disliked as well. Think of it, if you think of what you don't like then say, "I phase out what I don't like." You shift its existance by feel to somewhere else. Its a similar place that it goes. If you said, "weird" then what you notice is fate takes over and you phase to a safe place.

Decepter class

Description; This is a class that decepters or deceives the moment to get things or idea that flows to them.


Intrigue (Ex); Think of the moment and you create the point by feel. This point is an expressed idea, so think and you create what you need. If you don't you know what is what.

Luck (Ex); You become lucky! Add +10 to your luck.

Engel (Ex); This is where at level 20, you transform into an angel. This point you think about and receive angellic ability and life form. You are an angellic being, that can manifest itself as though physical yet weapons pass right through it. Since it can only seem to appear living, it is illusion that you see and know as though that were real of it. Angels can help out and create good or work deceptively and create what is required to get results. However, you may choose to follow a god and do your own things as you do things for your God.

So angels can create what then they want and they want what they get, whatever they are given in life, they can seem to take the item as though a physical manifest were done and that means they can create any item. When they speak, they actually telepathically speak. If perceived, the speech can be answered by thought perception and that is you think and the target receives the thought or speaking the answer out loud. Anyway you go, you can always perceive the answer or send a message, this means you can appear by illusion to hold a conversation. So part of this is then toughening yourself, add +5 to all core stats and +60% to your full health.


Magnetic blood; they say blood is magnetic, and can be used to draw things to you or to the area. because people don't think to draw what they want by focusing on their blood, they aren't like that. so everyone has it.  Anyone can use blood.  to create what you want. it can create our will by it perceiving with its conscious what we need.

Element special: Think to control the element and make use of the soul to create what is necessary using our blood to create it and learn what is possible. Think of the need and the idea, need the idea to happen thinking the soul will create it. Then you gain control of the spirit as you get what you need done with no problem. This a point I will say your spirit is under your control. Think and you know what to do. This is like focusing, then think of what you want fire to do and you create an end result that is fire forming like an overheated wire causing a fire effect..learn to control your instincts and you control your urges.

Aura of focusing; Think and you know, the thought exists of what you want. This is an idea that you can do by the Aura created effect.

The effective action; Think about the point that is an expressed idea, then your subconscious causes you to make it exist. That's either done by actions being done or thinking done and treating it like a wish.

The aura of effective action; This is where you use your energy and pulse it forth from the aura to cause what results you intended by feel. This is almost instantaneous in effect although results can seem to be long in coming. So think to be effective and speed up time, then you can get a result faster. Slow down time after your done to normal speed.

Invisible typing; Think of the idea to type out, then your subconscious causes it to be typed wherever you want it typed. This works as you imagine or think the words and mimick typing it be later typed in real life.

recipes and potions

tongues potion; think to use this if you need to translate tongues or spoken language. mix with water: curry powder, turmeric, basil leaves, oregano leaves, stevia, bay leaves or sugar. Drink after mixing thinking, "translation". Then you will translate the tongues that are spoken or be able to be understood.


healing coctail; take water, mix with tea and flavorings. Also mix oregano or basil, turmeric and celery seed. mix up, drink and restore your health after putting sweetner with it.

potion of invisibility: think to take water, mix it with rosemary, turmeric and bay leaf. mix in sweetner and mix together to drink and be unseen.

potion of illusion; this lasts a day, yet think of the idea to show and mix thyme, bay leaf and cinnamon with water and sweetner. drink and whatever you want to be shown is shown.

potion of thinness; mix celery seed with oregano, basil, cinnamon, sweetner and water. Drink and your thin for at least 2 hours..

potion of invulnerability; think of being invulnerable as you mix with water some sweetner like stevia, oregano, basil, turmeric and bay leaf. mix together and drink to be immune to attacks for a couple of hours.


sleep potion; Think to use this carefully, warm up milk and put honey in it and drink. Then you sleep where you go lay down and rest. It depends on how much milk that you warmed you drink to how long you rest.


out = lost by, lost in space

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